static MimeViewer *get_viewer_for_mimeinfo(MimeView *mimeview, MimeInfo *partinfo) { gchar *content_type = NULL; MimeViewer *viewer = NULL; if ((partinfo->type == MIMETYPE_APPLICATION) && (!g_strcasecmp(partinfo->subtype, "octet-stream"))) { const gchar *filename; filename = procmime_mimeinfo_get_parameter(partinfo, "filename"); if (filename == NULL) filename = procmime_mimeinfo_get_parameter(partinfo, "name"); if (filename != NULL) content_type = procmime_get_mime_type(filename); } else { content_type = procmime_get_content_type_str(partinfo->type, partinfo->subtype); } if (content_type != NULL) { viewer = get_viewer_for_content_type(mimeview, content_type); g_free(content_type); } return viewer; }
gchar *get_part_as_string(MimeInfo *mimeinfo) { gchar *textdata = NULL; gchar *filename = NULL; FILE *fp; cm_return_val_if_fail(mimeinfo != NULL, 0); procmime_decode_content(mimeinfo); if (mimeinfo->content == MIMECONTENT_MEM) textdata = g_strdup(mimeinfo->data.mem); else { filename = procmime_get_tmp_file_name(mimeinfo); if (procmime_get_part(filename, mimeinfo) < 0) { g_warning("error dumping temporary file '%s'", filename); g_free(filename); return NULL; } fp = claws_fopen(filename,"rb"); if (!fp) { g_warning("error opening temporary file '%s'", filename); g_free(filename); return NULL; } textdata = fp_read_noconv(fp); claws_fclose(fp); g_unlink(filename); g_free(filename); } if (!g_utf8_validate(textdata, -1, NULL)) { gchar *tmp = NULL; codeconv_set_strict(TRUE); if (procmime_mimeinfo_get_parameter(mimeinfo, "charset")) { tmp = conv_codeset_strdup(textdata, procmime_mimeinfo_get_parameter(mimeinfo, "charset"), CS_UTF_8); } if (!tmp) { tmp = conv_codeset_strdup(textdata, conv_get_locale_charset_str_no_utf8(), CS_UTF_8); } codeconv_set_strict(FALSE); if (!tmp) { tmp = conv_codeset_strdup(textdata, conv_get_locale_charset_str_no_utf8(), CS_UTF_8); } if (tmp) { g_free(textdata); textdata = tmp; } } return textdata; }
static const gchar *get_part_name(MimeInfo *partinfo) { const gchar *name; name = procmime_mimeinfo_get_parameter(partinfo, "filename"); if (name == NULL) name = procmime_mimeinfo_get_parameter(partinfo, "name"); if (name == NULL) name = ""; return name; }
static gboolean pgpmime_is_signed(MimeInfo *mimeinfo) { MimeInfo *parent; MimeInfo *signature; const gchar *protocol; PrivacyDataPGP *data = NULL; cm_return_val_if_fail(mimeinfo != NULL, FALSE); if (mimeinfo->privacy != NULL) { data = (PrivacyDataPGP *) mimeinfo->privacy; if (data->done_sigtest) return data->is_signed; } /* check parent */ parent = procmime_mimeinfo_parent(mimeinfo); if (parent == NULL) return FALSE; if ((parent->type != MIMETYPE_MULTIPART) || g_ascii_strcasecmp(parent->subtype, "signed")) return FALSE; protocol = procmime_mimeinfo_get_parameter(parent, "protocol"); if ((protocol == NULL) || (g_ascii_strcasecmp(protocol, "application/pgp-signature"))) return FALSE; /* check if mimeinfo is the first child */ if (parent->node->children->data != mimeinfo) return FALSE; /* check signature */ signature = parent->node->children->next != NULL ? (MimeInfo *) parent->node->children->next->data : NULL; if (signature == NULL) return FALSE; if ((signature->type != MIMETYPE_APPLICATION) || (g_ascii_strcasecmp(signature->subtype, "pgp-signature"))) return FALSE; if (data == NULL) { data = pgpmime_new_privacydata(); mimeinfo->privacy = (PrivacyData *) data; } if (data != NULL) { data->done_sigtest = TRUE; data->is_signed = TRUE; } return TRUE; }
