예제 #1
파일: CPLM.cpp 프로젝트: naiaden/CPLM
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

	ProgramOptions program_options(argc, argv);

	std::thread t[program_options._threads];

	for (int i : range(program_options._threads)) {
		t[i] = std::thread(call_from_thread, i);

	std::cout << "Printed from the main thread" << std::endl;

	for (auto& thread : t) {


	boost::filesystem::path background_dir(program_options._background_input_directory);
	boost::filesystem::directory_iterator bit(background_dir), beod;

	std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> background_input_files;
	BOOST_FOREACH(boost::filesystem::path const &p, std::make_pair(bit, beod))
	    if(is_regular_file(p) && p.extension() == program_options._input_file_extension)

	ColibriPLM plm = ColibriPLM(program_options);


	if(program_options._foreground_input_directory != "") {
		boost::filesystem::path foreground_dir(program_options._foreground_input_directory);
		boost::filesystem::directory_iterator fit(foreground_dir), feod;

		BOOST_FOREACH(boost::filesystem::path const &p, std::make_pair(fit, feod))
			if(is_regular_file(p) && p.extension() == program_options._input_file_extension)
				std::vector<std::pair<Pattern, double>> document_word_probs = plm.create_document_model(p);

				boost::filesystem::path output_file_name = boost::filesystem::path(program_options._generated_output_directory + "/" + p.stem().string() + ".dwp");

				write_probs_to_file(document_word_probs, plm.getDecoder(), output_file_name);
예제 #2
int main(int argc, char** argv)
#ifdef LOGGING
    rlog::RLogInit(argc, argv);
    std::string                 complex_fn, values_fn, output_prefix;
    bool                        skip_infinite_vines = false, explicit_events = false, save_vines = false;
    program_options(argc, argv, complex_fn, values_fn, output_prefix, skip_infinite_vines, save_vines, explicit_events);

    // Read in the complex
    PLVineyard::LSFiltration            simplices;
    read_simplices(complex_fn, simplices);
    std::cout << "Complex read, size: " << simplices.size() << std::endl;

    // Read in vertex values
    VertexVectorVector                  vertices;
    read_vertices(values_fn, vertices);

    // Setup the vineyard
    VertexEvaluator                     veval(vertices[0]);
    PLVineyard::VertexComparison        vcmp(veval);
    PLVineyard::SimplexComparison       scmp(vcmp);
    PLVineyard                      v(boost::counting_iterator<Vertex>(0),
                                      simplices, veval);
    std::cout << "Pairing computed" << std::endl;

    // Compute vineyard
    for (size_t i = 1; i < vertices.size(); ++i)
        veval = VertexEvaluator(vertices[i]);
        std::cout << "Processed frame: " << i << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Vineyard computed" << std::endl;
    if (save_vines)
        v.vineyard().save_vines(output_prefix, skip_infinite_vines);
        v.vineyard().save_edges(output_prefix, skip_infinite_vines);
예제 #3
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

  const char* program_name = "contact_profile";
  bool optsOK = true;
  cout << "   Computes the standard atomic contacts for structures in" << endl;
  cout << "   the given xtc file. A topology PDB file and atom index file" << endl;
  cout << "   should be provided for determining the atoms to compare." << endl;
  cout << "   The resulting sparse contact distance profiles are" << endl;
  cout << "   in sparse vector format (index-file and data-file)." << endl;
  cout << endl;
  cout << "   Use -h or --help to see the complete list of options." << endl;
  cout << endl;

  // Option vars...
  int nthreads = 0;
  double sigma;
  double eps;
  string top_filename;
  string xtc_filename;
  string ndx_filename;
  const char* ndx_filename_ptr = NULL;
  string index_filename;
  string data_filename;

