예제 #1
static void
gnc_reconcile_view_init (GNCReconcileView *view)
    GNCSearchParamSimple *param;
    GList          *columns = NULL;
    gboolean num_action =

    view->reconciled = g_hash_table_new (NULL, NULL);
    view->account = NULL;
    view->sibling = NULL;

    param = gnc_search_param_simple_new();
    gnc_search_param_set_param_fcn (param, QOF_TYPE_BOOLEAN,
                                    gnc_reconcile_view_is_reconciled, view);
    gnc_search_param_set_title ((GNCSearchParam *) param, _("Reconciled:R") + 11);
    gnc_search_param_set_justify ((GNCSearchParam *) param, GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER);
    gnc_search_param_set_passive ((GNCSearchParam *) param, TRUE);
    gnc_search_param_set_non_resizeable ((GNCSearchParam *) param, TRUE);
    columns = g_list_prepend (columns, param);
    columns = gnc_search_param_prepend_with_justify (columns, _("Amount"),
              NULL, GNC_ID_SPLIT,
              SPLIT_AMOUNT, NULL);
    columns = gnc_search_param_prepend (columns, _("Description"), NULL,
                                        GNC_ID_SPLIT, SPLIT_TRANS,
                                        TRANS_DESCRIPTION, NULL);
    columns = num_action ?
              gnc_search_param_prepend_with_justify (columns, _("Num"),
              NULL, GNC_ID_SPLIT,
              SPLIT_ACTION, NULL) :
              gnc_search_param_prepend_with_justify (columns, _("Num"),
              NULL, GNC_ID_SPLIT,
              SPLIT_TRANS, TRANS_NUM, NULL);
    columns = gnc_search_param_prepend (columns, _("Date"), NULL, GNC_ID_SPLIT,
                                        SPLIT_TRANS, TRANS_DATE_POSTED, NULL);

    view->column_list = columns;
예제 #2
GNCSearchWindow *
gnc_ui_find_transactions_dialog_create2 (GNCLedgerDisplay2 * orig_ledg)
    QofIdType type = GNC_ID_SPLIT;
    struct _ftd_data *ftd;
    static GList *params = NULL;
    QofQuery *start_q, *show_q = NULL;
    gboolean num_action =

    /* Build parameter list in reverse order */
    if (params == NULL)
        params = gnc_search_param_prepend (params, N_("All Accounts"),
                                           type, SPLIT_TRANS, TRANS_SPLITLIST,
                                           SPLIT_ACCOUNT_GUID, NULL);
        params = gnc_search_param_prepend (params, N_("Account"), GNC_ID_ACCOUNT,
                                           type, SPLIT_ACCOUNT, QOF_PARAM_GUID,
        params = gnc_search_param_prepend (params, N_("Balanced"), NULL,
                                           type, SPLIT_TRANS, TRANS_IS_BALANCED,
        params = gnc_search_param_prepend (params, N_("Reconcile"), RECONCILED_MATCH_TYPE,
                                           type, SPLIT_RECONCILE, NULL);
        params = gnc_search_param_prepend (params, N_("Share Price"), NULL,
                                           type, SPLIT_SHARE_PRICE, NULL);
        params = gnc_search_param_prepend (params, N_("Shares"), NULL,
                                           type, SPLIT_AMOUNT, NULL);
        params = gnc_search_param_prepend (params, N_("Value"), NULL,
                                           type, SPLIT_VALUE, NULL);
        params = gnc_search_param_prepend (params, N_("Date Posted"), NULL,
                                           type, SPLIT_TRANS, TRANS_DATE_POSTED,
        params = gnc_search_param_prepend (params, N_("Notes"), NULL,
                                           type, SPLIT_TRANS, TRANS_NOTES, NULL);
        params = gnc_search_param_prepend (params, (num_action
                                                    ? N_("Number/Action")
                                                    : N_("Action")), NULL,
                                           type, SPLIT_ACTION, NULL);
        params = gnc_search_param_prepend (params, (num_action
                                                    ? N_("Transaction Number")
                                                    : N_("Number")), NULL,
                                           type, SPLIT_TRANS, TRANS_NUM, NULL);
        params = gnc_search_param_prepend (params, N_("Memo"), NULL,
                                           type, SPLIT_MEMO, NULL);
        params = gnc_search_param_prepend (params, N_("Description"), NULL,
                                           type, SPLIT_TRANS, TRANS_DESCRIPTION,
        GList *l;
        for (l = params; l; l = l->next)
            GNCSearchParam *param = l->data;

            if (num_action)
                if (strcmp (param->title, N_("Action")) == 0)
                    gnc_search_param_set_title (param, N_("Number/Action"));
                if (strcmp (param->title, N_("Number")) == 0)
                    gnc_search_param_set_title (param, N_("Transaction Number"));
                if (strcmp (param->title, N_("Number/Action")) == 0)
                    gnc_search_param_set_title (param, N_("Action"));
                if (strcmp (param->title, N_("Transaction Number")) == 0)
                    gnc_search_param_set_title (param, N_("Number"));

    ftd = g_new0 (struct _ftd_data, 1);

    if (orig_ledg)
        ftd->ledger_q = gnc_ledger_display2_get_query (orig_ledg);
        start_q = show_q = qof_query_copy (ftd->ledger_q);
        start_q = qof_query_create ();
        qof_query_set_book (start_q, gnc_get_current_book ());

