bool mitk::PythonService::CopyToPythonAsCvImage( mitk::Image* image, const std::string& stdvarName ) { QString varName = QString::fromStdString( stdvarName ); QString command; unsigned int* imgDim = image->GetDimensions(); int npy_nd = 1; // access python module PyObject *pyMod = PyImport_AddModule((char*)"__main__"); // global dictionary PyObject *pyDict = PyModule_GetDict(pyMod); mitk::PixelType pixelType = image->GetPixelType(); PyObject* npyArray = nullptr; mitk::ImageReadAccessor racc(image); void* array = (void*) racc.GetData(); // save the total number of elements here (since the numpy array is one dimensional) npy_intp* npy_dims = new npy_intp[1]; npy_dims[0] = imgDim[0]; /** * Build a string in the format [1024,1028,1] * to describe the dimensionality. This is needed for simple itk * to know the dimensions of the image */ QString dimensionString; dimensionString.append(QString("[")); dimensionString.append(QString::number(imgDim[0])); // ToDo: check if we need this for (unsigned i = 1; i < 3; ++i) // always three because otherwise the 3d-geometry gets destroyed // (relevant for backtransformation of simple itk image to mitk. { dimensionString.append(QString(",")); dimensionString.append(QString::number(imgDim[i])); npy_dims[0] *= imgDim[i]; } dimensionString.append("]"); // the next line is necessary for vectorimages npy_dims[0] *= pixelType.GetNumberOfComponents(); // default pixeltype: unsigned short NPY_TYPES npy_type = NPY_USHORT; if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::DOUBLE ) { npy_type = NPY_DOUBLE; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::FLOAT ) { npy_type = NPY_FLOAT; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::SHORT) { npy_type = NPY_SHORT; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::CHAR ) { npy_type = NPY_BYTE; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::INT ) { npy_type = NPY_INT; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::LONG ) { npy_type = NPY_LONG; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::UCHAR ) { npy_type = NPY_UBYTE; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::UINT ) { npy_type = NPY_UINT; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::ULONG ) { npy_type = NPY_LONG; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::USHORT ) { npy_type = NPY_USHORT; } else { MITK_WARN << "not a recognized pixeltype"; return false; } // creating numpy array import_array1 (true); npyArray = PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(npy_nd,npy_dims,npy_type,array); // add temp array it to the python dictionary to access it in python code const int status = PyDict_SetItemString( pyDict,QString("%1_numpy_array") .arg(varName).toStdString().c_str(), npyArray ); // sanity check if ( status != 0 ) return false; command.append( QString("import numpy as np\n")); //command.append( QString("if '%1' in globals():\n").arg(varName)); //command.append( QString(" del %1\n").arg(varName)); command.append( QString("%1_array_tmp=%1_numpy_array.copy()\n").arg(varName)); command.append( QString("%1_array_tmp=%1_array_tmp.reshape(%2,%3,%4)\n").arg( varName, QString::number(imgDim[1]), QString::number(imgDim[0]), QString::number(pixelType.GetNumberOfComponents()))); command.append( QString("%1 = %1_array_tmp[:,...,::-1]\n").arg(varName)); command.append( QString("del %1_numpy_array\n").arg(varName) ); command.append( QString("del %1_array_tmp").arg(varName) ); MITK_DEBUG("PythonService") << "Issuing python command " << command.toStdString(); this->Execute( command.toStdString(), IPythonService::MULTI_LINE_COMMAND ); return true; }
bool mitk::PythonService::CopyToPythonAsSimpleItkImage(mitk::Image *image, const std::string &stdvarName) { QString varName = QString::fromStdString( stdvarName ); QString command; unsigned int* imgDim = image->GetDimensions(); int npy_nd = 1; npy_intp* npy_dims = new npy_intp[1]; npy_dims[0] = imgDim[0] * imgDim[1] * imgDim[2]; // access python module PyObject *pyMod = PyImport_AddModule((char*)"__main__"); // global dictionarry PyObject *pyDict = PyModule_GetDict(pyMod); const mitk::Vector3D spacing = image->GetGeometry()->GetSpacing(); const mitk::Point3D origin = image->GetGeometry()->GetOrigin(); mitk::PixelType pixelType = image->GetPixelType(); itk::ImageIOBase::IOPixelType ioPixelType = image->GetPixelType().GetPixelType(); PyObject* npyArray = NULL; mitk::ImageReadAccessor racc(image); void* array = (void*) racc.GetData(); // default