예제 #1
void ompl::RNG::uniformNormalVector(unsigned int n, double value[])
    // Create a uBLAS-vector-view of the C-style array without copying data
    SphericalData::container_type_t rVector(n, value);

    // Generate a random value, the variate_generator is returning a shallow_array_adaptor, which will modify the value array:
    rVector = sphericalDataPtr_->generate(n);
예제 #2
 * Function which lets all the bodies added to this world collide with each other, calculates translations impulses.
 * And the end we step all bodies forward in time by dt
void rWorld::CollideAndStep( rReal dt)
	// Update bodies
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < StateArray.size(); i++)
		// If not a static body
		if( StateArray[i]->InvMass > 0)
			// Let the body do a step with the time and current gravity
			StateArray[i]->Step( dt, Gravity);

	// Clear collisions from last time

	// Clear CollisionPoints

	// Overlapping Solving Code. Inner loop for how many iterations requested to solve any errors
	for(int iterations = 0; iterations < ERI; iterations++)
		// If we are at the last iteration, save collisions
		// TODO fix this properly. Always add collisions but never duplicate
		bool push = false;
		if (iterations == 0)
			push = true;

		// Two loops to let everybody check with each other
		for( unsigned int i = 0; i < StateArray.size(); i++)
			for( unsigned int j = i+1; j < StateArray.size(); j++)
				// Sum of both bodies INV mass
				rReal MassRatio = StateArray[i]->InvMass + StateArray[j]->InvMass;

				// Check if a body is movable
				if (MassRatio > 0)
					// Create a collision package between the 2 bodies in line to be tested
					rColinfo CollisionInfo( StateArray[i], StateArray[j]);

					// Check if we have a collision by Separating Axis Test, if so store information in the collision package
					if(::Collide( CollisionInfo))
						// Are we overlapping?
						if( CollisionInfo.Depth > EPSILON)
							//Save required translations to solve any errors
							StateArray[i]->Force_T += CollisionInfo.Force * (StateArray[i]->InvMass / MassRatio) * ERP;
							StateArray[j]->Force_T -= CollisionInfo.Force * (StateArray[j]->InvMass / MassRatio) * ERP;

						// Should we push?
						if ( push)
							CollisionArray.push_back( CollisionInfo);

		// Apply any required translations as requested above
		for( unsigned int i = 0; i < StateArray.size(); i++)
			rBody* body = StateArray[i];

			// If there is a
			if( body->Force_T.LengthSquared() > 0)
				body->Position += body->Force_T;
				body->CalculateMeshTranslation( body->Force_T);
				body->Force_T = rVector( 0, 0);

	// Get collision points and process them
	for( unsigned int i = 0; i < CollisionArray.size(); i++)
		// Get collision point
		rVector CollisionPoint = ::CollisionPoint( CollisionArray[i]);

		// Add current collision point to the array
		CollisionPoints.push_back( CollisionPoint);

		// Process the collisionpoint
		ProcessCollisionPoint(	CollisionArray[i].getBody1(),