예제 #1
// builds a [0,1]x[0,1] square mesh with evenly spaced horizontal/vertical cells
MeshPtr MeshUtilities::buildUnitQuadMesh(int horizontalCells, int verticalCells, Teuchos::RCP< BilinearForm > bilinearForm, int H1Order, int pTest){
  FieldContainer<double> quadPoints(4,2);
  double squareSize = 1.0;
  quadPoints(0,0) = 0.0; // x1
  quadPoints(0,1) = 0.0; // y1
  quadPoints(1,0) = squareSize;
  quadPoints(1,1) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(2,0) = squareSize;
  quadPoints(2,1) = squareSize;
  quadPoints(3,0) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(3,1) = squareSize;
  // create a pointer to a new mesh:
  return MeshFactory::buildQuadMesh(quadPoints, horizontalCells, verticalCells, bilinearForm, H1Order, pTest);
예제 #2
MeshTopologyPtr MeshTopologyTests::makeRectMesh(double x0, double y0, double width, double height,
    unsigned horizontalCells, unsigned verticalCells)
  unsigned spaceDim = 2;
  Teuchos::RCP<MeshTopology> mesh = Teuchos::rcp( new MeshTopology(spaceDim) );
  double dx = width / horizontalCells;
  double dy = height / verticalCells;
  CellTopoPtrLegacy quadTopo = Teuchos::rcp( new shards::CellTopology(shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Quadrilateral<4> >() ) );
  for (unsigned i=0; i<horizontalCells; i++)
    double x = x0 + dx * i;
    for (unsigned j=0; j<verticalCells; j++)
      double y = y0 + dy * j;
      vector< vector<double> > vertices = quadPoints(x, y, dx, dy);
      mesh->addCell(quadTopo, vertices);
  return mesh;
예제 #3
// tests Riesz inversion by integration by parts
bool LinearTermTests::testRieszInversion()
  bool success = true;

  ////////////////////   DECLARE VARIABLES   ///////////////////////
  // define test variables
  VarFactoryPtr varFactory = VarFactory::varFactory();
  VarPtr tau = varFactory->testVar("\\tau", HDIV);
  VarPtr v = varFactory->testVar("v", HGRAD);

  // define trial variables
  VarPtr uhat = varFactory->traceVar("\\widehat{u}");
  VarPtr beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n = varFactory->fluxVar("\\widehat{\\beta \\cdot n u - \\sigma_{n}}");
  VarPtr u = varFactory->fieldVar("u");
  VarPtr sigma1 = varFactory->fieldVar("\\sigma_1");
  VarPtr sigma2 = varFactory->fieldVar("\\sigma_2");

  vector<double> beta;
  double eps = .01;

  ////////////////////   DEFINE BILINEAR FORM   ///////////////////////

  BFPtr confusionBF = Teuchos::rcp( new BF(varFactory) );
  // tau terms:
  confusionBF->addTerm(sigma1 / eps, tau->x());
  confusionBF->addTerm(sigma2 / eps, tau->y());
  confusionBF->addTerm(u, tau->div());
  confusionBF->addTerm(uhat, -tau->dot_normal());

  // v terms:
  confusionBF->addTerm( sigma1, v->dx() );
  confusionBF->addTerm( sigma2, v->dy() );
  confusionBF->addTerm( -u, beta * v->grad() );
  confusionBF->addTerm( beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, v);

  ////////////////////   BUILD MESH   ///////////////////////
  // define nodes for mesh
  int H1Order = 1;
  int pToAdd = 1;

  FieldContainer<double> quadPoints(4,2);

  quadPoints(0,0) = 0.0; // x1
  quadPoints(0,1) = 0.0; // y1
  quadPoints(1,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(1,1) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(2,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(2,1) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(3,0) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(3,1) = 1.0;

  int nCells = 1;
  int horizontalCells = nCells, verticalCells = nCells;
  // create a pointer to a new mesh:
  Teuchos::RCP<Mesh> myMesh = MeshFactory::buildQuadMesh(quadPoints, horizontalCells, verticalCells,
                              confusionBF, H1Order, H1Order+pToAdd);

  ElementTypePtr elemType = myMesh->getElement(0)->elementType();
  BasisCachePtr basisCache = Teuchos::rcp(new BasisCache(elemType, myMesh));

  vector<GlobalIndexType> cellIDs;
  vector<ElementPtr> elems = myMesh->activeElements();
  vector<ElementPtr>::iterator elemIt;
  for (elemIt=elems.begin(); elemIt!=elems.end(); elemIt++)
    int cellID = (*elemIt)->cellID();
  bool createSideCacheToo = true;

  basisCache->setPhysicalCellNodes(myMesh->physicalCellNodesGlobal(elemType), cellIDs, createSideCacheToo);

