예제 #1
파일: QPSolver.cpp 프로젝트: I2PC/scipion
void simpleQPSolve(Matrix G, Vector vd, Matrix Astar, Vector vBstar,   // in
                   Vector vXtmp, Vector vLambda)                       // out
    Matrix thisG, At=Astar.transpose();
    Vector minusvd=vd.clone();
    minusvd.multiply(-1.0); vBstar.multiply(-1.0);
    int m=Astar.nLine(), me=0, mmax=Astar.nLine()+1, n=vd.sz(), nmax=n,
        mnn=m+n+n, iout=0, ifail, iprint=0, lwar=3*nmax*nmax/2 + 10*nmax+ 2*mmax+1,
    if (G==Matrix::emptyMatrix) { 
        thisG.setSize(n,n); thisG.diagonal(1.0); }
    else thisG=G;
    double *c=*((double**)thisG), *d=minusvd, *a=*((double**)At), *b=vBstar; 
    Vector vxl(n),vxu(n), temp(lwar);
    VectorInt itemp(liwar);
    double *xl=vxl, *xu=vxu, *x=vXtmp, *u=vLambda, *war=temp, eps1=1e-20;
    int *iwar=itemp;

    int dim=n; while (dim--) { xl[dim]=-INF; xu[dim]=INF; }


예제 #2
파일: lcp_qp.c 프로젝트: radarsat1/siconos
void lcp_qp(LinearComplementarityProblem* problem, double *z, double *w, int *info , SolverOptions* options)
  /* size of the LCP */
  int n = problem->size;

  int i, j;

  int nmax;
  int m, me, mmax, mnn;

  double *Q, *A;
  double *p, *b, *xl, *xu;

  double *lambda;

  int lwar, liwar, iout, un;
  int *iwar;
  double *war;

  double tol = options->dparam[0];

  /*/ m :        total number of constraints.*/
  m = 0;
  /*/ me :       number of equality constraints.*/
  me = 0;
  /*/  mmax :     row dimension of a. mmax must be at least one and greater than m.*/
  mmax = m + 1;
  /*/n :        number of variables.
  //nmax :     row dimension of C. nmax must be greater or equal to n.*/
  nmax = n;
  /*/mnn :      must be equal to m + n + n. */
  mnn = m + n + n;

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    z[i] = 0.0;
    w[i] = 0.0;

  /*/ Creation of objective function matrix Q and the the constant vector of the objective function p

  // Q= M;*/
  double * vec = problem->M->matrix0;
  Q = (double *)malloc(nmax * nmax * sizeof(double));
  for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) Q[j * nmax + i] = vec[j * n + i];

  p = (double *)malloc(nmax * sizeof(double));
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    p[i] = problem->q[i] ;

  /* / Creation of the data matrix of the linear constraints, A and  the constant data of the linear constraints b*/
  A = (double *)calloc(mmax * nmax, sizeof(double));

  b = (double *)calloc(mmax, sizeof(double));

  /* Creation of the the lower and upper bounds for the variables.*/
  xu = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double));
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) xu[i] = 1e32 ;
  xl = (double *)calloc(n, sizeof(double));

  /*  on return, lambda contains the lagrange multipliers.*/
  lambda = (double *)malloc(mnn * sizeof(double));
  MSAN_INIT_VAR(lambda, mnn);

  /* /   integer indicating the desired output unit number,*/
  iout = 6;

  /* /   output control.*/
  un = 1;

  /* / real working array. */
  lwar = 3 * nmax * nmax / 2 + 10 * nmax + 2 * mmax;
  war = (double *)malloc(lwar * sizeof(double));
  /* / integer working array. */
  liwar = n ;
  iwar = (int *)malloc(liwar * sizeof(int));
  iwar[0] = 1;

  /* / call ql0001_ */
  ql0001_(&m, &me, &mmax, &n, &nmax, &mnn, Q, p, A, b, xl, xu,
          z, lambda, &iout, info, &un, war, &lwar, iwar, &liwar, &tol);
  /* /    printf("tol = %10.4e\n",*tol);
  //for (i=0;i<mnn;i++) printf("lambda[%i] = %g\n",i,lambda[i]);

  // getting the multiplier due to the lower bounds*/
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) w[i] = lambda[m + i] ;

  /*/ memory freeing*/
