/* function main begins program execution */ int main( void ) { const int MAX_GRADES = 10; //maximum size of the array const int MAX_VALID_VALUE = 100; //maximum valid value that user can enter int grades[MAX_GRADES]; /* array to store all valid entered grades */ int array_size; //stores the number of valid inputs that array contains /* instructions */ printf( "\nWelcome \n" ); printf( "\nEnter numbers. I will print them ,then sort & print them!\n" ); printf( "\nSignify an end to entries by inputting a negative number.\n" ); printf( "The maximum number of entries I can take is %d.\n\n", MAX_GRADES ); /* Call function to get and store input into the array. The function returns the number of valid inputs in the array, store this value in the variable array_size.*/ array_size = get_array_input(grades, MAX_GRADES, MAX_VALID_VALUE); printf( "\nThe input you gave me is:\n" ); // call function to print the array print_int_array(grades, array_size); // call function to sort the array bubble_sort(grades, array_size); printf( "\nSorted form of the input is:\n" ); // call function to print the sorted array print_int_array(grades, array_size); return 0; /* indicate program ended successfully */ } //end of main
void test_multinomial(void){ double p[SIZE] = { .1, .2, .3, .4 }; int n[SIZE] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; int numdraws = 100; double prob; gsl_ran_multinomial(rng, SIZE, numdraws, p, n); printf("gsl_ran_multinomial\t%d\t", numdraws); print_double_array(p, SIZE); printf("\t"); print_int_array(n, SIZE); printf("\n"); prob = gsl_ran_multinomial_pdf(SIZE, p, n); printf("gsl_ran_multinomial_pdf\t"); print_double_array(p, SIZE); printf("\t"); print_int_array(n, SIZE); printf("\t%.12f\n", prob); prob = gsl_ran_multinomial_lnpdf(SIZE, p, n); printf("gsl_ran_multinomial_lnpdf\t"); print_double_array(p, SIZE); printf("\t"); print_int_array(n, SIZE); printf("\t%.12f\n", prob); }
int main(){ int a[SIZE]; rand_int_array(a,SIZE); print_int_array(a,SIZE); bubbleSort3(a,SIZE); print_int_array(a,SIZE); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* The program name, to be passed to usage() */ char *program_name = argv[0]; int num_cells; /* Number of cells in automaton */ int num_gens; /* Number of gens for automaton */ int i; int zero_or_one; /* Temp int to fill array */ int *numbers; /* Array to be used for automaton */ int *numbers2; /* Array used to generate next gen */ /* If not the correct number of elements, print usage and exit */ if (argc != 3) { usage(program_name); } num_cells = atoi(argv[1]); /* Get num cells from args */ num_gens = atoi(argv[2]); /* Get num gens from args */ /* Dynamically allocate memory for the arrays */ numbers = (int *) calloc(num_cells, sizeof(int)); numbers2 = (int *) calloc(num_cells, sizeof(int)); /* Check to make sure the memory is correctly allocated */ if (numbers == NULL || numbers2 == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error! Memory allocation failed!\n"); exit(1); } /* Seed the random generator */ srand(time(NULL)); /* Fill both arrays with random zeroes and ones */ for (i = 0; i < num_cells; i++) { zero_or_one = rand() % 2; numbers[i] = zero_or_one; numbers2[i] = zero_or_one; } /* Print the initial array */ print_int_array(numbers, num_cells); /* Loop that makes a new gen then prints it num_gens number of times */ for (i = 0; i < num_gens; i++) { make_next_gen(numbers, numbers2, num_cells); print_int_array(numbers, num_cells); } /* Free the memory */ free(numbers); free(numbers2); print_memory_leaks(); return 0; }
