예제 #1
bool Creature::sees( const Creature &critter ) const
    if( critter.is_hallucination() ) {
        // hallucinations are imaginations of the player character, npcs or monsters don't hallucinate.
        // Invisible hallucinations would be pretty useless (nobody would see them at all), therefor
        // the player will see them always.
        return is_player();

    const auto p = dynamic_cast< const player* >( &critter );
    if( p != nullptr && p->is_invisible() ) {
        // Let invisible players see themselves (simplifies drawing)
        return p == this;

    if( !fov_3d && !debug_mode && posz() != critter.posz() ) {
        return false;

    const int wanted_range = rl_dist( pos(), critter.pos() );
    if( wanted_range <= 1 &&
        ( posz() == critter.posz() || g->m.valid_move( pos(), critter.pos(), false, true ) ) ) {
        return true;
    } else if( ( wanted_range > 1 && critter.digging() ) ||
        (critter.has_flag(MF_NIGHT_INVISIBILITY) && g->m.light_at(critter.pos()) <= LL_LOW ) ||
        ( critter.is_underwater() && !is_underwater() && g->m.is_divable( critter.pos() ) ) ) {
        return false;

    return sees( critter.pos(), critter.is_player() );
예제 #2
/* Random walking even when we've moved
 * To simulate zombie stumbling and ineffective movement
 * Note that this is sub-optimal; stumbling may INCREASE a zombie's speed.
 * Most of the time (out in the open) this effect is insignificant compared to
 * the negative effects, but in a hallway it's perfectly even
void monster::stumble( bool moved )
    // don't stumble every turn. every 3rd turn, or 8th when walking.
    if( ( moved && !one_in( 8 ) ) || !one_in( 3 ) ) {

    std::vector<tripoint> valid_stumbles;
    const bool avoid_water = has_flag( MF_NO_BREATHE ) && !has_flag( MF_SWIMS ) && !has_flag( MF_AQUATIC );
    for( int i = -1; i <= 1; i++ ) {
        for( int j = -1; j <= 1; j++ ) {
            tripoint dest( posx() + i, posy() + j, posz() );
            if( ( i || j ) && can_move_to( dest ) &&
                //Stop zombies and other non-breathing monsters wandering INTO water
                //(Unless they can swim/are aquatic)
                //But let them wander OUT of water if they are there.
                !( avoid_water &&
                   g->m.has_flag( "SWIMMABLE", dest ) &&
                   !g->m.has_flag( "SWIMMABLE", pos3() ) ) &&
                g->critter_at( dest ) == nullptr ) {
                valid_stumbles.push_back( dest );

    if( g->m.has_zlevels() ) {
        tripoint below( posx(), posy(), posz() - 1 );
        tripoint above( posx(), posy(), posz() + 1 );
        if( g->m.valid_move( pos(), below, false, true ) && can_move_to( below ) ) {
            valid_stumbles.push_back( below );
        // More restrictions for moving up
        // It should happen during "shambling around", but not as actual stumbling
        if( !moved && one_in( 5 ) && has_flag( MF_FLIES ) &&
            g->m.valid_move( pos(), above, false, true ) && can_move_to( above ) ) {
            valid_stumbles.push_back( above );

    if( valid_stumbles.empty() ) { //nowhere to stumble?

    move_to( random_entry( valid_stumbles ), false );

    // Here we have to fix our plans[] list,
    // acquiring a new path to the previous target.
    // target == either end of current plan, or the player.
    int bresenham_slope, junk;
    if( !plans.empty() ) {
        if( g->m.sees( pos3(), plans.back(), -1, bresenham_slope, junk ) ) {
            set_dest( plans.back(), bresenham_slope );
        } else if( sees( g->u, bresenham_slope ) ) {
            set_dest( g->u.pos(), bresenham_slope );
        } else { //durr, i'm suddenly calm. what was i doing?
예제 #3
bool Creature::sees( const tripoint &t, bool is_player ) const
    if( !fov_3d && posz() != t.z ) {
        return false;

    const int range_cur = sight_range( g->m.ambient_light_at( t ) );
    const int range_day = sight_range( DAYLIGHT_LEVEL );
    const int range_night = sight_range( 0 );
    const int range_max = std::max( range_day, range_night );
    const int range_min = std::min( range_cur, range_max );
    const int wanted_range = rl_dist( pos(), t );
    if( wanted_range <= range_min ||
        ( wanted_range <= range_max &&
          g->m.ambient_light_at( t ) > g->natural_light_level( t.z ) ) ) {
        int range = 0;
        if( g->m.ambient_light_at( t ) > g->natural_light_level( t.z ) ) {
            range = wanted_range;
        } else {
            range = range_min;
        if( is_player ) {
            // Special case monster -> player visibility, forcing it to be symmetric with player vision.
            return range >= wanted_range &&
                g->m.get_cache_ref(pos().z).seen_cache[pos().x][pos().y] > LIGHT_TRANSPARENCY_SOLID;
        } else {
            return g->m.sees( pos(), t, range );
    } else {
        return false;
예제 #4
bool Creature::sees( const Creature &critter, int &bresen1, int &bresen2 ) const
    if( critter.is_hallucination() ) {
        // hallucinations are imaginations of the player character, npcs or monsters don't hallucinate.
        // Invisible hallucinations would be pretty useless (nobody would see them at all), therefor
        // the player will see them always.
        return is_player();

    const auto p = dynamic_cast< const player* >( &critter );
    if( p != nullptr && p->is_invisible() ) {
        // Let invisible players see themselves (simplifies drawing)
        return p == this;

    if( posz() != critter.posz() && !debug_mode ) {
        return false; // TODO: Remove this

    const int wanted_range = rl_dist( pos3(), critter.pos3() );
    if( wanted_range <= 1 ) {
        return true;
    } else if( ( wanted_range > 1 && critter.digging() ) ||
        ( g->m.is_divable( critter.pos3() ) && critter.is_underwater() && !is_underwater() ) ) {
        return false;

    return sees( critter.pos3(), bresen1, bresen2 );
예제 #5
bool monster::attack_at( const tripoint &p )
    if( p.z != posz() ) {
        return false; // TODO: Remove this
    if( has_effect( "pacified" ) ) {
        return false;

    if( p == g->u.pos3() ) {
        melee_attack( g->u, true );
        return true;

    const int mondex = g->mon_at( p );
    if( mondex != -1 ) {
        monster &mon = g->zombie( mondex );

        // Don't attack yourself.
        if( &mon == this ) {
            return false;

        // Special case: Target is hallucination
        if( mon.is_hallucination() ) {
            mon.die( nullptr );

            // We haven't actually attacked anything, i.e. we can still do things.
            // Hallucinations(obviously) shouldn't affect the way real monsters act.
            return false;

        // With no melee dice, we can't attack, but we had to process until here
        // because hallucinations require no melee dice to destroy.
        if( type->melee_dice <= 0 ) {
            return false;

        auto attitude = attitude_to( mon );
        // MF_ATTACKMON == hulk behavior, whack everything in your way
        if( attitude == A_HOSTILE || has_flag( MF_ATTACKMON ) ) {
            hit_monster( mon );
            return true;

        return false;

    const int npcdex = g->npc_at( p );
    if( npcdex != -1 && type->melee_dice > 0 ) {
        // For now we're always attacking NPCs that are getting into our
        // way. This is consistent with how it worked previously, but
        // later on not hitting allied NPCs would be cool.
        melee_attack( *g->active_npc[npcdex], true );
        return true;

    // Nothing to attack.
    return false;
예제 #6
bool monster::bash_at( const tripoint &p )
    if( p.z != posz() ) {
        return false; // TODO: Remove this

    if( has_effect( "pacified" ) ) {
        return false;

