예제 #1
void SmartIODBox::start()
    while( nextCommand() );

    if( p->queued_cnt == 1 )
        emit progressStarted();
    emit progressChanged(progress());
예제 #2
void ZProgressManager::connectSignalSlot()
  connect(this, SIGNAL(progressStarted()), this, SLOT(startProgress()));
  connect(this, SIGNAL(progressEnded()), this, SLOT(endProgress()));
  connect(this, SIGNAL(progressReset()), this, SLOT(resetProgress()));
  connect(this, SIGNAL(progressStarted(double)),
          this, SLOT(startProgress(double)));
  connect(this, SIGNAL(progressEnded(double)),
          this, SLOT(endProgress(double)));
  connect(this, SIGNAL(progressAdvanced(double)),
          this, SLOT(advanceProgress(double)));
예제 #3
void QgsOfflineEditingPlugin::initGui()
  delete mActionConvertProject;

  // Create the action for tool
  mActionConvertProject = new QAction( QIcon( ":/offline_editing/offline_editing_copy.png" ), tr( "Convert to offline project" ), this );
  mActionConvertProject->setObjectName( "mActionConvertProject" );
  // Set the what's this text
  mActionConvertProject->setWhatsThis( tr( "Create offline copies of selected layers and save as offline project" ) );
  // Connect the action to the run
  connect( mActionConvertProject, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( convertProject() ) );
  // Add the icon to the toolbar
  mQGisIface->addDatabaseToolBarIcon( mActionConvertProject );
  mQGisIface->addPluginToDatabaseMenu( tr( "&Offline Editing" ), mActionConvertProject );
  mActionConvertProject->setEnabled( false );

  mActionSynchronize = new QAction( QIcon( ":/offline_editing/offline_editing_sync.png" ), tr( "Synchronize" ), this );
  mActionSynchronize->setObjectName( "mActionSynchronize" );
  mActionSynchronize->setWhatsThis( tr( "Synchronize offline project with remote layers" ) );
  connect( mActionSynchronize, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( synchronize() ) );
  mQGisIface->addDatabaseToolBarIcon( mActionSynchronize );
  mQGisIface->addPluginToDatabaseMenu( tr( "&Offline Editing" ), mActionSynchronize );
  mActionSynchronize->setEnabled( false );

  mOfflineEditing = new QgsOfflineEditing();
  mProgressDialog = new QgsOfflineEditingProgressDialog( mQGisIface->mainWindow(), QgisGui::ModalDialogFlags );

  connect( mOfflineEditing, SIGNAL( progressStarted() ), this, SLOT( showProgress() ) );
  connect( mOfflineEditing, SIGNAL( layerProgressUpdated( int, int ) ), this, SLOT( setLayerProgress( int, int ) ) );
  connect( mOfflineEditing, SIGNAL( progressModeSet( QgsOfflineEditing::ProgressMode, int ) ), this, SLOT( setProgressMode( QgsOfflineEditing::ProgressMode, int ) ) );
  connect( mOfflineEditing, SIGNAL( progressUpdated( int ) ), this, SLOT( updateProgress( int ) ) );
  connect( mOfflineEditing, SIGNAL( progressStopped() ), this, SLOT( hideProgress() ) );
  connect( mOfflineEditing, SIGNAL( warning( QString, QString ) ), mQGisIface->messageBar(), SLOT( pushWarning( QString, QString ) ) );

  connect( mQGisIface->mainWindow(), SIGNAL( projectRead() ), this, SLOT( updateActions() ) );
  connect( mQGisIface->mainWindow(), SIGNAL( newProject() ), this, SLOT( updateActions() ) );
  connect( QgsProject::instance(), SIGNAL( writeProject( QDomDocument & ) ), this, SLOT( updateActions() ) );
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layerWasAdded( QgsMapLayer* ) ), this, SLOT( updateActions() ) );
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layerWillBeRemoved( QString ) ), this, SLOT( updateActions() ) );
예제 #4
void PatientManager::readDatabase()
    QList<Patient> patients = DatabaseAccess().db()->findPatients();
    emit progressStarted(patients.size());
    QHash<int, int> oldIds = d->patientIdHash;
    QList<Patient::Ptr> newPatientList;
    foreach (Patient data, patients)
        int index = d->patientIdHash.value(data.id, -1);
        if (index == -1)
            Patient::Ptr p = createPatient(data);
            emit patientAdded(d->patients.size()-1, p);
        emit progressValue(d->patients.size());
예제 #5
void ZProgressManager::notifyProgressStarted(double scale)
  emit progressStarted(scale);
예제 #6
void ZProgressManager::notifyProgressStarted()
  emit progressStarted();
예제 #7
 * convert current project to offline project
 * returns offline project file path
bool QgsOfflineEditing::convertToOfflineProject( const QString& offlineDataPath, const QString& offlineDbFile, const QStringList& layerIds )
  if ( layerIds.isEmpty() )
    return false;
  QString dbPath = QDir( offlineDataPath ).absoluteFilePath( offlineDbFile );
  if ( createSpatialiteDB( dbPath ) )
    spatialite_init( 0 );
    sqlite3* db;
    int rc = sqlite3_open( dbPath.toStdString().c_str(), &db );
    if ( rc != SQLITE_OK )
      showWarning( tr( "Could not open the spatialite database" ) );
      // create logging tables
      createLoggingTables( db );

      emit progressStarted();

