static void net_socket_send(void *opaque) { NetSocketState *s = opaque; int size, err; unsigned l; uint8_t buf1[4096]; const uint8_t *buf; size = qemu_recv(s->fd, buf1, sizeof(buf1), 0); if (size < 0) { err = socket_error(); if (err != EWOULDBLOCK) goto eoc; } else if (size == 0) { /* end of connection */ eoc: qemu_set_fd_handler(s->fd, NULL, NULL, NULL); closesocket(s->fd); return; } buf = buf1; while (size > 0) { /* reassemble a packet from the network */ switch(s->state) { case 0: l = 4 - s->index; if (l > size) l = size; memcpy(s->buf + s->index, buf, l); buf += l; size -= l; s->index += l; if (s->index == 4) { /* got length */ s->packet_len = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)s->buf); s->index = 0; s->state = 1; } break; case 1: l = s->packet_len - s->index; if (l > size) l = size; if (s->index + l <= sizeof(s->buf)) { memcpy(s->buf + s->index, buf, l); } else { fprintf(stderr, "serious error: oversized packet received," "connection terminated.\n"); s->state = 0; goto eoc; } s->index += l; buf += l; size -= l; if (s->index >= s->packet_len) { qemu_send_packet(&s->nc, s->buf, s->packet_len); s->index = 0; s->state = 0; } break; } } }
CharDriverState *chr_baum_init(void) { BaumDriverState *baum; CharDriverState *chr; brlapi_handle_t *handle; #if defined(CONFIG_SDL) #if SDL_COMPILEDVERSION < SDL_VERSIONNUM(2, 0, 0) SDL_SysWMinfo info; #endif #endif int tty; baum = g_malloc0(sizeof(BaumDriverState)); baum->chr = chr = qemu_chr_alloc(); chr->opaque = baum; chr->chr_write = baum_write; chr->chr_accept_input = baum_accept_input; chr->chr_close = baum_close; handle = g_malloc0(brlapi_getHandleSize()); baum->brlapi = handle; baum->brlapi_fd = brlapi__openConnection(handle, NULL, NULL); if (baum->brlapi_fd == -1) { brlapi_perror("baum_init: brlapi_openConnection"); goto fail_handle; } baum->cellCount_timer = timer_new_ns(QEMU_CLOCK_VIRTUAL, baum_cellCount_timer_cb, baum); if (brlapi__getDisplaySize(handle, &baum->x, &baum->y) == -1) { brlapi_perror("baum_init: brlapi_getDisplaySize"); goto fail; } #if defined(CONFIG_SDL) #if SDL_COMPILEDVERSION < SDL_VERSIONNUM(2, 0, 0) memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); SDL_VERSION(&info.version); if (SDL_GetWMInfo(&info)) tty =; else #endif #endif tty = BRLAPI_TTY_DEFAULT; if (brlapi__enterTtyMode(handle, tty, NULL) == -1) { brlapi_perror("baum_init: brlapi_enterTtyMode"); goto fail; } qemu_set_fd_handler(baum->brlapi_fd, baum_chr_read, NULL, baum); return chr; fail: timer_free(baum->cellCount_timer); brlapi__closeConnection(handle); fail_handle: g_free(handle); g_free(chr); g_free(baum); return NULL; }
static void fd_coroutine_enter(void *opaque) { FDYieldUntilData *data = opaque; qemu_set_fd_handler(data->fd, NULL, NULL, NULL); qemu_coroutine_enter(data->co, NULL); }
static void net_socket_cleanup(VLANClientState *nc) { NetSocketState *s = DO_UPCAST(NetSocketState, nc, nc); qemu_set_fd_handler(s->fd, NULL, NULL, NULL); close(s->fd); }
static void client_handler(void *opaque) { QemuHttpConnection *conn = (QemuHttpConnection *)opaque; if (conn->state == NEW_REQUEST) { conn->pos = 0; } if (conn->pos == HEADER_SIZE) { conn->pos = 0; } int read_bytes = read(conn->fd, conn->in_buffer + conn->pos, HEADER_SIZE - conn->pos); /* connection is closed or invalid */ if (read_bytes == 0 || (read_bytes == -1 && (errno != EINTR && errno != EAGAIN))) { goto end_connection; } if (conn->state == NEW_REQUEST) { conn->state = IN_HEADERS; } int b = conn->pos; int e = conn->pos + read_bytes; while (b < e) { /* we are at beginning ? */ if (!conn->page_complete) { while (b < e) { if (conn->page_pos >= 0 && conn->page[conn->page_pos] == '\r' && conn->in_buffer[b] == '\n') { conn->page[++conn->page_pos] = conn->in_buffer[b++]; conn->page_complete = 1; break; } else { conn->page[++conn->page_pos] = conn->in_buffer[b++]; } } } else { if (b >= 3) { if (conn->in_buffer[b-3] == '\r' && conn->in_buffer[b-2] == '\n' && conn->in_buffer[b-1] == '\r' && conn->in_buffer[b] == '\n') { conn->state = NEW_REQUEST; goto process_request; } } b++; } } conn->pos = e; if (conn->state == IN_HEADERS) { return; } process_request: if (parse_page(conn) || process_request(conn)) { goto end_connection; } end_connection: close(conn->fd); conn->open = 0; conn->state = NEW_REQUEST; ghttp_state->connections--; qemu_set_fd_handler(conn->fd, NULL, NULL, NULL); }
int event_notifier_set_handler(EventNotifier *e, EventNotifierHandler *handler) { qemu_set_fd_handler(e->rfd, (IOHandler *)handler, NULL, e); return 0; }
CharDriverState *chr_baum_init(QemuOpts *opts) { BaumDriverState *baum; CharDriverState *chr; brlapi_handle_t *handle; #ifdef CONFIG_SDL SDL_SysWMinfo info; #endif int tty; baum = qemu_mallocz(sizeof(BaumDriverState)); baum->chr = chr = qemu_mallocz(sizeof(CharDriverState)); chr->opaque = baum; chr->chr_write = baum_write; chr->chr_send_event = baum_send_event; chr->chr_accept_input = baum_accept_input; handle = qemu_mallocz(brlapi_getHandleSize()); baum->brlapi = handle; baum->brlapi_fd = brlapi__openConnection(handle, NULL, NULL); if (baum->brlapi_fd == -1) { brlapi_perror("baum_init: brlapi_openConnection"); goto fail_handle; } baum->cellCount_timer = qemu_new_timer(vm_clock, baum_cellCount_timer_cb, baum); if (brlapi__getDisplaySize(handle, &baum->x, &baum->y) == -1) { brlapi_perror("baum_init: brlapi_getDisplaySize"); goto fail; } #ifdef CONFIG_SDL memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); SDL_VERSION(&info.version); if (SDL_GetWMInfo(&info)) tty =; else #endif tty = BRLAPI_TTY_DEFAULT; if (brlapi__enterTtyMode(handle, tty, NULL) == -1) { brlapi_perror("baum_init: brlapi_enterTtyMode"); goto fail; } qemu_set_fd_handler(baum->brlapi_fd, baum_chr_read, NULL, baum); qemu_chr_reset(chr); return chr; fail: qemu_free_timer(baum->cellCount_timer); brlapi__closeConnection(handle); fail_handle: free(handle); free(chr); free(baum); return NULL; }
static int unix_connect_saddr(UnixSocketAddress *saddr, NonBlockingConnectHandler *callback, void *opaque, Error **errp) { struct sockaddr_un un; ConnectState *connect_state = NULL; int sock, rc; if (saddr->path == NULL) { error_setg(errp, "unix connect: no path specified"); return -1; } sock = qemu_socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sock < 0) { error_setg_errno(errp, errno, "Failed to create socket"); return -1; } if (callback != NULL) { connect_state = g_malloc0(sizeof(*connect_state)); connect_state->callback = callback; connect_state->opaque = opaque; qemu_set_nonblock(sock); } if (strlen(saddr->path) > sizeof(un.sun_path)) { error_setg(errp, "UNIX socket path '%s' is too long", saddr->path); error_append_hint(errp, "Path must be less than %zu bytes\n", sizeof(un.sun_path)); goto err; } memset(&un, 0, sizeof(un)); un.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strncpy(un.sun_path, saddr->path, sizeof(un.sun_path)); /* connect to peer */ do { rc = 0; if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &un, sizeof(un)) < 0) { rc = -errno; } } while (rc == -EINTR); if (connect_state != NULL && QEMU_SOCKET_RC_INPROGRESS(rc)) { connect_state->fd = sock; qemu_set_fd_handler(sock, NULL, wait_for_connect, connect_state); return sock; } else if (rc >= 0) { /* non blocking socket immediate success, call callback */ if (callback != NULL) { callback(sock, NULL, opaque); } } if (rc < 0) { error_setg_errno(errp, -rc, "Failed to connect socket %s", saddr->path); goto err; } g_free(connect_state); return sock; err: close(sock); g_free(connect_state); return -1; }
