예제 #1
void Loader::onImport( const location& loc, const std::string& importTypeName )
	// Notice: the type is not loaded now in order to avoid cyclic dependencies.

	if( _typeBuilder.isValid() )
		pushError( loc, "all import clauses must come before the type specification" );

	size_t lastDotPos = importTypeName.rfind( '.' );
	if( lastDotPos == std::string::npos )
		pushError( loc, "type is in the same namespace and does not require importing" );

	std::string localTypeName = importTypeName.substr( lastDotPos + 1 );

	// checks whether a type with the same local name was already imported
	ImportTypeMap::iterator it = _importedTypes.find( localTypeName );
	if( it != _importedTypes.end() )
		PUSH_ERROR( loc, "import '" << importTypeName << "' conflicts with a "
			"previous import at line " << it->second.loc.begin.line );

	_importedTypes.insert( ImportTypeMap::value_type( localTypeName, ImportInfo( importTypeName, loc ) ) );
예제 #2
IType* TypeLoader::resolveType( const csl::location& loc, const std::string& typeName, bool isArray )
		if( isArray )
			IType* elementType = resolveType( loc, typeName );
			if( !elementType )
				assert( getError() != NULL );
				pushError( loc, "error loading array element type" );
				return NULL;
			return _typeManager->getArrayOf( elementType );

		// try to find an imported type aliased as 'typeName'
		IType* type = findImportedType( typeName );
		if( type )
			return type;

		// try to find an existing type named 'typeName'
		type = findDependency( typeName );
		if( type )
			return type;

		// try to load a type named 'typeName'
		return loadDependency( typeName );
	catch( co::Exception& e )
		pushError( loc, e.getMessage() );
		return NULL;
예제 #3
void QgsWFSProvider::handleException( const QDomDocument& serverResponse )
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "server response: %1" ).arg( serverResponse.toString() ) );

  QDomElement exceptionElem = serverResponse.documentElement();
  if ( exceptionElem.isNull() )
    pushError( tr( "empty response" ) );

  if ( exceptionElem.tagName() == "ServiceExceptionReport" )
    pushError( tr( "WFS service exception:%1" ).arg( exceptionElem.firstChildElement( "ServiceException" ).text() ) );

  if ( exceptionElem.tagName() == "WFS_TransactionResponse" )
    pushError( tr( "unsuccessful service response: %1" ).arg( exceptionElem.firstChildElement( "TransactionResult" ).firstChildElement( "Message" ).text() ) );

  if ( exceptionElem.tagName() == "ExceptionReport" )
    QDomElement exception = exceptionElem.firstChildElement( "Exception" );
    pushError( tr( "WFS exception report (code=%1 text=%2)" )
               .arg( exception.attribute( "exceptionCode", tr( "missing" ) ),
                     exception.firstChildElement( "ExceptionText" ).text() )

  pushError( tr( "unhandled response: %1" ).arg( exceptionElem.tagName() ) );
예제 #4
bool QgsDb2Provider::setSubsetString( const QString& theSQL, bool )
  QString prevWhere = mSqlWhereClause;
  QgsDebugMsg( theSQL );
  mSqlWhereClause = theSQL.trimmed();

  QString sql = QString( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " );

  sql += QString( "%1.%2" ).arg( mSchemaName, mTableName );

  if ( !mSqlWhereClause.isEmpty() )
    sql += QString( " WHERE %1" ).arg( mSqlWhereClause );

  if ( !openDatabase( mDatabase ) )
    return false;

  QSqlQuery query = QSqlQuery( mDatabase );
  query.setForwardOnly( true );
  QgsDebugMsg( sql );
  if ( !query.exec( sql ) )
    pushError( query.lastError().text() );
    mSqlWhereClause = prevWhere;
    QgsDebugMsg( query.lastError().text() );
    return false;

  if ( query.isActive() && query.next() )
    mNumberFeatures = query.value( 0 ).toInt();
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "count: %1" ).arg( mNumberFeatures ) );
    pushError( query.lastError().text() );
    mSqlWhereClause = prevWhere;
    QgsDebugMsg( query.lastError().text() );
    return false;

  QgsDataSourceUri anUri = QgsDataSourceUri( dataSourceUri() );
  anUri.setSql( mSqlWhereClause );

  setDataSourceUri( anUri.uri() );


  emit dataChanged();

  return true;
예제 #5
void Loader::onTypeSpec( const location& kLoc, TypeKind kind, const location& nLoc, const std::string& name )
	if( _typeBuilder.isValid() )
		pushError( kLoc, "only one type specification is allowed per file" );
	else if( name != _cslFileBaseName )
		pushError( nLoc, "the name of the defined type must match its filename" );
		_typeBuilder = createTypeBuilder( name, kind );
		onElement( std::string() );
예제 #6
bool Loader::parse( const std::string& filename )
	_filename = &filename;

