// Configure
bool FBUpdateLowRes::configure(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1 *list,
                               int fbZorder) {
    bool ret = false;
    hwc_layer_1_t *layer = &list->hwLayers[list->numHwLayers - 1];
    if (LIKELY(ctx->mOverlay)) {
        int extOnlyLayerIndex = ctx->listStats[mDpy].extOnlyLayerIndex;
        // ext only layer present..
        if(extOnlyLayerIndex != -1) {
            layer = &list->hwLayers[extOnlyLayerIndex];
            layer->compositionType = HWC_OVERLAY;
        overlay::Overlay& ov = *(ctx->mOverlay);

        ovutils::Whf info(mAlignedFBWidth,

        //Request a fb pipe
        ovutils::eDest dest = getPipeForFb(ctx, mDpy);
        if(dest == ovutils::OV_INVALID) { //None available
            ALOGE("%s: No pipes available to configure fb for dpy %d",
                __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
            return false;
        mDest = dest;

        if((mDpy && ctx->deviceOrientation) &&
            ctx->listStats[mDpy].isDisplayAnimating) {
            fbZorder = 0;

        ovutils::eMdpFlags mdpFlags = ovutils::OV_MDP_BLEND_FG_PREMULT;
        ovutils::eIsFg isFg = ovutils::IS_FG_OFF;
        ovutils::eZorder zOrder = static_cast<ovutils::eZorder>(fbZorder);

        hwc_rect_t sourceCrop = integerizeSourceCrop(layer->sourceCropf);
        hwc_rect_t displayFrame = layer->displayFrame;
        int transform = layer->transform;
        int rotFlags = ovutils::ROT_FLAGS_NONE;

        ovutils::eTransform orient =
        // use ext orientation if any
        int extOrient = getExtOrientation(ctx);

        // Do not use getNonWormholeRegion() function to calculate the
        // sourceCrop during animation on external display and
        // Dont do wormhole calculation when extorientation is set on External
        // Dont do wormhole calculation when extDownscale is enabled on External
        if(ctx->listStats[mDpy].isDisplayAnimating && mDpy) {
            sourceCrop = layer->displayFrame;
            displayFrame = sourceCrop;
        } else if((!mDpy ||
                   (mDpy && !extOrient
                   && !ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].mDownScaleMode))
                   && (extOnlyLayerIndex == -1)) {
                getNonWormholeRegion(list, sourceCrop);
                displayFrame = sourceCrop;
        calcExtDisplayPosition(ctx, NULL, mDpy, sourceCrop, displayFrame,
                                   transform, orient);
        //Store the displayFrame, will be used in getDisplayViewFrame
        ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].mDstRect = displayFrame;
        setMdpFlags(layer, mdpFlags, 0, transform);
        // For External use rotator if there is a rotation value set
        ret = preRotateExtDisplay(ctx, layer, info,
                sourceCrop, mdpFlags, rotFlags);
        if(!ret) {
            ALOGE("%s: preRotate for external Failed!", __FUNCTION__);
            return false;
        //For the mdp, since either we are pre-rotating or MDP does flips
        orient = ovutils::OVERLAY_TRANSFORM_0;
        transform = 0;

        //XXX: FB layer plane alpha is currently sent as zero from
        ovutils::PipeArgs parg(mdpFlags,
                (ovutils::eBlending) getBlending(layer->blending));

        ret = true;
        if(configMdp(ctx->mOverlay, parg, orient, sourceCrop, displayFrame,
                    NULL, mDest) < 0) {
            ALOGE("%s: configMdp failed for dpy %d", __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
            ret = false;
    return ret;
// Configure
bool FBUpdateNonSplit::configure(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1 *list,
                               hwc_rect_t fbUpdatingRect, int fbZorder) {
    bool ret = false;
    hwc_layer_1_t *layer = &list->hwLayers[list->numHwLayers - 1];
    if (LIKELY(ctx->mOverlay)) {
        int extOnlyLayerIndex = ctx->listStats[mDpy].extOnlyLayerIndex;
        // ext only layer present..
        if(extOnlyLayerIndex != -1) {
            layer = &list->hwLayers[extOnlyLayerIndex];
            layer->compositionType = HWC_OVERLAY;
        overlay::Overlay& ov = *(ctx->mOverlay);