pixeltype: unsigned short NPY_TYPES npy_type = NPY_USHORT; std::string sitk_type = "sitkUInt8"; if( ioPixelType == itk::ImageIOBase::SCALAR ) { if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::DOUBLE ) { npy_type = NPY_DOUBLE; sitk_type = "sitkFloat64"; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::FLOAT ) { npy_type = NPY_FLOAT; sitk_type = "sitkFloat32"; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::SHORT) { npy_type = NPY_SHORT; sitk_type = "sitkInt16"; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::CHAR ) { npy_type = NPY_BYTE; sitk_type = "sitkInt8"; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::INT ) { npy_type = NPY_INT; sitk_type = "sitkInt32"; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::LONG ) { npy_type = NPY_LONG; sitk_type = "sitkInt64"; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::UCHAR ) { npy_type = NPY_UBYTE; sitk_type = "sitkUInt8"; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::UINT ) { npy_type = NPY_UINT; sitk_type = "sitkUInt32"; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::ULONG ) { npy_type = NPY_LONG; sitk_type = "sitkUInt64"; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::USHORT ) { npy_type = NPY_USHORT; sitk_type = "sitkUInt16"; } } else { MITK_WARN << "not a scalar pixeltype"; return false; } // creating numpy array import_array1 (true); npyArray = PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(npy_nd,npy_dims,npy_type,array); // add temp array it to the python dictionary to access it in python code const int status = PyDict_SetItemString( pyDict,QString("%1_numpy_array") .arg(varName).toStdString().c_str(), npyArray ); // sanity check if ( status != 0 ) return false; command.append( QString("%1 = sitk.Image(%2,%3,%4,sitk.%5)\n").arg(varName) .arg(QString::number(imgDim[0])) .arg(QString::number(imgDim[1])) .arg(QString::number(imgDim[2])) .arg(QString(sitk_type.c_str())) ); command.append( QString("%1.SetSpacing([%2,%3,%4])\n").arg(varName) .arg(QString::number(spacing[0])) .arg(QString::number(spacing[1])) .arg(QString::number(spacing[2])) ); command.append( QString("%1.SetOrigin([%2,%3,%4])\n").arg(varName) .arg(QString::number(origin[0])) .arg(QString::number(origin[1])) .arg(QString::number(origin[2])) ); // directly access the cpp api from the lib command.append( QString("_SimpleITK._SetImageFromArray(%1_numpy_array,%1)\n").arg(varName) ); command.append( QString("del %1_numpy_array").arg(varName) ); MITK_DEBUG("PythonService") << "Issuing python command " << command.toStdString(); this->Execute( command.toStdString(), IPythonService::MULTI_LINE_COMMAND ); return true; }
bool mitk::PythonService::CopyToPythonAsSimpleItkImage(mitk::Image *image, const std::string &stdvarName) { QString varName = QString::fromStdString( stdvarName ); QString command; unsigned int* imgDim = image->GetDimensions(); int npy_nd = 1; // access python module PyObject *pyMod = PyImport_AddModule((char*)"__main__"); // global dictionary PyObject *pyDict = PyModule_GetDict(pyMod); const mitk::Vector3D spacing = image->GetGeometry()->GetSpacing(); const mitk::Point3D origin = image->GetGeometry()->GetOrigin(); mitk::PixelType pixelType = image->GetPixelType(); itk::ImageIOBase::IOPixelType ioPixelType = image->GetPixelType().GetPixelType(); PyObject* npyArray = nullptr; mitk::ImageReadAccessor racc(image); void* array = (void*) racc.GetData(); mitk::Vector3D xDirection; mitk::Vector3D yDirection; mitk::Vector3D zDirection; const vnl_matrix_fixed<ScalarType, 3, 3> &transform = image->GetGeometry()->GetIndexToWorldTransform()->GetMatrix().GetVnlMatrix(); mitk::Vector3D s = image->GetGeometry()->GetSpacing(); // ToDo: Check if this is a collumn or row vector from the matrix. // right now it works but not sure for rotated geometries mitk::FillVector3D(xDirection, transform[0][0]/s[0], transform[0][1]/s[1], transform[0][2]/s[2]); mitk::FillVector3D(yDirection, transform[1][0]/s[0], transform[1][1]/s[1], transform[1][2]/s[2]); mitk::FillVector3D(zDirection, transform[2][0]/s[0], transform[2][1]/s[1], transform[2][2]/s[2]); // save the total number of elements here (since the numpy array is one dimensional) npy_intp* npy_dims = new npy_intp[1]; npy_dims[0] = imgDim[0]; /** * Build a string in the format [1024,1028,1] * to describe the dimensionality. This is needed for simple itk * to know the dimensions of the image */ QString