static t_bool check_right(t_token *b, t_token *e) { int r; int l; int word; word = 0; r = 0; if (b->id != WORD) return (check_prefix_exec(&b, e, &l, &r)); while (b && b != e) { if (b->id == S_RED_RIGHT || b->id == D_RED_RIGHT || b->id == S_RED_RIGHT_ERR || b->id == D_RED_RIGHT_ERR) { if (!word) return (puterror(AMB_OUT, NULL)); r++; } else if (r >= 1 && b->id != WORD) return (puterror(AMB_OUT, NULL)); word = (b->id == WORD) ? (1) : (0); b = b->next; } if (!word && r == 1) return (puterror(MISSING_N, NULL)); return ((r > 1) ? (puterror(AMB_OUT, NULL)) : (TRUE)); }
int check_str_redi(char *str) { unsigned int i; i = 0; while (str[i]) { if ((str[i] == '>' && str[i + 1] == '>' && str[i + 2] == '>') || (str[i] == '>' && str[i + 1] == ' ' && str[i + 2] == '>')) return (puterror("error: expression expected near '>'.\n")); if ((str[i] == '<' && str[i + 1] == '<' && str[i + 2] == '<') || (str[i] == '<' && str[i + 1] == ' ' && str[i + 2] == '<')) return (puterror("error: expression expected near '<'.\n")); if ((str[i] == '>' || str[i] == '<') && (str[i + 1] == '|' || str[i + 1] == '\0' || (str[i + 1] == ' ' && (str[i + 2] == '\0' || str[i + 2] == '|')))) return (puterror("error: expression expected near '<' or '>'.\n")); if ((str[i] == '>' && str[i + 1] == '<') || (str[i] == '<' && str[i + 1] == '>')) return (puterror("error: expression expected near '<' or '>'.\n")); i += 1; } return (0); }
int check_str(char *str) { unsigned int i; i = 0; if (check_str_redi(str) == -1) return (-1); if (str[0] == ';' || str[0] == '|') return (puterror("error: expression expected near ';' or '|'.\n")); while (str[i]) { if ((str[i] == ';' || str[i] == '|') && ((str[i + 1] == ';' || str[i + 1] == '|') || (str[i + 1] == ' ' && (str[i + 2] == ';' || str[i + 2] == '|')))) { puterror("error: expression expected between ';' or '|'.\n"); return (-1); } i += 1; } if (str[i - 1] == ';' || str[i - 1] == '|') return (puterror("error: expression expected near ';' or '|'.\n")); return (0); }
int do_redirections(t_pipe *list_pipe, int i, char **env, int is_redi) { int ret; ret = 0; if (list_pipe->cmd[i]->is_redi_left != 0) ret += do_redi_left(list_pipe, i, env); else if (is_redi == 1) { if (list_pipe->list_in[i] != -1) if ((dup2(list_pipe->list_in[i], 0)) == -1) return (puterror("error: dup2\n")); } if (list_pipe->cmd[i]->is_redi_right != 0) ret += do_redi_right(list_pipe, i); else if (is_redi == 1) { if (list_pipe->list_out[i] != -1) if ((dup2(list_pipe->list_out[i], 1)) == -1) return (puterror("error: dup2\n")); } restore_term(&term_attr); return (ret); }
static t_bool check_left(t_token *b, t_token *e) { int r; int l; int word; word = 0; l = 0; r = 0; if (b->id != WORD) return (check_prefix_exec(&b, e, &l, &r)); while (b && b != e) { if (b->id == PIPE || b->id == S_RED_LEFT || b->id == D_RED_LEFT) { if (!word || (b->id == PIPE && r == 0)) return (puterror(AMB_IN, NULL)); r++; } if (l >= 1 && (b->id == S_RED_LEFT || b->id == D_RED_LEFT)) return (puterror(AMB_IN, NULL)); word = (b->id == WORD) ? (1) : (0); b = b->next; } if (!word && l == 1) return (puterror(MISSING_N, NULL)); return ((l > 1) ? (puterror(AMB_IN, NULL)) : (TRUE)); }
int error_boss(char *map) { char *file; char **tab; int width; int height; if (check_existence(map) == -1 || (file = get_file_content(map)) == NULL || check_integer(file, "ibwsm.lg\n") == -1 || (file = put_return(file)) == NULL || (tab = my_str_to_wordtab(file, '\n')) == NULL || check_largest(tab) == -1 || is_present("i", file) != 1 || is_present("b", file) != 1 || check_tab(tab) == -1) return (puterror("One of Boss map isn't correct.\n")); width = my_strlen(tab[0]) * 29; height = tablen(tab) * 26; if (width > 1300 || height > 750) return (puterror("Error: Dimension are too big in Boss Map.\n")); free(file); free_tab(tab); return (0); }
