int main(void) { u16 i; u08 data[2]; int j=0; init(); test_motor(); clear_screen(); _delay_ms(100); data[0] = 0x1; //change to WAKE mode send_address(0x2A,0); write_register(&data[0], 1); _delay_ms(100); unlock_bus(); //send_address(0x2); //read_register(&data[1], 1); print_num(data[0]); //while(1) {} while(1) { //X send_address(0x1,1); read_register(&(data[0]), 1); print_num(data[0]); print_string(" ",1); //Y send_address(0x3,1); read_register(&(data[0]), 1); print_num(data[0]); print_string(" ", 1); //Z lcd_cursor(0,1); send_address(0x5,1); read_register(&(data[0]), 1); print_num(data[0]); print_string(" ",1); print_num(SP); _delay_ms(150); clear_screen(); } /* USI_TWI_Master_Initialize(); i2cMessageBuf[0] = 0x1c << 1; // Odd numbers for read i2cMessageBuf[1] = 0x0d; // Register 0 contains version number i2cMessageBuf[2] = (0x1c << 1) + 1; // Odd numbers for read i2cMessageBuf[3] = 0x00; // Register 0 contains version number USI_TWI_Start_Read_Write( i2cMessageBuf, 1 ); */ while(get_sw1() == 0) {} DDRD |= _BV(IR_PIN); led_on(1); led_on(0); clear_screen(); while(1) { _delay_ms(1500); if (j) { clear_screen(); print_string("test",4); led_on(1); led_off(0); //sbi(PORTC,LCD_E_PIN); //sbi(PORTC,LCD_RS_PIN); //PORTA = 0xff; sbi(PORTD,IR_PIN); //turn on IR pin sbi(PORTC,SERVO0_PIN); //set servo pins sbi(PORTC,SERVO1_PIN); sbi(PORTC,SERVO2_PIN); sbi(PORTF,SERVO3_PIN); //test i2c pins //sbi(PORTE,4); //sbi(PORTE,5); //motor test sbi(PORTB,MOTOR0_EN_PIN); sbi(PORTB,MOTOR1_EN_PIN); sbi(PORTD,MOTOR0_DIR0_PIN); sbi(PORTD,MOTOR0_DIR1_PIN); sbi(PORTD,MOTOR1_DIR0_PIN); sbi(PORTD,MOTOR1_DIR1_PIN); j=0; } else { led_off(1); led_on(0); clear_screen(); print_string("program",7); j=1; //cbi(PORTC,LCD_E_PIN); //cbi(PORTC,LCD_RS_PIN); //PORTA = 0; cbi(PORTD,IR_PIN); //turn off IR pin cbi(PORTC,SERVO0_PIN); //clear servo pins cbi(PORTC,SERVO1_PIN); cbi(PORTC,SERVO2_PIN); cbi(PORTF,SERVO3_PIN); //test i2c pins //cbi(PORTE,4); //cbi(PORTE,5); //motor test cbi(PORTB,MOTOR0_EN_PIN); cbi(PORTB,MOTOR1_EN_PIN); cbi(PORTD,MOTOR0_DIR0_PIN); cbi(PORTD,MOTOR0_DIR1_PIN); cbi(PORTD,MOTOR1_DIR0_PIN); cbi(PORTD,MOTOR1_DIR1_PIN); } } return 0; }
int handle_message(int message, YR_RULE* rule, void* data) { TAG* tag; IDENTIFIER* identifier; YR_STRING* string; YR_MATCH* match; YR_META* meta; char* tag_name; size_t tag_length; int is_matching; int string_found; int show = TRUE; if (show_specified_tags) { show = FALSE; tag = specified_tags_list; while (tag != NULL) { tag_name = rule->tags; tag_length = tag_name != NULL ? strlen(tag_name) : 0; while (tag_length > 0) { if (strcmp(tag_name, tag->identifier) == 0) { show = TRUE; break; } tag_name += tag_length + 1; tag_length = strlen(tag_name); } tag = tag->next; } } if (show_specified_rules) { show = FALSE; identifier = specified_rules_list; while (identifier != NULL) { if (strcmp(identifier->name, rule->identifier) == 0) { show = TRUE; break; } identifier = identifier->next; } } is_matching = (message == CALLBACK_MSG_RULE_MATCHING); show = show && ((!negate && is_matching) || (negate && !is_matching)); if (show) { mutex_lock(&output_mutex); printf("%s ", rule->identifier); if (show_tags) { printf("["); tag_name = rule->tags; tag_length = tag_name != NULL ? strlen(tag_name) : 0; while (tag_length > 0) { printf("%s", tag_name); tag_name += tag_length + 1; tag_length = strlen(tag_name); if (tag_length > 0) printf(","); } printf("] "); } // Show meta-data. if (show_meta) { meta = rule->metas; printf("["); while(!META_IS_NULL(meta)) { if (meta->type == META_TYPE_INTEGER) printf("%s=%d", meta->identifier, meta->integer); else if (meta->type == META_TYPE_BOOLEAN) printf("%s=%s", meta->identifier, meta->integer ? "true" : "false"); else printf("%s=\"%s\"", meta->identifier, meta->string); meta++; if (!META_IS_NULL(meta)) printf(","); } printf("] "); } printf("%s\n", (char*) data); // Show matched strings. if (show_strings) { string = rule->strings; while (!STRING_IS_NULL(string)) { string_found = STRING_FOUND(string); if (string_found) { match = STRING_MATCHES(string).head; while (match != NULL) { printf("0x%" PRIx64 ":%s: ", match->first_offset, string->identifier); if (STRING_IS_HEX(string)) { print_hex_string(match->data, match->length); } else { print_string(match->data, match->length); } match = match->next; } } string++; } } mutex_unlock(&output_mutex); } if (is_matching) count++; if (limit != 0 && count >= limit) return CALLBACK_ABORT; return CALLBACK_CONTINUE; }
/* ** list_ppkg_types: ** Print a list of packages. If package_id is 0, list all packages; otherwise ** list the single package specified. If successful, return the number of ** items listed; otherwise return -1. */ int list_ppkg_types(int package_id) { struct fields { int package_id; char display_value[80 + 1]; }; int success; int ret; int no_items; int item_cnt; ABP_PPKG_TYPE keys = NULL, item = NULL, list = NULL; for (success = 0; !success; success = 1) { keys = new_abp_ppkg_type(); if (keys == NULL) { logprintf(LOG_ERR, "new_abp_ppkg_type() failed\n"); break; } unset_abp_ppkg_type(keys); if (package_id > 0) { set_abp_ppkg_type_package_id(keys, package_id); } ret = list_abp_ppkg_types(g_dbhandle, keys, &list); if (ret < 0) { LOG_API_ERROR(g_dbhandle, ret); break; } no_items = ret; printf("\n"); printf("Product Package Type\n"); printf("--------------------\n"); for (item = list, item_cnt = 0; item != NULL; item = next_abp_ppkg_type(item), item_cnt++) { struct fields f; char *label; label = "package_id:"; ret = get_abp_ppkg_type_package_id(item, &f.package_id); print_int(ret, label, f.package_id); label = "display_value:"; ret = get_abp_ppkg_type_display_value(item, f.display_value); print_string(ret, label, f.display_value); printf("\n"); } if (item_cnt != no_items) { logprintf(LOG_ERR, "item_cnt != no_items\n"); break; } } delete_abp_ppkg_type(keys); abp_delete_objects(list); return success ? item_cnt : -1; }
// draw string in OpenGL at position x, y void draw_string(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, const char* word) { glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0); glRasterPos2f(x, y); print_string(font_base, word); }
void main(void) { x = 'Q'; print_int(x); print_string("\n"); }