    //Hallucinations can't bash stuff.
    if( is_hallucination() ) {
        return false;
    bool try_bash = !can_move_to( p ) || one_in( 3 );
    bool can_bash = g->m.is_bashable( p ) && ( has_flag( MF_BASHES ) || has_flag( MF_BORES ) );

    if( try_bash && can_bash ) {
        int bashskill = group_bash_skill( p );
        g->m.bash( p, bashskill );
        moves -= 100;
        return true;
    return false;
예제 #7
 * Stumble in a random direction, but with some caveats.
void monster::stumble( )
    // Only move every 3rd turn.
    if( !one_in( 3 ) ) {

    std::vector<tripoint> valid_stumbles;
    const bool avoid_water = has_flag( MF_NO_BREATHE ) &&
      !has_flag( MF_SWIMS ) && !has_flag( MF_AQUATIC );
    for( int i = -1; i <= 1; i++ ) {
        for( int j = -1; j <= 1; j++ ) {
            tripoint dest( posx() + i, posy() + j, posz() );
            if( ( i || j ) && can_move_to( dest ) &&
                //Stop zombies and other non-breathing monsters wandering INTO water
                //(Unless they can swim/are aquatic)
                //But let them wander OUT of water if they are there.
                !( avoid_water &&
                   g->m.has_flag( TFLAG_SWIMMABLE, dest ) &&
                   !g->m.has_flag( TFLAG_SWIMMABLE, pos3() ) ) &&
                ( g->critter_at( dest, is_hallucination() ) == nullptr ) ) {
                valid_stumbles.push_back( dest );

    if( g->m.has_zlevels() ) {
        tripoint below( posx(), posy(), posz() - 1 );
        tripoint above( posx(), posy(), posz() + 1 );
        if( g->m.valid_move( pos(), below, false, true ) && can_move_to( below ) ) {
            valid_stumbles.push_back( below );
        // More restrictions for moving up
        if( one_in( 5 ) && has_flag( MF_FLIES ) &&
            g->m.valid_move( pos(), above, false, true ) && can_move_to( above ) ) {
            valid_stumbles.push_back( above );

    if( valid_stumbles.empty() ) { //nowhere to stumble?

    move_to( random_entry( valid_stumbles ), false );
예제 #8
tripoint monster::scent_move()
    // @todo Remove when scentmap is 3D
    if( abs( posz() - g->get_levz() ) > 1 ) {
        return { -1, -1, INT_MIN };

    std::vector<tripoint> smoves;

    int bestsmell = 10; // Squares with smell 0 are not eligible targets.
    int smell_threshold = 200; // Squares at or above this level are ineligible.
    if( has_flag( MF_KEENNOSE ) ) {
        bestsmell = 1;
        smell_threshold = 400;

    const bool fleeing = is_fleeing( g->u );
    if( fleeing ) {
        bestsmell = g->scent.get( pos() );

    tripoint next( -1, -1, posz() );
    if( ( !fleeing && g->scent.get( pos() ) > smell_threshold ) ||
        ( fleeing && bestsmell == 0 ) ) {
        return next;
    const bool can_bash = bash_skill() > 0;
    for( const auto &dest : g->m.points_in_radius( pos(), 1, 1 ) ) {
        int smell = g->scent.get( dest );
        if( g->m.valid_move( pos(), dest, can_bash, true ) &&
            ( can_move_to( dest ) || ( dest == g->u.pos() ) ||
              ( can_bash && g->m.bash_rating( bash_estimate(), dest ) > 0 ) ) ) {
            if( ( !fleeing && smell > bestsmell ) || ( fleeing && smell < bestsmell ) ) {
                smoves.push_back( dest );
                bestsmell = smell;
            } else if( ( !fleeing && smell == bestsmell ) || ( fleeing && smell == bestsmell ) ) {
                smoves.push_back( dest );

    return random_entry( smoves, next );
예제 #9
/* will_reach() is used for determining whether we'll get to stairs (and
 * potentially other locations of interest).  It is generally permissive.
 * TODO: Pathfinding;
         Make sure that non-smashing monsters won't "teleport" through windows
         Injure monsters if they're gonna be walking through pits or whatevs
bool monster::will_reach( int x, int y )
    monster_attitude att = attitude( &( g->u ) );
    if( att != MATT_FOLLOW && att != MATT_ATTACK && att != MATT_FRIEND && att != MATT_ZLAVE ) {
        return false;

    if( has_flag( MF_DIGS ) || has_flag( MF_AQUATIC ) ) {
        return false;

    if( has_flag( MF_IMMOBILE ) && ( posx() != x || posy() != y ) ) {
        return false;

    std::vector<tripoint> path = g->m.route( pos(), tripoint(x, y, posz()), 0, 100 );
    if( path.empty() ) {
        return false;

    if( has_flag( MF_SMELLS ) && g->scent( pos3() ) > 0 &&
        g->scent( { x, y, posz() } ) > g->scent( pos3() ) ) {
        return true;

    if( can_hear() && wandf > 0 && rl_dist( wander_pos.x, wander_pos.y, x, y ) <= 2 &&
        rl_dist( posx(), posy(), wander_pos.x, wander_pos.y ) <= wandf ) {
        return true;

    int t;
    if( can_see() && g->m.sees( posx(), posy(), x, y, g->light_level(), t ) ) {
        return true;

    return false;
예제 #10
/* will_reach() is used for determining whether we'll get to stairs (and
 * potentially other locations of interest).  It is generally permissive.
 * TODO: Pathfinding;
         Make sure that non-smashing monsters won't "teleport" through windows
         Injure monsters if they're gonna be walking through pits or whatevs
bool monster::will_reach( int x, int y )
    monster_attitude att = attitude( &( g->u ) );
    if( att != MATT_FOLLOW && att != MATT_ATTACK && att != MATT_FRIEND && att != MATT_ZLAVE ) {
        return false;

    if( has_flag( MF_DIGS ) || has_flag( MF_AQUATIC ) ) {
        return false;

    if( has_flag( MF_IMMOBILE ) && ( posx() != x || posy() != y ) ) {
        return false;

    auto path = g->m.route( pos(), tripoint( x, y, posz() ), get_pathfinding_settings() );
    if( path.empty() ) {
        return false;

    if( has_flag( MF_SMELLS ) && g->scent.get( pos() ) > 0 &&
        g->scent.get( { x, y, posz() } ) > g->scent.get( pos() ) ) {
        return true;

    if( can_hear() && wandf > 0 && rl_dist( wander_pos.x, wander_pos.y, x, y ) <= 2 &&
        rl_dist( posx(), posy(), wander_pos.x, wander_pos.y ) <= wandf ) {
        return true;

    if( can_see() && sees( tripoint( x, y, posz() ) ) ) {
        return true;

    return false;
예제 #11
bool monster::attack_at( const tripoint &p )
    if( p.z != posz() ) {
        return false; // TODO: Remove this

    if( p == g->u.pos() ) {
        melee_attack( g->u, true );
        return true;

    if( const auto mon_ = g->critter_at<monster>( p, is_hallucination() ) ) {
        monster &mon = *mon_;

        // Don't attack yourself.
        if( &mon == this ) {
            return false;

        // With no melee dice, we can't attack, but we had to process until here
        // because hallucinations require no melee dice to destroy.
        if( type->melee_dice <= 0 ) {
            return false;

        auto attitude = attitude_to( mon );
        // MF_ATTACKMON == hulk behavior, whack everything in your way
        if( attitude == A_HOSTILE || has_flag( MF_ATTACKMON ) ) {
            melee_attack( mon, true );
            return true;

        return false;

    npc *const guy = g->critter_at<npc>( p );
    if( guy && type->melee_dice > 0 ) {
        // For now we're always attacking NPCs that are getting into our
        // way. This is consistent with how it worked previously, but
        // later on not hitting allied NPCs would be cool.
        melee_attack( *guy, true );
        return true;