	// extract the CSL file's base name
	size_t startPos = filename.rfind( CORAL_OS_DIR_SEP );
	startPos = ( startPos == std::string::npos ? 0 : startPos + 1 );
	size_t lastDotPos = filename.rfind( '.' );
	_cslFileBaseName.assign( filename, startPos, lastDotPos - startPos );

	// open file
	FILE* file = fopen( filename.c_str(), "rt" );
	if( !file )
		pushError( filename, "could not open file" );
		return false;

	yyscan_t scanner;
	csl_lex_init( &scanner );
	csl_set_in( file, scanner );

		Parser parser( *this, scanner );
		//parser.set_debug_level( 1 );
		if( parser.parse() != 0 )
			assert( getError() );
			if( !getError() )
				pushError( filename, "unexpected parse error" );
	catch( std::exception& e )
		pushError( filename, std::string( "unexpected exception: " ) + e.what() );
	catch( ... )
		pushError( filename, "unexpected unknown exception" );

	csl_lex_destroy( scanner );
	fclose( file );
	_filename = NULL;

	return !_error.isValid();
예제 #7
bool enumExists(MavenCompiler* c, string name) {
	StringList items = split('.', name);
	int namespaceID = -1, objectID = -1;
	if(items.length() == 1) {
		// recognise ambiguous objects
		vector<int> found;
		for(namespaceID = 0; namespaceID < c->namespaces->length(); ++namespaceID) {
			objectID = findEnumID(c, namespaceID, items[0]);
			if(objectID >= 0)
		if(found.size() > 1)
			pushError(c, "Ambiguous enumerator '%s'", items[0]);
		return (found.size() == 1);
	} else if(items.length() == 2) {
		namespaceID = findNamespaceID(c, items[0]);
		if(namespaceID < 0)
			return false;
		objectID = findEnumID(c, namespaceID, items[1]);
		return (objectID >= 0);
	return false;
예제 #8
void Loader::onAnnotationData( const location& loc, const std::string& fieldName, const Any& value )
	IAnnotation* annotation = _annotations.back().annotations.back().get();
		IInterface* itf = annotation->getInterface();
		IMember* m = itf->getMember( fieldName );
		if( !m || m->getKind() != MK_FIELD )
			PUSH_ERROR( loc, "annotation type '" << itf->getFullName() <<
							"' has no field named '" << fieldName << "'" );

		ICompositeType* ct = m->getOwner();
		IReflector* reflector = ct->getReflector();
		if( !reflector )
			PUSH_ERROR( loc, "annotation type '" << ct->getFullName() << "' has no reflector" );

		reflector->setField( annotation, static_cast<IField*>( m ), value );
	catch( Exception& e )
		pushError( loc, e.getMessage() );
		PUSH_ERROR( loc, "error setting annotation field '" << fieldName << "'" );
string compilerFunctionSelector(MavenCompiler* c, string signature, string args, string& type) {
	// find the function we are trying to select
	if(signature.substr(0, 10) != "<Function:") {
		pushError(c, "@selector is not a function");
	StringList parts = split(',', signature.substr(10, signature.length() - 11));
	int fnID = atoi(parts[0].c_str());
	int foID = atoi(parts[1].c_str());
	int fID = atoi(parts[2].c_str());
	string ptrType = c->namespaces->at(fnID).objects->at(foID)->functions->at(fID).returnType;
	// build the selector function
	args = trim(args);
	if(pushSelector(c, args)) {
#if MAVEN_OS == 1
		c->postLines.push_back("void* " + args + "$selector(void* v) {");
#elif MAVEN_OS == 2
		c->postLines.push_back("int " + args + "$selector(void* v) {");
		c->postLines.push_back("maven::objectArray* argv = (maven::objectArray*) v;");
		if(ptrType != "void")
			c->postLines.push_back(ptrType + " *r = new " + ptrType + "[1];");
		c->postLines.push_back("try {");
		c->postLines.push_back("if(argv->length != " +
							   intToString(c->namespaces->at(fnID).objects->at(foID)->functions->at(fID).args.length()) +
							   ") throw new maven::SelectorException();");
		string caller = "";
		for(int i = 0; i < c->namespaces->at(fnID).objects->at(foID)->functions->at(fID).args.length(); ++i) {
			if(caller != "")
				caller += ",";
			caller += "argv->a[" + intToString(i) + "]->toFloat()";
		c->postLines.push_back(string(c->namespaces->at(fnID).name + "::" +
									  c->namespaces->at(fnID).objects->at(foID)->name + "::" + args + "(") +
							   caller + ");");
		c->postLines.push_back("} catch(maven::Exception* caughtGlobalException) {");
		c->postLines.push_back("  std::cout << caughtGlobalException->description()->s << std::endl;");
		if(ptrType != "void") {
#if MAVEN_OS == 1
			c->postLines.push_back("return (void*) r;");
#elif MAVEN_OS == 2
			c->postLines.push_back("return 0;");
	// all done
	type = "maven.Selector";
	return "new maven::Selector(" + args + "$selector)";
예제 #10
void Loader::onPort( const location& loc, bool isFacet, const std::string& name )
	IType* type = getLastDeclaredType();
	if( getError() )

	if( type->getKind() != TK_INTERFACE )
		pushError( loc, "an interface type was expected" );