s32 load_file(u8 **wildcards, u8 *result) { DIR *current_dir; struct dirent *current_file; struct stat file_info; u8 current_dir_name[MAX__PATH]; u8 current_dir_short[81]; u32 current_dir_length; u32 total_filenames_allocated; u32 total_dirnames_allocated; u8 **file_list; u8 **dir_list; u32 num_files; u32 num_dirs; u8 *file_name; u32 file_name_length; u32 ext_pos = -1; u32 chosen_file, chosen_dir; u32 dialog_result = 1; s32 return_value = 1; u32 current_file_selection; u32 current_file_scroll_value; u32 current_dir_selection; u32 current_dir_scroll_value; u32 current_file_in_scroll; u32 current_dir_in_scroll; u32 current_file_number, current_dir_number; u32 current_column = 0; u32 repeat; u32 i; gui_action_type gui_action; while(return_value == 1) { current_file_selection = 0; current_file_scroll_value = 0; current_dir_selection = 0; current_dir_scroll_value = 0; current_file_in_scroll = 0; current_dir_in_scroll = 0; total_filenames_allocated = 32; total_dirnames_allocated = 32; file_list = (u8 **)malloc(sizeof(u8 *) * 32); dir_list = (u8 **)malloc(sizeof(u8 *) * 32); memset(file_list, 0, sizeof(u8 *) * 32); memset(dir_list, 0, sizeof(u8 *) * 32); num_files = 0; num_dirs = 0; chosen_file = 0; chosen_dir = 0; getcwd(current_dir_name, MAX__PATH); current_dir = opendir(current_dir_name); do { if(current_dir) current_file = readdir(current_dir); else current_file = NULL; if(current_file) { file_name = current_file->d_name; file_name_length = strlen(file_name); if((stat(file_name, &file_info) >= 0) && ((file_name[0] != '.') || (file_name[1] == '.'))) { if(S_ISDIR(file_info.st_mode)) { dir_list[num_dirs] = (u8 *)malloc(file_name_length + 1); strcpy(dir_list[num_dirs], file_name); num_dirs++; } else { // Must match one of the wildcards, also ignore the . if(file_name_length >= 4) { if(file_name[file_name_length - 4] == '.') ext_pos = file_name_length - 4; else if(file_name[file_name_length - 3] == '.') ext_pos = file_name_length - 3; else ext_pos = 0; for(i = 0; wildcards[i] != NULL; i++) { if(!strcasecmp((file_name + ext_pos), wildcards[i])) { file_list[num_files] = (u8 *)malloc(file_name_length + 1); strcpy(file_list[num_files], file_name); num_files++; break; } } } } } if(num_files == total_filenames_allocated) { file_list = (u8 **)realloc(file_list, sizeof(u8 *) * total_filenames_allocated * 2); memset(file_list + total_filenames_allocated, 0, sizeof(u8 *) * total_filenames_allocated); total_filenames_allocated *= 2; } if(num_dirs == total_dirnames_allocated) { dir_list = (u8 **)realloc(dir_list, sizeof(u8 *) * total_dirnames_allocated * 2); memset(dir_list + total_dirnames_allocated, 0, sizeof(u8 *) * total_dirnames_allocated); total_dirnames_allocated *= 2; } } } while(current_file); qsort((void *)file_list, num_files, sizeof(u8 *), sort_function); qsort((void *)dir_list, num_dirs, sizeof(u8 *), sort_function); closedir(current_dir); current_dir_length = strlen(current_dir_name); if(current_dir_length > 80) { memcpy(current_dir_short, "...", 3); memcpy(current_dir_short + 3, current_dir_name + current_dir_length - 77, 77); current_dir_short[80] = 0; } else { memcpy(current_dir_short, current_dir_name, current_dir_length + 1); } repeat = 1; if(num_files == 0) current_column = 1; clear_screen(COLOR_BG); u8 print_buffer[81]; while(repeat) { flip_screen(); print_string(current_dir_short, COLOR_ACTIVE_ITEM, COLOR_BG, 0, 0); #if defined(ZAURUS) || defined(DINGUX_ON_WIN32) print_string("Press Cancel to return to the main menu.", COLOR_HELP_TEXT, COLOR_BG, 20, 220); for(i = 0, current_file_number = i + current_file_scroll_value; i < FILE_LIST_ROWS; i++, current_file_number++) { if(current_file_number < num_files) { strncpy(print_buffer,file_list[current_file_number],38); print_buffer[38] = 0; if((current_file_number == current_file_selection) && (current_column == 0)) { print_string(print_buffer, COLOR_ACTIVE_ITEM, COLOR_BG, FILE_LIST_POSITION, ((i + 1) * 10)); } else { print_string(print_buffer, COLOR_INACTIVE_ITEM, COLOR_BG, FILE_LIST_POSITION, ((i + 1) * 10)); } } } for(i = 0, current_dir_number = i + current_dir_scroll_value; i < FILE_LIST_ROWS; i++, current_dir_number++) { if(current_dir_number < num_dirs) { strncpy(print_buffer,dir_list[current_dir_number], 13); print_buffer[14] = 0; if((current_dir_number == current_dir_selection) && (current_column == 1)) { print_string(print_buffer, COLOR_ACTIVE_ITEM, COLOR_BG, DIR_LIST_POSITION, ((i + 1) * 10)); } else { print_string(print_buffer, COLOR_INACTIVE_ITEM, COLOR_BG, DIR_LIST_POSITION, ((i + 1) * 10)); } } } #else print_string("Press X to return to the main menu.", COLOR_HELP_TEXT, COLOR_BG, 20, 260); for(i = 0, current_file_number = i + current_file_scroll_value; i < FILE_LIST_ROWS; i++, current_file_number++) { if(current_file_number < num_files) { if((current_file_number == current_file_selection) && (current_column == 0)) { print_string(file_list[current_file_number], COLOR_ACTIVE_ITEM, COLOR_BG, FILE_LIST_POSITION, ((i + 1) * 10)); } else { print_string(file_list[current_file_number], COLOR_INACTIVE_ITEM, COLOR_BG, FILE_LIST_POSITION, ((i + 1) * 10)); } } } for(i = 0, current_dir_number = i + current_dir_scroll_value; i < FILE_LIST_ROWS; i++, current_dir_number++) { if(current_dir_number < num_dirs) { if((current_dir_number == current_dir_selection) && (current_column == 1)) { print_string(dir_list[current_dir_number], COLOR_ACTIVE_ITEM, COLOR_BG, DIR_LIST_POSITION, ((i + 1) * 10)); } else { print_string(dir_list[current_dir_number], COLOR_INACTIVE_ITEM, COLOR_BG, DIR_LIST_POSITION, ((i + 1) * 10)); } } } #endif gui_action = get_gui_input(); switch(gui_action) { case CURSOR_DOWN: if(current_column == 0) { if(current_file_selection < (num_files - 1)) { current_file_selection++; if(current_file_in_scroll == (FILE_LIST_ROWS - 1)) { clear_screen(COLOR_BG); current_file_scroll_value++; } else { current_file_in_scroll++; } } } else { if(current_dir_selection < (num_dirs - 1)) { current_dir_selection++; if(current_dir_in_scroll == (FILE_LIST_ROWS - 1)) { clear_screen(COLOR_BG); current_dir_scroll_value++; } else { current_dir_in_scroll++; } } } break; case CURSOR_UP: if(current_column == 0) { if(current_file_selection) { current_file_selection--; if(current_file_in_scroll == 0) { clear_screen(COLOR_BG); current_file_scroll_value--; } else { current_file_in_scroll--; } } } else { if(current_dir_selection) { current_dir_selection--; if(current_dir_in_scroll == 0) { clear_screen(COLOR_BG); current_dir_scroll_value--; } else { current_dir_in_scroll--; } } } break; case CURSOR_RIGHT: if(current_column == 0) { if(num_dirs != 0) current_column = 1; } break; case CURSOR_LEFT: if(current_column == 1) { if(num_files != 0) current_column = 0; } break; case CURSOR_SELECT: if(current_column == 1) { repeat = 0; chdir(dir_list[current_dir_selection]); } else { if(num_files != 0) { repeat = 0; return_value = 0; strcpy(result, file_list[current_file_selection]); } } break; case CURSOR_BACK: #ifdef PSP_BUILD if(!strcmp(current_dir_name, "ms0:/PSP")) break; #endif repeat = 0; chdir(".."); break; case CURSOR_EXIT: return_value = -1; repeat = 0; break; } } for(i = 0; i < num_files; i++) { free(file_list[i]); } free(file_list); for(i = 0; i < num_dirs; i++) { free(dir_list[i]); } free(dir_list); } clear_screen(COLOR_BG); return return_value; }