  LinearTermPtr integrand = Teuchos::rcp(new LinearTerm);// residual
  LinearTermPtr integrandIBP = Teuchos::rcp(new LinearTerm);// residual

  vector<double> e1(2); // (1,0)
  vector<double> e2(2); // (0,1)
  e1[0] = 1;
  e2[1] = 1;
  FunctionPtr n = Function::normal();
  FunctionPtr X = Function::xn(1);
  FunctionPtr Y = Function::yn(1);
  FunctionPtr testFxn1 = X;
  FunctionPtr testFxn2 = Y;
  FunctionPtr divTestFxn = testFxn1->dx() + testFxn2->dy();
  FunctionPtr vectorTest = testFxn1*e1 + testFxn2*e2;

  integrandIBP->addTerm(vectorTest*n*v - vectorTest*v->grad()); // boundary term

  IPPtr sobolevIP = Teuchos::rcp(new IP);

  Teuchos::RCP<RieszRep> riesz = Teuchos::rcp(new RieszRep(myMesh, sobolevIP, integrand));
  //  riesz->setPrintOption(true);
  Teuchos::RCP<RieszRep> rieszIBP = Teuchos::rcp(new RieszRep(myMesh, sobolevIP, integrandIBP));
  //  rieszIBP->setPrintOption(true);

  FunctionPtr rieszOrigFxn = RieszRep::repFunction(v,riesz);
  FunctionPtr rieszIBPFxn = RieszRep::repFunction(v,rieszIBP);
  int numCells = basisCache->getPhysicalCubaturePoints().dimension(0);
  int numPts = basisCache->getPhysicalCubaturePoints().dimension(1);

  FieldContainer<double> valOriginal( numCells, numPts);
  FieldContainer<double> valIBP( numCells, numPts);

  double maxDiff;
  double tol = 1e-14;
  success = TestSuite::fcsAgree(valOriginal,valIBP,tol,maxDiff);

  if (success==false)
    cout << "Failed TestRieszInversion with maxDiff = " << maxDiff << endl;
  return success;
예제 #4
bool LinearTermTests::testMixedTermConsistency()
  bool success = true;

  ////////////////////   DECLARE VARIABLES   ///////////////////////
  // define test variables
  VarFactoryPtr varFactory = VarFactory::varFactory();
  VarPtr tau = varFactory->testVar("\\tau", HDIV);
  VarPtr v = varFactory->testVar("v", HGRAD);

  // define trial variables
  VarPtr uhat = varFactory->traceVar("\\widehat{u}");
  VarPtr beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n = varFactory->fluxVar("\\widehat{\\beta \\cdot n u - \\sigma_{n}}");
  VarPtr u = varFactory->fieldVar("u");
  VarPtr sigma1 = varFactory->fieldVar("\\sigma_1");
  VarPtr sigma2 = varFactory->fieldVar("\\sigma_2");

  vector<double> beta;
  double eps = .01;

  ////////////////////   DEFINE BILINEAR FORM   ///////////////////////

  BFPtr confusionBF = Teuchos::rcp( new BF(varFactory) );
  // tau terms:
  confusionBF->addTerm(sigma1 / eps, tau->x());
  confusionBF->addTerm(sigma2 / eps, tau->y());
  confusionBF->addTerm(u, tau->div());
  confusionBF->addTerm(uhat, -tau->dot_normal());

  // v terms:
  confusionBF->addTerm( sigma1, v->dx() );
  confusionBF->addTerm( sigma2, v->dy() );
  confusionBF->addTerm( -u, beta * v->grad() );
  confusionBF->addTerm( beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, v);

  ////////////////////   BUILD MESH   ///////////////////////
  // define nodes for mesh
  int H1Order = 1;
  int pToAdd = 1;

  FieldContainer<double> quadPoints(4,2);

  quadPoints(0,0) = 0.0; // x1
  quadPoints(0,1) = 0.0; // y1
  quadPoints(1,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(1,1) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(2,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(2,1) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(3,0) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(3,1) = 1.0;

  int nCells = 1;
  int horizontalCells = nCells, verticalCells = nCells;
  // create a pointer to a new mesh:
  Teuchos::RCP<Mesh> myMesh = MeshFactory::buildQuadMesh(quadPoints, horizontalCells, verticalCells,
                              confusionBF, H1Order, H1Order+pToAdd);

  ElementTypePtr elemType = myMesh->getElement(0)->elementType();
  //  DofOrderingPtr testOrder = elemType->testOrderPtr;
  BasisCachePtr basisCache = Teuchos::rcp(new BasisCache(elemType, myMesh, true));

  LinearTermPtr integrandIBP = Teuchos::rcp(new LinearTerm);// residual

  vector<double> e1(2); // (1,0)
  vector<double> e2(2); // (0,1)
  e1[0] = 1;
  e2[1] = 1;
  FunctionPtr n = Function::normal();
  FunctionPtr X = Function::xn(1);
  FunctionPtr Y = Function::yn(1);
  FunctionPtr testFxn1 = X;
  FunctionPtr testFxn2 = Y;
  FunctionPtr divTestFxn = testFxn1->dx() + testFxn2->dy();
  FunctionPtr vectorTest = testFxn1*e1 + testFxn2*e2;

  integrandIBP->addTerm(vectorTest*n*v + -vectorTest*v->grad()); // boundary term

  // define dummy IP to initialize riesz rep class, but just integrate RHS
  IPPtr dummyIP = Teuchos::rcp(new IP);
  Teuchos::RCP<RieszRep> riesz = Teuchos::rcp(new RieszRep(myMesh, dummyIP, integrandIBP));
  map<GlobalIndexType,FieldContainer<double> > rieszRHS = riesz->integrateFunctional();

  set<GlobalIndexType> cellIDs = myMesh->cellIDsInPartition();
  for (set<GlobalIndexType>::iterator cellIDIt=cellIDs.begin(); cellIDIt !=cellIDs.end(); cellIDIt++)
    GlobalIndexType cellID = *cellIDIt;

