예제 #1
void jester::LeapMotionImpl::processHand(Leap::Hand hand, LeapHand whichHand) {
	Bone::JointId toSet = (whichHand == LeapHand::LEFT ? Bone::JointId::WRIST_L : Bone::JointId::WRIST_R);
	Bone::BoneId firstFinger = (whichHand == LeapHand::LEFT ? Bone::BoneId::PHALANX_L_1 : Bone::BoneId::PHALANX_R_1);
	JointFusionData wristData;

	wristData.confidence = LeapConfidence;
	wristData.position = glm::vec3(hand.palmPosition()[0] / LeapMeasurmentScalingFactor,
			hand.palmPosition()[1] / LeapMeasurmentScalingFactor,
			hand.palmPosition()[2] / LeapMeasurmentScalingFactor);
	wristData.id = toSet;

	kJointData.insert(std::pair<Bone::JointId, JointFusionData>(toSet, wristData));

	processFingers(hand, firstFinger, whichHand);
/* Main function, contains kernel driver event loop */
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

	char* devname = 0;
	int doDaemonize = 1;
	int doWait = 0;
	int clickMode = 2;

	int i;
	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
		if (strcmp(argv[i], "--debug") == 0) {
			doDaemonize = 0;
			debugMode = 1;
		} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--wait") == 0) {
			doWait = 1;
		} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--click=first") == 0) {
			clickMode = 0;
		} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--click=second") == 0) {
			clickMode = 1;
		} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--click=center") == 0) {
			clickMode = 2;
		} else {
			devname = argv[i];



	if (doDaemonize) {

	if (doWait) {
		/* Wait until all necessary things are loaded */

	/* Connect to X server */
	if ((display = XOpenDisplay(NULL)) == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't connect to X server\n");

	/* Read X data */
	screenNum = DefaultScreen(display);

	root = RootWindow(display, screenNum);

//	realDisplayWidth = DisplayWidth(display, screenNum);
//	realDisplayHeight = DisplayHeight(display, screenNum);

	WM_CLASS = XInternAtom(display, "WM_CLASS", 0);

	/* Get notified about new windows */
	XSelectInput(display, root, StructureNotifyMask | SubstructureNotifyMask);

	//TODO load blacklist and profiles from file(s)

	/* Device file name */
	if (devname == 0) {
		devname = "/dev/twofingtouch";

	/* Try to read from device file */
	int fileDesc;
	if ((fileDesc = open(devname, O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
		return 1;

	fd_set fileDescSet;

	int eventQueueDesc = XConnectionNumber(display);	

	while (1) {
		/* Perform initialization at beginning and after module has been re-loaded */
		int rd, i;
		struct input_event ev[64];

		char name[256] = "Unknown";

		/* Read device name */
		ioctl(fileDesc, EVIOCGNAME(sizeof(name)), name);
		printf("Input device name: \"%s\"\n", name);

		//TODO activate again?

		int opcode, event, error;
		if (!XQueryExtension(display, "RANDR", &opcode, &event,
				&error)) {
			printf("X RANDR extension not available.\n");

		/* Which version of XRandR? We support 1.3 */
		int major = 1, minor = 3;
		if (!XRRQueryVersion(display, &major, &minor)) {
			printf("XRandR version not available.\n");
		} else if(!(major>1 || (major == 1 && minor >= 3))) {
			printf("XRandR 1.3 not available. Server supports %d.%d\n", major, minor);

		/* XInput Extension available? */
		if (!XQueryExtension(display, "XInputExtension", &opcode, &event,
				&error)) {
			printf("X Input extension not available.\n");

		/* Which version of XI2? We support 2.1 */
		major = 2; minor = 1;
		if (XIQueryVersion(display, &major, &minor) == BadRequest) {
			printf("XI 2.1 not available. Server supports %d.%d\n", major, minor);

		screenWidth = XDisplayWidth(display, screenNum);
		screenHeight = XDisplayHeight(display, screenNum);

		int n;
		XIDeviceInfo *info = XIQueryDevice(display, XIAllDevices, &n);
		if (!info) {
			printf("No XInput devices available\n");

		/* Go through input devices and look for that with the same name as the given device */
		int devindex;
		for (devindex = 0; devindex < n; devindex++) {
			if (info[devindex].use == XIMasterPointer || info[devindex].use
					== XIMasterKeyboard)

			if (strcmp(info[devindex].name, name) == 0) {
				deviceID = info[devindex].deviceid;


		if (deviceID == -1) {
			printf("Input device not found in XInput device list.\n");


		if(debugMode) printf("XInput device id is %i.\n", deviceID);

		/* Prepare by reading calibration */

		/* Receive device property change events */
		XIEventMask device_mask2;
		unsigned char mask_data2[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
		device_mask2.deviceid = deviceID;
		device_mask2.mask_len = sizeof(mask_data2);
		device_mask2.mask = mask_data2;
		XISetMask(device_mask2.mask, XI_PropertyEvent);
		XISetMask(device_mask2.mask, XI_ButtonPress);
		//XISetMask(device_mask2.mask, XI_TouchBegin);
		//XISetMask(device_mask2.mask, XI_TouchUpdate);
		//XISetMask(device_mask2.mask, XI_TouchEnd);
		XISelectEvents(display, root, &device_mask2, 1);

