예제 #1
float MapgenV6::baseTerrainLevel(float terrain_base, float terrain_higher,
	float steepness, float height_select)
	float base   = 1 + terrain_base;
	float higher = 1 + terrain_higher;

	// Limit higher ground level to at least base
	if(higher < base)
		higher = base;

	// Steepness factor of cliffs
	float b = steepness;
	b = rangelim(b, 0.0, 1000.0);
	b = 5 * b * b * b * b * b * b * b;
	b = rangelim(b, 0.5, 1000.0);

	// Values 1.5...100 give quite horrible looking slopes
	if (b > 1.5 && b < 100.0)
		b = (b < 10.0) ? 1.5 : 100.0;

	float a_off = -0.20; // Offset to more low
	float a = 0.5 + b * (a_off + height_select);
	a = rangelim(a, 0.0, 1.0); // Limit

	return base * (1.0 - a) + higher * a;
예제 #2
void CaveFractal::makeCave(v3s16 nmin, v3s16 nmax, int max_stone_height)
	node_min = nmin;
	node_max = nmax;
	main_direction = v3f(0, 0, 0);

	// Allowed route area size in nodes
	ar = node_max - node_min + v3s16(1, 1, 1);
	// Area starting point in nodes
	of = node_min;

	// Allow a bit more
	//(this should be more than the maximum radius of the tunnel)
	s16 insure = 10;
	s16 more = MYMAX(MAP_BLOCKSIZE - max_tunnel_diameter / 2 - insure, 1);
	ar += v3s16(1,0,1) * more * 2;
	of -= v3s16(1,0,1) * more;

	route_y_min = 0;
	// Allow half a diameter + 7 over stone surface
	route_y_max = -of.Y + max_stone_y + max_tunnel_diameter / 2 + 7;

	// Limit maximum to area
	route_y_max = rangelim(route_y_max, 0, ar.Y - 1);

	s16 min = 0;
		if (node_min.Y < water_level && node_max.Y > water_level) {
			min = water_level - max_tunnel_diameter/3 - of.Y;
			route_y_max = water_level + max_tunnel_diameter/3 - of.Y;
	route_y_min = ps->range(min, min + max_tunnel_diameter);
	route_y_min = rangelim(route_y_min, 0, route_y_max);

	s16 route_start_y_min = route_y_min;
	s16 route_start_y_max = route_y_max;

	route_start_y_min = rangelim(route_start_y_min, 0, ar.Y - 1);
	route_start_y_max = rangelim(route_start_y_max, route_start_y_min, ar.Y - 1);

	// Randomize starting position
	orp = v3f(
		(float)(ps->next() % ar.X) + 0.5,
		(float)(ps->range(route_start_y_min, route_start_y_max)) + 0.5,
		(float)(ps->next() % ar.Z) + 0.5

	// Add generation notify begin event
	v3s16 abs_pos(of.X + orp.X, of.Y + orp.Y, of.Z + orp.Z);
	GenNotifyType notifytype = GENNOTIFY_LARGECAVE_BEGIN;
	mg->gennotify.addEvent(notifytype, abs_pos);

	// Generate some tunnel starting from orp
	for (u16 j = 0; j < tunnel_routepoints; j++)
		makeTunnel(j % dswitchint == 0);

	// Add generation notify end event
	abs_pos = v3s16(of.X + orp.X, of.Y + orp.Y, of.Z + orp.Z);
	mg->gennotify.addEvent(notifytype, abs_pos);
예제 #3
// set_eye_offset(self, v3f first pv, v3f third pv)
int ObjectRef::l_set_eye_offset(lua_State *L)
	ObjectRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1);
	RemotePlayer *player = getplayer(ref);
	if (player == NULL)
		return 0;
	// Do it
	v3f offset_first = v3f(0, 0, 0);
	v3f offset_third = v3f(0, 0, 0);

	if (!lua_isnil(L, 2))
		offset_first = read_v3f(L, 2);
	if (!lua_isnil(L, 3))
		offset_third = read_v3f(L, 3);

	// Prevent abuse of offset values (keep player always visible)
	offset_third.X = rangelim(offset_third.X,-10,10);
	offset_third.Z = rangelim(offset_third.Z,-5,5);
	/* TODO: if possible: improve the camera colision detetion to allow Y <= -1.5) */
	offset_third.Y = rangelim(offset_third.Y,-10,15); //1.5*BS

	getServer(L)->setPlayerEyeOffset(player, offset_first, offset_third);
	lua_pushboolean(L, true);
	return 1;
예제 #4
MapgenValleys::MapgenValleys(int mapgenid, MapgenParams *params, EmergeManager *emerge)
	: MapgenBasic(mapgenid, params, emerge)
	// NOTE: MapgenValleys has a hard dependency on BiomeGenOriginal
	this->m_bgen = (BiomeGenOriginal *)biomegen;

	this->map_gen_limit = MYMIN(MAX_MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT,

	MapgenValleysParams *sp = (MapgenValleysParams *)params->sparams;
	BiomeParamsOriginal *bp = (BiomeParamsOriginal *)params->bparams;

	this->spflags            = sp->spflags;
	this->altitude_chill     = sp->altitude_chill;
	this->large_cave_depth   = sp->large_cave_depth;
	this->lava_features_lim  = rangelim(sp->lava_features, 0, 10);
	this->massive_cave_depth = sp->massive_cave_depth;
	this->river_depth_bed    = sp->river_depth + 1.f;
	this->river_size_factor  = sp->river_size / 100.f;
	this->water_features_lim = rangelim(sp->water_features, 0, 10);
	this->cave_width         = sp->cave_width;

	//// 2D Terrain noise
	noise_filler_depth       = new Noise(&sp->np_filler_depth,       seed, csize.X, csize.Z);
	noise_inter_valley_slope = new Noise(&sp->np_inter_valley_slope, seed, csize.X, csize.Z);
	noise_rivers             = new Noise(&sp->np_rivers,             seed, csize.X, csize.Z);
	noise_terrain_height     = new Noise(&sp->np_terrain_height,     seed, csize.X, csize.Z);
	noise_valley_depth       = new Noise(&sp->np_valley_depth,       seed, csize.X, csize.Z);
	noise_valley_profile     = new Noise(&sp->np_valley_profile,     seed, csize.X, csize.Z);

	//// 3D Terrain noise
	// 1-up 1-down overgeneration
	noise_inter_valley_fill = new Noise(&sp->np_inter_valley_fill, seed, csize.X, csize.Y + 2, csize.Z);
	// 1-down overgeneraion
	noise_cave1             = new Noise(&sp->np_cave1,             seed, csize.X, csize.Y + 1, csize.Z);
	noise_cave2             = new Noise(&sp->np_cave2,             seed, csize.X, csize.Y + 1, csize.Z);
	noise_massive_caves     = new Noise(&sp->np_massive_caves,     seed, csize.X, csize.Y + 1, csize.Z);

	this->humid_rivers       = (spflags & MGVALLEYS_HUMID_RIVERS);
	this->use_altitude_chill = (spflags & MGVALLEYS_ALT_CHILL);
	this->humidity_adjust    = bp->np_humidity.offset - 50.f;

	// a small chance of overflows if the settings are very high
	this->cave_water_max_height = water_level + MYMAX(0, water_features_lim - 4) * 50;
	this->lava_max_height       = water_level + MYMAX(0, lava_features_lim - 4) * 50;

	tcave_cache = new float[csize.Y + 2];

	// Resolve content to be used
	c_lava_source = ndef->getId("mapgen_lava_source");
	c_sand        = ndef->getId("mapgen_sand");

	// Fall back to more basic content if not defined
	if (c_sand == CONTENT_IGNORE)
		c_sand = c_stone;
예제 #5
double base_rock_level_2d(u64 seed, v2s16 p)
	// The base ground level
	double base = (double)WATER_LEVEL - (double)AVERAGE_MUD_AMOUNT
			+ 20. * noise2d_perlin(
			0.5+(float)p.X/500., 0.5+(float)p.Y/500.,
			(seed>>32)+654879876, 6, 0.6);

	/*// A bit hillier one
	double base2 = WATER_LEVEL - 4.0 + 40. * noise2d_perlin(
			0.5+(float)p.X/250., 0.5+(float)p.Y/250.,
			(seed>>27)+90340, 6, 0.69);
	if(base2 > base)
		base = base2;*/
#if 1
	// Higher ground level
	double higher = (double)WATER_LEVEL + 25. + 35. * noise2d_perlin(
			0.5+(float)p.X/250., 0.5+(float)p.Y/250.,
			seed+85039, 5, 0.69);
	//higher = 30; // For debugging