    ElementTypePtr elemTypePtr = myMesh->getElementType(cellID);
    DofOrderingPtr testOrderingPtr = elemTypePtr->testOrderPtr;
    int numTestDofs = testOrderingPtr->totalDofs();

    BasisCachePtr basisCache = BasisCache::basisCacheForCell(myMesh, cellID, true);

    FieldContainer<double> rhsIBPValues(1,numTestDofs);
    integrandIBP->integrate(rhsIBPValues, testOrderingPtr, basisCache);
    FieldContainer<double> rieszValues(1,numTestDofs);
    (riesz->getFunctional())->integrate(rieszValues, testOrderingPtr, basisCache);
    double maxDiff;
    double tol = 1e-13;
    FieldContainer<double> rhsIBPVals(numTestDofs);
    for (int i = 0; i< numTestDofs; i++)
      rhsIBPVals(i) = rhsIBPValues(0,i);
      //      cout << "riesz rhs values = " << rieszRHS[cellID](i) << ", rhsIBPValues = " << rhsIBPVals(i) << ", riesz returned values = " << rieszValues(0,i) << endl;
    bool fcsAgree = TestSuite::fcsAgree(rieszRHS[cellID],rhsIBPVals,tol,maxDiff);
    if (!fcsAgree)
      cout << "Failed mixed term consistency test with maxDiff = " << maxDiff << " on cellID " << cellID<< endl;
  return allSuccess(success);

예제 #5
bool LinearTermTests::testRieszInversionAsProjection()
  bool success = true;

  ////////////////////   DECLARE VARIABLES   ///////////////////////
  // define test variables
  VarFactoryPtr varFactory = VarFactory::varFactory();
  VarPtr tau = varFactory->testVar("\\tau", HDIV);
  VarPtr v = varFactory->testVar("v", HGRAD);

  // define trial variables
  VarPtr uhat = varFactory->traceVar("\\widehat{u}");
  VarPtr beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n = varFactory->fluxVar("\\widehat{\\beta \\cdot n u - \\sigma_{n}}");
  VarPtr u = varFactory->fieldVar("u");
  VarPtr sigma1 = varFactory->fieldVar("\\sigma_1");
  VarPtr sigma2 = varFactory->fieldVar("\\sigma_2");

  vector<double> beta;
  double eps = .01;

  ////////////////////   DEFINE BILINEAR FORM   ///////////////////////

  BFPtr confusionBF = Teuchos::rcp( new BF(varFactory) );
  // tau terms:
  confusionBF->addTerm(sigma1 / eps, tau->x());
  confusionBF->addTerm(sigma2 / eps, tau->y());
  confusionBF->addTerm(u, tau->div());
  confusionBF->addTerm(uhat, -tau->dot_normal());

  // v terms:
  confusionBF->addTerm( sigma1, v->dx() );
  confusionBF->addTerm( sigma2, v->dy() );
  confusionBF->addTerm( -u, beta * v->grad() );
  confusionBF->addTerm( beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, v);

  ////////////////////   BUILD MESH   ///////////////////////
  // define nodes for mesh
  int H1Order = 2;
  int pToAdd = 2;

  FieldContainer<double> quadPoints(4,2);

  quadPoints(0,0) = 0.0; // x1
  quadPoints(0,1) = 0.0; // y1
  quadPoints(1,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(1,1) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(2,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(2,1) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(3,0) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(3,1) = 1.0;

  int nCells = 2;
  int horizontalCells = nCells, verticalCells = nCells;
  // create a new mesh:
  MeshPtr myMesh = MeshFactory::buildQuadMesh(quadPoints, horizontalCells, verticalCells, confusionBF, H1Order, H1Order+pToAdd);

  ElementTypePtr elemType = myMesh->getElement(0)->elementType();
  BasisCachePtr basisCache = Teuchos::rcp(new BasisCache(elemType, myMesh));

  vector<GlobalIndexType> cellIDs = myMesh->cellIDsOfTypeGlobal(elemType);
  bool createSideCacheToo = true;

  basisCache->setPhysicalCellNodes(myMesh->physicalCellNodesGlobal(elemType), cellIDs, createSideCacheToo);

  LinearTermPtr integrand = Teuchos::rcp(new LinearTerm); // residual

  FunctionPtr x = Function::xn(1);
  FunctionPtr y = Function::yn(1);
  FunctionPtr testFxn1 = x;
  FunctionPtr testFxn2 = y;
  FunctionPtr fxnToProject = x * y + 1.0;

  integrand->addTerm(fxnToProject * v);

  IPPtr ip_L2 = Teuchos::rcp(new IP);

  Teuchos::RCP<RieszRep> riesz = Teuchos::rcp(new RieszRep(myMesh, ip_L2, integrand));