	CATCH_ERRORS( loc, _typeBuilder->definePort( name, static_cast<IInterface*>( type ), isFacet ) );
	onElement( name );
예제 #11
파일: errors.c 프로젝트: Tmanthegamer/ride
 * @brief      Initialize an error object
 * @param      message  The message of the error
void errorInitial( char *message )
    Error *e;
    // printf("A wild error has appeared\n");
    e = (Error *) malloc(sizeof(Error));

    //add to errList
    e->message          = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(message));
    strcpy(e->message, message);

    e->message_length   = strlen(message);
    e->line_number      = g_lineNum - g_headerLines;
    e->column_start     = g_lineCol;
    e->num_characters   = 0;
예제 #12
void Loader::onAnnotation( const location& loc, const std::string& name, bool hasData )
	std::string componentName;
	componentName.reserve( name.size() + 10 );
	componentName.append( name );
	componentName.append( "Annotation" );

	IType* type = resolveType( loc, componentName );
	if( !type )
		PUSH_ERROR( loc, "error loading annotation type '" << componentName << "'" );

	if( type->getKind() != TK_COMPONENT )
		PUSH_ERROR( loc, "annotation type '" << componentName << "' is not a component" );

		RefPtr<IAnnotation> annotation;
		if( hasData )
			RefPtr<IObject> object( type->getReflector()->newInstance() );
			annotation = getAnnotationFrom( object.get() );
			annotation = getDefaultAnnotationInstance( type );

		if( _annotations.empty() )
			_annotations.push_back( AnnotationRecord() );
		_annotations.back().annotations.push_back( annotation.get() );
	catch( Exception& e )
		pushError( loc, e.getMessage() );
예제 #13
IType* TypeLoader::loadType()
		std::string fullPath;
		std::string relativePath;
		if( findCSL( _fullTypeName, fullPath, relativePath ) )
			INamespace* ns = _typeManager->getRootNS();

			// iterate over all subparts
			StringTokenizer st( relativePath, CORAL_OS_DIR_SEP_STR );
			std::string currentToken = st.getToken();
			while( st.nextToken() )
				ns = getOrCreateChildNamespace( ns, currentToken );
				currentToken = st.getToken();

			_namespace = ns;

			if( parse( fullPath ) )
				if( isRootLoader() )
				return getType();
	catch( co::Exception& e )
		pushError( e.getMessage() );

	if( isRootLoader() )

	return NULL;
예제 #14
QgsAfsProvider::QgsAfsProvider( const QString &uri, const ProviderOptions &options )
  : QgsVectorDataProvider( uri, options )
  mSharedData.reset( new QgsAfsSharedData() );
  mSharedData->mGeometryType = QgsWkbTypes::Unknown;
  mSharedData->mDataSource = QgsDataSourceUri( uri );

  const QString authcfg = mSharedData->mDataSource.authConfigId();

  // Set CRS
  mSharedData->mSourceCRS.createFromString( mSharedData->mDataSource.param( QStringLiteral( "crs" ) ) );

  // Get layer info
  QString errorTitle, errorMessage;

  const QString referer = mSharedData->mDataSource.param( QStringLiteral( "referer" ) );
  if ( !referer.isEmpty() )
    mRequestHeaders[ QStringLiteral( "Referer" )] = referer;

  const QVariantMap layerData = QgsArcGisRestUtils::getLayerInfo( mSharedData->mDataSource.param( QStringLiteral( "url" ) ),
                                authcfg, errorTitle, errorMessage, mRequestHeaders );
  if ( layerData.isEmpty() )
    pushError( errorTitle + ": " + errorMessage );
    appendError( QgsErrorMessage( tr( "getLayerInfo failed" ), QStringLiteral( "AFSProvider" ) ) );
  mLayerName = layerData[QStringLiteral( "name" )].toString();
  mLayerDescription = layerData[QStringLiteral( "description" )].toString();

  // Set extent
  QStringList coords = mSharedData->mDataSource.param( QStringLiteral( "bbox" ) ).split( ',' );
  bool limitBbox = false;
  if ( coords.size() == 4 )
    bool xminOk = false, yminOk = false, xmaxOk = false, ymaxOk = false;
    mSharedData->mExtent.setXMinimum( coords[0].toDouble( &xminOk ) );
    mSharedData->mExtent.setYMinimum( coords[1].toDouble( &yminOk ) );
    mSharedData->mExtent.setXMaximum( coords[2].toDouble( &xmaxOk ) );
    mSharedData->mExtent.setYMaximum( coords[3].toDouble( &ymaxOk ) );
    if ( !xminOk || !yminOk || !xmaxOk || !ymaxOk )
      mSharedData->mExtent = QgsRectangle();
      // user has set a bounding box limit on the layer - so we only EVER fetch features from this extent
      limitBbox = true;