        /* In lieu of not "mis-using" some portion of the infrastructure by writing
         * a bunch of new code, we just filter out the accounts of the template
         * transactions.  While these are in a seperate Account trees just for this
         * reason, the query engine makes no distinction between Account trees.
         * See Gnome Bug 86302.
         * 	-- jsled
         * copied from gnc-ledger-display2.c:gnc_ledger_display2_gl()  -- warlord
         * <jsled> Alternatively, you could look for a GNC_SX_ACCOUNT [SchedAction.h]
         * key in the KVP frame of the split.
            Account *tRoot;
            GList *al;

            tRoot = gnc_book_get_template_root( gnc_get_current_book() );
            al = gnc_account_get_descendants( tRoot );
            xaccQueryAddAccountMatch( start_q, al, QOF_GUID_MATCH_NONE, QOF_QUERY_AND );
            g_list_free (al);
            al = NULL;
            tRoot = NULL;

        ftd->q = start_q;		/* save this to destroy it later */

    ftd->sw = gnc_search_dialog_create (type, _("Find Transaction"),
                                        params, NULL, start_q, show_q,
                                        NULL, do_find_cb, NULL,
                                        ftd, free_ftd_cb, GNC_PREFS_GROUP_SEARCH, NULL);

    if (!ftd->sw)
        free_ftd_cb (ftd);
        return NULL;

    return ftd->sw;
 * csv_transactions_export
 * write a list of transactions to a text file
void csv_transactions_export (CsvExportInfo *info)
    FILE    *fh;
    Account *acc;
    GList   *ptr;
    gboolean num_action = qof_book_use_split_action_for_num_field (gnc_get_current_book());

    DEBUG("File name is : %s", info->file_name);

    info->failed = FALSE;

    /* Set up separators */
    if (info->use_quotes)
        info->end_sep = "\"";
        info->mid_sep = g_strconcat ("\"", info->separator_str, "\"", NULL);
        info->end_sep = "";
        info->mid_sep = g_strconcat (info->separator_str, NULL);

    /* Open File for writing */
    fh = g_fopen (info->file_name, "w" );
    if (fh != NULL)
        gchar *header;
        int i;

        /* Header string */
        if (info->simple_layout)
            header = g_strconcat (info->end_sep, _("Date"), info->mid_sep, _("Account Name"),
                                  info->mid_sep, (num_action ? _("Transaction Number") : _("Number")),
                                  info->mid_sep, _("Description"), info->mid_sep, _("Full Category Path"),
                                  info->mid_sep, _("Reconcile"), info->mid_sep, _("Amount With Sym"),
                                  info->mid_sep, _("Amount Num."), info->mid_sep, _("Rate/Price"),
                                  info->end_sep, EOLSTR, NULL);
            header = g_strconcat (info->end_sep, _("Date"), info->mid_sep, _("Transaction Type"), info->mid_sep, _("Second Date"),
                                  info->mid_sep, _("Account Name"), info->mid_sep, (num_action ? _("Transaction Number") : _("Number")),
                                  info->mid_sep, _("Description"), info->mid_sep, _("Notes"), info->mid_sep, _("Memo"),
                                  info->mid_sep, _("Full Category Path"), info->mid_sep, _("Category"), info->mid_sep, _("Row Type"),
                                  info->mid_sep, (num_action ? _("Number/Action") : _("Action")),
                                  info->mid_sep, _("Reconcile"), info->mid_sep, _("Amount With Sym"),
                                  info->mid_sep, _("Commodity Mnemonic"), info->mid_sep, _("Commodity Namespace"),
                                  info->mid_sep, _("Amount Num."), info->mid_sep, _("Rate/Price"),
                                  info->end_sep, EOLSTR, NULL);
        DEBUG("Header String: %s", header);

        /* Write header line */
        if (!write_line_to_file (fh, header))
            info->failed = TRUE;
            g_free (header);
        g_free (header);

        /* Go through list of accounts */
        for (ptr = info->csva.account_list, i = 0; ptr; ptr = g_list_next(ptr), i++)
            acc = ptr->data;
            DEBUG("Account being processed is : %s", xaccAccountGetName (acc));
            account_splits (info, acc, fh);
        g_list_free (info->trans_list); // free trans_list
        info->failed = TRUE;
    if (fh)
        fclose (fh);