예제 #1
void HardFault_C_Handler(ExceptionRegisters_t *regs, uint32_t *pXtraRegs) {
    if (!pyb_hard_fault_debug) {

	/* rocky ignore
    // We need to disable the USB so it doesn't try to write data out on
    // the VCP and then block indefinitely waiting for the buffer to drain.
    pyb_usb_flags = 0;


    print_reg("R0    ", regs->r0);
    print_reg("R1    ", regs->r1);
    print_reg("R2    ", regs->r2);
    print_reg("R3    ", regs->r3);
    print_reg("R12   ", regs->r12);
    print_reg("SP    ", (uint32_t)regs);
    print_reg("LR    ", regs->lr);
    print_reg("PC    ", regs->pc);
    print_reg("XPSR  ", regs->xpsr);
	print_reg("R4    ", pXtraRegs[7]);
	print_reg("R5    ", pXtraRegs[6]);
	print_reg("R6    ", pXtraRegs[5]);
	print_reg("R7    ", pXtraRegs[4]);
	print_reg("R8    ", pXtraRegs[3]);
	print_reg("R9    ", pXtraRegs[2]);
	print_reg("R10   ", pXtraRegs[1]);
	print_reg("R11   ", pXtraRegs[0]);

    uint32_t cfsr = SCB->CFSR;

    print_reg("HFSR  ", SCB->HFSR);
    print_reg("CFSR  ", cfsr);
    if (cfsr & 0x80) {
        print_reg("MMFAR ", SCB->MMFAR);
    if (cfsr & 0x8000) {
        print_reg("BFAR  ", SCB->BFAR);

    if ((void*)_RAM_START <= (void*)regs && (void*)regs < (void*)_RAM_END) {
        uint32_t *stack_top = (uint32_t*) _ESTACK;
        if ((void*)regs < (void*)_HEAP_END) {
            // stack not in static stack area so limit the amount we print
            stack_top = (uint32_t*)regs + 32;
        for (uint32_t *sp = (uint32_t*)regs; sp < stack_top; ++sp) {
            print_hex_hex("  ", (uint32_t)sp, *sp);

    /* Go to infinite loop when Hard Fault exception occurs */
예제 #2
void HardFault_C_Handler(ExceptionRegisters_t *regs) {
    if (!pyb_hard_fault_debug) {

    // We need to disable the USB so it doesn't try to write data out on
    // the VCP and then block indefinitely waiting for the buffer to drain.
    pyb_usb_flags = 0;


    print_reg("R0    ", regs->r0);
    print_reg("R1    ", regs->r1);
    print_reg("R2    ", regs->r2);
    print_reg("R3    ", regs->r3);
    print_reg("R12   ", regs->r12);
    print_reg("SP    ", (uint32_t)regs);
    print_reg("LR    ", regs->lr);
    print_reg("PC    ", regs->pc);
    print_reg("XPSR  ", regs->xpsr);

    uint32_t cfsr = SCB->CFSR;

    print_reg("HFSR  ", SCB->HFSR);
    print_reg("CFSR  ", cfsr);
    if (cfsr & 0x80) {
        print_reg("MMFAR ", SCB->MMFAR);
    if (cfsr & 0x8000) {
        print_reg("BFAR  ", SCB->BFAR);

    if ((void*)&_ram_start <= (void*)regs && (void*)regs < (void*)&_ram_end) {
        uint32_t *stack_top = &_estack;
        if ((void*)regs < (void*)&_heap_end) {
            // stack not in static stack area so limit the amount we print
            stack_top = (uint32_t*)regs + 32;
        for (uint32_t *sp = (uint32_t*)regs; sp < stack_top; ++sp) {
            print_hex_hex("  ", (uint32_t)sp, *sp);

    /* Go to infinite loop when Hard Fault exception occurs */
    while (1) {