예제 #1
bool QgsCompoundCurve::removeDuplicateNodes( double epsilon, bool useZValues )
  bool result = false;
  const QVector< QgsCurve * > curves = mCurves;
  int i = 0;
  QgsPoint lastEnd;
  for ( QgsCurve *curve : curves )
    result = result || curve->removeDuplicateNodes( epsilon, useZValues );
    if ( curve->numPoints() == 0 || qgsDoubleNear( curve->length(), 0.0, epsilon ) )
      // empty curve, remove it
      delete mCurves.takeAt( i );
      result = true;
      // ensure this line starts exactly where previous line ended
      if ( i > 0 )
        curve->moveVertex( QgsVertexId( -1, -1, 0 ), lastEnd );
      lastEnd = curve->vertexAt( QgsVertexId( -1, -1, curve->numPoints() - 1 ) );
  return result;
예제 #2
bool QgsLocatorProxyModel::lessThan( const QModelIndex &left, const QModelIndex &right ) const
  // first go by filter priority
  int leftFilterPriority = sourceModel()->data( left, QgsLocatorModel::ResultFilterPriorityRole ).toInt();
  int rightFilterPriority  = sourceModel()->data( right, QgsLocatorModel::ResultFilterPriorityRole ).toInt();
  if ( leftFilterPriority != rightFilterPriority )
    return leftFilterPriority < rightFilterPriority;

  // then filter name
  QString leftFilter = sourceModel()->data( left, QgsLocatorModel::ResultFilterNameRole ).toString();
  QString rightFilter = sourceModel()->data( right, QgsLocatorModel::ResultFilterNameRole ).toString();
  if ( leftFilter != rightFilter )
    return QString::localeAwareCompare( leftFilter, rightFilter ) < 0;

  // then make sure filter title appears before filter's results
  int leftTypeRole = sourceModel()->data( left, QgsLocatorModel::ResultTypeRole ).toInt();
  int rightTypeRole = sourceModel()->data( right, QgsLocatorModel::ResultTypeRole ).toInt();
  if ( leftTypeRole != rightTypeRole )
    return leftTypeRole < rightTypeRole;

  // sort filter's results by score
  double leftScore = sourceModel()->data( left, QgsLocatorModel::ResultScoreRole ).toDouble();
  double rightScore = sourceModel()->data( right, QgsLocatorModel::ResultScoreRole ).toDouble();
  if ( !qgsDoubleNear( leftScore, rightScore ) )
    return leftScore > rightScore;

  // lastly sort filter's results by string
  leftFilter = sourceModel()->data( left, Qt::DisplayRole ).toString();
  rightFilter = sourceModel()->data( right, Qt::DisplayRole ).toString();
  return QString::localeAwareCompare( leftFilter, rightFilter ) < 0;
QgsSymbol *QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererWidget::findSymbolForRange( double lowerBound, double upperBound, const QgsRangeList &ranges ) const
  int decimalPlaces = mRenderer->labelFormat().precision() + 2;
  if ( decimalPlaces < 0 )
    decimalPlaces = 0;
  double precision = 1.0 / std::pow( 10, decimalPlaces );

  for ( QgsRangeList::const_iterator it = ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end(); ++it )
    if ( qgsDoubleNear( lowerBound, it->lowerValue(), precision ) && qgsDoubleNear( upperBound, it->upperValue(), precision ) )
      return it->symbol();
  return nullptr;
예제 #4
void QgsMarkerSymbolV2::setDataDefinedSize( const QgsDataDefined &dd )
  const double symbolSize = size();

  for ( QgsSymbolLayerV2List::iterator it = mLayers.begin(); it != mLayers.end(); ++it )
    QgsMarkerSymbolLayerV2* layer = static_cast<QgsMarkerSymbolLayerV2 *>( *it );

    if ( dd.hasDefaultValues() )
      layer->removeDataDefinedProperty( "size" );
      layer->removeDataDefinedProperty( "offset" );
      if ( symbolSize == 0 || qgsDoubleNear( layer->size(), symbolSize ) )
        layer->setDataDefinedProperty( "size", new QgsDataDefined( dd ) );
        layer->setDataDefinedProperty( "size", scaleWholeSymbol( layer->size() / symbolSize, dd ) );

      if ( layer->offset().x() || layer->offset().y() )
        layer->setDataDefinedProperty( "offset", scaleWholeSymbol(
                                         layer->offset().x() / symbolSize,
                                         layer->offset().y() / symbolSize, dd ) );
예제 #5
void QgsMapToPixel::updateMatrix()
  double rotation = mapRotation();

