int MP3Broadcaster::ConnectToServer()
    UInt32 addr;
    addr = SocketUtils::ConvertStringToAddr(mIPAddr);
    if (addr == INADDR_NONE)
        struct hostent* theHostent = ::gethostbyname(mIPAddr);      
        if (theHostent != NULL)
            addr = ntohl(*(UInt32*)(theHostent->h_addr_list[0]));
            qtss_printf("Couldn't resolve address %s\n", mIPAddr);
    OS_Error err = mSocket.Open();
    err = mSocket.Connect(addr, mPort);
    if (err == 0)
        char buffer1[512];
        char buffer2[512];
        UInt32 len;

        StringTranslator::EncodeURL(mMountPoint, strlen(mMountPoint) + 1, buffer1, sizeof(buffer1));
        if (strlen(buffer1) + strlen(mPassword) + 12 <= 512)
            if (mUseICY)
                // in the ICY protocol there is no mountpoint
                // the reflector assumes a default mountpoint of "/"
                qtss_sprintf(buffer2, "%s\n", mPassword);
                // if the mountpoint does not start with a "/" we prepend one for the
                // reflector before we send the broadcast request.
                if (buffer1[0] == '/')
                    qtss_sprintf(buffer2, "SOURCE %s %s\n\n", mPassword, buffer1);
                    qtss_sprintf(buffer2, "SOURCE %s /%s\n\n", mPassword, buffer1);
            mSocket.Send(buffer2, strlen(buffer2), &len);
        else return -1;
                char buffer3[3];
                len = 0;
                mSocket.Read(buffer3, 2, &len);
                buffer3[2] = '\0';
                if (::strcmp(buffer3, "OK") != 0)
                   err = EACCES; 
    return err;
int MP3Broadcaster::SendXAudioCastHeaders()
    char buffer[1024];
    char temp[256];
    UInt32 len;
    if (mUseICY)
        qtss_sprintf(buffer, "icy-name:%s\n", mName);
        qtss_sprintf(temp, "icy-genre:%s\n", mGenre);
        strcat(buffer, temp);
        qtss_sprintf(temp, "icy-pub:%s\n", "0");
        strcat(buffer, temp);
        qtss_sprintf(temp, "icy-url:%s\n", mURL);
        strcat(buffer, temp);
        qtss_sprintf(buffer, "x-audiocast-name:%s\n", mName);
        qtss_sprintf(temp, "x-audiocast-genre:%s\n", mGenre);
        strcat(buffer, temp);
        qtss_sprintf(temp, "x-audiocast-public:%s\n", "0");
        strcat(buffer, temp);
        qtss_sprintf(temp, "x-audiocast-description:%s\n", "");
        strcat(buffer, temp);
    mSocket.Send(buffer, strlen(buffer), &len);
    return 0;
예제 #3
void*   OSCodeFragment::GetSymbol(const char* inSymbolName)
    if (fFragmentP == NULL)
        return NULL;
#if defined(HPUX) || defined(HPUX10)
    void *symaddr = NULL;
    int status;

    errno = 0;
    status = shl_findsym((shl_t *)&fFragmentP, symname, TYPE_PROCEDURE, &symaddr);
    if (status == -1 && errno == 0) /* try TYPE_DATA instead */
        status = shl_findsym((shl_t *)&fFragmentP, inSymbolName, TYPE_DATA, &symaddr);
    return (status == -1 ? NULL : symaddr);
    char *symbol = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(inSymbolName)+2));
    void *retval;
    qtss_sprintf(symbol, "_%s", inSymbolName);
    retval = dlsym(fFragmentP, symbol);
    return retval;
#elif defined(__Win32__)
    return ::GetProcAddress(fFragmentP, inSymbolName);
#elif defined(__MacOSX__)
    CFStringRef theString = CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, inSymbolName, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
    void* theSymbol = (void*)CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName( fFragmentP, theString );
    return theSymbol;
    return dlsym(fFragmentP, inSymbolName);
예제 #4
UInt32 RTCPSRPacket::GetACName(char* ioCNameBuffer)
    static char*    sCNameBase = "QTSS";