	// Limit higher to at least base
	if(higher < base)
		higher = base;

	// Steepness factor of cliffs
	double b = 1.0 + 1.0 * noise2d_perlin(
			0.5+(float)p.X/250., 0.5+(float)p.Y/250.,
			seed-932, 7, 0.7);
	b = rangelim(b, 0.0, 1000.0);
	b = pow(b, 5);
	b *= 7;
	b = rangelim(b, 3.0, 1000.0);
	//double b = 20;

	// Offset to more low
	double a_off = -0.2;
	// High/low selector
	/*double a = 0.5 + b * (a_off + noise2d_perlin(
			0.5+(float)p.X/500., 0.5+(float)p.Y/500.,
			seed-359, 6, 0.7));*/
	double a = (double)0.5 + b * (a_off + noise2d_perlin(
			0.5+(float)p.X/250., 0.5+(float)p.Y/250.,
			seed-359, 5, 0.60));
	// Limit
	a = rangelim(a, 0.0, 1.0);


	double h = base*(1.0-a) + higher*a;
	double h = base;
	return h;
예제 #6
void CaveV6::makeCave(v3s16 nmin, v3s16 nmax, int max_stone_height) {
	node_min = nmin;
	node_max = nmax;
	max_stone_y = max_stone_height;
	main_direction = v3f(0, 0, 0);

	// Allowed route area size in nodes
	ar = node_max - node_min + v3s16(1, 1, 1);
	// Area starting point in nodes
	of = node_min;

	// Allow a bit more
	//(this should be more than the maximum radius of the tunnel)
	const s16 max_spread_amount = MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
	s16 insure = 10;
	s16 more = MYMAX(max_spread_amount - max_tunnel_diameter / 2 - insure, 1);
	ar += v3s16(1,0,1) * more * 2;
	of -= v3s16(1,0,1) * more;

	route_y_min = 0;
	// Allow half a diameter + 7 over stone surface
	route_y_max = -of.Y + max_stone_y + max_tunnel_diameter / 2 + 7;

	// Limit maximum to area
	route_y_max = rangelim(route_y_max, 0, ar.Y - 1);

	if (large_cave) {
		s16 min = 0;
		if (node_min.Y < water_level && node_max.Y > water_level) {
			min = water_level - max_tunnel_diameter/3 - of.Y;
			route_y_max = water_level + max_tunnel_diameter/3 - of.Y;
		route_y_min = ps->range(min, min + max_tunnel_diameter);
		route_y_min = rangelim(route_y_min, 0, route_y_max);

	s16 route_start_y_min = route_y_min;
	s16 route_start_y_max = route_y_max;

	route_start_y_min = rangelim(route_start_y_min, 0, ar.Y-1);
	route_start_y_max = rangelim(route_start_y_max, route_start_y_min, ar.Y-1);

	// Randomize starting position
	orp = v3f(
		(float)(ps->next() % ar.X) + 0.5,
		(float)(ps->range(route_start_y_min, route_start_y_max)) + 0.5,
		(float)(ps->next() % ar.Z) + 0.5

	// Generate some tunnel starting from orp
	for (u16 j = 0; j < tunnel_routepoints; j++)
		makeTunnel(j % dswitchint == 0);
예제 #7
MeshUpdateThread::MeshUpdateThread(Client *client):
	m_generation_interval = g_settings->getU16("mesh_generation_interval");
	m_generation_interval = rangelim(m_generation_interval, 0, 50);
예제 #8
	void doFades(float dtime)
		m_fade_delay += dtime;

		if (m_fade_delay < 0.1f)

		float chkGain = 0;
		for (std::unordered_map<int, FadeState>::iterator i = m_sounds_fading.begin();
				i != m_sounds_fading.end();) {
			if (i->second.step < 0.f)
				chkGain = -(i->second.current_gain);
				chkGain = i->second.current_gain;

			if (chkGain < i->second.target_gain) {
				i->second.current_gain += (i->second.step * m_fade_delay);
				i->second.current_gain = rangelim(i->second.current_gain, 0, 1);

				updateSoundGain(i->first, i->second.current_gain);
			} else {
				if (i->second.target_gain <= 0.f)

		m_fade_delay = 0;
예제 #9
bool MapgenV7::getMountainTerrainAtPoint(int x, int y, int z) {
	float mnt_h_n = NoisePerlin2D(&noise_mount_height->np, x, z, seed);
	float height_modifier = -((float)y / rangelim(mnt_h_n, 80.0, 150.0));
	float mnt_n = NoisePerlin3D(&noise_mountain->np, x, y, z, seed);

	return mnt_n + height_modifier >= 0.6;
예제 #10
void MapgenV7::calculateNoise()
	//TimeTaker t("calculateNoise", NULL, PRECISION_MICRO);
	int x = node_min.X;
	int y = node_min.Y;
	int z = node_min.Z;

	noise_height_select->perlinMap2D(x, z);
	noise_terrain_persist->perlinMap2D(x, z);
	float *persistmap = noise_terrain_persist->result;
	for (int i = 0; i != csize.X * csize.Z; i++)
		persistmap[i] = rangelim(persistmap[i], 0.4, 0.9);

	noise_terrain_base->perlinMap2D(x, z, persistmap);
	noise_terrain_alt->perlinMap2D(x, z, persistmap);
	noise_filler_depth->perlinMap2D(x, z);

	if (spflags & MGV7_MOUNTAINS) {
		noise_mountain->perlinMap3D(x, y, z);
		noise_mount_height->perlinMap2D(x, z);

	if (spflags & MGV7_RIDGES) {
		noise_ridge->perlinMap3D(x, y, z);
		noise_ridge_uwater->perlinMap2D(x, z);

	noise_heat->perlinMap2D(x, z);
	noise_humidity->perlinMap2D(x, z);

	//printf("calculateNoise: %dus\n", t.stop());
예제 #11
//needs to be updated
float MapgenV7::baseTerrainLevelAtPoint(int x, int z) {
	float hselect = NoisePerlin2D(&noise_height_select->np, x, z, seed);
	hselect = rangelim(hselect, 0.0, 1.0);

	float persist = NoisePerlin2D(&noise_terrain_persist->np, x, z, seed);
	persist = rangelim(persist, 0.4, 0.9);

	noise_terrain_base->np.persist = persist;
	float height_base = NoisePerlin2D(&noise_terrain_base->np, x, z, seed);

	noise_terrain_alt->np.persist = persist;
	float height_alt = NoisePerlin2D(&noise_terrain_alt->np, x, z, seed);

	if (height_alt > height_base)
		return height_alt;

	return (height_base * hselect) + (height_alt * (1.0 - hselect));
예제 #12
float MapgenV7::baseTerrainLevelFromMap(int index) {
	float hselect     = rangelim(noise_height_select->result[index], 0.0, 1.0);
	float height_base = noise_terrain_base->result[index];
	float height_alt  = noise_terrain_alt->result[index];

	if (height_alt > height_base)
		return height_alt;

	return (height_base * hselect) + (height_alt * (1.0 - hselect));
예제 #13
파일: camera.cpp 프로젝트: EXio4/minetest
void Camera::updateViewingRange()
	f32 viewing_range = g_settings->getFloat("viewing_range");
	f32 near_plane = g_settings->getFloat("near_plane");
	m_draw_control.wanted_range = viewing_range;
	m_cameranode->setNearValue(rangelim(near_plane, 0.0f, 0.5f) * BS);
	if (m_draw_control.range_all) {
	m_cameranode->setFarValue((viewing_range < 2000) ? 2000 * BS : viewing_range * BS);
예제 #14
/** Initialize or update the light value tables using the specified \p gamma.
 *  If \p gamma == 1.0 then the light table is linear.  Typically values for
 *  gamma range between 1.8 and 2.2.
 *  @note The value for gamma will be restricted to the range 1.1 <= gamma <= 3.0.
 *  @note This function is not, currently, a simple linear to gamma encoding
 *        because adjustments are made so that a gamma of 1.8 gives the same
 *        results as those hardcoded for use by the server.
void set_light_table(float gamma)
	static const float brightness_step = 255.0f / (LIGHT_MAX + 1);