static int __init print_string_init(void) { print_string("The module has been inserted. Hello world!"); return 0; }
/* * プロンプトを表示する * */ void print_prompt(FILE *fp) { print_string(PROMPT, fp); }
/********************************************************************** * Description: * Prints Formatted strings for STD out. Format specifiers * provide what type of data to be printed and the data value is taken * from the argument list. * * Input: * One or more Formatted string messages to be printed allong with * other data values to be printed. * * Output: * Number of characters actually printed. -1 if failure. *********************************************************************/ int printk(char *fmt, ...) { va_list arg; int ret = 0; uint32_t val; uint64_t val64; //Check if valid putc() is registered. if (_putc == NULL) return -1; // Variable argument processing va_start(arg, fmt); // Till the end of string while(*fmt != '\0') { // Format the data to be printed if(*fmt == '%') { fmt++; switch(*fmt) { case 'd': // Print the integer val = va_arg(arg,int); ret += print_int32((int)val); break; case 'x': // Print Hex val = va_arg(arg, uint32_t); ret += print_hex32(val, 1); break; case 'c': // Print the char val = va_arg(arg, int); _putc((char)val); ret++; break; case 'u': // Print unsigned int val = va_arg(arg, uint32_t); ret += print_uint32(val); break; case 's': // Print the string val = va_arg(arg, uint32_t); ret += print_string((char*)val); break; case 'l': // Long data switch(*(++fmt)) { case 'u': val64 = va_arg(arg, uint64_t); ret += print_uint64(val64); break; case 'd': val64 = va_arg(arg, int64_t); ret += print_int64(val64); break; case 'x': val64 = va_arg(arg, uint64_t); ret += print_hex64(val64); break; default: val64 = va_arg(arg, int64_t); ret += print_int64(val64); break; } break; default: _putc(*fmt); ret++; break; } } else {
void Print( const Value* value, std::ostream& result ) { // TODO: switch on typeid? if( !value ) { return; } const IntegerValue* integervalue = dynamic_cast<const IntegerValue*>( value ); if( integervalue ) { print_integer( integervalue, result ); return; } const DecimalValue* decimalvalue = dynamic_cast<const DecimalValue*>( value ); if( decimalvalue ) { print_decimal( decimalvalue, result ); return; } const StringValue* stringvalue = dynamic_cast<const StringValue*>( value ); if( stringvalue ) { print_string( stringvalue, result ); return; } const TrueValue* truevalue = dynamic_cast<const TrueValue*>( value ); if( truevalue ) { print_true( truevalue, result ); return; } const FalseValue* falsevalue = dynamic_cast<const FalseValue*>( value ); if( falsevalue ) { print_false( falsevalue, result ); return; } const NilValue* nilvalue = dynamic_cast<const NilValue*>( value ); if( nilvalue ) { print_nil( nilvalue, result ); return; } const CombinationValue* combovalue = dynamic_cast< const CombinationValue*>( value ); if( combovalue ) { print_combination( combovalue, result ); return; } const SymbolValue* symbolvalue = dynamic_cast< const SymbolValue*>( value ); if( symbolvalue ) { print_symbol( symbolvalue, result ); return; } const NativeFunctionValue* fnvalue = dynamic_cast< const NativeFunctionValue*>( value ); if( fnvalue ) { print_built_in_procedure( fnvalue, result ); return; } const CompoundProcedureValue* procvalue = dynamic_cast< const CompoundProcedureValue*>( value ); if( procvalue ) { print_compound_procedure( procvalue, result ); return; } const PairValue* pairvalue = dynamic_cast< const PairValue*>( value ); if( pairvalue ) { print_pair( pairvalue, result ); return; } result << "<<UNPRINTABLE TYPE " << typeid(value).name() << ">>"; }
static int vti6_parse_opt(struct link_util *lu, int argc, char **argv, struct nlmsghdr *n) { struct ifinfomsg *ifi = NLMSG_DATA(n); struct { struct nlmsghdr n; struct ifinfomsg i; } req = { .n.nlmsg_len = NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(*ifi)), .n.nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST, .n.nlmsg_type = RTM_GETLINK, .i.ifi_family = preferred_family, .i.ifi_index = ifi->ifi_index, }; struct nlmsghdr *answer; struct rtattr *tb[IFLA_MAX + 1]; struct rtattr *linkinfo[IFLA_INFO_MAX+1]; struct rtattr *vtiinfo[IFLA_VTI_MAX + 1]; __be32 ikey = 0; __be32 okey = 0; inet_prefix saddr, daddr; unsigned int link = 0; __u32 fwmark = 0; int len; inet_prefix_reset(&saddr); inet_prefix_reset(&daddr); if (!(n->nlmsg_flags & NLM_F_CREATE)) { const struct rtattr *rta; if (rtnl_talk(&rth, &req.n, &answer) < 0) { get_failed: fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get existing tunnel info.\n"); return -1; } len = answer->nlmsg_len; len -= NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(*ifi)); if (len < 0) goto get_failed; parse_rtattr(tb, IFLA_MAX, IFLA_RTA(NLMSG_DATA(answer)), len); if (!tb[IFLA_LINKINFO]) goto get_failed; parse_rtattr_nested(linkinfo, IFLA_INFO_MAX, tb[IFLA_LINKINFO]); if (!linkinfo[IFLA_INFO_DATA]) goto get_failed; parse_rtattr_nested(vtiinfo, IFLA_VTI_MAX, linkinfo[IFLA_INFO_DATA]); rta = vtiinfo[IFLA_VTI_LOCAL]; if (rta && get_addr_rta(&saddr, rta, AF_INET6)) goto get_failed; rta = vtiinfo[IFLA_VTI_REMOTE]; if (rta && get_addr_rta(&daddr, rta, AF_INET6)) goto get_failed; if (vtiinfo[IFLA_VTI_IKEY]) ikey = rta_getattr_u32(vtiinfo[IFLA_VTI_IKEY]); if (vtiinfo[IFLA_VTI_OKEY]) okey = rta_getattr_u32(vtiinfo[IFLA_VTI_OKEY]); if (vtiinfo[IFLA_VTI_LINK]) link = rta_getattr_u8(vtiinfo[IFLA_VTI_LINK]); if (vtiinfo[IFLA_VTI_FWMARK]) fwmark = rta_getattr_u32(vtiinfo[IFLA_VTI_FWMARK]); free(answer); } while (argc > 0) { if (!matches(*argv, "key")) { NEXT_ARG(); ikey = okey = tnl_parse_key("key", *argv); } else if (!matches(*argv, "ikey")) { NEXT_ARG(); ikey = tnl_parse_key("ikey", *argv); } else if (!matches(*argv, "okey")) { NEXT_ARG(); okey = tnl_parse_key("okey", *argv); } else if (!matches(*argv, "remote")) { NEXT_ARG(); get_addr(&daddr, *argv, AF_INET6); } else if (!matches(*argv, "local")) { NEXT_ARG(); get_addr(&saddr, *argv, AF_INET6); } else if (!matches(*argv, "dev")) { NEXT_ARG(); link = ll_name_to_index(*argv); if (!link) exit(nodev(*argv)); } else if (strcmp(*argv, "fwmark") == 0) { NEXT_ARG(); if (get_u32(&fwmark, *argv, 0)) invarg("invalid fwmark\n", *argv); } else { vti6_print_help(lu, argc, argv, stderr); return -1; } argc--; argv++; } addattr32(n, 1024, IFLA_VTI_IKEY, ikey); addattr32(n, 1024, IFLA_VTI_OKEY, okey); if (is_addrtype_inet_not_unspec(&saddr)) addattr_l(n, 1024, IFLA_VTI_LOCAL,, saddr.bytelen); if (is_addrtype_inet_not_unspec(&daddr)) addattr_l(n, 1024, IFLA_VTI_REMOTE,, daddr.bytelen); addattr32(n, 1024, IFLA_VTI_FWMARK, fwmark); if (link) addattr32(n, 1024, IFLA_VTI_LINK, link); return 0; } static void vti6_print_opt(struct link_util *lu, FILE *f, struct rtattr *tb[]) { char s2[64]; if (!tb) return; tnl_print_endpoint("remote", tb[IFLA_VTI_REMOTE], AF_INET6); tnl_print_endpoint("local", tb[IFLA_VTI_LOCAL], AF_INET6); if (tb[IFLA_VTI_LINK]) { __u32 link = rta_getattr_u32(tb[IFLA_VTI_LINK]); if (link) { print_string(PRINT_ANY, "link", "dev %s ", ll_index_to_name(link)); } } if (tb[IFLA_VTI_IKEY]) { struct rtattr *rta = tb[IFLA_VTI_IKEY]; __u32 key = rta_getattr_u32(rta); if (key && inet_ntop(AF_INET, RTA_DATA(rta), s2, sizeof(s2))) print_string(PRINT_ANY, "ikey", "ikey %s ", s2); } if (tb[IFLA_VTI_OKEY]) { struct rtattr *rta = tb[IFLA_VTI_OKEY]; __u32 key = rta_getattr_u32(rta); if (key && inet_ntop(AF_INET, RTA_DATA(rta), s2, sizeof(s2))) print_string(PRINT_ANY, "okey", "okey %s ", s2); } if (tb[IFLA_VTI_FWMARK]) { __u32 fwmark = rta_getattr_u32(tb[IFLA_VTI_FWMARK]); if (fwmark) { print_0xhex(PRINT_ANY, "fwmark", "fwmark %#llx ", fwmark); } } }
static int vti_parse_opt(struct link_util *lu, int argc, char **argv, struct nlmsghdr *n) { struct ifinfomsg *ifi = (struct ifinfomsg *)(n + 1); struct { struct nlmsghdr n; struct ifinfomsg i; char buf[1024]; } req = { .n.nlmsg_len = NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(*ifi)), .n.nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST, .n.nlmsg_type = RTM_GETLINK, .i.ifi_family = preferred_family, .i.ifi_index = ifi->ifi_index, }; struct rtattr *tb[IFLA_MAX + 1]; struct rtattr *linkinfo[IFLA_INFO_MAX+1]; struct rtattr *vtiinfo[IFLA_VTI_MAX + 1]; unsigned int ikey = 0; unsigned int okey = 0; unsigned int saddr = 0; unsigned int daddr = 0; unsigned int link = 0; unsigned int fwmark = 0; int len; if (!(n->nlmsg_flags & NLM_F_CREATE)) { if (rtnl_talk(&rth, &req.n, &req.n, sizeof(req)) < 0) { get_failed: fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get existing tunnel info.\n"); return -1; } len = req.n.nlmsg_len; len -= NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(*ifi)); if (len < 0) goto get_failed; parse_rtattr(tb, IFLA_MAX, IFLA_RTA(&req.i), len); if (!tb[IFLA_LINKINFO]) goto get_failed; parse_rtattr_nested(linkinfo, IFLA_INFO_MAX, tb[IFLA_LINKINFO]); if (!linkinfo[IFLA_INFO_DATA]) goto get_failed; parse_rtattr_nested(vtiinfo, IFLA_VTI_MAX, linkinfo[IFLA_INFO_DATA]); if (vtiinfo[IFLA_VTI_IKEY]) ikey = rta_getattr_u32(vtiinfo[IFLA_VTI_IKEY]); if (vtiinfo[IFLA_VTI_OKEY]) okey = rta_getattr_u32(vtiinfo[IFLA_VTI_OKEY]); if (vtiinfo[IFLA_VTI_LOCAL]) saddr = rta_getattr_u32(vtiinfo[IFLA_VTI_LOCAL]); if (vtiinfo[IFLA_VTI_REMOTE]) daddr = rta_getattr_u32(vtiinfo[IFLA_VTI_REMOTE]); if (vtiinfo[IFLA_VTI_LINK]) link = rta_getattr_u8(vtiinfo[IFLA_VTI_LINK]); if (vtiinfo[IFLA_VTI_FWMARK]) fwmark = rta_getattr_u32(vtiinfo[IFLA_VTI_FWMARK]); } while (argc > 0) { if (!matches(*argv, "key")) { unsigned int uval; NEXT_ARG(); if (strchr(*argv, '.')) uval = get_addr32(*argv); else { if (get_unsigned(&uval, *argv, 0) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid value for \"key\": \"%s\"; it should be an unsigned integer\n", *argv); exit(-1); } uval = htonl(uval); } ikey = okey = uval; } else if (!matches(*argv, "ikey")) { unsigned int uval; NEXT_ARG(); if (strchr(*argv, '.')) uval = get_addr32(*argv); else { if (get_unsigned(&uval, *argv, 0) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid value for \"ikey\": \"%s\"; it should be an unsigned integer\n", *argv); exit(-1); } uval = htonl(uval); } ikey = uval; } else if (!matches(*argv, "okey")) { unsigned int uval; NEXT_ARG(); if (strchr(*argv, '.')) uval = get_addr32(*argv); else { if (get_unsigned(&uval, *argv, 0) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid value for \"okey\": \"%s\"; it should be an unsigned integer\n", *argv); exit(-1); } uval = htonl(uval); } okey = uval; } else if (!matches(*argv, "remote")) { NEXT_ARG(); if (!strcmp(*argv, "any")) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid value for \"remote\": \"%s\"\n", *argv); exit(-1); } else { daddr = get_addr32(*argv); } } else if (!matches(*argv, "local")) { NEXT_ARG(); if (!strcmp(*argv, "any")) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid value for \"local\": \"%s\"\n", *argv); exit(-1); } else { saddr = get_addr32(*argv); } } else if (!matches(*argv, "dev")) { NEXT_ARG(); link = if_nametoindex(*argv); if (link == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find device \"%s\"\n", *argv); exit(-1); } } else if (strcmp(*argv, "fwmark") == 0) { NEXT_ARG(); if (get_u32(&fwmark, *argv, 0)) invarg("invalid fwmark\n", *argv); } else usage(); argc--; argv++; } addattr32(n, 1024, IFLA_VTI_IKEY, ikey); addattr32(n, 1024, IFLA_VTI_OKEY, okey); addattr_l(n, 1024, IFLA_VTI_LOCAL, &saddr, 4); addattr_l(n, 1024, IFLA_VTI_REMOTE, &daddr, 4); addattr32(n, 1024, IFLA_VTI_FWMARK, fwmark); if (link) addattr32(n, 1024, IFLA_VTI_LINK, link); return 0; } static void vti_print_opt(struct link_util *lu, FILE *f, struct rtattr *tb[]) { const char *local = "any"; const char *remote = "any"; __u32 key; unsigned int link; char s2[IFNAMSIZ]; if (!tb) return; if (tb[IFLA_VTI_REMOTE]) { unsigned int addr = rta_getattr_u32(tb[IFLA_VTI_REMOTE]); if (addr) remote = format_host(AF_INET, 4, &addr); } print_string(PRINT_ANY, "remote", "remote %s ", remote); if (tb[IFLA_VTI_LOCAL]) { unsigned int addr = rta_getattr_u32(tb[IFLA_VTI_LOCAL]); if (addr) local = format_host(AF_INET, 4, &addr); } print_string(PRINT_ANY, "local", "local %s ", local); if (tb[IFLA_VTI_LINK] && (link = rta_getattr_u32(tb[IFLA_VTI_LINK]))) { const char *n = if_indextoname(link, s2); if (n) print_string(PRINT_ANY, "link", "dev %s ", n); else print_uint(PRINT_ANY, "link_index", "dev %u ", link); } if (tb[IFLA_VTI_IKEY] && (key = rta_getattr_u32(tb[IFLA_VTI_IKEY]))) print_0xhex(PRINT_ANY, "ikey", "ikey %#x ", ntohl(key)); if (tb[IFLA_VTI_OKEY] && (key = rta_getattr_u32(tb[IFLA_VTI_OKEY]))) print_0xhex(PRINT_ANY, "okey", "okey %#x ", ntohl(key)); if (tb[IFLA_VTI_FWMARK]) { __u32 fwmark = rta_getattr_u32(tb[IFLA_VTI_FWMARK]); if (fwmark) { SPRINT_BUF(b1); snprintf(b1, sizeof(b1), "0x%x", fwmark); print_string(PRINT_ANY, "fwmark", "fwmark %s ", s2); } } } static void vti_print_help(struct link_util *lu, int argc, char **argv, FILE *f) { print_usage(f); }
