예제 #1
int ex_put_all_var_param_ext(int exoid, const ex_var_params *vp)
  int    in_define = 0;
  int    status;
  int    temp;
  int    time_dim, num_nod_dim, dimid;
  size_t num_elem_blk, num_edge_blk, num_face_blk;
  size_t num_nset, num_eset, num_fset, num_sset, num_elset;
  int    numelblkdim, numelvardim, numedvardim, numedblkdim, numfavardim, numfablkdim, numnsetdim,
      nsetvardim, numesetdim, esetvardim, numfsetdim, fsetvardim, numssetdim, ssetvardim,
      numelsetdim, elsetvardim;
  int i;

  int edblk_varid, fablk_varid, eblk_varid, nset_varid, eset_varid, fset_varid, sset_varid,
      elset_varid, varid;

  void_int *eblk_ids  = NULL;
  void_int *edblk_ids = NULL;
  void_int *fablk_ids = NULL;
  void_int *nset_ids  = NULL;
  void_int *eset_ids  = NULL;
  void_int *fset_ids  = NULL;
  void_int *sset_ids  = NULL;
  void_int *elset_ids = NULL;

  int *eblk_stat  = NULL;
  int *edblk_stat = NULL;
  int *fablk_stat = NULL;
  int *nset_stat  = NULL;
  int *eset_stat  = NULL;
  int *fset_stat  = NULL;
  int *sset_stat  = NULL;
  int *elset_stat = NULL;

  int         dims[3];
  char        errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH];
  const char *routine = "ex_put_all_var_param_ext";


  exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */

  /* inquire previously defined dimensions  */

  if ((status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, DIM_TIME, &time_dim)) != NC_NOERR) {
    exerrval = status;
    snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: failed to locate time dimension in file id %d", exoid);
    ex_err("ex_put_all_var_param_ext", errmsg, exerrval);
    goto error_ret;

  if ((status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, DIM_NUM_NODES, &num_nod_dim)) != NC_NOERR) {
    num_nod_dim = -1; /* There is probably no nodes on this file */

  /* Check this now so we can use it later without checking for errors */
  if ((status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, DIM_STR_NAME, &temp)) != NC_NOERR) {
    exerrval = status;
    snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: failed to get string length in file id %d", exoid);
    ex_err("ex_put_all_var_param_ext", errmsg, exerrval);
    goto error_ret;

  EX_GET_IDS_STATUS("edge block", vp->num_edge, DIM_NUM_ED_BLK, numedblkdim, num_edge_blk,
                    edblk_ids, EX_EDGE_BLOCK, VAR_STAT_ED_BLK, edblk_stat);
  EX_GET_IDS_STATUS("face block", vp->num_face, DIM_NUM_FA_BLK, numfablkdim, num_face_blk,
                    fablk_ids, EX_FACE_BLOCK, VAR_STAT_FA_BLK, fablk_stat);
  EX_GET_IDS_STATUS("element block", vp->num_elem, DIM_NUM_EL_BLK, numelblkdim, num_elem_blk,
                    eblk_ids, EX_ELEM_BLOCK, VAR_STAT_EL_BLK, eblk_stat);
  EX_GET_IDS_STATUS("node set", vp->num_nset, DIM_NUM_NS, numnsetdim, num_nset, nset_ids,
                    EX_NODE_SET, VAR_NS_STAT, nset_stat);
  EX_GET_IDS_STATUS("edge set", vp->num_eset, DIM_NUM_ES, numesetdim, num_eset, eset_ids,
                    EX_EDGE_SET, VAR_ES_STAT, eset_stat);
  EX_GET_IDS_STATUS("face set", vp->num_fset, DIM_NUM_FS, numfsetdim, num_fset, fset_ids,
                    EX_FACE_SET, VAR_FS_STAT, fset_stat);
  EX_GET_IDS_STATUS("side set", vp->num_sset, DIM_NUM_SS, numssetdim, num_sset, sset_ids,
                    EX_SIDE_SET, VAR_SS_STAT, sset_stat);
  EX_GET_IDS_STATUS("element set", vp->num_elset, DIM_NUM_ELS, numelsetdim, num_elset, elset_ids,
                    EX_ELEM_SET, VAR_ELS_STAT, elset_stat);

