예제 #1
TEST_F(QuaternionTest, sperical_linear_interpolation_between_from_ant_to_with_t_equal_one_return_to)
    auto from = create_random_quaternion();
    auto to = create_random_quaternion();

    const auto res = quaternion_slerp(from, to, 1.0);

    EXPECT_EQ(to.w(), res.w());
    EXPECT_EQ(to.x(), res.x());
    EXPECT_EQ(to.y(), res.y());
    EXPECT_EQ(to.z(), res.z());
예제 #2
TEST_F(QuaternionTest, normalizing_quaternion_gives_a_unit_quaternion)
    auto quat = create_random_quaternion();

    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(1, quaternion_norm(quat));
예제 #3
TEST_F(QuaternionTest, sperical_linear_interpolation_makes_correct_quaternion)
    auto from = create_random_quaternion();
    auto to = create_random_quaternion();

    const auto t =(rand() % 400) / 400.0;
    const auto res = quaternion_slerp(from, to, t);
    const auto correct = slerp(from, to, t);

    EXPECT_EQ(correct.w(), res.w());
    EXPECT_EQ(correct.x(), res.x());
    EXPECT_EQ(correct.y(), res.y());
    EXPECT_EQ(correct.z(), res.z());
예제 #4
static char * test_quaternion_axis_anglev3()
	quaternion q, q1;
	float c;
	float s;
	float angle = HYP_TAU / 4.0f;
	vector3 axis;
	quaternion_set_from_axis_anglev3(&q, HYP_VECTOR3_UNIT_X, angle);

	vector3_set(&axis, HYP_VECTOR3_UNIT_X);

	c = HYP_COS(angle / 2.0f);
	s = HYP_SIN(angle / 2.0f);

	q1.x = axis.x * s;
	q1.y = axis.y * s;
	q1.z = axis.z * s;
	q1.w = c;


	test_assert(quaternion_equals(&q, &q1));
	return 0;
예제 #5
 * @ingroup experimental
 * @brief This code is suspect. Treats two quaternions sort of like 2 vector4's and then computes the cross-product between them. 
HYPAPI void quaternion_axis_between_EXP(const quaternion *self, const quaternion *qT, quaternion *qR)
	quaternion axis;
	axis = quaternion_cross_product_EXP(self, qT);
	quaternion_set(qR, &axis);
예제 #6
 * @ingroup experimental
 * @brief this is an opinionated method (opinionated about what axis is yaw, pitch, roll and what is left/right/up/down
 * @param self the quaternion
 * @param ax the x axis
 * @param ay the y axis
 * @param az the z axis
HYPAPI quaternion * quaternion_set_from_euler_anglesf3_EXP(quaternion *self, float ax, float ay, float az)
	vector3 vx;
	vector3 vy;
	vector3 vz;
	quaternion qx;
	quaternion qy;
	quaternion qz;
	vector3_setf3(&vx, 1, 0, 0);
	vector3_setf3(&vy, 0, 1, 0);
	vector3_setf3(&vz, 0, 0, 1);
	quaternion_set_from_axis_anglev3(&qx, &vx, ax);
	quaternion_set_from_axis_anglev3(&qy, &vy, ay);
	quaternion_set_from_axis_anglev3(&qz, &vz, az);
	/* self = qx * qy * qz */
	quaternion_multiply(&qx, &qy);
	quaternion_multiply(&qx, &qz);	
	quaternion_set(self, &qx);
	return self;
예제 #7
 * @ingroup experimental
 * @brief rotate a quaternion by a quaternion (basically, multiply and then normalize)
 * @param self the quaternion being rotated
 * @param qT the other quaternion
HYPAPI quaternion * quaternion_rotate_by_quaternion_EXP(quaternion *self, const quaternion *qT)
	/* self = self * qT */
	quaternion_multiply(self, qT);
	return self;
예제 #8
quaternion_togl(Quaternion *quat)
	if (APPROX(fabs(quat->w), 1)) { return; }

	if (quat->w > 1) { quaternion_normalize(quat); }

	/* get the angle, but turn us around 180 degrees */
	/* printf ("togl: setting rotation %f %f %f %f\n",quat->w,quat->x,quat->y,quat->z);*/
	FW_GL_ROTATE_RADIANS(2.0 * acos(quat->w), quat->x, quat->y, quat->z);
예제 #9
 * @ingroup quaternion
 * @brief initializes the quaternion with random values, then normalizes it
HYPAPI quaternion * _quaternion_set_random(quaternion *self)
	self->x = HYP_RANDOM_FLOAT;
	self->y = HYP_RANDOM_FLOAT;
	self->z = HYP_RANDOM_FLOAT;
	self->w = HYP_RANDOM_FLOAT;
	return self;
예제 #10
quaternion_inverse(Quaternion *ret, const Quaternion *quat)
/* 	double n = norm(quat); */

	quaternion_set(ret, quat);