void print_fp(float number) { char s[10]; dtostre(number,s,3,0); print_string(s); }
void print_int(u16 number) { u08 test[7]; print_string((char*)itoa(number,test,10 )); }
/* Render a value to text. */ static char *print_value(cJSON *item, int depth, int fmt, printbuffer *p) { char *out = 0; if (!item) return 0; if (p) { switch ((item->type) & 255) { case cJSON_NULL: { out = ensure(p, 5); if (out) strcpy(out, "null"); break; } case cJSON_False: { out = ensure(p, 6); if (out) strcpy(out, "false"); break; } case cJSON_True: { out = ensure(p, 5); if (out) strcpy(out, "true"); break; } case cJSON_Number: out = print_number(item, p); break; case cJSON_String: out = print_string(item, p); break; case cJSON_Array: out = print_array(item, depth, fmt, p); break; case cJSON_Object: out = print_object(item, depth, fmt, p); break; } } else { switch ((item->type) & 255) { case cJSON_NULL: out = cJSON_strdup("null"); break; case cJSON_False: out = cJSON_strdup("false"); break; case cJSON_True: out = cJSON_strdup("true"); break; case cJSON_Number: out = print_number(item, 0); break; case cJSON_String: out = print_string(item, 0); break; case cJSON_Array: out = print_array(item, depth, fmt, 0); break; case cJSON_Object: out = print_object(item, depth, fmt, 0); break; } } return out; }
static void __exit print_string_exit(void) { print_string("Goodbye world!"); }
void submenu_savestate() { print_string("Savestate options:", COLOR_ACTIVE_ITEM, COLOR_BG, 10, 70); menu_change_state(); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { codecs_t *cl; FILE *f1; FILE *f2; int c,d,i; int pos; int section=-1; int nr_codecs; int win32=-1; int dshow=-1; int win32ex=-1; /* * Take path to codecs.conf from command line, or fall back on * etc/codecs.conf */ if (!(nr_codecs = parse_codec_cfg((argc>1)?argv[1]:"etc/codecs.conf"))) exit(1); if (codecs_conf_release < CODEC_CFG_MIN) exit(1); if (argc > 1) { int i, j; const char* nm[2]; codecs_t* cod[2]; int nr[2]; nm[0] = "builtin_video_codecs"; cod[0] = video_codecs; nr[0] = nr_vcodecs; nm[1] = "builtin_audio_codecs"; cod[1] = audio_codecs; nr[1] = nr_acodecs; printf("/* GENERATED FROM %s, DO NOT EDIT! */\n\n",argv[1]); printf("#include <stddef.h>\n"); printf("#include \"codec-cfg.h\"\n\n"); printf("#define CODEC_CFG_MIN %i\n\n", codecs_conf_release); for (i=0; i<2; i++) { printf("const codecs_t %s[] = {\n", nm[i]); for (j = 0; j < nr[i]; j++) { printf("{"); print_int_array(cod[i][j].fourcc, CODECS_MAX_FOURCC); printf(", /* fourcc */\n"); print_int_array(cod[i][j].fourccmap, CODECS_MAX_FOURCC); printf(", /* fourccmap */\n"); print_int_array(cod[i][j].outfmt, CODECS_MAX_OUTFMT); printf(", /* outfmt */\n"); print_char_array(cod[i][j].outflags, CODECS_MAX_OUTFMT); printf(", /* outflags */\n"); print_int_array(cod[i][j].infmt, CODECS_MAX_INFMT); printf(", /* infmt */\n"); print_char_array(cod[i][j].inflags, CODECS_MAX_INFMT); printf(", /* inflags */\n"); print_string(cod[i][j].name); printf(", /* name */\n"); print_string(cod[i][j].info); printf(", /* info */\n"); print_string(cod[i][j].comment); printf(", /* comment */\n"); print_string(cod[i][j].dll); printf(", /* dll */\n"); print_string(cod[i][j].drv); printf(", /* drv */\n"); printf("{ 0x%08lx, %hu, %hu,", cod[i][j].guid.f1, cod[i][j].guid.f2, cod[i][j].guid.f3); print_char_array(cod[i][j].guid.f4, sizeof(cod[i][j].guid.f4)); printf(" }, /* GUID */\n"); printf("%hd /* flags */, %hd /* status */, %hd /* cpuflags */ }\n", cod[i][j].flags, cod[i][j].status, cod[i][j].cpuflags); if (j < nr[i]) printf(",\n"); } printf("};\n\n"); } exit(0); } f1=fopen("DOCS/tech/codecs-in.html","rb"); if(!f1) exit(1); f2=fopen("DOCS/codecs-status.html","wb"); if(!f2) exit(1); while((c=fgetc(f1))>=0){ if(c!='%'){ fputc(c,f2); continue; } d=fgetc(f1); if(d>='0' && d<='9'){ // begin section section=d-'0'; //printf("BEGIN %d\n",section); if(section>=5){ // audio cl = audio_codecs; nr_codecs = nr_acodecs; dshow=7;win32=4; } else { // video cl = video_codecs; nr_codecs = nr_vcodecs; dshow=4;win32=2;win32ex=6; } pos=ftell(f1); for(i=0;i<nr_codecs;i++){ fseek(f1,pos,SEEK_SET); switch(section){ case 0: case 5: if(cl[i].status==CODECS_STATUS_WORKING) // if(!(!strcmp(cl[i].drv,"vfw") || !strcmp(cl[i].drv,"dshow") || !strcmp(cl[i].drv,"vfwex") || !strcmp(cl[i].drv,"acm"))) parsehtml(f1,f2,&cl[i]); break; #if 0 case 1: case 6: if(cl[i].status==CODECS_STATUS_WORKING) if((!strcmp(cl[i].drv,"vfw") || !strcmp(cl[i].drv,"dshow") || !strcmp(cl[i].drv,"vfwex") || !strcmp(cl[i].drv,"acm"))) parsehtml(f1,f2,&cl[i]); break; #endif case 2: case 7: if(cl[i].status==CODECS_STATUS_PROBLEMS) parsehtml(f1,f2,&cl[i]); break; case 3: case 8: if(cl[i].status==CODECS_STATUS_NOT_WORKING) parsehtml(f1,f2,&cl[i]); break; case 4: case 9: if(cl[i].status==CODECS_STATUS_UNTESTED) parsehtml(f1,f2,&cl[i]); break; default: printf("Warning! unimplemented section: %d\n",section); } } fseek(f1,pos,SEEK_SET); skiphtml(f1); continue; } fputc(c,f2); fputc(d,f2); } fclose(f2); fclose(f1); return 0; }
static ssize_t print_option(char *s, ssize_t len, int type, int dl, const uint8_t *data) { const uint8_t *e, *t; uint16_t u16; int16_t s16; uint32_t u32; int32_t s32; struct in_addr addr; ssize_t bytes = 0; ssize_t l; char *tmp; if (type & RFC3397) { l = decode_rfc3397(NULL, 0, dl, data); if (l < 1) return l; tmp = xmalloc(l); decode_rfc3397(tmp, l, dl, data); l = print_string(s, len, l - 1, (uint8_t *)tmp); free(tmp); return l; } if (type & RFC3442) return decode_rfc3442(s, len, dl, data); if (type & STRING) { /* Some DHCP servers return NULL strings */ if (*data == '\0') return 0; return print_string(s, len, dl, data); } if (!s) { if (type & UINT8) l = 3; else if (type & UINT16) l = 5; else if (type & SINT16) l = 6; else if (type & UINT32) l = 10; else if (type & SINT32) l = 11; else if (type & IPV4) l = 16; else { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } return (l + 1) * dl; } t = data; e = data + dl; while (data < e) { if (data != t) { *s++ = ' '; bytes++; len--; } if (type & UINT8) { l = snprintf(s, len, "%d", *data); data++; } else if (type & UINT16) { memcpy(&u16, data, sizeof(u16)); u16 = ntohs(u16); l = snprintf(s, len, "%d", u16); data += sizeof(u16); } else if (type & SINT16) { memcpy(&s16, data, sizeof(s16)); s16 = ntohs(s16); l = snprintf(s, len, "%d", s16); data += sizeof(s16); } else if (type & UINT32) { memcpy(&u32, data, sizeof(u32)); u32 = ntohl(u32); l = snprintf(s, len, "%d", u32); data += sizeof(u32); } else if (type & SINT32) { memcpy(&s32, data, sizeof(s32)); s32 = ntohl(s32); l = snprintf(s, len, "%d", s32); data += sizeof(s32); } else if (type & IPV4) { memcpy(&addr.s_addr, data, sizeof(addr.s_addr)); l = snprintf(s, len, "%s", inet_ntoa(addr)); data += sizeof(addr.s_addr); } else l = 0; len -= l; bytes += l; s += l; } return bytes; }