t_bool check_grammar_exec(t_token *b, t_token *e) { t_token *tmp; int word; int pipe; int res; tmp = b; word = 0; pipe = 0; while (tmp && tmp != e) { if (!word && tmp->id == PIPE) return (puterror(NULL_CMD, NULL)); word = (tmp->id == WORD) ? (1) : (0); pipe = (tmp->id == PIPE) ? (1) : (0); tmp = tmp->next; } if (pipe) return (puterror(NULL_CMD, NULL)); res = there_are_red(b, e); if (res == 1 && check_left(b, e) != TRUE) return (FALSE); else if (res == 2 && check_right(b, e) != TRUE) return (FALSE); return (TRUE); }
int ckkeywd(char *strval, char *keyword[], char *defstr, char *error, char *help, char *prompt) { int valid, i, n; char input[MAX_INPUT]; char defmesg[512]; char *ept; (void) sprintf(defmesg, "Please enter one of the following keywords: "); ept = defmesg + strlen(defmesg); for (i = 0; keyword[i]; ) { if (i) (void) strcat(ept, ", "); (void) strcat(ept, keyword[i++]); } (void) strcat(ept, ckquit ? ", q." : "."); if (!prompt) prompt = "Enter appropriate value"; start: putprmpt(stderr, prompt, keyword, defstr); if (getinput(input)) return (1); n = (int)strlen(input); if (n == 0) { if (defstr) { (void) strcpy(strval, defstr); return (0); } puterror(stderr, defmesg, error); goto start; } if (strcmp(input, "?") == 0) { puthelp(stderr, defmesg, help); goto start; } if (ckquit && (strcmp(input, "q") == 0)) { (void) strcpy(strval, input); return (3); } valid = 1; if (keyword) valid = !match(input, keyword); if (!valid) { puterror(stderr, defmesg, error); goto start; } (void) strcpy(strval, input); return (0); }
int check_key_door(char *file) { if (is_present("i", file) != 1) return (puterror("Error: the map must countain one entry.\n")); else if (is_present("o", file) != 1) return (puterror("Error: the map must countain one door.\n")); else if (is_present("k", file) != 1) return (puterror("Error: the map must countain one key.\n")); else return (0); }
static int do_redi_right(t_pipe *list_pipe, int i) { int fd; int flags; fd = 0; flags = O_CREAT | O_RDWR; flags |= (list_pipe->cmd[i]->is_redi_right == 1) ? (O_TRUNC) : (O_APPEND); if ((fd = open(list_pipe->cmd[i]->redi_right, flags, 0644)) == -1) return (puterror("error: open\n")); if ((dup2(fd, 1)) == -1) return (puterror("error: dup2\n")); return (fd); }
char *history_substitution(char *cmd, t_history *list, char **type_str) { int i; ptr_f_history subs[5]; char *save_cmd; save_cmd = strdup(cmd); create_ptr_func_history(subs); i = -1; if (cmd && cmd[0]) while (subs[++i] && strchr(type_str[i], cmd[1]) == NULL); else return (NULL); if (subs[i] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s : Event not found.\n", cmd); return (NULL); } if (cmd && cmd[0] && cmd[1]) { if ((cmd = subs[i](&cmd[1], list)) == NULL) return (puterror(save_cmd, i)); printf("%s\n", cmd); return (cmd); } return (NULL); }
static int cmdfunc( int cmd ) { // 実行処理 (命令実行時に呼ばれます) // code_next(); // 次のコードを取得(最初に必ず必要です) switch( cmd ) { // サブコマンドごとの分岐 case 0x00: hsplua_cmd::hl_newstate(); break; case 0x01: hsplua_cmd::hl_switchstate(); break; case 0x02: hsplua_cmd::hl_close(); break; case 0x04: hsplua_cmd::hl_gccollect(); break; case 0x05: hsplua_cmd::hl_gcgen(); break; case 0x06: hsplua_cmd::hl_gcinc(); break; case 0x07: hsplua_cmd::hl_gcrestart(); break; case 0x08: hsplua_cmd::hl_gcsetpause(); break; case 0x09: hsplua_cmd::hl_gcsetstepmul(); break; case 0x0a: hsplua_cmd::hl_gcstep(); break; case 0x0b: hsplua_cmd::hl_gcstop(); break; case 0x10: hsplua_cmd::hl_pop(); break; case 0x11: hsplua_cmd::hl_pushboolean(); break; case 0x12: hsplua_cmd::hl_pushfunction(); break; case 0x13: hsplua_cmd::hl_pushinteger(); break; case 0x14: hsplua_cmd::hl_pushlightuserdata(); break; case 0x15: hsplua_cmd::hl_pushlstring(); break; case 0x16: hsplua_cmd::hl_pushnil(); break; case 0x17: hsplua_cmd::hl_pushnumber(); break; case 0x18: hsplua_cmd::hl_pushstring(); break; case 0x19: hsplua_cmd::hl_pushvalue(); break; case 0x1a: hsplua_cmd::hl_pushvarptr(); break; default: puterror( HSPERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION ); break; } return RUNMODE_RUN; }