//the main program is the boot program //------------------------------------ //in this case, it simply runs a bunch of tests to make sure the system is working properly //the test functions exist in the p242p_testHarness file //the file system functions are all located in the p242p_filesystem.h header //the disk functions are all located in the p242p_disk.h header //all prototypes, structs, and definitions are located in the p242pio.h header int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { int disk, home_directory_inodeID, userFile_inodeID; int *freeList, *ilist; //set testing flag to be set testing = 1; //create a disk disk = test_create_disk(); //create freelist & write freelist to disk test_create_freeList(disk); //retrieve freelist freeList = test_retrieve_freelist(disk); //create ilist (creates inodes) test_create_ilist(disk, freeList); //retrieve ilist ilist = test_retrieve_ilist(disk); //--------------------------------Phase 1 complete printf("-----\n\n"); printf(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n"); printf("SYSTEM INITIALIZATION COMPLETED - NOW TESTING FILE DEPENDENT FUNCTIONS \n"); printf(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n\n"); printf("-----\n\n"); printf(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n"); printf("SYSTEM INITIALIZATION COMPLETED - NOW TESTING FILE/DIRECTORIES \n"); printf(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n\n"); //create a home directory (creates a file) home_directory_inodeID = test_create_directory(disk); printf("\nShowing updated free list after inode allocations:\n"); print_int_array(freeList, FREELIST_SIZE); printf("\nShowing updated ilist after directory creation \n(last element is ilist index containing ID of next available inode):\n"); print_int_array(retrieve_ilist(disk), NUM_INODES+1); //write the directory //read the directory printf("\nCreating a file within the new home directory:\n"); //create a file within the new home directory userFile_inodeID = test_create_file(disk); printf("\nShowing updated ilist after directory creation \n(last element is ilist index containing ID of next available inode):\n"); print_int_array(retrieve_ilist(disk), NUM_INODES+1); return 0; }
void test_knuth_morris_pratt_table(char test_str[], unsigned int test_len, int table[], int expected_table[]) { knuth_morris_pratt_table(test_str, table); printf("expected: "); print_int_array(expected_table, test_len); printf("\nresult: "); print_int_array(table, test_len); printf("\n"); }
void test(char assertion[], int (*func)(int[], int), int a[], int size, int expectation[]){ func(a, size); if(int_array_equal(a, expectation, size)){ printf("%s %s \u2713 %s\n", assertion, KGRN, RESET); }else{ printf("%s %s \u2717 %s\n", assertion, KRED, RESET); printf(" Expected : "); print_int_array(expectation, size); printf(" But got : "); print_int_array(a, size); } }
test_array(const char* description) { if (memcmp(sorted_array, random_array2, RANDOM_SIZE * sizeof(Item)) == 0) printf("%s is sorted\n\n", description); else { printf("Not sorted:\n"); print_int_array(random_array2, RANDOM_SIZE, description, -1, -1, -1); printf("\n\nWhat it should be:\n"); print_int_array(sorted_array, RANDOM_SIZE, "Sorted array", -1, -1, -1); } }
int main() { int a[]={1,2,6,2,3,6,3,4,5,9,6,2,8,9,3,5,3,6,3,2}; count_sort(a,sizeof(a)/sizeof(int)); print_int_array(a,0,sizeof(a)/sizeof(int)-1); return 0; }
void print_int_array( int a[], int n ) { if( n >= 0 ) { printf( "%d\n", a[n] ); print_int_array( a, n - 1 ); } }
int main (void){ read(); print_list_graph(); int *Ts = topo_sort(); print_int_array(Ts,0,n-1); return 0; }
int main () { int array[SAMPLE_INT_ARRAY_SIZE];// define an array to be filler fillArray(array, SAMPLE_INT_ARRAY_SIZE);// fill the array with random numbers print_int_array(array, SAMPLE_INT_ARRAY_SIZE);// print the filled array sortArray(array, SAMPLE_INT_ARRAY_SIZE); return 0; }
int main() { int a[]={1,2,6,2,3,6,3,4,5,9,6,2,8,9,3,5,3,6,3,2}; int b[sizeof(a)/sizeof(int)]; merge_sort(a,b,0,sizeof(a)/sizeof(int)-1); print_int_array(a,0,sizeof(a)/sizeof(int)-1); return 0; }