    // Nothing to attack.
    return false;
예제 #12
bool monster::bash_at( const tripoint &p )
    if( p.z != posz() ) {
        return false; // TODO: Remove this

    //Hallucinations can't bash stuff.
    if( is_hallucination() ) {
        return false;
    bool try_bash = !can_move_to( p ) || one_in( 3 );
    bool can_bash = g->m.is_bashable( p ) && bash_skill() > 0;

    if( try_bash && can_bash ) {
        int bashskill = group_bash_skill( p );
        g->m.bash( p, bashskill );
        moves -= 100;
        return true;
    return false;
예제 #13
tripoint monster::scent_move()
    std::vector<tripoint> smoves;

    int bestsmell = 10; // Squares with smell 0 are not eligible targets.
    int smell_threshold = 200; // Squares at or above this level are ineligible.
    if( has_flag( MF_KEENNOSE ) ) {
        bestsmell = 1;
        smell_threshold = 400;

    const bool fleeing = is_fleeing( g->u );
    if( fleeing ) {
        bestsmell = g->scent( pos() );

    tripoint next( -1, -1, posz() );
    if( ( !fleeing && g->scent( pos() ) > smell_threshold ) ||
        ( fleeing && bestsmell == 0 ) ) {
        return next;
    const bool can_bash = has_flag( MF_BASHES ) || has_flag( MF_BORES );
    for( const auto &dest : g->m.points_in_radius( pos(), 1 ) ) {
        int smell = g->scent( dest );
        int mon = g->mon_at( dest );
        if( ( mon == -1 || g->zombie( mon ).friendly != 0 || has_flag( MF_ATTACKMON ) ) &&
            ( can_move_to( dest ) || ( dest == g->u.pos3() ) ||
              ( can_bash && g->m.bash_rating( bash_estimate(), dest ) >= 0 ) ) ) {
            if( ( !fleeing && smell > bestsmell ) || ( fleeing && smell < bestsmell ) ) {
                smoves.push_back( dest );
                bestsmell = smell;
            } else if( ( !fleeing && smell == bestsmell ) || ( fleeing && smell == bestsmell ) ) {
                smoves.push_back( dest );

    return random_entry( smoves, next );
예제 #14
/** Create or adjust "pos" parameter for a component
 * Assumed that name either equals "x", "y" or "z" otherwise this
 * method will not add or modify "pos" parameter
 * @param comp :: Component
 * @param name :: name of the parameter
 * @param value :: value
 * @param pDescription :: a pointer (may be NULL) to a string, containing
 * parameter's
 * description. If provided, the contents of the string is copied to the
 * parameters
 * memory
void ParameterMap::addPositionCoordinate(
    const IComponent *comp, const std::string &name, const double value,
    const std::string *const pDescription) {
  Parameter_sptr param = get(comp, pos());
  V3D position;
  if (param) {
    // so "pos" already defined
    position = param->value<V3D>();
  } else {
    // so "pos" is not defined - therefore get position from component
    position = comp->getPos();

  // adjust position

  if (name.compare(posx()) == 0)
  else if (name.compare(posy()) == 0)
  else if (name.compare(posz()) == 0)
  else {
    g_log.warning() << "addPositionCoordinate() called with unrecognized "
                       "coordinate symbol: " << name;
    // set description if one is provided
    if (pDescription) {

  // clear the position cache
  // finally add or update "pos" parameter
  addV3D(comp, pos(), position, pDescription);
예제 #15
int monster::turns_to_reach( int x, int y )
    // This function is a(n old) temporary hack that should soon be removed
    auto path = g->m.route( pos(), tripoint( x, y, posz() ), get_pathfinding_settings() );
    if( path.empty() ) {
        return 999;

    double turns = 0.;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < path.size(); i++ ) {
        const tripoint &next = path[i];
        if( g->m.impassable( next ) ) {
            // No bashing through, it looks stupid when you go back and find
            // the doors intact.
            return 999;
        } else if( i == 0 ) {
            turns += double( calc_movecost( pos(), next ) ) / get_speed();
        } else {
            turns += double( calc_movecost( path[i - 1], next ) ) / get_speed();

    return int( turns + .9 ); // Halve (to get turns) and round up
예제 #16
bool Creature::sees( const tripoint &t, int &bresen1, int &bresen2 ) const
    // TODO: FoV update
    bresen2 = 0;
    if( posz() != t.z ) {
        return false;

    const int range_cur = sight_range( g->m.ambient_light_at(t) );
    const int range_day = sight_range( DAYLIGHT_LEVEL );
    const int range_min = std::min( range_cur, range_day );
    const int wanted_range = rl_dist( pos3(), t );
    if( wanted_range <= range_min ||
        ( wanted_range <= range_day &&
          g->m.ambient_light_at( t ) > g->natural_light_level() ) ) {
        if( g->m.ambient_light_at( t ) > g->natural_light_level() ) {
            return g->m.sees( pos3(), t, wanted_range, bresen1, bresen2 );
        } else {
            return g->m.sees( pos3(), t, range_min, bresen1, bresen2 );
    } else {
        return false;
예제 #17
 * Drawing-related functions
void Creature::draw(WINDOW *w, int player_x, int player_y, bool inverted) const
    draw( w, tripoint( player_x, player_y, posz() ), inverted );
예제 #18
bool Creature::sees( const point t ) const
    int bresen1, bresen2;
    return sees( tripoint( t, posz() ), bresen1, bresen2 );
예제 #19
bool Creature::sees( const int tx, const int ty, int &bresenham_slope ) const
    int junk;
    return sees( tripoint( tx, ty, posz() ), bresenham_slope, junk );
예제 #20
tripoint monster::wander_next()
    tripoint next = pos();
    bool xbest = true;
    if( abs( wander_pos.y - posy() ) > abs( wander_pos.x - posx() ) ) {
        // Which is more important
        xbest = false;

    int x = posx(), x2 = posx() - 1, x3 = posx() + 1;
    int y = posy(), y2 = posy() - 1, y3 = posy() + 1;
    int z = posz();
    // Used to avoid checking same points 3 times when moving in a straight line
    // *_move is true if pos*() != wander_pos.*
    bool x_move = true;
    bool y_move = true;
    bool z_move = true;
    if( wander_pos.x < posx() ) {
    } else if( wander_pos.x > posx() ) {
        x3 -= 2;
    } else {
        x_move = false;

    if( wander_pos.y < posy() ) {
    } else if( wander_pos.y > posy() ) {
        y3 -= 2;
    } else {
        y_move = false;

    if( wander_pos.z < posz() ) {
    } else if( wander_pos.z > posz() ) {
    } else {
        z_move = false;

    if( !x_move && !y_move && !z_move ) {
        return next;