ClientFramebuffer* clientfb_create(SockAddress* console_socket, const char* protocol, QFrameBuffer* fb) { char* connect_message = NULL; char switch_cmd[256]; // Connect to the framebuffer service. _client_fb.core_connection = core_connection_create(console_socket); if (_client_fb.core_connection == NULL) { derror("Framebuffer client is unable to connect to the console: %s\n", errno_str); return NULL; } if (core_connection_open(_client_fb.core_connection)) { core_connection_free(_client_fb.core_connection); _client_fb.core_connection = NULL; derror("Framebuffer client is unable to open the console: %s\n", errno_str); return NULL; } snprintf(switch_cmd, sizeof(switch_cmd), "framebuffer %s", protocol); if (core_connection_switch_stream(_client_fb.core_connection, switch_cmd, &connect_message)) { derror("Unable to attach to the framebuffer %s: %s\n", switch_cmd, connect_message ? connect_message : ""); if (connect_message != NULL) { free(connect_message); } core_connection_close(_client_fb.core_connection); core_connection_free(_client_fb.core_connection); _client_fb.core_connection = NULL; return NULL; } // We expect core framebuffer to return us bits per pixel property in // the handshake message. _client_fb.bits_per_pixel = 0; if (connect_message != NULL) { char* bpp = strstr(connect_message, "bitsperpixel="); if (bpp != NULL) { char* end; bpp += strlen("bitsperpixel="); end = strchr(bpp, ' '); if (end == NULL) { end = bpp + strlen(bpp); } _client_fb.bits_per_pixel = strtol(bpp, &end, 0); } } if (!_client_fb.bits_per_pixel) { derror("Unexpected core framebuffer reply: %s\n" "Bits per pixel property is not there, or is invalid\n", connect_message); core_connection_close(_client_fb.core_connection); core_connection_free(_client_fb.core_connection); _client_fb.core_connection = NULL; return NULL; } // Now that we're connected lets initialize the descriptor. _client_fb.fb = fb; _client_fb.sock = core_connection_get_socket(_client_fb.core_connection); _client_fb.fb_state = WAIT_HEADER; _client_fb.reader_buffer = (uint8_t*)&_client_fb.update_header; _client_fb.reader_offset = 0; _client_fb.reader_bytes = sizeof(FBUpdateMessage); if (connect_message != NULL) { free(connect_message); } // At last setup read callback, and start receiving the updates. if (qemu_set_fd_handler(_client_fb.sock, _clientfb_read_cb, NULL, &_client_fb)) { derror("Unable to set up framebuffer read callback\n"); core_connection_close(_client_fb.core_connection); core_connection_free(_client_fb.core_connection); _client_fb.core_connection = NULL; return NULL; } { // Force the core to send us entire framebuffer now, when we're prepared // to receive it. FBRequestHeader hd; SyncSocket* sk = syncsocket_init(_client_fb.sock); hd.request_type = AFB_REQUEST_REFRESH; syncsocket_start_write(sk); syncsocket_write(sk, &hd, sizeof(hd), 500); syncsocket_stop_write(sk); syncsocket_free(sk); } fprintf(stdout, "Framebuffer %s is now attached to the core %s\n", protocol, sock_address_to_string(console_socket)); return &_client_fb; }
