예제 #1
파일: surface.c 프로젝트: carmi/comp356
static bool sfc_hit_planar(bool is_triangle, 
        point3_t* A, point3_t* B, point3_t* C,
        ray3_t* ray, float t0, float t1, hit_record_t* hit) {

    // Use the notation of Shirley & Marschner, Section 4.4.2.
    float a = A->x - B->x ;
    float b = A->y - B->y ;
    float c = A->z - B->z ;
    float d = A->x - C->x ;
    float e = A->y - C->y ;
    float f = A->z - C->z ;
    float g = ray->dir.x ;
    float h = ray->dir.y ;
    float i = ray->dir.z ;
    float j = A->x - ray->base.x ;
    float k = A->y - ray->base.y ;
    float l = A->z - ray->base.z ;

    float ei = e*i, hf = h*f, gf = g*f, di = d*i, dh = d*h, eg = e*g ;
    float ak = a*k, jb = j*b, jc = j*c, al = a*l, bl = b*l, kc = k*c ;

    float ei_hf = ei-hf, gf_di = gf-di, dh_eg = dh-eg ;
    float ak_jb = ak-jb, jc_al = jc-al, bl_kc = bl-kc ;

    float M = a*ei_hf + b*gf_di + c*dh_eg ;

    float t = -(f*ak_jb + e*jc_al + d*bl_kc)/M ;

    if (t <= t0 || t > t1) return false ;

    float beta = (j*ei_hf + k*gf_di + l*dh_eg)/M ;
    if (is_triangle && (beta < 0 || beta > 1)) return false ;

    float gamma = (i*ak_jb + h*jc_al + g*bl_kc)/M ;

    if (!is_triangle || (0 <= gamma && beta+gamma <= 1)) {
        hit->t = t ;
        vector3_t b_minus_a, c_minus_a ;
        pv_subtract(B, A, &b_minus_a) ;
        pv_subtract(C, A, &c_minus_a) ;
        cross(&b_minus_a, &c_minus_a, &(hit->normal)) ;
        normalize(&(hit->normal)) ;
        multiply(&b_minus_a, beta, &b_minus_a) ;
        multiply(&c_minus_a, gamma, &c_minus_a) ;
        pv_add(A, &b_minus_a, &(hit->hit_pt)) ;
        pv_add(&(hit->hit_pt), &c_minus_a, &(hit->hit_pt)) ;
        return true ;
    else return false ;
예제 #2
pv_add_constant (pv_t v, CORE_ADDR k)
    /* Rather than thinking of all the cases we can and can't handle,
       we'll just let pv_add take care of that for us.  */
    return pv_add (v, pv_constant (k));
예제 #3
파일: surface.c 프로젝트: carmi/comp356
static bool sfc_hit_sphere(void* data, ray3_t* ray, float t0,
        float t1, hit_record_t* hit) {
    sphere_data_t* sdata = (sphere_data_t*)data ;
    point3_t ctr = sdata->center ;
    float radius = sdata->radius ;

    point3_t* e = &ray->base ;
    vector3_t* d = &ray->dir ;

    // First see if there is any chance we hit the sphere.  We do this
    // by checking whether any part of the sphere is inside the sphere
    // of radius t1 from the base of the ray.  With even just one sphere 
    // in the scene, I found that this check actually slowed down rendering,
    // probably because of all the square-root computations that turn
    // out to give no helpful information (i.e., this test says to
    // continue checking, but then the sphere isn't hit anyway).
    // if (t1 < (dist(e, &ctr) - radius)) return false ;

    vector3_t e_minus_ctr ;
    pv_subtract(e, &ctr, &e_minus_ctr) ;
    float e_minus_ctr2 = dot(&e_minus_ctr, &e_minus_ctr) ;
    float d2 = dot(d, d) ;

    // Compute the discriminant first.
    float b = dot(d, &e_minus_ctr) ;
    float discr = 
        b*b - d2*(e_minus_ctr2 - radius*radius) ;

    // Compute hit position if discr. is >= 0, and also compute
    // the surface normal.
    if (discr < 0) return false ;
    else {
        // Hit position.
        float num = min(-b - sqrt(discr), -b + sqrt(discr)) ;
        float t = num/d2 ;

        if (t < t0 || t > t1) return false ;

        hit->t = t ;

        vector3_t ray_vec = *d ;
        multiply(&ray_vec, hit->t, &ray_vec) ;
        pv_add(e, &ray_vec, &(hit->hit_pt)) ;

        // Surface normal.
        pv_subtract(&(hit->hit_pt), &ctr, &(hit->normal)) ;
        normalize(&(hit->normal)) ;
        return true ;