static t_bool get_spe_red(t_node **r, t_token *b, t_token *e) { t_token *tmp; t_token *tok; tmp = b; while (tmp && tmp != e && tmp->id != S_RED_RIGHT && tmp->id != D_RED_RIGHT && tmp->id != D_RED_RIGHT_ERR && tmp->id != S_RED_RIGHT_ERR) tmp = tmp->next; if (!tmp || !tmp->next) return (puterror(MISSING_N, NULL)); tok = tmp->next; if (add_node(r, tmp->id, tmp->content) == EXIT_FAILURE) return (ERROR); if (add_child(r) == EXIT_FAILURE) return (ERROR); if (add_node(&((*r)->child->nd), CMD, tmp->next->content) == EXIT_FAILURE) return (ERROR); if (get_spe_red_ext(r, &tmp, e) == FALSE) return (ERROR); if (add_child(r) == EXIT_FAILURE) return (ERROR); if (check_red(b, tok, &((*r)->child->nd)) != TRUE) return (FALSE); return (TRUE); }
static t_bool check_red(t_token *b, t_token *e, t_node **root) { t_token *begin; t_token *end; t_token *file; int type; type = b->id; end = e; if (b->id != WORD) get_pre_exec(b->next, &file, &begin, &end); else type = get_exec(b, &file, &begin, &end); add_node(root, type, NULL); add_child(root); if (!file) return (puterror(MISSING_N, NULL)); add_node(&((*root)->child->nd), CMD, file->content); add_child(root); add_node(&((*root)->child->nd), CMD, begin->content); begin = begin->next; while (begin && begin != end) { add_child(&((*root)->child->nd)); add_node(&((*root)->child->nd->child->nd), ARG, begin->content); begin = begin->next; } my_rev_node(&((*root)->child->nd->child)); return (TRUE); }
int init_my_sdl(t_struct *st) { st->pos.x = 0; st->pos.y = 0; st->ecran = NULL; if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) == -1 || (st->ecran = SDL_SetVideoMode(st->width, st->height, 32, SDL_HWSURFACE)) == NULL) return (puterror("Error: In init SDL.\n")); SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(50, 50); if (st->world_sel == 1) SDL_FillRect(st->ecran, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(st->ecran->format, 143, 126, 126)); else if (st->world_sel == 2) SDL_FillRect(st->ecran, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(st->ecran->format, 151, 227, 255)); else if (st->world_sel == 3) SDL_FillRect(st->ecran, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(st->ecran->format, 100, 1, 1)); SDL_WM_SetCaption("EPIKONG", NULL); SDL_WM_SetIcon(IMG_Load("./conf/img/logo.png"), NULL); init_my_sound(); return (0); }
//------------------------------------------------ // 値をシステム変数に代入する //------------------------------------------------ void SetResultSysvar(PDAT const* data, vartype_t vtype) { if ( !data ) return; ctx->retval_level = ctx->sublev; switch ( vtype ) { case HSPVAR_FLAG_INT: ctx->stat = VtTraits::derefValptr<vtInt>(data); break; case HSPVAR_FLAG_STR: strcpy_s( ctx->refstr, HSPCTX_REFSTR_MAX, VtTraits::asValptr<vtStr>(data) ); break; case HSPVAR_FLAG_DOUBLE: ctx->refdval = VtTraits::derefValptr<vtDouble>(data); break; default: puterror( HSPERR_TYPE_MISMATCH ); } }
static HMODULE knowbug_getInstance() { // cf: // and struct moduleDeleter { using pointer = HMODULE; void operator ()(HMODULE p) { FreeLibrary(p); } }; using moduleHandle_t = std::unique_ptr< HMODULE, moduleDeleter >; // singleton (thread unsafe style) static moduleHandle_t stt_hKnowbug; if ( hpimod::isDebugMode() && !stt_hKnowbug ) { stt_hKnowbug.reset(LoadLibrary("hsp3debug.dll")); if ( !stt_hKnowbug ) { #if _DEBUG MessageBox(nullptr, "knowbug の load に失敗しました。", "hpimod", MB_OK); #endif puterror(HSPERR_EXTERNAL_EXECUTE); } } return stt_hKnowbug.get(); }