    //clear out the whole buffer
    ::memset(ioCNameBuffer, 0, kMaxCNameLen);
    //cName identifier
    ioCNameBuffer[0] = 1;
    //Unique cname is constructed from the base name and the current time
    qtss_sprintf(&ioCNameBuffer[1], " %s%"_64BITARG_"d", sCNameBase, OS::Milliseconds() / 1000);
    UInt32 cNameLen = ::strlen(ioCNameBuffer);
    //2nd byte of CName should be length
    ioCNameBuffer[1] = (UInt8) (cNameLen - 2);//don't count indicator or length byte

    // This function assumes that the cName is the only item in this SDES chunk
    // (see RTP rfc for details).
    // The RFC says that the item (the cName) should not be NULL terminated, but
    // the chunk *must* be NULL terminated. And padded to a 32-bit boundary.
    // qtss_sprintf already put a NULL terminator in the cName buffer. So all we have to
    // do is pad out to the boundary.
    cNameLen += 1; //add on the NULL character
    UInt32 paddedLength = cNameLen + (4 - (cNameLen % 4));
    // Pad, and zero out as we pad.
    for (; cNameLen < paddedLength; cNameLen++)
        ioCNameBuffer[cNameLen] = '\0';
    Assert((cNameLen % 4) == 0);
    return cNameLen;
예제 #5
void HTTPRequest::AppendContentLengthHeader(UInt32 length_32bit)
    char* contentLength = NEW char[256];
    qtss_sprintf(contentLength, "%lu", length_32bit);
    StrPtrLen contentLengthPtr(contentLength);
    AppendResponseHeader(httpContentLengthHeader, &contentLengthPtr);
예제 #6
void HTTPRequest::AppendContentLengthHeader(UInt64 length_64bit)
    char* contentLength = NEW char[256];
    qtss_sprintf(contentLength, "%"_64BITARG_"d", length_64bit);
    StrPtrLen contentLengthPtr(contentLength);
    AppendResponseHeader(httpContentLengthHeader, &contentLengthPtr);
time_t MP3BroadcasterLog::WriteLogHeader(FILE *inFile)
    // Write a W3C compatable log header
    time_t calendarTime = ::time(NULL);
    Assert(-1 != calendarTime);
    if (-1 == calendarTime)
        return -1;

    struct tm  timeResult;
    struct tm* theLocalTime = qtss_localtime(&calendarTime, &timeResult);
    Assert(NULL != theLocalTime);
    if (NULL == theLocalTime)
        return -1;
    char tempBuffer[1024] = { 0 };
    qtss_strftime(tempBuffer, sizeof(tempBuffer), "#Log File Created On: %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S\n", theLocalTime);
    this->WriteToLog(tempBuffer, !kAllowLogToRoll);
    tempBuffer[0] = '\0';
    // format a date for the startup time
    char theDateBuffer[QTSSRollingLog::kMaxDateBufferSizeInBytes] = { 0 };
    Bool16 result = QTSSRollingLog::FormatDate(theDateBuffer, false);
    if (result)
        qtss_sprintf(tempBuffer, sLogHeader, "MP3Broadcaster" , kVersionString, 
                            theDateBuffer, sLogTimeInGMT ? "GMT" : "local time");
        this->WriteToLog(tempBuffer, !kAllowLogToRoll);
    return calendarTime;
void    MP3BroadcasterLog::LogInfo( const char* infoStr )
    // log a generic comment 
    char    strBuff[1024] = "";
    char    dateBuff[80] = "";
    if ( this->FormatDate( dateBuff, false ) )
        if  (   (NULL != infoStr) 
            &&  ( ( strlen(infoStr) + strlen(strBuff) + strlen(dateBuff)  ) < 800)
            qtss_sprintf(strBuff,"#Remark: %s %s\n",dateBuff, infoStr);
            this->WriteToLog( strBuff, kAllowLogToRoll );
            ::strcat(strBuff," internal error in LogInfo\n");
            this->WriteToLog( strBuff, kAllowLogToRoll );       

예제 #9
void    QTSSModuleUtils::SendDescribeResponse(QTSS_RTSPRequestObject inRequest,
                                                    QTSS_ClientSessionObject inSession,
                                                    iovec* describeData,
                                                    UInt32 inNumVectors,
                                                    UInt32 inTotalLength)
    //write content size header
    char buf[32];
    qtss_sprintf(buf, "%"_S32BITARG_"", inTotalLength);
    (void)QTSS_AppendRTSPHeader(inRequest, qtssContentLengthHeader, &buf[0], ::strlen(&buf[0]));