void arp_process(u8* arp_buff, int length) { u32 i = 0; u8* ptr = NULL; ARP_HDR* arp_buff_ptr = (ARP_HDR*)arp_buff; u8 dev_mac_addr[6] = {9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4}; u8 src_ip_addr[4] = {192, 168, 1, 20}; ARP_HDR arp_send_buf; u8 host_ip_addr[4]; u8 host_mac_addr[6]; switch(ADJUST_ENDIAN(arp_buff_ptr->opcode)) { // printf_string("arp_buff_ptr->opcode = 0x%x\n", ADJUST_ENDIAN(arp_buff_ptr->opcode)); case 1: /* Arp request packet */ /* 1. Construct arp ack packet */ memcpy(arp_send_buf.eth_hdr.d_mac, arp_buff_ptr->src_mac, 6); memcpy(arp_send_buf.eth_hdr.s_mac,arp_buff_ptr->dst_mac, 6); arp_send_buf.eth_hdr.type = ADJUST_ENDIAN(0x0806); arp_send_buf.hw_type = ADJUST_ENDIAN(0x01); arp_send_buf.protocol = ADJUST_ENDIAN(0x0800); arp_send_buf.hw_len = 6; arp_send_buf.protocol_len = 4; arp_send_buf.opcode = ADJUST_ENDIAN(0x02); memcpy(arp_send_buf.src_mac, dev_mac_addr, 6); memcpy(arp_send_buf.src_ip_addr, src_ip_addr, 4); memcpy(arp_send_buf.dst_mac, arp_buff_ptr->src_mac, 6); memcpy(arp_send_buf.dst_ip_addr, arp_buff_ptr->src_ip_addr, 4); /* 2. Send request packet*/ dm9000_send((u8*)&arp_send_buf, (14 + 28)); break; case 2: /* Arp ack packet */ memcpy(host_ip_addr, (*arp_buff_ptr).src_ip_addr, 4); memcpy(host_mac_addr, (*arp_buff_ptr).src_mac, 6); print_string("\nHost ip = "); for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { printf_string("%d ", host_ip_addr[i]); } print_string("\nHost mac = "); for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) { printf_string("%C ", host_mac_addr[i]); } print_string("\n"); break; default: break; } }
static void __exit print_string_exit(void) { print_string("The module has been removed. Farewell world!"); }
int main(void) { u16 i; u08 data[2]; int j=0; init(); test_motor(); clear_screen(); /* while(1){ set_position(0,0); set_position(1,0); set_position(2,0); set_position(3,0); _delay_ms(1000); set_position(0,255); set_position(1,255); set_position(2,255); set_position(3,255); _delay_ms(1000); } */ _delay_ms(100); for (i=0;i<1;i++) { led_on(1); _delay_ms(100); led_off(1); _delay_ms(100); } data[0] = 0x1; //change to WAKE mode send_address(0x2A,0); write_register(&data[0], 1); _delay_ms(100); unlock_bus(); //send_address(0x2); //read_register(&data[1], 1); print_num(data[0]); //while(1) {} while(1) { //X send_address(0x1,1); read_register(&(data[0]), 1); print_num(data[0]); print_string(" "); //Y send_address(0x3,1); read_register(&(data[0]), 1); print_num(data[0]); print_string(" "); //Z lcd_cursor(0,1); send_address(0x5,1); read_register(&(data[0]), 1); print_num(data[0]); print_string(" "); print_num(count); count++; _delay_ms(50); clear_screen(); OCR2A = 28; } while(get_sw() == 0) {} led_on(1); led_on(0); clear_screen(); while(1) { _delay_ms(1500); if (j) { clear_screen(); print_string("test"); led_on(1); led_off(0); //sbi(PORTC,LCD_E_PIN); //sbi(PORTC,LCD_RS_PIN); //PORTA = 0xff; sbi(PORTC,SERVO0_PIN); //set servo pins sbi(PORTC,SERVO1_PIN); sbi(PORTC,SERVO2_PIN); sbi(PORTF,SERVO3_PIN); //test i2c pins //sbi(PORTE,4); //sbi(PORTE,5); //motor test sbi(PORTB,MOTOR0_EN_PIN); sbi(PORTB,MOTOR1_EN_PIN); sbi(PORTD,MOTOR0_DIR0_PIN); sbi(PORTD,MOTOR0_DIR1_PIN); sbi(PORTD,MOTOR1_DIR0_PIN); sbi(PORTD,MOTOR1_DIR1_PIN); j=0; } else { led_off(1); led_on(0); clear_screen(); print_string("program"); j=1; //cbi(PORTC,LCD_E_PIN); //cbi(PORTC,LCD_RS_PIN); //PORTA = 0; cbi(PORTC,SERVO0_PIN); //clear servo pins cbi(PORTC,SERVO1_PIN); cbi(PORTC,SERVO2_PIN); cbi(PORTF,SERVO3_PIN); //test i2c pins //cbi(PORTE,4); //cbi(PORTE,5); //motor test cbi(PORTB,MOTOR0_EN_PIN); cbi(PORTB,MOTOR1_EN_PIN); cbi(PORTD,MOTOR0_DIR0_PIN); cbi(PORTD,MOTOR0_DIR1_PIN); cbi(PORTD,MOTOR1_DIR0_PIN); cbi(PORTD,MOTOR1_DIR1_PIN); } } return 0; }
static inline void print_string_or_number(const char *str) { is_number(str) ? print_number(str) : print_string(str); }
void initIgnTable() { // Initialize load vector LOAD[0] = 25;LOAD[1] = 46;LOAD[2] = 66;LOAD[3] = 87;LOAD[4] = 108;LOAD[5] = 128;LOAD[6] = 149;LOAD[7] = 170; // NEW ignition table 25.4.16 , NEED TO divide degrees with 10, store 8.0° as 80°, int instead of float IGN[7][0] = 20; IGN[7][1] = 100; IGN[7][2] = 285; IGN[7][3] = 329; IGN[7][4] = 370; IGN[7][5] = 370; IGN[7][6] = 370; IGN[7][7] = 370; IGN[6][0] = 20; IGN[6][1] = 100; IGN[6][2] = 270; IGN[6][3] = 312; IGN[6][4] = 370; IGN[6][5] = 370; IGN[6][6] = 370; IGN[6][7] = 370; IGN[5][0] = 20; IGN[5][1] = 100; IGN[5][2] = 256; IGN[5][3] = 296; IGN[5][4] = 370; IGN[5][5] = 370; IGN[5][6] = 370; IGN[5][7] = 370; IGN[4][0] = 20; IGN[4][1] = 100; IGN[4][2] = 242; IGN[4][3] = 279; IGN[4][4] = 279; IGN[4][5] = 279; IGN[4][6] = 279; IGN[4][7] = 279; IGN[3][0] = 20; IGN[3][1] = 200; IGN[3][2] = 227; IGN[3][3] = 262; IGN[3][4] = 262; IGN[3][5] = 262; IGN[3][6] = 262; IGN[3][7] = 262; IGN[2][0] = 20; IGN[2][1] = 200; IGN[2][2] = 213; IGN[2][3] = 246; IGN[2][4] = 246; IGN[2][5] = 246; IGN[2][6] = 246; IGN[2][7] = 246; IGN[1][0] = 20; IGN[1][1] = 200; IGN[1][2] = 198; IGN[1][3] = 229; IGN[1][4] = 229; IGN[1][5] = 229; IGN[1][6] = 229; IGN[1][7] = 229; IGN[0][0] = 20; IGN[0][1] = 200; IGN[0][2] = 184; IGN[0][3] = 212; IGN[0][4] = 212; IGN[0][5] = 212; IGN[0][6] = 212; IGN[0][7] = 212; DWELL[0] = 40; DWELL[1] = 40; DWELL[2] = 40; DWELL[3] = 40; DWELL[4] = 40; DWELL[5] = 40; DWELL[6] = 40; DWELL[7] = 40; // New ignition RPM vector // Initialize RPM vector uint8_t temp_rpm[MAX_RPM_TABLE_LENGTH] = {15, 16, 27, 37, 48, 59, 70, 91}; // temporary rpm vector, expressed in RPM / 100 for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_RPM_TABLE_LENGTH; i++){ RPM_IGN_C[i] = 600000 / ((long)temp_rpm[i] * TIMER1_US_CONST); print_string("IGN_RPM"); print_int(temp_rpm[i]); print_string("LOAD"); print_int(LOAD[i]); print_string("DWELL"); print_int(DWELL[i]); for (uint8_t j = 0; j < MAX_LOAD_TABLE_LENGTH; j++){ print_string("IGN"); print_int(IGN[i][j]); } print_string("IGN_Done"); new_line(); } /* kPa * 101 * 90 * 80 * 68 * 58 * 46 * 36 * 25 *///1500, 1600, 2700, 3700, 4800, 5900, 7000, 9100 RPM /*table.RPMLength = MAINTABLE_MAX_RPM_LENGTH; table.LoadLength = MAINTABLE_MAX_LOAD_LENGTH; unsigned int temp_rpm_ign[MAINTABLE_MAX_RPM_LENGTH] = { 500,700,1100,1500,1900,2300,2700,3100,3500,3900,4300,4700, 5100,5500,5900,6300,6700,7100,7500,7900,8300,8700,9100}; float temp_table[MAINTABLE_MAX_RPM_LENGTH] = {0.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 12.4, 18.3, 24.2, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 26.0, 18.0}; // Byrjaði á -2 breytti 27.3.16 til að testa uint8_t temp_dwell[MAINTABLE_MAX_RPM_LENGTH] = {40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40}; // duty cycle in %, 40% for(int i = 0; i < table.RPMLength; i++) { table.RPM[i] = temp_rpm_ign[i]; unsigned long temp = 60000000 / ((long)temp_rpm_ign[i] * TIMER1_US_CONST) ; // in 4µs count values table.Cycle[i] = temp; table.Table[i] = temp_table[i]; table.dwell[i] = temp_dwell[i]; // cycle - 40% duty cycle in counts print_string("RPM");print_int(temp_rpm_ign[i]); print_string("CycleCounts");print_long(temp); print_string("DwellDutyCycle"); print_int(temp_dwell[i]); }*/ }