	/* unit quaternion, so take conjugate */
 	/* printf("Quaternion inverse: ret = {%f, %f, %f, %f}, quat = {%f, %f, %f, %f}\n",
 	 	   ret->w, ret->x, ret->y, ret->z, quat->w, quat->x, quat->y, quat->z); */
예제 #11
 * @ingroup quaternion
 * @brief Sets the values in the quaternion, in place, based on the axis and angle.
 * @param self the quaternion that will become initialized with the values of the axis and angle
 * @param x the x axis
 * @param y the y axis
 * @param z the z axis
 * @param angle the angle is in radians
 * q = cos(a/2) + i ( x * sin(a/2)) + j (y * sin(a/2)) + k ( z * sin(a/2))
HYPAPI quaternion * quaternion_set_from_axis_anglef3(quaternion *self, float x, float y, float z, float angle)
	float s = HYP_SIN(angle / 2.0f);
	float c = HYP_COS(angle / 2.0f);
	self->x = x * s;
	self->y = y * s;
	self->z = z * s;
	self->w = c;
	/* reduce rounding errors caused by sin/cos */
	return quaternion_normalize(self);
예제 #12
/** [quaternion inverse example] */
static char * test_quaternion_inverse()
	quaternion qA;
	quaternion qInverse;
	quaternion qIdentity;
	quaternion_set_from_axis_anglef3(&qA, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, HYP_TAU / 4.0f);
	quaternion_set(&qInverse, &qA);
	quaternion_multiply(&qA, &qInverse);
	test_assert(quaternion_equals(&qA, &qIdentity));
	return 0;
예제 #13
 * @ingroup vector3
 * @brief Reflect a point by the quaternion.  Returns the reflected point. (through origin)
 * \f$self= qT * self * qT\f$
 * @param qT the quaternion
 * @param self the starting point that is rotated by qT
HYPAPI vector3 * vector3_reflect_by_quaternion(vector3 *self, const quaternion *qT)
	quaternion q;
	quaternion_set(&q, qT);
	quaternion_multiplyv3(&q, self);
	quaternion_multiply(&q, qT);
	/* this seems to be necessary */
	self->x = q.x;
	self->y = q.y;
	self->z = q.z;
	return self;
예제 #14
vrmlrot_to_quaternion(Quaternion *quat, const double x, const double y, const double z, const double a)
	double s;
	double scale = sqrt((x * x) + (y * y) + (z * z));

	/* no rotation - use (multiplication ???) identity quaternion */
	if (APPROX(scale, 0)) {
		quat->w = 1;
		quat->x = 0;
		quat->y = 0;
		quat->z = 0;

	} else {
		s = sin(a/2);
		/* normalize rotation axis to convert VRML rotation to quaternion */
		quat->w = cos(a / 2);
		quat->x = s * (x / scale);
		quat->y = s * (y / scale);
		quat->z = s * (z / scale);
예제 #15
 * @ingroup quaternion
 * @brief Normalized LERP.  This calls lerp and then normalizes the quaternion (pulls it back on the manifold)
 * @param percent This refers to how far along we want to go toward end.  1.0 means go to the end. 0.0 means start.  1.1 is nonsense. Negative is nonsense.
 * @param start The quaternion representing the starting orientation
 * @param end The quaternion representing the final or ending orientation
 * @param qR The resulting new orientation.
HYPAPI quaternion * quaternion_nlerp(const quaternion *start, const quaternion *end, float percent, quaternion *qR)
	quaternion_lerp(start, end, percent, qR);
	return qR;
예제 #16
파일: mc_moves.c 프로젝트: mpmccode/mpmc
/* now with quaternions AH */
void rotate(system_t *system, molecule_t *molecule, pbc_t *pbc, double scale) {
    atom_t *atom_ptr;
    double u1, u2, u3;
    double com[3];
    int i, ii, n;
    double *new_coord_array;

    struct quaternion position_vector, rnd_rotation, rnd_rotation_conjugate, answer;

