예제 #1
SkyObject::UID StarObject::getUID() const
    // mag takes 10 bit
    SkyObject::UID m = mag()*10; 
    if( m < 0 ) m = 0;

    // Both RA & dec fits in 24-bits
    SkyObject::UID ra  = ra0().Degrees() * 36000;
    SkyObject::UID dec = (ra0().Degrees()+91) * 36000;

    Q_ASSERT("Magnitude is expected to fit into 10bits" && m>=0 && m<(1<<10));
    Q_ASSERT("RA should fit into 24bits"  && ra>=0  && ra <(1<<24));
    Q_ASSERT("Dec should fit into 24bits" && dec>=0 && dec<(1<<24));

    return (SkyObject::UID_STAR << 60) | (m << 48) | (ra << 24) | dec;
예제 #2
파일: cast.cpp 프로젝트: JanVogelgesang/nt2
void assign_test()
  std::cout << "With U = [" << nt2::type_id<U>() << "]\n";
  static const std::size_t N = 11;
  nt2::table<T> a0(nt2::of_size(N));
  nt2::table< std::complex<T> > a1(nt2::of_size(N));
  for(std::size_t i=0; i!=N; ++i)
    a0(i+1) = T(roll<U>());
    a1(i+1) = a0(i+1);

  boost::proto::display_expr( nt2::cast<std::complex<U> >(a0) );
  nt2::table<std::complex<U> > ra0 = nt2::cast< std::complex<U> >(a0);
  for(std::size_t i=0; i!= N; ++i)
    std::cout << a0(i+1) << "\n";
    NT2_TEST_EQUAL( ra0(i+1), nt2::cast(a0(i+1), nt2::meta::as_< std::complex<U> >()) );

  boost::proto::display_expr( nt2::cast<std::complex<U> >(a1) );
  nt2::table<std::complex<U> > ra1 = nt2::cast< std::complex<U> >(a1);
  for(std::size_t i=0; i!= N; ++i)
    std::cout << a1(i+1) << "\n";
    NT2_TEST_EQUAL( ra1(i+1), nt2::cast(a1(i+1), nt2::meta::as_< std::complex<U> >()) );
예제 #3
void StarObject::getIndexCoords( KSNumbers *num, double *ra, double *dec )

    // Old, Incorrect Proper motion Computation.  We retain this in a
    // comment because we might want to use it to come up with a
    // linear approximation that's faster.
    //    double dra = pmRA() * num->julianMillenia() / ( cos( dec0().radians() ) * 3600.0 );
    //    double ddec = pmDec() * num->julianMillenia() / 3600.0;

    // Proper Motion Correction should be implemented as motion along a great 
    // circle passing through the given (ra0, dec0) in a direction of 
    // atan2( pmRA(), pmDec() ) to an angular distance given by the Magnitude of 
    // PM times the number of Julian millenia since J2000.0

    if( pmMagnitudeSquared() * num->julianMillenia() * num->julianMillenia() < 1. ) {
        // Ignore corrections
        *ra = ra0().Degrees();
        *dec = dec0().Degrees();

    double pm = pmMagnitude() * num->julianMillenia();   // Proper Motion in arcseconds

    double dir0 = ( pm > 0 ) ? atan2( pmRA(), pmDec() ) : atan2( -pmRA(), -pmDec() );  // Bearing, in radian

    ( pm < 0 ) && ( pm = -pm );

    double dst = pm * M_PI / ( 180.0 * 3600.0 );
    //    double phi = M_PI / 2.0 - dec0().radians();

    dms lat1, dtheta;
    lat1.setRadians( asin( dec0().sin() * cos( dst ) +
                           dec0().cos() * sin( dst ) * cos( dir0 ) ) );
    dtheta.setRadians( atan2( sin( dir0 ) * sin( dst ) * dec0().cos(),
                              cos( dst ) - dec0().sin() * lat1.sin() ) );

    // Using dms instead, to ensure that the numbers are in the right range.
    dms finalRA( ra0().Degrees() + dtheta.Degrees() );

    *ra = finalRA.Degrees();
    *dec = lat1.Degrees();

    //    *ra = ra0().Degrees() + dra;
    //    *dec = dec0().Degrees() + ddec;
예제 #4
SkyObject::UID DeepSkyObject::getUID() const
    // mag takes 10 bit
    SkyObject::UID m = mag()*10;
    if( m < 0 ) m = 0;

    // Both RA & dec fits in 24-bits
    SkyObject::UID ra  = ra0().Degrees() * 36000;
    SkyObject::UID dec = (ra0().Degrees()+91) * 36000;

    assert("Magnitude is expected to fit into 10bits" && m>=0 && m<(1<<10));
    assert("RA should fit into 24bits"  && ra>=0  && ra <(1<<24));
    assert("Dec should fit into 24bits" && dec>=0 && dec<(1<<24));

    // Choose kind of
    SkyObject::UID kind = type() == SkyObject::GALAXY ? SkyObject::UID_GALAXY : SkyObject::UID_DEEPSKY;
    return (kind << 60) | (m << 48) | (ra << 24) | dec;
예제 #5
void StarObject::updateCoords( KSNumbers *num, bool , const dms*, const dms*, bool ) {
    //Correct for proper motion of stars.  Determine RA and Dec offsets.
    //Proper motion is given im milliarcsec per year by the pmRA() and pmDec() functions.
    //That is numerically identical to the number of arcsec per millenium, so multiply by
    //KSNumbers::julianMillenia() to find the offsets in arcsec.

    // Correction:  The method below computes the proper motion before the
    // precession.  If we precessed first then the direction of the proper
    // motion correction would depend on how far we've precessed.  -jbb
    double saveRA = ra0().Hours();
    double saveDec = dec0().Degrees();

    double newRA, newDec;

    getIndexCoords( num, &newRA, &newDec );
    newRA /= 15.0;                           // getIndexCoords returns in Degrees, while we want the RA in Hours
    setRA0( newRA );
    setDec0( newDec );

    SkyPoint::updateCoords( num );
    setRA0( saveRA );
    setDec0( saveDec );