예제 #1
void vrpn_Sound_Server_A3D::setListenerPose(vrpn_PoseDef pose) {
qogl_matrix_type eye_f_world_mat;
  qogl_matrix_type eye_axis_vectors_in_world;

  q_to_ogl_matrix (eye_f_world_mat, pose.orientation);
  qogl_matrix_type eye_axis_vectors=// we put the up and forward
	// as the first two columns in the matrix.
	//NOTE: these columns in the matrix
	//appear as rows here since the number starts in the upper left corner
	//as goes down!
  { 0,0,-1,1, //the forward normal vector in eye space
	  0,1,0,1, //the up normal vector in eye space
	  0,0,0,0, //unused
	  0,0,0,0 } ; //unused
  // takes front vector then up vector
  lasterror = a3dlis->SetOrientation6f((float)eye_axis_vectors_in_world[0], (float)eye_axis_vectors_in_world[1],
                         	             (float)eye_axis_vectors_in_world[2], (float)eye_axis_vectors_in_world[4], (float)eye_axis_vectors_in_world[5],

  lasterror = a3dlis->SetPosition3f((float)pose.position[0],(float)pose.position[1],(float)pose.position[2]);

  // dont send back a message here because there are a bunch of them
예제 #2
q_xyz_quat_to_ogl_matrix( qogl_matrix_type matrix, q_xyz_quat_type *xyzQuatPtr )
    q_to_ogl_matrix( matrix, xyzQuatPtr->quat );
    matrix[12+Q_X] = xyzQuatPtr->xyz[Q_X];
    matrix[12+Q_Y] = xyzQuatPtr->xyz[Q_Y];
    matrix[12+Q_Z] = xyzQuatPtr->xyz[Q_Z];

예제 #3
void vrpn_Sound_Server_A3D::changeSoundStatus(vrpn_SoundID id, vrpn_SoundDef soundDef) {
  vrpn_int32     myid = soundMap[id];
  char tempbuf[1024];
  if (myid==-1) {
    sprintf(tempbuf,"Error: setSoundStatus(Invalid id)");
    printf("%s\n", tempbuf);
    send_message((const char *) tempbuf,vrpn_TEXT_ERROR,0);

  lasterror = a3dsamples[id]->SetPosition3f((float)soundDef.pose.position[0],(float)soundDef.pose.position[1],(float)soundDef.pose.position[2]);

  qogl_matrix_type eye_f_world_mat;
  qogl_matrix_type eye_axis_vectors_in_world;

  q_to_ogl_matrix (eye_f_world_mat, soundDef.pose.orientation);
  qogl_matrix_type eye_axis_vectors=// we put the up and forward
	// as the first two columns in the matrix.
	//NOTE: these columns in the matrix
	//appear as rows here since the number starts in the upper left corner
	//as goes down!
  { 0,0,-1,1, //the forward normal vector in eye space
	  0,1,0,1, //the up normal vector in eye space
	  0,0,0,0, //unused
	  0,0,0,0 } ; //unused
  // takes front vector then up vector
  lasterror = a3dsamples[id]->SetOrientation6f((float)eye_axis_vectors_in_world[0], (float)eye_axis_vectors_in_world[1],
                         	             (float)eye_axis_vectors_in_world[2], (float)eye_axis_vectors_in_world[4], (float)eye_axis_vectors_in_world[5],
  q_vec_type velocity_vec;

  q_to_vec(velocity_vec, soundDef.velocity);
  lasterror = a3dsamples[myid]->SetVelocity3fv((A3DVAL*) velocity_vec);
  // we only use front_min and front_back
  lasterror = a3dsamples[myid]->SetMinMaxDistance((float)soundDef.min_front_dist, (float)soundDef.max_front_dist, A3D_AUDIBLE);
  lasterror = a3dsamples[myid]->SetCone((float)soundDef.cone_inner_angle, (float)soundDef.cone_outer_angle, (float)soundDef.cone_gain);
  lasterror = a3dsamples[myid]->SetDopplerScale((float)soundDef.dopler_scale);
  lasterror = a3dsamples[myid]->SetEq((float)soundDef.equalization_val);
  lasterror = a3dsamples[myid]->SetPitch((float)soundDef.pitch);
  lasterror = a3dsamples[myid]->SetGain((float)soundDef.volume);

  sprintf(tempbuf,"Setting sound definition ");
  printf("%s\n", tempbuf);
  send_message((const char *) tempbuf,vrpn_TEXT_NORMAL,0);