#if 0 // debugging
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "XXX %7 -- xCent:%1 yCent:%2 mWidth:%3 mHeight:%4 uPP:%5 rot:%6" )
               .arg( xCenter ).arg( yCenter ).arg( mWidth ).arg( mHeight )
               .arg( mMapUnitsPerPixel ).arg( rotation ).arg(( quintptr )this, QT_POINTER_SIZE *2, 15, QChar( '0' ) ) );

  // NOTE: operations are done in the reverse order in which
  //       they are configured, so translation to geographical
  //       center happens first, then scaling, then rotation
  //       and finally translation to output viewport center

  if ( qgsDoubleNear( rotation, 0.0 ) )
    //no rotation, return a simplified matrix
    mMatrix = QTransform::fromScale( 1.0 / mMapUnitsPerPixel, -1.0 / mMapUnitsPerPixel )
              .translate( -xMin, - ( yMin + mHeight * mMapUnitsPerPixel ) );

  double cy = mapHeight() / 2.0;
  double cx = mapWidth() / 2.0;
  mMatrix = QTransform::fromTranslate( cx, cy )
            .rotate( rotation )
            .scale( 1 / mMapUnitsPerPixel, -1 / mMapUnitsPerPixel )
            .translate( -xCenter, -yCenter )
예제 #6
void QgsScaleComboBox::fixupScale()
  if ( mAllowNull && currentText().trimmed().isEmpty() )
    setScale( std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN() );

  QStringList txtList = currentText().split( ':' );
  bool userSetScale = txtList.size() != 2;

  bool ok;
  double newScale = toDouble( currentText(), &ok );

  // Valid string representation
  if ( ok )
    // if a user types scale = 2345, we transform to 1:2345
    if ( userSetScale && newScale < 1.0 && !qgsDoubleNear( newScale, 0.0 ) )
      newScale = 1 / newScale;
    setScale( newScale );
    setScale( mScale );
예제 #7
void QgsLineSymbolV2::setDataDefinedWidth( const QgsDataDefined& dd )
  const double symbolWidth = width();

  for ( QgsSymbolLayerV2List::iterator it = mLayers.begin(); it != mLayers.end(); ++it )
    QgsLineSymbolLayerV2* layer = static_cast<QgsLineSymbolLayerV2*>( *it );

    if ( dd.hasDefaultValues() )
      layer->removeDataDefinedProperty( "width" );
      layer->removeDataDefinedProperty( "offset" );
      if ( symbolWidth == 0 || qgsDoubleNear( layer->width(), symbolWidth ) )
        layer->setDataDefinedProperty( "width", new QgsDataDefined( dd ) );
        layer->setDataDefinedProperty( "width", scaleWholeSymbol( layer->width() / symbolWidth, dd ) );

      if ( layer->offset() )
        layer->setDataDefinedProperty( "offset", scaleWholeSymbol( layer->offset() / symbolWidth, dd ) );
예제 #8
void QgsMarkerSymbolV2::setDataDefinedAngle( const QgsDataDefined& dd )
  const double symbolRotation = angle();

  for ( QgsSymbolLayerV2List::iterator it = mLayers.begin(); it != mLayers.end(); ++it )
    QgsMarkerSymbolLayerV2* layer = static_cast<QgsMarkerSymbolLayerV2 *>( *it );
    if ( dd.hasDefaultValues() )
      layer->removeDataDefinedProperty( "angle" );
      if ( qgsDoubleNear( layer->angle(), symbolRotation ) )
        layer->setDataDefinedProperty( "angle", new QgsDataDefined( dd ) );
        QgsDataDefined* rotatedDD = rotateWholeSymbol( layer->angle() - symbolRotation, dd );
        layer->setDataDefinedProperty( "angle", rotatedDD );
예제 #9
void QgsPointMarkerItem::paint( QPainter * painter )
  if ( !painter )