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { int a[] = {7,5,6,3,1,6,3,9,2}; char b[] = {"ialljlaslbnvz"}; print_int_array(a, sizeof(a)/4); bubbling(a, 1, sizeof(a)/4, 0, bubbling_int); print_int_array(a, sizeof(a)/4); bubbling(a, 1, sizeof(a)/4, 1, bubbling_int); print_int_array(a, sizeof(a)/4); printf("%s\n",b); bubbling(b, 0, strlen(b), 0, bubbling_char); printf("%s\n",b); bubbling(b, 0, strlen(b), 1, bubbling_char); printf("%s\n",b); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int *numbers = random_int_array(10); print_int_array(numbers); printf("=====================\n"); gsort(numbers, bubble_sort, int_natural_order); print_int_array(numbers); printf("=====================\n"); gsort(numbers, bubble_sort, int_reverse_order); print_int_array(numbers); return 0; }
int main() { FILE *fp; int n, num, pos, *b, *a; char c; //------- INSERCION DE DATOS EN EL ARREGLO ----------- // printf("\nSorting an array... "); validate_int_read(&n, "SIZE:"); b = malloc (sizeof(int) * n); read_rand_array(b, n); a = b; // for (i = 0; i < n; i++) // scanf("%d", &a[i]); // -------- IMPRESION EN PANTALLA DEL ARREGLO DE DATOS DESORDENADO ---- // printf("\nBEFORE:\n"); print_int_array(a, n); // ------ PETICION AL USUARIO DEL METODO A UTILIZAR PARA ORDENAR ------- // sort_array(a, n); // -------- IMPRESION EN PANTALLA DEL ARREGLO DE DATOS DESORDENADO ---- // printf("\nAFTER:\n"); print_int_array(a, n); // -------- BUSQUEDA BINARIA // printf("\n\nSearching in the array... "); validate_int_read(&num, "NUMBER:"); pos = search_in_array(a, n, num); printf("\n\nWriting in file... "); write_results_file(fp, a, b, num, pos, n); // fclose(fp); return 0; }
void test_strong_component(Graph *g) { int *group = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * g->vertexNum); if(group == NULL) return; strong_component(g, group); printf("group info is: \n"); print_int_array(group, g->vertexNum); printf("\n"); }
int main() { int h[]={21,12,33,34,54,63,77}; heap_sort(h,sizeof(h)/sizeof(int)); print_int_array(h,0,sizeof(h)/sizeof(int)-1); return 0; }
void test_bfs(Graph *g) { int *dist = (int *)malloc(g->vertexNum * sizeof(int)); int v, w; printf("Test BFS, Graph g has %d nodes\n", g->vertexNum); printf("Input two node: "); scanf("%d %d", &v, &w); bfs(g, v, dist); print_int_array(dist, g->vertexNum); printf("\n"); printf("The shortest dist from node %d to node %d is %d\n", v, w, dist[w]); }
test_sort(void sort(Item*, int), char* description) { for(int i = 8; i < 256; i++) { int* a = malloc(i * sizeof(Item)); int* b = malloc(i * sizeof(Item)); fill_random_array(a, i, i); memcpy(b, a, i * sizeof(Item)); qsort((void*)a, i, sizeof(Item), compare_ints); sort(b, i); if (memcmp(a, b, i * sizeof(Item)) != 0) { printf("%s is not sorted (size == %d):\n", description, i); print_int_array(b, i, description, -1, -1, -1); printf("\n\nWhat it should be:\n"); print_int_array(a, i, "Sorted array", -1, -1, -1); exit(-1); } free(a); free(b); } printf("Testing of %s complete\n", description); }
void sort(int *array, int size) { int *i, *j, k; for (i = array; i < array+size; ++i) { print_int_array("Pass", array, size); for (j = i + 1; j < array+size; ++j) { if (*i > *j) { k = *i; *i = *j; *j = k; } } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int len = 5; // seed the random number generator srand(time(NULL)); int* arrayA = rand_array(len); print_int_array(arrayA, len); int* arrayB = rand_array(len); print_int_array(arrayB, len); complex_number* complexArray = initialize_complex_array(arrayA, arrayB, len); float* magnitudeArray = calculate_magnitudes(complexArray, len); print_float_array(magnitudeArray, len); // free memory free(arrayA); free(arrayB); free(complexArray); free(magnitudeArray); }
void print_xcon(struct xcon *xc) { printf("agent_type=%d\n", xc->agent_type); printf("agent_id=%lu\n", xc->agent_id); printf("features=0x%x\n", xc->features); print_int_array("pres_ctx", xc->pres_ctx, sizeof(xc->pres_ctx)/sizeof(int)); print_octet_array("common_ref", xc->common_ref, sizeof(xc->common_ref)/sizeof(OCTET)); printf("name=%s\n", xc->name); print_sap("a_xsap=", &xc->a_xsap); print_sap("b_xsap=", &xc->b_xsap); printf("result_source=%d\n", xc->result_source); printf("diagnostic=%d\n", xc->diagnostic); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char name[256]; int array[9] = {5,1,9,2,8,3,7,4,6}; char *p; printf("Hello World!\n"); printf("Tell me your name: "); fgets(name, 256, stdin); p = name + strlen(name) - 1; while (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n') { *p = 0; --p; } printf("Welcome \"%s\"...to the world of C!", name); print_int_array("Before", array, 9); sort(array, 9); print_int_array("After", array, 9); return 0; }