static t_bool check_red(t_token *b, t_token *end, t_node **root) { t_token *begin; t_token *file; int type; begin = NULL; if ((type = b->id) != WORD && b->next) get_pre_exec(b->next, &file, &begin, &end); else type = get_exec(b, &file, &begin, &end); if (add_node(root, type, NULL) == EXIT_FAILURE) return (ERROR); if (add_child(root) == EXIT_FAILURE) return (ERROR); if (!file) return (puterror(MISSING_N, NULL)); if (add_node(&((*root)->child->nd), CMD, file->content) == EXIT_FAILURE) return (ERROR); if (add_child(root) == EXIT_FAILURE) return (ERROR); if (begin && add_node(&((*root)->child->nd), CMD, begin->content) == EXIT_FAILURE) return (ERROR); if (check_red_ext(&begin, root, end) != TRUE) return (ERROR); return (TRUE); }
int ckstr(char *strval, char *regexp[], int length, char *defstr, char *error, char *help, char *prompt) { int n; char *defhlp; char input[MAX_INPUT], hlpbuf[1024], errbuf[1024]; defhlp = NULL; if (!prompt) prompt = "Enter an appropriate value"; start: putprmpt(stderr, prompt, NULL, defstr); if (getinput(input)) return (1); n = (int)strlen(input); if (n == 0) { if (defstr) { (void) strcpy(strval, defstr); return (0); } puterror(stderr, ERRMSG0, error); goto start; } if (strcmp(input, "?") == 0) { if (defhlp == NULL) defhlp = sethlp(hlpbuf, regexp, length); puthelp(stderr, defhlp, help); goto start; } if (ckquit && (strcmp(input, "q") == 0)) { (void) strcpy(strval, input); return (3); } if (ckstr_val(regexp, length, input)) { /* LINTED E_SEC_PRINTF_VAR_FMT */ (void) snprintf(errbuf, sizeof (errbuf), errstr, length); puterror(stderr, errbuf, error); goto start; } (void) strcpy(strval, input); return (0); }
static int make_two_redi_left(t_pipe *list_pipe, int i, char *buffer) { int *pipefd; if (list_pipe->list_in[i] != -1) close(list_pipe->list_in[i]); if ((list_pipe->list_fd = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * 2)) == NULL) return (puterror("error: malloc\n")); pipefd = list_pipe->list_fd; if ((pipe(pipefd)) == -1) return (puterror("error: pipe\n")); write(pipefd[1], buffer, my_strlen(buffer)); close(pipefd[1]); if ((dup2(pipefd[0], 0)) == -1) return (puterror("error: dup2\n")); return (pipefd[0]); }
void ckint_err(short base, char *error) { char defmesg[64]; setmsg(defmesg, base); puterror(stdout, defmesg, error); }
static void *reffunc( int *type_res, int cmd ) { // 関数・システム変数の実行処理 (値の参照時に呼ばれます) // int answerType = 0; // '('で始まるかを調べる // if ( *type != TYPE_MARK ) puterror( HSPERR_INVALID_FUNCPARAM ); if ( *val != '(' ) puterror( HSPERR_INVALID_FUNCPARAM ); code_next(); switch( cmd ) { // サブコマンドごとの分岐 case 0x80: *type_res = hsplua_func::hl_isboolean(); break; case 0x81: *type_res = hsplua_func::hl_iscfunction(); break; case 0x82: *type_res = hsplua_func::hl_isfunction(); break; case 0x83: *type_res = hsplua_func::hl_islightuserdata(); break; case 0x84: *type_res = hsplua_func::hl_isnil(); break; case 0x85: *type_res = hsplua_func::hl_isnone(); break; case 0x86: *type_res = hsplua_func::hl_isnoneornil(); break; case 0x87: *type_res = hsplua_func::hl_isnumber(); break; case 0x88: *type_res = hsplua_func::hl_isstring(); break; case 0x89: *type_res = hsplua_func::hl_istable(); break; case 0x8a: *type_res = hsplua_func::hl_isthread(); break; case 0x8b: *type_res = hsplua_func::hl_isuserdata(); break; case 0x90: *type_res = hsplua_func::hl_toboolean(); break; case 0x91: *type_res = hsplua_func::hl_tocfunction(); break; case 0x92: *type_res = hsplua_func::hl_tointeger(); break; case 0x93: *type_res = hsplua_func::hl_tonumber(); break; case 0x94: *type_res = hsplua_func::hl_topointer(); break; case 0x95: *type_res = hsplua_func::hl_tostring(); break; case 0x96: *type_res = hsplua_func::hl_touserdata(); break; case 0x98: *type_res = hsplua_func::hl_gccount(); break; case 0x99: *type_res = hsplua_func::hl_gcisrunning(); break; default: puterror( HSPERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION ); break; } // '('で終わるかを調べる // if ( *type != TYPE_MARK ) puterror( HSPERR_INVALID_FUNCPARAM ); if ( *val != ')' ) puterror( HSPERR_INVALID_FUNCPARAM ); code_next(); return (void *)&ref_val; }