		/* Recieve events when screen size changes */
		XRRSelectInput(display, root, RRScreenChangeNotifyMask);

		/* Receive touch events */

		/* Needed for XTest to work correctly */
		XTestGrabControl(display, True);

		/* Needed for some reason to receive events */
/*		XGrabPointer(display, root, False, 0, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync,
				None, None, CurrentTime);
		XUngrabPointer(display, CurrentTime);*/

		grab(display, deviceID);		

		printf("Reading input from device ... (interrupt to exit)\n");

		/* We perform raw event reading here as X touch events don't seem too reliable */
		int currentSlot = 0;

		/* If we use the legacy protocol, we collect all data of one finger into tempFingerInfo and set
		   it to the correct slot once MT_SYNC occurs. */
		FingerInfo tempFingerInfo = { .rawX=0, .rawY=0, .rawZ=0, .id = -1, .slotUsed = 0, .setThisTime = 0 };

		while (1) {

			FD_SET(fileDesc, &fileDescSet);
			FD_SET(eventQueueDesc, &fileDescSet);

			select(MAX(fileDesc, eventQueueDesc) + 1, &fileDescSet, NULL, NULL, getEasingStepTimeVal());

			if(FD_ISSET(fileDesc, &fileDescSet))

				rd = read(fileDesc, ev, sizeof(struct input_event) * 64);
				if (rd < (int) sizeof(struct input_event)) {
					printf("Data stream stopped\n");
				for (i = 0; i < rd / sizeof(struct input_event); i++) {

					if (ev[i].type == EV_SYN) {
						if (0 == ev[i].code) { // Ev_Sync event end
							/* All finger data received, so process now. */

							if(useLegacyProtocol) {
								/* Clear slots not set this time */
								int i;
								for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
									if(fingerInfos[i].setThisTime) {
										fingerInfos[i].setThisTime = 0;
									} else {
										/* Clear slot */
										fingerInfos[i].slotUsed = 0;
								tempFingerInfo.slotUsed = 0;


						} else if (2 == ev[i].code) { // MT_Sync : Multitouch event end

							if(!useLegacyProtocol) {

								/* This messsage indicates we use legacy protocol, so switch */
								useLegacyProtocol = 1;
								currentSlot = -1;
								tempFingerInfo.slotUsed = 0;
								if(debugMode) printf("Switch to legacy protocol.\n");
							} else {
								if(tempFingerInfo.slotUsed) {
									/* Finger info for one finger collected in tempFingerInfo, so save it to fingerInfos. */

									/* Look for slot to put the data into by looking at the tracking ids */
									int index = -1;
									int i;
									for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
										if(fingerInfos[i].slotUsed && fingerInfos[i].id == tempFingerInfo.id) {
											index = i;
									if(index == -1) {
										for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
											if(!fingerInfos[i].slotUsed) {
												/* "Empty" slot, so we can add it. */
												index = i;
												fingerInfos[i].id = tempFingerInfo.id;
												fingerInfos[i].slotUsed = 1;

									if(index != -1) {
										/* Copy temporary data to slot */
										fingerInfos[index].setThisTime = 1;
										fingerInfos[index].rawX = tempFingerInfo.rawX;
										fingerInfos[index].rawY = tempFingerInfo.rawY;
										fingerInfos[index].rawZ = tempFingerInfo.rawZ;

					} else if (ev[i].type == EV_MSC && (ev[i].code == MSC_RAW
							|| ev[i].code == MSC_SCAN)) {
					} else if (ev[i].code == 47) {
						currentSlot = ev[i].value;
						if(currentSlot < 0 || currentSlot > 1) currentSlot = -1;
					} else {
						/* Set finger info values for current finger */
						if (ev[i].code == 57) {
							/* ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID */
							if(currentSlot != -1) {
								if(ev[i].value == -1)
									fingerInfos[currentSlot].slotUsed = 0;
									fingerInfos[currentSlot].id = ev[i].value;
									fingerInfos[currentSlot].slotUsed = 1;
							} else if(useLegacyProtocol) {
								tempFingerInfo.id = ev[i].value;
								tempFingerInfo.slotUsed = 1;
						if (ev[i].code == 53) {
							if(currentSlot != -1) {
								fingerInfos[currentSlot].rawX = ev[i].value;
							} else if(useLegacyProtocol) {
								tempFingerInfo.rawX = ev[i].value;
						if (ev[i].code == 54) {
							if(currentSlot != -1) {
								fingerInfos[currentSlot].rawY = ev[i].value;
							} else if(useLegacyProtocol) {
								tempFingerInfo.rawY = ev[i].value;
						if (ev[i].code == 58) {
							if(currentSlot != -1) {
								fingerInfos[currentSlot].rawZ = ev[i].value;
							} else if(useLegacyProtocol) {
								tempFingerInfo.rawZ = ev[i].value;


			if(FD_ISSET(eventQueueDesc, &fileDescSet)) {

		/* Stream stopped, probably because module has been unloaded */

		/* Clean up */
		ungrab(display, deviceID);

		/* Wait until device file is there again */
		while ((fileDesc = open(devname, O_RDONLY)) < 0) {

