예제 #1
  Returns the selected version of the given \a pixmap using the given \a palette.
  The \a enabled argument decides whether the normal or disabled highlight color of
  the palette is used.
QPixmap *QItemDelegate::selected(const QPixmap &pixmap, const QPalette &palette, bool enabled) const
    QString key = qPixmapSerial(qt_pixmap_id(pixmap), enabled);
    QPixmap *pm = QPixmapCache::find(key);
    if (!pm) {
        QImage img = pixmap.toImage().convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);

        QColor color = palette.color(enabled ? QPalette::Normal : QPalette::Disabled,

        QPainter painter(&img);
        painter.fillRect(0, 0, img.width(), img.height(), color);

        QPixmap selected = QPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(img));
        int n = (img.byteCount() >> 10) + 1;
        if (QPixmapCache::cacheLimit() < n)

        QPixmapCache::insert(key, selected);
        pm = QPixmapCache::find(key);
예제 #2
int QPdfEnginePrivate::addBrushPattern(const QTransform &m, bool *specifyColor, int *gStateObject)
    int paintType = 2; // Uncolored tiling
    int w = 8;
    int h = 8;

    *specifyColor = true;
    *gStateObject = 0;

    QTransform matrix = m;
    matrix.translate(brushOrigin.x(), brushOrigin.y());
    matrix = matrix * pageMatrix();
    //qDebug() << brushOrigin << matrix;

    Qt::BrushStyle style = brush.style();
    if (style == Qt::LinearGradientPattern) {// && style <= Qt::ConicalGradientPattern) {
        *specifyColor = false;
        return gradientBrush(b, matrix, gStateObject);
        return 0;

    if ((!brush.isOpaque() && brush.style() < Qt::LinearGradientPattern) || opacity != 1.0)
        *gStateObject = addConstantAlphaObject(qRound(brush.color().alpha() * opacity),
                                               qRound(pen.color().alpha() * opacity));

    int imageObject = -1;
    QByteArray pattern = QPdf::patternForBrush(brush);
    if (pattern.isEmpty()) {
        if (brush.style() != Qt::TexturePattern)
            return 0;
        QImage image = brush.texture().toImage();
        bool bitmap = true;
        imageObject = addImage(image, &bitmap, qt_pixmap_id(brush.texture()));
        if (imageObject != -1) {
            QImage::Format f = image.format();
            if (f != QImage::Format_MonoLSB && f != QImage::Format_Mono) {
                paintType = 1; // Colored tiling
                *specifyColor = false;
            w = image.width();
            h = image.height();
            QTransform m(w, 0, 0, -h, 0, h);
            QPdf::ByteStream s(&pattern);
            s << QPdf::generateMatrix(m);
            s << "/Im" << imageObject << " Do\n";

    QByteArray str;
    QPdf::ByteStream s(&str);
    s << "<<\n"
        "/Type /Pattern\n"
        "/PatternType 1\n"
        "/PaintType " << paintType << "\n"
        "/TilingType 1\n"
        "/BBox [0 0 " << w << h << "]\n"
        "/XStep " << w << "\n"
        "/YStep " << h << "\n"
        "/Matrix ["
      << matrix.m11()
      << matrix.m12()
      << matrix.m21()
      << matrix.m22()
      << matrix.dx()
      << matrix.dy() << "]\n"
        "/Resources \n<< "; // open resource tree
    if (imageObject > 0) {
        s << "/XObject << /Im" << imageObject << ' ' << imageObject << "0 R >> ";
    s << ">>\n"
        "/Length " << pattern.length() << "\n"
      << pattern
      << "endstream\n"

    int patternObj = addXrefEntry(-1);
    return patternObj;