  FunctionPtr rieszFxn = RieszRep::repFunction(v,riesz);
  int numCells = basisCache->getPhysicalCubaturePoints().dimension(0);
  int numPts = basisCache->getPhysicalCubaturePoints().dimension(1);

  FieldContainer<double> valProject( numCells, numPts );
  FieldContainer<double> valExpected( numCells, numPts );


//  int rank = Teuchos::GlobalMPISession::getRank();
//  if (rank==0) cout << "physicalCubaturePoints:\n" << basisCache->getPhysicalCubaturePoints();

  double maxDiff;
  double tol = 1e-12;
  success = TestSuite::fcsAgree(valProject,valExpected,tol,maxDiff);
  if (success==false)
    cout << "Failed Riesz Inversion Projection test with maxDiff = " << maxDiff << endl;
    serializeOutput("valExpected", valExpected);
    serializeOutput("valProject", valProject);
    serializeOutput("physicalPoints", basisCache->getPhysicalCubaturePoints());
  return allSuccess(success);
예제 #6
void LinearTermTests::setup()

//  VarPtr v1, v2, v3; // HGRAD members (test variables)
//  VarPtr q1, q2, q3; // HDIV members (test variables)
//  VarPtr u1, u2, u3; // L2 members (trial variables)
//  VarPtr u1_hat, u2_hat; // trace variables
//  VarPtr u3_hat_n; // flux variable
//  FunctionPtr sine_x;

  sine_x = Teuchos::rcp( new Sine_x );
  cos_y = Teuchos::rcp( new Cosine_y );

  VarFactoryPtr varFactory = VarFactory::varFactory();
  q1 = varFactory->testVar("q_1", HDIV);
  q2 = varFactory->testVar("q_2", HDIV);
  q3 = varFactory->testVar("q_3", HDIV);

  v1 = varFactory->testVar("v_1", HGRAD);
  v2 = varFactory->testVar("v_2", HGRAD);
  v3 = varFactory->testVar("v_3", HGRAD);

  u1 = varFactory->fieldVar("u_1", HGRAD);
  u2 = varFactory->fieldVar("u_2", HGRAD);
  u3 = varFactory->fieldVar("u_3", HGRAD);

  u1_hat = varFactory->traceVar("\\widehat{u}_1");
  u2_hat = varFactory->traceVar("\\widehat{u}_2");

  u3_hat_n = varFactory->fluxVar("\\widehat{u}_3n");

  bf = Teuchos::rcp(new BF(varFactory)); // made-up bf for Mesh + previous solution tests

  bf->addTerm(u1_hat, q1->dot_normal());
  bf->addTerm(u1, q1->x());
  bf->addTerm(u2, q1->y());

  bf->addTerm(u3_hat_n, v1);
  bf->addTerm(u3, v1);

//  DofOrderingFactory discreteSpaceFactory(bf);

  int polyOrder = 3, testToAdd = 2;
  Teuchos::RCP<shards::CellTopology> quadTopoPtr;
//  quadTopoPtr = Teuchos::rcp(new shards::CellTopology(shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Quadrilateral<4> >() ));

  // define nodes for mesh
  FieldContainer<double> quadPoints(4,2);

  quadPoints(0,0) = -1.0; // x1
  quadPoints(0,1) = -1.0; // y1
  quadPoints(1,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(1,1) = -1.0;
  quadPoints(2,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(2,1) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(3,0) = -1.0;
  quadPoints(3,1) = 1.0;
  int horizontalElements = 2, verticalElements = 2;

  mesh = MeshFactory::buildQuadMesh(quadPoints, horizontalElements, verticalElements, bf, polyOrder+1, polyOrder+1+testToAdd);

  ElementTypePtr elemType = mesh->getElement(0)->elementType();
  trialOrder = elemType->trialOrderPtr;
  testOrder = elemType->testOrderPtr;

  basisCache = Teuchos::rcp(new BasisCache(elemType, mesh));

  vector<GlobalIndexType> cellIDs;
  bool createSideCacheToo = true;

  basisCache->setPhysicalCellNodes(mesh->physicalCellNodesGlobal(elemType), cellIDs, createSideCacheToo);
예제 #7
void ElementTests::setup()

   |               |               |
   |               |               |
   |               |               |
   |       1       |       3       |
   |               |               |
   |               |               |
   |               |               |
   |       |       |               |
   |   7   |   6   |               |
   |       |       |               |
   |-------0-------|       2       |
   |       | 11| 10|               |
   |   4   |---5---|               |
   |       | 8 | 9 |               |

   in the code:
   _sw: 0
   _nw: 1
   _se: 2
   _ne: 3
   _sw_se: 5
   _sw_ne: 6
   _sw_se_se:  9
   _sw_se_ne: 10


  // first, build a simple mesh
  FieldContainer<double> quadPoints(4,2);

  quadPoints(0,0) = 0.0; // x1
  quadPoints(0,1) = 0.0; // y1
  quadPoints(1,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(1,1) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(2,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(2,1) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(3,0) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(3,1) = 1.0;

  int H1Order = 2;
  int testOrder = H1Order;
  int horizontalCells = 2;
  int verticalCells = 2;

  double eps = 1.0; // not really testing for sharp gradients right now--just want to see if things basically work
  double beta_x = 1.0;
  double beta_y = 1.0;