void Output(const Mode mode, const char *file, const int line, const char *prefix, const char *delim, const char *name, const string &str) { if (initialized && str.length()) { string m = message(prefix,delim,name,str); // TODO - optional Regal source line numbers. #if 1 UNUSED_PARAMETER(file); UNUSED_PARAMETER(line); #else m = print_string(file,":",line," ",m); #endif #if REGAL_LOG_ONCE if (once) switch (mode) { case LOG_WARNING: if (uniqueWarnings.find(m)!=uniqueWarnings.end()) return; uniqueWarnings.insert(m); break; case LOG_ERROR: if (uniqueErrors.find(m)!=uniqueErrors.end()) return; uniqueErrors.insert(m); break; default: break; } #endif RegalContext *rCtx = NULL; #if !REGAL_SYS_WGL && !REGAL_NO_TLS if (Thread::currentContextKey && pthread_getspecific(Thread::currentContextKey)) rCtx = REGAL_GET_CONTEXT(); #else rCtx = REGAL_GET_CONTEXT(); #endif #if REGAL_LOG_CALLBACK if (callback && rCtx && rCtx->logCallback) rCtx->logCallback(GL_LOG_INFO_REGAL, (GLsizei) m.length(), m.c_str(), reinterpret_cast<void *>(rCtx->sysCtx)); #endif #if REGAL_SYS_WGL OutputDebugStringA(m.c_str()); #elif REGAL_SYS_ANDROID // ANDROID_LOG_INFO // ANDROID_LOG_WARN // ANDROID_LOG_ERROR __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, REGAL_LOG_TAG, m.c_str()); #endif #if REGAL_LOG_JSON if (json && jsonOutput) { string m = jsonObject(prefix,name,str); fwrite(m.c_str(),m.length(),1,jsonOutput); } #endif #if REGAL_LOG if (log && logOutput) { #if REGAL_SYS_WGL OutputDebugStringA(m.c_str()); fprintf(logOutput, "%s", m.c_str()); fflush(logOutput); #elif REGAL_SYS_ANDROID #else fprintf(logOutput, "%s", m.c_str()); fflush(logOutput); #endif } #endif append(m); } }
int main(void) { initialize(); servo_init(); motor_init(); sonar_init(); set_servo_position(0, 120); //center the servo print_string("Rodentia Demo"); next_line(); print_string("by Austin"); led_on(); delay_ms(100); led_off(); delay_ms(100); led_on(); delay_ms(100); led_off(); //wait for a start signal while(!get_sw1()) { /*u08 temp; clear_screen(); temp = analog(0); print_int(temp);*/ delay_ms(50); } led_on(); while(1) { //find and point toward heading with minimum sonar reading u08 heading = 0; /*u16 minHeading = 0; u16 left = 0; u08 aLeft = 1; u16 right = 0; u08 aRight = 1;*/ u16 sonar = 0x0; u16 temp = 0; set_servo_position(0, 120); //center the servo set_motor_power(0, MIN_POWER); set_motor_power(1, -MIN_POWER); while(heading < 170) //what's the magic number? { /*u08 tempL = analog(1); u08 tempR = analog(2); if(tempL < 25 && aLeft) { set_motor_power(0, 0); left++; aLeft = 0; } if(tempL > 180 && !aLeft) { set_motor_power(0, 0); left++; aLeft = 1; } if(tempR < 25 && aRight) { set_motor_power(1, 0); right++; aRight = 0; } if(tempR > 180 && !aRight) { set_motor_power(1, 0); right++; aRight = 1; } if(left > heading && right > heading)*/ { heading++; temp = getSonar(0); if(IR(0) > 70) { temp = 0; } if(temp > sonar) { sonar = temp; //minHeading = heading; } clear_screen(); print_string("here="); print_int(temp); print_string(" max="); print_int(sonar); /*next_line(); print_string("Hdng="); print_int(heading); print_string(" minH="); print_int(minHeading); if(left < right) { //left motor on set_motor_power(0, MIN_POWER); } else if (right < left) { //right motor on set_motor_power(1, -MIN_POWER); } else { set_motor_power(0, MIN_POWER); set_motor_power(1, -MIN_POWER); }*/ } } if(sonar > 140) { //set a reasonable maximum value for sonar sonar = 140; } //turn back to minumum heading temp = 0; while( temp < sonar ) { temp = getSonar(0) + 3; if(IR(0) > 70) { temp = 0; } clear_screen(); print_string("here="); print_int(temp); print_string(" max="); print_int(sonar); } /*set_motor_power(0, -MIN_POWER); set_motor_power(1, MIN_POWER); while(heading > minHeading) { u08 tempL = analog(1); u08 tempR = analog(2); if(tempL < 25 && aLeft) { set_motor_power(0, 0); left--; aLeft = 0; } if(tempL > 180 && !aLeft) { set_motor_power(0, 0); left--; aLeft = 1; } if(tempR < 25 && aRight) { set_motor_power(1, 0); right--; aRight = 0; } if(tempR > 180 && !aRight) { set_motor_power(1, 0); right--; aRight = 1; } if(left < heading && right < heading) { heading--; clear_screen(); print_string("L="); print_int(left); print_string(" R="); print_int(right); next_line(); print_string("Hdng="); print_int(heading); print_string(" minH="); print_int(minHeading); if(left > right) { //left motor on set_motor_power(0, -MIN_POWER); } else if (right > left) { //right motor on set_motor_power(1, MIN_POWER); } else { set_motor_power(0, -MIN_POWER); set_motor_power(1, MIN_POWER); } } }*/ set_motor_power(0, 0); set_motor_power(1, 0); //scan with IR for obstacles delay_ms(500); u08 dir=120; s08 dDir = 1; u08 dist = IR(0); set_motor_power(0, 100); set_motor_power(1, 100); while(dist < 100) { dir += dDir; set_servo_position(0, dir); if(dir >= 200) { dDir = -1; } if(dir <= 40) { dDir = 1; } dist = IR(0); clear_screen(); print_string("Distance="); print_int(dist); } } /*u08 temp; while(1) { clear_screen(); temp = analog(0); print_int(temp); set_servo_position(0,temp); delay_ms(50); }*/ }