    // Any creature can "fly" downwards
    const bool flies = z < posz() || has_flag( MF_FLIES );
    const bool climbs =  has_flag( MF_CLIMBS );
    const bool canbash = has_flag( MF_BASHES ) || has_flag( MF_BORES );
    const int bash_est = bash_estimate();
    // Check if we can move into position, attack player on position or bash position
    // If yes, set next to this position and return true, otherwise return false
    const auto try_pos = [&]( const int x, const int y, const int z ) {
        tripoint dest( x, y, z );
        if( ( canbash && g->m.bash_rating( bash_est, dest ) > 0 ) ||
            ( ( flies || g->m.has_floor_or_support( dest ) ) &&
            can_move_to( dest ) ) ) {
            next = dest;
            return true;

        return false;

    bool found = false;
    const bool can_climb = z_move && (flies || climbs || g->m.has_flag( TFLAG_RAMP, pos() ));
    if( z_move && g->m.valid_move( pos(), tripoint( posx(), posy(), z ), false, can_climb ) ) {
        found = true;
        if( ( x_move || y_move ) && try_pos( x, y, z ) ) {
        } else if( y_move && try_pos( x, y2, z ) ) {
        } else if( x_move && try_pos( x2, y, z ) ) {
        } else if( y_move && try_pos( x, y3, z ) ) {
        } else if( x_move && try_pos( x3, y, z ) ) {
        } else if( try_pos( posx(), posy(), z ) ) {
        } else {
            found = false;

    if( found ) {
        return next;

    if( xbest ) {
        if( ( x_move || y_move ) && try_pos( x, y, posz() ) ) {
            // Do nothing in each of those ifs, the if-else is just for convenience
        } else if( y_move && try_pos( x, y2, posz() ) ) {
        } else if( x_move && try_pos( x2, y, posz() ) ) {
        } else if( y_move && try_pos( x, y3, posz() ) ) {
        } else if( x_move && try_pos( x3, y, posz() ) ) {
    } else {
        if( ( x_move || y_move ) && try_pos( x, y, posz() ) ) {
        } else if( x_move && try_pos( x2, y, posz() ) ) {
        } else if( y_move && try_pos( x, y2, posz() ) ) {
        } else if( x_move && try_pos( x3, y, posz() ) ) {
        } else if( y_move && try_pos( x, y3, posz() ) ) {

    return next;
예제 #21
bool Creature::sees( const int tx, const int ty ) const
    int bresen1, bresen2;
    return sees( tripoint( tx, ty, posz() ), bresen1, bresen2 );
예제 #22
bool monster::move_to( const tripoint &p, bool force, float slope )
    const bool digs = digging();
    const bool flies = has_flag( MF_FLIES );
    const bool on_ground = !digs && !flies;
    const bool climbs = has_flag( MF_CLIMBS ) && g->m.has_flag( TFLAG_NO_FLOOR, p );
    // Allows climbing monsters to move on terrain with movecost <= 0
    Creature *critter = g->critter_at( p, is_hallucination() );
    if( g->m.has_flag( "CLIMBABLE", p ) ) {
        if( g->m.move_cost( p ) == 0 && critter == nullptr ) {
            if( flies ) {
                moves -= 100;
                force = true;
                if (g->u.sees( *this )){
                    add_msg(_("The %1$s flies over the %2$s."), name().c_str(),
                    g->m.has_flag_furn("CLIMBABLE", p) ? g->m.furnname(p).c_str() : g->m.tername(p).c_str());
            } else if (has_flag(MF_CLIMBS)) {
                moves -= 150;
                force = true;
                if (g->u.sees( *this )){
                    add_msg(_("The %1$s climbs over the %2$s."), name().c_str(),
                    g->m.has_flag_furn("CLIMBABLE", p) ? g->m.furnname(p).c_str() : g->m.tername(p).c_str());

    if( critter != nullptr && !force ) {
        return false;

    // Make sure that we can move there, unless force is true.
    if( !force && !can_move_to( p ) ) {
        return false;

    if( !force ) {
        // This adjustment is to make it so that monster movement speed relative to the player
        // is consistent even if the monster stumbles,
        // and the same regardless of the distance measurement mode.
        const float stumble_multiplier = has_flag(MF_STUMBLES) ?
            (trigdist ? 0.83 : 1.0 - (0.25 * slope)) : 1.0;
        const int cost = stumble_multiplier *
            (float)(climbs ? calc_climb_cost( pos(), p ) : calc_movecost( pos(), p ));

       if( cost > 0 ) {
            moves -= cost;
        } else {
            return false;

    //Check for moving into/out of water
    bool was_water = g->m.is_divable( pos3() );
    bool will_be_water = on_ground && can_submerge() && g->m.is_divable( p );

    if( was_water && !will_be_water && g->u.sees( p ) ) {
        //Use more dramatic messages for swimming monsters
        add_msg( m_warning, _( "A %1$s %2$s from the %3$s!" ), name().c_str(),
                 has_flag( MF_SWIMS ) || has_flag( MF_AQUATIC ) ? _( "leaps" ) : _( "emerges" ),
                 g->m.tername( pos() ).c_str() );
    } else if( !was_water && will_be_water && g->u.sees( p ) ) {
        add_msg( m_warning, _( "A %1$s %2$s into the %3$s!" ), name().c_str(),
                 has_flag( MF_SWIMS ) || has_flag( MF_AQUATIC ) ? _( "dives" ) : _( "sinks" ),
                 g->m.tername( p ).c_str() );

    setpos( p );
    footsteps( p );
    underwater = will_be_water;
    if( is_hallucination() ) {
        //Hallucinations don't do any of the stuff after this point
        return true;
    // TODO: Make tanks stop taking damage from rubble, because it's just silly
    if( type->size != MS_TINY && on_ground ) {
        if( g->m.has_flag( "SHARP", pos() ) && !one_in( 4 ) ) {
            apply_damage( nullptr, bp_torso, rng( 1, 10 ) );
        if( g->m.has_flag( "ROUGH", pos() ) && one_in( 6 ) ) {
            apply_damage( nullptr, bp_torso, rng( 1, 2 ) );


    if( g->m.has_flag( "UNSTABLE", p ) && on_ground ) {
        add_effect( "bouldering", 1, num_bp, true );
    } else if( has_effect( "bouldering" ) ) {
        remove_effect( "bouldering" );
    g->m.creature_on_trap( *this );
    if( !will_be_water && ( has_flag( MF_DIGS ) || has_flag( MF_CAN_DIG ) ) ) {
        underwater = g->m.has_flag( "DIGGABLE", pos() );
    // Diggers turn the dirt into dirtmound
    if( digging() ) {
        int factor = 0;
        switch( type->size ) {
            case MS_TINY:
                factor = 100;
            case MS_SMALL:
                factor = 30;
            case MS_MEDIUM:
                factor = 6;
            case MS_LARGE:
                factor = 3;
            case MS_HUGE:
                factor = 1;
        if( has_flag( MF_VERMIN ) ) {
            factor *= 100;
        if( one_in( factor ) ) {
            g->m.ter_set( pos(), t_dirtmound );
    // Acid trail monsters leave... a trail of acid
    if( has_flag( MF_ACIDTRAIL ) ) {
        g->m.add_field( pos(), fd_acid, 3, 0 );

    if( has_flag( MF_SLUDGETRAIL ) ) {
        for( const tripoint &sludge_p : g->m.points_in_radius( pos(), 1 ) ) {
            const int fstr = 3 - ( abs( sludge_p.x - posx() ) + abs( sludge_p.y - posy() ) );
            if( fstr >= 2 ) {
                g->m.add_field( sludge_p, fd_sludge, fstr, 0 );
    if( has_flag( MF_LEAKSGAS ) ) {
        if( one_in( 6 ) ) {
            tripoint dest( posx() + rng( -1, 1 ), posy() + rng( -1, 1 ), posz() );
            g->m.add_field( dest, fd_toxic_gas, 3, 0 );

    return true;
예제 #23
void player::activate_mutation( const trait_id &mut )
    const mutation_branch &mdata = mut.obj();
    auto &tdata = my_mutations[mut];
    int cost = mdata.cost;
    // You can take yourself halfway to Near Death levels of hunger/thirst.
    // Fatigue can go to Exhausted.
    if ((mdata.hunger && get_hunger() >= 700) || (mdata.thirst && get_thirst() >= 260) ||
      (mdata.fatigue && get_fatigue() >= EXHAUSTED)) {
      // Insufficient Foo to *maintain* operation is handled in player::suffer
        add_msg_if_player(m_warning, _("You feel like using your %s would kill you!"), mdata.name.c_str());
    if (tdata.powered && tdata.charge > 0) {
        // Already-on units just lose a bit of charge
    } else {
        // Not-on units, or those with zero charge, have to pay the power cost
        if (mdata.cooldown > 0) {
            tdata.charge = mdata.cooldown - 1;
        if (mdata.hunger){
        if (mdata.thirst){
        if (mdata.fatigue){
        tdata.powered = true;