      // copy selected vector layers to SpatiaLite
      for ( int i = 0; i < layerIds.count(); i++ )
        emit layerProgressUpdated( i + 1, layerIds.count() );

        QgsMapLayer* layer = QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayer( layerIds.at( i ) );
        copyVectorLayer( qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer*>( layer ), db, dbPath );

      emit progressStopped();

      sqlite3_close( db );

      // save offline project
      QString projectTitle = QgsProject::instance()->title();
      if ( projectTitle.isEmpty() )
        projectTitle = QFileInfo( QgsProject::instance()->fileName() ).fileName();
      projectTitle += " (offline)";
      QgsProject::instance()->title( projectTitle );

      QgsProject::instance()->writeEntry( PROJECT_ENTRY_SCOPE_OFFLINE, PROJECT_ENTRY_KEY_OFFLINE_DB_PATH, dbPath );

      return true;

  return false;

  // Workflow:
  // copy layers to spatialite
  // create spatialite db at offlineDataPath
  // create table for each layer
  // add new spatialite layer
  // copy features
  // save as offline project
  // mark offline layers
  // remove remote layers
  // mark as offline project
예제 #8
void QgsOfflineEditing::synchronize()
  // open logging db
  sqlite3* db = openLoggingDb();
  if ( db == NULL )

  emit progressStarted();

  // restore and sync remote layers
  QList<QgsMapLayer*> offlineLayers;
  QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer*> mapLayers = QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayers();
  for ( QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer*>::iterator layer_it = mapLayers.begin() ; layer_it != mapLayers.end(); ++layer_it )
    QgsMapLayer* layer = layer_it.value();
    if ( layer->customProperty( CUSTOM_PROPERTY_IS_OFFLINE_EDITABLE, false ).toBool() )
      offlineLayers << layer;

  for ( int l = 0; l < offlineLayers.count(); l++ )
    QgsMapLayer* layer = offlineLayers[l];

    emit layerProgressUpdated( l + 1, offlineLayers.count() );

    QString remoteSource = layer->customProperty( CUSTOM_PROPERTY_REMOTE_SOURCE, "" ).toString();
    QString remoteProvider = layer->customProperty( CUSTOM_PROPERTY_REMOTE_PROVIDER, "" ).toString();
    QString remoteName = layer->name();
    remoteName.remove( QRegExp( " \\(offline\\)$" ) );

    QgsVectorLayer* remoteLayer = new QgsVectorLayer( remoteSource, remoteName, remoteProvider );
    if ( remoteLayer->isValid() )
      // TODO: only add remote layer if there are log entries?

      QgsVectorLayer* offlineLayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer*>( layer );

      // copy style
      copySymbology( offlineLayer, remoteLayer );

      // register this layer with the central layers registry
        QList<QgsMapLayer *>() << remoteLayer, true );

      // apply layer edit log
      QString qgisLayerId = layer->id();
      QString sql = QString( "SELECT \"id\" FROM 'log_layer_ids' WHERE \"qgis_id\" = '%1'" ).arg( qgisLayerId );
      int layerId = sqlQueryInt( db, sql, -1 );
      if ( layerId != -1 )

        // TODO: only get commitNos of this layer?
        int commitNo = getCommitNo( db );
        for ( int i = 0; i < commitNo; i++ )
          // apply commits chronologically
          applyAttributesAdded( remoteLayer, db, layerId, i );
          applyAttributeValueChanges( offlineLayer, remoteLayer, db, layerId, i );
          applyGeometryChanges( remoteLayer, db, layerId, i );

        applyFeaturesAdded( offlineLayer, remoteLayer, db, layerId );
        applyFeaturesRemoved( remoteLayer, db, layerId );

        if ( remoteLayer->commitChanges() )
          // update fid lookup
          updateFidLookup( remoteLayer, db, layerId );

          // clear edit log for this layer
          sql = QString( "DELETE FROM 'log_added_attrs' WHERE \"layer_id\" = %1" ).arg( layerId );
          sqlExec( db, sql );
          sql = QString( "DELETE FROM 'log_added_features' WHERE \"layer_id\" = %1" ).arg( layerId );
          sqlExec( db, sql );
          sql = QString( "DELETE FROM 'log_removed_features' WHERE \"layer_id\" = %1" ).arg( layerId );
          sqlExec( db, sql );
          sql = QString( "DELETE FROM 'log_feature_updates' WHERE \"layer_id\" = %1" ).arg( layerId );
          sqlExec( db, sql );
          sql = QString( "DELETE FROM 'log_geometry_updates' WHERE \"layer_id\" = %1" ).arg( layerId );
          sqlExec( db, sql );

          // reset commitNo
          QString sql = QString( "UPDATE 'log_indices' SET 'last_index' = 0 WHERE \"name\" = 'commit_no'" );
          sqlExec( db, sql );
          showWarning( remoteLayer->commitErrors().join( "\n" ) );

      // remove offline layer
        ( QStringList() << qgisLayerId ) );

      // disable offline project
      QString projectTitle = QgsProject::instance()->title();
      projectTitle.remove( QRegExp( " \\(offline\\)$" ) );
      QgsProject::instance()->title( projectTitle );
      remoteLayer->reload(); //update with other changes

  emit progressStopped();

  sqlite3_close( db );