dimensionString; dimensionString.append(QString("[")); dimensionString.append(QString::number(imgDim[0])); for (unsigned i = 1; i < 3; ++i) // always three because otherwise the 3d-geometry gets destroyed // (relevant for backtransformation of simple itk image to mitk. { dimensionString.append(QString(",")); dimensionString.append(QString::number(imgDim[i])); npy_dims[0] *= imgDim[i]; } dimensionString.append("]"); // the next line is necessary for vectorimages npy_dims[0] *= pixelType.GetNumberOfComponents(); // default pixeltype: unsigned short NPY_TYPES npy_type = NPY_USHORT; std::string sitk_type = "sitkUInt8"; if( ioPixelType == itk::ImageIOBase::SCALAR ) { if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::DOUBLE ) { npy_type = NPY_DOUBLE; sitk_type = "sitkFloat64"; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::FLOAT ) { npy_type = NPY_FLOAT; sitk_type = "sitkFloat32"; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::SHORT) { npy_type = NPY_SHORT; sitk_type = "sitkInt16"; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::CHAR ) { npy_type = NPY_BYTE; sitk_type = "sitkInt8"; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::INT ) { npy_type = NPY_INT; sitk_type = "sitkInt32"; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::LONG ) { npy_type = NPY_LONG; sitk_type = "sitkInt64"; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::UCHAR ) { npy_type = NPY_UBYTE; sitk_type = "sitkUInt8"; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::UINT ) { npy_type = NPY_UINT; sitk_type = "sitkUInt32"; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::ULONG ) { npy_type = NPY_LONG; sitk_type = "sitkUInt64"; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::USHORT ) { npy_type = NPY_USHORT; sitk_type = "sitkUInt16"; } } else if ( ioPixelType == itk::ImageIOBase::VECTOR || ioPixelType == itk::ImageIOBase::RGB || ioPixelType == itk::ImageIOBase::RGBA ) { if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::DOUBLE ) { npy_type = NPY_DOUBLE; sitk_type = "sitkVectorFloat64"; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::FLOAT ) { npy_type = NPY_FLOAT; sitk_type = "sitkVectorFloat32"; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::SHORT) { npy_type = NPY_SHORT; sitk_type = "sitkVectorInt16"; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::CHAR ) { npy_type = NPY_BYTE; sitk_type = "sitkVectorInt8"; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::INT ) { npy_type = NPY_INT; sitk_type = "sitkVectorInt32"; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::LONG ) { npy_type = NPY_LONG; sitk_type = "sitkVectorInt64"; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::UCHAR ) { npy_type = NPY_UBYTE; sitk_type = "sitkVectorUInt8"; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::UINT ) { npy_type = NPY_UINT; sitk_type = "sitkVectorUInt32"; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::ULONG ) { npy_type = NPY_LONG; sitk_type = "sitkVectorUInt64"; } else if( pixelType.GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::USHORT ) { npy_type = NPY_USHORT; sitk_type = "sitkVectorUInt16"; } } else { MITK_WARN << "not a recognized pixeltype"; return false; } // creating numpy array import_array1 (true); npyArray = PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(npy_nd,npy_dims,npy_type,array); // add temp array it to the python dictionary to access it in python code const int status = PyDict_SetItemString( pyDict,QString("%1_numpy_array") .arg(varName).toStdString().c_str(), npyArray ); // sanity check if ( status != 0 ) return false; command.append( QString("%1 = sitk.Image(%2,sitk.%3,%4)\n").arg(varName) .arg(dimensionString) .arg(QString(sitk_type.c_str())).arg(QString::number(pixelType.GetNumberOfComponents())) ); command.append( QString("%1.SetSpacing([%2,%3,%4])\n").arg(varName) .arg(QString::number(spacing[0])) .arg(QString::number(spacing[1])) .arg(QString::number(spacing[2])) ); command.append( QString("%1.SetOrigin([%2,%3,%4])\n").arg(varName) .arg(QString::number(origin[0])) .arg(QString::number(origin[1])) .arg(QString::number(origin[2])) ); command.append( QString("%1.SetDirection([%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%7,%8,%9,%10])\n").arg(varName) .arg(QString::number(xDirection[0])) .arg(QString::number(xDirection[1])) .arg(QString::number(xDirection[2])) .arg(QString::number(yDirection[0])) .arg(QString::number(yDirection[1])) .arg(QString::number(yDirection[2])) .arg(QString::number(zDirection[0])) .arg(QString::number(zDirection[1])) .arg(QString::number(zDirection[2])) ); // directly access the cpp api from the lib command.append( QString("_SimpleITK._SetImageFromArray(%1_numpy_array,%1)\n").arg(varName) ); command.append( QString("del %1_numpy_array").arg(varName) ); MITK_DEBUG("PythonService") << "Issuing python command " << command.toStdString(); this->Execute( command.toStdString(), IPythonService::MULTI_LINE_COMMAND ); return true; }