    (void)QTSS_SendStandardRTSPResponse(inRequest, inSession, 0);

        // On solaris, the maximum # of vectors is very low (= 16) so to ensure that we are still able to
        // send the SDP if we have a number greater than the maximum allowed, we coalesce the vectors into
        // a single big buffer
#ifdef __solaris__
    if (inNumVectors > IOV_MAX )
            char* describeDataBuffer = QTSSModuleUtils::CoalesceVectors(describeData, inNumVectors, inTotalLength);
            (void)QTSS_Write(inRequest, (void *)describeDataBuffer, inTotalLength, NULL, qtssWriteFlagsNoFlags);
            // deleting memory allocated by the CoalesceVectors call
            delete [] describeDataBuffer;
        (void)QTSS_WriteV(inRequest, describeData, inNumVectors, inTotalLength, NULL);
    (void)QTSS_WriteV(inRequest, describeData, inNumVectors, inTotalLength, NULL);

예제 #10
void RTPSessionInterface::CreateDigestAuthenticationNonce() {

	// Calculate nonce: MD5 of sessionid:timestamp
	SInt64 curTime = OS::Milliseconds();
	char* curTimeStr = new char[128];
	qtss_sprintf(curTimeStr, "%" _64BITARG_ "d", curTime);

	// Delete old nonce before creating a new one
	if (fAuthNonce.Ptr != NULL)
		delete[] fAuthNonce.Ptr;

	MD5_CTX ctxt;
	unsigned char nonceStr[16];
	unsigned char colon[] = ":";
	StrPtrLen* sesID = this->GetValue(qtssCliSesRTSPSessionID);
	MD5_Update(&ctxt, (unsigned char *)sesID->Ptr, sesID->Len);
	MD5_Update(&ctxt, (unsigned char *)colon, 1);
	MD5_Update(&ctxt, (unsigned char *)curTimeStr, ::strlen(curTimeStr));
	MD5_Final(nonceStr, &ctxt);
	HashToString(nonceStr, &fAuthNonce);

	delete[] curTimeStr; // No longer required once nonce is created

	// Set the nonce count value to zero 
	// as a new nonce has been created  
	fAuthNonceCount = 0;

예제 #11
QTSS_Error	QTSSModuleUtils::SendErrorResponseWithMessage( QTSS_RTSPRequestObject inRequest,
														QTSS_RTSPStatusCode inStatusCode,
														StrPtrLen* inErrorMessagePtr)
    static Bool16 sFalse = false;
    //set RTSP headers necessary for this error response message
    (void)QTSS_SetValue(inRequest, qtssRTSPReqStatusCode, 0, &inStatusCode, sizeof(inStatusCode));
    (void)QTSS_SetValue(inRequest, qtssRTSPReqRespKeepAlive, 0, &sFalse, sizeof(sFalse));
    StrPtrLen theErrorMessage(NULL, 0);
    if (sEnableRTSPErrorMsg)
		Assert(inErrorMessagePtr != NULL);
		//Assert(inErrorMessagePtr->Ptr != NULL);
		//Assert(inErrorMessagePtr->Len != 0);
		theErrorMessage.Set(inErrorMessagePtr->Ptr, inErrorMessagePtr->Len);
        char buff[32];
        (void)QTSS_AppendRTSPHeader(inRequest, qtssContentLengthHeader, buff, ::strlen(buff));
    //send the response header. In all situations where errors could happen, we
    //don't really care, cause there's nothing we can do anyway!