  /* put file into define mode  */
  if ((status = nc_redef(exoid)) != NC_NOERR) {
    exerrval = status;
    snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: failed to put file id %d into define mode", exoid);
    ex_err("ex_put_all_var_param_ext", errmsg, exerrval);
    goto error_ret;
  in_define = 1;

  /* define dimensions and variables */
  if (vp->num_glob > 0) {
    if (define_dimension(exoid, DIM_NUM_GLO_VAR, vp->num_glob, "global", &dimid) != NC_NOERR) {
      goto error_ret;

    dims[0] = time_dim;
    dims[1] = dimid;
    if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, VAR_GLO_VAR, nc_flt_code(exoid), 2, dims, &varid)) !=
        NC_NOERR) {
      exerrval = status;
      snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: failed to define global variables in file id %d",
      ex_err("ex_put_all_var_param_ext", errmsg, exerrval);
      goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */
    ex_compress_variable(exoid, varid, 2);

    /* Now define global variable name variable */
    if (define_variable_name_variable(exoid, VAR_NAME_GLO_VAR, dimid, "global") != NC_NOERR) {
      goto error_ret;

  if (vp->num_node > 0) {
     * There are two ways to store the nodal variables. The old way *
     * was a blob (#times,#vars,#nodes), but that was exceeding the
     * netcdf maximum dataset size for large models. The new way is
     * to store #vars separate datasets each of size (#times,#nodes)
     * We want this routine to be capable of storing both formats
     * based on some external flag.  Since the storage format of the
     * coordinates have also been changed, we key off of their
     * storage type to decide which method to use for nodal
     * variables. If the variable 'coord' is defined, then store old
     * way; otherwise store new.
    if (define_dimension(exoid, DIM_NUM_NOD_VAR, vp->num_node, "nodal", &dimid) != NC_NOERR) {
      goto error_ret;

    if (num_nod_dim > 0) {
      if (ex_large_model(exoid) == 0) { /* Old way */
        dims[0] = time_dim;
        dims[1] = dimid;
        dims[2] = num_nod_dim;
        if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, VAR_NOD_VAR, nc_flt_code(exoid), 3, dims, &varid)) !=
            NC_NOERR) {
          exerrval = status;
          snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: failed to define nodal variables in file id %d",
          ex_err("ex_put_all_var_param_ext", errmsg, exerrval);
          goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */
      else { /* Store new way */
        for (i = 1; i <= vp->num_node; i++) {
          dims[0] = time_dim;
          dims[1] = num_nod_dim;
          if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, VAR_NOD_VAR_NEW(i), nc_flt_code(exoid), 2, dims,
                                   &varid)) != NC_NOERR) {
            exerrval = status;
            snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH,
                     "ERROR: failed to define nodal variable %d in file id %d", i, exoid);
            ex_err("ex_put_var_param", errmsg, exerrval);
            goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */
          ex_compress_variable(exoid, varid, 2);

    /* Now define nodal variable name variable */
    if (define_variable_name_variable(exoid, VAR_NAME_NOD_VAR, dimid, "nodal") != NC_NOERR) {
      goto error_ret;

