예제 #1
        bool run(const string& dbname, BSONObj& cmdObj, int, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool fromRepl) {
            ProcessInfo p;
            BSONObjBuilder bSys, bOs;

            bSys.appendDate( "currentTime" , jsTime() );
            bSys.append( "hostname" , prettyHostName() );
            bSys.append( "cpuAddrSize", p.getAddrSize() );
            bSys.append( "memSizeMB", static_cast <unsigned>( p.getMemSizeMB() ) );
            bSys.append( "numCores", p.getNumCores() );
            bSys.append( "cpuArch", p.getArch() );
            bSys.append( "numaEnabled", p.hasNumaEnabled() );
            bOs.append( "type", p.getOsType() );
            bOs.append( "name", p.getOsName() );
            bOs.append( "version", p.getOsVersion() );

            result.append( StringData( "system" ), bSys.obj() );
            result.append( StringData( "os" ), bOs.obj() );
            p.appendSystemDetails( result );

            return true;
예제 #2
파일: d_logic.cpp 프로젝트: Eric-Lu/mongo
    bool _handlePossibleShardedMessage( Message &m, DbResponse* dbresponse ) {
        DEV assert( shardingState.enabled() );

        int op = m.operation();
        if ( op < 2000
                || op >= 3000
                || op == dbGetMore  // cursors are weird
            return false;

        DbMessage d(m);
        const char *ns = d.getns();
        string errmsg;
        // We don't care about the version here, since we're returning it later in the writeback
        ConfigVersion received, wanted;
        if ( shardVersionOk( ns , errmsg, received, wanted ) ) {
            return false;

        LOG(1) << "connection meta data too old - will retry ns:(" << ns << ") op:(" << opToString(op) << ") " << errmsg << endl;

        if ( doesOpGetAResponse( op ) ) {
            assert( dbresponse );
            BufBuilder b( 32768 );
            b.skip( sizeof( QueryResult ) );
                BSONObj obj = BSON( "$err" << errmsg << "ns" << ns );
                b.appendBuf( obj.objdata() , obj.objsize() );

            QueryResult *qr = (QueryResult*)b.buf();
            qr->_resultFlags() = ResultFlag_ErrSet | ResultFlag_ShardConfigStale;
            qr->len = b.len();
            qr->setOperation( opReply );
            qr->cursorId = 0;
            qr->startingFrom = 0;
            qr->nReturned = 1;

            Message * resp = new Message();
            resp->setData( qr , true );

            dbresponse->response = resp;
            dbresponse->responseTo = m.header()->id;
            return true;
        uassert( 9517 , "writeback" , ( d.reservedField() & DbMessage::Reserved_FromWriteback ) == 0 );

        OID writebackID;
        lastError.getSafe()->writeback( writebackID );

        const OID& clientID = ShardedConnectionInfo::get(false)->getID();
        massert( 10422 ,  "write with bad shard config and no server id!" , clientID.isSet() );

        LOG(1) << "got write with an old config - writing back ns: " << ns << endl;
        LOG(1) << m.toString() << endl;

        BSONObjBuilder b;
        b.appendBool( "writeBack" , true );
        b.append( "ns" , ns );
        b.append( "id" , writebackID );
        b.append( "connectionId" , cc().getConnectionId() );
        b.append( "instanceIdent" , prettyHostName() );
        b.appendTimestamp( "version" , shardingState.getVersion( ns ) );
        ShardedConnectionInfo* info = ShardedConnectionInfo::get( false );
        b.appendTimestamp( "yourVersion" , info ? info->getVersion(ns) : (ConfigVersion)0 );

        b.appendBinData( "msg" , m.header()->len , bdtCustom , (char*)(m.singleData()) );
        LOG(2) << "writing back msg with len: " << m.header()->len << " op: " << m.operation() << endl;
        writeBackManager.queueWriteBack( clientID.str() , b.obj() );

        return true;
예제 #3
        bool run(const string& dbname, BSONObj& cmdObj, int, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool fromRepl) {
            _runCalled = true;