예제 #4
// Callback function for VRPN, void* pointer points to a VRPNTrackerDevice
void VRPN_CALLBACK trackerHandler(void *thisPtr, const vrpn_TRACKERCB info)
    double rotraw[16];
    q_to_ogl_matrix(rotraw, info.quat);
    VRMatrix4 vrpnEvent(rotraw);
   // VRMatrix4 vrpnEvent;
    vrpnEvent[3][0] = info.pos[0];
    vrpnEvent[3][1] = info.pos[1];
    vrpnEvent[3][2] = info.pos[2];
	VRVRPNTrackerDevice* device = ((VRVRPNTrackerDevice*)thisPtr);
	device->processEvent(vrpnEvent, info.sensor);
예제 #5
void draw_tracker(q_xyz_quat_type* pq)
  // Convert from Tracker coordinates to our scene coordinates.

  float x = -10.0*(pq->xyz[Q_X]);
  float y =  10.0*(pq->xyz[Q_Y]);
  float z = -10.0*(pq->xyz[Q_Z]);
  double q[4] = {

  // Convert the orientation from quaternion to OpenGL matrix.

  double rotation[16];

  // First draw line to object.

  glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
  glVertex3f(0.0,    0.0,    0.0   );
  glVertex3f(x, y, z); 

  // Draw the tracker itself as two spheres.

  glColor3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.2);
    glTranslatef(x, y, z);
    glTranslatef(-1.5,  0.0,  0.0);
    gluSphere(qobj1, 0.2, 32, 32);
    gluSphere(qobj2, 0.2, 32, 32);
예제 #6
static void VRPN_CALLBACK handle_vrpn_tracker(void *userdata, const vrpn_TRACKERCB t) {
  VRPNTrackerUserData *data = (VRPNTrackerUserData *)userdata;

  data->pos[0] = (float) t.pos[0];
  data->pos[1] = (float) t.pos[1];
  data->pos[2] = (float) t.pos[2];

  double q[4]; /* we need to swap X and Z to make it work right */
  q[0] = -t.quat[Q_Z];
  q[1] =  t.quat[Q_Y];
  q[2] =  t.quat[Q_X];
  q[3] =  t.quat[Q_W];

  double rotation[16];
  Matrix4 *orient = data->orient;
  int i;
  q_to_ogl_matrix(rotation, q);
  for(i=0;i<4;i++) orient->mat[4*0+i]=(float)rotation[i];
  for(i=0;i<4;i++) orient->mat[4*1+i]=(float)rotation[i+4];
  for(i=0;i<4;i++) orient->mat[4*2+i]=(float)rotation[i+8];
  for(i=0;i<4;i++) orient->mat[4*3+i]=(float)rotation[i+12];
예제 #7
void vrpn_Sound_Server_A3D::setSoundPose(vrpn_SoundID id, vrpn_PoseDef pose) {
  vrpn_int32     myid = soundMap[id];
  char tempbuf[1024];
  if (myid==-1) {
    sprintf(tempbuf,"Error: setSoundPose(Invalid id)");
    printf("%s\n", tempbuf);
    send_message((const char *) tempbuf,vrpn_TEXT_ERROR,0);
  lasterror = a3dsamples[id]->SetPosition3f((float)pose.position[0],(float)pose.position[1],(float)pose.position[2]);

  qogl_matrix_type eye_f_world_mat;
  qogl_matrix_type eye_axis_vectors_in_world;

