예제 #1
Generate a random simple polygon inside a rectangle
vert is number of vertices (>= 3)
width, height are dimensions of rectangle
spacing (0 - 1 inclusive) determines random spacing along circle
sharpness (0 - 1 inclusive) determines how spiky polygon will be
Polygon poly_mutator::randSimplePoly(const float spacing, const float sharpness) {
	// get center of poly close to rectangle center with padding from edge
	const int cenX = static_cast<int>((width / 2) + (randNorm() * width / 3));
	const int cenY = static_cast<int>((height / 2) + (randNorm() * height / 3));
	// polygon vertices
	Polygon::Container v;
	Point p;
	// begin generating vertices
	const float radInc = 2 * PI / vertCount;
	float rad = randUni() * 2 * PI;
	for (int vert = 0; vert < vertCount; ++vert, rad += radInc) {
		float radRand = rad + radInc * randNorm() / 2.1 * spacing;
		std::pair<float, float> intPoint = getPos(cenX, cenY, radRand, width, height);
		// vector from center to intersection
		float vx = intPoint.first - static_cast<float>(cenX);
		float vy = intPoint.second - static_cast<float>(cenY);
		// delta from center
		float vMult = randNorm();
		float dx = (vx / 2) * (1.0 + vMult * sharpness);
		float dy = (vy / 2) * (1.0 + vMult * sharpness);
		p.x = static_cast<int>(cenX + dx);
		p.y = static_cast<int>(cenY + dy);
	return Polygon(v);
예제 #2
std::vector<double> directionPerturbation(const std::vector<double> &oVec,
                                     double maxRadius, double pNorm)
    // project on the k-1 simplex
    std::vector<double> newObjVec(oVec);
    toUnitVec(newObjVec, 1.0);

    // calculate the p-distance
    double dist = magnitudeP(oVec, pNorm);

    // perturb within a sphere with r=maxRadius
    double s = 0.0;
    for(int i=0; i<newObjVec.size(); i++) {
        double rd = (randUni() * 2.0 -1.0) * sqrt(maxRadius*maxRadius - s);
        s += pow(rd, 2.0);
        newObjVec[i] += rd;

    // project on the p-norm unit sphere
    toUnitVec(newObjVec, pNorm);

    //scale back
    scale(newObjVec, dist);

    return newObjVec;
예제 #3
void ArrayTest::fill_array( int /*test_case_idx*/, int i, int j, Mat& arr )
    if( i == REF_INPUT_OUTPUT )
        cvtest::copy( test_mat[INPUT_OUTPUT][j], arr, Mat() );
    else if( i == INPUT || i == INPUT_OUTPUT || i == MASK )
        Scalar low, high;

        get_minmax_bounds( i, j, arr.type(), low, high );
        randUni( ts->get_rng(), arr, low, high );