  const QVariantMap layerExtentMap = layerData[QStringLiteral( "extent" )].toMap();
  bool xminOk = false, yminOk = false, xmaxOk = false, ymaxOk = false;
  QgsRectangle originalExtent;
  originalExtent.setXMinimum( layerExtentMap[QStringLiteral( "xmin" )].toDouble( &xminOk ) );
  originalExtent.setYMinimum( layerExtentMap[QStringLiteral( "ymin" )].toDouble( &yminOk ) );
  originalExtent.setXMaximum( layerExtentMap[QStringLiteral( "xmax" )].toDouble( &xmaxOk ) );
  originalExtent.setYMaximum( layerExtentMap[QStringLiteral( "ymax" )].toDouble( &ymaxOk ) );
  if ( mSharedData->mExtent.isEmpty() && ( !xminOk || !yminOk || !xmaxOk || !ymaxOk ) )
    appendError( QgsErrorMessage( tr( "Could not retrieve layer extent" ), QStringLiteral( "AFSProvider" ) ) );
  QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem extentCrs = QgsArcGisRestUtils::parseSpatialReference( layerExtentMap[QStringLiteral( "spatialReference" )].toMap() );
  if ( mSharedData->mExtent.isEmpty() && !extentCrs.isValid() )
    appendError( QgsErrorMessage( tr( "Could not parse spatial reference" ), QStringLiteral( "AFSProvider" ) ) );

  if ( xminOk && yminOk && xmaxOk && ymaxOk )
    QgsLayerMetadata::SpatialExtent spatialExtent;
    spatialExtent.bounds = QgsBox3d( originalExtent );
    spatialExtent.extentCrs = extentCrs;
    QgsLayerMetadata::Extent metadataExtent;
    metadataExtent.setSpatialExtents( QList<  QgsLayerMetadata::SpatialExtent >() << spatialExtent );
    mLayerMetadata.setExtent( metadataExtent );
  if ( extentCrs.isValid() )
    mLayerMetadata.setCrs( extentCrs );

  if ( mSharedData->mExtent.isEmpty() )
    mSharedData->mExtent = originalExtent;
    mSharedData->mExtent = QgsCoordinateTransform( extentCrs, mSharedData->mSourceCRS ).transformBoundingBox( mSharedData->mExtent );
예제 #15
QgsAfsProvider::QgsAfsProvider( const QString &uri )
  : QgsVectorDataProvider( uri )
  , mValid( false )
  , mObjectIdFieldIdx( -1 )
  mSharedData.reset( new QgsAfsSharedData() );
  mSharedData->mGeometryType = QgsWkbTypes::Unknown;
  mSharedData->mDataSource = QgsDataSourceUri( uri );

  // Set CRS
  mSharedData->mSourceCRS = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::fromOgcWmsCrs( mSharedData->mDataSource.param( QStringLiteral( "crs" ) ) );

  // Get layer info
  QString errorTitle, errorMessage;
  const QVariantMap layerData = QgsArcGisRestUtils::getLayerInfo( mSharedData->mDataSource.param( QStringLiteral( "url" ) ), errorTitle, errorMessage );
  if ( layerData.isEmpty() )
    pushError( errorTitle + ": " + errorMessage );
    appendError( QgsErrorMessage( tr( "getLayerInfo failed" ), QStringLiteral( "AFSProvider" ) ) );
  mLayerName = layerData[QStringLiteral( "name" )].toString();
  mLayerDescription = layerData[QStringLiteral( "description" )].toString();

  // Set extent
  QStringList coords = mSharedData->mDataSource.param( QStringLiteral( "bbox" ) ).split( ',' );
  if ( coords.size() == 4 )
    bool xminOk = false, yminOk = false, xmaxOk = false, ymaxOk = false;
    mSharedData->mExtent.setXMinimum( coords[0].toDouble( &xminOk ) );
    mSharedData->mExtent.setYMinimum( coords[1].toDouble( &yminOk ) );
    mSharedData->mExtent.setXMaximum( coords[2].toDouble( &xmaxOk ) );
    mSharedData->mExtent.setYMaximum( coords[3].toDouble( &ymaxOk ) );
    if ( !xminOk || !yminOk || !xmaxOk || !ymaxOk )
      mSharedData->mExtent = QgsRectangle();