            long long start = Listener::getElapsedTimeMillis();
            BSONObjBuilder timeBuilder(256);

            const ClientBasic* myClientBasic = ClientBasic::getCurrent();
            AuthorizationManager* authManager = myClientBasic->getAuthorizationManager();
            // --- basic fields that are global

            result.append("host", prettyHostName() );
            result.append("version", versionString);
            result.append("pid", (int)getpid());
            result.append("uptime",(double) (time(0)-cmdLine.started));
            result.append("uptimeMillis", (long long)(curTimeMillis64()-_started));
            result.append("uptimeEstimate",(double) (start/1000));
            result.appendDate( "localTime" , jsTime() );

            timeBuilder.appendNumber( "after basic" , Listener::getElapsedTimeMillis() - start );
            // --- all sections
            for ( SectionMap::const_iterator i = _sections->begin(); i != _sections->end(); ++i ) {
                ServerStatusSection* section = i->second;
                std::vector<Privilege> requiredPrivileges;
                if (!authManager->checkAuthForPrivileges(requiredPrivileges).isOK())

                bool include = section->includeByDefault();
                BSONElement e = cmdObj[section->getSectionName()];
                if ( e.type() ) {
                    include = e.trueValue();
                if ( ! include )
                BSONObj data = section->generateSection(e);
                if ( data.isEmpty() )

                result.append( section->getSectionName(), data );
                timeBuilder.appendNumber( static_cast<string>(str::stream() << "after " << section->getSectionName()), 
                                          Listener::getElapsedTimeMillis() - start );

            // --- counters
            if ( MetricTree::theMetricTree ) {
                MetricTree::theMetricTree->appendTo( result );

            // --- some hard coded global things hard to pull out

                RamLog* rl = RamLog::get( "warnings" );
                massert(15880, "no ram log for warnings?" , rl);
                if (rl->lastWrite() >= time(0)-(10*60)){ // only show warnings from last 10 minutes
                    vector<const char*> lines;
                    rl->get( lines );
                    BSONArrayBuilder arr( result.subarrayStart( "warnings" ) );
                    for ( unsigned i=std::max(0,(int)lines.size()-10); i<lines.size(); i++ )
                        arr.append( lines[i] );
            timeBuilder.appendNumber( "at end" , Listener::getElapsedTimeMillis() - start );
            if ( Listener::getElapsedTimeMillis() - start > 1000 ) {
                BSONObj t = timeBuilder.obj();
                log() << "serverStatus was very slow: " << t << endl;
                result.append( "timing" , t );

            return true;
예제 #4
    bool _handlePossibleShardedMessage( Message &m, DbResponse* dbresponse ) {
        DEV verify( shardingState.enabled() );

        int op = m.operation();
        if ( op < 2000
                || op >= 3000
                || op == dbGetMore  // cursors are weird
            return false;

        DbMessage d(m);
        const char *ns = d.getns();
        string errmsg;
        // We don't care about the version here, since we're returning it later in the writeback
        ChunkVersion received, wanted;
        if ( shardVersionOk( ns , errmsg, received, wanted ) ) {
            return false;

        bool getsAResponse = doesOpGetAResponse( op );

        LOG(1) << "connection sharding metadata does not match for collection " << ns
               << ", will retry (wanted : " << wanted << ", received : " << received << ")"
               << ( getsAResponse ? "" : " (queuing writeback)" ) << endl;

        if( getsAResponse ){
            verify( dbresponse );
            BufBuilder b( 32768 );
            b.skip( sizeof( QueryResult ) );
                BSONObjBuilder bob;

                bob.append( "$err", errmsg );
                bob.append( "ns", ns );
                wanted.addToBSON( bob, "vWanted" );
                received.addToBSON( bob, "vReceived" );

                BSONObj obj = bob.obj();

                b.appendBuf( obj.objdata() , obj.objsize() );

            QueryResult *qr = (QueryResult*)b.buf();
            qr->_resultFlags() = ResultFlag_ErrSet | ResultFlag_ShardConfigStale;
            qr->len = b.len();
            qr->setOperation( opReply );
            qr->cursorId = 0;
            qr->startingFrom = 0;
            qr->nReturned = 1;

