예제 #1
int MakeCommand::execute()
    const QString projectPathParameter = projectPath().isEmpty() ? QString() : QLatin1String(" -p ") +
    QLatin1String("'") + projectPath() +   QLatin1String("'");

    QString command = QLatin1String("mb2") +
                      projectPathParameter +
                      QLatin1String(" -t ") +
                      targetName() +
                      QLatin1Char(' ') + arguments().join(QLatin1String(" ")) + QLatin1Char(' ');

    MerRemoteProcess process;
    return process.executeAndWait();
예제 #2
     * @brief Project::save
    void Project::save()


        if (!m_Path.isEmpty()) {
            QDir dir(m_Path);
            if (!dir.exists())
                if (!dir.mkpath(m_Path)) {
                    m_Errors << tr("Cannot create project directory.");
                    emit errors(tr("Make path error%1").arg(m_Errors.count() <= 1 ? "" : "s"), m_Errors);

            if (!utility::writeToFile(*this, projectPath(m_Path)))
                m_Errors << tr("Cannot save project to file.");

            if (!m_Database->save())
                m_Errors << tr("Cannot save database to file.");
        } else {
            m_Errors << "Project path is empty.";


        if (!m_Errors.isEmpty())
            emit errors(tr("Project save error%1").arg(m_Errors.count() <= 1 ? "" : "s"), m_Errors);
예제 #3
CProject* ProjectManager::projectObject(const QString &projectName)
	if (!hasProject(projectName))
		return 0;

	CProject *project = 0;
	if (projectObjectMap.contains(projectName)) {
		project = projectObjectMap[projectName];
		if (!project->isValid())
		return project;
	} else {
		CProject *project = new CProject(projectPath(projectName));
		connect(project, SIGNAL(updated(const QString &)), this, SIGNAL(projectUpdated(const QString &)));
		projectObjectMap[projectName] = project;
		return project;
예제 #4
Project* Project::open(const QString& path, QObject* parent)
    if (!_serializerActivated)
        Serializer::getActivator()->registerClass("gameplay::Project", &Project::createInstance);
        _serializerActivated = true;

    QString projectPath(path + QString("/") + QString(QLatin1String(PROJECT_FILE)));
    if (!QFile(projectPath).exists())
        return nullptr;

    QByteArray ba = projectPath.toLatin1();
    const char* str = ba.data();
    Serializer* projectReader = Serializer::createReader(str);
    Project* project = nullptr;
    if (projectReader)
        project = static_cast<Project*>(projectReader->readObject(nullptr));
    return project;
예제 #5
 * Returns absolute path of folder where model will be saved.
QString BaseModel::path() const{
	Q_ASSERT(prj != NULL);
	return projectPath() + "/" + folder();
예제 #6
bool cxProjectInfo::Load(const wxFileName& rootPath, const wxString& path, bool onlyFilters) {
	wxFileName projectPath(path, wxEmptyString);
	this->path = path;
	this->isRoot = (projectPath == rootPath);

	if (!projectPath.FileExists()) return false;

	// Load plist file
	TiXmlDocument doc;
	wxFFile docffile(projectPath.GetFullPath(), _T("rb"));
	wxCHECK(docffile.IsOpened() && doc.LoadFile(docffile.fp()), false);

	// Get top dict
	const TiXmlHandle docHandle(&doc);
	const TiXmlElement* topDict = docHandle.FirstChildElement("plist").FirstChildElement().Element();
	if (!topDict || strcmp(topDict->Value(), "dict") != 0) return false; // empty plist

	// Parse entries
	const TiXmlElement* entry = topDict->FirstChildElement();
	for(; entry; entry = entry->NextSiblingElement() ) {
		if (strcmp(entry->Value(), "key") != 0) return false; // invalid dict
		const TiXmlElement* const value = entry->NextSiblingElement();

		if (strcmp(entry->GetText(), "filters") == 0) {
			// Load all filters
			const TiXmlElement* filter = value->FirstChildElement();
			for(; filter; filter = filter->NextSiblingElement() ) {
				if (strcmp(filter->Value(), "key") != 0) return false; // invalid dict

