예제 #1
/* This function is crap.
static void
parse_pdb_data (molecule *m, const char *data, const char *filename, int line)
  const char *s = data;
  char *ss;
  while (*s)
      if ((!m->label || !*m->label) &&
          (!strncmp (s, "HEADER", 6) || !strncmp (s, "COMPND", 6)))
          char *name = calloc (1, 100);
          char *n2 = name;
          int L = strlen(s);
          if (L > 99) L = 99;

          strncpy (n2, s, L);
          n2 += 7;
          while (isspace(*n2)) n2++;

          ss = strchr (n2, '\n');
          if (ss) *ss = 0;
          ss = strchr (n2, '\r');
          if (ss) *ss = 0;

          ss = n2+strlen(n2)-1;
          while (isspace(*ss) && ss > n2)
            *ss-- = 0;

          if (strlen (n2) > 4 &&
              !strcmp (n2 + strlen(n2) - 4, ".pdb"))
            n2[strlen(n2)-4] = 0;

          if (m->label) free ((char *) m->label);
          m->label = strdup (n2);
          free (name);
      else if (!strncmp (s, "TITLE ", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "HEADER", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "COMPND", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "AUTHOR", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "REVDAT", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "SOURCE", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "EXPDTA", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "JRNL  ", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "REMARK", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "SEQRES", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "HET   ", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "FORMUL", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "CRYST1", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "ORIGX1", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "ORIGX2", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "ORIGX3", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "SCALE1", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "SCALE2", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "SCALE3", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "MASTER", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "KEYWDS", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "DBREF ", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "HETNAM", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "HETSYN", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "HELIX ", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "LINK  ", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "MTRIX1", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "MTRIX2", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "MTRIX3", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "SHEET ", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "CISPEP", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "SEQADV", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "SITE ",  5) ||
               !strncmp (s, "FTNOTE", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "MODEL ", 5) ||
               !strncmp (s, "ENDMDL", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "SPRSDE", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "MODRES", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "GENERATED BY", 12) ||
               !strncmp (s, "TER ", 4) ||
               !strncmp (s, "END ", 4) ||
               !strncmp (s, "TER\n", 4) ||
               !strncmp (s, "END\n", 4) ||
               !strncmp (s, "\n", 1))
        /* ignored. */
      else if (!strncmp (s, "ATOM   ", 7))
          int id;
          const char *end = strchr (s, '\n');
          int L = end - s;
          char *name = (char *) calloc (1, 4);
          GLfloat x = -999, y = -999, z = -999;

          if (1 != sscanf (s+7, " %d ", &id))
            parse_error (filename, line, s);

          /* Use the "atom name" field if that is all that is available. */
          strncpy (name, s+12, 3);

          /* But prefer the "element" field. */
          if (L > 77 && !isspace(s[77])) {
            /* fprintf(stderr, "  \"%s\" -> ", name); */
            name[0] = s[76];
            name[1] = s[77];
            name[2] = 0;
            /* fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\"\n", name); */

          while (isspace(*name)) name++;
          ss = name + strlen(name)-1;
          while (isspace(*ss) && ss > name)
            *ss-- = 0;
	  ss = name + 1;
	    *ss = tolower(*ss);
          if (3 != sscanf (s + 32, " %f %f %f ", &x, &y, &z))
            parse_error (filename, line, s);

          fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s: %d: atom: %d \"%s\" %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f\n",
                   progname, filename, line,
                   id, name, x, y, z);
          push_atom (m, id, name, x, y, z);
      else if (!strncmp (s, "HETATM ", 7))
          int id;
          char *name = (char *) calloc (1, 4);
          GLfloat x = -999, y = -999, z = -999;

          if (1 != sscanf (s+7, " %d ", &id))
            parse_error (filename, line, s);

          strncpy (name, s+12, 3);
          while (isspace(*name)) name++;
          ss = name + strlen(name)-1;
          while (isspace(*ss) && ss > name)
            *ss-- = 0;
          if (3 != sscanf (s + 30, " %f %f %f ", &x, &y, &z))
            parse_error (filename, line, s);
          fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s: %d: atom: %d \"%s\" %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f\n",
                   progname, filename, line,
                   id, name, x, y, z);
          push_atom (m, id, name, x, y, z);
      else if (!strncmp (s, "CONECT ", 7))
          int atoms[11];
          int i = sscanf (s + 8, " %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d ",
                          &atoms[0], &atoms[1], &atoms[2], &atoms[3], 
                          &atoms[4], &atoms[5], &atoms[6], &atoms[7], 
                          &atoms[8], &atoms[9], &atoms[10], &atoms[11]);
          int j;
          for (j = 1; j < i; j++)
            if (atoms[j] > 0)
                fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s: %d: bond: %d %d\n",
                         progname, filename, line, atoms[0], atoms[j]);
                push_bond (m, atoms[0], atoms[j]);
          char *s1 = strdup (s);
          for (ss = s1; *ss && *ss != '\n'; ss++)
          *ss = 0;
          fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s: %d: unrecognised line: %s\n",
                   progname, filename, line, s1);

      while (*s && *s != '\n')
      if (*s == '\n')
예제 #2
/* This function is crap.
static void
parse_pdb_data (molecule *m, const char *data, const char *filename, int line)
  const char *s = data;
  char *ss;
  while (*s)
      if ((!m->label || !*m->label) &&
          (!strncmp (s, "HEADER", 6) || !strncmp (s, "COMPND", 6)))
          char *name = (char *) calloc (1, 100);
          char *n2 = name;
          int L = strlen(s);

          if (L > 99) L = 99;