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { Timer* timer=new Timer("make array"); Partio::ParticlesDataMutable& foo=*Partio::create(); int nParticles=10000000; foo.addParticles(nParticles); Partio::ParticleAttribute position=foo.addAttribute("position",Partio::VECTOR,3); Partio::ParticleAttribute radius=foo.addAttribute("radius",Partio::FLOAT,1); Partio::ParticleAttribute life=foo.addAttribute("life",Partio::FLOAT,2); delete timer; { Timer timer("write data"); for(int i=0;i<nParticles;i++){ float* pos=foo.dataWrite<float>(position,i); float* rad=foo.dataWrite<float>(radius,i); float* lifeVal=foo.dataWrite<float>(life,i); pos[0]=i;pos[1]=2*i;pos[2]=3*i; rad[0]=.1*i; lifeVal[0]=.01*i; lifeVal[1]=1.; //std::cerr<<"writing data "<<pos[0]<<" "<<pos[1]<<" "<<pos[2]<<std::endl; } } int i=0; Partio::ParticlesDataMutable::iterator it=foo.begin(); Partio::ParticleAccessor Xacc(position); it.addAccessor(Xacc); for(;it!=foo.end();++it){ Partio::Data<float,3>&<Partio::Data<float,3> >(it); // Partio::Data<float,3>&<Partio::Data<float,3> >(position); //const Partio::Data<float,1>&<Partio::Data<float,1> >(radius); //const Partio::Data<float,2>&<Partio::Data<float,2> >(life); // std::cerr<<"write guy X="<<X<<std::endl; // " life="<<l<<" radius="<<r<<std::endl; X[1]+=.1*i;// 100.; i++; } std::vector<double> iteratorTimes,handTimes,rawTimes; for(int i=0;i<10;i++){ { Timer timer("Access and sum with iterator"); Partio::ParticlesData& fooc=foo; float sum=0; Partio::ParticlesDataMutable::const_iterator it=fooc.begin(); Partio::ParticleAccessor Xacc(position); Partio::ParticleAccessor racc(radius); Partio::ParticleAccessor lacc(life); it.addAccessor(Xacc); it.addAccessor(racc); it.addAccessor(lacc); for(;it!=fooc.end();++it){ const Partio::Data<float,3>&<Partio::Data<float,3> >(it); const Partio::Data<float,1>&<Partio::Data<float,1> >(it); const Partio::Data<float,2>&<Partio::Data<float,2> >(it); // std::cerr<<"guy X="<<X[0]<<" "<<X[1]<<" "<<X[2]<<" life="<<l<<" radius="<<r<<std::endl; sum+= X[0]+r[0]+l[0]; } std::cerr<<"sum is "<<sum<<std::endl; iteratorTimes.push_back( timer.Stop_Time()); } { Timer timer("Access and sum by hand"); Partio::ParticlesData& fooc=foo; float sum=0; for(uint64_t i=0;i<(uint64_t)fooc.numParticles();i++){ const float*<float>(position,i); const float*<float>(radius,i); const float*<float>(life,i); // std::cerr<<"guy X="<<X[0]<<" "<<X[1]<<" "<<X[2]<<" life="<<l<<" radius="<<r<<std::endl; sum+= X[0]+r[0]+l[0]; } std::cerr<<"sum is "<<sum<<std::endl; handTimes.push_back( timer.Stop_Time()); } // NOTE: this is using direct access and assuming ParticlesSimple (non-interleaved data) // This is not what you should ever do, and is not guaranteed to work under any stretch of the imagination. // I am only doing it here to see what I'm losing in iteration. { Timer timer("Access and sum raw"); std::string fooType=typeid(foo).name(); if(fooType.find("ParticlesSimple")==std::string::npos){ std::cerr<<"You are using the wrong particle type for this test it must be ParticlesSimple"<<std::endl; exit(1); } Partio::ParticlesData& fooc=foo; int nParts=fooc.numParticles(); float sum=0; const float*<float>(position,0); const float*<float>(radius,0); const float*<float>(life,0); for(int i=0;i<nParts;i++){ //std::cout<<i<<std::endl; //sum+= X[0]+X[3]+X[4]; sum+= X[0]+r[0]+l[0]; X+=3; r++; l+=2; } std::cerr<<"sum is "<<sum<<std::endl; rawTimes.push_back( timer.Stop_Time()); } } double avgHand=0,avgIterator=0,raw=0; for(unsigned int i=0;i<handTimes.size();i++){ avgHand+=handTimes[i]; avgIterator+=iteratorTimes[i]; raw+=rawTimes[i]; } avgIterator/=handTimes.size(); avgHand/=handTimes.size(); raw/=handTimes.size(); float megs=nParticles*20./float(1<<20); std::cerr<<megs<<" MB"<<std::endl; std::cerr<<"Iterator "<<avgIterator<<" s "<<megs/avgIterator<<" MB/s"<<std::endl; std::cerr<<"Hand "<<avgHand<<" s "<<megs/avgHand<<" MB/s"<<std::endl; std::cerr<<"Raw "<<raw<<" s "<<megs/raw<<" MB/s"<<std::endl; return 0; }