  // Declare the supported options.
  po::options_description cmdline_options;
  po::options_description program_options("Program options");
    ("help,h", "show this help message and exit")
    ("threads,t", po::value<int>(&nthreads)->default_value(omp_get_max_threads()>omp_get_num_procs()?omp_get_num_procs():omp_get_max_threads()), "Input:  Number of threads to start (int)")
    ("epsilon,e", po::value<double>(&eps)->default_value(9.0), "Input:  Contact cutoff (real)")
    //    ("sigma,q", po::value<double>(&sigma)->default_value(1), "Input:  Standard deviation of gaussian kernel (real)")
    ("topology-file,p", po::value<string>(&top_filename)->default_value("topology.pdb"), "Input:  Topology file [.pdb,.gro,.tpr] (string:filename)")
    ("xtc-file,x", po::value<string>(&xtc_filename)->default_value("traj.xtc"), "Input:  Trajectory file (string:filename)")
    ("ndx-file,n", po::value<string>(&ndx_filename), "Input: K-nn distances file (string:filename)")
    ("index-file,i", po::value<string>(&index_filename)->default_value("reference.svi"), "Output: Sparse vector indices file (string:filename)")    
    ("data-file,d", po::value<string>(&data_filename)->default_value("reference.svd"), "Output: Sparse vector data file (string:filename)")    

  po::variables_map vm;
  po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, cmdline_options), vm);

  if (vm.count("help")) {
    cout << "usage: " << program_name << " [options]" << endl;
    cout << cmdline_options << endl;
    return 1;
  if (vm.count("ndx-file")) {
    ndx_filename_ptr = ndx_filename.c_str();

  if (!optsOK) {
    return -1;

  cout << "Running with the following options:" << endl;
  cout << "threads =       " << nthreads << endl;
  cout << "topology-file = " << top_filename << endl;
  cout << "xtc-file =      " << xtc_filename << endl;
  cout << "ndx-file =      " << ndx_filename << endl;
  cout << "index-file =    " << index_filename << endl;
  cout << "data-file =     " << data_filename << endl;
  cout << endl;
  // Local vars
  int step = 1;
  float time = 0.0;
  matrix box;
  float prec = 0.001;
  char buf[256];
  t_topology top;
  int ePBC;
  int natoms = 0;
  int nframes= 0;
  int update_interval = 1;
  t_fileio *ref_file;
  rvec *mycoords = NULL;
  gmx_bool bOK = 1;
  double *contact = NULL;
  vector<coord_array> *ref_coords = NULL;
  ::real *weights = NULL;
  int        gnx1,gnx2;
  atom_id    *index1,*index2;
  char       *grpname1,*grpname2;
  ofstream   index;
  ofstream   data;

  // Remove C stdout (silly GROMACS warnings going every which stream!)
  int myout = dup(1);

  // Setup threads

  // Get number of atoms and check xtc
  cout << "Reading topology information from " << top_filename << " ... ";
  read_tps_conf(top_filename.c_str(), buf, &top, &ePBC, &mycoords,
		NULL, box, TRUE);
  cout << "done." << endl;
  delete [] mycoords;

  ref_file = open_xtc(xtc_filename.c_str(),"r");
  read_first_xtc(ref_file,&natoms, &step, &time, box, &mycoords, &prec, &bOK);
  if (natoms != top.atoms.nr) {
    cout << "*** ERROR ***" << endl;
    cout << "Number of atoms in topology file ("
	 << top.atoms.nr << ") "
	 << "does not match the number of atoms "
	 << "in the XTC file (" << xtc_filename << " : " << natoms << ")."
	 << endl;

  // Get atom selections
  cout << "Please select two (non-overlapping) groups for contact profiling..." << endl;
  cout << endl;
  cout << endl;

  cout << "Total grid size is " << gnx1 << " x " << gnx2 << " = " << (gnx1*gnx2) << endl;

  // Read coordinates and weight-center all structures
  cout << "Reading reference coordinates from file: " << xtc_filename << " ... ";
  ref_coords = new vector<coord_array>;
  ref_file = open_xtc(xtc_filename.c_str(),"r");
  mycoords = new rvec[natoms];
  while (read_next_xtc(ref_file, natoms, &step, &time, box, mycoords, &prec, &bOK)) {
    mycoords = new rvec[natoms];
  delete [] mycoords;
  mycoords = NULL;
  nframes = ref_coords->size();
  cout << "done." << endl;

  // Allocate vectors for storing the distances for a structure
  contact = new double[gnx1*gnx2];
  weights = new ::real[gnx1*gnx2];
  for (int x = 0; x < natoms; x++) weights[x] = top.atoms.atom[x].m;

#pragma omp parallel for
  for (int i = 0; i < gnx1; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < gnx2; j++) {
      weights[(i*gnx2)+j] = top.atoms.atom[index1[i]].m * top.atoms.atom[index2[j]].m;

  // Restore C stdout.