  q_to_ogl_matrix (eye_f_world_mat, pose.orientation);
  qogl_matrix_type eye_axis_vectors=// we put the up and forward
	// as the first two columns in the matrix.
	//NOTE: these columns in the matrix
	//appear as rows here since the number starts in the upper left corner
	//as goes down!
  { 0,0,-1,1, //the forward normal vector in eye space
	  0,1,0,1, //the up normal vector in eye space
	  0,0,0,0, //unused
	  0,0,0,0 } ; //unused
  // takes front vector then up vector
  lasterror = a3dsamples[id]->SetOrientation6f((float)eye_axis_vectors_in_world[0], (float)eye_axis_vectors_in_world[1],
                         	             (float)eye_axis_vectors_in_world[2], (float)eye_axis_vectors_in_world[4], (float)eye_axis_vectors_in_world[5],
  sprintf(tempbuf,"Setting sound pose ");
  printf("%s\n", tempbuf);
  send_message((const char *) tempbuf,vrpn_TEXT_NORMAL,0);
예제 #8
/** Uses the VRPN library to get the position and orientation of a
 * tracked object.
 * @param object The name of the object being tracked.
 * @param hostname The IP address or hostname of the VRPN server or
 * tracking system computer. If hostname is set to NULL, the
 * ~/.vrpn-server file is consulted.
 * @param pos An array to be filled in with the position information
 * for the tracked object. If we are unable to track the object, a
 * message may be printed and pos will be set to a fixed value.
 * @param orient An array to be filled in with the orientation matrix
 * for the tracked object. The orientation matrix is in row-major
 * order can be used with OpenGL. If the tracking system is moving an
 * object around on the screen, this matrix can be used directly. If
 * the tracking system is moving the OpenGL camera, this matrix may
 * need to be inverted. If we are unable to track the object, a
 * message may be printed and orient will be set to the identity
 * matrix.
 * @return 1 if we returned data from the tracker. 0 if there was
 * problems connecting to the tracker.
int vrpn_get(const char *object, const char *hostname, float pos[3], float orient[16])
	/* Set to default values */
	vec3f_set(pos, 10000,10000,10000);
	printf("You are missing VRPN support.\n");
	return 0;
	if(object == NULL || strlen(object) == 0)
		msg(WARNING, "Empty or NULL object name was passed into this function.\n");
		return 0;
	if(hostname != NULL && strlen(hostname) == 0)
		msg(WARNING, "Hostname is an empty string.\n");
		return 0;
	/* Construct an object@hostname string. */
	std::string hostnamecpp;
	std::string objectcpp;
	if(hostname == NULL)
		char *hostnameInFile = vrpn_default_host();
			hostnamecpp = hostnameInFile;
			msg(ERROR, "Failed to find hostname of VRPN server.\n");
		hostnamecpp = hostname;

	objectcpp = object;
	std::string fullname = objectcpp + "@" + hostnamecpp;

	/* Check if we have a tracker object for that string in our map. */
		/* If we already have a tracker object, ask it to run the main
		 * loop (and therefore call our handle_tracker() function if
		 * there is new data). */

		/* If our callback has been called, get the callback object
		 * and get the data out of it. */
			vrpn_TRACKERCB t = nameToCallbackData[fullname];
			float pos4[4];
			for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
				pos4[i] = t.pos[i];

			double orientd[16];
			// Convert quaternion into orientation matrix.
			q_to_ogl_matrix(orientd, t.quat);
			for(int i=0; i<16; i++)
				orient[i] = (float) orientd[i];

			/* VICON in the MTU IVS lab is typically calibrated so that:
			 * X = points to the right (while facing screen)
			 * Y = points into the screen
			 * Z = up
			 * (left-handed coordinate system)
			 * PPT is typically calibrated so that:
			 * X = the points to the wall that has two closets at both corners
			 * Y = up
			 * Z = points to the door
			 * (right-handed coordinate system)
			 * By default, OpenGL assumes that:
			 * X = points to the right (while facing screen in the IVS lab)
			 * Y = up
			 * Z = points OUT of the screen (i.e., -Z points into the screen in te IVS lab)
			 * (right-handed coordinate system)
			 * Below, we convert the position and orientation
			 * information into the OpenGL convention.
			if(strlen(hostnamecpp.c_str()) > 14 && strncmp(hostnamecpp.c_str(), "tcp://141.219.", 14) == 0) // MTU vicon tracker
				float viconTransform[16] = { 1,0,0,0,  // column major order!
				                             0,0,0,1 };
				mat4f_mult_mat4f_new(orient, viconTransform, orient);
				mat4f_mult_vec4f_new(pos4, viconTransform, pos4);
				return 1; // we successfully collected some data
			else // Non-Vicon tracker
				/* Don't transform other tracking systems */
				// orient is already filled in
				vec3f_copy(pos, pos4);
				return 1; // we successfully collected some data
		/* If this is our first time, create a tracker for the object@hostname string, register the callback handler. */
		msg(INFO, "Connecting to VRPN server: %s\n", hostnamecpp.c_str());
		// If we are making a TCP connection and the server isn't up, the following function call may hang for a long time
		vrpn_Connection *connection = vrpn_get_connection_by_name(hostnamecpp.c_str());

