예제 #1
main(int argc, char *argv[])
	ps_decoder_t *ps;
	cmd_ln_t *config;
	acmod_t *acmod;
	fsg_search_t *fsgs;
	ps_lattice_t *dag;
	ps_seg_t *seg;
	int32 score;

	TEST_ASSERT(config =
		    cmd_ln_init(NULL, ps_args(), TRUE,
				"-hmm", DATADIR "/tidigits/hmm",
				"-fsg", DATADIR "/tidigits/lm/tidigits.fsg",
				"-dict", DATADIR "/tidigits/lm/tidigits.dic",
				"-bestpath", "no",
				"-input_endian", "little",
				"-samprate", "16000", NULL));
	TEST_ASSERT(ps = ps_init(config));

	fsgs = (fsg_search_t *)ps->search;
	acmod = ps->acmod;

	setbuf(stdout, NULL);
		FILE *rawfh;
		int16 buf[2048];
		size_t nread;
		int16 const *bptr;
		char const *hyp;
		int nfr;

		TEST_ASSERT(rawfh = fopen(DATADIR "/numbers.raw", "rb"));
		TEST_EQUAL(0, acmod_start_utt(acmod));
		while (!feof(rawfh)) {
			nread = fread(buf, sizeof(*buf), 2048, rawfh);
			bptr = buf;
			while ((nfr = acmod_process_raw(acmod, &bptr, &nread, FALSE)) > 0) {
				while (acmod->n_feat_frame > 0) {
		hyp = fsg_search_hyp(ps_search_base(fsgs), &score, NULL);
		printf("FSG: %s (%d)\n", hyp, score);

		TEST_ASSERT(acmod_end_utt(acmod) >= 0);
	for (seg = ps_seg_iter(ps); seg;
	     seg = ps_seg_next(seg)) {
		char const *word;
		int sf, ef;
		int32 post, lscr, ascr, lback;

		word = ps_seg_word(seg);
		ps_seg_frames(seg, &sf, &ef);
		post = ps_seg_prob(seg, &ascr, &lscr, &lback);
		printf("%s (%d:%d) P(w|o) = %f ascr = %d lscr = %d lback = %d\n", word, sf, ef,
		       logmath_exp(ps_get_logmath(ps), post), ascr, lscr, lback);

	/* Now get the DAG and play with it. */
	dag = ps_get_lattice(ps);
	ps_lattice_write(dag, "test_fsg3.lat");
	printf("BESTPATH: %s\n",
	       ps_lattice_hyp(dag, ps_lattice_bestpath(dag, NULL, 1.0, 15.0)));
	ps_lattice_posterior(dag, NULL, 15.0);

	return 0;
예제 #2
test_decode(ps_decoder_t *ps)
	FILE *rawfh;
	int16 buf[2048];
	size_t nread;
	int16 const *bptr;
	int nfr;
	ps_lattice_t *dag;
	acmod_t *acmod;
	ngram_search_t *ngs;
	int i, j;
	ps_latlink_t *link;
	ps_latnode_t *node;
	latlink_list_t *x;
	int32 norm, post;

	ngs = (ngram_search_t *)ps->search;
	acmod = ps->acmod;

	/* Decode stuff and build a DAG. */
	TEST_ASSERT(rawfh = fopen(DATADIR "/goforward.raw", "rb"));
	TEST_EQUAL(0, acmod_start_utt(acmod));
	while (!feof(rawfh)) {
		nread = fread(buf, sizeof(*buf), 2048, rawfh);
		bptr = buf;
		while ((nfr = acmod_process_raw(acmod, &bptr, &nread, FALSE)) > 0) {
			while (acmod->n_feat_frame > 0) {
				ngram_fwdtree_search(ngs, acmod->output_frame);
	printf("FWDTREE: %s\n",
	       ngram_search_bp_hyp(ngs, ngram_search_find_exit(ngs, -1, NULL, NULL)));

	TEST_ASSERT(acmod_end_utt(acmod) >= 0);

	dag = ngram_search_lattice(ps->search);
	if (dag == NULL) {
		E_ERROR("Failed to build DAG!\n");
		return -1;

	/* Write lattice to disk. */
	TEST_EQUAL(0, ps_lattice_write(dag, "test_posterior.lat"));

	/* Do a bunch of checks on the DAG generation and traversal code: */
	/* Verify that forward and backward iteration give the same number of edges. */
	i = j = 0;
	for (link = ps_lattice_traverse_edges(dag, NULL, NULL);
	     link; link = ps_lattice_traverse_next(dag, NULL)) {
	for (link = ps_lattice_reverse_edges(dag, NULL, NULL);
	     link; link = ps_lattice_reverse_next(dag, NULL)) {
	printf("%d forward edges, %d reverse edges\n", i, j);
	/* Verify that the same links are reachable via entries and exits. */
	for (node = dag->nodes; node; node = node->next) {
		for (x = node->exits; x; x = x->next)
			x->link->alpha = -42;
	for (node = dag->nodes; node; node = node->next) {
		for (x = node->entries; x; x = x->next)
			TEST_EQUAL(x->link->alpha, -42);
	/* Verify that forward iteration is properly ordered. */
	for (link = ps_lattice_traverse_edges(dag, NULL, NULL);
	     link; link = ps_lattice_traverse_next(dag, NULL)) {
		link->alpha = 0;
		for (x = link->from->entries; x; x = x->next) {
			TEST_EQUAL(x->link->alpha, 0);
	/* Verify that backward iteration is properly ordered. */
	for (node = dag->nodes; node; node = node->next) {
		for (x = node->exits; x; x = x->next)
			x->link->alpha = -42;
	for (link = ps_lattice_reverse_edges(dag, NULL, NULL);
	     link; link = ps_lattice_reverse_next(dag, NULL)) {
		link->alpha = 0;
		for (x = link->to->exits; x; x = x->next) {
			TEST_EQUAL(x->link->alpha, 0);
	/* Find and print best path. */
	link = ps_lattice_bestpath(dag, ngs->lmset, 1.0, 1.0/20.0);
	printf("BESTPATH: %s\n", ps_lattice_hyp(dag, link));

	/* Calculate betas. */
	post = ps_lattice_posterior(dag, ngs->lmset, 1.0/20.0);
	printf("Best path score: %d\n",
	       link->path_scr + dag->final_node_ascr);
	printf("P(S|O) = %d\n", post);

	/* Verify that sum of final alphas and initial alphas+betas is
	 * sufficiently similar. */
	norm = logmath_get_zero(acmod->lmath);
	for (x = dag->start->exits; x; x = x->next)
		norm = logmath_add(acmod->lmath, norm, x->link->beta + x->link->alpha);
	E_INFO("Sum of final alphas+betas = %d\n", dag->norm);
	E_INFO("Sum of initial alphas+betas = %d\n", norm);
	TEST_EQUAL_LOG(dag->norm, norm);

	/* Print posterior probabilities for each link in best path. */
	while (link) {
		printf("P(%s,%d) = %d = %f\n",
		       dict_wordstr(ps->search->dict, link->from->wid),
		       link->alpha + link->beta - dag->norm,
		       logmath_exp(acmod->lmath, link->alpha + link->beta - dag->norm));
		link = link->best_prev;

	return 0;