  // Timer for ETA
  time_t start = std::time(0);
  time_t last = start;

  // Compute fits
  for (int frame = 0; frame < nframes; frame++) {

    // Update user of progress
    if (std::time(0) - last > update_interval) {
      last = std::time(0);
      time_t eta = start + ((last-start) * nframes / frame);
      cout << "\rFrame: " << frame << ", will finish " 
	   << string(std::ctime(&eta)).substr(0,20);

    // Do Work
#pragma omp parallel for
    for (int i = 0; i < gnx1*gnx2; i++)
      contact[i] = 0.0;

#pragma omp parallel for
    for (int i = 0; i < gnx1; i++) {
      int ii = index1[i];
      for (int j = 0; j < gnx2; j++) {
	int jj = index2[j];
	double d = 0.0;
	for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
	  d += (((*ref_coords)[frame][ii][k] - (*ref_coords)[frame][jj][k]) *
		((*ref_coords)[frame][ii][k] - (*ref_coords)[frame][jj][k]));
	d = sqrt(d) * 10.0;
	// d = exp(-(d*d) / (2.0 * weights[(i*gnx2)+j]));
	// if (d > eps)
	//   contact[(i*gnx2)+j] = d;
	if (d < eps)
	  contact[(i*gnx2)+j] = 1.0;
      } // j
    } // i

    double sum = 0.0;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:sum)
    for (int i = 0; i < gnx1*gnx2; i++)
      sum += contact[i];

    sum = 1.0; // No normalization...
    int total = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:total)
    for (int i = 0; i < gnx1*gnx2; i++)
      if (contact[i] > 0) {
	contact[i] /= sum;

    index.write((char*) &total, sizeof(int) / sizeof(char));
    for (int i = 0; i < gnx1*gnx2; i++)
      if (contact[i] > 0.0) {
	index.write((char*) &i, sizeof(int) / sizeof(char));
	data.write((char*) &contact[i], sizeof(double) / sizeof(char));

    // cout << frame << " " << total << endl;

  } // frame

  cout << endl << endl;


  // Clean coordinates
  for (vector<coord_array>::iterator itr = ref_coords->begin();
       itr != ref_coords->end(); itr++) delete [] (*itr);
  delete ref_coords;

  delete [] contact;
  delete [] weights;
  return 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

  const char* program_name = "decomp_sparse_nystrom";
  bool optsOK = true;
  cout << "   Reads the symmetric CSC format sparse matrix from" << endl;
  cout << "   input-file, and computes the number of requested" << endl;
  cout << "   eigenvalues/vectors of the normalized laplacian" << endl;
  cout << "   using ARPACK and a gaussian kernel of width sigma." << endl;
  cout << "   The general CSC format sparse matrix is projected" << endl;
  cout << "   onto the eigenvectors of the symmetric matrix for" << endl;
  cerr << "   out-of-sample prediction." << endl;
  cout << endl;
  cout << "   Use -h or --help to see the complete list of options." << endl;
  cout << endl;

  // Option vars...
  double sigma_a;
  int nev;
  string ssm_filename;
  string gsm_filename;
  string evals_filename;
  string evecs_filename;
  string residuals_filename;

  // Declare the supported options.
  po::options_description cmdline_options;
  po::options_description program_options("Program options");
    ("help,h", "show this help message and exit")
    ("sigma,q", po::value<double>(&sigma_a), "Input:  Standard deviation of gaussian kernel (real)")
    ("nevals,n", po::value<int>(&nev), "Input:  Number of eigenvalues/vectors (int)")
    ("ssm-file,s", po::value<string>(&ssm_filename)->default_value("distances.ssm"), "Input:  Symmetric sparse matrix file (string:filename)")
    ("gsm-file,g", po::value<string>(&gsm_filename)->default_value("distances.gsm"), "Input:  General sparse matrix file (string:filename)")
    ("evals-file,v", po::value<string>(&evals_filename)->default_value("eigenvalues.dat"), "Output:  Eigenvalues file (string:filename)")
    ("evecs-file,e", po::value<string>(&evecs_filename)->default_value("eigenvectors.dat"), "Output: Eigenvectors file (string:filename)")    
    ("residuals-file,r", po::value<string>(&residuals_filename)->default_value("residuals.dat"), "Output: Residuals file (string:filename)")    