  QgsRenderContext rc = renderContext( painter );

  bool useEffect = !qgsDoubleNear( mOpacityEffect->transparency(), 0.0 );
  if ( useEffect )
    //use a paint effect to reduce opacity. If we directly set the opacity on the painter, then the symbol will NOT
    //be correctly "flattened" and parts of the symbol which should be obscured will show through
    mOpacityEffect->begin( rc );

  mMarkerSymbol->startRender( rc, mFeature.fields() );
  mMarkerSymbol->renderPoint( mLocation - pos(), &mFeature, rc );
  mMarkerSymbol->stopRender( rc );

  if ( useEffect )
    mOpacityEffect->end( rc );
예제 #10
void QgsAtlasComposition::readXmlMapSettings( const QDomElement &elem, const QDomDocument &doc )
  Q_UNUSED( doc );
  //look for stored composer map, to upgrade pre 2.1 projects
  int composerMapNo = elem.attribute( "composerMap", "-1" ).toInt();
  QgsComposerMap * composerMap = nullptr;
  if ( composerMapNo != -1 )
    QList<QgsComposerMap*> maps;
    mComposition->composerItems( maps );
    for ( QList<QgsComposerMap*>::iterator it = maps.begin(); it != maps.end(); ++it )
      if (( *it )->id() == composerMapNo )
        composerMap = ( *it );
        composerMap->setAtlasDriven( true );

  //upgrade pre 2.1 projects
  double margin = elem.attribute( "margin", "0.0" ).toDouble();
  if ( composerMap && !qgsDoubleNear( margin, 0.0 ) )
    composerMap->setAtlasMargin( margin );
  bool fixedScale = elem.attribute( "fixedScale", "false" ) == "true" ? true : false;
  if ( composerMap && fixedScale )
    composerMap->setAtlasScalingMode( QgsComposerMap::Fixed );
예제 #11
int QgsCoordinateUtils::calculateCoordinatePrecision( double mapUnitsPerPixel, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& mapCrs )
  // Get the display precision from the project settings
  bool automatic = QgsProject::instance()->readBoolEntry( "PositionPrecision", "/Automatic" );
  int dp = 0;

  if ( automatic )
    QString format = QgsProject::instance()->readEntry( "PositionPrecision", "/DegreeFormat", "D" );
    bool formatGeographic = ( format == "DM" || format == "DMS" || format == "D" );

    // we can only calculate an automatic precision if both map CRS and format are geographic or both not geographic
    if ( mapCrs.geographicFlag() == formatGeographic )
      // Work out a suitable number of decimal places for the coordinates with the aim of always
      // having enough decimal places to show the difference in position between adjacent pixels.
      // Also avoid taking the log of 0.
      if ( !qgsDoubleNear( mapUnitsPerPixel, 0.0 ) )
        dp = static_cast<int>( ceil( -1.0 * log10( mapUnitsPerPixel ) ) );
      dp = format == "D" ? 4 : 2; //guess sensible fallback
    dp = QgsProject::instance()->readNumEntry( "PositionPrecision", "/DecimalPlaces" );

  // Keep dp sensible
  if ( dp < 0 )
    dp = 0;

  return dp;
예제 #12
bool QgsComposerNodesItem::readXml( const QDomElement& itemElem,
                                    const QDomDocument& doc )
  // restore general composer item properties
  const QDomNodeList composerItemList = itemElem.elementsByTagName( QStringLiteral( "ComposerItem" ) );
  if ( !composerItemList.isEmpty() )
    QDomElement composerItemElem = composerItemList.at( 0 ).toElement();

    if ( !qgsDoubleNear( composerItemElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "rotation" ), QStringLiteral( "0" ) ).toDouble(), 0.0 ) )
      setItemRotation( composerItemElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "rotation" ), QStringLiteral( "0" ) ).toDouble() );

    _readXml( composerItemElem, doc );

  // restore style
  QDomElement styleSymbolElem = itemElem.firstChildElement( QStringLiteral( "symbol" ) );
  if ( !styleSymbolElem.isNull() )
    _readXmlStyle( styleSymbolElem );