    // Now that we've formatted the message into the temporary buffer,
    // write it out to the request stream and the Client Session object
    (void)QTSS_Write(inRequest, theErrorMessage.Ptr, theErrorMessage.Len, NULL, 0);
    (void)QTSS_SetValue(inRequest, qtssRTSPReqRespMsg, 0, theErrorMessage.Ptr, theErrorMessage.Len);
    return QTSS_RequestFailed;
예제 #12
void RTPSessionInterface::UpdateDigestAuthChallengeParams(bool newNonce, bool createOpaque, UInt32 qop) {
	if (newNonce || (fAuthNonce.Ptr == NULL))

	if (createOpaque) {
		// Generate a random UInt32 and convert it to a string 
		// The base64 encoded form of the string is made the opaque value
		SInt64 theMicroseconds = OS::Microseconds();
		::srand((unsigned int)theMicroseconds);
		UInt32 randomNum = ::rand();
		char* randomNumStr = new char[128];
		qtss_sprintf(randomNumStr, "%"   _U32BITARG_   "", randomNum);
		int len = ::strlen(randomNumStr);
		fAuthOpaque.Len = Base64encode_len(len);
		char *opaqueStr = new char[fAuthOpaque.Len];
		(void)Base64encode(opaqueStr, randomNumStr, len);
		delete[] randomNumStr;                 // Don't need this anymore
		if (fAuthOpaque.Ptr != NULL)             // Delete existing pointer before assigning new
			delete[] fAuthOpaque.Ptr;              // one
		fAuthOpaque.Ptr = opaqueStr;
		fAuthOpaque.Len = ::strlen(opaqueStr);
	else {
		if (fAuthOpaque.Ptr != NULL)
			delete[] fAuthOpaque.Ptr;
		fAuthOpaque.Len = 0;

	fAuthQop = qop;
예제 #13
OS_Error HTTPClientSocket::SendV(iovec* inVec, UInt32 inNumVecs)
	// Bring up the POST connection if we need to
	if (fPostSocket == NULL)
		fPostSocket = NEW TCPSocket(NULL, fSocketType);

	if (!fPostSocket->IsConnected())
		qtss_printf("HTTPClientSocket::Send: Sending POST\n");
		qtss_sprintf(fSendBuffer.Ptr, "POST %s HTTP/1.0\r\nX-SessionCookie: %"   _U32BITARG_   "\r\nAccept: application/x-rtsp-rtp-interleaved\r\nUser-Agent: QTSS/2.0\r\n\r\n", fURL.Ptr, fCookie);
		fSendBuffer.Len = ::strlen(fSendBuffer.Ptr);
		this->encodeVec(inVec, inNumVecs);

	OS_Error theErr = this->Connect(fPostSocket);
	if (theErr != OS_NoErr)
		return theErr;

	// If we have nothing to send currently, this should be a new message, in which case
	// we can encode it and send it
	if (fSendBuffer.Len == 0)
		this->encodeVec(inVec, inNumVecs);

	//qtss_printf("HTTPClientSocket::Send: Sending data\n");
	return this->SendSendBuffer(fPostSocket);
예제 #14
void LogStr(char *str)
   *gLogBuff = 0;
    int size = strlen(str) + gBuffUsed;
    if ( size <= gBuffMaxStr ) 
        qtss_sprintf(gLogBuff, "%s%s",gLogBuff, str); 
   gBuffUsed = strlen(gLogBuff);
예제 #15
void LogNum(char *str1,char *str2,char *str3)
    int size = strlen(str1) + strlen(str2) + strlen(str3);
    if ( size < gBuffMaxStr ) 
        qtss_sprintf(gLogBuff, "%s%s%s%s",gLogBuff, str1, str2,str3); 
   gBuffUsed = strlen(gLogBuff);
예제 #16
void HTTPRequest::AppendContentLengthHeader(UInt32 length_32bit)
    //char* contentLength = NEW char[256];
	char contentLength[256] = { 0 };
    qtss_sprintf(contentLength, "%"_U32BITARG_"", length_32bit);
    StrPtrLen contentLengthPtr(contentLength);
    AppendResponseHeader(httpContentLengthHeader, &contentLengthPtr);
예제 #17
StrPtrLen*  Socket::GetLocalPortStr()
    if (fPortStr.Len == kPortBufSizeInBytes)
        int temp = ntohs(fLocalAddr.sin_port);
        qtss_sprintf(fPortBuffer, "%d", temp);
        fPortStr.Len = ::strlen(fPortBuffer);
    return &fPortStr;
예제 #18
 :  QTSSDictionary(QTSSDictionaryMap::GetMap(QTSSDictionaryMap::kServerDictIndex), &fMutex),
    for (UInt32 y = 0; y < QTSSModule::kNumRoles; y++)
        sModuleArray[y] = NULL;
        sNumModulesInRole[y] = 0;

