예제 #1
void QMacPrintEnginePrivate::setPaperSize(QPrinter::PaperSize ps)
    QSizeF newSize = qt_paperSizeToQSizeF(ps);
    QCFType<CFArrayRef> formats;
    PMPrinter printer;

    if (PMSessionGetCurrentPrinter(session, &printer) == noErr
        && PMSessionCreatePageFormatList(session, printer, &formats) == noErr) {
        CFIndex total = CFArrayGetCount(formats);
        PMPageFormat tmp;
        PMRect paper;
        for (CFIndex idx = 0; idx < total; ++idx) {
            tmp = static_cast<PMPageFormat>(
                                        const_cast<void *>(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(formats, idx)));
            PMGetUnadjustedPaperRect(tmp, &paper);
            int wMM = int((paper.right - paper.left) / 72 * 25.4 + 0.5);
            int hMM = int((paper.bottom - paper.top) / 72 * 25.4 + 0.5);
            if (newSize.width() == wMM && newSize.height() == hMM) {
                PMCopyPageFormat(tmp, format);
                // reset the orientation and resolution as they are lost in the copy.
                q->setProperty(QPrintEngine::PPK_Orientation, orient);
                if (PMSessionValidatePageFormat(session, format, kPMDontWantBoolean) != noErr) {
                    // Don't know, warn for the moment.
                    qWarning("QMacPrintEngine, problem setting format and resolution for this page size");
예제 #2
QRect QtopiaPrintEngine::paperRect() const
    QSizeF s = qt_paperSizeToQSizeF(d_func()->paperSize);
    s.rwidth() = MM(s.width());
    s.rheight() = MM(s.height());
    int w = qRound(s.width()*d_func()->resolution/72.);
    int h = qRound(s.height()*d_func()->resolution/72.);
    if (d_func()->orientation == QPrinter::Portrait)
        return QRect(0, 0, w, h);
        return QRect(0, 0, h, w);
예제 #3
QPrinter::PaperSize QMacPrintEnginePrivate::paperSize() const
    PMRect paper;
    PMGetUnadjustedPaperRect(format, &paper);
    int wMM = int((paper.right - paper.left) / 72 * 25.4 + 0.5);
    int hMM = int((paper.bottom - paper.top) / 72 * 25.4 + 0.5);
    for (int i = QPrinter::A4; i < QPrinter::NPaperSize; ++i) {
        QSizeF s = qt_paperSizeToQSizeF(QPrinter::PaperSize(i));
        if (s.width() == wMM && s.height() == hMM)
            return (QPrinter::PaperSize)i;
    return QPrinter::Custom;