  po::variables_map vm;
  po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, cmdline_options), vm);

  if (vm.count("help")) {
    cout << "usage: " << program_name << " [options]" << endl;
    cout << cmdline_options << endl;
    return 1;
  if (!vm.count("sigma")) {
    cout << "ERROR: --sigma not supplied." << endl;
    cout << endl;
    optsOK = false;
  if (!vm.count("nevals")) {
    cout << "ERROR: --nevals not supplied." << endl;
    cout << endl;
    optsOK = false;

  if (!optsOK) {
    return -1;

  cout << "Running with the following options:" << endl;
  cout << "sigma =          " << sigma_a << endl;
  cout << "nevals =         " << nev << endl;
  cout << "ssm-file =       " << ssm_filename << endl;
  cout << "gsm-file =       " << gsm_filename << endl;
  cout << "evals-file =     " << evals_filename << endl;
  cout << "evecs-file =     " << evecs_filename << endl;
  cout << "residuals-file = " << residuals_filename << endl;
  cout << endl;

  // General
  int     n;   // Dimension of the problem.
  int     m;   // Outer dimension

  // Main affinity matrix
  int     nnzA;
  int     *irowA;
  int     *pcolA;
  double  *A;   // Pointer to an array that stores the lower
		// triangular elements of A.

  // Expanded affinity matrix
  int     nnzB;
  int     *irowB;
  int     *pcolB;
  double  *B;   // Pointer to an array that stores the
		// sparse elements of B.

  // File input streams
  ifstream ssm;
  ifstream gsm;

  // File output streams
  ofstream eigenvalues;
  ofstream eigenvectors;
  ofstream residuals;

  // EPS
  double eps = 1.0;
  do { eps /= 2.0; } while (1.0 + (eps / 2.0) != 1.0);
  eps = sqrt(eps);
  // Open files

  // Read symmetric CSC matrix
  ssm.read((char*) &n, (sizeof(int) / sizeof(char)));
  pcolA = new int[n+1];
  ssm.read((char*) pcolA, (sizeof(int) / sizeof(char)) * (n+1));
  nnzA = pcolA[n];
  A = new double[nnzA];
  irowA = new int[nnzA];
  ssm.read((char*) irowA, (sizeof(int) / sizeof(char)) * nnzA);
  ssm.read((char*) A, (sizeof(double) / sizeof(char)) * nnzA);

  // Read general CSC matrix
  gsm.read((char*) &m, (sizeof(int) / sizeof(char)));
  pcolB = new int[m+1];
  gsm.read((char*) pcolB, (sizeof(int) / sizeof(char)) * (m+1));
  nnzB = pcolB[m];
  B = new double[nnzB];
  irowB = new int[nnzB];
  gsm.read((char*) irowB, (sizeof(int) / sizeof(char)) * nnzB);
  gsm.read((char*) B, (sizeof(double) / sizeof(char)) * nnzB);

  // Turn distances into normalized affinities...
  double *d_a = new double[n];
  double *d_b = new double[m];

  // Make affinity matrices...
  for (int x = 0; x < nnzA; x++)
    A[x] = exp(-(A[x] * A[x]) / (2.0 * sigma_a * sigma_a));
  for (int x = 0; x < nnzB; x++)
    B[x] = exp(-(B[x] * B[x]) / (2.0 * sigma_a * sigma_a));
  // Calculate D_A
  for (int x = 0; x < n; x++)
    d_a[x] = 0.0;
  for (int x = 0; x < n; x++) {
    for (int y = pcolA[x]; y < pcolA[x+1]; y++) {
      d_a[x] += A[y];
      d_a[irowA[y]] += A[y];
  for (int x = 0; x < n; x++)
    d_a[x] = 1.0 / sqrt(d_a[x]);

  // Calculate D_B
  for (int x = 0; x < m; x++)
    d_b[x] = 0.0;
  for (int x = 0; x < m; x++) {
    for (int y = pcolB[x]; y < pcolB[x+1]; y++) {
      d_b[x] += B[y];
  for (int x = 0; x < m; x++)
    d_b[x] = 1.0 / sqrt(d_b[x]);

  // Normalize the affinity matrix...
  for (int x = 0; x < n; x++) {
    for (int y = pcolA[x]; y < pcolA[x+1]; y++) {
      A[y] *= d_a[irowA[y]] * d_a[x];

  // Normalized B matrix...
  for (int x = 0; x < m; x++) {
    for (int y = pcolB[x]; y < pcolB[x+1]; y++) {
      B[y] *= d_a[irowB[y]] * d_b[x];

  delete [] d_a;
  delete [] d_b;

  // Eigen decomposition of nomalized affinity matrix...