	/* These are adjustment values that are added to the calculated light value
	 * after gamma is applied.  Currently they are used so that given a gamma
	 * of 1.8 the light values set by this function are the same as those
	 * hardcoded in the initalizer list for the declaration of light_LUT.
	static const int adjustments[LIGHT_MAX + 1] = {

	gamma = rangelim(gamma, 1.0, 3.0);

	float brightness = brightness_step;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < LIGHT_MAX; i++) {
		light_LUT[i] = (u8)(255 * powf(brightness / 255.0f,  gamma));
		light_LUT[i] = rangelim(light_LUT[i] + adjustments[i], 0, 255);
		if (i > 1 && light_LUT[i] < light_LUT[i-1])
			light_LUT[i] = light_LUT[i-1] + 1;
		brightness += brightness_step;
	light_LUT[LIGHT_MAX] = 255;
예제 #15
// This keeps us from having to maintain two similar sets of
//  complicated code to determine ground level.
float MapgenValleys::terrainLevelFromNoise(TerrainNoise *tn)
	// The square function changes the behaviour of this noise:
	//  very often small, and sometimes very high.
	float valley_d = MYSQUARE(*tn->valley);

	// valley_d is here because terrain is generally higher where valleys
	//  are deep (mountains). base represents the height of the
	//  rivers, most of the surface is above.
	float base = tn->terrain_height + valley_d;

	// "river" represents the distance from the river, in arbitrary units.
	float river = fabs(*tn->rivers) - river_size_factor;

	// Use the curve of the function 1-exp(-(x/a)^2) to model valleys.
	//  Making "a" vary (0 < a <= 1) changes the shape of the valleys.
	//  Try it with a geometry software !
	//   (here x = "river" and a = valley_profile).
	//  "valley" represents the height of the terrain, from the rivers.
		float t = river / tn->valley_profile;
		*tn->valley = valley_d * (1.f - exp(- MYSQUARE(t)));

	// approximate height of the terrain at this point
	float mount = base + *tn->valley;

	*tn->slope *= *tn->valley;

	// Rivers are placed where "river" is negative, so where the original
	//  noise value is close to zero.
	// Base ground is returned as rivers since it's basically the water table.
	*tn->rivers = base;
	if (river < 0.f) {
		// Use the the function -sqrt(1-x^2) which models a circle.
		float depth;
			float t = river / river_size_factor + 1;
			depth = (river_depth_bed * sqrt(MYMAX(0, 1.f - MYSQUARE(t))));

		// base - depth : height of the bottom of the river
		// water_level - 6 : don't make rivers below 6 nodes under the surface
		mount = rangelim(base - depth, (float) (water_level - 6), mount);

		// Slope has no influence on rivers.
		*tn->slope = 0.f;

	return mount;
예제 #16
파일: biome.cpp 프로젝트: BpTsTG/minetest
s16 BiomeDefManager::calcBlockHumidity(v3s16 p, u64 seed, float timeofday, float totaltime) {

	f32 humidity = NoisePerlin2D(np_humidity, p.X, p.Z, seed);

	f32 seasonv = totaltime;
	seasonv /= 86400 * 2; // bad weather change speed (2 days)
	seasonv += (f32)p.Z / 300;
	humidity += 30 * sin(seasonv * M_PI);

	humidity += -12 * (sin(cycle_shift(timeofday, -0.1) * M_PI) - 0.5);
	humidity = rangelim(humidity, 0, 100);
	return humidity;
예제 #17
파일: tool.cpp 프로젝트: 0gb-us/minetest
HitParams getHitParams(const ItemGroupList &armor_groups,
		const ToolCapabilities *tp, float time_from_last_punch)
	s16 damage = 0;
	float full_punch_interval = tp->full_punch_interval;

	for(std::map<std::string, s16>::const_iterator
			i = tp->damageGroups.begin(); i != tp->damageGroups.end(); i++){
		s16 armor = itemgroup_get(armor_groups, i->first);
		damage += i->second * rangelim(time_from_last_punch * full_punch_interval, 0.0, 1.0)
				* armor / 100.0;

	return HitParams(damage, 0);
예제 #18
s16 BiomeManager::calcBlockHumidity(v3POS p, uint64_t seed, float timeofday, float totaltime, bool use_weather) {

	auto humidity = NoisePerlin2D(&(mapgen_params->np_biome_humidity), p.X, p.Z, seed);
	humidity *= 1.0 - ((float)p.Y / MAX_MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT);

	if (use_weather) {
		f32 seasonv = totaltime;
		seasonv /= 86400 * weather_humidity_days; // bad weather change speed (2 days)
		seasonv += (f32)p.Z / weather_humidity_width;
		humidity += weather_humidity_season * sin(seasonv * M_PI);
		humidity += weather_humidity_daily * (sin(cycle_shift(timeofday, -0.1) * M_PI) - 0.5);

	humidity = rangelim(humidity, 0, 100);

	return humidity;
예제 #19
Hud::Hud(video::IVideoDriver *driver, scene::ISceneManager* smgr,
		gui::IGUIEnvironment* guienv, gui::IGUIFont *font,
		u32 text_height, IGameDef *gamedef,
		LocalPlayer *player, Inventory *inventory) {
	this->driver      = driver;
	this->smgr        = smgr;
	this->guienv      = guienv;
	this->font        = font;
	this->text_height = text_height;
	this->gamedef     = gamedef;
	this->player      = player;
	this->inventory   = inventory;

	m_screensize       = v2u32(0, 0);
	m_displaycenter    = v2s32(0, 0);
	m_hotbar_imagesize = floor(HOTBAR_IMAGE_SIZE * porting::getDisplayDensity() + 0.5);
	m_padding = m_hotbar_imagesize / 12;

	const video::SColor hbar_color(255, 255, 255, 255);
	for (unsigned int i=0; i < 4; i++ ){
		hbar_colors[i] = hbar_color;
	tsrc = gamedef->getTextureSource();
	v3f crosshair_color = g_settings->getV3F("crosshair_color");
	u32 cross_r = rangelim(myround(crosshair_color.X), 0, 255);
	u32 cross_g = rangelim(myround(crosshair_color.Y), 0, 255);
	u32 cross_b = rangelim(myround(crosshair_color.Z), 0, 255);
	u32 cross_a = rangelim(g_settings->getS32("crosshair_alpha"), 0, 255);
	crosshair_argb = video::SColor(cross_a, cross_r, cross_g, cross_b);
	v3f selectionbox_color = g_settings->getV3F("selectionbox_color");
	u32 sbox_r = rangelim(myround(selectionbox_color.X), 0, 255);
	u32 sbox_g = rangelim(myround(selectionbox_color.Y), 0, 255);
	u32 sbox_b = rangelim(myround(selectionbox_color.Z), 0, 255);
	selectionbox_argb = video::SColor(255, sbox_r, sbox_g, sbox_b);
	use_crosshair_image = tsrc->isKnownSourceImage("crosshair.png");

	hotbar_image = "";
	use_hotbar_image = false;
	hotbar_selected_image = "";
	use_hotbar_selected_image = false;
예제 #20
파일: hud.cpp 프로젝트: Nate-Devv/freeminer
Hud::Hud(video::IVideoDriver *driver, scene::ISceneManager* smgr,
		gui::IGUIEnvironment* guienv, gui::IGUIFont *font,
		u32 text_height, IGameDef *gamedef,
		LocalPlayer *player, Inventory *inventory) {
	this->driver      = driver;
	this->smgr        = smgr;
	this->guienv      = guienv;
	this->font        = font;
	this->text_height = text_height;
	this->gamedef     = gamedef;
	this->player      = player;
	this->inventory   = inventory;
	screensize       = v2u32(0, 0);
	displaycenter    = v2s32(0, 0);
	hotbar_imagesize = 48;
	tsrc = gamedef->getTextureSource();
	v3f crosshair_color = g_settings->getV3F("crosshair_color");
	u32 cross_r = rangelim(myround(crosshair_color.X), 0, 255);
	u32 cross_g = rangelim(myround(crosshair_color.Y), 0, 255);
	u32 cross_b = rangelim(myround(crosshair_color.Z), 0, 255);
	u32 cross_a = rangelim(g_settings->getS32("crosshair_alpha"), 0, 255);
	crosshair_argb = video::SColor(cross_a, cross_r, cross_g, cross_b);
	v3f selectionbox_color = g_settings->getV3F("selectionbox_color");
	u32 sbox_r = rangelim(myround(selectionbox_color.X), 0, 255);
	u32 sbox_g = rangelim(myround(selectionbox_color.Y), 0, 255);
	u32 sbox_b = rangelim(myround(selectionbox_color.Z), 0, 255);
	selectionbox_argb = video::SColor(255, sbox_r, sbox_g, sbox_b);
	use_crosshair_image = tsrc->isKnownSourceImage("crosshair.png");

	hotbar_image = "";
	use_hotbar_image = false;
	hotbar_selected_image = "";
	use_hotbar_selected_image = false;
예제 #21
void LocalPlayer::move(f32 dtime, Map &map, f32 pos_max_d,
		core::list<CollisionInfo> *collision_info)
	v3f position = getPosition();
	v3f oldpos = position;
	v3s16 oldpos_i = floatToInt(oldpos, BS);

	v3f old_speed = m_speed;


