static int check_buf(char *buf, t_win *win, int position, t_ios *term) { int select; select = 0; if (buf[0] == 32) selection(win->arg, position, &select); else if (buf[0] == 4) { if (tcsetattr(0, TCSADRAIN, term) == -1) leave_term(); } else if (buf[0] == 10) print_selected(win->arg); else if (buf[0] == 114) select_reverse(win->arg); else if (buf[0] == 97) select_all(win->arg); else if ((buf[0] == 126 || buf[0] == 127)) { clr_screen(); win->arg = delete_link(win, position); } return (select); }
void ev_done(t_menu_term *menu_term, int UN argc) { t_select **c_entry; t_select **m_entries; tputs(tgetstr("te", NULL), 1, &tput_putc); c_entry = &menu_term->entry; m_entries = &menu_term->entries; while (*c_entry != *m_entries) { *c_entry = (*c_entry)->prev; tputs(tgetstr("up", NULL), 1, &tput_putc); } erase_menu_entry(menu_term->col_size); tputs(tgetstr("cd", NULL), 1, &tput_putc); print_selected(c_entry, m_entries); }
void print_sig_on(outputStream* str, Symbol* signature, int indent) const { streamIndentor si(str, indent * 2); str->indent().print_cr("Logical Method %s:", signature->as_C_string()); streamIndentor si2(str); for (int i = 0; i < _members.length(); ++i) { str->indent(); print_method(str,; if ( == DISQUALIFIED) { str->print(" (disqualified)"); } str->cr(); } if (_selected_target != NULL) { print_selected(str, 1); } }
int print_menu(WINDOW *menu_win, t_ctrl *ctrl, t_list *selected) { t_list *elem; t_pos *pos; int i; i = 0; pos = init_pos(); elem = ctrl->head; getmaxyx(menu_win, pos->max_row, pos->max_col); wclear(menu_win); while (elem) { where_to_print(elem, pos); print_selected(menu_win, elem, pos, selected); i = i + 1; pos->row = pos->row + 1; elem = elem->next; } if ((pos->col + pos->longer) >= pos->max_col) return (1); wrefresh(menu_win); return (0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct GModule *module; struct GParams params; struct Map_info Map; struct Map_info **BgMap; /* backgroud vector maps */ int nbgmaps; /* number of registrated background maps */ enum mode action_mode; FILE *ascii; int i; int move_first, snap; int ret, layer; double move_x, move_y, move_z, thresh[3]; struct line_pnts *coord; struct ilist *List; struct cat_list *Clist; ascii = NULL; List = NULL; BgMap = NULL; nbgmaps = 0; coord = NULL; Clist = NULL; G_gisinit(argv[0]); module = G_define_module(); module->overwrite = TRUE; G_add_keyword(_("vector")); G_add_keyword(_("editing")); G_add_keyword(_("geometry")); module->description = _("Edits a vector map, allows adding, deleting " "and modifying selected vector features."); if (!parser(argc, argv, ¶ms, &action_mode)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* get list of categories */ Clist = Vect_new_cat_list(); if (>answer && Vect_str_to_cat_list(>answer, Clist)) { G_fatal_error(_("Unable to get category list <%s>"),>answer); } /* open input file */ if (>answer) { if (strcmp(>answer, "-") != 0) { ascii = fopen(>answer, "r"); if (ascii == NULL) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open file <%s>"),>answer); } else { ascii = stdin; } } if (!ascii && action_mode == MODE_ADD) G_fatal_error(_("Required parameter <%s> not set"),>key); if (action_mode == MODE_CREATE) { int overwrite; overwrite = G_check_overwrite(argc, argv); if (G_find_vector2(>answer, G_mapset())) { if (!overwrite) G_fatal_error(_("Vector map <%s> already exists"),>answer); } /* 3D vector maps? */ ret = Vect_open_new(&Map,>answer, WITHOUT_Z); if (Vect_maptype(&Map) == GV_FORMAT_OGR_DIRECT) { int type; type = Vect_option_to_types(params.type); if (type != GV_POINT && type != GV_LINE && type != GV_BOUNDARY) G_fatal_error(_("Supported feature type for OGR layer: " "%s, %s or %s"), "point", "line", "boundary"); V2_open_new_ogr(&Map, type); } if (ret == -1) { G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create vector map <%s>"),>answer); } G_debug(1, "Map created"); if (ascii) { /* also add new vector features */ action_mode = MODE_ADD; } } else { /* open selected vector file */ if (action_mode == MODE_ADD) /* write */ ret = Vect_open_update2(&Map,>answer, G_mapset(), params.fld->answer); else /* read-only -- select features */ ret = Vect_open_old2(&Map,>answer, G_mapset(), params.fld->answer); if (ret < 2) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open vector map <%s> at topological level %d"),>answer, 2); } G_debug(1, "Map opened"); /* open backgroud maps */ if (params.bmaps->answer) { i = 0; while (params.bmaps->answers[i]) { const char *bmap = params.bmaps->answers[i]; const char *mapset = G_find_vector2(bmap, ""); if (!mapset) G_fatal_error(_("Vector map <%s> not found"), bmap); if (strcmp( G_fully_qualified_name(>answer, G_mapset()), G_fully_qualified_name(bmap, mapset)) == 0) { G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open vector map <%s> as the background map. " "It is given as vector map to be edited."), bmap); } nbgmaps++; BgMap = (struct Map_info **)G_realloc( BgMap, nbgmaps * sizeof(struct Map_info *)); BgMap[nbgmaps - 1] = (struct Map_info *)G_malloc(sizeof(struct Map_info)); if (Vect_open_old(BgMap[nbgmaps - 1], bmap, "") == -1) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open vector map <%s>"), bmap); G_verbose_message(_("Background vector map <%s> registered"), bmap); i++; } } layer = Vect_get_field_number(&Map, params.fld->answer); i = 0; while (params.maxdist->answers[i]) { switch (i) { case THRESH_COORDS: thresh[THRESH_COORDS] = max_distance(atof(params.maxdist->answers[THRESH_COORDS])); thresh[THRESH_SNAP] = thresh[THRESH_QUERY] = thresh[THRESH_COORDS]; break; case THRESH_SNAP: thresh[THRESH_SNAP] = max_distance(atof(params.maxdist->answers[THRESH_SNAP])); break; case THRESH_QUERY: thresh[THRESH_QUERY] = atof(params.maxdist->answers[THRESH_QUERY]); break; default: break; } i++; } move_first = params.move_first->answer ? 1 : 0; snap = NO_SNAP; if (strcmp(params.snap->answer, "node") == 0) snap = SNAP; else if (strcmp(params.snap->answer, "vertex") == 0) snap = SNAPVERTEX; if (snap != NO_SNAP && thresh[THRESH_SNAP] <= 0) { G_warning(_("Threshold for snapping must be > 0. No snapping applied.")); snap = NO_SNAP; } if (action_mode != MODE_CREATE && action_mode != MODE_ADD) { /* select lines */ List = Vect_new_list(); G_message(_("Selecting features...")); if (action_mode == MODE_COPY && BgMap && BgMap[0]) { List = select_lines(BgMap[0], action_mode, ¶ms, thresh, List); } else { List = select_lines(&Map, action_mode, ¶ms, thresh, List); } } if ((action_mode != MODE_CREATE && action_mode != MODE_ADD && action_mode != MODE_SELECT)) { if (List->n_values < 1) { G_warning(_("No features selected, nothing to edit")); action_mode = MODE_NONE; ret = 0; } else { /* reopen the map for updating */ if (action_mode == MODE_ZBULK && !Vect_is_3d(&Map)) { Vect_close(&Map); G_fatal_error(_("Vector map <%s> is not 3D. Tool '%s' requires 3D vector map. " "Please convert the vector map " "to 3D using e.g. %s."),>answer, params.tool->answer, "v.extrude"); } Vect_close(&Map); Vect_open_update2(&Map,>answer, G_mapset(), params.fld->answer); } } /* coords option -> array */ if (params.coord->answers) { coord = Vect_new_line_struct(); int i = 0; double east, north; while (params.coord->answers[i]) { east = atof(params.coord->answers[i]); north = atof(params.coord->answers[i + 1]); Vect_append_point(coord, east, north, 0.0); i += 2; } } /* perform requested editation */ switch (action_mode) { case MODE_CREATE: break; case MODE_ADD: if (!params.header->answer) Vect_read_ascii_head(ascii, &Map); int num_lines; num_lines = Vect_get_num_lines(&Map); ret = Vect_read_ascii(ascii, &Map); G_message(_("%d features added"), ret); if (ret > 0) { int iline; struct ilist *List_added; List_added = Vect_new_list(); for (iline = num_lines + 1; iline <= Vect_get_num_lines(&Map); iline++) Vect_list_append(List_added, iline); G_verbose_message(_("Threshold value for snapping is %.2f"), thresh[THRESH_SNAP]); if (snap != NO_SNAP) { /* apply snapping */ /* snap to vertex ? */ Vedit_snap_lines(&Map, BgMap, nbgmaps, List_added, thresh[THRESH_SNAP], snap == SNAP ? FALSE : TRUE); } if (params.close->answer) { /* close boundaries */ int