static bool bestSplittingDimension(const vector< vector< nl_vector > > & inputs,
                                   const vector< double> & outputs,
                                   const vector< unsigned int > & indices,
                                   const unsigned int scaleIndex,
                                   const unsigned int minSize,
                                   const rf_rgrsn_tree_parameter & para,
                                   const ff_tree_cost_function & costFunction,
                                   // output
                                   unsigned int & splitDim,
                                   double & splitThreshold,
                                   double & loss,
                                   vector< unsigned int > & leftIndices,
                                   vector< unsigned int > & rightIndices)
    assert(indices.size() >= minSize);
    // randomly generate dimensions that used in split
    unsigned int nDims = (unsigned int)inputs[0][scaleIndex].size();
    vector< unsigned int > randomDimensions( nDims );
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nDims; ++i )
        randomDimensions[i] = i;
    random_shuffle( randomDimensions.begin(), randomDimensions.end());
    unsigned int subDims = sqrt(double(nDims));
    assert( subDims > 0 );
    assert( subDims <= nDims );
    //erase some dimensions, to avoid always pick the same dimenstion every time
    vector< unsigned int > randomSubset( randomDimensions.begin(), randomDimensions.begin() + subDims );
    //loop each dimenstion
    // double minLoss = INT_MAX;
    bool isSplitOk = false;
    for (int i = 0; i<randomSubset.size(); i++) {
        vector<unsigned int> curLeftIndices;
        vector<unsigned int> curRightIndices;
        double curLoss = INT_MAX;
        double threshold = 0.0;
        bool isSplit = bestSplittingInDimenstionWithRandom(inputs, outputs, indices, scaleIndex, randomSubset[i], minSize, para,
                                                           costFunction, curLoss, threshold, curLeftIndices, curRightIndices);
        if (isSplit && curLoss < loss) {
            loss = curLoss;
            leftIndices  = curLeftIndices;
            rightIndices = curRightIndices;
            splitDim = randomSubset[i];
            splitThreshold = threshold;
            isSplitOk = true;
    return isSplitOk;
예제 #2
파일: tree.c 프로젝트: ProfessorX/CIS501
/* Find the best split for node root along with other relevant information */
split_t bestSplit(tree_t* t, node_t* root, dataset_t* d){
    split_t ret;
    int ii,i,j,ex,prev,prevex;
    float posleft,negleft,poszero,negzero,posnonzero,negnonzero;
    float threshold;
    float total = root->pos+root->neg;
    evpair_t* fi;

    ret.feature = -1;
    /* First compute the entropy of the parent */
    ret.gain = -entropy(root->pos/total);
    /* Select random subset of features */
    if(t->committee == RANDOMFOREST)
        randomSubset(t->feats, d->nfeat, t->fpn, t->used);
    for(ii=0; ii<t->fpn; ii++){
        if(d->cont[i]){ /* If the feature is continuous */
            /* Find the first valid example */
            prevex = -1;
            for(j=0; j<d->size[i]; j++){
                ex = fi[j].example;
                    prevex = ex;
            if (prevex<0)
            prev = j;

            /* Calculate the mass allocated to the zero value */
            /* We start with the mass allocated to the nonzero values */
            posnonzero = FLT_EPSILON;
            negnonzero = FLT_EPSILON;
            for(j=prev; j<d->size[i]; j++){
                ex = fi[j].example;
                    posnonzero += d->weight[ex];
                    negnonzero += d->weight[ex];
            /* The mass allocated to the zero value is the rest */
            poszero = max(FLT_EPSILON, root->pos - posnonzero);
            negzero = max(FLT_EPSILON, root->neg - negnonzero);