		Calculate new position
	position += m_speed * dtime;
	// Skip collision detection if a special movement mode is used
	bool free_move = g_settings->getBool("free_move");

		Collision detection
	// Player position in nodes
	v3s16 pos_i = floatToInt(position, BS);
		Check if player is in water (the oscillating value)
		// If in water, the threshold of coming out is at higher y
			v3s16 pp = floatToInt(position + v3f(0,BS*0.1,0), BS);
			in_water = content_liquid(map.getNode(pp).getContent());
		// If not in water, the threshold of going in is at lower y
			v3s16 pp = floatToInt(position + v3f(0,BS*0.5,0), BS);
			in_water = content_liquid(map.getNode(pp).getContent());
	catch(InvalidPositionException &e)
		in_water = false;

		Check if player is in water (the stable value)
		v3s16 pp = floatToInt(position + v3f(0,0,0), BS);
		in_water_stable = content_liquid(map.getNode(pp).getContent());
	catch(InvalidPositionException &e)
		in_water_stable = false;

	        Check if player is climbing

	try {
	        v3s16 pp = floatToInt(position + v3f(0,0.5*BS,0), BS);
		v3s16 pp2 = floatToInt(position + v3f(0,-0.2*BS,0), BS);
		is_climbing = ((content_features(map.getNode(pp).getContent()).climbable ||
				content_features(map.getNode(pp2).getContent()).climbable) && !free_move);
	catch(InvalidPositionException &e)
	        is_climbing = false;

		Collision uncertainty radius
		Make it a bit larger than the maximum distance of movement
	//f32 d = pos_max_d * 1.1;
	// A fairly large value in here makes moving smoother
	f32 d = 0.15*BS;

	// This should always apply, otherwise there are glitches
	assert(d > pos_max_d);

	float player_radius = BS*0.35;
	float player_height = BS*1.7;
	// Maximum distance over border for sneaking
	f32 sneak_max = BS*0.4;

		If sneaking, player has larger collision radius to keep from
		player_radius = sneak_max + d*1.1;*/
		If sneaking, keep in range from the last walked node and don't
		fall off from it
	if(control.sneak && m_sneak_node_exists)
		f32 maxd = 0.5*BS + sneak_max;
		v3f lwn_f = intToFloat(m_sneak_node, BS);
		position.X = rangelim(position.X, lwn_f.X-maxd, lwn_f.X+maxd);
		position.Z = rangelim(position.Z, lwn_f.Z-maxd, lwn_f.Z+maxd);
		f32 min_y = lwn_f.Y + 0.5*BS;
		if(position.Y < min_y)
			position.Y = min_y;

			//v3f old_speed = m_speed;

			if(m_speed.Y < 0)
				m_speed.Y = 0;

				// Report fall collision
				if(old_speed.Y < m_speed.Y - 0.1)
					CollisionInfo info;
					info.t = COLLISION_FALL;
					info.speed = m_speed.Y - old_speed.Y;

		Calculate player collision box (new and old)
	core::aabbox3d<f32> playerbox(
		position.X - player_radius,
		position.Y - 0.0,
		position.Z - player_radius,
		position.X + player_radius,
		position.Y + player_height,
		position.Z + player_radius
	core::aabbox3d<f32> playerbox_old(
		oldpos.X - player_radius,
		oldpos.Y - 0.0,
		oldpos.Z - player_radius,
		oldpos.X + player_radius,
		oldpos.Y + player_height,
		oldpos.Z + player_radius

		If the player's feet touch the topside of any node, this is
		set to true.

		Player is allowed to jump when this is true.
	touching_ground = false;

	/*std::cout<<"Checking collisions for ("
			<<") -> ("
	bool standing_on_unloaded = false;
		Go through every node around the player
	for(s16 y = oldpos_i.Y - 1; y <= oldpos_i.Y + 2; y++)
	for(s16 z = oldpos_i.Z - 1; z <= oldpos_i.Z + 1; z++)
	for(s16 x = oldpos_i.X - 1; x <= oldpos_i.X + 1; x++)
		bool is_unloaded = false;
			// Player collides into walkable nodes
			if(content_walkable(map.getNode(v3s16(x,y,z)).getContent()) == false)
		catch(InvalidPositionException &e)
			is_unloaded = true;
			// Doing nothing here will block the player from
			// walking over map borders

		core::aabbox3d<f32> nodebox = getNodeBox(v3s16(x,y,z), BS);
			See if the player is touching ground.

			Player touches ground if player's minimum Y is near node's
			maximum Y and player's X-Z-area overlaps with the node's

			Use 0.15*BS so that it is easier to get on a node.
				//fabs(nodebox.MaxEdge.Y-playerbox.MinEdge.Y) < d
				fabs(nodebox.MaxEdge.Y-playerbox.MinEdge.Y) < 0.15*BS
				&& nodebox.MaxEdge.X-d > playerbox.MinEdge.X
				&& nodebox.MinEdge.X+d < playerbox.MaxEdge.X
				&& nodebox.MaxEdge.Z-d > playerbox.MinEdge.Z
				&& nodebox.MinEdge.Z+d < playerbox.MaxEdge.Z
			touching_ground = true;
				standing_on_unloaded = true;
		// If player doesn't intersect with node, ignore node.
		if(playerbox.intersectsWithBox(nodebox) == false)
			Go through every axis
		v3f dirs[3] = {
			v3f(0,0,1), // back-front
			v3f(0,1,0), // top-bottom
			v3f(1,0,0), // right-left
		for(u16 i=0; i<3; i++)
				Calculate values along the axis
			f32 nodemax = nodebox.MaxEdge.dotProduct(dirs[i]);
			f32 nodemin = nodebox.MinEdge.dotProduct(dirs[i]);
			f32 playermax = playerbox.MaxEdge.dotProduct(dirs[i]);
			f32 playermin = playerbox.MinEdge.dotProduct(dirs[i]);
			f32 playermax_old = playerbox_old.MaxEdge.dotProduct(dirs[i]);
			f32 playermin_old = playerbox_old.MinEdge.dotProduct(dirs[i]);
				Check collision for the axis.
				Collision happens when player is going through a surface.
			/*f32 neg_d = d;
			f32 pos_d = d;
			// Make it easier to get on top of a node
			if(i == 1)
				neg_d = 0.15*BS;
			bool negative_axis_collides =
				(nodemax > playermin && nodemax <= playermin_old + neg_d
					&& m_speed.dotProduct(dirs[i]) < 0);
			bool positive_axis_collides =
				(nodemin < playermax && nodemin >= playermax_old - pos_d
					&& m_speed.dotProduct(dirs[i]) > 0);*/
			bool negative_axis_collides =
				(nodemax > playermin && nodemax <= playermin_old + d
					&& m_speed.dotProduct(dirs[i]) < 0);
			bool positive_axis_collides =
				(nodemin < playermax && nodemin >= playermax_old - d
					&& m_speed.dotProduct(dirs[i]) > 0);
			bool main_axis_collides =
					negative_axis_collides || positive_axis_collides;
				Check overlap of player and node in other axes
			bool other_axes_overlap = true;
			for(u16 j=0; j<3; j++)
				if(j == i)
				f32 nodemax = nodebox.MaxEdge.dotProduct(dirs[j]);
				f32 nodemin = nodebox.MinEdge.dotProduct(dirs[j]);
				f32 playermax = playerbox.MaxEdge.dotProduct(dirs[j]);
				f32 playermin = playerbox.MinEdge.dotProduct(dirs[j]);
				if(!(nodemax - d > playermin && nodemin + d < playermax))
					other_axes_overlap = false;
				If this is a collision, revert the position in the main
			if(other_axes_overlap && main_axis_collides)
				//v3f old_speed = m_speed;

				m_speed -= m_speed.dotProduct(dirs[i]) * dirs[i];
				position -= position.dotProduct(dirs[i]) * dirs[i];
				position += oldpos.dotProduct(dirs[i]) * dirs[i];
					// Report fall collision
					if(old_speed.Y < m_speed.Y - 0.1)
						CollisionInfo info;
						info.t = COLLISION_FALL;
						info.speed = m_speed.Y - old_speed.Y;
	} // xyz