  const QVariantMap layerExtentMap = layerData[QStringLiteral( "extent" )].toMap();
  bool xminOk = false, yminOk = false, xmaxOk = false, ymaxOk = false;
  QgsRectangle originalExtent;
  originalExtent.setXMinimum( layerExtentMap[QStringLiteral( "xmin" )].toDouble( &xminOk ) );
  originalExtent.setYMinimum( layerExtentMap[QStringLiteral( "ymin" )].toDouble( &yminOk ) );
  originalExtent.setXMaximum( layerExtentMap[QStringLiteral( "xmax" )].toDouble( &xmaxOk ) );
  originalExtent.setYMaximum( layerExtentMap[QStringLiteral( "ymax" )].toDouble( &ymaxOk ) );
  if ( mSharedData->mExtent.isEmpty() && ( !xminOk || !yminOk || !xmaxOk || !ymaxOk ) )
    appendError( QgsErrorMessage( tr( "Could not retrieve layer extent" ), QStringLiteral( "AFSProvider" ) ) );
  QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem extentCrs = QgsArcGisRestUtils::parseSpatialReference( layerExtentMap[QStringLiteral( "spatialReference" )].toMap() );
  if ( mSharedData->mExtent.isEmpty() && !extentCrs.isValid() )
    appendError( QgsErrorMessage( tr( "Could not parse spatial reference" ), QStringLiteral( "AFSProvider" ) ) );

  if ( xminOk && yminOk && xmaxOk && ymaxOk )
    QgsLayerMetadata::SpatialExtent spatialExtent;
    spatialExtent.bounds = QgsBox3d( originalExtent );
    spatialExtent.extentCrs = extentCrs;
    QgsLayerMetadata::Extent metadataExtent;
    metadataExtent.setSpatialExtents( QList<  QgsLayerMetadata::SpatialExtent >() << spatialExtent );
    mLayerMetadata.setExtent( metadataExtent );
  if ( extentCrs.isValid() )
    mLayerMetadata.setCrs( extentCrs );

  if ( mSharedData->mExtent.isEmpty() )
    mSharedData->mExtent = originalExtent;
    mSharedData->mExtent = QgsCoordinateTransform( extentCrs, mSharedData->mSourceCRS ).transformBoundingBox( mSharedData->mExtent );
예제 #16
bool QgsDb2Provider::addFeatures( QgsFeatureList & flist )
  QgsDebugMsg( "mGeometryColType: " + mGeometryColType );
  int writeCount = 0;
  bool copyOperation = false;

  if ( !mDatabase.isOpen() )
    QString errMsg;
    mDatabase = getDatabase( mConnInfo, errMsg );
    if ( !errMsg.isEmpty() )
      QgsDebugMsg( "getDatabase failed: " + errMsg );
      return false;
  if ( !mDatabase.transaction() )
    QgsDebugMsg( "transaction failed" );
    return false;
  QSqlQuery query = QSqlQuery( mDatabase );
  query.setForwardOnly( true );
  QSqlQuery queryFid = QSqlQuery( mDatabase );
  queryFid.setForwardOnly( true );

  QgsFeature it = flist.at( 0 );
  QString statement;
  QString values;
  statement = QString( "INSERT INTO %1.%2 (" ).arg( mSchemaName, mTableName );

  bool first = true;

// Get the first geometry and its wkbType as when we are doing drag/drop,
// the wkbType is not passed to the DB2 provider from QgsVectorLayerImport
// Can't figure out how to resolved "unreferenced" wkbType compile message
// Don't really do anything with it at this point
#if 0
  QgsGeometry *geom = it.geometry();
  QgsWkbTypes::Type wkbType = geom->wkbType();
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "wkbType: %1" ).arg( wkbType ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "mWkbType: %1" ).arg( mWkbType ) );

  QgsAttributes attrs = it.attributes();
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "attrs.count: %1" ).arg( attrs.count() ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "fields.count: %1" ).arg( mAttributeFields.count() ) );
  if ( mAttributeFields.count() == ( attrs.count() + 1 ) )
    copyOperation = true; // FID is first field but no attribute in attrs
  else if ( mAttributeFields.count() !=  attrs.count() )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Count mismatch - failing" );
    return false;

  if ( attrs.count() != mAttributeFields.count() )
    QgsDebugMsg( "field counts don't match" );
//  return false;

  for ( int i = 0; i < mAttributeFields.count(); ++i )
    QgsField fld = mAttributeFields.at( i );
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "i: %1; got field: %2" ).arg( i ).arg( fld.name() ) );

    if ( fld.name().isEmpty() )
      continue; // invalid

    if ( mFidColName == fld.name() )
      continue; // skip identity field

//      if ( mDefaultValues.contains( i ) && mDefaultValues[i] == attrs.at( i ) )
//        continue; // skip fields having default values

    if ( !first )
      statement += ',';
      values += ',';
      first = false;

    statement += QString( "%1" ).arg( fld.name() );
    values += QString( "?" );

  // append geometry column name
  if ( !mGeometryColName.isEmpty() )
    if ( !first )
      statement += ',';
      values += ',';

    statement += QString( "%1" ).arg( mGeometryColName );

    values += QString( "db2gse.%1(CAST (%2 AS BLOB(2M)),%3)" )
              .arg( mGeometryColType,
                    QString( "?" ),
                    QString::number( mSRId ) );

  QgsDebugMsg( statement );
  QgsDebugMsg( values );
  statement += ") VALUES (" + values + ')';
  QgsDebugMsg( statement );