static CharDriverState *chr_baum_init(const char *id, ChardevBackend *backend, ChardevReturn *ret, Error **errp) { ChardevCommon *common = backend->u.braille; BaumDriverState *baum; CharDriverState *chr; brlapi_handle_t *handle; #if defined(CONFIG_SDL) #if SDL_COMPILEDVERSION < SDL_VERSIONNUM(2, 0, 0) SDL_SysWMinfo info; #endif #endif int tty; chr = qemu_chr_alloc(common, errp); if (!chr) { return NULL; } baum = g_malloc0(sizeof(BaumDriverState)); baum->chr = chr; chr->opaque = baum; chr->chr_write = baum_write; chr->chr_accept_input = baum_accept_input; chr->chr_close = baum_close; handle = g_malloc0(brlapi_getHandleSize()); baum->brlapi = handle; baum->brlapi_fd = brlapi__openConnection(handle, NULL, NULL); if (baum->brlapi_fd == -1) { error_setg(errp, "brlapi__openConnection: %s", brlapi_strerror(brlapi_error_location())); goto fail_handle; } baum->cellCount_timer = timer_new_ns(QEMU_CLOCK_VIRTUAL, baum_cellCount_timer_cb, baum); if (brlapi__getDisplaySize(handle, &baum->x, &baum->y) == -1) { error_setg(errp, "brlapi__getDisplaySize: %s", brlapi_strerror(brlapi_error_location())); goto fail; } #if defined(CONFIG_SDL) #if SDL_COMPILEDVERSION < SDL_VERSIONNUM(2, 0, 0) memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); SDL_VERSION(&info.version); if (SDL_GetWMInfo(&info)) tty =; else #endif #endif tty = BRLAPI_TTY_DEFAULT; if (brlapi__enterTtyMode(handle, tty, NULL) == -1) { error_setg(errp, "brlapi__enterTtyMode: %s", brlapi_strerror(brlapi_error_location())); goto fail; } qemu_set_fd_handler(baum->brlapi_fd, baum_chr_read, NULL, baum); return chr; fail: timer_free(baum->cellCount_timer); brlapi__closeConnection(handle); fail_handle: g_free(handle); g_free(chr); g_free(baum); return NULL; }
static int xen_9pfs_connect(struct XenLegacyDevice *xendev) { Error *err = NULL; int i; Xen9pfsDev *xen_9pdev = container_of(xendev, Xen9pfsDev, xendev); V9fsState *s = &xen_9pdev->state; QemuOpts *fsdev; if (xenstore_read_fe_int(&xen_9pdev->xendev, "num-rings", &xen_9pdev->num_rings) == -1 || xen_9pdev->num_rings > MAX_RINGS || xen_9pdev->num_rings < 1) { return -1; } xen_9pdev->rings = g_new0(Xen9pfsRing, xen_9pdev->num_rings); for (i = 0; i < xen_9pdev->num_rings; i++) { char *str; int ring_order; xen_9pdev->rings[i].priv = xen_9pdev; xen_9pdev->rings[i].evtchn = -1; xen_9pdev->rings[i].local_port = -1; str = g_strdup_printf("ring-ref%u", i); if (xenstore_read_fe_int(&xen_9pdev->xendev, str, &xen_9pdev->rings[i].ref) == -1) { g_free(str); goto out; } g_free(str); str = g_strdup_printf("event-channel-%u", i); if (xenstore_read_fe_int(&xen_9pdev->xendev, str, &xen_9pdev->rings[i].evtchn) == -1) { g_free(str); goto out; } g_free(str); xen_9pdev->rings[i].intf = xen_be_map_grant_ref(&xen_9pdev->xendev, xen_9pdev->rings[i].ref, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE); if (!xen_9pdev->rings[i].intf) { goto out; } ring_order = xen_9pdev->rings[i].intf->ring_order; if (ring_order > MAX_RING_ORDER) { goto out; } xen_9pdev->rings[i].ring_order = ring_order; xen_9pdev->rings[i].data = xen_be_map_grant_refs(&xen_9pdev->xendev, xen_9pdev->rings[i].intf->ref, (1 << ring_order), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE); if (!xen_9pdev->rings[i].data) { goto out; } xen_9pdev->rings[i] = xen_9pdev->rings[i].data; xen_9pdev->rings[i].ring.out = xen_9pdev->rings[i].data + XEN_FLEX_RING_SIZE(ring_order); xen_9pdev->rings[i].bh = qemu_bh_new(xen_9pfs_bh, &xen_9pdev->rings[i]); xen_9pdev->rings[i].out_cons = 0; xen_9pdev->rings[i].out_size = 0; xen_9pdev->rings[i].inprogress = false; xen_9pdev->rings[i].evtchndev = xenevtchn_open(NULL, 0); if (xen_9pdev->rings[i].evtchndev == NULL) { goto out; } qemu_set_cloexec(xenevtchn_fd(xen_9pdev->rings[i].evtchndev)); xen_9pdev->rings[i].local_port = xenevtchn_bind_interdomain (xen_9pdev->rings[i].evtchndev, xendev->dom, xen_9pdev->rings[i].evtchn); if (xen_9pdev->rings[i].local_port == -1) { xen_pv_printf(xendev, 0, "xenevtchn_bind_interdomain failed port=%d\n", xen_9pdev->rings[i].evtchn); goto out; } xen_pv_printf(xendev, 2, "bind evtchn port %d\n", xendev->local_port); qemu_set_fd_handler(xenevtchn_fd(xen_9pdev->rings[i].evtchndev), xen_9pfs_evtchn_event, NULL, &xen_9pdev->rings[i]); } xen_9pdev->security_model = xenstore_read_be_str(xendev, "security_model"); xen_9pdev->path = xenstore_read_be_str(xendev, "path"); xen_9pdev->id = s->fsconf.fsdev_id = g_strdup_printf("xen9p%d", xendev->dev); xen_9pdev->tag = s->fsconf.tag = xenstore_read_fe_str(xendev, "tag"); fsdev = qemu_opts_create(qemu_find_opts("fsdev"), s->fsconf.tag, 1, NULL); qemu_opt_set(fsdev, "fsdriver", "local", NULL); qemu_opt_set(fsdev, "path", xen_9pdev->path, NULL); qemu_opt_set(fsdev, "security_model", xen_9pdev->security_model, NULL); qemu_opts_set_id(fsdev, s->fsconf.fsdev_id); qemu_fsdev_add(fsdev, &err); if (err) { error_report_err(err); } v9fs_device_realize_common(s, &xen_9p_transport, NULL); return 0; out: xen_9pfs_free(xendev); return -1; }
static void vde_cleanup(NetClientState *nc) { VDEState *s = DO_UPCAST(VDEState, nc, nc); qemu_set_fd_handler(vde_datafd(s->vde), NULL, NULL, NULL); vde_close(s->vde); }
static USBDevice *usb_host_device_open_addr(int bus_num, int addr, const char *prod_name) { int fd = -1, ret; USBHostDevice *dev = NULL; struct usbdevfs_connectinfo ci; char buf[1024]; dev = qemu_mallocz(sizeof(USBHostDevice)); if (!dev) goto fail; dev->bus_num = bus_num; dev->addr = addr; printf("husb: open device %d.%d\n", bus_num, addr); if (!usb_host_device_path) { perror("husb: USB Host Device Path not set"); goto fail; } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%03d/%03d", usb_host_device_path, bus_num, addr); fd = open(buf, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK); if (fd < 0) { perror(buf); goto fail; } dprintf("husb: opened %s\n", buf); /* read the device description */ dev->descr_len = read(fd, dev->descr, sizeof(dev->descr)); if (dev->descr_len <= 0) { perror("husb: reading device data failed"); goto fail; } #ifdef DEBUG { int x; printf("=== begin dumping device descriptor data ===\n"); for (x = 0; x < dev->descr_len; x++) printf("%02x ", dev->descr[x]); printf("\n=== end dumping device descriptor data ===\n"); } #endif dev->fd = fd; /* * Initial configuration is -1 which makes us claim first * available config. We used to start with 1, which does not * always work. I've seen devices where first config starts * with 2. */ if (!usb_host_claim_interfaces(dev, -1)) goto fail; ret = ioctl(fd, USBDEVFS_CONNECTINFO, &ci); if (ret < 0) { perror("usb_host_device_open: USBDEVFS_CONNECTINFO"); goto fail; } printf("husb: grabbed usb device %d.%d\n", bus_num, addr); ret = usb_linux_update_endp_table(dev); if (ret) goto fail; if (ci.slow) dev->dev.speed = USB_SPEED_LOW; else dev->dev.speed = USB_SPEED_HIGH; dev->dev.handle_packet = usb_host_handle_packet; dev->dev.handle_reset = usb_host_handle_reset; dev->dev.handle_destroy = usb_host_handle_destroy; if (!prod_name || prod_name[0] == '\0') snprintf(dev->dev.devname, sizeof(dev->dev.devname), "host:%d.%d", bus_num, addr); else pstrcpy(dev->dev.devname, sizeof(dev->dev.devname), prod_name); /* USB devio uses 'write' flag to check for async completions */ qemu_set_fd_handler(dev->fd, NULL, async_complete, dev); hostdev_link(dev); return (USBDevice *) dev; fail: if (dev) qemu_free(dev); close(fd); return NULL; }