  BFPtr confusionBF = ConfusionBilinearForm::confusionBF(eps,beta_x,beta_y);

  _mesh = MeshFactory::buildQuadMesh(quadPoints, horizontalCells, verticalCells, confusionBF, H1Order, testOrder);

  // the right way to determine the southwest element, etc. is as follows:
  FieldContainer<double> points(4,2);
  // southwest center:
  points(0,0) = 0.25;
  points(0,1) = 0.25;
  // southeast center:
  points(1,0) = 0.75;
  points(1,1) = 0.25;
  // northwest center:
  points(2,0) = 0.25;
  points(2,1) = 0.75;
  // northeast center:
  points(3,0) = 0.75;
  points(3,1) = 0.75;
  vector<ElementPtr> elements = _mesh->elementsForPoints(points, false);

  _sw = elements[0]; // as presently implemented, cellID = 0
  _se = elements[1]; // as presently implemented, cellID = 2
  _nw = elements[2]; // as presently implemented, cellID = 1
  _ne = elements[3]; // as presently implemented, cellID = 3

  vector<GlobalIndexType> cellIDsToRefine;


  // get the new elements; these are all within the original SW quadrant
  // southwest center:
  points(0,0) = 0.125;
  points(0,1) = 0.125;
  // southeast center:
  points(1,0) = 0.375;
  points(1,1) = 0.125;
  // northwest center:
  points(2,0) = 0.125;
  points(2,1) = 0.375;
  // northeast center:
  points(3,0) = 0.375;
  points(3,1) = 0.375;

  elements = _mesh->elementsForPoints(points, false);
  _sw_se = elements[1]; // as presently implemented, cellID = 5
  _sw_ne = elements[3]; // as presently implemented, cellID = 6



  // get the new elements; these are all within the SE of the original SW quadrant
  // southwest center:
  points(0,0) = 0.31125;
  points(0,1) = 0.31125;
  // southeast center:
  points(1,0) = 0.4375;
  points(1,1) = 0.31125;
  // northwest center:
  points(2,0) = 0.31125;
  points(2,1) = 0.4375;
  // northeast center:
  points(3,0) = 0.4375;
  points(3,1) = 0.4375;

  elements = _mesh->elementsForPoints(points, false);
  _sw_se_se = elements[1]; // as presently implemented, cellID =  9
  _sw_se_ne = elements[3]; // as presently implemented, cellID = 10

  // setup test points:
  static const int NUM_POINTS_1D = 3;
  double x[NUM_POINTS_1D] = {-0.5,0.25,0.75};

  _testPoints1D = FieldContainer<double>(NUM_POINTS_1D,1);
  for (int i=0; i<NUM_POINTS_1D; i++)
    _testPoints1D(i, 0) = x[i];

예제 #8
bool FunctionTests::testJumpIntegral()
  bool success = true;
  double tol = 1e-14;

  // define nodes for mesh
  FieldContainer<double> quadPoints(4,2);

  quadPoints(0,0) = 0.0; // x1
  quadPoints(0,1) = 0.0; // y1
  quadPoints(1,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(1,1) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(2,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(2,1) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(3,0) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(3,1) = 1.0;

  int H1Order = 1, pToAdd = 0;
  int horizontalCells = 2, verticalCells = 2;
  int numSides = 4;

  // create a pointer to a new mesh:
  Teuchos::RCP<Mesh> mesh = MeshFactory::buildQuadMesh(quadPoints, horizontalCells, verticalCells,
                            _confusionBF, H1Order, H1Order+pToAdd);

  FieldContainer<double> points(1,2);
  // southwest center:
  points(0,0) = 0.25;
  points(0,1) = 0.25;
  vector< Teuchos::RCP<Element> > elements = mesh->elementsForPoints(points, false);

  int swCellID = elements[0]->cellID();

  double val = 1.0;
  FunctionPtr valFxn = Function::constant(val);
  FunctionPtr valOnSWCell = Teuchos::rcp( new CellIDFilteredFunction(valFxn,swCellID) );

  // the jump for this should be 1 along the two interior edges, each of length 0.5
  double sideLength = 0.5;

  int cubEnrichment = 0;

  for (int sideIndex=0; sideIndex<numSides; sideIndex++)
    double actualValue = valOnSWCell->integralOfJump(mesh, swCellID, sideIndex, cubEnrichment);
    double expectedValue;
    if (mesh->getTopology()->getCell(swCellID)->isBoundary(sideIndex))
      expectedValue = 0;
      double sideParity = mesh->parityForSide(swCellID, sideIndex);
      expectedValue = sideParity * val * sideLength;

    double diff = abs(actualValue-expectedValue);
    if (diff > tol)
      cout << "testJumpFunction(): expected " << expectedValue << " but actualValue was " << actualValue << endl;
      success = false;

  return success;
예제 #9
void FunctionTests::setup()
  ////////////////////   DECLARE VARIABLES   ///////////////////////
  // define test variables
  VarFactoryPtr varFactory = VarFactory::varFactory();
  VarPtr tau = varFactory->testVar("\\tau", HDIV);
  VarPtr v = varFactory->testVar("v", HGRAD);