  QgsDebugMsg( "Prepare statement" );
  // use prepared statement to prevent from sql injection
  if ( !query.prepare( statement ) )
    QString msg = query.lastError().text();
    QgsDebugMsg( msg );
    pushError( msg );
    return false;

  for ( QgsFeatureList::iterator it = flist.begin(); it != flist.end(); ++it )
    attrs = it->attributes();

    int fieldIdx = 0;
    if ( copyOperation )
      fieldIdx = 1;  // skip first (FID) field if copying from shapefile
    int bindIdx = 0;
    for ( int i = 0; i < attrs.count(); i++ )
      QgsField fld = mAttributeFields.at( fieldIdx++ );
      if ( fld.name().isEmpty() )
        continue; // invalid

      if ( mFidColName == fld.name() )
        continue; // skip identity field

//      if ( mDefaultValues.contains( i ) && mDefaultValues[i] == attrs.at( i ) )
//        continue; // skip fields having default values

      QVariant::Type type = fld.type();
      if ( attrs.at( i ).isNull() || !attrs.at( i ).isValid() )
        // binding null values
        if ( type == QVariant::Date || type == QVariant::DateTime )
          query.bindValue( bindIdx,  QVariant( QVariant::String ) );
          query.bindValue( bindIdx,  QVariant( type ) );
      else if ( type == QVariant::Int )
        // binding an INTEGER value
        query.bindValue( bindIdx,  attrs.at( i ).toInt() );
      else if ( type == QVariant::Double )
        // binding a DOUBLE value
        query.bindValue( bindIdx,  attrs.at( i ).toDouble() );
      else if ( type == QVariant::String )
        // binding a TEXT value
        query.bindValue( bindIdx,  attrs.at( i ).toString() );
      else if ( type == QVariant::Time )
        // binding a TIME value
        query.bindValue( bindIdx,  attrs.at( i ).toTime().toString( Qt::ISODate ) );
      else if ( type == QVariant::Date )
        // binding a DATE value
        query.bindValue( bindIdx,  attrs.at( i ).toDate().toString( Qt::ISODate ) );
      else if ( type == QVariant::DateTime )
        // binding a DATETIME value
        query.bindValue( bindIdx,  attrs.at( i ).toDateTime().toString( Qt::ISODate ) );
        query.bindValue( bindIdx,  attrs.at( i ) );

#if 0
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "bound i: %1; name: %2; value: %3; bindIdx: %4" ).
                   arg( i ).arg( fld.name() ).arg( attrs.at( i ).toString() ).arg( bindIdx ) );

    if ( !mGeometryColName.isEmpty() )
      QgsGeometry geom = it->geometry();

      QByteArray bytea = QByteArray(( char* )geom.asWkb(), ( int ) geom.wkbSize() );
      query.bindValue( bindIdx,  bytea, QSql::In | QSql::Binary );

    QList<QVariant> list = query.boundValues().values();

// Show bound values
#if 0
    for ( int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i )
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "i: %1; value: %2; type: %3" )
                   .arg( i ).arg( list.at( i ).toString().toLatin1().data() ).arg( list.at( i ).typeName() ) );
    if ( !query.exec() )
      QString msg = query.lastError().text();
      QgsDebugMsg( msg );
      if ( !mSkipFailures )
        pushError( msg );
        return false;

    statement = QString( "select IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL() AS IDENTITY "
                         "FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1" );
//    QgsDebugMsg( statement );
    if ( !queryFid.exec( statement ) )
      QString msg = query.lastError().text();
      QgsDebugMsg( msg );
      if ( !mSkipFailures )
        pushError( msg );
        return false;

    if ( !queryFid.next() )
      QString msg = query.lastError().text();
      QgsDebugMsg( msg );
      if ( !mSkipFailures )
        pushError( msg );
        return false;
    it->setFeatureId( queryFid.value( 0 ).toLongLong() );
//    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "count: %1; featureId: %2" ).arg( writeCount ).arg( queryFid.value( 0 ).toLongLong() ) );
  bool commitStatus = mDatabase.commit();
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "commitStatus: %1; write count: %2; featureId: %3" )
               .arg( commitStatus ).arg( writeCount ).arg( queryFid.value( 0 ).toLongLong() ) );
  if ( !commitStatus )
    pushError( "Commit of new features failed" );
    return false;
  return true;
IntermediateRepresentator::transform(const TransformationParameters& parameters,
                                     const CompileErrorList& parsingErrors,
                                     MemoryAccess& memoryAccess) {
  auto errors = parsingErrors;
  if (_currentOutput) {
                     "Macro not closed. Missing a macro end directive?");

  PrecompileImmutableArguments precompileArguments(parameters.architecture(),

  SymbolGraph graph;
  MacroDirectiveTable macroTable;
  for (const auto& command : _commandList) {
    command->precompile(precompileArguments, errors, graph, macroTable);