  // ARPACK setup...
  double  *Ax = new double[n];  // Array for residual calculation
  double  residual = 0.0;
  double  max_residual = 0.0;
  int ido = 0;
  char bmat = 'I';
  char which[2];
  which[0] = 'L';
  which[1] = 'A';
  double tol = 0.0;
  double *resid = new double[n];
  // NOTE: Need about one order of magnitude more arnoldi vectors to
  // converge for the normalized Laplacian (according to residuals...)
  int ncv = ((10*nev+1)>n)?n:(10*nev+1);
  double *V = new double[(ncv*n)+1];
  int ldv = n;
  int *iparam = new int[12];
  iparam[1] = 1;
  iparam[3] = 100 * nev;
  iparam[4] = 1;
  iparam[7] = 1;
  int *ipntr = new int[15];
  double *workd = new double[(3*n)+1];
  int lworkl = ncv*(ncv+9);
  double *workl = new double[lworkl+1];
  int info = 0;
  int rvec = 1;
  char HowMny = 'A';
  int *lselect = new int[ncv];
  double *d = new double[nev];
  double *Z = &V[1];
  int ldz = n;
  double sigma = 0.0;
  double *extrap_evec = new double[m];
  double *norm_evec = new double[n];

  while (ido != 99) {
    dsaupd_(&ido, &bmat, &n, which,
	    &nev, &tol, resid,
	    &ncv, &V[1], &ldv,
	    &iparam[1], &ipntr[1], &workd[1],
	    &workl[1], &lworkl, &info);
    if (ido == -1 || ido == 1) {
      // Matrix-vector multiplication
      sp_dsymv(n, irowA, pcolA, A,
  dseupd_(&rvec, &HowMny, lselect,
	  d, Z, &ldz,
	  &sigma, &bmat, &n,
	  which, &nev, &tol,
	  resid, &ncv, &V[1],
	  &ldv, &iparam[1], &ipntr[1],
	  &workd[1], &workl[1],
	  &lworkl, &info);

  cout << "Number of converged eigenvalues/vectors found: "
       << iparam[5] << endl;

  for (int x = nev-1; x >= 0; x--) {

    eigenvalues.write((char*) &d[x],(sizeof(double) / sizeof(char)));
    eigenvectors.write((char*) &Z[n*x],(sizeof(double) * n) / sizeof(char));
    eigenvalues << d[x] << endl;
    for (int y = 0; y < n; y++)
      eigenvectors << Z[(n*x)+y] << " ";

    // Extrapolate remaining points onto the vector space
    for (int y = 0; y < n; y++)
      norm_evec[y] = Z[(n*x)+y] / d[x];
    sp_dgemv(m, irowB, pcolB, B, norm_evec, extrap_evec);

    eigenvectors.write((char*) extrap_evec,(sizeof(double) * m) / sizeof(char));
    for (int y = 0; y < m; y++)
      eigenvectors << extrap_evec[y] << " ";
    eigenvectors << endl;

    // Calculate residual...
    // Matrix-vector multiplication
    sp_dsymv(n, irowA, pcolA, A,
	     &Z[n*x], Ax);

    double t = -d[x];
    int i = 1;
    daxpy_(&n, &t, &Z[n*x], &i, Ax, &i);
    residual = dnrm2_(&n, Ax, &i)/fabs(d[x]);
    if (residual > max_residual)
      max_residual = residual;
    residuals.write((char*) &residual, sizeof(double) / sizeof(char));
    residuals << residual << endl;

  cout << "Max residual: " << max_residual
       << " (eps: " << eps << ")" << endl;
  if (max_residual > eps) {
    cout << "*** Sum of residuals too high (max_r > eps)!" << endl;
    cout << "*** Please, check results manually..." << endl;