  // define trial variables
  VarPtr uhat = varFactory->traceVar("\\widehat{u}");
  VarPtr beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n = varFactory->fluxVar("\\widehat{\\beta \\cdot n u - \\sigma_{n}}");
  VarPtr u = varFactory->fieldVar("u");
  VarPtr sigma1 = varFactory->fieldVar("\\sigma_1");
  VarPtr sigma2 = varFactory->fieldVar("\\sigma_2");

  vector<double> beta_const;

  double eps = 1e-2;

  // standard confusion bilinear form
  _confusionBF = Teuchos::rcp( new BF(varFactory) );
  // tau terms:
  _confusionBF->addTerm(sigma1 / eps, tau->x());
  _confusionBF->addTerm(sigma2 / eps, tau->y());
  _confusionBF->addTerm(u, tau->div());
  _confusionBF->addTerm(-uhat, tau->dot_normal());

  // v terms:
  _confusionBF->addTerm( sigma1, v->dx() );
  _confusionBF->addTerm( sigma2, v->dy() );
  _confusionBF->addTerm( beta_const * u, - v->grad() );
  _confusionBF->addTerm( beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, v);

  ////////////////////   BUILD MESH   ///////////////////////
  // define nodes for mesh
  FieldContainer<double> quadPoints(4,2);

  quadPoints(0,0) = -1.0; // x1
  quadPoints(0,1) = -1.0; // y1
  quadPoints(1,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(1,1) = -1.0;
  quadPoints(2,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(2,1) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(3,0) = -1.0;
  quadPoints(3,1) = 1.0;

  int H1Order = 1, pToAdd = 0;
  int horizontalCells = 1, verticalCells = 1;

  // create a pointer to a new mesh:
  _spectralConfusionMesh = MeshFactory::buildQuadMesh(quadPoints, horizontalCells, verticalCells,
                           _confusionBF, H1Order, H1Order+pToAdd);

  // some 2D test points:
  // setup test points:
  static const int NUM_POINTS_1D = 10;
  double x[NUM_POINTS_1D] = {-1.0,-0.8,-0.6,-.4,-.2,0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8};
  double y[NUM_POINTS_1D] = {-0.8,-0.6,-.4,-.2,0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0};

  _testPoints = FieldContainer<double>(NUM_POINTS_1D*NUM_POINTS_1D,2);
  for (int i=0; i<NUM_POINTS_1D; i++)
    for (int j=0; j<NUM_POINTS_1D; j++)
      _testPoints(i*NUM_POINTS_1D + j, 0) = x[i];
      _testPoints(i*NUM_POINTS_1D + j, 1) = y[j];

  _elemType = _spectralConfusionMesh->getElementType(0);
  vector<GlobalIndexType> cellIDs;
  GlobalIndexType cellID = 0;
  _basisCache = Teuchos::rcp( new BasisCache( _elemType, _spectralConfusionMesh ) );

  _basisCache->setPhysicalCellNodes( _spectralConfusionMesh->physicalCellNodesForCell(cellID), cellIDs, true );
예제 #10
bool FunctionTests::testBasisSumFunction()
  bool success = true;
  // on a single-element mesh, the BasisSumFunction should be identical to
  // the Solution with those coefficients

  // define a new mesh: more interesting if we're not on the ref cell
  int spaceDim = 2;
  FieldContainer<double> quadPoints(4,2);

  quadPoints(0,0) = 0.0; // x1
  quadPoints(0,1) = 0.0; // y1
  quadPoints(1,0) = 2.0;
  quadPoints(1,1) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(2,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(2,1) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(3,0) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(3,1) = 1.0;

  int H1Order = 1, pToAdd = 0;
  int horizontalCells = 1, verticalCells = 1;

  // create a pointer to a new mesh:
  MeshPtr spectralConfusionMesh = MeshFactory::buildQuadMesh(quadPoints, horizontalCells, verticalCells,
                                  _confusionBF, H1Order, H1Order+pToAdd);

  BCPtr bc = BC::bc();
  SolutionPtr soln = Teuchos::rcp( new Solution(spectralConfusionMesh, bc) );


  int cellID = 0;
  double tol = 1e-16; // overly restrictive, just for now.

  DofOrderingPtr trialSpace = spectralConfusionMesh->getElementType(cellID)->trialOrderPtr;
  set<int> trialIDs = trialSpace->getVarIDs();

  BasisCachePtr volumeCache = BasisCache::basisCacheForCell(spectralConfusionMesh, cellID);

  for (set<int>::iterator trialIt=trialIDs.begin(); trialIt != trialIDs.end(); trialIt++)
    int trialID = *trialIt;
    const vector<int>* sidesForVar = &trialSpace->getSidesForVarID(trialID);
    bool boundaryValued = sidesForVar->size() != 1;
    // note that for volume trialIDs, sideIndex = 0, and numSides = 1…
    for (vector<int>::const_iterator sideIt = sidesForVar->begin(); sideIt != sidesForVar->end(); sideIt++)
      int sideIndex = *sideIt;