		Check the nodes under the player to see from which node the
		player is sneaking from, if any.
		v3s16 pos_i_bottom = floatToInt(position - v3f(0,BS/2,0), BS);
		v2f player_p2df(position.X, position.Z);
		f32 min_distance_f = 100000.0*BS;
		// If already seeking from some node, compare to it.
			v3f sneaknode_pf = intToFloat(m_sneak_node, BS);
			v2f sneaknode_p2df(sneaknode_pf.X, sneaknode_pf.Z);
			f32 d_horiz_f = player_p2df.getDistanceFrom(sneaknode_p2df);
			f32 d_vert_f = fabs(sneaknode_pf.Y + BS*0.5 - position.Y);
			// Ignore if player is not on the same level (likely dropped)
			if(d_vert_f < 0.15*BS)
				min_distance_f = d_horiz_f;
		v3s16 new_sneak_node = m_sneak_node;
		for(s16 x=-1; x<=1; x++)
		for(s16 z=-1; z<=1; z++)
			v3s16 p = pos_i_bottom + v3s16(x,0,z);
			v3f pf = intToFloat(p, BS);
			v2f node_p2df(pf.X, pf.Z);
			f32 distance_f = player_p2df.getDistanceFrom(node_p2df);
			f32 max_axis_distance_f = MYMAX(
			if(distance_f > min_distance_f ||
					max_axis_distance_f > 0.5*BS + sneak_max + 0.1*BS)

				// The node to be sneaked on has to be walkable
				if(content_walkable(map.getNode(p).getContent()) == false)
				// And the node above it has to be nonwalkable
				if(content_walkable(map.getNode(p+v3s16(0,1,0)).getContent()) == true)
			catch(InvalidPositionException &e)

			min_distance_f = distance_f;
			new_sneak_node = p;
		bool sneak_node_found = (min_distance_f < 100000.0*BS*0.9);
		if(control.sneak && m_sneak_node_exists)
				m_sneak_node = new_sneak_node;
			m_sneak_node = new_sneak_node;
			m_sneak_node_exists = sneak_node_found;

			If sneaking, the player's collision box can be in air, so
			this has to be set explicitly
		if(sneak_node_found && control.sneak)
			touching_ground = true;
		Set new position
		Report collisions
		// Report fall collision
		if(old_speed.Y < m_speed.Y - 0.1 && !standing_on_unloaded)
			CollisionInfo info;
			info.t = COLLISION_FALL;
			info.speed = m_speed.Y - old_speed.Y;
예제 #22
collisionMoveResult collisionMoveSimple(Environment *env, IGameDef *gamedef,
		f32 pos_max_d, const aabb3f &box_0,
		f32 stepheight, f32 dtime,
		v3f *pos_f, v3f *speed_f,
		v3f accel_f, ActiveObject *self,
		bool collideWithObjects)
	static bool time_notification_done = false;
	Map *map = &env->getMap();
	//TimeTaker tt("collisionMoveSimple");
	ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "collisionMoveSimple avg", SPT_AVG);

	collisionMoveResult result;

		Calculate new velocity
	if (dtime > 1) {
		if (!time_notification_done) {
			time_notification_done = true;
			infostream << "collisionMoveSimple: maximum step interval exceeded,"
					" lost movement details!"<<std::endl;
		dtime = 1;
	} else {
		time_notification_done = false;
	*speed_f += accel_f * dtime;

	// If there is no speed, there are no collisions
	if (speed_f->getLength() == 0)
		return result;

	// Limit speed for avoiding hangs
	speed_f->Y = rangelim(speed_f->Y, -1000, 1000);
	speed_f->X = rangelim(speed_f->X, -1000, 1000);
	speed_f->Z = rangelim(speed_f->Z, -1000, 1000);

		Collect node boxes in movement range
	std::vector<aabb3f> cboxes;
	std::vector<bool> is_unloaded;
	std::vector<bool> is_step_up;
	std::vector<bool> is_object;
	std::vector<int> bouncy_values;
	std::vector<v3s16> node_positions;
	//TimeTaker tt2("collisionMoveSimple collect boxes");
	ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "collisionMoveSimple collect boxes avg", SPT_AVG);

	v3s16 oldpos_i = floatToInt(*pos_f, BS);
	v3s16 newpos_i = floatToInt(*pos_f + *speed_f * dtime, BS);
	s16 min_x = MYMIN(oldpos_i.X, newpos_i.X) + (box_0.MinEdge.X / BS) - 1;
	s16 min_y = MYMIN(oldpos_i.Y, newpos_i.Y) + (box_0.MinEdge.Y / BS) - 1;
	s16 min_z = MYMIN(oldpos_i.Z, newpos_i.Z) + (box_0.MinEdge.Z / BS) - 1;
	s16 max_x = MYMAX(oldpos_i.X, newpos_i.X) + (box_0.MaxEdge.X / BS) + 1;
	s16 max_y = MYMAX(oldpos_i.Y, newpos_i.Y) + (box_0.MaxEdge.Y / BS) + 1;
	s16 max_z = MYMAX(oldpos_i.Z, newpos_i.Z) + (box_0.MaxEdge.Z / BS) + 1;

	bool any_position_valid = false;

	for(s16 x = min_x; x <= max_x; x++)
	for(s16 y = min_y; y <= max_y; y++)
	for(s16 z = min_z; z <= max_z; z++)
		v3s16 p(x,y,z);

		bool is_position_valid;
		MapNode n = map->getNodeNoEx(p, &is_position_valid);

		if (is_position_valid) {
			// Object collides into walkable nodes

			any_position_valid = true;
			INodeDefManager *nodedef = gamedef->getNodeDefManager();
			const ContentFeatures &f = nodedef->get(n);
			if(f.walkable == false)
			int n_bouncy_value = itemgroup_get(f.groups, "bouncy");

			int neighbors = 0;
			if (f.drawtype == NDT_NODEBOX && f.node_box.type == NODEBOX_CONNECTED) {
				v3s16 p2 = p;

				getNeighborConnectingFace(p2, nodedef, map, n, 1, &neighbors);

				p2 = p;
				getNeighborConnectingFace(p2, nodedef, map, n, 2, &neighbors);

				p2 = p;
				getNeighborConnectingFace(p2, nodedef, map, n, 4, &neighbors);

				p2 = p;
				getNeighborConnectingFace(p2, nodedef, map, n, 8, &neighbors);

				p2 = p;
				getNeighborConnectingFace(p2, nodedef, map, n, 16, &neighbors);

				p2 = p;
				getNeighborConnectingFace(p2, nodedef, map, n, 32, &neighbors);
			std::vector<aabb3f> nodeboxes;
			n.getCollisionBoxes(gamedef->ndef(), &nodeboxes, neighbors);
					i = nodeboxes.begin();
					i != nodeboxes.end(); ++i)
				aabb3f box = *i;
				box.MinEdge += v3f(x, y, z)*BS;
				box.MaxEdge += v3f(x, y, z)*BS;
		else {
			// Collide with unloaded nodes
			aabb3f box = getNodeBox(p, BS);

	// Do not move if world has not loaded yet, since custom node boxes
	// are not available for collision detection.
	if (!any_position_valid) {
		*speed_f = v3f(0, 0, 0);
		return result;

	} // tt2

		//ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "collisionMoveSimple objects avg", SPT_AVG);
		//TimeTaker tt3("collisionMoveSimple collect object boxes");

		/* add object boxes to cboxes */

		std::vector<ActiveObject*> objects;
#ifndef SERVER
		ClientEnvironment *c_env = dynamic_cast<ClientEnvironment*>(env);
		if (c_env != 0) {
			f32 distance = speed_f->getLength();
			std::vector<DistanceSortedActiveObject> clientobjects;
			c_env->getActiveObjects(*pos_f, distance * 1.5, clientobjects);
			for (size_t i=0; i < clientobjects.size(); i++) {
				if ((self == 0) || (self != clientobjects[i].obj)) {
			ServerEnvironment *s_env = dynamic_cast<ServerEnvironment*>(env);
			if (s_env != 0) {
				f32 distance = speed_f->getLength();
				std::vector<u16> s_objects;
				s_env->getObjectsInsideRadius(s_objects, *pos_f, distance * 1.5);
				for (std::vector<u16>::iterator iter = s_objects.begin(); iter != s_objects.end(); ++iter) {
					ServerActiveObject *current = s_env->getActiveObject(*iter);
					if ((self == 0) || (self != current)) {

		for (std::vector<ActiveObject*>::const_iterator iter = objects.begin();
				iter != objects.end(); ++iter) {
			ActiveObject *object = *iter;

			if (object != NULL) {
				aabb3f object_collisionbox;
				if (object->getCollisionBox(&object_collisionbox) &&
						object->collideWithObjects()) {
	} //tt3

	assert(cboxes.size() == is_unloaded.size());    // post-condition
	assert(cboxes.size() == is_step_up.size());     // post-condition
	assert(cboxes.size() == bouncy_values.size());  // post-condition
	assert(cboxes.size() == node_positions.size()); // post-condition
	assert(cboxes.size() == is_object.size());      // post-condition

