예제 #1
/* Input:		An empty queue, and an initialized sudoku s, an empty queue
 *					for the solutions, and a pointer to a variable to store the
 *					number of guesses
 * Returns: NULL if no possible solutions exist or the queue is not
 *					empty, and otherwise the solution to the input puzzle.
 *		-----------------------------------------------------------
 * Solves the puzzle using backtracking. The solver is initialized by
 * putting the puzzle into the empty queue. Then, each iteration will
 * pull a board out of the queue, perform a simple reduction on that
 * board, and then make a guess on the cell which has the least number
 * of possibilities. If verbose is set, it prints each board before
 * making a guess, giving a sense of the whole solution process.
 * If there is nothing to pull out of the queue, there are no possible
 * solutions to the puzzle, and the function returns an error value of
 * NULL. If the queue is not empty at initialization, the function
 * prints an error message regardless of the state of the flags, and
 * returns an error.
sudoku solve(queue q, sudoku s, int * guesses)
	if (!isEmptyQueue(q)) {
		printf("Error: call to solve with a non-empty queue");
		return NULL;
  putQueue(q, (void *) s);
	*guesses = 0;
  int slvd = 0;
  while (1)
		if (getQueue(q, (void **) &s)){
			return NULL;
    if(verbose) {
			printSudoku(s, pretty);
    slvd = checkSudoku(s);
    if (slvd == -1) deleteSudoku(s);
		else if (slvd == 1) return s;
      if(guess(q, s)) {
				printf("Error: Full queue");
				return NULL;
예제 #2
void uart_recv_state(unsigned char byte) {
    switch (uc_ptr->state) {

        case UART_STATE_HEADER1:
            if ( byte == UART_HEADER1) {
//                WriteUSART(0x01);
                uc_ptr->state = UART_STATE_HEADER2;

        case UART_STATE_HEADER2:
            if ( byte == UART_HEADER2 ) {
#if defined (ARM_PIC)
                uc_ptr->state = UART_STATE_COUNT;
#elif defined (MAIN_PIC)
                uc_ptr->state = UART_STATE_MSGTYPE;
            else {
                uc_ptr->state = UART_STATE_HEADER1;

        case UART_STATE_MSGTYPE:
            uc_ptr->buflen = 0;
            uc_ptr->data_read = 0;
//            WriteUSART(0x03);
            uc_ptr->msgtype = byte;
            uc_ptr->buffer[0] = byte;
            uc_ptr->state = UART_STATE_COUNT;

        case UART_STATE_COUNT:
//            WriteUSART(0x04);
            uc_ptr->count = byte;
#if defined (ARM_PIC)
                uc_ptr->state = UART_STATE_LENGTH;
                uc_ptr->buffer[0] = byte;
#elif defined (MAIN_PIC)
                uc_ptr->buffer[1] = byte;
                uc_ptr->state = UART_STATE_FOOTER;

        case UART_STATE_LENGTH:
//            WriteUSART(0x05);
            uc_ptr->buffer[1] = byte;
            uc_ptr->data_length = byte;
            uc_ptr->buflen = 0;
            uc_ptr->data_read = 0;
            uc_ptr->state = UART_STATE_DATA;
        case UART_STATE_DATA:
//            WriteUSART(0x06);
            // Store the byte into buffer
            if ( uc_ptr->data_read + 2 < MAXUARTBUF ) {             
                uc_ptr->buffer[uc_ptr->data_read+2] = byte;
            // Increment because we read 1 more byte
            uc_ptr->data_read += 1;
            // Keep reading data until, 9 BYTES for now
            if(UARTDATALEN == uc_ptr->data_read) {
                uc_ptr->state = UART_STATE_FOOTER;
        case UART_STATE_FOOTER:
            // WriteUSART(0x07);
            if ( byte == UART_FOOTER ) {
            // WriteUSART(0x08);
                uc_ptr->state = UART_STATE_HEADER1;
                //LATBbits.LATB7 = !LATBbits.LATB7;

#if defined (ARM_PIC)
                // Copy over into a buffer before passing
                unsigned char temp[I2CMSGLEN];
                int i;
                for (i = 0; i < I2CMSGLEN; i++) {
                    temp[i] = uc_ptr->buffer[i];
                LATB = 7; // Sequence 7
                LATAbits.LA0 = 0;
                // Put it in the roverDataBuf
                ToMainLow_sendmsg(I2CMSGLEN, MSGT_BUF_PUT_DATA, (void *) temp);
#elif defined (MAIN_PIC)
                // Wait for first to finish
                LATBbits.LATB0 = 1;
                LATBbits.LATB1 = 0;
                LATBbits.LATB2 = 0; // Sequence 1
                LATAbits.LA0 = 0;

                i2c_master_cmd message;

                message.msgType = uc_ptr->buffer[0];
                message.msgCount = uc_ptr->buffer[1];

                //if ( i2c_master_busy() == 0 )
                    // Put the message in the queue
                //ToMainLow_sendmsg(2, MSGT_BUF_PUT_DATA, (void *) uc_ptr->buffer);
            else {
                uc_ptr->state = UART_STATE_HEADER1;
            uc_ptr->buflen = 0;
            uc_ptr->data_read = 0;