static NetSocketState *net_socket_fd_init_dgram(NetClientState *peer, const char *model, const char *name, int fd, int is_connected) { struct sockaddr_in saddr; int newfd; socklen_t saddr_len; NetClientState *nc; NetSocketState *s; /* fd passed: multicast: "learn" dgram_dst address from bound address and save it * Because this may be "shared" socket from a "master" process, datagrams would be recv() * by ONLY ONE process: we must "clone" this dgram socket --jjo */ if (is_connected) { if (getsockname(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &saddr, &saddr_len) == 0) { /* must be bound */ if (saddr.sin_addr.s_addr == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "qemu: error: init_dgram: fd=%d unbound, " "cannot setup multicast dst addr\n", fd); goto err; } /* clone dgram socket */ newfd = net_socket_mcast_create(&saddr, NULL); if (newfd < 0) { /* error already reported by net_socket_mcast_create() */ goto err; } /* clone newfd to fd, close newfd */ dup2(newfd, fd); close(newfd); } else { fprintf(stderr, "qemu: error: init_dgram: fd=%d failed getsockname(): %s\n", fd, strerror(errno)); goto err; } } nc = qemu_new_net_client(&net_dgram_socket_info, peer, model, name); snprintf(nc->info_str, sizeof(nc->info_str), "socket: fd=%d (%s mcast=%s:%d)", fd, is_connected ? "cloned" : "", inet_ntoa(saddr.sin_addr), ntohs(saddr.sin_port)); s = DO_UPCAST(NetSocketState, nc, nc); s->fd = fd; s->listen_fd = -1; qemu_set_fd_handler(s->fd, net_socket_send_dgram, NULL, s); /* mcast: save bound address as dst */ if (is_connected) { s->dgram_dst = saddr; } return s; err: closesocket(fd); return NULL; }
void sys_channel_close( SysChannel channel ) { qemu_set_fd_handler( channel->fd, NULL, NULL, NULL ); sys_channel_free( channel ); }
static void net_socket_connect(void *opaque) { NetSocketState *s = opaque; qemu_set_fd_handler(s->fd, net_socket_send, NULL, s); }
void command_loop(void) { int c, i, j = 0, done = 0, fetchable = 0, prompted = 0; char *input; char **v; const cmdinfo_t *ct; for (i = 0; !done && i < ncmdline; i++) { input = strdup(cmdline[i]); if (!input) { fprintf(stderr, _("cannot strdup command '%s': %s\n"), cmdline[i], strerror(errno)); exit(1); } v = breakline(input, &c); if (c) { ct = find_command(v[0]); if (ct) { if (ct->flags & CMD_FLAG_GLOBAL) { done = command(ct, c, v); } else { j = 0; while (!done && (j = args_command(j))) { done = command(ct, c, v); } } } else { fprintf(stderr, _("command \"%s\" not found\n"), v[0]); } } doneline(input, v); } if (cmdline) { g_free(cmdline); return; } while (!done) { if (!prompted) { printf("%s", get_prompt()); fflush(stdout); qemu_set_fd_handler(STDIN_FILENO, prep_fetchline, NULL, &fetchable); prompted = 1; } main_loop_wait(false); if (!fetchable) { continue; } input = fetchline(); if (input == NULL) { break; } v = breakline(input, &c); if (c) { ct = find_command(v[0]); if (ct) { done = command(ct, c, v); } else { fprintf(stderr, _("command \"%s\" not found\n"), v[0]); } } doneline(input, v); prompted = 0; fetchable = 0; } qemu_set_fd_handler(STDIN_FILENO, NULL, NULL, NULL); }