    this->SetVal(qtssSvrState,              &fServerState,              sizeof(fServerState));
    this->SetVal(qtssServerAPIVersion,      &sServerAPIVersion,         sizeof(sServerAPIVersion));
    this->SetVal(qtssSvrDefaultIPAddr,      &fDefaultIPAddr,            sizeof(fDefaultIPAddr));
    this->SetVal(qtssSvrServerName,         sServerNameStr.Ptr,         sServerNameStr.Len);
    this->SetVal(qtssSvrServerVersion,      sServerVersionStr.Ptr,      sServerVersionStr.Len);
    this->SetVal(qtssSvrServerBuildDate,    sServerBuildDateStr.Ptr,    sServerBuildDateStr.Len);
    this->SetVal(qtssSvrHTTPServerHeader,   sServerHeaderPtr.Ptr,       sServerHeaderPtr.Len);
    this->SetVal(qtssCurrentSessionCount,	&fNumHTTPSessions,		sizeof(fNumHTTPSessions));
    this->SetVal(qtssSvrStartupTime,        &fStartupTime_UnixMilli,    sizeof(fStartupTime_UnixMilli));
    this->SetVal(qtssSvrGMTOffsetInHrs,     &fGMTOffset,                sizeof(fGMTOffset));
    this->SetVal(qtssSvrCPULoadPercent,     &fCPUPercent,               sizeof(fCPUPercent));

    this->SetVal(qtssSvrServerBuild,        sServerBuildStr.Ptr,    sServerBuildStr.Len);
    this->SetVal(qtssSvrHTTPServerComment,  sServerCommentStr.Ptr,  sServerCommentStr.Len);
    this->SetVal(qtssSvrServerPlatform,     sServerPlatformStr.Ptr, sServerPlatformStr.Len);

    this->SetVal(qtssSvrNumThinned,         &fNumThinned,               sizeof(fNumThinned));
    this->SetVal(qtssSvrNumThreads,         &fNumThreads,               sizeof(fNumThreads));

	qtss_sprintf(fDMSServiceID, "EasyCMS%s", "Config EasyCMS Uid");
    sServer = this;

예제 #19
void InstallService(char* inServiceName)
	SC_HANDLE   theService;
	SC_HANDLE   theSCManager;

	TCHAR thePath[512];
	TCHAR theQuotedPath[522];

	BOOL theErr = ::GetModuleFileName(NULL, thePath, 512);
	if (!theErr)

	qtss_sprintf(theQuotedPath, "\"%s\"", thePath);

	theSCManager = ::OpenSCManager(
		NULL,                   // machine (NULL == local)
		NULL,                   // database (NULL == default)
		SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS   // access required
	if (!theSCManager)
		qtss_printf("Failed to install EasyCMS Service\n");

	theService = CreateService(
		theSCManager,					// SCManager database
		inServiceName,					// name of service
		inServiceName,					// name to display
		SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS,				// desired access
		SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS,		// service type
		SERVICE_AUTO_START,				// start type
		SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL,			// error control type
		theQuotedPath,					// service's binary
		NULL,							// no load ordering group
		NULL,							// no tag identifier
		NULL,							// dependencies
		NULL,							// LocalSystem account
		NULL);							// no password

	if (theService)
		qtss_printf("Installed EasyCMS Service\n");
		qtss_printf("Failed to install EasyCMS Service\n");

void GenerateHotHitSMIL(char* buffer)
    char smilTemplate[8192]  =  {};
    char* templateCursor = smilTemplate;
    char* bufferCursor = buffer;