        ovutils::Whf info(mAlignedFBWidth, mAlignedFBHeight,

        Overlay::PipeSpecs pipeSpecs;
        pipeSpecs.formatClass = Overlay::FORMAT_RGB;
        pipeSpecs.needsScaling = qhwc::needsScaling(layer);
        pipeSpecs.dpy = mDpy;
        pipeSpecs.mixer = Overlay::MIXER_DEFAULT;
        pipeSpecs.fb = true;

        ovutils::eDest dest = ov.getPipe(pipeSpecs);
        if(dest == ovutils::OV_INVALID) { //None available
            ALOGE("%s: No pipes available to configure fb for dpy %d",
                __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
            return false;
        mDest = dest;

        if((mDpy && ctx->deviceOrientation) &&
            ctx->listStats[mDpy].isDisplayAnimating) {
            fbZorder = 0;

        ovutils::eMdpFlags mdpFlags = ovutils::OV_MDP_BLEND_FG_PREMULT;
        ovutils::eIsFg isFg = ovutils::IS_FG_OFF;
        ovutils::eZorder zOrder = static_cast<ovutils::eZorder>(fbZorder);

        hwc_rect_t sourceCrop = integerizeSourceCrop(layer->sourceCropf);
        hwc_rect_t displayFrame = layer->displayFrame;

        // No FB update optimization on (1) Custom FB resolution,
        // (2) External Mirror mode, (3) External orientation
        if(!ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].customFBSize && !ctx->mBufferMirrorMode
           && !ctx->mExtOrientation) {
            sourceCrop = fbUpdatingRect;
            displayFrame = fbUpdatingRect;

        int transform = layer->transform;
        int rotFlags = ovutils::ROT_FLAGS_NONE;

        ovutils::eTransform orient =
        // use ext orientation if any
        int extOrient = getExtOrientation(ctx);

        // Do not use getNonWormholeRegion() function to calculate the
        // sourceCrop during animation on external display and
        // Dont do wormhole calculation when extorientation is set on External
        // Dont do wormhole calculation when extDownscale is enabled on External
        if(ctx->listStats[mDpy].isDisplayAnimating && mDpy) {
            sourceCrop = layer->displayFrame;
        } else if((!mDpy ||
                  (mDpy && !extOrient
                  && !ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].mDownScaleMode))
                  && (extOnlyLayerIndex == -1)) {
            if(ctx->mOverlay->isUIScalingOnExternalSupported() &&
                !ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].customFBSize) {
                getNonWormholeRegion(list, sourceCrop);
                displayFrame = sourceCrop;
        calcExtDisplayPosition(ctx, NULL, mDpy, sourceCrop, displayFrame,
                                   transform, orient);
        //Store the displayFrame, will be used in getDisplayViewFrame
        ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].mDstRect = displayFrame;
        setMdpFlags(layer, mdpFlags, 0, transform);
        // For External use rotator if there is a rotation value set
        ret = preRotateExtDisplay(ctx, layer, info,
                sourceCrop, mdpFlags, rotFlags);
        if(!ret) {
            ALOGE("%s: preRotate for external Failed!", __FUNCTION__);
            return false;
        //For the mdp, since either we are pre-rotating or MDP does flips
        orient = ovutils::OVERLAY_TRANSFORM_0;
        transform = 0;
        ovutils::PipeArgs parg(mdpFlags, info, zOrder, isFg,
        ret = true;
        if(configMdp(ctx->mOverlay, parg, orient, sourceCrop, displayFrame,
                    NULL, mDest) < 0) {
            ALOGE("%s: configMdp failed for dpy %d", __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
            ret = false;
    return ret;