static gboolean pgpmime_is_encrypted(MimeInfo *mimeinfo) { MimeInfo *tmpinfo; const gchar *tmpstr; const gchar *begin_indicator = "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----"; const gchar *end_indicator = "-----END PGP MESSAGE-----"; gchar *textdata; if (mimeinfo->type != MIMETYPE_MULTIPART) return FALSE; if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(mimeinfo->subtype, "encrypted")) return FALSE; tmpstr = procmime_mimeinfo_get_parameter(mimeinfo, "protocol"); if ((tmpstr == NULL) || g_ascii_strcasecmp(tmpstr, "application/pgp-encrypted")) return FALSE; if (g_node_n_children(mimeinfo->node) != 2) return FALSE; tmpinfo = (MimeInfo *) g_node_nth_child(mimeinfo->node, 0)->data; if (tmpinfo->type != MIMETYPE_APPLICATION) return FALSE; if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(tmpinfo->subtype, "pgp-encrypted")) return FALSE; tmpinfo = (MimeInfo *) g_node_nth_child(mimeinfo->node, 1)->data; if (tmpinfo->type != MIMETYPE_APPLICATION) return FALSE; if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(tmpinfo->subtype, "octet-stream")) return FALSE; textdata = get_part_as_string(tmpinfo); if (!textdata) return FALSE; if (!pgp_locate_armor_header(textdata, begin_indicator)) { g_free(textdata); return FALSE; } if (!pgp_locate_armor_header(textdata, end_indicator)) { g_free(textdata); return FALSE; } g_free(textdata); return TRUE; }
static MimeInfo *pgpinline_decrypt(MimeInfo *mimeinfo) { MimeInfo *decinfo, *parseinfo; gpgme_data_t cipher, plain; FILE *dstfp; gchar *fname; gchar *textdata = NULL; static gint id = 0; const gchar *src_codeset = NULL; gpgme_verify_result_t sigstat = 0; PrivacyDataPGP *data = NULL; gpgme_ctx_t ctx; gchar *chars; size_t len; const gchar *begin_indicator = "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----"; const gchar *end_indicator = "-----END PGP MESSAGE-----"; gchar *pos; if (gpgme_new(&ctx) != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) return NULL; gpgme_set_textmode(ctx, 1); gpgme_set_armor(ctx, 1); cm_return_val_if_fail(mimeinfo != NULL, NULL); cm_return_val_if_fail(pgpinline_is_encrypted(mimeinfo), NULL); if (procmime_mimeinfo_parent(mimeinfo) == NULL || mimeinfo->type != MIMETYPE_TEXT) { gpgme_release(ctx); privacy_set_error(_("Couldn't parse mime part.")); return NULL; } textdata = get_part_as_string(mimeinfo); if (!textdata) { gpgme_release(ctx); privacy_set_error(_("Couldn't get text data.")); return NULL; } debug_print("decrypting '%s'\n", textdata); gpgme_data_new_from_mem(&cipher, textdata, (size_t)strlen(textdata), 1); plain = sgpgme_decrypt_verify(cipher, &sigstat, ctx); if (sigstat && !sigstat->signatures) sigstat = NULL; gpgme_data_release(cipher); if (plain == NULL) { gpgme_release(ctx); return NULL; } fname = g_strdup_printf("%s%cplaintext.%08x", get_mime_tmp_dir(), G_DIR_SEPARATOR, ++id); if ((dstfp = g_fopen(fname, "wb")) == NULL) { FILE_OP_ERROR(fname, "fopen"); privacy_set_error(_("Couldn't open decrypted file %s"), fname); g_free(fname); gpgme_data_release(plain); gpgme_release(ctx); return NULL; } src_codeset = procmime_mimeinfo_get_parameter(mimeinfo, "charset"); if (src_codeset == NULL) src_codeset = CS_ISO_8859_1; if (fprintf(dstfp, "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=%s\r\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n" "\r\n", src_codeset) < 0) { FILE_OP_ERROR(fname, "fprintf"); privacy_set_error(_("Couldn't write to decrypted file %s"), fname); goto FILE_ERROR; } /* Store any part before encrypted text */ pos = pgp_locate_armor_header(textdata, begin_indicator); if (pos != NULL && (pos - textdata) > 0) { if (fwrite(textdata, 1, pos - textdata, dstfp) < pos - textdata) { FILE_OP_ERROR(fname, "fwrite"); privacy_set_error(_("Couldn't write to decrypted file %s"), fname); goto FILE_ERROR; } } if (fwrite(_("\n--- Start of PGP/Inline encrypted data ---\n"), 1, strlen(_("\n--- Start of PGP/Inline encrypted data ---\n")), dstfp) < strlen(_("\n--- Start of PGP/Inline encrypted data ---\n"))) { FILE_OP_ERROR(fname, "fwrite"); privacy_set_error(_("Couldn't write to decrypted file %s"), fname); goto FILE_ERROR; } chars = sgpgme_data_release_and_get_mem(plain, &len); if (len > 0) { if (fwrite(chars, 