예제 #1
파일: grid.cpp 프로젝트: ibrahimmusba/ufoai
 * @brief This function recalculates the routing in and around the box bounded by min and max.
 * @sa CMod_LoadRouting
 * @sa Grid_RecalcRouting
 * @param[in] mapTiles List of tiles the current (RMA-)map is composed of
 * @param[in] routing The routing map (either server or client map)
 * @param[in] box The box to recalc routing for
 * @param[in] list The local models list (a local model has a name starting with * followed by the model number)
void Grid_RecalcBoxRouting (mapTiles_t *mapTiles, Routing &routing, const GridBox &box, const char **list)
	int x, y, z, actorSize, dir;

	/* check unit heights */
	for (actorSize = 1; actorSize <= ACTOR_MAX_SIZE; actorSize++) {
		GridBox rBox(box);	/* the box we will actually reroute */
		/* Offset the initial X and Y to compensate for larger actors when needed. */
		rBox.expandXY(actorSize - 1);
		/* also start one level above the box to measure high floors correctly */
		for (y = rBox.mins[1]; y <= rBox.maxs[1]; y++) {
			for (x = rBox.mins[0]; x <= rBox.maxs[0]; x++) {
				/** @note RT_CheckCell goes from top (7) to bottom (0) */
				for (z = rBox.maxs[2]; z >= 0; z--) {
					const int newZ = RT_CheckCell(mapTiles, routing, actorSize, x, y, z, list);
					assert(newZ <= z);
					z = newZ;

	/* check connections */
	for (actorSize = 1; actorSize <= ACTOR_MAX_SIZE; actorSize++) {
		GridBox rBox(box);			/* the box we will actually reroute */
		rBox.expandXY(actorSize);	/* for connections, expand by the full size of the actor */
		for (y = rBox.mins[1]; y <= rBox.maxs[1]; y++) {
			for (x = rBox.mins[0]; x <= rBox.maxs[0]; x++) {
				for (dir = 0; dir < CORE_DIRECTIONS; dir++) {
					/** @note The new version of RT_UpdateConnectionColumn can work bidirectional, so we can
					 * trace every other dir, unless we are on the edge. */
					if ((dir & 1) && x != minX && x != maxX && y != minY && y != maxY)
					/* for places outside the model box, skip dirs that can not be affected by the model */
					if (x > box.maxs[0] && dir != 1 && dir != 5 && dir != 6)
					if (y > box.maxs[1] && dir != 3 && dir != 5 && dir != 7)
					if (actorSize == ACTOR_SIZE_NORMAL) {
						if (x < box.mins[0] && dir != 0 && dir != 4 && dir != 7)
						if (y < box.mins[1] && dir != 2 && dir != 4 && dir != 6)
					} else {
						/* the position of 2x2 actors is their lower left cell */
						if (x < box.mins[0] - 1 && dir != 0 && dir != 4 && dir != 7)
						if (y < box.mins[1] - 1 && dir != 2 && dir != 4 && dir != 6)
					RT_UpdateConnectionColumn(mapTiles, routing, actorSize, x, y, dir, list);
예제 #2
파일: grid.cpp 프로젝트: cigo/ufoai
 * @brief This function recalculates the routing in and around the box bounded by min and max.
 * @sa CMod_LoadRouting
 * @sa Grid_RecalcRouting
 * @param[in] mapTiles List of tiles the current (RMA-)map is composed of
 * @param[in] routing The routing map (either server or client map)
 * @param[in] box The box to recalc routing for
 * @param[in] list The local models list (a local model has a name starting with * followed by the model number)
void Grid_RecalcBoxRouting (mapTiles_t* mapTiles, Routing& routing, const GridBox& box, const char** list)
	int x, y, z, actorSize, dir;

	/* check unit heights */
	for (actorSize = 1; actorSize <= ACTOR_MAX_SIZE; actorSize++) {
		GridBox rBox(box);	/* the box we will actually reroute */
		/* Offset the initial X and Y to compensate for larger actors when needed. */
		rBox.expandXY(actorSize - 1);
		/* also start one level above the box to measure high floors correctly */
		for (y = rBox.getMinY(); y <= rBox.getMaxY(); y++) {
			for (x = rBox.getMinX(); x <= rBox.getMaxX(); x++) {
				/** @note RT_CheckCell goes from top (7) to bottom (0) */
				for (z = rBox.getMaxZ(); z >= 0; z--) {
					const int newZ = RT_CheckCell(mapTiles, routing, actorSize, x, y, z, list);
					assert(newZ <= z);
					z = newZ;