        // Handle stat changes from activation
        apply_mods(mut, true);

    if( mut == trait_WEB_WEAVER ) {
        g->m.add_field(pos(), fd_web, 1, 0);
        add_msg_if_player(_("You start spinning web with your spinnerets!"));
    } else if (mut == "BURROW"){
        if( is_underwater() ) {
            add_msg_if_player(m_info, _("You can't do that while underwater."));
            tdata.powered = false;
        tripoint dirp;
        if (!choose_adjacent(_("Burrow where?"), dirp)) {
            tdata.powered = false;

        if( dirp == pos() ) {
            add_msg_if_player(_("You've got places to go and critters to beat."));
            add_msg_if_player(_("Let the lesser folks eat their hearts out."));
            tdata.powered = false;
        int turns;
        if (g->m.is_bashable(dirp) && g->m.has_flag("SUPPORTS_ROOF", dirp) &&
            g->m.ter(dirp) != t_tree) {
            // Takes 30 minutes
            // Being better-adapted to the task means that skillful Survivors can do it almost twice as fast.
            turns = MINUTES( 30 );
        } else if (g->m.move_cost(dirp) == 2 && g->get_levz() == 0 &&
                   g->m.ter(dirp) != t_dirt && g->m.ter(dirp) != t_grass) {
            turns = MINUTES( 10 );
        } else {
            add_msg_if_player(m_info, _("You can't burrow there."));
            tdata.powered = false;
        assign_activity( activity_id( "ACT_BURROW" ), turns * 100, -1, 0 );
        activity.placement = dirp;
        add_msg_if_player(_("You tear into the %s with your teeth and claws."),
        tdata.powered = false;
        return; // handled when the activity finishes
    } else if( mut == trait_SLIMESPAWNER ) {
        std::vector<tripoint> valid;
        for (int x = posx() - 1; x <= posx() + 1; x++) {
            for (int y = posy() - 1; y <= posy() + 1; y++) {
                tripoint dest(x, y, posz());
                if (g->is_empty(dest)) {
                    valid.push_back( dest );
        // Oops, no room to divide!
        if (valid.size() == 0) {
            add_msg_if_player(m_bad, _("You focus, but are too hemmed in to birth a new slimespring!"));
            tdata.powered = false;
        add_msg_if_player(m_good, _("You focus, and with a pleasant splitting feeling, birth a new slimespring!"));
        int numslime = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < numslime && !valid.empty(); i++) {
            const tripoint target = random_entry_removed( valid );
            if( monster * const slime = g->summon_mon( mtype_id( "mon_player_blob" ), target ) ) {
                slime->friendly = -1;
        if (one_in(3)) {
            //~ Usual enthusiastic slimespring small voices! :D
            add_msg_if_player(m_good, _("wow! you look just like me! we should look out for each other!"));
        } else if (one_in(2)) {
            //~ Usual enthusiastic slimespring small voices! :D
            add_msg_if_player(m_good, _("come on, big me, let's go!"));
        } else {
            //~ Usual enthusiastic slimespring small voices! :D
            add_msg_if_player(m_good, _("we're a team, we've got this!"));
        tdata.powered = false;
    } else if( mut == trait_NAUSEA || mut == trait_VOMITOUS ) {
        tdata.powered = false;
    } else if( mut == trait_M_FERTILE ) {
        tdata.powered = false;
    } else if( mut == trait_M_BLOOM ) {
        tdata.powered = false;
    } else if( mut == trait_SELFAWARE ) {
        tdata.powered = false;
    } else if( !mdata.spawn_item.empty() ) {
        item tmpitem( mdata.spawn_item );
        i_add_or_drop( tmpitem );
        add_msg_if_player( _( mdata.spawn_item_message.c_str() ) );
        tdata.powered = false;
예제 #24
void player::activate_mutation( const std::string &mut )
    const auto &mdata = mutation_branch::get( mut );
    auto &tdata = my_mutations[mut];
    int cost = mdata.cost;
    // You can take yourself halfway to Near Death levels of hunger/thirst.
    // Fatigue can go to Exhausted.
    if ((mdata.hunger && hunger >= 700) || (mdata.thirst && thirst >= 260) ||
      (mdata.fatigue && fatigue >= 575)) {
      // Insufficient Foo to *maintain* operation is handled in player::suffer
        add_msg(m_warning, _("You feel like using your %s would kill you!"), mdata.name.c_str());
    if (tdata.powered && tdata.charge > 0) {
        // Already-on units just lose a bit of charge
    } else {
        // Not-on units, or those with zero charge, have to pay the power cost
        if (mdata.cooldown > 0) {
            tdata.charge = mdata.cooldown - 1;
        if (mdata.hunger){
            hunger += cost;
        if (mdata.thirst){
            thirst += cost;
        if (mdata.fatigue){
            fatigue += cost;
        tdata.powered = true;

        // Handle stat changes from activation
        apply_mods(mut, true);

    if( mut == "WEB_WEAVER" ) {
        g->m.add_field(pos(), fd_web, 1, 0);
        add_msg(_("You start spinning web with your spinnerets!"));
    } else if (mut == "BURROW"){
        if (g->u.is_underwater()) {
            add_msg_if_player(m_info, _("You can't do that while underwater."));
            tdata.powered = false;
        int dirx, diry;
        if (!choose_adjacent(_("Burrow where?"), dirx, diry)) {
            tdata.powered = false;