  // restore nodes
  QDomNodeList nodesList = itemElem.elementsByTagName( QStringLiteral( "node" ) );
  for ( int i = 0; i < nodesList.size(); i++ )
    QDomElement nodeElem = nodesList.at( i ).toElement();
    QPointF newPt;
    newPt.setX( nodeElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "x" ) ).toDouble() );
    newPt.setY( nodeElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "y" ) ).toDouble() );
    mPolygon.append( newPt );

  emit itemChanged();
  return true;
예제 #13
QgsSvgCacheEntry* QgsSvgCache::cacheEntry( const QString& file, double size, const QColor& fill, const QColor& outline, double outlineWidth,
    double widthScaleFactor )
  //search entries in mEntryLookup
  QgsSvgCacheEntry* currentEntry = nullptr;
  QList<QgsSvgCacheEntry*> entries = mEntryLookup.values( file );

  QList<QgsSvgCacheEntry*>::iterator entryIt = entries.begin();
  for ( ; entryIt != entries.end(); ++entryIt )
    QgsSvgCacheEntry* cacheEntry = *entryIt;
    if ( qgsDoubleNear( cacheEntry->size, size ) && cacheEntry->fill == fill && cacheEntry->outline == outline &&
         qgsDoubleNear( cacheEntry->outlineWidth, outlineWidth ) && qgsDoubleNear( cacheEntry->widthScaleFactor, widthScaleFactor ) )
      currentEntry = cacheEntry;

  //if not found: create new entry
  //cache and replace params in svg content
  if ( !currentEntry )
    currentEntry = insertSVG( file, size, fill, outline, outlineWidth, widthScaleFactor );
    takeEntryFromList( currentEntry );
    if ( !mMostRecentEntry ) //list is empty
      mMostRecentEntry = currentEntry;
      mLeastRecentEntry = currentEntry;
      mMostRecentEntry->nextEntry = currentEntry;
      currentEntry->previousEntry = mMostRecentEntry;
      currentEntry->nextEntry = nullptr;
      mMostRecentEntry = currentEntry;


  return currentEntry;
예제 #14
void QgsQuickPositionKit::onPositionUpdated( const QGeoPositionInfo &info )
  bool hasPosition = info.coordinate().isValid();
  if ( hasPosition != mHasPosition )
    mHasPosition = hasPosition;
    emit hasPositionChanged();

  // Calculate position
  QgsPoint position = QgsPoint(
                        info.coordinate().altitude() ); // can be NaN

  if ( position != mPosition )
    mPosition = position;
    emit positionChanged();
  // calculate accuracy
  double accuracy;
  if ( info.hasAttribute( QGeoPositionInfo::HorizontalAccuracy ) )
    accuracy = info.attribute( QGeoPositionInfo::HorizontalAccuracy );
    accuracy = -1;
  if ( !qgsDoubleNear( accuracy, mAccuracy ) )
    mAccuracy = accuracy;
    emit accuracyChanged();

  // calculate direction
  double direction;
  if ( info.hasAttribute( QGeoPositionInfo::Direction ) )
    direction = info.attribute( QGeoPositionInfo::Direction );
    direction = -1;
  if ( !qgsDoubleNear( direction, mDirection ) )
    mDirection = direction;
    emit directionChanged();

  // recalculate projected/screen variables
예제 #15
double QgsCurve::sinuosity() const
  double d = straightDistance2d();
  if ( qgsDoubleNear( d, 0.0 ) )
    return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();

  return length() / d;
예제 #16
QgsRenderContext * QgsSymbolV2LegendNode::createTemporaryRenderContext() const
  double scale = 0.0;
  double mupp = 0.0;
  int dpi = 0;
  if ( model() )
    model()->legendMapViewData( &mupp, &dpi, &scale );
  bool validData = !qgsDoubleNear( mupp, 0.0 ) && dpi != 0 && !qgsDoubleNear( scale, 0.0 );

  // setup temporary render context
  QScopedPointer<QgsRenderContext> context( new QgsRenderContext );
  context->setScaleFactor( dpi / 25.4 );
  context->setRendererScale( scale );
  context->setMapToPixel( QgsMapToPixel( mupp ) );
  return validData ? context.take() : nullptr;
예제 #17
void QgsQuickIdentifyKit::setSearchRadiusMm( double searchRadiusMm )
  if ( qgsDoubleNear( mSearchRadiusMm, searchRadiusMm ) )

  mSearchRadiusMm = searchRadiusMm;
  emit searchRadiusMmChanged();
예제 #18
double QgsMeshCalcUtils::ffilter( double val1, double filter ) const
  Q_ASSERT( !std::isnan( val1 ) );

