예제 #1
int main()
    // struct _arr_random arrobject;
//	 Initarr(100,0);
//	 printf_s("%d\n",returnmax());
//	 printf_s("%d\n",returnmin());
//	 printf_s("%d\n ",countnum());
//	 printfall();
//	 printf_allnum();
	int a[]={1,22,4,56,78};

	return 0;
예제 #2
    void CommsInit(  ) {
	int  grid_periodicity[NDIM] = {1,1,1,1,1};  /* Array used to specify periodic BCs */
	int  pe_reorder = 0;      /* Flag to disallow PE reordering for the cart-comm */

	// If we have already been initialized, don't try to do it twice:
	if( Is_Initialised ) return;

	// Set-up the default values for the comms parameters:
	RNGseed = 1;
	strcpy(logFileName, "stderr");

	// If MPI has not already been started somewhere else, start it here.
	int initialised_remotely;
		RaiseError("MPISCU_CommsInit: Processor grid must be set using MPISCU::set_pe_grid.");
	    int dummy_argc;
	    char  **dummy_argv;
	    MPI_Init(&dummy_argc, &dummy_argv);
	    grid_is_set = true; // just in case.

	// Check the environment variable MPISCU::ENVVAR. If it is defined and
	// is a non-zero length string, then that is either the name of a file
	// from which to read the read the parameters, or it is the parameters
	// themselves. If it is defined but zero length, then we use the 
	// default parameter filename.
	// If it is not defined, then MPISCU::peGrid had better be
	// initialised already.
	char *envvar = getenv(ENVVAR);
	    if(strlen(envvar) == 0) envvar = default_filename;

	/* Define the (cartesian, periodic) topology of the MPI communicator */

	MPI_Cart_create( MPI_COMM_WORLD,   /* Original communicator */
			 NDIM,             /* No. dimensions */
			 peGrid,           /* No. PEs in each direction */
			 grid_periodicity, /* Periodicity of PE grid in each direction */
			 pe_reorder,       /* True/false flag to allow PE re-ordering */
			 &Cart_Comm      /* The new, cartesian, communicator */

	/* Look up process number */
	MPI_Comm_rank( Cart_Comm, &peRank );

	/* Look-up processor position */
	MPI_Cart_coords( Cart_Comm, peRank, NDIM, pePos );

	/* Look up number of processors */
	MPI_Comm_size( Cart_Comm, &peNum );
#define MPISCU_DEBUG    
	/* Initialise the log-file, which may actually be stdout or stderr */

	if( strcmp(logFileName,"stderr") == 0 )
	    logFile = stderr;
	else if( strcmp(logFileName,"stdout") == 0 )
	    logFile = stdout;
	else {
	    /* Create a logfile name with the PE number as a suffix,
	       such that we have logfile.01, logfile.02 ... logfile.15 etc */

	    /* ordPEnum is no. of orders of magnitude (base10) of number of PEs */ 
	    int ordPEnum = 1 + (int)log10(peNum);
	    char *PEnum = (char*)malloc( ( ordPEnum + 1 ) * sizeof(char) );

	    /* Create filenumber based on PE number + leading zeros */
	    sprintf(PEnum,"%i", ((int)(exp(((double)ordPEnum)*log(10.0))))+peRank);
	    strcat(logFileName,&PEnum[1]); /* Skip the leading 1 */
	    free( PEnum );
	    /* Open the logfile associated with this PE */
	    logFile = Fopen(logFileName,"w");

	/* Inform user that initialization has started */
	printf_all("MPISCU::CommsInit:  Initializing.\n");

	/* identify the root processor as that which lies at pos[i]=0 forall i */
	/* calculate the identifier on every process */
	int root_check = 0;
	for(int idirn = 0; idirn < NDIM; idirn++ ) root_check+=pePos[idirn];
	/* Gather the values of root_check from every PE onto every PE */
	int *root_array = (int*)malloc(peNum*sizeof(int));
	if( root_array == NULL ) 
	    RaiseError("MPISCU::CommsInit: malloc failed for root_array.");
	MPI_Allgather( &root_check, /* Pointer to number to be gathered */
		       1,           /* i.e. gathering a single item */
		       MPI_INT,     /* which is a standard C integer */
		       root_array,  /* Pointer to the array which will recieve the data */
		       1,           /* One thing from each PE */
		       MPI_INT,     /* and that thing is an int. */
		       Cart_Comm /* Using the cartesian communicator */

	/* Every PE goes through the list and identifies the root PE */
	for(int ir = 0; ir < peNum; ir++ ) 
	    if( root_array[ir] == 0 ) root_pe = ir;

	/* Free the memory associated with the root-checking array */

	/* Log that the initialization has completed and give this PEs rank */
	fprintf_all(logFile,"MPISCU::CommsInit:  Initialization complete [PE=%i of %i, ROOT_PE=%i].\n",peRank, peNum, root_pe );

	/* Initialise the MPI Request handler */
	ReqMan = new MPIRequestManager();

	/* Initialise the table of NNs, indexed by SCUDir */
	int dir_index, dummy;
	for( int idim = 0; idim < NDIM; idim++ ) {
	    for( int idir = -1; idir <=1 ; idir+=2 ) {
  		if( idim == 0 && idir == +1 ) dir_index = SCU_TP;
  		if( idim == 0 && idir == -1 ) dir_index = SCU_TM;
		if( idim == 1 && idir == +1 ) dir_index = SCU_XP;
		if( idim == 1 && idir == -1 ) dir_index = SCU_XM;
		if( idim == 2 && idir == +1 ) dir_index = SCU_YP;
		if( idim == 2 && idir == -1 ) dir_index = SCU_YM;
		if( idim == 3 && idir == +1 ) dir_index = SCU_ZP;
		if( idim == 3 && idir == -1 ) dir_index = SCU_ZM;
		if( idim == 4 && idir == +1 ) dir_index = SCU_SP;
		if( idim == 4 && idir == -1 ) dir_index = SCU_SM;
		MPI_Cart_shift( Cart_Comm,  // Using the cartesian communicator
				idim,       // Do this dimension 
				idir,       // Look up nearest neighbour 
				&dummy,     // Rank of this PE
				&(nnList[dir_index]) // Rank of neighbour PE 

	Is_Initialised = true;