  delete [] irowA;
  delete [] pcolA;
  delete [] A;

  delete [] irowB;
  delete [] pcolB;
  delete [] B;

  delete [] lselect;
  delete [] d;
  delete [] resid;
  delete [] Ax;
  delete [] V;
  delete [] iparam;
  delete [] ipntr;
  delete [] workd;
  delete [] workl;
  delete [] norm_evec;
  delete [] extrap_evec;

  return 0;
예제 #5
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    bool exit_success = false;
    std::string authors_file;
    std::string gitattributes_path;
    std::string svn_path;
    int resume_from = 0;
    int max_rev = 0;
    bool dump_rules = false;
    std::string match_path;
    int match_rev = 0;
        namespace po = boost::program_options;
        po::options_description program_options("Allowed options");
            ("help,h", "produce help message")
            ("git", po::value(&options.git_executable)->value_name("PATH"), "Path to a Git executable containing the fix described in http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/228736")
            ("version,v", "print version string")
            ("quiet,q", "be quiet")
            ("verbose,V", "be verbose")
            ("extra-verbose,X", "be even more verbose")
            ("exit-success", "exit with 0, even if errors occured")
            ("authors", po::value(&authors_file)->value_name("FILENAME"), "map between svn username and email")
            ("svnrepo", po::value(&svn_path)->value_name("PATH")->required(), "path to svn repository")
            ("rules", po::value(&options.rules_file)->value_name("FILENAME")->required(), "file with the conversion rules")
            ("gitattributes,a", po::value(&gitattributes_path)->value_name("PATH"), "A file whose contents to inject as .gitattributes in every Git repository")
            ("dry-run", "Write no Git repositories")
            ("coverage", "Dump an analysis of rule coverage")
            ("add-metadata", "if passed, each git commit will have svn commit info")
            ("add-metadata-notes", "if passed, each git commit will have notes with svn commit info")
            ("resume-from", po::value(&resume_from)->value_name("REVISION"), "start importing at svn revision number")
            ("max-rev", po::value(&max_rev)->value_name("REVISION"), "stop importing at svn revision number")
            ("debug-rules", "print what rule is being used for each file")
            ("commit-interval", po::value(&options.commit_interval)->value_name("NUMBER")->default_value(10000), "if passed the cache will be flushed to git every NUMBER of commits")
            ("svn-branches", "Use the contents of SVN when creating branches, Note: SVN tags are branches as well")
            ("dump-rules", "Dump the contents of the rule trie and exit")
            ("match-path", po::value(&match_path)->value_name("PATH"), "Path to match in a quick ruleset test")
            ("match-rev", po::value(&match_rev)->value_name("REVISION"), "Optional revision to match in a quick ruleset test")
        po::variables_map variables;
        store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv)
              .run(), variables);
        if (variables.count("help"))
            std::cout << program_options << std::endl;
            return 0;
        if (variables.count("version"))
            std::cout << "Svn2Git 0.9" << std::endl;
            return 0;
        if (variables.count("quiet"))
        if (variables.count("verbose"))
        if (variables.count("extra-verbose"))
        if (variables.count("exit-success"))
            exit_success = true;

        dump_rules = variables.count("dump-rules") > 0;
        options.add_metadata = variables.count("add-metadata");
        options.add_metadata_notes = variables.count("add-metadata-notes");
        options.dry_run = variables.count("dry-run");
        options.coverage = variables.count("coverage");
        options.debug_rules = variables.count("debug-rules");
        options.svn_branches = variables.count("svn-branches");

        // Load the configuration
        Log::info() << "reading ruleset..." << std::endl;

        Ruleset ruleset(options.rules_file);
        Log::info() << "done reading ruleset." << std::endl;

        if (dump_rules)
            std::cout << ruleset.matcher();

        if (match_path.size() > 0)
            Rule const* r = ruleset.matcher().longest_match(match_path, match_rev);
            std::cout <<  "The path " << (r ? "was" : "wasn't") << " matched" << std::endl;
            exit(r ? 0 : 1);