int check_existence(char *map) { int fd; if ((fd = open(map, O_RDONLY)) == -1) return (puterror("Error: The name file isn't correct.\n")); close(fd); return (0); }
void ckstr_err(char *regexp[], int length, char *error, char *input) { char *defhlp; char temp[1024]; if (input) { if (ckstr_val(regexp, length, input)) { /* LINTED E_SEC_PRINTF_VAR_FMT */ (void) snprintf(temp, sizeof (temp), errstr, length); puterror(stdout, temp, error); return; } } defhlp = sethlp(temp, regexp, length); puterror(stdout, defhlp, error); }
static int do_simple_left_redi(t_pipe *list_pipe, int i) { int fd; int flags; fd = 0; flags = O_RDONLY; if ((fd = open(list_pipe->cmd[i]->redi_left, flags)) == -1) { puterror("error: "); puterror(list_pipe->cmd[i]->redi_left); puterror(": no such file\n"); return (-1); } if ((dup2(fd, 0)) == -1) return (puterror("error: dup2\n")); return (fd); }
int menu(t_struct *st) { st->sound = 0; st->width = 1300; st->height = 750; if (init_my_sdl(st) == -1) return (puterror("Error during the init of sdl.\n")); st->menu = 1; return (aff_menu(st)); }
int ckint(long *intval, short base, char *defstr, char *error, char *help, char *prompt) { long value; char *ptr, input[MAX_INPUT], defmesg[64], temp[64]; if (!prompt) { setprmpt(temp, base); prompt = temp; } setmsg(defmesg, base); start: putprmpt(stderr, prompt, NULL, defstr); if (getinput(input)) return (1); if (strlen(input) == 0) { if (defstr) { *intval = strtol(defstr, NULL, (int)base); return (0); } puterror(stderr, defmesg, error); goto start; } else if (strcmp(input, "?") == 0) { puthelp(stderr, defmesg, help); goto start; } else if (ckquit && (strcmp(input, "q") == 0)) return (3); value = strtol(input, &ptr, (int)base); if (*ptr != '\0') { puterror(stderr, defmesg, error); goto start; } *intval = value; return (0); }
//########################################################## // 変数の作成 //########################################################## //------------------------------------------------ // dimtype //------------------------------------------------ void code_dimtype(PVal* pval, vartype_t vtype) { int len[4] {}; for ( int i = 0; i < ArrayDimMax; ++i ) { len[i] = code_getdi(0); if ( len[i] < 0 ) puterror(HSPERR_ILLEGAL_FUNCTION); if ( len[i] == 0 ) break; } exinfo->HspFunc_dim(pval, vtype, 0, len[0], len[1], len[2], len[3]); return; }
int init_my_sdl(t_struct *st) { st->pos.x = 0; st->pos.y = 0; st->ecran = NULL; if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) == -1 || (st->ecran = SDL_SetVideoMode(st->width, st->height, 32, SDL_HWSURFACE)) == NULL) return (puterror("Error: In init SDL.\n")); SDL_FillRect(st->ecran, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(st->ecran->format, 143, 126, 126)); SDL_WM_SetCaption("EPIKONG", NULL); SDL_WM_SetIcon(IMG_Load("./conf/img/logo.png"), NULL); return (0); }
int ckyorn(char *yorn, char *defstr, char *error, char *help, char *prompt) { int n; char input[MAX_INPUT]; if (!prompt) prompt = "Yes or No"; start: putprmpt(stderr, prompt, choices, defstr); if (getinput(input)) return (1); n = (int)strlen(input); if (n == 0) { if (defstr) { (void) strcpy(yorn, defstr); return (0); } puterror(stderr, REQMSG, error); goto start; } if (strcmp(input, "?") == 0) { puthelp(stderr, HLPMSG, help); goto start; } if (ckquit && (strcmp(input, "q") == 0)) return (3); if (ckyorn_val(input)) { puterror(stderr, ERRMSG, error); goto start; } (void) strcpy(yorn, input); return (0); }