      _commandList.begin(), _commandList.end(), macroTable, errors);

  auto macroList = generateMacroInformation();
  auto preliminaryEvaluation = graph.evaluate();

  if (!evaluateGraph(preliminaryEvaluation, errors)) {
    return FinalRepresentation({}, errors, macroList);

  SymbolReplacer preliminaryReplacer(preliminaryEvaluation);

  MemoryAllocator allocator(parameters.allocator());
  SectionTracker tracker;

  auto allowedSize = memoryAccess.getMemorySize().get();
  IntermediateOperationPointer firstMemoryExceedingOperation(nullptr);

  AllocateMemoryImmutableArguments allocateMemoryArguments(precompileArguments,

  for (const auto& command : _commandList) {
        allocateMemoryArguments, errors, allocator, tracker);
    if (allocator.estimateSize() > allowedSize &&
        !firstMemoryExceedingOperation) {
      firstMemoryExceedingOperation = command;

  auto allocatedSize = allocator.calculatePositions();

  EnhanceSymbolTableImmutableArguments symbolTableArguments(
      allocateMemoryArguments, allocator);
  for (const auto& command : _commandList) {
    command->enhanceSymbolTable(symbolTableArguments, errors, graph);

  auto graphEvaluation = graph.evaluate();
  auto graphValid = evaluateGraph(graphEvaluation, errors);
  auto memoryValid = checkMemorySize(
      allocatedSize, allowedSize, firstMemoryExceedingOperation, errors);
  if (!(graphValid && memoryValid)) {
    return FinalRepresentation({}, errors, macroList);

  SymbolReplacer replacer(graphEvaluation);
  ExecuteImmutableArguments executeArguments(symbolTableArguments, replacer);
  FinalCommandVector commandOutput;
  for (const auto& command : _commandList) {
    command->execute(executeArguments, errors, commandOutput, memoryAccess);

  return FinalRepresentation(commandOutput, errors, macroList);
예제 #18
QgsAfsProvider::QgsAfsProvider( const QString& uri )
    : QgsVectorDataProvider( uri )
    , mValid( false )
    , mGeometryType( QgsWkbTypes::Unknown )
    , mObjectIdFieldIdx( -1 )
  mDataSource = QgsDataSourceUri( uri );

  // Set CRS
  mSourceCRS = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::fromOgcWmsCrs( mDataSource.param( "crs" ) );

  // Get layer info
  QString errorTitle, errorMessage;
  QVariantMap layerData = QgsArcGisRestUtils::getLayerInfo( mDataSource.param( "url" ), errorTitle, errorMessage );
  if ( layerData.isEmpty() )
    pushError( errorTitle + ": " + errorMessage );
    appendError( QgsErrorMessage( tr( "getLayerInfo failed" ), "AFSProvider" ) );
  mLayerName = layerData["name"].toString();
  mLayerDescription = layerData["description"].toString();

  // Set extent
  QStringList coords = mDataSource.param( "bbox" ).split( "," );
  if ( coords.size() == 4 )
    bool xminOk = false, yminOk = false, xmaxOk = false, ymaxOk = false;
    mExtent.setXMinimum( coords[0].toDouble( &xminOk ) );
    mExtent.setYMinimum( coords[1].toDouble( &yminOk ) );
    mExtent.setXMaximum( coords[2].toDouble( &xmaxOk ) );
    mExtent.setYMaximum( coords[3].toDouble( &ymaxOk ) );
    if ( !xminOk || !yminOk || !xmaxOk || !ymaxOk )
      mExtent = QgsRectangle();
  if ( mExtent.isEmpty() )
    QVariantMap layerExtentMap = layerData["extent"].toMap();
    bool xminOk = false, yminOk = false, xmaxOk = false, ymaxOk = false;
    mExtent.setXMinimum( layerExtentMap["xmin"].toDouble( &xminOk ) );
    mExtent.setYMinimum( layerExtentMap["ymin"].toDouble( &yminOk ) );
    mExtent.setXMaximum( layerExtentMap["xmax"].toDouble( &xmaxOk ) );
    mExtent.setYMaximum( layerExtentMap["ymax"].toDouble( &ymaxOk ) );
    if ( !xminOk || !yminOk || !xmaxOk || !ymaxOk )
      appendError( QgsErrorMessage( tr( "Could not retrieve layer extent" ), "AFSProvider" ) );
    QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem extentCrs = QgsArcGisRestUtils::parseSpatialReference( layerExtentMap["spatialReference"].toMap() );
    if ( !extentCrs.isValid() )
      appendError( QgsErrorMessage( tr( "Could not parse spatial reference" ), "AFSProvider" ) );
    mExtent = QgsCoordinateTransform( extentCrs, mSourceCRS ).transformBoundingBox( mExtent );

  // Read fields
  foreach ( const QVariant& fieldData, layerData["fields"].toList() )
    QVariantMap fieldDataMap = fieldData.toMap();
    QString fieldName = fieldDataMap["name"].toString();
    QVariant::Type type = QgsArcGisRestUtils::mapEsriFieldType( fieldDataMap["type"].toString() );
    if ( fieldName == "geometry" || type == QVariant::Invalid )
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Skipping unsupported (or possibly geometry) field" ).arg( fieldName ) );
    QgsField field( fieldName, type, fieldDataMap["type"].toString(), fieldDataMap["length"].toInt() );
    mFields.append( field );