nclosed; nclosed = close_lines(&Map, GV_BOUNDARY, thresh[THRESH_SNAP]); G_message(_("%d boundaries closed"), nclosed); } Vect_destroy_list(List_added); } break; case MODE_DEL: ret = Vedit_delete_lines(&Map, List); G_message(_("%d features deleted"), ret); break; case MODE_MOVE: move_x = atof(params.move->answers[0]); move_y = atof(params.move->answers[1]); move_z = atof(params.move->answers[2]); G_verbose_message(_("Threshold value for snapping is %.2f"), thresh[THRESH_SNAP]); ret = Vedit_move_lines(&Map, BgMap, nbgmaps, List, move_x, move_y, move_z, snap, thresh[THRESH_SNAP]); G_message(_("%d features moved"), ret); break; case MODE_VERTEX_MOVE: move_x = atof(params.move->answers[0]); move_y = atof(params.move->answers[1]); move_z = atof(params.move->answers[2]); G_verbose_message(_("Threshold value for snapping is %.2f"), thresh[THRESH_SNAP]); ret = Vedit_move_vertex(&Map, BgMap, nbgmaps, List, coord, thresh[THRESH_COORDS], thresh[THRESH_SNAP], move_x, move_y, move_z, move_first, snap); G_message(_("%d vertices moved"), ret); break; case MODE_VERTEX_ADD: ret = Vedit_add_vertex(&Map, List, coord, thresh[THRESH_COORDS]); G_message(_("%d vertices added"), ret); break; case MODE_VERTEX_DELETE: ret = Vedit_remove_vertex(&Map, List, coord, thresh[THRESH_COORDS]); G_message(_("%d vertices removed"), ret); break; case MODE_BREAK: if (params.coord->answer) { ret = Vedit_split_lines(&Map, List, coord, thresh[THRESH_COORDS], NULL); } else { ret = Vect_break_lines_list(&Map, List, NULL, GV_LINES, NULL); } G_message(_("%d lines broken"), ret); break; case MODE_CONNECT: G_verbose_message(_("Threshold value for snapping is %.2f"), thresh[THRESH_SNAP]); ret = Vedit_connect_lines(&Map, List, thresh[THRESH_SNAP]); G_message(_("%d lines connected"), ret); break; case MODE_MERGE: ret = Vedit_merge_lines(&Map, List); G_message(_("%d lines merged"), ret); break; case MODE_SELECT: ret = print_selected(List); break; case MODE_CATADD: ret = Vedit_modify_cats(&Map, List, layer, 0, Clist); G_message(_("%d features modified"), ret); break; case MODE_CATDEL: ret = Vedit_modify_cats(&Map, List, layer, 1, Clist); G_message(_("%d features modified"), ret); break; case MODE_COPY: if (BgMap && BgMap[0]) { if (nbgmaps > 1) G_warning(_("Multiple background maps were given. " "Selected features will be copied only from " "vector map <%s>."), Vect_get_full_name(BgMap[0])); ret = Vedit_copy_lines(&Map, BgMap[0], List); } else { ret = Vedit_copy_lines(&Map, NULL, List); } G_message(_("%d features copied"), ret); break; case MODE_SNAP: G_verbose_message(_("Threshold value for snapping is %.2f"), thresh[THRESH_SNAP]); ret = snap_lines(&Map, List, thresh[THRESH_SNAP]); break; case MODE_FLIP: ret = Vedit_flip_lines(&Map, List); G_message(_("%d lines flipped"), ret); break; case MODE_NONE: break; case MODE_ZBULK:{ double start, step; double x1, y1, x2, y2; start = atof(params.zbulk->answers[0]); step = atof(params.zbulk->answers[1]); x1 = atof(params.bbox->answers[0]); y1 = atof(params.bbox->answers[1]); x2 = atof(params.bbox->answers[2]); y2 = atof(params.bbox->answers[3]); ret = Vedit_bulk_labeling(&Map, List, x1, y1, x2, y2, start, step); G_message(_("%d lines labeled"), ret); break; } case MODE_CHTYPE:{ ret = Vedit_chtype_lines(&Map, List); if (ret > 0) { G_message(_("%d features converted"), ret); } else { G_message(_("No feature modified")); } break; } default: G_warning(_("Operation not implemented")); ret = -1; break; } Vect_hist_command(&Map); /* build topology only if requested or if tool!=select */ if (!(action_mode == MODE_SELECT || params.topo->answer == 1 || !MODE_NONE)) { Vect_build_partial(&Map, GV_BUILD_NONE); Vect_build(&Map); } if (List) Vect_destroy_list(List); Vect_close(&Map); G_debug(1, "Map closed"); /* close background maps */ for (i = 0; i < nbgmaps; i++) { Vect_close(BgMap[i]); G_free((void *)BgMap[i]); } G_free((void *)BgMap); if (coord) Vect_destroy_line_struct(coord); if (Clist) Vect_destroy_cat_list(Clist); G_done_msg(" "); if (ret > -1) { exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } }