예제 #1
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    int i;
    clock_t en, de;

    block* input = malloc(sizeof(block));
    key* k = malloc(sizeof(key));

    memset(input, 0, sizeof(block)); 
    memset(k, 0, sizeof(key)); 
    en = clock();
    for (i = 0; i < TIMES; i++) {
        free(encrypt(input, k));
    en = clock() - en;

    de = clock();
    for (i = 0; i < TIMES; i++) {
        free(decrypt(input, k));
    de = clock() - de;

    printf("Running %d times each...\n", TIMES);
    printf("Name\t\tTotal Time(s)\t\tAve. Time(s)\n");

    //Print all 
    printClock("ENCRYPT", en);
    printClock("DECRYPT", de);
예제 #2
void myClock() {
    int loop=1;
    int h,m,s;
    int color=1, size=1;
    char symbol='X';

    HANDLE hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
    WORD saved_attributes;

    GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConsole, &consoleInfo);
    saved_attributes = consoleInfo.wAttributes;

    while(loop) {
        if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE)) {
        if(GetAsyncKeyState('C')) {
            writeConfig(color, size, symbol, hConsole, saved_attributes);
            GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SPACE); //Clear
        readConfig(&color, &size, &symbol);
        char f[17]= {};
예제 #3
파일: test.c 프로젝트: GAumala/ClockPuzzle
void testFindAllSolutions(){
    uint8_t array[] = {3, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3};
    uint8_t clockSize = 6;
    printf("find all solutions\n");
    printf("new test with: ");
    printClock(array, clockSize);
    GArray *solutions = findAllClockSolutions(array, clockSize, NULL);
    printf("assert that solution is unique\n");
    assert(solutions->len == 1);
    printf("assert that solution goes through positions: 1, 0, 3, 4, 2, 5\n");
    GArray *solutionPath = &g_array_index(solutions, GArray, 0);
    SearchTreeNode *solutionNode = &g_array_index(solutionPath, SearchTreeNode, 0);
    assert(solutionNode->content == array + 1);
    solutionNode = &g_array_index(solutionPath, SearchTreeNode, 1);
    assert(solutionNode->content == array);
    solutionNode = &g_array_index(solutionPath, SearchTreeNode, 2);
    assert(solutionNode->content == array + 3);
    solutionNode = &g_array_index(solutionPath, SearchTreeNode, 3);
    assert(solutionNode->content == array + 4);
    solutionNode = &g_array_index(solutionPath, SearchTreeNode, 4);
    assert(solutionNode->content == array + 2);
    solutionNode = &g_array_index(solutionPath, SearchTreeNode, 5);
    assert(solutionNode->content == array + 5);
예제 #4
파일: test.c 프로젝트: GAumala/ClockPuzzle
void testGetCurrentCycle() {
    uint8_t array[] = {3, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3};
    uint8_t clockSize = 6;
    printf("get current cycle\n");
    printf("new test with: ");
    printClock(array, clockSize);
    SearchTreeNode *stn1 = newSearchTreeNode(NULL, array + 1);
    SearchTreeNode *stn0 = newSearchTreeNode(stn1, array);
    SearchTreeNode *stn3 = newSearchTreeNode(stn0, array + 3);
    SearchTreeNode *stn4 = newSearchTreeNode(stn3, array + 4);
    SearchTreeNode *stn2 = newSearchTreeNode(stn4, array + 2);
    SearchTreeNode *stn5 = newSearchTreeNode(stn2, array + 5);
    GArray * path = getCurrentPath(stn5);
    printf("assert that path has the length of the clock\n");
    assert(path->len == clockSize);
    SearchTreeNode *pathnode = &g_array_index(path, SearchTreeNode, 0);
    printf("assert that the first element of the path is stn1\n");
    assert(stn1->content == pathnode->content);
    pathnode = &g_array_index(path, SearchTreeNode, clockSize - 1);
    printf("assert that the last element of the path is stn5\n");
    assert(stn5->content == pathnode->content);

    printPath(path, array);