        Log::info() << "Opening SVN repository at " << svn_path << std::endl;
        svn svn_repo(svn_path, authors_file);

        if (!gitattributes_path.empty())
            std::ifstream ifs(gitattributes_path);
            if (ifs.fail())
                throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't open .gitattributes file: " + gitattributes_path);
            ifs.exceptions( std::ifstream::badbit );
            ifs.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
            ifs.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
            ifs.read(&options.gitattributes[0], options.gitattributes.size());

        Log::info() << "preparing repositories and import processes..." << std::endl;
        importer imp(svn_repo, ruleset);
        Log::info() << "done preparing repositories and import processes." << std::endl;

        if (max_rev < 1)
            max_rev = svn_repo.latest_revision();

        Log::info() << "Using git executable: " << git_executable() << std::endl;

        for (int i = std::max(resume_from, imp.last_valid_svn_revision()); ++i <= max_rev;)

    catch (std::exception const& error)
        Log::error() << error.what() << "\n\n";
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    int result = Log::result();
    return exit_success ? EXIT_SUCCESS : result;
예제 #6
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	std::string machine;
	std::string sysname;
	std::vector<std::string> request_urls;

		namespace po = boost::program_options;
		po::options_description program_options("Allowed options");
			("help", "produce help message")
			("version", "print version string")
			("sysname", po::value(&sysname)->value_name("SYSNAME"), "the system name")
			("machine", po::value(&machine)->value_name("MACHINE"), "the hardware name")

		po::options_description hidden_options;
			("request-url", po::value(&request_urls))

		po::options_description cmdline_options;

		po::positional_options_description positional_options;
			.add("request-url", -1)

		po::variables_map variables;
		store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv)
			.run(), variables);

		if (variables.count("help"))
			std::cout << program_options << std::endl;
			return 0;

		if (variables.count("version"))
			std::cout << "Lemonade 0.1" << std::endl;
			return 0;

	catch (std::exception const& error)
		std::cerr << error.what() << std::endl;
		return -1;

	if (request_urls.empty())
		std::cout << "No project URL given." << std::endl;
		return -1;

	catch (std::exception const& error)
		std::cerr << error.what() << std::endl;
		return -1;

	return 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

  const char* program_name = "auto_heir_decomp_sparse";
  bool optsOK = true;
  cout << "   Reads the symmetric CSC format sparse matrix from" << endl;
  cout << "   input-file, and heirarchically decomposes the " << endl;
  cout << "   Laplacian matrix until relaxation time convergence" << endl;
  cout << "   criteria are met as the following reference:" << endl;
  cout << "   [1] B. Nadler and M. Galun, \"Fundamental Limitations" << endl;
  cout << "   of Spectral Clustering,\" in Advances in Neural Information" << endl;
  cout << "   Processing Systems 19, 2007, pp. 1017–1024." << endl;
  cout << "   eigenvalues/vectors of the normalized laplacian" << endl;
  cout << endl;
  cout << "   Use -h or --help to see the complete list of options." << endl;
  cout << endl;

  // Option vars...
  int k_a;
  double sigma;
  int nev = 2;
  double c1 = 1.2;
  double c2 = 2.0;
  double K;
  bool pSet = false;
  string ssm_filename;
  string output_filename;
  string ndx_filename;
  string residuals_filename;

  // Declare the supported options.
  po::options_description cmdline_options;
  po::options_description program_options("Program options");
    ("help,h", "show this help message and exit")
    ("sigma,s", po::value<double>(&sigma)->default_value(1.0), "Input:  Kernel sigma (double)")
    ("relaxation,r", po::value<double>(&c1)->default_value(1.2), "Input:  Relaxation cutoff parameter, c1 (double)")
    ("partition,p", po::value<double>(&c2)->default_value(2.0), "Input:  Partition cutoff parameter, c2 (double)")
    ("ssm-file,f", po::value<string>(&ssm_filename)->default_value("distances.ssm"), "Input:  Symmetric sparse matrix file (string:filename)")
    ("output,o", po::value<string>(&output_filename)->default_value("clusters.dat"), "Output:  Cluster assignment file (string:filename)")
    ("ndx,n", po::value<string>(&ndx_filename)->default_value("clusters.ndx"), "Output: Cluster assignment index file (string:filename)")    

  po::variables_map vm;
  po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, cmdline_options), vm);

  if (vm.count("help")) {
    cout << "usage: " << program_name << " [options]" << endl;
    cout << cmdline_options << endl;
    return 1;

  if (!optsOK) {
    return -1;

  cout << "Running with the following options:" << endl;
  cout << "sigma =      " << sigma << endl;
  cout << "ssm-file =   " << ssm_filename << endl;
  cout << "output =     " << output_filename << endl;
  cout << "ndx =        " << ndx_filename << endl;
  cout << endl;

