static struct mapAln *chainToPsl(struct chain *ch)
/* convert a chain to a psl, ignoring match counts, etc */
struct psl *psl;
struct cBlock *cBlk;
int iBlk;
int qStart = ch->qStart, qEnd = ch->qEnd;
char strand[2];
strand[0] = ch->qStrand;
strand[1] = '\0';
if (ch->qStrand == '-')
    reverseIntRange(&qStart, &qEnd, ch->qSize);

psl = pslNew(ch->qName, ch->qSize, qStart, qEnd,
             ch->tName, ch->tSize, ch->tStart, ch->tEnd,
             strand, slCount(ch->blockList), 0);
for (cBlk = ch->blockList, iBlk = 0; cBlk != NULL; cBlk = cBlk->next, iBlk++)
    psl->blockSizes[iBlk] = (cBlk->tEnd - cBlk->tStart);
    psl->qStarts[iBlk] = cBlk->qStart;
    psl->tStarts[iBlk] = cBlk->tStart;
    psl->match += psl->blockSizes[iBlk];
psl->blockCount = iBlk;
if (swapMap)
    pslSwap(psl, FALSE);
return mapAlnNew(psl, ch->id);
static void pslMap(char* inPslFile, char *mapFile, char *outPslFile)
/* project inPsl query through mapFile query to mapFile target */
struct chromBins *mapAlns;
struct psl* inPsl;
struct lineFile* inPslLf = pslFileOpen(inPslFile);
FILE *outPslFh, *mapInfoFh = NULL, *mappingPslFh = NULL;

if (chainMapFile)
    mapAlns = loadMapChains(mapFile);
    mapAlns = loadMapPsls(mapFile);

outPslFh = mustOpen(outPslFile, "w");
if (mapInfoFile != NULL)
    mapInfoFh = mustOpen(mapInfoFile, "w");
    fputs(mapInfoHdr, mapInfoFh);
if (mappingPslFile != NULL)
    mappingPslFh = mustOpen(mappingPslFile, "w");
while ((inPsl = pslNext(inPslLf)) != NULL)
    if (swapIn)
        pslSwap(inPsl, FALSE);
    mapQueryPsl(inPsl, mapAlns, outPslFh, mapInfoFh, mappingPslFh);
예제 #3
파일: hapRegions.c 프로젝트: sktu/kentUtils
static struct psl *mapCDnaCDnaAln(struct hapRegions *hr, struct cDnaAlign *refAln, struct psl *mappedHap)
/* create cdna to cdna alignments from mappedHap and refAln, return
 * NULL if can't be mapped */
    struct psl *cDnaCDnaAln = NULL;
    if (sameString(refAln->psl->tName, mappedHap->tName)
            && rangeIntersection(refAln->psl->tStart, refAln->psl->tEnd,
                                 mappedHap->tStart, mappedHap->tEnd))
        pslSwap(mappedHap, FALSE);
        cDnaCDnaAln = pslTransMap(pslTransMapNoOpts, refAln->psl, mappedHap);
        pslSwap(mappedHap, FALSE);
        if ((hr->hapRefCDnaFh != NULL) && (cDnaCDnaAln != NULL))
            cDnaAlignPslOut(cDnaCDnaAln, refAln->alnId, hr->hapRefCDnaFh);
    return cDnaCDnaAln;
static struct chromBins* loadMapPsls(char *pslFile)
/* read a psl file and chromBins by query, linking multiple PSLs for the
 * same query.*/
struct dyString* idBuf = NULL;
struct chromBins* mapAlns = chromBinsNew((chromBinsFreeFunc*)pslFree);
int id = 0;
struct psl* psl;
struct lineFile *pslLf = pslFileOpen(pslFile);
while ((psl = pslNext(pslLf)) != NULL)
    if (swapMap)
        pslSwap(psl, FALSE);
    chromBinsAdd(mapAlns, getMappingId(psl->qName, &idBuf), psl->qStart, psl->qEnd,
                 mapAlnNew(psl, id));
return mapAlns;