				// Set target array
				wxArrayString* filterArray = NULL;
				const char* filterName = filter->GetText();
				if (strcmp(filterName, "includeDirs") == 0) filterArray = &this->includeDirs;
				else if (strcmp(filterName, "excludeDirs") == 0) filterArray = &this->excludeDirs;
				else if (strcmp(filterName, "includeFiles") == 0) filterArray = &this->includeFiles;
				else if (strcmp(filterName, "excludeFiles") == 0) filterArray = &this->excludeFiles;
				else {

				const TiXmlElement* const array = filter->NextSiblingElement();
				if (strcmp(array->Value(), "array") != 0) return false; // invalid dict

				const TiXmlElement* child = array->FirstChildElement();
				for(; child; child = child->NextSiblingElement() ) {
					const char* valType = child->Value();

					if (strcmp(valType, "string") == 0) {
						const char* pattern = child->GetText();
						if (pattern) filterArray->Add(wxString(pattern, wxConvUTF8));
					else {

				filter = array; // jump over value

			this->hasFilters = true;
			if (onlyFilters) return true;
		else if (strcmp(entry->GetText(), "environment") == 0) {
			// Load all env variables
			const TiXmlElement* env = value->FirstChildElement();
			for(; env; env = env->NextSiblingElement() ) {
				// Get Key
				if (strcmp(env->Value(), "key") != 0) return false; // invalid dict
				const char* key = env->GetText();

				const TiXmlElement* const val = env->NextSiblingElement();
				if (strcmp(val->Value(), "string") != 0) return false; // invalid dict
				const char* value = val->GetText();

				if (key) {
					this->env[wxString(key, wxConvUTF8)] = value ? wxString(value, wxConvUTF8) : *wxEmptyString;

				env = val; // jump over value
		else if (strcmp(entry->GetText(), "fileTriggers") == 0) {
			// Load all env variables
			const TiXmlElement* trigger = value->FirstChildElement();
			for(; trigger; trigger = trigger->NextSiblingElement() ) {
				// Get Key
				if (strcmp(trigger->Value(), "key") != 0) return false; // invalid dict
				const char* key = trigger->GetText();

				const TiXmlElement* const val = trigger->NextSiblingElement();
				if (strcmp(val->Value(), "string") != 0) return false; // invalid dict
				const char* value = val->GetText();

				if (key && value) {
					wxFileName path(wxString(value, wxConvUTF8));

					this->triggers[wxString(key, wxConvUTF8)] = path.GetFullPath();

				trigger = val; // jump over value

		entry = value; // jump over value

	if (onlyFilters && !this->hasFilters) return false;
	return true;
예제 #7
// WriteProjectListings
void SLNGenerator::WriteProjectListings(    const AString& solutionBasePath,
        const AString& solutionBuildProject,
        const Array< VCXProjectNode * > & projects,
        const Array< SLNSolutionFolder > & folders,
        const Array< SLNDependency > & slnDeps,
        AString & solutionBuildProjectGuid,
        Array< AString > & projectGuids,
        Array< AString > & solutionProjectsToFolder )
    // Project Listings

    VCXProjectNode ** const projectsEnd = projects.End();
    for( VCXProjectNode ** it = projects.Begin() ; it != projectsEnd ; ++it )
        // check if this project is the master project
        const bool projectIsActive = ( solutionBuildProject.CompareI( (*it)->GetName() ) == 0 );

        AStackString<> projectPath( (*it)->GetName() );

        // get project base name only
        const char * lastSlash  = projectPath.FindLast( NATIVE_SLASH );
        const char * lastPeriod = projectPath.FindLast( '.' );
        AStackString<> projectName( lastSlash  ? lastSlash + 1  : projectPath.Get(),
                                    lastPeriod ? lastPeriod		: projectPath.GetEnd() );