                       VSTATVAL, VTABVAL, VTABVAR)                                                 \
  if (NUMVAR > 0) {                                                                                \
    status = define_dimension(exoid, DNAME, NUMVAR, STNAME, &DID2);                                \
    if (status != NC_NOERR)                                                                        \
      goto error_ret;                                                                              \
    /* Now define STNAME variable name variable */                                                 \
    if (define_variable_name_variable(exoid, VNOV, DID2, STNAME) != NC_NOERR)                      \
      goto error_ret;                                                                              \
    if (define_truth_table(TID, exoid, DVAL, NUMVAR, VTABVAL, VSTATVAL, VIDS, TNAME) != NC_NOERR)  \
      goto error_ret;                                                                              \
    free(VSTATVAL);                                                                                \
    VSTATVAL = NULL;                                                                               \
    free(VIDS);                                                                                    \
    VIDS = NULL;                                                                                   \
    /* create a variable array in which to store the STNAME variable truth                         \
     * table                                                                                       \
     */                                                                                            \
    dims[0] = DID1;                                                                                \
    dims[1] = DID2;                                                                                \
    if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, VTV, NC_INT, 2, dims, &VTABVAR)) != NC_NOERR) {                \
      exerrval = status;                                                                           \
      snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH,                                                             \
               "ERROR: failed to define " STNAME " variable truth table in file id %d", exoid);    \
      ex_err("ex_put_all_var_param_ext", errmsg, exerrval);                                        \
      goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */                                            \
    }                                                                                              \
  EX_DEFINE_VARS(EX_EDGE_BLOCK, "edge", "edge block", vp->num_edge, DIM_NUM_EDG_VAR, numedblkdim,
                 numedvardim, num_edge_blk, edblk_ids, VAR_NAME_EDG_VAR, VAR_EBLK_TAB, edblk_stat,
                 vp->edge_var_tab, edblk_varid);
  EX_DEFINE_VARS(EX_FACE_BLOCK, "face", "face block", vp->num_face, DIM_NUM_FAC_VAR, numfablkdim,
                 numfavardim, num_face_blk, fablk_ids, VAR_NAME_FAC_VAR, VAR_FBLK_TAB, fablk_stat,
                 vp->face_var_tab, fablk_varid);
  EX_DEFINE_VARS(EX_ELEM_BLOCK, "element", "element block", vp->num_elem, DIM_NUM_ELE_VAR,
                 numelblkdim, numelvardim, num_elem_blk, eblk_ids, VAR_NAME_ELE_VAR, VAR_ELEM_TAB,
                 eblk_stat, vp->elem_var_tab, eblk_varid);
  EX_DEFINE_VARS(EX_NODE_SET, "nodeset", "node set", vp->num_nset, DIM_NUM_NSET_VAR, numnsetdim,
                 nsetvardim, num_nset, nset_ids, VAR_NAME_NSET_VAR, VAR_NSET_TAB, nset_stat,
                 vp->nset_var_tab, nset_varid);
  EX_DEFINE_VARS(EX_EDGE_SET, "edgeset", "edge set", vp->num_eset, DIM_NUM_ESET_VAR, numesetdim,
                 esetvardim, num_eset, eset_ids, VAR_NAME_ESET_VAR, VAR_ESET_TAB, eset_stat,
                 vp->eset_var_tab, eset_varid);
  EX_DEFINE_VARS(EX_FACE_SET, "faceset", "face set", vp->num_fset, DIM_NUM_FSET_VAR, numfsetdim,
                 fsetvardim, num_fset, fset_ids, VAR_NAME_FSET_VAR, VAR_FSET_TAB, fset_stat,
                 vp->fset_var_tab, fset_varid);
  EX_DEFINE_VARS(EX_SIDE_SET, "sideset", "side set", vp->num_sset, DIM_NUM_SSET_VAR, numssetdim,
                 ssetvardim, num_sset, sset_ids, VAR_NAME_SSET_VAR, VAR_SSET_TAB, sset_stat,
                 vp->sset_var_tab, sset_varid);
  EX_DEFINE_VARS(EX_ELEM_SET, "elemset", "element set", vp->num_elset, DIM_NUM_ELSET_VAR,
                 numelsetdim, elsetvardim, num_elset, elset_ids, VAR_NAME_ELSET_VAR, VAR_ELSET_TAB,
                 elset_stat, vp->elset_var_tab, elset_varid);

  /* leave define mode  */

  in_define = 0;
  if ((status = nc_enddef(exoid)) != NC_NOERR) {
    exerrval = status;
    snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: failed to complete definition in file id %d", exoid);
    ex_err("ex_put_all_var_param_ext", errmsg, exerrval);
    goto error_ret;