1, len, dstfp) < len) { FILE_OP_ERROR(fname, "fwrite"); g_free(chars); privacy_set_error(_("Couldn't write to decrypted file %s"), fname); goto FILE_ERROR; } } g_free(chars); /* Store any part after encrypted text */ if (fwrite(_("--- End of PGP/Inline encrypted data ---\n"), 1, strlen(_("--- End of PGP/Inline encrypted data ---\n")), dstfp) < strlen(_("--- End of PGP/Inline encrypted data ---\n"))) { FILE_OP_ERROR(fname, "fwrite"); privacy_set_error(_("Couldn't write to decrypted file %s"), fname); goto FILE_ERROR; } if (pos != NULL) { pos = pgp_locate_armor_header(pos, end_indicator); if (pos != NULL && *pos != '\0') { pos += strlen(end_indicator); if (fwrite(pos, 1, strlen(pos), dstfp) < strlen(pos)) { FILE_OP_ERROR(fname, "fwrite"); privacy_set_error(_("Couldn't write to decrypted file %s"), fname); goto FILE_ERROR; } } } if (fclose(dstfp) == EOF) { FILE_OP_ERROR(fname, "fclose"); privacy_set_error(_("Couldn't close decrypted file %s"), fname); g_free(fname); gpgme_data_release(plain); gpgme_release(ctx); return NULL; } parseinfo = procmime_scan_file(fname); g_free(fname); if (parseinfo == NULL) { gpgme_release(ctx); privacy_set_error(_("Couldn't scan decrypted file.")); return NULL; } decinfo = g_node_first_child(parseinfo->node) != NULL ? g_node_first_child(parseinfo->node)->data : NULL; if (decinfo == NULL) { gpgme_release(ctx); privacy_set_error(_("Couldn't scan decrypted file parts.")); return NULL; } g_node_unlink(decinfo->node); procmime_mimeinfo_free_all(parseinfo); decinfo->tmp = TRUE; if (sigstat != GPGME_SIG_STAT_NONE) { if (decinfo->privacy != NULL) { data = (PrivacyDataPGP *) decinfo->privacy; } else { data = pgpinline_new_privacydata(); decinfo->privacy = (PrivacyData *) data; } if (data != NULL) { data->done_sigtest = TRUE; data->is_signed = TRUE; data->sigstatus = sigstat; if (data->ctx) gpgme_release(data->ctx); data->ctx = ctx; } } else gpgme_release(ctx); return decinfo; FILE_ERROR: fclose(dstfp); g_free(fname); gpgme_data_release(plain); gpgme_release(ctx); return NULL; }
static gint pgpinline_check_signature(MimeInfo *mimeinfo) { PrivacyDataPGP *data = NULL; gchar *textdata = NULL, *tmp = NULL; gpgme_data_t plain = NULL, cipher = NULL; gpgme_error_t err; cm_return_val_if_fail(mimeinfo != NULL, 0); if (procmime_mimeinfo_parent(mimeinfo) == NULL) { privacy_set_error(_("Incorrect part")); return 0; /* not parent */ } if (mimeinfo->type != MIMETYPE_TEXT) { privacy_set_error(_("Not a text part")); debug_print("type %d\n", mimeinfo->type); return 0; } cm_return_val_if_fail(mimeinfo->privacy != NULL, 0); data = (PrivacyDataPGP *) mimeinfo->privacy; textdata = get_part_as_string(mimeinfo); if (!textdata) { g_free(textdata); privacy_set_error(_("Couldn't get text data.")); return 0; } /* gtk2: convert back from utf8 */ tmp = conv_codeset_strdup(textdata, CS_UTF_8, procmime_mimeinfo_get_parameter(mimeinfo, "charset")); if (!tmp) { tmp = conv_codeset_strdup(textdata, CS_UTF_8, conv_get_locale_charset_str_no_utf8()); } if (!tmp) { g_warning("Can't convert charset to anything sane"); tmp = conv_codeset_strdup(textdata, CS_UTF_8, CS_US_ASCII); } g_free(textdata); if (!tmp) { privacy_set_error(_("Couldn't convert text data to any sane charset.")); return 0; } textdata = g_strdup(tmp); g_free(tmp); if ((err = gpgme_new(&data->ctx)) != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { debug_print(("Couldn't initialize GPG context, %s"), gpgme_strerror(err)); privacy_set_error(_("Couldn't initialize GPG context, %s"), gpgme_strerror(err)); g_free(textdata); return 0; } gpgme_set_textmode(data->ctx, 1); gpgme_set_armor(data->ctx, 1); gpgme_data_new_from_mem(&plain, textdata, (size_t)strlen(textdata), 1); gpgme_data_new(&cipher); data->sigstatus = sgpgme_verify_signature(data->ctx, plain, NULL, cipher); gpgme_data_release(plain); gpgme_data_release(cipher); g_free(textdata); return 0; }