    // create a random rotation
    // http://planning.cs.uiuc.edu/node198.html
    u1 = get_rand(system);
    u2 = get_rand(system);
    u3 = get_rand(system);

    // simple linear interpolation for adjusting the scale
    quaternion_construct_xyzw(&rnd_rotation, scale*sqrt(1-u1)*sin(2*M_PI*u2), scale*sqrt(1-u1)*cos(2*M_PI*u2), scale*sqrt(u1)*sin(2*M_PI*u3), 1-scale+scale*sqrt(u1)*cos(2*M_PI*u3)); /* make a random quaternion */
    quaternion_conjugate(&rnd_rotation, &rnd_rotation_conjugate);          /* needed to transform coordinates */

    /* count the number of atoms in a molecule, and allocate new coords array */
    for (atom_ptr = molecule->atoms, n = 0; atom_ptr; atom_ptr = atom_ptr->next)
    new_coord_array = calloc(n * 3, sizeof(double));
    memnullcheck(new_coord_array, n * 3 * sizeof(double), __LINE__ - 1, __FILE__);

    /* save the com coordinate */
    com[0] = molecule->com[0];
    com[1] = molecule->com[1];
    com[2] = molecule->com[2];

    /* translate the molecule to the origin */
    for (atom_ptr = molecule->atoms; atom_ptr; atom_ptr = atom_ptr->next) {
        atom_ptr->pos[0] -= com[0];
        atom_ptr->pos[1] -= com[1];
        atom_ptr->pos[2] -= com[2];

    /* quaternion multiply */
    for (atom_ptr = molecule->atoms, i = 0; atom_ptr; atom_ptr = atom_ptr->next, i++) {
        ii = i * 3;

        //position_vector = position
        quaternion_construct_xyzw(&position_vector, atom_ptr->pos[0], atom_ptr->pos[1], atom_ptr->pos[2], 0.);

        //answer = rnd_rotation*(position*rnd_rotation_conjugate)
        quaternion_multiplication(&position_vector, &rnd_rotation_conjugate, &answer);
        quaternion_multiplication(&rnd_rotation, &answer, &answer);

        //set the new coords
        new_coord_array[ii + 0] = answer.x;
        new_coord_array[ii + 1] = answer.y;
        new_coord_array[ii + 2] = answer.z;

    /* set the new coordinates and then translate back from the origin */
    for (atom_ptr = molecule->atoms, i = 0; atom_ptr; atom_ptr = atom_ptr->next, i++) {
        ii = i * 3;
        atom_ptr->pos[0] = new_coord_array[ii + 0];
        atom_ptr->pos[1] = new_coord_array[ii + 1];
        atom_ptr->pos[2] = new_coord_array[ii + 2];

        atom_ptr->pos[0] += com[0];
        atom_ptr->pos[1] += com[1];
        atom_ptr->pos[2] += com[2];

    /* free our temporary array */
예제 #17
void Estimator::run_estimator(const vector_t& accel, const vector_t& gyro, const uint64_t& imu_time)
    _current_state.now_us = imu_time;
    if (last_time == 0 || _current_state.now_us <= last_time)
        last_time = _current_state.now_us;

    float dt = (_current_state.now_us - last_time) * 1e-6f;
    last_time = _current_state.now_us;

    // Crank up the gains for the first few seconds for quick convergence
    if (imu_time < (uint64_t)params->get_param_int(Params::PARAM_INIT_TIME)*1000)
        kp = params->get_param_float(Params::PARAM_FILTER_KP)*10.0f;
        ki = params->get_param_float(Params::PARAM_FILTER_KI)*10.0f;
        kp = params->get_param_float(Params::PARAM_FILTER_KP);
        ki = params->get_param_float(Params::PARAM_FILTER_KI);

    // Run LPF to reject a lot of noise
    run_LPF(accel, gyro);