  /* write out the variable truth tables */
  if (vp->num_edge > 0) {
    if (put_truth_table(exoid, edblk_varid, vp->edge_var_tab, "edge") != NC_NOERR) {
      goto error_ret;

  if (vp->num_face > 0) {
    if (put_truth_table(exoid, fablk_varid, vp->face_var_tab, "face") != NC_NOERR) {
      goto error_ret;

  if (vp->num_elem > 0) {
    if (put_truth_table(exoid, eblk_varid, vp->elem_var_tab, "element") != NC_NOERR) {
      goto error_ret;

  if (vp->num_nset > 0) {
    if (put_truth_table(exoid, nset_varid, vp->nset_var_tab, "nodeset") != NC_NOERR) {
      goto error_ret;

  if (vp->num_eset > 0) {
    if (put_truth_table(exoid, eset_varid, vp->eset_var_tab, "edgeset") != NC_NOERR) {
      goto error_ret;

  if (vp->num_fset > 0) {
    if (put_truth_table(exoid, fset_varid, vp->fset_var_tab, "faceset") != NC_NOERR) {
      goto error_ret;

  if (vp->num_sset > 0) {
    if (put_truth_table(exoid, sset_varid, vp->sset_var_tab, "sideset") != NC_NOERR) {
      goto error_ret;

  if (vp->num_elset > 0) {
    if (put_truth_table(exoid, elset_varid, vp->elset_var_tab, "elemset") != NC_NOERR) {
      goto error_ret;

  return (EX_NOERR);

/* Fatal error: exit definition mode and return */
  if (in_define == 1) {
    if (nc_enddef(exoid) != NC_NOERR) /* exit define mode */
      snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: failed to complete definition for file id %d",
      ex_err("ex_put_all_var_param_ext", errmsg, exerrval);

  return (EX_FATAL);
예제 #2
int ex_put_all_var_param (int   exoid,
			  int   num_g,
			  int   num_n,
			  int   num_e,
			  int  *elem_var_tab,
			  int   num_m,
			  int  *nset_var_tab,
			  int   num_s,
			  int  *sset_var_tab)
  int in_define = 0;
  int time_dim, num_nod_dim, dimid, iresult;
  long num_elem_blk, num_nset, num_sset;
  int numelblkdim, numelvardim, numnsetdim, nsetvardim, numssetdim, ssetvardim;
  int i;

  int eblk_varid, nset_varid, sset_varid;
  int *eblk_ids = 0;
  int *nset_ids = 0;
  int *sset_ids = 0;

  nclong *eblk_stat = 0;
  nclong *nset_stat = 0;
  nclong *sset_stat = 0;
  int dims[3];
  char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH];
  const char* routine = "ex_put_all_var_param";

  exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */

  /* inquire previously defined dimensions  */

  if ((time_dim = ncdimid (exoid, DIM_TIME)) == -1) {
    exerrval = ncerr;
	    "Error: failed to locate time dimension in file id %d", exoid);
    goto error_ret;

  if ((num_nod_dim = ncdimid (exoid, DIM_NUM_NODES)) == -1) {
    if (num_n > 0) {
      exerrval = ncerr;
	      "Error: failed to locate number of nodes in file id %d",
      goto error_ret;

  /* Check this now so we can use it later without checking for errors */
  if (ncdimid (exoid, DIM_STR) < 0) {
    exerrval = ncerr;
	    "Error: failed to get string length in file id %d",exoid);
    goto error_ret;

  if (num_e > 0) {
    numelblkdim = ex_get_dimension(exoid, DIM_NUM_EL_BLK, "element blocks", &num_elem_blk, routine);
    if (numelblkdim == -1)
      goto error_ret;
    /* get element block IDs */
    if (!(eblk_ids = static_cast<int*>(malloc(num_elem_blk*sizeof(int))))) {
      exerrval = EX_MEMFAIL;
	      "Error: failed to allocate memory for element block id array for file id %d",
      goto error_ret;
    ex_get_elem_blk_ids (exoid, eblk_ids);

    /* Get element block status array for later use (allocates memory) */
    eblk_stat = get_status_array(exoid, num_elem_blk, VAR_STAT_EL_BLK, "element block");
    if (eblk_stat == NULL) {
      goto error_ret;

  if (num_m > 0) {
    numnsetdim = ex_get_dimension(exoid, DIM_NUM_NS, "nodesets", &num_nset, routine);
    if (numnsetdim == -1)
      goto error_ret;
    /* get nodeset IDs */
    if (!(nset_ids = static_cast<int*>(malloc(num_nset*sizeof(int))))) {
      exerrval = EX_MEMFAIL;
	      "Error: failed to allocate memory for nodeset id array for file id %d",
      goto error_ret;
    ex_get_node_set_ids (exoid, nset_ids);