  // Determine geometry type
  bool hasM = layerData["hasM"].toBool();
  bool hasZ = layerData["hasZ"].toBool();
  mGeometryType = QgsArcGisRestUtils::mapEsriGeometryType( layerData["geometryType"].toString() );
  if ( mGeometryType == QgsWkbTypes::Unknown )
    appendError( QgsErrorMessage( tr( "Failed to determine geometry type" ), "AFSProvider" ) );
  mGeometryType = QgsWkbTypes::zmType( mGeometryType, hasZ, hasM );

  // Read OBJECTIDs of all features: these may not be a continuous sequence,
  // and we need to store these to iterate through the features. This query
  // also returns the name of the ObjectID field.
  QVariantMap objectIdData = QgsArcGisRestUtils::getObjectIds( mDataSource.param( "url" ), errorTitle, errorMessage );
  if ( objectIdData.isEmpty() )
    appendError( QgsErrorMessage( tr( "getObjectIds failed: %1 - %2" ).arg( errorTitle ).arg( errorMessage ), "AFSProvider" ) );
  if ( !objectIdData["objectIdFieldName"].isValid() || !objectIdData["objectIds"].isValid() )
    appendError( QgsErrorMessage( tr( "Failed to determine objectIdFieldName and/or objectIds" ), "AFSProvider" ) );
  mObjectIdFieldName = objectIdData["objectIdFieldName"].toString();
  for ( int idx = 0, nIdx = mFields.count(); idx < nIdx; ++idx )
    if ( mFields.at( idx ).name() == mObjectIdFieldName )
      mObjectIdFieldIdx = idx;
  foreach ( const QVariant& objectId, objectIdData["objectIds"].toList() )
    mObjectIds.append( objectId.toInt() );

  mValid = true;
예제 #19
string keywordNew(MavenCompiler* c, string entity, string element, string args, string& type) {
	string rawType = stripRawType(entity);
	int depth = ((element != "") ? 1 : 0);
	//cout << "entity = '" << entity << "', element = '" << element << "', args = '" << args << "', line = " << c->lineNumber << endl;
	// if this is a native type
	StringList types;
	MavenMutability mut;
	if(isDataType(rawType)) {
		type = appendArrayDepth(c, rawType, depth);
		string r = "new maven::" + rawType + "Array(" + dissectCode(c, element, types, mut) + ")";
		// bug #54: make sure types is 'int'
		return r;
	// first make sure the class exists
	bool isEnum = false;
	type = appendArrayDepth(c, findMavenObjectPath(c, trim(entity)), depth);
	if(stripRawType(type) == MAVEN_INVALID) {
		if(enumExists(c, stripRawType(entity))) {
			isEnum = true;
			type = c->currentNamespace + "." + appendArrayDepth(c, entity, depth);
		} else {
			pushError(c, "Unknown class '%s'", stripRawType(type));
			return MAVEN_INVALID;
	int namespaceID, objectID;
	findClass(c, entity, namespaceID, objectID);
	smartAssert(namespaceID >= 0);
	smartAssert(objectID >= 0);
	// if its a single Object
	if(element == "") {
		string r = "new ";
		r += c->namespaces->at(namespaceID).name + "::" + c->namespaces->at(namespaceID).objects->at(objectID)->name;
		for(int i = 0; i < depth; ++i)
			r += "*";
		// args is assumed to be predissected.
		return r + "(" + args + ")";
	} else {
		string elements = dissectCode(c, element, types, mut);
		// bug #54: make sure types is 'int'
		string r = "new maven::";
		if(isEnum) {
			r += "int";
			rawType = "int";
			int nID = findNamespaceID(c, c->currentNamespace);
			smartAssert(nID >= 0);
			int enumID = findEnumID(c, nID, entity);
			smartAssert(enumID >= 0);
			if(trim(args) == "")
				args = intToString(c->namespaces->at(nID).enums[enumID].getDefaultValue());
		} else r += "object";
		string tempVar = getNextTempVariable(c);
			c->beforeLine += rawType + "* " + tempVar + " = new " + rawType + "[" + elements + "];\n";
		else c->beforeLine += "maven::Object** " + tempVar + " = new maven::Object*[" + elements + "];\n";
		c->beforeLine += "for(int __INIT = 0; __INIT < " + elements + "; ++__INIT)\n";
		if(isDataType(rawType)) {
			if(trim(args) == "")
				args = "0";
			c->beforeLine += tempVar + "[__INIT] = " + args + ";\n";
		} else c->beforeLine += tempVar + "[__INIT] = (maven::Object*) new " + rawType + "(" + args + ");\n";
		r += "Array(" + elements + "," + tempVar + ")";
		return r;