        if (dirx == g->u.posx() && diry == g->u.posy()) {
            add_msg_if_player(_("You've got places to go and critters to beat."));
            add_msg_if_player(_("Let the lesser folks eat their hearts out."));
            tdata.powered = false;
        int turns;
        if (g->m.is_bashable(dirx, diry) && g->m.has_flag("SUPPORTS_ROOF", dirx, diry) &&
            g->m.ter(dirx, diry) != t_tree) {
            // Takes about 100 minutes (not quite two hours) base time.
            // Being better-adapted to the task means that skillful Survivors can do it almost twice as fast.
            turns = (100000 - 5000 * g->u.skillLevel("carpentry"));
        } else if (g->m.move_cost(dirx, diry) == 2 && g->get_levz() == 0 &&
                   g->m.ter(dirx, diry) != t_dirt && g->m.ter(dirx, diry) != t_grass) {
            turns = 18000;
        } else {
            add_msg_if_player(m_info, _("You can't burrow there."));
            tdata.powered = false;
        g->u.assign_activity(ACT_BURROW, turns, -1, 0);
        g->u.activity.placement = tripoint(dirx, diry,0);
        add_msg_if_player(_("You tear into the %s with your teeth and claws."),
                          g->m.tername(dirx, diry).c_str());
        tdata.powered = false;
        return; // handled when the activity finishes
    } else if (mut == "SLIMESPAWNER") {
        std::vector<tripoint> valid;
        for (int x = posx() - 1; x <= posx() + 1; x++) {
            for (int y = posy() - 1; y <= posy() + 1; y++) {
                tripoint dest(x, y, posz());
                if (g->is_empty(dest)) {
                    valid.push_back( dest );
        // Oops, no room to divide!
        if (valid.size() == 0) {
            add_msg(m_bad, _("You focus, but are too hemmed in to birth a new slimespring!"));
            tdata.powered = false;
        add_msg(m_good, _("You focus, and with a pleasant splitting feeling, birth a new slimespring!"));
        int numslime = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < numslime && !valid.empty(); i++) {
            const tripoint target = random_entry_removed( valid );
            if (g->summon_mon("mon_player_blob", target)) {
                monster *slime = g->monster_at( target );
                slime->friendly = -1;
        //~ Usual enthusiastic slimespring small voices! :D
        if (one_in(3)) {
            add_msg(m_good, _("wow! you look just like me! we should look out for each other!"));
        } else if (one_in(2)) {
            add_msg(m_good, _("come on, big me, let's go!"));
        } else {
            add_msg(m_good, _("we're a team, we've got this!"));
        tdata.powered = false;
    } else if (mut == "SHOUT1") {
        sounds::sound(pos(), 10 + 2 * str_cur, _("You shout loudly!"));
        tdata.powered = false;
    } else if (mut == "SHOUT2"){
        sounds::sound(pos(), 15 + 3 * str_cur, _("You scream loudly!"));
        tdata.powered = false;
    } else if (mut == "SHOUT3"){
        sounds::sound(pos(), 20 + 4 * str_cur, _("You let out a piercing howl!"));
        tdata.powered = false;
    } else if ((mut == "NAUSEA") || (mut == "VOMITOUS") ){
        tdata.powered = false;
    } else if (mut == "M_FERTILE"){
        tdata.powered = false;
    } else if (mut == "M_BLOOM"){
        tdata.powered = false;
    } else if (mut == "VINES3"){
        item newit("vine_30", calendar::turn, false);
        if (!can_pickVolume(newit.volume())) { //Accounts for result_mult
            add_msg(_("You detach a vine but don't have room to carry it, so you drop it."));
            g->m.add_item_or_charges(posx(), posy(), newit);
        } else if (!can_pickWeight(newit.weight(), !OPTIONS["DANGEROUS_PICKUPS"])) {
            add_msg(_("Your freshly-detached vine is too heavy to carry, so you drop it."));
            g->m.add_item_or_charges(posx(), posy(), newit);
        } else {
            newit = i_add(newit);
            add_msg(m_info, "%c - %s", newit.invlet == 0 ? ' ' : newit.invlet, newit.tname().c_str());
        tdata.powered = false;
예제 #25
bool Creature::sees( const int tx, const int ty ) const
    return sees( tripoint( tx, ty, posz() ) );
예제 #26
 * Drawing-related functions
void Creature::draw( const catacurses::window &w, int player_x, int player_y, bool inverted ) const
    draw( w, tripoint( player_x, player_y, posz() ), inverted );
예제 #27
bool Creature::sees( const point t ) const
    return sees( tripoint( t, posz() ) );
예제 #28
void monster::plan( const mfactions &factions )
    // Bots are more intelligent than most living stuff
    bool electronic = has_flag( MF_ELECTRONIC );
    Creature *target = nullptr;
    // 8.6f is rating for tank drone 60 tiles away, moose 16 or boomer 33
    float dist = !electronic ? 1000 : 8.6f;
    int bresenham_slope = 0;
    int bresen2 = 0; // Unused until FoV update
    int selected_slope = 0;
    bool fleeing = false;
    bool docile = has_flag( MF_VERMIN ) || ( friendly != 0 && has_effect( "docile" ) );
    bool angers_hostile_weak = type->anger.find( MTRIG_HOSTILE_WEAK ) != type->anger.end();
    int angers_hostile_near = ( type->anger.find( MTRIG_HOSTILE_CLOSE ) != type->anger.end() ) ? 5 : 0;
    int fears_hostile_near = ( type->fear.find( MTRIG_HOSTILE_CLOSE ) != type->fear.end() ) ? 5 : 0;
    bool group_morale = has_flag( MF_GROUP_MORALE ) && morale < type->morale;
    bool swarms = has_flag( MF_SWARMS );
    auto mood = attitude();

    // If we can see the player, move toward them or flee.
    if( friendly == 0 && sees( g->u, bresenham_slope ) ) {
        dist = rate_target( g->u, bresenham_slope, bresen2, dist, electronic );
        fleeing = fleeing || is_fleeing( g->u );
        target = &g->u;
        selected_slope = bresenham_slope;
        if( dist <= 5 ) {
            anger += angers_hostile_near;
            morale -= fears_hostile_near;
    } else if( friendly != 0 && !docile ) {
        // Target unfriendly monsters, only if we aren't interacting with the player.
        for( int i = 0, numz = g->num_zombies(); i < numz; i++ ) {
            monster &tmp = g->zombie( i );
            if( tmp.friendly == 0 ) {
                float rating = rate_target( tmp, bresenham_slope, bresen2, dist, electronic );
                if( rating < dist ) {
                    target = &tmp;
                    dist = rating;
                    selected_slope = bresenham_slope;

    if( docile ) {
        if( friendly != 0 && target != nullptr ) {
            int slope = rng( 0, 1 );
            set_dest( target->pos(), slope );


    for( size_t i = 0; i < g->active_npc.size(); i++ ) {
        npc *me = g->active_npc[i];
        float rating = rate_target( *me, bresenham_slope, bresen2, dist, electronic );
        bool fleeing_from = is_fleeing( *me );
        // Switch targets if closer and hostile or scarier than current target
        if( ( rating < dist && fleeing ) ||
            ( rating < dist && attitude( me ) == MATT_ATTACK ) ||
            ( !fleeing && fleeing_from ) ) {
            target = me;
            dist = rating;
            selected_slope = bresenham_slope;
        fleeing = fleeing || fleeing_from;
        if( rating <= 5 ) {
            anger += angers_hostile_near;
            morale -= fears_hostile_near;

    fleeing = fleeing || ( mood == MATT_FLEE );
    if( friendly == 0 ) {
        for( const auto &fac : factions ) {
            auto faction_att = faction.obj().attitude( fac.first );
            if( faction_att == MFA_NEUTRAL || faction_att == MFA_FRIENDLY ) {

            for( int i : fac.second ) { // mon indices
                monster &mon = g->zombie( i );
                float rating = rate_target( mon, bresenham_slope, bresen2, dist, electronic );
                if( rating < dist ) {
                    target = &mon;
                    dist = rating;
                    selected_slope = bresenham_slope;
                if( rating <= 5 ) {
                    anger += angers_hostile_near;
                    morale -= fears_hostile_near;

    // Friendly monsters here
    // Avoid for hordes of same-faction stuff or it could get expensive
    const auto actual_faction = friendly == 0 ? faction : mfaction_str_id( "player" );
    auto const &myfaction_iter = factions.find( actual_faction );
    if( myfaction_iter == factions.end() ) {
        DebugLog( D_ERROR, D_GAME ) << disp_name() << " tried to find faction "
                                    << actual_faction.id().str() << " which wasn't loaded in game::monmove";
        swarms = false;
        group_morale = false;
    swarms = swarms && target == nullptr; // Only swarm if we have no target
    if( group_morale || swarms ) {
        for( const int i : myfaction_iter->second ) {
            monster &mon = g->zombie( i );
            float rating = rate_target( mon, bresenham_slope, bresen2, dist, electronic );
            if( group_morale && rating <= 10 ) {
                morale += 10 - rating;
            if( swarms ) {
                if( rating < 5 ) { // Too crowded here
                    wander_pos.x = posx() * rng( 1, 3 ) - mon.posx();
                    wander_pos.y = posy() * rng( 1, 3 ) - mon.posy();
                    wandf = 2;
                    target = nullptr;
                    // Swarm to the furthest ally you can see
                } else if( rating < INT_MAX && rating > dist && wandf <= 0 ) {
                    target = &mon;
                    dist = rating;
                    selected_slope = bresenham_slope;

    if( target != nullptr ) {
        if( one_in( 2 ) ) { // Random for the diversity of the trajectory
        } else {