    /* Get nodeset status array for later use (allocates memory) */
    nset_stat = get_status_array(exoid, num_nset, VAR_NS_STAT, "nodeset");
    if (nset_stat == NULL) {
      goto error_ret;

  if (num_s > 0) {
    numssetdim = ex_get_dimension(exoid, DIM_NUM_SS, "sidesets", &num_sset, routine);
    if (numssetdim == -1)
      goto error_ret;
    /* get sideset IDs */
    if (!(sset_ids = static_cast<int*>(malloc(num_sset*sizeof(int))))) {
      exerrval = EX_MEMFAIL;
	      "Error: failed to allocate memory for sideset id array for file id %d",
      goto error_ret;
    ex_get_side_set_ids (exoid, sset_ids);

    /* Get sideset status array for later use (allocates memory) */
    sset_stat = get_status_array(exoid, num_sset, VAR_SS_STAT, "sideset");
    if (sset_stat == NULL) {
      goto error_ret;

  /* put file into define mode  */
  if (ncredef (exoid) == -1)
      exerrval = ncerr;
              "Error: failed to put file id %d into define mode", exoid);
      goto error_ret;
  in_define = 1;

  /* define dimensions and variables */

  if (num_g > 0) 
      dimid = define_dimension(exoid, DIM_NUM_GLO_VAR, num_g, "global");
      if (dimid == -1) goto error_ret;

      dims[0] = time_dim;
      dims[1] = dimid;
      if ((ncvardef (exoid, VAR_GLO_VAR, 
                     nc_flt_code(exoid), 2, dims)) == -1)
          exerrval = ncerr;
                  "Error: failed to define global variables in file id %d",
          goto error_ret;          /* exit define mode and return */

      /* Now define global variable name variable */
      if (define_variable_name_variable(exoid, VAR_NAME_GLO_VAR, dimid, "global") == -1)
	goto error_ret;

  if (num_n > 0) 
       * There are two ways to store the nodal variables. The old way *
       * was a blob (#times,#vars,#nodes), but that was exceeding the
       * netcdf maximum dataset size for large models. The new way is
       * to store #vars separate datasets each of size (#times,#nodes)
       * We want this routine to be capable of storing both formats
       * based on some external flag.  Since the storage format of the
       * coordinates have also been changed, we key off of their
       * storage type to decide which method to use for nodal
       * variables. If the variable 'coord' is defined, then store old
       * way; otherwise store new.
      dimid = define_dimension(exoid, DIM_NUM_NOD_VAR, num_n, "nodal");
      if (dimid == -1) goto error_ret;

      if (ex_large_model(exoid) == 0) { /* Old way */
        dims[0] = time_dim;
        dims[1] = dimid;
        dims[2] = num_nod_dim;
        if ((ncvardef (exoid, VAR_NOD_VAR,
                       nc_flt_code(exoid), 3, dims)) == -1)
            exerrval = ncerr;
                    "Error: failed to define nodal variables in file id %d",
            goto error_ret;          /* exit define mode and return */
      } else { /* Store new way */
        for (i = 1; i <= num_n; i++) {
          dims[0] = time_dim;
          dims[1] = num_nod_dim;
          if ((ncvardef (exoid, VAR_NOD_VAR_NEW(i),
                         nc_flt_code(exoid), 2, dims)) == -1)
              exerrval = ncerr;
                      "Error: failed to define nodal variable %d in file id %d",
                      i, exoid);
              goto error_ret;          /* exit define mode and return */

      /* Now define nodal variable name variable */
      if (define_variable_name_variable(exoid, VAR_NAME_NOD_VAR, dimid, "nodal") == -1)
	goto error_ret;

  if (num_e > 0) {
    numelvardim = define_dimension(exoid, DIM_NUM_ELE_VAR, num_e, "element");
    if (numelvardim == -1) goto error_ret;