    printf("add stn1 as child of stn5 (create contradiction)\n");
    SearchTreeNode *stnLast = newSearchTreeNode(stn5, array + 1);
    printf("assert that contradicted path is null\n");
    path = getCurrentPath(stnLast);
    assert(path == NULL);
    printf("assert that incomplete path is not null\n");
    path = getCurrentPath(stn4);
    assert(path != NULL && path->len < clockSize);
예제 #5
파일: test.c 프로젝트: GAumala/ClockPuzzle
void testGenerarHijos(){
    uint8_t array[] = {3, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3};
    uint8_t clockSize = 6;
    printf("generar hijos\n");
    printf("new test with: ");
    printClock(array, clockSize);
    SearchTreeNode *stn = newSearchTreeNode(NULL, array + 2);
    generarHijos(array, clockSize, stn);
    printf("assert leftChild of 3@2 is 3@5\n");
    assert(stn->leftChild->content == array + 5);
    printf("assert rightChild of 3@2 is 3@5\n");
    assert(stn->rightChild->content == array + 5);
    printf("assert leftChild of 3@2 is dead  end\n");

    stn = newSearchTreeNode(NULL, array + 5);
    generarHijos(array, clockSize, stn);
    printf("assert leftChild of 3@5 is 3@2\n");
    assert(stn->leftChild->content == array + 2);
    printf("assert rightChild of 3@2 is 3@5\n");
    assert(stn->rightChild->content == array + 2);
예제 #6
파일: clock.cpp 프로젝트: hsm-feup/clock
void procClock() {
	uint32_t t = millis();
	if (tick)
		if (t > last + 1000) {
			last += 1000;
예제 #7
파일: test.c 프로젝트: GAumala/ClockPuzzle
void testFindFirstSolution(){
    //uint8_t array[] = {3, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3};
    uint8_t array[] = {1, 1, 3, 4, 3, 1, 3, 3, 2, 2};
    //uint8_t array[] = {3, 1, 3, 5, 2, 5, 1, 2, 3, 5};
    uint8_t clockSize = 10;
    printf("find first Solution\n");
    printf("new test with: ");
    printClock(array, clockSize);
    json_object *stateList = json_object_new_array();
    GArray *solution = findFirstClockSolution(array, clockSize, stateList);
    printf("states for solution: %s\n", json_object_to_json_string(stateList));
    assert(solution != NULL);
예제 #8
파일: clock.cpp 프로젝트: hsm-feup/clock
void cmdClock(char *msg) {
	if (msg[1] == '\0') {
		// send clock info
	else if (msg[2] == '\0') {
		// tick on (c1) or off (c0)
		tick = msg[1]=='1' ? 1 : 0;
		last = millis();
	else {
		// set clock with hh hours, mm minutes and ss seconds
		uint8_t hh = char2dec(msg+1);
		uint8_t mm = char2dec(msg+3);
		uint8_t ss = msg[5]=='\0' ? 0 : char2dec(msg+5);
		timeDif = ((60L * hh + mm)*60 + ss)*1000 - millis();
예제 #9
파일: test.c 프로젝트: GAumala/ClockPuzzle
void testGetNextNode() {
    uint8_t array[] = {2, 1, 2};
    uint8_t clockSize = 3;
    printf("get next node\n");
    printf("new test with: ");
    printClock(array, clockSize);
    printf("create new stn at position 1 of clock\n");
    SearchTreeNode *stn = newSearchTreeNode(NULL, array + 1);
    uint8_t *stnContent = (uint8_t *)stn->content;
    printf("assert that value is 1\n");
    assert(*stnContent == 1);
    printf("generate children of node at position 1 of clock\n");
    generarHijos(array, clockSize, stn);
    uint8_t *leftChildContent = (uint8_t *)stn->leftChild->content;
    uint8_t *rightChildContent = (uint8_t *)stn->rightChild->content;
    printf("assert left child has value 2\n");
    assert((*leftChildContent) == 2);
    printf("assert right child has value 2\n");
    assert((*rightChildContent) == 2);
    SearchTreeNode *nextNode = getNextNode(stn);
    printf("assert that next node is equal to left child\n");
    assert(nextNode == stn->leftChild);
    printf("mark left child as dead end\n");
    nextNode->isDeadEnd = 1;
    printf("assert that next node is equal to right child\n");
    nextNode = getNextNode(stn);
    assert(nextNode == stn->rightChild);
    printf("mark right child as dead end\n");
    nextNode->isDeadEnd = 1;
    nextNode = getNextNode(stn);
    printf("assert that next node is NULL\n");
    assert(nextNode == NULL);