        // retrieve projectGuid
        AStackString<> projectGuid;
        if ( (*it)->GetProjectGuid().GetLength() == 0 )
            // For backward compatibility, keep the preceding slash and .vcxproj extension for GUID generation
            AStackString<> projectNameForGuid( lastSlash ? lastSlash : projectPath.Get() );
            VSProjectGenerator::FormatDeterministicProjectGUID( projectGuid, projectNameForGuid );
            projectGuid = (*it)->GetProjectGuid();

        // make project path relative
        projectPath.Replace( solutionBasePath.Get(), "" );

        // projectGuid must be uppercase (visual does that, it changes the .sln otherwise)

        if ( projectIsActive )
            ASSERT( solutionBuildProjectGuid.GetLength() == 0 );
            solutionBuildProjectGuid = projectGuid;

        Write( "Project(\"{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}\") = \"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\"\r\n",
               projectName.Get(), projectPath.Get(), projectGuid.Get() );

        // Manage dependencies
        Array< AString > dependencyGUIDs( 64, true );
        const AString & fullProjectPath = (*it)->GetName();
        for ( const SLNDependency & deps : slnDeps )
            // is the set of deps relevant to this project?
            if ( deps.m_Projects.Find( fullProjectPath ) )
                // get all the projects this project depends on
                for ( const AString & dependency : deps.m_Dependencies )
                    // For backward compatibility, keep the preceding slash and .vcxproj extension for GUID generation
                    const char * projNameFromSlash = dependency.FindLast( NATIVE_SLASH );
                    AStackString<> projectNameForGuid( projNameFromSlash ? projNameFromSlash : dependency.Get() );

                    AStackString<> newGUID;
                    VSProjectGenerator::FormatDeterministicProjectGUID( newGUID, projectNameForGuid );
                    dependencyGUIDs.Append( newGUID );
        if ( !dependencyGUIDs.IsEmpty() )
            Write( "\tProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject\r\n" );
            for ( const AString & guid : dependencyGUIDs )
                Write( "\t\t%s = %s\r\n", guid.Get(), guid.Get() );
            Write( "\tEndProjectSection\r\n" );

        Write( "EndProject\r\n" );

        projectGuids.Append( projectGuid );

        // check if this project is in a solution folder
        const SLNSolutionFolder * const foldersEnd = folders.End();
        for ( const SLNSolutionFolder * it2 = folders.Begin() ; it2 != foldersEnd ; ++it2 )
            // this has to be done here to have the same order of declaration (like visual)
            if ( it2->m_ProjectNames.Find( (*it)->GetName() ) )
                // generate a guid for the solution folder
                AStackString<> solutionFolderGuid;
                VSProjectGenerator::FormatDeterministicProjectGUID( solutionFolderGuid, it2->m_Path );


                AStackString<> projectToFolder;
                projectToFolder.Format( "\t\t%s = %s\r\n", projectGuid.Get(), solutionFolderGuid.Get() );

                solutionProjectsToFolder.Append( projectToFolder );
예제 #8
// 修改项目名称
bool ProjectManager::renameProject(const QString &oldName, const QString &newName, bool changePath)
	// 如果项目列表中没有oldName项目, 则返回false
	if (!allProjectMap.contains(oldName))
		return false;

	// 如果项目列表中有项目newName项目, 新项目名称重名了, 则返回false
	if (allProjectMap.contains(newName))
		return false;

	if (changePath) { 	// 如果选择重命名文件夹
		QString oldPath = allProjectMap[oldName];
		QDir dir(oldPath);
		if(dir.cdUp() && dir.rename(oldName, newName)) { // 如果重命名文件夹成功
			QString newPath = dir.path() + "/" + newName;
			allProjectMap[newName] = newPath;
			pathList << newPath;

			if (openedProjectList.contains(oldName)) {
				openedProjectList << newName;

			if (closedProjectList.contains(oldName)) {
				closedProjectList << newName;

			// 暂存historySettings中项目oldName配置
			QString status = historySettings->value("Status", "On").toString();
			QString isCurrent = historySettings->value("IsCurrent", "False").toString();

			// 移除 historySettings中的oldName配置, 加入newName的配置
			historySettings->setValue(newName + "/Status", status);
			historySettings->setValue(newName + "/IsCurrent", isCurrent);
			historySettings->setValue(newName + "/RootPath", newPath);