    /* Now define element variable name variable */
    if (define_variable_name_variable(exoid, VAR_NAME_ELE_VAR, numelvardim, "element") == -1)
      goto error_ret;

    if (define_truth_table('e', exoid, num_elem_blk, num_e, elem_var_tab, eblk_stat, eblk_ids, "element block") == -1)
      goto error_ret;

    eblk_stat = static_cast<nclong*>(safe_free (eblk_stat));
    eblk_ids  = static_cast<int*>(   safe_free (eblk_ids));

    /* create a variable array in which to store the element variable truth
     * table

    dims[0] = numelblkdim;
    dims[1] = numelvardim;

    if ((eblk_varid = ncvardef (exoid, VAR_ELEM_TAB, NC_LONG, 2, dims)) == -1) {
      exerrval = ncerr;
	      "Error: failed to define element variable truth table in file id %d",
      goto error_ret;          /* exit define mode and return */


  if (num_m > 0) {
    nsetvardim = define_dimension(exoid, DIM_NUM_NSET_VAR, num_m, "nodeset");
    if (nsetvardim == -1) goto error_ret;

    /* Now define nodeset variable name variable */
    if (define_variable_name_variable(exoid, VAR_NAME_NSET_VAR, nsetvardim, "nodeset") == -1)
      goto error_ret;

    if (define_truth_table('m', exoid, num_nset, num_m, nset_var_tab, nset_stat, nset_ids, "nodeset") == -1)
      goto error_ret;

    nset_stat = static_cast<nclong*>(safe_free (nset_stat));
    nset_ids  = static_cast<int*>(safe_free (nset_ids));

    /* create a variable array in which to store the truth table

    dims[0] = numnsetdim;
    dims[1] = nsetvardim;

    if ((nset_varid = ncvardef (exoid, VAR_NSET_TAB, NC_LONG, 2, dims)) == -1) {
      exerrval = ncerr;
	      "Error: failed to define nodeset variable truth table in file id %d",
      goto error_ret;          /* exit define mode and return */

  if (num_s > 0) {
    ssetvardim = define_dimension(exoid, DIM_NUM_SSET_VAR, num_s, "sideset");
    if (ssetvardim == -1) goto error_ret;

    /* Now define sideset variable name variable */
    if (define_variable_name_variable(exoid, VAR_NAME_SSET_VAR, ssetvardim, "sideset") == -1)
      goto error_ret;

    if (define_truth_table('s', exoid, num_sset, num_s, sset_var_tab, sset_stat, sset_ids, "sideset") == -1)
      goto error_ret;
    sset_stat = static_cast<nclong*>(safe_free (sset_stat));
    sset_ids  = static_cast<int*>(safe_free (sset_ids));

    /* create a variable array in which to store the truth table

    dims[0] = numssetdim;
    dims[1] = ssetvardim;

    if ((sset_varid = ncvardef (exoid, VAR_SSET_TAB, NC_LONG, 2, dims)) == -1) {
      exerrval = ncerr;
	      "Error: failed to define sideset variable truth table in file id %d",
      goto error_ret;          /* exit define mode and return */

  /* leave define mode  */

  in_define = 0;
  if (ncendef (exoid) == -1)
      exerrval = ncerr;
              "Error: failed to complete definition in file id %d",
      goto error_ret;

  /* write out the variable truth tables */
  if (num_e > 0) {
    iresult = put_truth_table(exoid, num_elem_blk, num_e, eblk_varid, elem_var_tab, "element");
    if (iresult == -1) goto error_ret;

  if (num_m > 0) {
    iresult = put_truth_table(exoid, num_nset, num_m, nset_varid, nset_var_tab, "nodeset");
    if (iresult == -1) goto error_ret;

  if (num_s > 0) {
    iresult = put_truth_table(exoid, num_sset, num_s, sset_varid, sset_var_tab, "sideset");
    if (iresult == -1) goto error_ret;

  /* Fatal error: exit definition mode and return */
  if (in_define == 1) {
    if (ncendef (exoid) == -1)     /* exit define mode */
		"Error: failed to complete definition for file id %d",