  if ( qgsDoubleNear( filter, D_TRUE ) )
    return val1;
    return D_NODATA;
예제 #19
// distance of point q from line through p in direction v
// return >0  => q lies left of the line
//        <0  => q lies right of the line
double QgsGeometryValidator::distLine2Point( const QgsPoint& p, QgsVector v, const QgsPoint& q )
  if ( qgsDoubleNear( v.length(), 0 ) )
    throw QgsException( QObject::tr( "invalid line" ) );

  return ( v.x()*( q.y() - p.y() ) - v.y()*( q.x() - p.x() ) ) / v.length();
예제 #20
QgsRenderContext *QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode::createTemporaryRenderContext() const
  double scale = 0.0;
  double mupp = 0.0;
  int dpi = 0;
  if ( model() )
    model()->legendMapViewData( &mupp, &dpi, &scale );

  if ( qgsDoubleNear( mupp, 0.0 ) || dpi == 0 || qgsDoubleNear( scale, 0.0 ) )
    return nullptr;

  // setup temporary render context
  std::unique_ptr<QgsRenderContext> context = qgis::make_unique<QgsRenderContext>( );
  context->setScaleFactor( dpi / 25.4 );
  context->setRendererScale( scale );
  context->setMapToPixel( QgsMapToPixel( mupp ) );
  return context.release();
예제 #21
QRectF QgsEllipseSymbolLayer::bounds( QPointF point, QgsSymbolRenderContext &context )
  QSizeF size = calculateSize( context );

  bool hasDataDefinedRotation = false;
  QPointF offset;
  double angle = 0;
  calculateOffsetAndRotation( context, size.width(), size.height(), hasDataDefinedRotation, offset, angle );

  QMatrix transform;

  // move to the desired position
  transform.translate( point.x() + offset.x(), point.y() + offset.y() );

  if ( !qgsDoubleNear( angle, 0.0 ) )
    transform.rotate( angle );

  double penWidth = 0.0;
  if ( mDataDefinedProperties.isActive( QgsSymbolLayer::PropertyStrokeWidth ) )
    context.setOriginalValueVariable( mStrokeWidth );
    QVariant exprVal = mDataDefinedProperties.value( QgsSymbolLayer::PropertyStrokeWidth, context.renderContext().expressionContext() );

    if ( exprVal.isValid() )
      bool ok;
      double strokeWidth = exprVal.toDouble( &ok );
      if ( ok )
        penWidth = context.renderContext().convertToPainterUnits( strokeWidth, mStrokeWidthUnit, mStrokeWidthMapUnitScale );
  if ( mDataDefinedProperties.isActive( QgsSymbolLayer::PropertyStrokeStyle ) )
    context.setOriginalValueVariable( QgsSymbolLayerUtils::encodePenStyle( mStrokeStyle ) );
    QVariant exprVal = mDataDefinedProperties.value( QgsSymbolLayer::PropertyStrokeStyle, context.renderContext().expressionContext() );
    if ( exprVal.isValid() && exprVal.toString() == QLatin1String( "no" ) )
      penWidth = 0.0;

  //antialiasing, add 1 pixel
  penWidth += 1;

  QRectF symbolBounds = transform.mapRect( QRectF( -size.width() / 2.0,
                        -size.height() / 2.0,
                        size.height() ) );

  //extend bounds by pen width / 2.0
  symbolBounds.adjust( -penWidth / 2.0, -penWidth / 2.0,
                       penWidth / 2.0, penWidth / 2.0 );

  return symbolBounds;
예제 #22
bool QgsInterval::operator==( QgsInterval other ) const
  if ( !mValid && !other.mValid )
    return true;
  else if ( mValid && other.mValid )
    return qgsDoubleNear( mSeconds, other.mSeconds );
    return false;
예제 #23
double QgsDxfExportDialog::symbologyScale() const
  double scale = mSymbologyScaleLineEdit->text().toDouble();
  if ( qgsDoubleNear( scale, 0.0 ) )
    return 1.0;
  return scale;
예제 #24
inline bool qgsDoubleNearDebug( double a, double b, double epsilon = 4 * DBL_EPSILON )
    if ( !qgsDoubleNear( a, b, epsilon ) )
        qDebug( "Expecting %f got %f (diff %f > %f)", a, b, qAbs( a - b ), epsilon );
        return false;
    return true;
예제 #25
void QgsMapSettings::setRotation( double degrees )
  if ( qgsDoubleNear( mRotation, degrees ) ) return;

  mRotation = degrees;