    FILE* smilTemplateFile = fopen("template.smil", "r");
    if (smilTemplateFile != NULL)
        int len = fread(smilTemplate, sizeof(char), sizeof(smilTemplate), smilTemplateFile);
        smilTemplate[len] = '\0';

        strcpy(smilTemplate, "<smil>\n"
                            "      <head>\n"
                            "         <layout>\n"
                            "         </layout>\n"
                            "      </head>\n"
                            "      <body>\n"
                            "          <seq>\n"
                            "              <video src=\"%s\"  />\n"
                            "          </seq>\n"
                            "      </body>\n"
    int hitNum = 0;
    char* p = NULL;
    while ( (p = strstr(templateCursor, "%s")) != 0 )
        char saveCh = p[2];
        p[2] = '\0';
        int len = qtss_sprintf(bufferCursor, templateCursor, gHitcountArray[hitNum++].url);
        p[2] = saveCh;
        bufferCursor += len;
        templateCursor = &p[2];
    strcat(bufferCursor, templateCursor);
            qtss_printf("smil generated:\n%s\n", buffer);    

void RTConnectionManager::GenericSessionId(std::string& strId)
    SInt64 curTime = OS::Microseconds();
    MD5_CTX context;
    StrPtrLen hashStr;
    OSMutexLocker locker(&s_mutex);
    memset(s_curMicroSecStr, 0, 128);
    memset(s_digest, 0, 16);
    qtss_sprintf(s_curMicroSecStr, "%lld", curTime);
    MD5_Update(&context, (unsigned char*)s_curMicroSecStr, (unsigned int)strlen((const char*)s_curMicroSecStr));
    MD5_Update(&context, (unsigned char*)m_lastUpdateTime.c_str(), (unsigned int)m_lastUpdateTime.length());
    MD5_Final(s_digest, &context);
    HashToString(s_digest, &hashStr);
    strId = hashStr.GetAsCString();
    m_lastUpdateTime = s_curMicroSecStr;
예제 #22
void MP3BroadcasterLog::LogMediaError( const char* path, const char* errStr , const char* messageStr)
    // log movie play info
    char    strBuff[1024] = "";
    char    dateBuff[80] = "";
    if ( this->FormatDate( dateBuff, false ) )
        if  (   (NULL != path) 
                &&  ( (strlen(path) + strlen(dateBuff) ) < 800)

            qtss_sprintf(strBuff,"#Remark: %s %s ",dateBuff, path);
            if ( errStr )
            {   if  ( (strlen(strBuff) + strlen(errStr) ) < 1000 )
                if  (   (NULL != messageStr) 
                        ( (strlen(strBuff) + strlen(messageStr) ) < 1000 )
                {   ::strcat(strBuff,messageStr);
            this->WriteToLog(strBuff, kAllowLogToRoll );
            ::strcat(strBuff," internal error in LogMediaError\n");
            this->WriteToLog( strBuff, kAllowLogToRoll );       

예제 #23
	: QTSSDictionary(QTSSDictionaryMap::GetMap(QTSSDictionaryMap::kRTSPSessionDictIndex)),
	fTimeoutTask(NULL, QTSServerInterface::GetServer()->GetPrefs()->GetSessionTimeoutInSecs() * 1000),
	fOutputStream(&fSocket, &fTimeoutTask),
	fSocket(NULL, Socket::kNonBlockingSocketType),

	//fSerial[0] = 0;
	//::memset(fSerial, 0, EASY_MAX_SERIAL_LENGTH);
	//fDevSerialPtr.Set( fSerial, ::strlen(fSerial));
	//fDevRef.Set( fDevSerialPtr, this);

    fSessionIndex = (UInt32)atomic_add(&sSessionIndexCounter, 1);
    this->SetVal(qtssEasySesIndex, &fSessionIndex, sizeof(fSessionIndex));

    this->SetVal(qtssRTSPSesEventCntxt, &fOutputSocketP, sizeof(fOutputSocketP));
    this->SetVal(qtssRTSPSesType, &fSessionType, sizeof(fSessionType));
	//this->SetEmptyVal(qtssEasySesSerial, &fSerial[0], EASY_MAX_SERIAL_LENGTH);

    this->SetEmptyVal(qtssRTSPSesLastUserName, &fUserNameBuf[0], kMaxUserNameLen);
    this->SetEmptyVal(qtssRTSPSesLastUserPassword, &fUserPasswordBuf[0], kMaxUserPasswordLen);

	qtss_sprintf(fSessionID, "%s", EasyUtil::GetUUID().c_str());
	this->SetValue(qtssEasySessionID, 0, fSessionID, ::strlen(fSessionID), QTSSDictionary::kDontObeyReadOnly);

	this->SetEmptyVal(qtssEasySesLastSMSSessionID, &fLastSMSSessionID[0], QTSS_MAX_SESSION_ID_LENGTH);