/* ** list_ppkg_component_type: ** Print component type info for the specified component_id. ** If successful, return the number of items found; otherwise return -1. */ int list_ppkg_component_type(int component_id) { struct fields { int component_id; unsigned char component_level; char display_value[80 + 1]; }; int success; int ret; int no_items; int item_cnt; ABP_PPKG_COMPONENT_TYPE keys = NULL, item = NULL, list = NULL; for (success = 0; !success; success = 1) { keys = new_abp_ppkg_component_type(); if (keys == NULL) { logprintf(LOG_ERR, "new_abp_ppkg_component_type() failed\n"); break; } unset_abp_ppkg_component_type(keys); set_abp_ppkg_component_type_component_id(keys, component_id); ret = list_abp_ppkg_component_types(g_dbhandle, keys, &list); if (ret < 0) { LOG_API_ERROR(g_dbhandle, ret); break; } no_items = ret; for (item = list, item_cnt = 0; item != NULL; item = next_abp_ppkg_component_type(item), item_cnt++) { struct fields f; char *label; label = "component_id:"; ret = get_abp_ppkg_component_type_component_id(item, &f.component_id); print_int(ret, label, f.component_id); label = "component_level:"; ret = get_abp_ppkg_component_type_component_level(item, &f.component_level); print_int(ret, label, (int) f.component_level); label = "display_value:"; ret = get_abp_ppkg_component_type_display_value(item, f.display_value); print_string(ret, label, f.display_value); printf("\n"); } if (item_cnt != no_items) { logprintf(LOG_ERR, "item_cnt != no_items\n"); break; } } delete_abp_ppkg_component_type(keys); abp_delete_objects(list); return success ? item_cnt : -1; }
int main(void) { unsigned int addr; unsigned char READBYTE; unsigned char Mystring[30]; Serial_Init(); print_string("\n\rSTART OF EEPROM TEST"); READBYTE = 0x00; /* readByte variable initialized to zero */ print_string("\n\rREADING EEPROM"); /* print to serial */ /* performing READ FROM EEPROM */ cli(); /* disable global interrupt */ READBYTE = EEPROM_read(0xA); //read Byte from address 0xa sei(); /* Enable global interrupt */ sprintf(Mystring,"\n\rBYTE AT Address 0xA = 0x%02x",(unsigned int)READBYTE); /* set the string to be printed on serial */ print_string(Mystring); /* print to serial */ print_string("\n\rWRITING EEPROM"); /* print to serial */ /* performing WRITE TO EEPROM */ cli(); /* disable global interrupt */ EEPROM_write(0xA,0x55); /* write 0x55 at address 0xa */ sei(); /* Enable global interrupt */ READBYTE = 0x00; /* readByte variable initialized to zero */ print_string("\n\rREADING EEPROM"); /* print to serial */ /* performing READ FROM EEPROM */ cli(); /* disable global interrupt */ READBYTE = EEPROM_read(0xA); /* read Byte from address 0xa */ sei(); /* Enable global interrupt */ sprintf(Mystring,"\n\rBYTE AT Address 0xA = 0x%02x",(unsigned int)READBYTE); //set the string to be printed on serial print_string(Mystring); /* print to serial */ /* reading from address 0x0000 to 0x000F */ print_string("\n\r READING IN LOOP from address 0x0000 to 0x000F "); for(addr=0x0;addr<0x000F;addr++) { if(!(addr%20)) { sprintf(Mystring,"\n\r0x%04d : ",addr); print_string(Mystring); } sprintf(Mystring,"%02x ",(unsigned char)EEPROM_read(addr)); //write Byte at Addr (address Startaddress) print_string(Mystring); } print_string("\n\r START WRITING SEQUENCE IN LOOP from address 0x0000 to 0x000F "); /* writing from address 0x0000 to 0x000F */ EEPROM_WRITEFROM(0x0000,0x000F,1,0xA5); /* NOTE in this sequence is ON so it will start writing data as 0 1 2 3 ...*/ //EEPROM_WRITEFROM(0x0000,0x000F,0,0xA5); /*NOTE in this sequence is OFF so it will write data given in call */ /* reading from address 0x0000 to 0x000F */ for(addr=0x0;addr<0x000F;addr++) { if(!(addr%20)) { sprintf(Mystring,"\n\r0x%04d : ",addr); print_string(Mystring); } sprintf(Mystring,"%02x ",(unsigned char)EEPROM_read(addr)); //write Byte at Addr (address Startaddress) print_string(Mystring); } print_string("\n\rEND OF EEPROM TEST"); while(1); /* wait forever */ }
/* ** list_product_type: ** Print product type info for the specified element_id. ** If successful, return the number of items found; otherwise return -1. */ int list_product_type(short element_id) { struct fields { int element_id; char description_text[80 + 1]; }; int success; int ret; int no_items; int item_cnt; ABP_PRODUCT_TYPE keys = NULL, item = NULL, list = NULL; for (success = 0; !success; success = 1) { keys = new_abp_product_type(); if (keys == NULL) { logprintf(LOG_ERR, "new_abp_product_type() failed\n"); break; } unset_abp_product_type(keys); set_abp_product_type_element_id(keys, element_id); ret = list_abp_product_types(g_dbhandle, keys, &list); if (ret < 0) { LOG_API_ERROR(g_dbhandle, ret); break; } no_items = ret; printf("\n"); printf("Product Type\n"); printf("------------\n"); for (item = list, item_cnt = 0; item != NULL; item = next_abp_product_type(item), item_cnt++) { struct fields f; char *label; label = "element_id:"; ret = get_abp_product_type_element_id(item, &f.element_id); print_int(ret, label, (int) f.element_id); label = "description_text:"; ret = get_abp_product_type_description_text(item, f.description_text); print_string(ret, label, f.description_text); printf("\n"); } if (item_cnt != no_items) { logprintf(LOG_ERR, "item_cnt != no_items\n"); break; } } delete_abp_product_type(keys); abp_delete_objects(list); return success ? item_cnt : -1; }
/* device creation */ static void macsec_print_opt(struct link_util *lu, FILE *f, struct rtattr *tb[]) { if (!tb) return; if (tb[IFLA_MACSEC_SCI]) { if (is_json_context()) { SPRINT_BUF(b1); snprintf(b1, sizeof(b1), "%016llx", ntohll(rta_getattr_u64(tb[IFLA_MACSEC_SCI]))); print_string(PRINT_JSON, "sci", NULL, b1); } else { fprintf(f, "sci %016llx ", ntohll(rta_getattr_u64(tb[IFLA_MACSEC_SCI]))); } } print_flag(tb, "protect", IFLA_MACSEC_PROTECT); if (tb[IFLA_MACSEC_CIPHER_SUITE]) { __u64 csid = rta_getattr_u64(tb[IFLA_MACSEC_CIPHER_SUITE]); print_string(PRINT_ANY, "cipher_suite", "cipher %s ", cs_id_to_name(csid)); } if (tb[IFLA_MACSEC_ICV_LEN]) { if (is_json_context()) { char b2[4]; snprintf(b2, sizeof(b2), "%hhu", rta_getattr_u8(tb[IFLA_MACSEC_ICV_LEN])); print_uint(PRINT_JSON, "icv_len", NULL, atoi(b2)); } else { fprintf(f, "icvlen %hhu ", rta_getattr_u8(tb[IFLA_MACSEC_ICV_LEN])); } } if (tb[IFLA_MACSEC_ENCODING_SA]) { if (is_json_context()) { char b2[4]; snprintf(b2, sizeof(b2), "%hhu", rta_getattr_u8(tb[IFLA_MACSEC_ENCODING_SA])); print_uint(PRINT_JSON, "encoding_sa", NULL, atoi(b2)); } else { fprintf(f, "encodingsa %hhu ", rta_getattr_u8(tb[IFLA_MACSEC_ENCODING_SA])); } } if (tb[IFLA_MACSEC_VALIDATION]) { __u8 val = rta_getattr_u8(tb[IFLA_MACSEC_VALIDATION]); print_string(PRINT_ANY, "validation", "validate %s ", validate_str[val]); } const char *inc_sci, *es, *replay; if (is_json_context()) { inc_sci = "inc_sci"; replay = "replay_protect"; es = "es"; } else { inc_sci = "send_sci"; es = "end_station"; replay = "replay"; } print_flag(tb, "encrypt", IFLA_MACSEC_ENCRYPT); print_flag(tb, inc_sci, IFLA_MACSEC_INC_SCI); print_flag(tb, es, IFLA_MACSEC_ES); print_flag(tb, "scb", IFLA_MACSEC_SCB); print_flag(tb, replay, IFLA_MACSEC_REPLAY_PROTECT); if (tb[IFLA_MACSEC_WINDOW]) print_int(PRINT_ANY, "window", "window %d ", rta_getattr_u32(tb[IFLA_MACSEC_WINDOW])); }