		Collision detection

		Collision uncertainty radius
		Make it a bit larger than the maximum distance of movement
	f32 d = pos_max_d * 1.1;
	// A fairly large value in here makes moving smoother
	//f32 d = 0.15*BS;

	// This should always apply, otherwise there are glitches
	if(!(d > pos_max_d))
		return result;

	int loopcount = 0;

	while(dtime > BS * 1e-10) {
		//TimeTaker tt3("collisionMoveSimple dtime loop");
        	ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "collisionMoveSimple dtime loop avg", SPT_AVG);

		// Avoid infinite loop
		if (loopcount >= 100) {
			warningstream << "collisionMoveSimple: Loop count exceeded, aborting to avoid infiniite loop" << std::endl;

		aabb3f movingbox = box_0;
		movingbox.MinEdge += *pos_f;
		movingbox.MaxEdge += *pos_f;

		int nearest_collided = -1;
		f32 nearest_dtime = dtime;
		int nearest_boxindex = -1;

			Go through every nodebox, find nearest collision
		for (u32 boxindex = 0; boxindex < cboxes.size(); boxindex++) {
			// Ignore if already stepped up this nodebox.

			// Find nearest collision of the two boxes (raytracing-like)
			f32 dtime_tmp;
			int collided = axisAlignedCollision(
					cboxes[boxindex], movingbox, *speed_f, d, &dtime_tmp);

			if (collided == -1 || dtime_tmp >= nearest_dtime)

			nearest_dtime = dtime_tmp;
			nearest_collided = collided;
			nearest_boxindex = boxindex;

		if (nearest_collided == -1) {
			// No collision with any collision box.
			*pos_f += *speed_f * dtime;
			dtime = 0;  // Set to 0 to avoid "infinite" loop due to small FP numbers
		} else {
			// Otherwise, a collision occurred.

			const aabb3f& cbox = cboxes[nearest_boxindex];
			// Check for stairs.
			bool step_up = (nearest_collided != 1) && // must not be Y direction
					(movingbox.MinEdge.Y < cbox.MaxEdge.Y) &&
					(movingbox.MinEdge.Y + stepheight > cbox.MaxEdge.Y) &&
					(!wouldCollideWithCeiling(cboxes, movingbox,
							cbox.MaxEdge.Y - movingbox.MinEdge.Y,

			// Get bounce multiplier
			bool bouncy = (bouncy_values[nearest_boxindex] >= 1);
			float bounce = -(float)bouncy_values[nearest_boxindex] / 100.0;

			// Move to the point of collision and reduce dtime by nearest_dtime
			if (nearest_dtime < 0) {
				// Handle negative nearest_dtime (can be caused by the d allowance)
				if (!step_up) {
					if (nearest_collided == 0)
						pos_f->X += speed_f->X * nearest_dtime;
					if (nearest_collided == 1)
						pos_f->Y += speed_f->Y * nearest_dtime;
					if (nearest_collided == 2)
						pos_f->Z += speed_f->Z * nearest_dtime;
			} else {
				*pos_f += *speed_f * nearest_dtime;
				dtime -= nearest_dtime;

			bool is_collision = true;
			if (is_unloaded[nearest_boxindex])
				is_collision = false;

			CollisionInfo info;
			if (is_object[nearest_boxindex])
				info.type = COLLISION_OBJECT;
				info.type = COLLISION_NODE;

			info.node_p = node_positions[nearest_boxindex];
			info.bouncy = bouncy;
			info.old_speed = *speed_f;

			// Set the speed component that caused the collision to zero
			if (step_up) {
				// Special case: Handle stairs
				is_step_up[nearest_boxindex] = true;
				is_collision = false;
			} else if(nearest_collided == 0) { // X
				if (fabs(speed_f->X) > BS * 3)
					speed_f->X *= bounce;
					speed_f->X = 0;
				result.collides = true;
				result.collides_xz = true;
			else if(nearest_collided == 1) { // Y
				if (fabs(speed_f->Y) > BS * 3)
					speed_f->Y *= bounce;
					speed_f->Y = 0;
				result.collides = true;
			} else if(nearest_collided == 2) { // Z
				if (fabs(speed_f->Z) > BS * 3)
					speed_f->Z *= bounce;
					speed_f->Z = 0;
				result.collides = true;
				result.collides_xz = true;

			info.new_speed = *speed_f;
			if (info.new_speed.getDistanceFrom(info.old_speed) < 0.1 * BS)
				is_collision = false;

			if (is_collision) {

		Final touches: Check if standing on ground, step up stairs.
	aabb3f box = box_0;
	box.MinEdge += *pos_f;
	box.MaxEdge += *pos_f;
	for (u32 boxindex = 0; boxindex < cboxes.size(); boxindex++) {
		const aabb3f& cbox = cboxes[boxindex];

			See if the object is touching ground.

			Object touches ground if object's minimum Y is near node's
			maximum Y and object's X-Z-area overlaps with the node's

			Use 0.15*BS so that it is easier to get on a node.
		if (cbox.MaxEdge.X - d > box.MinEdge.X && cbox.MinEdge.X + d < box.MaxEdge.X &&
				cbox.MaxEdge.Z - d > box.MinEdge.Z &&
				cbox.MinEdge.Z + d < box.MaxEdge.Z) {
			if (is_step_up[boxindex]) {
				pos_f->Y += (cbox.MaxEdge.Y - box.MinEdge.Y);
				box = box_0;
				box.MinEdge += *pos_f;
				box.MaxEdge += *pos_f;
			if (fabs(cbox.MaxEdge.Y - box.MinEdge.Y) < 0.15 * BS) {
				result.touching_ground = true;

				if (is_object[boxindex])
					result.standing_on_object = true;
				if (is_unloaded[boxindex])
					result.standing_on_unloaded = true;

	return result;
예제 #23
void CavesV6::makeCave(MMVManip *vm, v3s16 nmin, v3s16 nmax,
	PseudoRandom *ps, PseudoRandom *ps2,
	bool is_large_cave, int max_stone_height, s16 *heightmap)

	this->vm         = vm;
	this->ps         = ps;
	this->ps2        = ps2;
	this->node_min   = nmin;
	this->node_max   = nmax;
	this->heightmap  = heightmap;
	this->large_cave = is_large_cave;

	this->ystride = nmax.X - nmin.X + 1;

	// Set initial parameters from randomness
	min_tunnel_diameter = 2;
	max_tunnel_diameter = ps->range(2, 6);
	int dswitchint      = ps->range(1, 14);
	if (large_cave) {
		part_max_length_rs  = ps->range(2, 4);
		tunnel_routepoints  = ps->range(5, ps->range(15, 30));
		min_tunnel_diameter = 5;
		max_tunnel_diameter = ps->range(7, ps->range(8, 24));
	} else {
		part_max_length_rs = ps->range(2, 9);
		tunnel_routepoints = ps->range(10, ps->range(15, 30));
	large_cave_is_flat = (ps->range(0, 1) == 0);

	main_direction = v3f(0, 0, 0);

	// Allowed route area size in nodes
	ar = node_max - node_min + v3s16(1, 1, 1);
	// Area starting point in nodes
	of = node_min;

	// Allow a bit more
	//(this should be more than the maximum radius of the tunnel)
	const s16 max_spread_amount = MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
	const s16 insure = 10;
	s16 more = MYMAX(max_spread_amount - max_tunnel_diameter / 2 - insure, 1);
	ar += v3s16(1, 0, 1) * more * 2;
	of -= v3s16(1, 0, 1) * more;

	route_y_min = 0;
	// Allow half a diameter + 7 over stone surface
	route_y_max = -of.Y + max_stone_height + max_tunnel_diameter / 2 + 7;