예제 #24
void RTPSessionInterface::SetChallengeParams(QTSS_AuthScheme scheme, UInt32 qop, bool newNonce, bool createOpaque)
	// Set challenge params 
	// Set authentication scheme
	fAuthScheme = scheme;

	if (fAuthScheme == qtssAuthDigest) {
		// Set Quality of Protection 
		// auth-int (Authentication with integrity) not supported yet
		fAuthQop = qop;

		if (newNonce || (fAuthNonce.Ptr == NULL))

		if (createOpaque) {
			// Generate a random UInt32 and convert it to a string 
			// The base64 encoded form of the string is made the opaque value
			SInt64 theMicroseconds = OS::Microseconds();
			::srand((unsigned int)theMicroseconds);
			UInt32 randomNum = ::rand();
			char* randomNumStr = new char[128];
			qtss_sprintf(randomNumStr, "%"   _U32BITARG_   "", randomNum);
			int len = ::strlen(randomNumStr);
			fAuthOpaque.Len = Base64encode_len(len);
			char *opaqueStr = new char[fAuthOpaque.Len];
			(void)Base64encode(opaqueStr, randomNumStr, len);
			delete[] randomNumStr;                 // Don't need this anymore
			if (fAuthOpaque.Ptr != NULL)             // Delete existing pointer before assigning new
				delete[] fAuthOpaque.Ptr;              // one
			fAuthOpaque.Ptr = opaqueStr;
		else {
			if (fAuthOpaque.Ptr != NULL)
				delete[] fAuthOpaque.Ptr;
			fAuthOpaque.Len = 0;
		// Increase the Nonce Count by one
		// This number is a count of the next request the server
		// expects with this nonce. (Implies that the server
		// has already received nonce count - 1 requests that 
		// sent authorization with this nonce
예제 #25
bool BCasterTracker::IsProcessRunning( pid_t pid )
    bool                isRunning=false;

// Generic unix code

    char    procPath[256];
    qtss_sprintf( procPath, "ps -p%li | grep %li > %s ",(SInt32)pid,(SInt32)pid,gTrackerFileTempDataPath); 

    int result = system(procPath);
    if (0 == result)
    {   isRunning = true;

    // a no-grep version to find the pid
    char pidStr[32];
    qtss_sprintf( pidStr, "%li",(SInt32)pid);    
    char procPath[64] = "ps -p";
    ::strcat( procPath, pidStr);    

    FILE *inPipe = ::popen(procPath, "r");
    if (NULL == inPipe)
        return false;
    char inBuff[256] = "";
    while (!isRunning && ::fgets(inBuff, sizeof(inBuff), inPipe) != 0)
    {   if (::strstr(inBuff,pidStr) != NULL)
        {   isRunning = true;
    (void) ::pclose(inPipe);

    return isRunning;

예제 #26
void    WriteStartupMessage()
	if (sStartedUp)

	sStartedUp = true;

	//format a date for the startup time
	char theDateBuffer[QTSSRollingLog::kMaxDateBufferSizeInBytes];
	bool result = QTSSRollingLog::FormatDate(theDateBuffer, false);

	char tempBuffer[1024];
	if (result)
		qtss_sprintf(tempBuffer, "#Remark: Streaming beginning STARTUP %s\n", theDateBuffer);

	// log startup message to error log as well.
	if ((result) && (sAccessLog != NULL))
		sAccessLog->WriteToLog(tempBuffer, kAllowLogToRoll);
예제 #27
void    WriteShutdownMessage()
	if (!sStartedUp)

	sStartedUp = false;