        tripoint dest = target->pos();
        auto att_to_target = attitude_to( *target );
        if( att_to_target == Attitude::A_HOSTILE && !fleeing ) {
            set_dest( dest, selected_slope );
        } else if( fleeing ) {
            set_dest( tripoint( posx() * 2 - dest.x, posy() * 2 - dest.y, posz() ), selected_slope );
        if( angers_hostile_weak && att_to_target != Attitude::A_FRIENDLY ) {
            int hp_per = target->hp_percentage();
            if( hp_per <= 70 ) {
                anger += 10 - int( hp_per / 10 );
    } else if( friendly > 0 && one_in( 3 ) ) {
        // Grow restless with no targets
    } else if( friendly < 0 && sees( g->u, bresenham_slope ) ) {
        if( rl_dist( pos3(), g->u.pos3() ) > 2 ) {
            set_dest( g->u.pos3(), bresenham_slope );
        } else {
    // If we're not adjacent to the start of our plan path, don't act on it.
    // This is to catch when we had pre-existing invalid plans and
    // made it through the function without changing them.
    if( !plans.empty() && square_dist( pos3(), plans.front() ) > 1 ) {
예제 #29
void monster::plan( const mfactions &factions )
    // Bots are more intelligent than most living stuff
    bool smart_planning = has_flag( MF_PRIORITIZE_TARGETS );
    Creature *target = nullptr;
    // 8.6f is rating for tank drone 60 tiles away, moose 16 or boomer 33
    float dist = !smart_planning ? 1000 : 8.6f;
    bool fleeing = false;
    bool docile = friendly != 0 && has_effect( effect_docile );
    bool angers_hostile_weak = type->anger.find( MTRIG_HOSTILE_WEAK ) != type->anger.end();
    int angers_hostile_near =
        ( type->anger.find( MTRIG_HOSTILE_CLOSE ) != type->anger.end() ) ? 5 : 0;
    int fears_hostile_near = ( type->fear.find( MTRIG_HOSTILE_CLOSE ) != type->fear.end() ) ? 5 : 0;
    bool group_morale = has_flag( MF_GROUP_MORALE ) && morale < type->morale;
    bool swarms = has_flag( MF_SWARMS );
    auto mood = attitude();

    // If we can see the player, move toward them or flee.
    if( friendly == 0 && sees( g->u ) ) {
        dist = rate_target( g->u, dist, smart_planning );
        fleeing = fleeing || is_fleeing( g->u );
        target = &g->u;
        if( dist <= 5 ) {
            anger += angers_hostile_near;
            morale -= fears_hostile_near;
    } else if( friendly != 0 && !docile ) {
        // Target unfriendly monsters, only if we aren't interacting with the player.
        for( int i = 0, numz = g->num_zombies(); i < numz; i++ ) {
            monster &tmp = g->zombie( i );
            if( tmp.friendly == 0 ) {
                float rating = rate_target( tmp, dist, smart_planning );
                if( rating < dist ) {
                    target = &tmp;
                    dist = rating;

    if( docile ) {
        if( friendly != 0 && target != nullptr ) {
            set_dest( target->pos() );


    for( size_t i = 0; i < g->active_npc.size(); i++ ) {
        npc &who = *g->active_npc[i];
        auto faction_att = faction.obj().attitude( who.get_monster_faction() );
        if( faction_att == MFA_NEUTRAL || faction_att == MFA_FRIENDLY ) {

        float rating = rate_target( who, dist, smart_planning );
        bool fleeing_from = is_fleeing( who );
        // Switch targets if closer and hostile or scarier than current target
        if( ( rating < dist && fleeing ) ||
            ( rating < dist && attitude( &who ) == MATT_ATTACK ) ||
            ( !fleeing && fleeing_from ) ) {
            target = &who;
            dist = rating;
        fleeing = fleeing || fleeing_from;
        if( rating <= 5 ) {
            anger += angers_hostile_near;
            morale -= fears_hostile_near;

    fleeing = fleeing || ( mood == MATT_FLEE );
    if( friendly == 0 ) {
        for( const auto &fac : factions ) {
            auto faction_att = faction.obj().attitude( fac.first );
            if( faction_att == MFA_NEUTRAL || faction_att == MFA_FRIENDLY ) {

            for( int i : fac.second ) { // mon indices
                monster &mon = g->zombie( i );
                float rating = rate_target( mon, dist, smart_planning );
                if( rating < dist ) {
                    target = &mon;
                    dist = rating;
                if( rating <= 5 ) {
                    anger += angers_hostile_near;
                    morale -= fears_hostile_near;

    // Friendly monsters here
    // Avoid for hordes of same-faction stuff or it could get expensive
    const auto actual_faction = friendly == 0 ? faction : mfaction_str_id( "player" );
    auto const &myfaction_iter = factions.find( actual_faction );
    if( myfaction_iter == factions.end() ) {
        DebugLog( D_ERROR, D_GAME ) << disp_name() << " tried to find faction "
                                    << actual_faction.id().str()
                                    << " which wasn't loaded in game::monmove";
        swarms = false;
        group_morale = false;
    swarms = swarms && target == nullptr; // Only swarm if we have no target
    if( group_morale || swarms ) {
        for( const int i : myfaction_iter->second ) {
            monster &mon = g->zombie( i );
            float rating = rate_target( mon, dist, smart_planning );
            if( group_morale && rating <= 10 ) {
                morale += 10 - rating;
            if( swarms ) {
                if( rating < 5 ) { // Too crowded here
                    wander_pos.x = posx() * rng( 1, 3 ) - mon.posx();
                    wander_pos.y = posy() * rng( 1, 3 ) - mon.posy();
                    wandf = 2;
                    target = nullptr;
                    // Swarm to the furthest ally you can see
                } else if( rating < INT_MAX && rating > dist && wandf <= 0 ) {
                    target = &mon;
                    dist = rating;

    if( target != nullptr ) {

        tripoint dest = target->pos();
        auto att_to_target = attitude_to( *target );
        if( att_to_target == Attitude::A_HOSTILE && !fleeing ) {
            set_dest( dest );
        } else if( fleeing ) {
            set_dest( tripoint( posx() * 2 - dest.x, posy() * 2 - dest.y, posz() ) );
        if( angers_hostile_weak && att_to_target != Attitude::A_FRIENDLY ) {
            int hp_per = target->hp_percentage();
            if( hp_per <= 70 ) {
                anger += 10 - int( hp_per / 10 );
    } else if( friendly > 0 && one_in( 3 ) ) {
        // Grow restless with no targets
    } else if( friendly < 0 && sees( g->u ) ) {
        if( rl_dist( pos(), g->u.pos() ) > 2 ) {
            set_dest( g->u.pos() );
        } else {
예제 #30
// General movement.
// Currently, priority goes:
// 1) Special Attack
// 2) Sight-based tracking
// 3) Scent-based tracking
// 4) Sound-based tracking
void monster::move()
    // We decrement wandf no matter what.  We'll save our wander_to plans until
    // after we finish out set_dest plans, UNLESS they time out first.
    if( wandf > 0 ) {

    //Hallucinations have a chance of disappearing each turn
    if( is_hallucination() && one_in( 25 ) ) {
        die( nullptr );

    //The monster can consume objects it stands on. Check if there are any.
    //If there are. Consume them.
    if( !is_hallucination() && has_flag( MF_ABSORBS ) && !g->m.has_flag( TFLAG_SEALED, pos() ) &&
        g->m.has_items( pos() ) ) {
        if( g->u.sees( *this ) ) {
            add_msg( _( "The %s flows around the objects on the floor and they are quickly dissolved!" ),
                     name().c_str() );
        static const auto volume_per_hp = units::from_milliliter( 250 );
        for( auto &elem : g->m.i_at( pos() ) ) {
            hp += elem.volume() / volume_per_hp; // Yeah this means it can get more HP than normal.
        g->m.i_clear( pos() );

    const bool pacified = has_effect( effect_pacified );