            /* Initialize counts */
            posleft = FLT_EPSILON;
            negleft = FLT_EPSILON;
            /* Add the mass allocated to zero if the first valid example is > 0 */
            if (fi[prev].value > 0){
                posleft += poszero;
                negleft += negzero;
                /*Also check the split between 0 and value */
                threshold = 0.5*(0 + fi[prev].value);
            for(j=prev+1; j<d->size[i]; j++){
                ex = fi[j].example;
                    posleft += d->weight[prevex];
                    negleft += d->weight[prevex];
                if (fi[prev].value < 0 &&  0 < fi[j].value){
                    threshold = 0.5*(fi[prev].value + 0);
                    /* First check the split between previous value and 0 */
                    posleft += poszero;
                    negleft += negzero;
                    /* Now check the split between 0 and current value */
                    threshold = 0.5*(0 + fi[j].value);
                /* Check the split between the two values if they are different */
                /* The extra condition d->target[ex] != d->target[prevex] is not used because
                 * it's not correct if the examples don't take unique values */
                if(fi[j].value != fi[prev].value){
                    threshold = 0.5*(fi[j].value + fi[prev].value);
                prev = j; 
                prevex = ex;
        else{ /* The feature is binary */
            /* These values are not used in the computation of entropy
             * so they don't need to be smoothed */
            float posright = 0;
            float negright = 0;
            /* Count the number of positive and negative examples that will go to the right */
            for(j=0; j<d->size[i]; j++){
                ex = fi[j].example;
                    posright += d->weight[ex];
                    negright += d->weight[ex];
            /* The ones that will go to the left are the rest */
            posleft = max(FLT_EPSILON, root->pos - posright);
            negleft = max(FLT_EPSILON, root->neg - negright);
    return ret;
예제 #3
	void stepCustom(cliqueTreeType& currentTree, graphType& graph, std::vector<mpfr_class>& exactValues, int nVertices, boost::mt19937& randomSource, working& temp, int edgeLimit)
		boost::random::uniform_int_distribution<> randomVertexDist(0, nVertices-1);
		boost::random::bernoulli_distribution<> standardBernoulli;
		boost::random::uniform_real_distribution<> standardUniform;
		int randomVertex1, randomVertex2;
			randomVertex1 = randomVertexDist(randomSource);
			randomVertex2 = randomVertexDist(randomSource);
		} while(randomVertex1 == randomVertex2);
		std::size_t original_edges = boost::num_edges(graph);
		std::pair<graphType::edge_descriptor, bool> existingEdge = boost::edge(randomVertex1, randomVertex2, graph);

		cliqueTreeAdjacencyMatrix& copied = temp.copied;
		//Here we remove edges
			int cliqueVertex = -1;
			//Can we remove this edge?
			if(currentTree.canRemoveEdge(randomVertex1, randomVertex2, temp.counts1, cliqueVertex))
				//Form tree of removable edge subsets and work out the counts. 
				currentTree.formRemovalTree(temp.stateCounts, copied, randomVertex1, randomVertex2, temp.uniqueSubsets, temp.removalTemporaries);
				//The maximum number of other removable edges, in addition to edge (u, v).  
				int maximumOtherRemovableEdges = 0;
				for(int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++) 
					if(temp.stateCounts[i] == 0) break;
					maximumOtherRemovableEdges = i;
				//The number of edges to actually remove for the proposal. 
				int extraToRemove = 0;
				//Compute probabilities and normalizing constant. 
				double sum1 = 0;
				for(int i = 0; i < maximumOtherRemovableEdges + 1; i++)
					temp.probabilities.push_back(mpfr_class(exactValues[original_edges] / exactValues[original_edges - i - 1]).convert_to<double>());
					sum1 += temp.probabilities.back();
				if(maximumOtherRemovableEdges > 0)
					boost::random::discrete_distribution<> extraNumberToRemoveDist(temp.probabilities.begin(), temp.probabilities.end());
					extraToRemove = extraNumberToRemoveDist(randomSource);
				//The acceptance probability for the Metropolis-Hasting proposal. 
				mpfr_class acceptanceProbability = 0;
				//If we actually only remove a single edge then things are more complicated - There are two ways this can happen, the second way corresponds to swapping randomVertex1 and randomVertex2
				if(extraToRemove == 0)
					//Form tree of removable edge subsets and work out the counts. 
					currentTree.formRemovalTree(temp.stateCounts, copied, randomVertex2, randomVertex1, temp.uniqueSubsets, temp.removalTemporaries);
					int maximumOtherRemovableEdges2 = 0;
					for(int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++)
						if(temp.stateCounts[i] == 0) break;
						maximumOtherRemovableEdges2 = i;
					double sum2 = 0;
					for(int i = 0; i < maximumOtherRemovableEdges2 + 1; i++)
						sum2 += mpfr_class(exactValues[original_edges] / exactValues[original_edges - i - 1]).convert_to<double>();
					acceptanceProbability = 1/(0.5 * (1/sum1 + 1/sum2));
				else acceptanceProbability = sum1 * temp.stateCounts[extraToRemove];
				if(acceptanceProbability >= 1 || standardUniform(randomSource) <= acceptanceProbability.convert_to<double>())
					currentTree.removeEdgeKnownCliqueVertex(randomVertex1, randomVertex2, temp.colourVector, temp.counts2, cliqueVertex);
					boost::remove_edge(randomVertex1, randomVertex2, graph);
					if(extraToRemove != 0)
						boost::random::uniform_int_distribution<> randomSubset(0, temp.stateCounts[extraToRemove] - 1);
						int index = randomSubset(randomSource);
						bitsetType chosenSubset;
						for(std::unordered_set<bitsetType>::iterator i = temp.uniqueSubsets.begin(); i != temp.uniqueSubsets.end(); i++)
							if((int)i->count() == extraToRemove+1)
								if(index == 0)
									chosenSubset = *i;
						//This is 1 rather than 0, because the edge randomVertex1, randomVertex2 is already deleted. 
						while(chosenSubset.count() > 1)
							currentTree.canRemoveEdge(randomVertex1, randomVertex2, temp.counts1, cliqueVertex);
							for(int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++)
								if(chosenSubset[i] && temp.counts1[i] == 1)
									chosenSubset[i] = false;
									currentTree.tryRemoveEdge(randomVertex1, i, temp.colourVector, temp.counts2);
									boost::remove_edge(randomVertex1, i, graph);
		//Here we add edges
			cliqueTreeAdjacencyMatrix& copied2 = temp.copied2;
			bitsetType newEdgesVertex1;
			currentTree.unionMinimalSeparators(randomVertex1, randomVertex2, newEdgesVertex1, temp.vertexSequence, temp.edgeSequence, temp.addEdges, temp.removeEdges, temp.unionMinimalSepTemp);
			int increaseInEdges = 1;
			for(int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++)
				if(newEdgesVertex1[i] && !boost::edge(i, randomVertex1, graph).second) increaseInEdges++;
			if((int)original_edges + increaseInEdges <= edgeLimit)
				mpfr_class acceptanceProbability;
				if(increaseInEdges != 1)
					//Actually add the edges to the copy
					copied.addEdge(randomVertex1, randomVertex2, newEdgesVertex1, temp.vertexSequence, temp.edgeSequence, temp.addEdges, temp.removeEdges, temp.unionMinimalSepTemp, true);
					copied.formRemovalTree(temp.stateCounts, copied2, randomVertex1, randomVertex2, temp.uniqueSubsets, temp.removalTemporaries);
					//Work out how many more edges can be removed from the original
					int otherBackwardsCanRemove = 0;
					for(int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++) 
						if(temp.stateCounts[i] == 0) break;
						otherBackwardsCanRemove = i;