          (void) strncpy(n2, s, L);
          n2 += 7;
          while (isspace((int) *n2)) n2++;

          ss = strchr (n2, '\n');
          if (ss) *ss = 0;
          ss = strchr (n2, '\r');
          if (ss) *ss = 0;

          ss = n2 + strlen(n2)-1;
          while (isspace((int) *ss) && ss > n2)
            *ss-- = 0;

          if (strlen(n2) > 4 &&
              !strcmp (n2 + strlen(n2) - 4, ".pdb"))
            n2[strlen(n2)-4] = 0;

          if (m->label) free((char *) m->label);
          m->label = (char *) strdup (n2);
      else if (!strncmp (s, "TITLE ", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "HEADER", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "COMPND", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "AUTHOR", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "REVDAT", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "SOURCE", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "EXPDTA", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "JRNL  ", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "REMARK", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "SEQRES", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "HET   ", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "FORMUL", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "CRYST1", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "ORIGX1", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "ORIGX2", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "ORIGX3", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "SCALE1", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "SCALE2", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "SCALE3", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "MASTER", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "KEYWDS", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "DBREF ", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "HETNAM", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "HETSYN", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "HELIX ", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "LINK  ", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "MTRIX1", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "MTRIX2", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "MTRIX3", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "SHEET ", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "CISPEP", 6) ||
               !strncmp (s, "GENERATED BY", 12) ||
               !strncmp (s, "TER ", 4) ||
               !strncmp (s, "END ", 4) ||
               !strncmp (s, "TER\n", 4) ||
               !strncmp (s, "END\n", 4) ||
               !strncmp (s, "\n", 1))
        /* ignored. */
      else if (!strncmp (s, "ATOM   ", 7))
          int id;
	  /* PURIFY reports a cumulative potential memory leak on the next line */
          char *name = (char *) calloc (1, 4);
          GLfloat x = -999, y = -999, z = -999;

          (void) sscanf (s+7, " %d ", &id);

          (void) strncpy (name, s+12, 3);
          while (isspace((int) *name)) name++;
          ss = name + strlen(name)-1;
          while (isspace((int) *ss) && ss > name)
            *ss-- = 0;
          (void) sscanf (s + 32, " %f %f %f ", &x, &y, &z);
          (void) fprintf (stderr, "molecule: %s: %d: atom: %d \"%s\" %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f\n",
                   filename, line,
                   id, name, x, y, z);
          push_atom (m, id, name, x, y, z);
      else if (!strncmp (s, "HETATM ", 7))
          int id;
	  /* PURIFY reports a cumulative potential memory leak on the next line */
          char *name = (char *) calloc (1, 4);
          GLfloat x = -999, y = -999, z = -999;

          (void) sscanf (s+7, " %d ", &id);

          (void) strncpy (name, s+12, 3);
          while (isspace((int) *name)) name++;
          ss = name + strlen(name)-1;
          while (isspace((int) *ss) && ss > name)
            *ss-- = 0;
          (void) sscanf (s + 30, " %f %f %f ", &x, &y, &z);
          (void) fprintf (stderr, "molecule: %s: %d: atom: %d \"%s\" %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f\n",
                   filename, line,
                   id, name, x, y, z);
          push_atom (m, id, name, x, y, z);
      else if (!strncmp (s, "CONECT ", 7))
          int atoms[11];
          int i = sscanf (s + 8, " %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d ",
                          &atoms[0], &atoms[1], &atoms[2], &atoms[3],
                          &atoms[4], &atoms[5], &atoms[6], &atoms[7],
                          &atoms[8], &atoms[9], &atoms[10], &atoms[11]);
          int j;
          for (j = 1; j < i; j++)
            if (atoms[j] > 0)
                (void) fprintf (stderr, "molecule: %s: %d: bond: %d %d\n",
                         filename, line, atoms[0], atoms[j]);
                push_bond (m, atoms[0], atoms[j]);
          char *s1 = (char *) strdup (s);
          for (ss = s1; *ss && *ss != '\n'; ss++)
          *ss = 0;
          (void) fprintf (stderr, "molecule: %s: %d: unrecognised line: %s\n",
                   filename, line, s1);

      while (*s && *s != '\n')
      if (*s == '\n')