    // add in accelerometer
    float a_sqrd_norm = _accel_LPF.x*_accel_LPF.x + _accel_LPF.y*_accel_LPF.y + _accel_LPF.z*_accel_LPF.z;

    if (use_acc && a_sqrd_norm < 1.15f*1.15f*9.80665f*9.80665f && a_sqrd_norm > 0.85f*0.85f*9.80665f*9.80665f)
        // Get error estimated by accelerometer measurement
        vector_t a = vector_normalize(_accel_LPF);
        // Get the quaternion from accelerometer (low-frequency measure q)
        // (Not in either paper)
        quaternion_t q_acc_inv = quaternion_inverse(quat_from_two_vectors(a, g));
        // Get the error quaternion between observer and low-freq q
        // Below Eq. 45 Mahoney Paper
        q_tilde = quaternion_multiply(q_acc_inv, q_hat);
        // Correction Term of Eq. 47a and 47b Mahoney Paper
        // w_acc = 2*s_tilde*v_tilde
        w_acc.x = -2.0f*q_tilde.w*q_tilde.x;
        w_acc.y = -2.0f*q_tilde.w*q_tilde.y;
        w_acc.z = 0.0f; // Don't correct z, because it's unobservable from the accelerometer

                        // integrate biases from accelerometer feedback
                        // (eq 47b Mahoney Paper, using correction term w_acc found above)
        b.x -= ki*w_acc.x*dt;
        b.y -= ki*w_acc.y*dt;
        b.z = 0.0;  // Don't integrate z bias, because it's unobservable
        w_acc.x = 0.0f;
        w_acc.y = 0.0f;
        w_acc.z = 0.0f;

    // Pull out Gyro measurements
    if (quad_int)
        // Quadratic Integration (Eq. 14 Casey Paper)
        // this integration step adds 12 us on the STM32F10x chips
        wbar = vector_add(vector_add(scalar_multiply(-1.0f/12.0f,w2), scalar_multiply(8.0f/12.0f,w1)),
        w2 = w1;
        w1 = _gyro_LPF;
        wbar = _gyro_LPF;

    // Build the composite omega vector for kinematic propagation
    // This the stuff inside the p function in eq. 47a - Mahoney Paper
    wfinal = vector_add(vector_sub(wbar, b), scalar_multiply(kp, w_acc));

    // Propagate Dynamics (only if we've moved)
    float sqrd_norm_w = sqrd_norm(wfinal);
    if (sqrd_norm_w > 0.0f)
        float p = wfinal.x;
        float q = wfinal.y;
        float r = wfinal.z;

        if (mat_exp)
            // Matrix Exponential Approximation (From Attitude Representation and Kinematic
            // Propagation for Low-Cost UAVs by Robert T. Casey)
            // (Eq. 12 Casey Paper)
            // This adds 90 us on STM32F10x chips
            float norm_w = sqrtf(sqrd_norm_w);
            quaternion_t qhat_np1;
            float t1 = cosf((norm_w*dt)/2.0f);
            float t2 = 1.0f/norm_w * sinf((norm_w*dt)/2.0f);
            qhat_np1.w = t1*q_hat.w   + t2*(          - p*q_hat.x - q*q_hat.y - r*q_hat.z);
            qhat_np1.x = t1*q_hat.x   + t2*(p*q_hat.w             + r*q_hat.y - q*q_hat.z);
            qhat_np1.y = t1*q_hat.y   + t2*(q*q_hat.w - r*q_hat.x             + p*q_hat.z);
            qhat_np1.z = t1*q_hat.z   + t2*(r*q_hat.w + q*q_hat.x - p*q_hat.y);
            q_hat = quaternion_normalize(qhat_np1);
            // Euler Integration
            // (Eq. 47a Mahoney Paper), but this is pretty straight-forward
            quaternion_t qdot = {0.5f * (           - p*q_hat.x - q*q_hat.y - r*q_hat.z),
                0.5f * ( p*q_hat.w             + r*q_hat.y - q*q_hat.z),
                0.5f * ( q*q_hat.w - r*q_hat.x             + p*q_hat.z),
                0.5f * ( r*q_hat.w + q*q_hat.x - p*q_hat.y)
            q_hat.w += qdot.w*dt;
            q_hat.x += qdot.x*dt;
            q_hat.y += qdot.y*dt;
            q_hat.z += qdot.z*dt;
            q_hat = quaternion_normalize(q_hat);

    // Save attitude estimate
    _current_state.q = q_hat;

    // Extract Euler Angles for controller
    euler_from_quat(_current_state.q, &_current_state.euler.x, &_current_state.euler.y, &_current_state.euler.z);

    // Save off adjust gyro measurements with estimated biases for control
    _current_state.omega = vector_sub(_gyro_LPF, b);