            Message * resp = new Message();
            resp->setData( qr , true );

            dbresponse->response = resp;
            dbresponse->responseTo = m.header()->id;
            return true;

        uassert(9517, "cannot queue a writeback operation to the writeback queue",
                (d.reservedField() & Reserved_FromWriteback) == 0);

        const OID& clientID = ShardedConnectionInfo::get(false)->getID();
        massert( 10422 ,  "write with bad shard config and no server id!" , clientID.isSet() );

        // We need to check this here, since otherwise we'll get errors wrapping the writeback -
        // not just here, but also when returning as a command result.
        // We choose 1/2 the overhead of the internal maximum so that we can still handle ops of
        // 16MB exactly.
        massert( 16437, "data size of operation is too large to queue for writeback",
                 m.dataSize() < BSONObjMaxInternalSize - (8 * 1024));

        LOG(1) << "writeback queued for " << m.toString() << endl;

        BSONObjBuilder b;
        b.appendBool( "writeBack" , true );
        b.append( "ns" , ns );
        b.append( "connectionId" , cc().getConnectionId() );
        b.append( "instanceIdent" , prettyHostName() );
        wanted.addToBSON( b );
        received.addToBSON( b, "yourVersion" );

        b.appendBinData( "msg" , m.header()->len , bdtCustom , (char*)(m.singleData()) );
        LOG(2) << "writing back msg with len: " << m.header()->len << " op: " << m.operation() << endl;
        // we pass the builder to queueWriteBack so that it can select the writebackId
        // this is important so that the id is guaranteed to be ascending 
        // that is important since mongos assumes if its seen a greater writeback
        // that all former have been processed
        OID writebackID = writeBackManager.queueWriteBack( clientID.str() , b );

        lastError.getSafe()->writeback( writebackID );

        return true;
예제 #5
    bool DBHashCmd::run(OperationContext* txn, const string& dbname , BSONObj& cmdObj, int, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool) {
        Timer timer;

        set<string> desiredCollections;
        if ( cmdObj["collections"].type() == Array ) {
            BSONObjIterator i( cmdObj["collections"].Obj() );
            while ( i.more() ) {
                BSONElement e = i.next();
                if ( e.type() != String ) {
                    errmsg = "collections entries have to be strings";
                    return false;
                desiredCollections.insert( e.String() );

        list<string> colls;
        const string ns = parseNs(dbname, cmdObj);

        // We lock the entire database in S-mode in order to ensure that the contents will not
        // change for the snapshot.
        AutoGetDb autoDb(txn, ns, MODE_S);
        Database* db = autoDb.getDb();
        if (db) {

        result.appendNumber( "numCollections" , (long long)colls.size() );
        result.append( "host" , prettyHostName() );

        md5_state_t globalState;

        vector<string> cached;

        BSONObjBuilder bb( result.subobjStart( "collections" ) );
        for ( list<string>::iterator i=colls.begin(); i != colls.end(); i++ ) {
            string fullCollectionName = *i;
            if ( fullCollectionName.size() -1 <= dbname.size() ) {
                errmsg  = str::stream() << "weird fullCollectionName [" << fullCollectionName << "]";
                return false;
            string shortCollectionName = fullCollectionName.substr( dbname.size() + 1 );

            if ( shortCollectionName.find( "system." ) == 0 )

            if ( desiredCollections.size() > 0 &&
                 desiredCollections.count( shortCollectionName ) == 0 )

            bool fromCache = false;
            string hash = hashCollection( txn, db, fullCollectionName, &fromCache );

            bb.append( shortCollectionName, hash );

            md5_append( &globalState , (const md5_byte_t*)hash.c_str() , hash.size() );
            if ( fromCache )
                cached.push_back( fullCollectionName );

        md5digest d;
        md5_finish(&globalState, d);
        string hash = digestToString( d );

        result.append( "md5" , hash );
        result.appendNumber( "timeMillis", timer.millis() );

        result.append( "fromCache", cached );

        return 1;