					double sum = 0;
					for(int i = 0; i < otherBackwardsCanRemove + 1; i++)
						sum += mpfr_class(exactValues[original_edges + increaseInEdges] / exactValues[original_edges + increaseInEdges - i - 1]).convert_to<double>();
					acceptanceProbability = 1/(sum * temp.stateCounts[increaseInEdges - 1]);
					//Actually add the edges to the copy
					copied.addEdge(randomVertex1, randomVertex2, newEdgesVertex1, temp.vertexSequence, temp.edgeSequence, temp.addEdges, temp.removeEdges, temp.unionMinimalSepTemp, true);
					//Form removal tree with the vertices the same way round
					copied.formRemovalTree(temp.stateCounts, copied2, randomVertex1, randomVertex2, temp.uniqueSubsets, temp.removalTemporaries);
					//Work out how many more edges can be removed from the original
					int otherBackwardsCanRemove = 0;
					for(int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++) 
						if(temp.stateCounts[i] == 0) break;
						otherBackwardsCanRemove = i;

					double sum1 = 0;
					for(int i = 0; i < otherBackwardsCanRemove + 1; i++)
						sum1 += mpfr_class(exactValues[original_edges + increaseInEdges] / exactValues[original_edges + increaseInEdges - i - 1]).convert_to<double>();
					//Form removal tree with the vertices reversed
					copied.formRemovalTree(temp.stateCounts, copied2, randomVertex2, randomVertex1, temp.uniqueSubsets, temp.removalTemporaries);
					//Work out how many more edges can be removed from the original
					int otherBackwardsCanRemove2 = 0;
					for(int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++) 
						if(temp.stateCounts[i] == 0) break;
						otherBackwardsCanRemove2 = i;

					double sum2 = 0;
					for(int i = 0; i < otherBackwardsCanRemove2 + 1; i++)
						sum2 += mpfr_class(exactValues[original_edges + increaseInEdges] / exactValues[original_edges + increaseInEdges - i - 1]).convert_to<double>();
					acceptanceProbability = 0.5 * (1/sum1 + 1/sum2);
				if (acceptanceProbability >= 1 || standardUniform(randomSource) <= acceptanceProbability.convert_to<double>())
					newEdgesVertex1[randomVertex2] = true;
					for(int i = 0; i < nVertices; i++)
							boost::add_edge(randomVertex1, i, graph);
#ifndef NDEBUG