int main() { int i; // Loop counter int a[SAMPLE_INT_ARRAY_SIZE]; // Sample array for demonstration //change seed of random integers once per run of the program srand(time(NULL)); //fill array with random integers populate_random_int_array(a, SAMPLE_INT_ARRAY_SIZE); //print the array of random ints; printf("Here is the array of random integers:\n"); print_int_array(a, SAMPLE_INT_ARRAY_SIZE); //sort the array bubble_sort(a, SAMPLE_INT_ARRAY_SIZE); //print the sorted array printf("Here is the sorted array:\n"); print_int_array(a, SAMPLE_INT_ARRAY_SIZE); return 0; }
int main() { const int ARRAY_SIZE = 4; int int_array[ARRAY_SIZE] = {5, 111, -86, 84}; qsort(int_array, ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof(int), compare_func); print_int_array(int_array, ARRAY_SIZE); char char_array[ARRAY_SIZE] = {'z', 'y', 'c', 't'}; qsort(char_array, ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof(char), compare_char); print_char_array(char_array, ARRAY_SIZE); float float_array[ARRAY_SIZE] = {1.2, 99.6, 3.14, 0.4751}; qsort(float_array, ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof(float), compare_float); print_float_array(float_array, ARRAY_SIZE); return 0; }
int main() { unsigned int v0[10]; int v1[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; long double v2[10] = { 1.2, 2.3 }; double m0[2][3] = { {1.1, 1.2, 1.3}, {2.2, 2.3, 2.4} }; printf( "%d\n", v1[2] ); printf( "%d\n", *(v1 + 2) ); printf( "%lf\n", v2[5] ); print_int_array( v1, 4 ); return 0; }
int main() { int number; int x[5]; int p_arr[5]; BOOL a,b,c; a=is_prime(number); b=is_prime(number); c=is_prime(number); if(a==TRUE) printf("asal"); assign_numbers_to_array(p_arr,5,is_odd); print_int_array(p_arr,5); return 0; }
void typeArrayKlass::oop_print_on(oop obj, outputStream* st) { arrayKlass::oop_print_on(obj, st); typeArrayOop ta = typeArrayOop(obj); int print_len = MIN2((intx) ta->length(), MaxElementPrintSize); switch (element_type()) { case T_BOOLEAN: print_boolean_array(ta, print_len, st); break; case T_CHAR: print_char_array(ta, print_len, st); break; case T_FLOAT: print_float_array(ta, print_len, st); break; case T_DOUBLE: print_double_array(ta, print_len, st); break; case T_BYTE: print_byte_array(ta, print_len, st); break; case T_SHORT: print_short_array(ta, print_len, st); break; case T_INT: print_int_array(ta, print_len, st); break; case T_LONG: print_long_array(ta, print_len, st); break; default: ShouldNotReachHere(); } int remaining = ta->length() - print_len; if (remaining > 0) { tty->print_cr(" - <%d more elements, increase MaxElementPrintSize to print>", remaining); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { //int c[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6}; srand(time(NULL)); int random_array[rand()%11]; int array_size = sizeof(random_array)/sizeof(int); printf("%i, %i\n", sizeof(random_array), sizeof(int)); fill_int_array(random_array); printf("The length of the array is %i\n", array_size); print_int_array(random_array); //int current; //int close = 1; //char response[3]; /* printf("Please enter a non-negative integer value\n"); scanf("%i", ¤t); printf("The value at index %i is %i\n",current, c[current]); while (close == 1) { printf("Enter 'n' for next and 'p' for previous or 'x' to close: \n" ); scanf("%s", response); switch (response[0]) { case 'p': previous(¤t); printf("The value at index %i is %i\n",current, c[current]); continue; case 'n': next(¤t); printf("The value at index %i is %i\n",current, c[current]); continue; case 'x': close = 0; continue; default: printf("You didn't put a recognised character."); break; } }*/ return 0; }