int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ if (argc != 6) { system("cat nagato"); printf("Error: not enough arguments\n"); printf("Usage:\n\t %s [fileIn] [fileOut] [xExpand] [yExpand] [zExpand]\n", argv[0]); exit(-1); //errorCase(ERR_MISSING_ARGS); //errorCase() automatically exits the program } // Read in the input glass, filename as given in main's argument printf("Reading: %s\n", argv[1]); tipsy* tipsyIn = readTipsyStd(argv[1]); printHeader(tipsyIn->head); printAttr(tipsyIn->attr); printf("=================================================\n"); tipsyScaleExpand(tipsyIn, (int)strtol(argv[3], NULL, 10), (int)strtol(argv[4], NULL, 10), (int)strtol(argv[5], NULL, 10)); printf("Writing to: %s\n", argv[2]); writeTipsyStd(argv[2], tipsyIn); printHeader(tipsyIn->head); printAttr(tipsyIn->attr); // Cleanup tipsyDestroy(tipsyIn); }
/* Starts an XML element */ static void XMLCALL startElement(void *userData, const char *name, const char **atts) { ap_filter_t* filter = (ap_filter_t*) userData; if (!strcmp(name,"class")) { //ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, filter->r,"Looking at %s with id of %s",name, find_id_attr(atts)); if (osrfStringArrayContains(mparams, find_id_attr(atts))) { inChunk = 1; //ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, filter->r,"Found desired class %s", find_id_attr(atts)); } } if (all || inChunk || (name && (!strcmp(name,"IDL")))) { idlChunkConfig* config = ap_get_module_config( filter->r->per_dir_config, &idlchunk_module ); _fwrite(filter, "<%s", name ); printAttr( filter, atts ); if (!strncmp(config->contentType, MODIDLCHUNK_CONFIG_CONTENT_TYPE_DEFAULT, 9)) { _fwrite(filter, " />", name ); } else { _fwrite(filter, ">", name ); } if(!strcmp(name, "script")) idlChunkInScript = 1; } }
int main(){ int i; // Read in the input glass char filename[100] = "glass.std"; printf("Reading: %s\n", filename); tipsy* tipsyIn = readTipsyStd(filename); // Set attributes not set by readTipsy tipsyIn->attr->xmin = -0.5; tipsyIn->attr->xmax = 0.5; tipsyIn->attr->ymin = -0.5; tipsyIn->attr->ymax = 0.5; tipsyIn->attr->zmin = -0.5; tipsyIn->attr->zmax = 0.5; printf("Input "); printHeader(tipsyIn->head); printAttr(tipsyIn->attr); printf("=================================================\n"); // Create 1/8x compressed glass printf("\nCreating 1/8x compressed glass:\n"); tipsy* glass8f = tipsyClone(tipsyIn); tipsyScaleExpand(glass8f, 2, 2, 2); tipsyCenter(glass8f); printHeader(glass8f->head); printAttr(glass8f->attr); printf("=================================================\n"); writeTipsyStd("glass8f.std", glass8f); // Tile the 1/8x compressed glass to 28x2x2 printf("\nTiling Shocktube:\n"); tipsy* rcrShock = tipsyClone(glass8f); tipsyTesselate(rcrShock, 14, 1, 1); // creates 28x2x2 printf("\nCentering:\n"); tipsyCenter(rcrShock); printf("\nEditing Velocities:\n"); for (i=0; i<rcrShock->head->nsph; i++){ if (rcrShock->gas[i].pos[AXIS_X] < 0.0) rcrShock->gas[i].vel[AXIS_X] = -1; else if (rcrShock->gas[i].pos[AXIS_X] > 0.0) rcrShock->gas[i].vel[AXIS_X] = 1; } printHeader(rcrShock->head); printAttr(rcrShock->attr); writeTipsyStd("RCRShock1.std", rcrShock); // Cleanup tipsyDestroy(tipsyIn); tipsyDestroy(glass8f); tipsyDestroy(rcrShock); }
void printMeme(meme* m) { int i; printf("<=== MEME ===>\n"); printf("NAME: %s\n", m->name); printf("NUM_ATTR: %d\n", m->num_attr); printf("ATTRIBUTES:\n"); for(i = 0; i < m->num_attr; i++) { printAttr(m->attr[i]); } printf("<============>\n"); }