    // First, use the special attack, if we can!
    // The attack may change `monster::special_attacks` (e.g. by transforming
    // this into another monster type). Therefor we can not iterate over it
    // directly and instead iterate over the map from the monster type
    // (properties of monster types should never change).
    for( const auto &sp_type : type->special_attacks ) {
        const std::string &special_name = sp_type.first;
        const auto local_iter = special_attacks.find( special_name );
        if( local_iter == special_attacks.end() ) {
        mon_special_attack &local_attack_data = local_iter->second;
        if( !local_attack_data.enabled ) {

        if( local_attack_data.cooldown > 0 ) {

        if( local_attack_data.cooldown == 0 && !pacified && !is_hallucination() ) {
            if( !sp_type.second->call( *this ) ) {

            // `special_attacks` might have changed at this point. Sadly `reset_special`
            // doesn't check the attack name, so we need to do it here.
            if( special_attacks.count( special_name ) == 0 ) {
            reset_special( special_name );

    // The monster can sometimes hang in air due to last fall being blocked
    const bool can_fly = has_flag( MF_FLIES );
    if( !can_fly && g->m.has_flag( TFLAG_NO_FLOOR, pos() ) ) {
        g->m.creature_on_trap( *this, false );

    if( moves < 0 ) {

    // TODO: Move this to attack_at/move_to/etc. functions
    bool attacking = false;
    if( !move_effects( attacking ) ) {
        moves = 0;
    if( has_flag( MF_IMMOBILE ) ) {
        moves = 0;
    if( has_effect( effect_stunned ) ) {
        moves = 0;
    if( friendly > 0 ) {

    // Set attitude to attitude to our current target
    monster_attitude current_attitude = attitude( nullptr );
    if( !wander() ) {
        if( goal == g->u.pos() ) {
            current_attitude = attitude( &( g->u ) );
        } else {
            for( auto &i : g->active_npc ) {
                if( goal == i->pos() ) {
                    current_attitude = attitude( i );

    if( current_attitude == MATT_IGNORE ||
        ( current_attitude == MATT_FOLLOW && rl_dist( pos(), goal ) <= MONSTER_FOLLOW_DIST ) ) {
        moves -= 100;

    bool moved = false;
    tripoint destination;

    // If true, don't try to greedily avoid locally bad paths
    bool pathed = false;
    if( !wander() ) {
        while( !path.empty() && path.front() == pos() ) {
            path.erase( path.begin() );

        const auto &pf_settings = get_pathfinding_settings();
        if( pf_settings.max_dist >= rl_dist( pos(), goal ) &&
            ( path.empty() || rl_dist( pos(), path.front() ) >= 2 || path.back() != goal ) ) {
            // We need a new path
            path = g->m.route( pos(), goal, pf_settings, get_path_avoid() );

        // Try to respect old paths, even if we can't pathfind at the moment
        if( !path.empty() && path.back() == goal ) {
            destination = path.front();
            moved = true;
            pathed = true;
        } else {
            // Straight line forward, probably because we can't pathfind (well enough)
            destination = goal;
            moved = true;
    if( !moved && has_flag( MF_SMELLS ) ) {
        // No sight... or our plans are invalid (e.g. moving through a transparent, but
        //  solid, square of terrain).  Fall back to smell if we have it.
        tripoint tmp = scent_move();
        if( tmp.x != -1 ) {
            destination = tmp;
            moved = true;
    if( wandf > 0 && !moved ) { // No LOS, no scent, so as a fall-back follow sound
        if( wander_pos != pos() ) {
            destination = wander_pos;
            moved = true;

    if( !g->m.has_zlevels() ) {
        // Otherwise weird things happen
        destination.z = posz();

    tripoint next_step;
    const bool staggers = has_flag( MF_STUMBLES );
    if( moved ) {
        // Implement both avoiding obstacles and staggering.
        moved = false;
        float switch_chance = 0.0;
        const bool can_bash = bash_skill() > 0;
        // This is a float and using trig_dist() because that Does the Right Thing(tm)
        // in both circular and roguelike distance modes.
        const float distance_to_target = trig_dist( pos(), destination );
        for( const tripoint &candidate : squares_closer_to( pos(), destination ) ) {
            if( candidate.z != posz() ) {
                bool can_z_move = true;
                if( !g->m.valid_move( pos(), candidate, false, true ) ) {
                    // Can't phase through floor
                    can_z_move = false;

                if( can_z_move && !can_fly && candidate.z > posz() && !g->m.has_floor_or_support( candidate ) ) {
                    // Can't "jump" up a whole z-level
                    can_z_move = false;

                // Last chance - we can still do the z-level stair teleport bullshit that isn't removed yet
                // @todo Remove z-level stair bullshit teleport after aligning all stairs
                if( !can_z_move &&
                    posx() / ( SEEX * 2 ) == candidate.x / ( SEEX * 2 ) &&
                    posy() / ( SEEY * 2 ) == candidate.y / ( SEEY * 2 ) ) {
                    const tripoint &upper = candidate.z > posz() ? candidate : pos();
                    const tripoint &lower = candidate.z > posz() ? pos() : candidate;
                    if( g->m.has_flag( TFLAG_GOES_DOWN, upper ) && g->m.has_flag( TFLAG_GOES_UP, lower ) ) {
                        can_z_move = true;

                if( !can_z_move ) {

            // A flag to allow non-stumbling critters to stumble when the most direct choice is bad.
            bool bad_choice = false;

            const Creature *target = g->critter_at( candidate, is_hallucination() );
            if( target != nullptr ) {
                const Creature::Attitude att = attitude_to( *target );
                if( att == A_HOSTILE ) {
                    // When attacking an adjacent enemy, we're direct.
                    moved = true;
                    next_step = candidate;
                } else if( att == A_FRIENDLY && ( target->is_player() || target->is_npc() ) ) {
                    continue; // Friendly firing the player or an NPC is illegal for gameplay reasons
                } else if( !has_flag( MF_ATTACKMON ) && !has_flag( MF_PUSH_MON ) ) {
                    // Bail out if there's a non-hostile monster in the way and we're not pushy.
                // Friendly fire and pushing are always bad choices - they take a lot of time
                bad_choice = true;

            // Bail out if we can't move there and we can't bash.
            if( !pathed && !can_move_to( candidate ) ) {
                if( !can_bash ) {

                const int estimate = g->m.bash_rating( bash_estimate(), candidate );
                if( estimate <= 0 ) {

                if( estimate < 5 ) {
                    bad_choice = true;

            const float progress = distance_to_target - trig_dist( candidate, destination );
            // The x2 makes the first (and most direct) path twice as likely,
            // since the chance of switching is 1/1, 1/4, 1/6, 1/8
            switch_chance += progress * 2;
            // Randomly pick one of the viable squares to move to weighted by distance.
            if( moved == false || x_in_y( progress, switch_chance ) ) {
                moved = true;
                next_step = candidate;
                // If we stumble, pick a random square, otherwise take the first one,
                // which is the most direct path.
                // Except if the direct path is bad, then check others
                // Or if the path is given by pathfinder
                if( !staggers && ( !bad_choice || pathed ) ) {
    // Finished logic section.  By this point, we should have chosen a square to
    //  move to (moved = true).
    if( moved ) { // Actual effects of moving to the square we've chosen
        const bool did_something =
            ( !pacified && attack_at( next_step ) ) ||
            ( !pacified && bash_at( next_step ) ) ||
            ( !pacified && push_to( next_step, 0, 0 ) ) ||
            move_to( next_step, false, get_stagger_adjust( pos(), destination, next_step ) );

        if( !did_something ) {
            moves -= 100; // If we don't do this, we'll get infinite loops.
    } else {
        moves -= 100;