	//log shutdown message
	//format a date for the shutdown time
	char theDateBuffer[QTSSRollingLog::kMaxDateBufferSizeInBytes];
	bool result = QTSSRollingLog::FormatDate(theDateBuffer, false);

	char tempBuffer[1024];
	if (result)
		qtss_sprintf(tempBuffer, "#Remark: Streaming beginning SHUTDOWN %s\n", theDateBuffer);

	if (result && sAccessLog != NULL)
		sAccessLog->WriteToLog(tempBuffer, kAllowLogToRoll);
static void CallEndSession(QTSS_ClientSessionObject* theClientSession) {
    // action=listener_remove&
    // the duration
    SInt64* connectedTime = NULL;
    UInt32 connectedTimeLen = sizeof(connectedTime);
    (void)QTSS_GetValuePtr(*theClientSession, qtssCliSesTimeConnectedInMsec, 0, (void**)&connectedTime, &connectedTimeLen);
    qtss_printf("QTSSIcecastAuthModule::CallEndSession connected time in seconds %li\n", (*connectedTime / 1000));
    long duration = (long)*connectedTime / 1000;
    // the mount point
    char mountPoint[128] = {0};
    StrPtrLen mountPointStr(mountPoint,sizeof(mountPoint));
    (void)QTSS_GetValue(*theClientSession, attrClientSessionMountPoint, 0, (void*)mountPointStr.Ptr, &mountPointStr.Len);
    printf("QTSSIcecastAuthModule::CallEndSession: mount point: %s\n", mountPoint);
    // TODO - we don't use this data on the remote end (yet), but implement - will probably need to copy 
    // credentials into the client session from the RTSP session (annoying, but both aren't visible at all times)
//    // username and password
//    char* username = NULL;
//    (void)QTSS_GetValueAsString(theRTSPSession, attrRtspSessionProvidedUsername, 0,  &username);
//    printf("QTSSIcecastAuthModule::CallEndSession: Provided username extracted from client session: %s\n", username);
//    char* password = NULL;
//    (void)QTSS_GetValueAsString(theRTSPSession, attrRtspSessionProvidedPassword, 0,  &password);
//    printf("QTSSIcecastAuthModule::CallEndSession: Provided password extracted from client session: %s\n", password);
    // ice session id
    char* iceSessID = NULL;
    QTSS_Error getSessErr = QTSS_GetValueAsString(*theClientSession, attrClientSessionFullSessionID, 0, &iceSessID);
    char postdata[512];
    qtss_sprintf(postdata, "action=listener_remove&server=%s&port=554&client=%s&mount=%s&user=%s&pass=%s&duration=%li",
            hostname, iceSessID, mountPoint, "", "", duration);
    printf("QTSSIcecastAuthModule::CallAuthorizeSession: generated postdata: %s\n", postdata);
    printf("QTSSIcecastAuthModule::CallAuthorizeSession: i would post this to: %s\n", sEndSessionEndpoint);
예제 #29
time_t QTSSAccessLog::WriteLogHeader(FILE *inFile)
	time_t calendarTime = QTSSRollingLog::WriteLogHeader(inFile);

	//format a date for the startup time
	char theDateBuffer[QTSSRollingLog::kMaxDateBufferSizeInBytes] = { 0 };
	bool result = QTSSRollingLog::FormatDate(theDateBuffer, false);

	char tempBuffer[1024] = { 0 };
	if (result)
		StrPtrLen serverName;
		(void)QTSS_GetValuePtr(sServer, qtssSvrServerName, 0, (void**)&serverName.Ptr, &serverName.Len);
		StrPtrLen serverVersion;
		(void)QTSS_GetValuePtr(sServer, qtssSvrServerVersion, 0, (void**)&serverVersion.Ptr, &serverVersion.Len);
		qtss_sprintf(tempBuffer, sLogHeader, serverName.Ptr, serverVersion.Ptr, theDateBuffer, sLogTimeInGMT ? "GMT" : "local time");
		this->WriteToLog(tempBuffer, !kAllowLogToRoll);

	return calendarTime;
예제 #30
static bool SaveElement( PLDoubleLinkedListNode<TrackingElement>* ten,  void* userData)
    FILE*   fp = (FILE*) userData;
    char    buff[512];
        used by ForEachUntil to find a SaveElement each element to the tracking file.
        userData is a pointer to the FILE of our open tracking file.
    qtss_sprintf( buff, "%li \"%s\"\n", (SInt32)ten->fElement->mPID, ten->fElement->mName );
    // linux version of fputs returns <0 for err, or num bytes written
    // mac os X version of fputs returns <0 for err, or 0 for no err
    if (::fputs( buff, fp ) < 0 )
        return true;
    return false;