int attributesMain(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* Attributes are set per thread. All objects created in a thread will be * created with the configured attributes specific to that thread. */ /* Create a low-footprint object with no attributes */ corto_attr prev = corto_setAttr(0); corto_int32 *i = corto_create(corto_int32_o); corto_setAttr(prev); /* Display attributes of the int32 object */ printAttr(i); return 0; }
/* Starts an XML element */ static void XMLCALL startElement(void *userData, const char *name, const char **atts) { ap_filter_t* filter = (ap_filter_t*) userData; xmlEntConfig* config = ap_get_module_config( filter->r->per_dir_config, &xmlent_module ); _fwrite(filter, "<%s", name ); printAttr( filter, atts ); if (!strncmp(config->contentType, MODXMLENT_CONFIG_CONTENT_TYPE_DEFAULT, 9) && isEmptyElement(name)) { _fwrite(filter, " />", name ); } else { _fwrite(filter, ">", name ); } if(!strcmp(name, "script")) xmlEntInScript = 1; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ if (argc != 2) { system("cat nagato"); printf("Error: not enough arguments\n"); printf("Usage:\n\t %s [fileIn]", argv[0]); exit(-1); //errorCase(ERR_MISSING_ARGS); //errorCase() automatically exits the program } // Read in the input glass, filename as given in main's argument printf("Reading: %s\n", argv[1]); tipsy* tipsyIn = readTipsyStd(argv[1]); printf("Input "); printHeader(tipsyIn->head); printAttr(tipsyIn->attr); printf("=================================================\n"); //... // Cleanup tipsyDestroy(tipsyIn); }
int main() { Catalog CatalogManager; table_t table; = "Persons"; table.attrNum = 3; table.recordLength = 68; table.attributes[0].name = "姓名"; table.attributes[0].isPrimary = false; table.attributes[0].length = 32; table.attributes[0].type = CHAR; table.attributes[1].name = "性别"; table.attributes[1].isPrimary = false; table.attributes[1].length = 32; table.attributes[1].type = CHAR; table.attributes[2].name = "学号"; table.attributes[2].isPrimary = true; table.attributes[2].length = 8; table.attributes[2].type = INT; // 建表 cout << "---建表:" << endl; CatalogManager.createTable(table); cout << endl; // 返回主键 cout << "---返回主键:" << endl; attr_t attrTmp = CatalogManager.getPrimaryAttr("Persons"); printAttr(attrTmp); cout << endl; // 返回表 cout << "---返回表:" << endl; table_t tableTmp = CatalogManager.findTable("Persons"); cout << << " " << tableTmp.attrNum << " " << tableTmp.recordLength << endl; for (int i = 0; i < tableTmp.attrNum; i++) { printAttr(tableTmp.attributes[i]); } cout << endl; // 返回字段 cout << "---返回字段:" << endl; attr_t attrTmp2 = CatalogManager.findAttr("Persons", "姓名"); printAttr(attrTmp2); cout << endl; // 表存在 cout << "---表存在:" << endl; cout << CatalogManager.tableExist("Persons") << endl; cout << CatalogManager.tableExist("a") << endl; cout << endl; // 建表 cout << "---建表:" << endl; = "Students"; CatalogManager.createTable(table); cout << endl; // 表存在 cout << "---表存在:" << endl; cout << CatalogManager.tableExist("Persons") << endl; cout << CatalogManager.tableExist("Students") << endl; cout << endl; // 字段存在 cout << "---字段存在:" << endl; cout << "我想找 Students 中的 '学号' 字段" << endl; cout << CatalogManager.attrExist("Students", "学号") << endl; cout << "我想找 Students 中的 '什么鸟啊' 字段" << endl; cout << CatalogManager.attrExist("Students", "什么鸟啊") << endl; cout << endl; // 删表 cout << "---删表:" << endl; CatalogManager.deleteTable(table); cout << endl; // 表存在 cout << "---表存在:" << endl; cout << CatalogManager.tableExist("Persons") << endl; cout << CatalogManager.tableExist("Students") << endl; cout << endl; return 0; }