  // TODO: update extent while keeping scale ?
예제 #26
void QgsSvgCache::cacheImage( QgsSvgCacheEntry *entry )
  if ( !entry )

  delete entry->image;
  entry->image = nullptr;

  bool isFixedAR = entry->fixedAspectRatio > 0;

  QSvgRenderer r( entry->svgContent );
  double hwRatio = 1.0;
  if ( r.viewBoxF().width() > 0 )
    if ( isFixedAR )
      hwRatio = entry->fixedAspectRatio;
      hwRatio = r.viewBoxF().height() / r.viewBoxF().width();
  double wSize = entry->size;
  int wImgSize = static_cast< int >( wSize );
  if ( wImgSize < 1 )
    wImgSize = 1;
  double hSize = wSize * hwRatio;
  int hImgSize = static_cast< int >( hSize );
  if ( hImgSize < 1 )
    hImgSize = 1;
  // cast double image sizes to int for QImage
  QImage *image = new QImage( wImgSize, hImgSize, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied );
  image->fill( 0 ); // transparent background

  QPainter p( image );
  if ( qgsDoubleNear( r.viewBoxF().width(), r.viewBoxF().height() ) )
    r.render( &p );
    QSizeF s( r.viewBoxF().size() );
    s.scale( wSize, hSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio );
    QRectF rect( ( wImgSize - s.width() ) / 2, ( hImgSize - s.height() ) / 2, s.width(), s.height() );
    r.render( &p, rect );

  entry->image = image;
  mTotalSize += ( image->width() * image->height() * 32 );
예제 #27
void TestQgsGeometryUtils::testCircleCenterRadius()
    QFETCH( double, x1 );
    QFETCH( double, y1 );
    QFETCH( double, x2 );
    QFETCH( double, y2 );
    QFETCH( double, x3 );
    QFETCH( double, y3 );
    QFETCH( double, expectedRadius );
    QFETCH( double, expectedCenterX );
    QFETCH( double, expectedCenterY );

    double radius, centerX, centerY;
    QgsGeometryUtils::circleCenterRadius( QgsPointV2( x1, y1 ), QgsPointV2( x2, y2 ), QgsPointV2( x3, y3 ), radius, centerX, centerY );
    QVERIFY( qgsDoubleNear( expectedRadius, radius ) );
    QVERIFY( qgsDoubleNear( expectedCenterX, centerX ) );
    QVERIFY( qgsDoubleNear( expectedCenterY, centerY ) );
예제 #28
void TestQgsGeometryUtils::testAverageAngle()
    QFETCH( double, angle1 );
    QFETCH( double, angle2 );
    QFETCH( double, expected );

    double averageAngle = QgsGeometryUtils::averageAngle( angle1 * M_PI / 180.0, angle2 * M_PI / 180.0 ) * 180.0 / M_PI;
    QVERIFY( qgsDoubleNear( averageAngle, expected, 0.0000000001 ) );
예제 #29
bool QgsTriangle::validateGeom( const QgsPointV2 &p1, const QgsPointV2 &p2, const QgsPointV2 &p3 )
  if ( ( ( p1 == p2 ) || ( p1 == p3 ) || ( p2 == p3 ) ) || qgsDoubleNear( QgsGeometryUtils::leftOfLine( p1.x(), p1.y(), p2.x(), p2.y(), p3.x(), p3.y() ), 0.0 ) )
    return false;

  return true;
예제 #30
void TestQgsGeometryUtils::testSegmentMidPoint()
    QFETCH( double, pt1x );
    QFETCH( double, pt1y );
    QFETCH( double, pt2x );
    QFETCH( double, pt2y );
    QFETCH( double, radius );
    QFETCH( bool, left );
    QFETCH( double, expectedX );
    QFETCH( double, expectedY );

    QgsPointV2 midPoint;
    bool ok = QgsGeometryUtils::segmentMidPoint( QgsPointV2( pt1x, pt1y ), QgsPointV2( pt2x, pt2y ),
              midPoint, radius, left );

    QVERIFY( ok );
    QVERIFY( qgsDoubleNear( midPoint.x(), expectedX ) );
    QVERIFY( qgsDoubleNear( midPoint.y(), expectedY ) );