예제 #1
bool RegEdit::SaveSocFile(const QString& filename)
    if(!produce_xml(filename.toStdString(), m_cur_socfile.GetSoc()))
        QMessageBox::warning(this, "The description was not saved",
            "There was an error when saving the file");
        return false;
    SetModified(false, false);
    return true;
예제 #2
static void build_dataset_from_specs(
		const char *filename_prefix,
		const char *transform_name,
		const dataset_xml_spec_t *xml_spec,
		const dataset_global_spec_t *global_spec,
		int num_ts, int num_pgs_per_ts,
		dataset_pg_spec_t pg_specs[num_ts][num_pgs_per_ts]) // Not const because C has an corner case here (http://c-faq.com/ansi/constmismatch.html)
	int var;
	char xml_filename[strlen(filename_prefix) + strlen(".xml") + 1];
	char bp_filename[strlen(filename_prefix) + strlen(".bp") + 1];
	int timestep, pg_in_timestep;
	char dimvar[32];

	// Construct the XML and BP filenames
	sprintf(xml_filename, "%s.xml", filename_prefix);
	sprintf(bp_filename, "%s.bp", filename_prefix);

	// Write out the XML file
	FILE *xml_out = fopen(xml_filename, "w");
	produce_xml(xml_out, xml_spec, transform_name);

	// Write out the BP file
	adios_init(xml_filename, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

	// Compute the groupsize contribution of the dimension scalars
	const uint64_t base_groupsize = xml_spec->ndim * 3 * 4; // *3 for 3 scalars (N, D, O) *4 for sizeof(adios_integer) (not sure how what function in the User API to call to get this programatically

	// For each timestep, for each PG in that timestep, write out all variables using the provided vardata buffers
	int64_t adios_file;
	for (timestep = 0; timestep < global_spec->num_ts; ++timestep) {
		for (pg_in_timestep = 0; pg_in_timestep < global_spec->num_pgs_per_ts; ++pg_in_timestep) {
			// (Re-)open the file in write or append mode, depending on whether or not this is the first PG written
			const int is_first_pg = (timestep == 0 && pg_in_timestep == 0);
			adios_open(&adios_file, xml_spec->group_name, bp_filename, is_first_pg ? "w" : "a", MPI_COMM_WORLD);

			// Pin the timestep to allow multiple adios_open/adios_close cycles to write
			// to the same timestep (this simulates a parallel file write with fewer core)
			adios_pin_timestep(timestep + 1); // +1 because we want the timesteps to be 1-based

			const dataset_pg_spec_t *pg_spec = &pg_specs[timestep][pg_in_timestep];

			// Compute the group size
			uint64_t groupsize = compute_groupsize(base_groupsize, xml_spec, pg_spec);
			uint64_t out_groupsize;
			adios_group_size(adios_file, groupsize, &out_groupsize);

			write_adios_dimension_scalars(adios_file, "N", xml_spec->ndim, global_spec->global_dims);
			write_adios_dimension_scalars(adios_file, "D", xml_spec->ndim, pg_spec->pg_dim);
			write_adios_dimension_scalars(adios_file, "O", xml_spec->ndim, pg_spec->pg_offset);

			// Write each variable
			for (var = 0; var < xml_spec->nvar; ++var) {
				adios_write(adios_file, xml_spec->varnames[var], (void*)pg_spec->vardata[var]); // (void*) to get rid of compiler complaining about constness

			// Close the file to commit it