	/* check connections */
	for (actorSize = 1; actorSize <= ACTOR_MAX_SIZE; actorSize++) {
		GridBox rBox(box);			/* the box we will actually reroute */
		rBox.expandXY(actorSize);	/* for connections, expand by the full size of the actor */
		for (y = rBox.getMinY(); y <= rBox.getMaxY(); y++) {
			for (x = rBox.getMinX(); x <= rBox.getMaxX(); x++) {
				for (dir = 0; dir < CORE_DIRECTIONS; dir++) {
					/* for places outside the model box, skip dirs that can not be affected by the model */
					if (x > box.getMaxX() && dir != 1 && dir != 5 && dir != 6)
					if (y > box.getMaxY() && dir != 3 && dir != 5 && dir != 7)
					if (actorSize == ACTOR_SIZE_NORMAL) {
						if (x < box.getMinX() && dir != 0 && dir != 4 && dir != 7)
						if (y < box.getMinY() && dir != 2 && dir != 4 && dir != 6)
					} else {
						/* the position of 2x2 actors is their lower left cell */
						if (x < box.getMinX() - 1 && dir != 0 && dir != 4 && dir != 7)
						if (y < box.getMinY() - 1 && dir != 2 && dir != 4 && dir != 6)
				//	RT_UpdateConnectionColumn(mapTiles, routing, actorSize, x, y, dir, list);
					RT_UpdateConnectionColumn(mapTiles, routing, actorSize, x, y, dir, list, rBox.getMinZ(), rBox.getMaxZ());
예제 #3
파일: MPC.cpp 프로젝트: jyamu/qmc
MPC::compute_g_G(double &g_0, vector<double> &g_G, int N)
  double L = PtclRef->Lattice.WignerSeitzRadius;
  double Linv = 1.0/L;
  double Linv3 = Linv*Linv*Linv;
  // create an FFTW plan
  Array<complex<double>,3> rBox(N,N,N);
  Array<complex<double>,3> GBox(N,N,N);
  // app_log() << "Doing " << N << " x " << N << " x " << N << " FFT.\n";
  //create BC handler
  DTD_BConds<double,3,SUPERCELL_BULK> mybc(PtclRef->Lattice);
  // Fill the real-space array with f(r)
  double Ninv = 1.0/(double)N;
  TinyVector<double,3> u, r;
  for (int ix=0; ix<N; ix++)
    u[0] = Ninv*ix;
    for (int iy=0; iy<N; iy++)
      u[1] = Ninv*iy;
      for (int iz=0; iz<N; iz++)
        u[2] = Ninv*iz;
        r = PtclRef->Lattice.toCart (u);
        //DTD_BConds<double,3,SUPERCELL_BULK>::apply (PtclRef->Lattice, r);
        //double rmag = std::sqrt(dot(r,r));
        double rmag = std::sqrt(mybc.apply_bc(r));
        if (rmag < L)
          rBox(ix,iy,iz) = -0.5*rmag*rmag*Linv3 + 1.5*Linv;
          rBox(ix,iy,iz) = 1.0/rmag;
  fftw_plan fft = fftw_plan_dft_3d
                  (N, N, N, (fftw_complex*)rBox.data(),
                   (fftw_complex*) GBox.data(), 1, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
  fftw_execute (fft);
  fftw_destroy_plan (fft);
  // Now, copy data into output, and add on analytic part
  double norm = Ninv*Ninv*Ninv;
  int numG = Gints.size();
  for (int iG=0; iG < numG; iG++)
    TinyVector<int,OHMMS_DIM> gint = Gints[iG];
    for (int j=0; j<OHMMS_DIM; j++)
      gint[j] = (gint[j] + N)%N;
    g_G[iG] = norm * real(GBox(gint[0], gint[1], gint[2]));
  g_0 = norm * real(GBox(0,0,0));
예제 #4
파일: MPC.cpp 프로젝트: jyamu/qmc
  Array<complex<double>,3> rBox(SplineDim[0], SplineDim[1], SplineDim[2]),
        GBox(SplineDim[0], SplineDim[1], SplineDim[2]);
  Array<double,3> splineData(SplineDim[0], SplineDim[1], SplineDim[2]);
  GBox = complex<double>();
  Vconst = 0.0;
  // Now fill in elements of GBox
  double vol = PtclRef->Lattice.Volume;
  double volInv = 1.0/vol;
  for (int iG=0; iG < Gvecs.size(); iG++)
    TinyVector<int,OHMMS_DIM> gint = Gints[iG];
    PosType G = Gvecs[iG];
    double G2 = dot(G,G);
    TinyVector<int,OHMMS_DIM> index;
    for (int j=0; j<OHMMS_DIM; j++)
      index[j] = (gint[j] + SplineDim[j]) % SplineDim[j];
    if (!(index[0]==0 && index[1]==0 && index[2]==0))
      GBox(index[0], index[1], index[2]) = vol *
                                           Rho_G[iG] * (4.0*M_PI*volInv/G2 - f_G[iG]);
      Vconst -= 0.5 * vol * vol * norm(Rho_G[iG])
                * (4.0*M_PI*volInv/G2 - f_G[iG]);
  // G=0 component calculated seperately
  GBox(0,0,0) = -vol * f_0 * Rho_G[0];
  Vconst += 0.5 * vol * vol * f_0 * norm(Rho_G[0]);
  app_log() << "  Constant potential = " << Vconst << endl;
  fftw_plan fft = fftw_plan_dft_3d
                  (SplineDim[0], SplineDim[1], SplineDim[2], (fftw_complex*)GBox.data(),
                   (fftw_complex*) rBox.data(), -1, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
  fftw_execute (fft);
  fftw_destroy_plan (fft);
  for (int i0=0; i0<SplineDim[0]; i0++)
    for (int i1=0; i1<SplineDim[1]; i1++)
      for (int i2=0; i2<SplineDim[2]; i2++)
        splineData(i0, i1, i2) = real(rBox(i0,i1,i2));
  BCtype_d bc0, bc1, bc2;
  Ugrid grid0, grid1, grid2;
  grid0.num = SplineDim[0];
  grid1.num = SplineDim[1];
  grid2.num = SplineDim[2];
  bc0.lCode = bc0.rCode = PERIODIC;
  bc1.lCode = bc1.rCode = PERIODIC;
  bc2.lCode = bc2.rCode = PERIODIC;
  VlongSpline = create_UBspline_3d_d (grid0, grid1, grid2, bc0, bc1, bc2,
//     grid0.num = PtclRef->Density_r.size(0);
//     grid1.num = PtclRef->Density_r.size(1);
//     grid2.num = PtclRef->Density_r.size(2);
//     DensitySpline = create_UBspline_3d_d (grid0, grid1, grid2, bc0, bc1, bc2,
// 					  PtclRef->Density_r.data());