			// 更新项目配置文件
			QSettings *projectSettings = new QSettings(newPath + "/project.small", QSettings::IniFormat);
			projectSettings->setValue("Name", newName);
			delete projectSettings;
			emit projectRenamed(oldName, newName);
			return true;
		} else {				// 如果重命名文件夹不成功
			return false;
	} else { 					// 如果不重命名文件夹
		allProjectMap[newName] = allProjectMap[oldName];

		if (openedProjectList.contains(oldName)) {
			openedProjectList << newName;

		if (closedProjectList.contains(oldName)) {
			closedProjectList << newName;

		if (projectObjectMap.contains(oldName)) {
			projectObjectMap[newName] = projectObjectMap[oldName];
		} else {
			// 更新项目配置文件
			QSettings *projectSettings = new QSettings( projectPath(newName) + "/project.small", QSettings::IniFormat);
			projectSettings->setValue("Name", newName);
			delete projectSettings;

		// 暂存historySettings中项目oldName配置
		QString status = historySettings->value("Status", "On").toString();
		QString isCurrent = historySettings->value("IsCurrent", "False").toString();
		QString path = historySettings->value("RootPath").toString();

		// 移除 historySettings中的oldName配置, 加入newName的配置
		historySettings->setValue(newName + "/Status", status);
		historySettings->setValue(newName + "/IsCurrent", isCurrent);
		historySettings->setValue(newName + "/RootPath", path);
		return true;
예제 #9
int MyApp::OnRun()
    // Using a space so the initial 'w' will not be capitalized in wxLogGUI dialogs
    wxApp::SetAppName( wxT( " wxFormBuilder" ) );

    // Creating the wxConfig manually so there will be no space
    // The old config (if any) is returned, delete it
    delete wxConfigBase::Set( new wxConfig( wxT("wxFormBuilder") ) );

    // Get the data directory
    wxStandardPathsBase& stdPaths = wxStandardPaths::Get();
    wxString dataDir = stdPaths.GetDataDir();
    dataDir.Replace( GetAppName().c_str(), wxT("wxformbuilder") );

    // Log to stderr while working on the command line
    delete wxLog::SetActiveTarget( new wxLogStderr );

    // Message output to the same as the log target
    delete wxMessageOutput::Set( new wxMessageOutputLog );

    // Parse command line
    wxCmdLineParser parser( s_cmdLineDesc, argc, argv );
    if ( 0 != parser.Parse() )
        return 1;

    // Get project to load
    wxString projectToLoad = wxEmptyString;
    if ( parser.GetParamCount() > 0 )
        projectToLoad = parser.GetParam();

    bool justGenerate = false;
    wxString language;
    bool hasLanguage = parser.Found( wxT("l"), &language );
    if ( parser.Found( wxT("g") ) )
        if ( projectToLoad.empty() )
            wxLogError( _("You must pass a path to a project file. Nothing to generate.") );
            return 2;

        if ( hasLanguage )
            if ( language.empty() )
                wxLogError( _("Empty language option. Nothing generated.") );
                return 3;
            language.Replace( wxT(","), wxT("|"), true );

        // generate code
        justGenerate = true;
        delete wxLog::SetActiveTarget( new wxLogGui );

    // Create singleton AppData - wait to initialize until sure that this is not the second
    // instance of a project file.
    AppDataCreate( dataDir );

    // Make passed project name absolute
        if ( !projectToLoad.empty() )
            wxFileName projectPath( projectToLoad );
            if ( !projectPath.IsOk() )
                THROW_WXFBEX( wxT("This path is invalid: ") << projectToLoad );

            if ( !projectPath.IsAbsolute() )
                if ( !projectPath.MakeAbsolute() )
                    THROW_WXFBEX( wxT("Could not make path absolute: ") << projectToLoad );
            projectToLoad = projectPath.GetFullPath();
    catch ( wxFBException& ex )
        wxLogError( ex.what() );