	// Limit maximum to area
	route_y_max = rangelim(route_y_max, 0, ar.Y - 1);

	if (large_cave) {
		s16 minpos = 0;
		if (node_min.Y < water_level && node_max.Y > water_level) {
			minpos = water_level - max_tunnel_diameter / 3 - of.Y;
			route_y_max = water_level + max_tunnel_diameter / 3 - of.Y;
		route_y_min = ps->range(minpos, minpos + max_tunnel_diameter);
		route_y_min = rangelim(route_y_min, 0, route_y_max);

	s16 route_start_y_min = route_y_min;
	s16 route_start_y_max = route_y_max;

	route_start_y_min = rangelim(route_start_y_min, 0, ar.Y - 1);
	route_start_y_max = rangelim(route_start_y_max, route_start_y_min, ar.Y - 1);

	// Randomize starting position
	orp.Z = (float)(ps->next() % ar.Z) + 0.5f;
	orp.Y = (float)(ps->range(route_start_y_min, route_start_y_max)) + 0.5f;
	orp.X = (float)(ps->next() % ar.X) + 0.5f;

	// Add generation notify begin event
	if (gennotify != NULL) {
		v3s16 abs_pos(of.X + orp.X, of.Y + orp.Y, of.Z + orp.Z);
		GenNotifyType notifytype = large_cave ?
		gennotify->addEvent(notifytype, abs_pos);

	// Generate some tunnel starting from orp
	for (u16 j = 0; j < tunnel_routepoints; j++)
		makeTunnel(j % dswitchint == 0);

	// Add generation notify end event
	if (gennotify != NULL) {
		v3s16 abs_pos(of.X + orp.X, of.Y + orp.Y, of.Z + orp.Z);
		GenNotifyType notifytype = large_cave ?
		gennotify->addEvent(notifytype, abs_pos);
예제 #24
bool MapgenV7::getMountainTerrainFromMap(int idx_xyz, int idx_xz, int y) {
	float mounthn = noise_mount_height->result[idx_xz];
	float height_modifier = -((float)y / rangelim(mounthn, 80.0, 150.0));
	return (noise_mountain->result[idx_xyz] + height_modifier >= 0.6);
예제 #25
	Calculate smooth lighting at the XYZ- corner of p.
	Both light banks
static u16 getSmoothLightCombined(v3s16 p, MeshMakeData *data)
	static const v3s16 dirs8[8] = {

	INodeDefManager *ndef = data->m_gamedef->ndef();

	u16 ambient_occlusion = 0;
	u16 light_count = 0;
	u8 light_source_max = 0;
	u16 light_day = 0;
	u16 light_night = 0;

	for (u32 i = 0; i < 8; i++)
		MapNode n = data->m_vmanip.getNodeNoEx(p - dirs8[i]);

		// if it's CONTENT_IGNORE we can't do any light calculations
		if (n.getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE) {

		const ContentFeatures &f = ndef->get(n);
		if (f.light_source > light_source_max)
			light_source_max = f.light_source;
		// Check f.solidness because fast-style leaves look better this way
		if (f.param_type == CPT_LIGHT && f.solidness != 2) {
			light_day += decode_light(n.getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, ndef));
			light_night += decode_light(n.getLight(LIGHTBANK_NIGHT, ndef));
		} else {

	if(light_count == 0)
		return 0xffff;

	light_day /= light_count;
	light_night /= light_count;

	// Boost brightness around light sources
	bool skip_ambient_occlusion_day = false;
	if(decode_light(light_source_max) >= light_day) {
		light_day = decode_light(light_source_max);
		skip_ambient_occlusion_day = true;

	bool skip_ambient_occlusion_night = false;
	if(decode_light(light_source_max) >= light_night) {
		light_night = decode_light(light_source_max);
		skip_ambient_occlusion_night = true;

	if (ambient_occlusion > 4)
		//table of precalculated gamma space multiply factors
		//light^2.2 * factor (0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0.0), so table holds factor ^ (1 / 2.2)
		static const float light_amount[4] = { 0.877424315, 0.729740053, 0.532520545, 0.0 };

		//calculate table index for gamma space multiplier
		ambient_occlusion -= 5;

		if (!skip_ambient_occlusion_day)
			light_day = rangelim(core::round32(light_day*light_amount[ambient_occlusion]), 0, 255);
		if (!skip_ambient_occlusion_night)
			light_night = rangelim(core::round32(light_night*light_amount[ambient_occlusion]), 0, 255);

	return light_day | (light_night << 8);
예제 #26
void LocalPlayer::move(f32 dtime, Environment *env, f32 pos_max_d,
		std::vector<CollisionInfo> *collision_info)
	Map *map = &env->getMap();
	INodeDefManager *nodemgr = m_gamedef->ndef();

	v3f position = getPosition();

	// Copy parent position if local player is attached
		m_sneak_node_exists = false;

	// Skip collision detection if noclip mode is used
	bool fly_allowed = m_gamedef->checkLocalPrivilege("fly");
	bool noclip = m_gamedef->checkLocalPrivilege("noclip") &&
	bool free_move = noclip && fly_allowed && g_settings->getBool("free_move");
	if (free_move) {
		position += m_speed * dtime;
		m_sneak_node_exists = false;

		Collision detection

	bool is_valid_position;
	MapNode node;
	v3s16 pp;

		Check if player is in liquid (the oscillating value)

	// If in liquid, the threshold of coming out is at higher y
	if (in_liquid)
		pp = floatToInt(position + v3f(0,BS*0.1,0), BS);
		node = map->getNodeNoEx(pp, &is_valid_position);
		if (is_valid_position) {
			in_liquid = nodemgr->get(node.getContent()).isLiquid();
			liquid_viscosity = nodemgr->get(node.getContent()).liquid_viscosity;
		} else {
			in_liquid = false;
	// If not in liquid, the threshold of going in is at lower y
		pp = floatToInt(position + v3f(0,BS*0.5,0), BS);
		node = map->getNodeNoEx(pp, &is_valid_position);
		if (is_valid_position) {
			in_liquid = nodemgr->get(node.getContent()).isLiquid();
			liquid_viscosity = nodemgr->get(node.getContent()).liquid_viscosity;
		} else {
			in_liquid = false;

		Check if player is in liquid (the stable value)
	pp = floatToInt(position + v3f(0,0,0), BS);
	node = map->getNodeNoEx(pp, &is_valid_position);
	if (is_valid_position) {
		in_liquid_stable = nodemgr->get(node.getContent()).isLiquid();
	} else {
		in_liquid_stable = false;

	        Check if player is climbing

	pp = floatToInt(position + v3f(0,0.5*BS,0), BS);
	v3s16 pp2 = floatToInt(position + v3f(0,-0.2*BS,0), BS);
	node = map->getNodeNoEx(pp, &is_valid_position);
	bool is_valid_position2;
	MapNode node2 = map->getNodeNoEx(pp2, &is_valid_position2);

	if (!(is_valid_position && is_valid_position2)) {
		is_climbing = false;
	} else {
		is_climbing = (nodemgr->get(node.getContent()).climbable
				|| nodemgr->get(node2.getContent()).climbable) && !free_move;

		Collision uncertainty radius
		Make it a bit larger than the maximum distance of movement
	//f32 d = pos_max_d * 1.1;
	// A fairly large value in here makes moving smoother
	f32 d = 0.15*BS;

	// This should always apply, otherwise there are glitches
	sanity_check(d > pos_max_d);

	// Maximum distance over border for sneaking
	f32 sneak_max = BS*0.4;

		If sneaking, keep in range from the last walked node and don't
		fall off from it
	if (control.sneak && m_sneak_node_exists &&
			!(fly_allowed && g_settings->getBool("free_move")) && !in_liquid &&
			physics_override_sneak) {
		f32 maxd = 0.5 * BS + sneak_max;
		v3f lwn_f = intToFloat(m_sneak_node, BS);
		position.X = rangelim(position.X, lwn_f.X-maxd, lwn_f.X+maxd);
		position.Z = rangelim(position.Z, lwn_f.Z-maxd, lwn_f.Z+maxd);

		if (!is_climbing) {
			// Move up if necessary
			f32 new_y = (lwn_f.Y - 0.5 * BS) + m_sneak_node_bb_ymax;
			if (position.Y < new_y)
				position.Y = new_y;
				Collision seems broken, since player is sinking when
				sneaking over the edges of current sneaking_node.
				TODO (when fixed): Set Y-speed only to 0 when position.Y < new_y.
			if (m_speed.Y < 0)
				m_speed.Y = 0;

	// this shouldn't be hardcoded but transmitted from server
	float player_stepheight = touching_ground ? (BS*0.6) : (BS*0.2);

#ifdef __ANDROID__
	player_stepheight += (0.5 * BS);

	v3f accel_f = v3f(0,0,0);

	collisionMoveResult result = collisionMoveSimple(env, m_gamedef,
		pos_max_d, m_collisionbox, player_stepheight, dtime,
		&position, &m_speed, accel_f);

		If the player's feet touch the topside of any node, this is
		set to true.