      BasisCachePtr sideCache = volumeCache->getSideBasisCache(sideIndex);
      BasisPtr basis = trialSpace->getBasis(trialID, sideIndex);
      int basisCardinality = basis->getCardinality();
      for (int basisOrdinal = 0; basisOrdinal<basisCardinality; basisOrdinal++)
        FieldContainer<double> basisCoefficients(basisCardinality);
        basisCoefficients(basisOrdinal) = 1.0;
        soln->setSolnCoeffsForCellID(basisCoefficients, cellID, trialID, sideIndex);

        VarPtr v = Var::varForTrialID(trialID, spectralConfusionMesh->bilinearForm());
        FunctionPtr solnFxn = Function::solution(v, soln, false);
        FunctionPtr basisSumFxn = Teuchos::rcp( new BasisSumFunction(basis, basisCoefficients, Teuchos::rcp((BasisCache*)NULL), OP_VALUE, boundaryValued) );
        if (!boundaryValued)
          double l2diff = (solnFxn - basisSumFxn)->l2norm(spectralConfusionMesh);
//          cout << "l2diff = " << l2diff << endl;
          if (l2diff > tol)
            success = false;
            cout << "testBasisSumFunction: l2diff of " << l2diff << " exceeds tol of " << tol << endl;
            cout << "l2norm of basisSumFxn: " << basisSumFxn->l2norm(spectralConfusionMesh) << endl;
            cout << "l2norm of solnFxn: " << solnFxn->l2norm(spectralConfusionMesh) << endl;
          l2diff = (solnFxn->dx() - basisSumFxn->dx())->l2norm(spectralConfusionMesh);
          //          cout << "l2diff = " << l2diff << endl;
          if (l2diff > tol)
            success = false;
            cout << "testBasisSumFunction: l2diff of dx() " << l2diff << " exceeds tol of " << tol << endl;
            cout << "l2norm of basisSumFxn->dx(): " << basisSumFxn->dx()->l2norm(spectralConfusionMesh) << endl;
            cout << "l2norm of solnFxn->dx(): " << solnFxn->dx()->l2norm(spectralConfusionMesh) << endl;

          // test that the restriction to a side works
          int numSides = volumeCache->cellTopology()->getSideCount();
          for (int i=0; i<numSides; i++)
            BasisCachePtr mySideCache = volumeCache->getSideBasisCache(i);
            if (! solnFxn->equals(basisSumFxn, mySideCache, tol))
              success = false;
              cout << "testBasisSumFunction: on side 0, l2diff of " << l2diff << " exceeds tol of " << tol << endl;
              reportFunctionValueDifferences(solnFxn, basisSumFxn, mySideCache, tol);
            if (! solnFxn->grad(spaceDim)->equals(basisSumFxn->grad(spaceDim), mySideCache, tol))
              success = false;
              cout << "testBasisSumFunction: on side 0, l2diff of dx() " << l2diff << " exceeds tol of " << tol << endl;
              reportFunctionValueDifferences(solnFxn->grad(spaceDim), basisSumFxn->grad(spaceDim), mySideCache, tol);
          FieldContainer<double> cellIntegral(1);
          // compute l2 diff of integral along the one side where we can legitimately assert equality:
          FunctionPtr diffFxn = solnFxn - basisSumFxn;
          (diffFxn*diffFxn)->integrate(cellIntegral, sideCache);
          double l2diff = sqrt(cellIntegral(0));
          if (l2diff > tol)
            success = false;
            cout << "testBasisSumFunction: on side " << sideIndex << ", l2diff of " << l2diff << " exceeds tol of " << tol << endl;

            int numCubPoints = sideCache->getPhysicalCubaturePoints().dimension(1);
            FieldContainer<double> solnFxnValues(1,numCubPoints);
            FieldContainer<double> basisFxnValues(1,numCubPoints);
            solnFxn->values(solnFxnValues, sideCache);
            basisSumFxn->values(basisFxnValues, sideCache);
            cout << "solnFxnValues:\n" << solnFxnValues;
            cout << "basisFxnValues:\n" << basisFxnValues;
//            cout << "testBasisSumFunction: on side " << sideIndex << ", l2diff of " << l2diff << " is within tol of " << tol << endl;

  return success;
예제 #11
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv,0);
  int rank=mpiSession.getRank();
  int numProcs=mpiSession.getNProc();
  int rank = 0;
  int numProcs = 1;
  ////////////////////   DECLARE VARIABLES   ///////////////////////
  // define test variables
  VarFactory varFactory;
  VarPtr tau = varFactory.testVar("\\tau", HDIV);
  VarPtr v = varFactory.testVar("v", HGRAD);

  // define trial variables
  VarPtr uhat = varFactory.traceVar("\\widehat{u}");
  VarPtr beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n = varFactory.fluxVar("\\widehat{\\beta \\cdot n u - \\sigma_{n}}");
  VarPtr u = varFactory.fieldVar("u");
  VarPtr sigma1 = varFactory.fieldVar("\\sigma_1");
  VarPtr sigma2 = varFactory.fieldVar("\\sigma_2");

  vector<double> beta_const;
  double c = sqrt(1.25);
//  FunctionPtr beta = Teuchos::rcp(new Beta());

  double eps = 1e-3;