    // If the project is already loaded in another instance, switch to that instance and quit
    if ( !projectToLoad.empty() && !justGenerate )
        if ( ::wxFileExists( projectToLoad ) )
            if ( !AppData()->VerifySingleInstance( projectToLoad ) )
                return 4;

    // Init handlers
#if wxVERSION_NUMBER >= 2905
    wxXmlResource::Get()->AddHandler(new wxAuiNotebookXmlHandler);

    // Init AppData
    catch( wxFBException& ex )
        wxLogError( _("Error loading application: %s\nwxFormBuilder cannot continue."),	ex.what() );
        return 5;

    wxSystemOptions::SetOption( wxT( "msw.remap" ), 0 );
    wxSystemOptions::SetOption( wxT( "msw.staticbox.optimized-paint" ), 0 );

    m_frame = NULL;

#ifndef __WXFB_DEBUG__
    wxBitmap bitmap;
    std::unique_ptr< cbSplashScreen > splash;
    if ( !justGenerate )
        if ( bitmap.LoadFile( dataDir + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + wxT( "resources" ) + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + wxT( "splash.png" ), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG ) )
            splash = std::unique_ptr< cbSplashScreen >( new cbSplashScreen( bitmap, -1, 0, wxNewId() ) );


    // Read size and position from config file
    wxConfigBase *config = wxConfigBase::Get();
    config->SetPath( wxT("/mainframe") );
    int x, y, w, h;
    x = y = w = h = -1;
    config->Read( wxT( "PosX" ), &x );
    config->Read( wxT( "PosY" ), &y );
    config->Read( wxT( "SizeW" ), &w );
    config->Read( wxT( "SizeH" ), &h );

    long style = config->Read( wxT("style"), wxFB_WIDE_GUI );
    if ( style != wxFB_CLASSIC_GUI )
        style = wxFB_WIDE_GUI;

    config->SetPath( wxT("/") );

    m_frame = new MainFrame( NULL ,-1, (int)style, wxPoint( x, y ), wxSize( w, h ) );
    if ( !justGenerate )
        m_frame->Show( TRUE );
        SetTopWindow( m_frame );

#ifndef __WXFB_DEBUG__
        // turn off the splash screen
        delete splash.release();

#ifdef __WXFB_DEBUG__
        wxLogWindow* log = dynamic_cast< wxLogWindow* >( AppData()->GetDebugLogTarget() );
        if ( log )
            m_frame->AddChild( log->GetFrame() );
#endif //__WXFB_DEBUG__

    // This is not necessary for wxFB to work. However, Windows sets the Current Working Directory
    // to the directory from which a .fbp file was opened, if opened from Windows Explorer.
    // This puts an unneccessary lock on the directory.
    // This changes the CWD to the already locked app directory as a workaround
#ifdef __WXMSW__
    ::wxSetWorkingDirectory( dataDir );

    if ( !projectToLoad.empty() )
        if ( AppData()->LoadProject( projectToLoad, justGenerate ) )
            if ( justGenerate )
                if ( hasLanguage )
                    PObjectBase project = AppData()->GetProjectData();
                    PProperty codeGen = project->GetProperty( _("code_generation") );
                    if ( codeGen )
                        codeGen->SetValue( language );
                AppData()->GenerateCode( false, true );
                return 0;
                m_frame->InsertRecentProject( projectToLoad );
                return wxApp::OnRun();
            wxLogError( wxT("Unable to load project: %s"), projectToLoad.c_str() );

    if ( justGenerate )
        return 6;


#ifdef __WXMAC__
    // document to open on startup
        if ( AppData()->LoadProject( m_mac_file_name ) )
            m_frame->InsertRecentProject( m_mac_file_name );

    return wxApp::OnRun();
예제 #10
void NewQtProjDlg::OnOKUI(wxUpdateUIEvent& event)
    wxString projectName = m_textCtrlProjName->GetValue().Trim();
    wxFileName projectPath ( m_dirPicker4->GetPath(), "" );
    event.Enable( !projectName.IsEmpty() && projectPath.Exists() );