		/* Wait for a bit to see if we can connect. Sometimes we don't immediately connect! */
		for(int i=0; i<1000 && !connection->connected(); i++)
		    usleep(1000); // 1000 microseconds * 1000 = up to 1 second of waiting.
		/* If connection failed, exit. */
		    delete connection;
		    msg(ERROR, "Failed to connect to tracker: %s\n", fullname.c_str());
		    return 0;
		vrpn_Tracker_Remote *tkr = new vrpn_Tracker_Remote(fullname.c_str(), connection);
		nameToTracker[fullname] = tkr;
		tkr->register_change_handler((void*) fullname.c_str(), handle_tracker);
		kalman_initialize(&kalman, 0.1, 0.1);
	return 0;
예제 #9
void vrpn_Sound_Server_A3D::loadSoundLocal(char* filename, vrpn_SoundID id, vrpn_SoundDef soundDef) {
  char tempbuf[1024];

  try {
   if (numSounds == maxSounds) {
		maxSounds = 2 * maxSounds;
		IA3dSource2 ** temp = new (IA3dSource2*);

		for (int i(0); i < maxSounds; i++) {
			if (i <= numSounds)
			  temp[i] = a3dsamples[i];
			else temp[i] = NULL;
		delete [] a3dsamples;
		a3dsamples = temp;
  filename = strlwr(filename);  // string to lower case

  lasterror = a3droot->NewSource( A3DSOURCE_TYPEDEFAULT | A3DSOURCE_INITIAL_RENDERMODE_A3D , &a3dsamples[numSounds]);

  if (FAILED(lasterror)) {
    throw "Error making new source";

  if (strstr(filename, "mp3")==NULL) // assume WAVE format
     lasterror = a3dsamples[numSounds]->LoadFile(filename, A3DSOURCE_FORMAT_WAVE);
  else  // otherwise we assume mp3
     lasterror = a3dsamples[numSounds]->LoadFile(filename, A3DSOURCE_FORMAT_MP3); 
  if (FAILED(lasterror)) {
    throw "Error loading file";

  // initialize sound params

  // these values are defaults:
  // default ModelScale of 6dB for each doubling of distance
  // default DopplerScale of 1.0
  // default Equalization of 1.0
  // default pitch is 1.0 (unaltered pitch)
  // default priority of .5 on a scale from 0 to 1
  // default ReflectionDelayScale is 1.0 (normal delay in reflections [.3 seconds])
  // default RefelectionGainScale is 1.0 
  // default RenderMode uses occlusion, reflection, a3d (??)
  // default TransformMode is relative to origin
  lasterror=a3dsamples[numSounds]->SetMinMaxDistance((float) soundDef.min_front_dist, (float)soundDef.max_front_dist, A3D_MUTE);

  // default position is at the origin
qogl_matrix_type eye_f_world_mat;
  qogl_matrix_type eye_axis_vectors_in_world;

  q_to_ogl_matrix (eye_f_world_mat, soundDef.pose.orientation);
  qogl_matrix_type eye_axis_vectors=// we put the up and forward
	// as the first two columns in the matrix.
	//NOTE: these columns in the matrix
	//appear as rows here since the number starts in the upper left corner
	//as goes down!
  { 0,0,-1,1, //the forward normal vector in eye space
	  0,1,0,1, //the up normal vector in eye space
	  0,0,0,0, //unused
	  0,0,0,0 } ; //unused
  // takes front vector then up vector
  lasterror = a3dlis->SetOrientation6f((float)eye_axis_vectors_in_world[0], (float)eye_axis_vectors_in_world[1],
                         	             (float)eye_axis_vectors_in_world[2], (float)eye_axis_vectors_in_world[4], (float)eye_axis_vectors_in_world[5],

  soundMap[id] = numSounds;
  catch(char* szError)
		// Display the message.
    sprintf(tempbuf,"Error: loadSoundLocal (%s) [file: %s]",szError,filename);
		printf("%s\n", tempbuf);
    send_message((const char *) tempbuf,vrpn_TEXT_ERROR,0);

    sprintf(tempbuf,"Loading sound #%d: %s \n",numSounds,filename);
		printf("%s\n", tempbuf);
    send_message((const char *) tempbuf,vrpn_TEXT_NORMAL,0);