  ////////////////////   DEFINE BILINEAR FORM   ///////////////////////

  BFPtr confusionBF = Teuchos::rcp( new BF(varFactory) );
  // tau terms:
  confusionBF->addTerm(sigma1 / eps, tau->x());
  confusionBF->addTerm(sigma2 / eps, tau->y());
  confusionBF->addTerm(u, tau->div());
  confusionBF->addTerm(-uhat, tau->dot_normal());

  // v terms:
  confusionBF->addTerm( sigma1, v->dx() );
  confusionBF->addTerm( sigma2, v->dy() );
  confusionBF->addTerm( beta_const * u, - v->grad() );
  confusionBF->addTerm( beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, v);

  ////////////////////   DEFINE INNER PRODUCT(S)   ///////////////////////

  // quasi-optimal norm
  IPPtr qoptIP = Teuchos::rcp(new IP);
  qoptIP->addTerm( v );
  qoptIP->addTerm( tau / eps + v->grad() );
  qoptIP->addTerm( beta_const * v->grad() - tau->div() );

  // robust test norm
  IPPtr robIP = Teuchos::rcp(new IP);
  FunctionPtr ip_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new EpsilonScaling(eps) );
  if (enforceLocalConservation)
    robIP->addZeroMeanTerm( v );
    robIP->addTerm( ip_scaling * v );
  robIP->addTerm( sqrt(eps) * v->grad() );

  bool useNewBC = false;
  FunctionPtr weight = Teuchos::rcp( new SqrtWeight(eps) );
  if (useNewBC)
    robIP->addTerm( beta_const * v->grad() );
    robIP->addTerm( tau->div() );
    robIP->addTerm( ip_scaling/sqrt(eps) * tau );
    robIP->addTerm( weight * beta_const * v->grad() );
    robIP->addTerm( weight * tau->div() );
    robIP->addTerm( weight * ip_scaling/sqrt(eps) * tau );

  ////////////////////   SPECIFY RHS   ///////////////////////
  FunctionPtr zero = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
  Teuchos::RCP<RHSEasy> rhs = Teuchos::rcp( new RHSEasy );
  FunctionPtr f = zero;
  rhs->addTerm( f * v ); // obviously, with f = 0 adding this term is not necessary!

  ////////////////////   CREATE BCs   ///////////////////////
  Teuchos::RCP<BCEasy> bc = Teuchos::rcp( new BCEasy );
  SpatialFilterPtr inflowBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new InflowSquareBoundary );
  SpatialFilterPtr outflowBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new OutflowSquareBoundary );

  FunctionPtr u0 = Teuchos::rcp( new U0 );
  FunctionPtr n = Teuchos::rcp( new UnitNormalFunction );
  bc->addDirichlet(uhat, outflowBoundary, zero);
  if (useNewBC)
    bc->addDirichlet(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, inflowBoundary, beta_const*n*u0);
    SpatialFilterPtr inflowBot = Teuchos::rcp( new InflowSquareBot );
    SpatialFilterPtr inflowLeft = Teuchos::rcp( new InflowSquareLeft );

    bc->addDirichlet(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, inflowLeft, beta_const*n*u0);
    bc->addDirichlet(uhat, inflowBot, u0);

  // Teuchos::RCP<PenaltyConstraints> pc = Teuchos::rcp(new PenaltyConstraints);
  // pc->addConstraint(uhat==u0,inflowBoundary);

  ////////////////////   BUILD MESH   ///////////////////////
  // define nodes for mesh
  int H1Order = 2, pToAdd = 2;

  FieldContainer<double> quadPoints(4,2);

  quadPoints(0,0) = 0.0; // x1
  quadPoints(0,1) = 0.0; // y1
  quadPoints(1,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(1,1) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(2,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(2,1) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(3,0) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(3,1) = 1.0;

  int nCells = 2;
  int horizontalCells = nCells, verticalCells = nCells;

  // create a pointer to a new mesh:
  Teuchos::RCP<Mesh> mesh = Mesh::buildQuadMesh(quadPoints, horizontalCells, verticalCells,
                            confusionBF, H1Order, H1Order+pToAdd);

  ////////////////////   SOLVE & REFINE   ///////////////////////
  Teuchos::RCP<Solution> solution = Teuchos::rcp( new Solution(mesh, bc, rhs, robIP) );
  // solution->setFilter(pc);

  if (enforceLocalConservation)
    FunctionPtr zero = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
    solution->lagrangeConstraints()->addConstraint(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n == zero);

  double energyThreshold = 0.2; // for mesh refinements
  RefinementStrategy refinementStrategy( solution, energyThreshold );

  int numRefs = 9;

  for (int refIndex=0; refIndex<numRefs; refIndex++)
    refinementStrategy.refine(rank==0); // print to console on rank 0
  // one more solve on the final refined mesh:

  if (rank==0)
    solution->writeFluxesToFile(uhat->ID(), "uhat.dat");

    cout << "wrote files: u.m, uhat.dat\n";

  return 0;