  // Stacks
  vector<vector<int> > work;
  vector<vector<int> > completed;

  // Defining variables;
  double  *Ax;  // Array for residual calculation
  double  residual = 0.0;
  double  max_residual = 0.0;

  // SSM Matrix
  CSC_matrix A(ssm_filename);
  Ax = new double[A.n];

  // File output streams
  ofstream output;
  ofstream ndx;

  // EPS
  double eps = getEPS();

  // Open files

  // Get affinities

  // Setup work
  for (int x = 0; x < A.n; x++)
    work[0][x] = x;

  while (work.size()) {
    vector<int> current = work[work.size()-1];
    CSC_matrix current_A;

    double* d = NULL; // values
    double* Z = NULL; // vectors
    double nevm = runARPACK(nev,current_A,d,Z); 
    cout << "Number of converged eigenvalues/vectors found: "
	 <<  nevm << endl;
    int *labels = new int[current_A.n];
    // kmeans(current_A.n,1,nev,&Z[A.n],labels);
    // Get slice indices
    vector<int> islice1 = select(current,0,labels);
    vector<int> islice2 = select(current,1,labels);

    if (islice1.size() == 0 || islice2.size() == 0) {
      cout << "Defunct partition..." << endl;

    // Get slices
    CSC_matrix slice1;
    CSC_matrix slice2;
    double *slice1_d = NULL;
    double *slice1_Z = NULL;
    int nev1 = runARPACK(nev,slice1,slice1_d,slice1_Z);
    cout << "Number of converged eigenvalues/vectors found: "
	 <<  nev1 << endl;
    double *slice2_d = NULL;
    double *slice2_Z = NULL;
    int nev2 = runARPACK(nev,slice2,slice2_d,slice2_Z);
    cout << "Number of converged eigenvalues/vectors found: "
	 << nev2 << endl;

    double current_t,slice1_t,slice2_t,ratio;
    current_t = (1.0/(1.0-d[0]));
    slice1_t = (1.0/(1.0-slice1_d[0]));
    slice2_t = (1.0/(1.0-slice2_d[0]));
    ratio = slice1_t / slice2_t;
    if (ratio < 1.0)
      ratio = slice2_t / slice1_t;

    cout << "Main:   " << current_t << endl;
    cout << "Slice1: " << slice1_t << endl;
    cout << "Slice2: " << slice2_t << endl;
    cout << "Relaxation: " << c1*(slice1_t + slice2_t) << endl;
    cout << "Partition:  " << ratio << endl;

    if (nev1+nev2+nevm!=6) {
      cout << "No convergence. Skipping decomposition..." << endl;
    else {
      if (current_t < c1*(slice1_t + slice2_t)) {
      else if (ratio > c2) {
	if (slice1_t > slice2_t) {
	else {
      else {

    delete [] labels;
    delete [] slice1_d;
    delete [] slice1_Z;
    delete [] slice2_d;
    delete [] slice2_Z;
    delete [] d;
    delete [] Z;

  int *clusters = new int[A.n];
  cout << "Number of clusters: " << completed.size() << endl;
  cout << endl;

  for (int x = 0; x < completed.size(); x++) {
    int idx = 0;
    ndx << "[cluster_" << x+1 << "]" << endl;
    for (int y = 0; y < completed[x].size(); y++) {
      ndx << completed[x][y]+1 << " ";
      clusters[completed[x][y]] = x+1;
      if (++idx > 19) {
	ndx << endl;
	idx = 0;
    ndx << endl;
    ndx << endl;

  for (int x = 0; x < A.n; x++)
    output << clusters[x] << endl;


  delete [] clusters;
  delete [] Ax;
  return 0;

} // main.
Program_Options Program_Options_Creator::Create(int const argc, char** const argv){
	Program_Options program_options(argc, argv);
	return program_options;