		Player is allowed to jump when this is true.
	bool touching_ground_was = touching_ground;
	touching_ground = result.touching_ground;

    //bool standing_on_unloaded = result.standing_on_unloaded;

		Check the nodes under the player to see from which node the
		player is sneaking from, if any.  If the node from under
		the player has been removed, the player falls.
	f32 position_y_mod = 0.05 * BS;
	if (m_sneak_node_bb_ymax > 0)
		position_y_mod = m_sneak_node_bb_ymax - position_y_mod;
	v3s16 current_node = floatToInt(position - v3f(0, position_y_mod, 0), BS);
	if (m_sneak_node_exists &&
			nodemgr->get(map->getNodeNoEx(m_old_node_below)).name == "air" &&
			m_old_node_below_type != "air") {
		// Old node appears to have been removed; that is,
		// it wasn't air before but now it is
		m_need_to_get_new_sneak_node = false;
		m_sneak_node_exists = false;
	} else if (nodemgr->get(map->getNodeNoEx(current_node)).name != "air") {
		// We are on something, so make sure to recalculate the sneak
		// node.
		m_need_to_get_new_sneak_node = true;

	if (m_need_to_get_new_sneak_node && physics_override_sneak) {
		m_sneak_node_bb_ymax = 0;
		v3s16 pos_i_bottom = floatToInt(position - v3f(0, position_y_mod, 0), BS);
		v2f player_p2df(position.X, position.Z);
		f32 min_distance_f = 100000.0 * BS;
		// If already seeking from some node, compare to it.
			v3f sneaknode_pf = intToFloat(m_sneak_node, BS);
			v2f sneaknode_p2df(sneaknode_pf.X, sneaknode_pf.Z);
			f32 d_horiz_f = player_p2df.getDistanceFrom(sneaknode_p2df);
			f32 d_vert_f = fabs(sneaknode_pf.Y + BS*0.5 - position.Y);
			// Ignore if player is not on the same level (likely dropped)
			if(d_vert_f < 0.15*BS)
				min_distance_f = d_horiz_f;
		v3s16 new_sneak_node = m_sneak_node;
		for(s16 x=-1; x<=1; x++)
		for(s16 z=-1; z<=1; z++)
			v3s16 p = pos_i_bottom + v3s16(x,0,z);
			v3f pf = intToFloat(p, BS);
			v2f node_p2df(pf.X, pf.Z);
			f32 distance_f = player_p2df.getDistanceFrom(node_p2df);
			f32 max_axis_distance_f = MYMAX(

			if(distance_f > min_distance_f ||
					max_axis_distance_f > 0.5*BS + sneak_max + 0.1*BS)

			// The node to be sneaked on has to be walkable
			node = map->getNodeNoEx(p, &is_valid_position);
			if (!is_valid_position || nodemgr->get(node).walkable == false)
			// And the node above it has to be nonwalkable
			node = map->getNodeNoEx(p + v3s16(0,1,0), &is_valid_position);
			if (!is_valid_position || nodemgr->get(node).walkable) {
			if (!physics_override_sneak_glitch) {
				node =map->getNodeNoEx(p + v3s16(0,2,0), &is_valid_position);
				if (!is_valid_position || nodemgr->get(node).walkable)

			min_distance_f = distance_f;
			new_sneak_node = p;

		bool sneak_node_found = (min_distance_f < 100000.0 * BS * 0.9);

		m_sneak_node = new_sneak_node;
		m_sneak_node_exists = sneak_node_found;

		if (sneak_node_found) {
			f32 cb_max = 0;
			MapNode n = map->getNodeNoEx(m_sneak_node);
			std::vector<aabb3f> nodeboxes = n.getCollisionBoxes(nodemgr);
			for (std::vector<aabb3f>::iterator it = nodeboxes.begin();
					it != nodeboxes.end(); ++it) {
				aabb3f box = *it;
				if (box.MaxEdge.Y > cb_max)
					cb_max = box.MaxEdge.Y;
			m_sneak_node_bb_ymax = cb_max;

			If sneaking, the player's collision box can be in air, so
			this has to be set explicitly
		if(sneak_node_found && control.sneak)
			touching_ground = true;

		Set new position

		Report collisions

	// Dont report if flying
	if(collision_info && !(g_settings->getBool("free_move") && fly_allowed)) {
		for(size_t i=0; i<result.collisions.size(); i++) {
			const CollisionInfo &info = result.collisions[i];

	if(!result.standing_on_object && !touching_ground_was && touching_ground) {
		MtEvent *e = new SimpleTriggerEvent("PlayerRegainGround");

		// Set camera impact value to be used for view bobbing
		camera_impact = getSpeed().Y * -1;

		camera_barely_in_ceiling = false;
		v3s16 camera_np = floatToInt(getEyePosition(), BS);
		MapNode n = map->getNodeNoEx(camera_np);
		if(n.getContent() != CONTENT_IGNORE){
			if(nodemgr->get(n).walkable && nodemgr->get(n).solidness == 2){
				camera_barely_in_ceiling = true;

		Update the node last under the player
	m_old_node_below = floatToInt(position - v3f(0,BS/2,0), BS);
	m_old_node_below_type = nodemgr->get(map->getNodeNoEx(m_old_node_below)).name;

		Check properties of the node on which the player is standing
	const ContentFeatures &f = nodemgr->get(map->getNodeNoEx(getStandingNodePos()));
	// Determine if jumping is possible
	m_can_jump = touching_ground && !in_liquid;
	if(itemgroup_get(f.groups, "disable_jump"))
		m_can_jump = false;
	// Jump key pressed while jumping off from a bouncy block
	if (m_can_jump && control.jump && itemgroup_get(f.groups, "bouncy") &&
		m_speed.Y >= -0.5 * BS) {
		float jumpspeed = movement_speed_jump * physics_override_jump;
		if (m_speed.Y > 1) {
			// Reduce boost when speed already is high
			m_speed.Y += jumpspeed / (1 + (m_speed.Y / 16 ));
		} else {
			m_speed.Y += jumpspeed;
		m_can_jump = false;
예제 #27
void LocalPlayer::move(f32 dtime, Map &map, f32 pos_max_d,
		std::list<CollisionInfo> *collision_info)
	INodeDefManager *nodemgr = m_gamedef->ndef();

	v3f position = getPosition();

	v3f old_speed = m_speed;

	// Copy parent position if local player is attached

	// Skip collision detection if noclip mode is used
	bool fly_allowed = m_gamedef->checkLocalPrivilege("fly");
	bool noclip = m_gamedef->checkLocalPrivilege("noclip") &&
	bool free_move = noclip && fly_allowed && g_settings->getBool("free_move");
        position += m_speed * dtime;

		Collision detection
		Check if player is in liquid (the oscillating value)
		// If in liquid, the threshold of coming out is at higher y
			v3s16 pp = floatToInt(position + v3f(0,BS*0.1,0), BS);
			in_liquid = nodemgr->get(map.getNode(pp).getContent()).isLiquid();
			liquid_viscosity = nodemgr->get(map.getNode(pp).getContent()).liquid_viscosity;
		// If not in liquid, the threshold of going in is at lower y
			v3s16 pp = floatToInt(position + v3f(0,BS*0.5,0), BS);
			in_liquid = nodemgr->get(map.getNode(pp).getContent()).isLiquid();
			liquid_viscosity = nodemgr->get(map.getNode(pp).getContent()).liquid_viscosity;
	catch(InvalidPositionException &e)
		in_liquid = false;

		Check if player is in liquid (the stable value)
		v3s16 pp = floatToInt(position + v3f(0,0,0), BS);
		in_liquid_stable = nodemgr->get(map.getNode(pp).getContent()).isLiquid();
	catch(InvalidPositionException &e)
		in_liquid_stable = false;

	        Check if player is climbing

	try {
		v3s16 pp = floatToInt(position + v3f(0,0.5*BS,0), BS);
		v3s16 pp2 = floatToInt(position + v3f(0,-0.2*BS,0), BS);
		is_climbing = ((nodemgr->get(map.getNode(pp).getContent()).climbable ||
		nodemgr->get(map.getNode(pp2).getContent()).climbable) && !free_move);
	catch(InvalidPositionException &e)
		is_climbing = false;

		Collision uncertainty radius
		Make it a bit larger than the maximum distance of movement
	//f32 d = pos_max_d * 1.1;
	// A fairly large value in here makes moving smoother
	f32 d = 0.15*BS;

	// This should always apply, otherwise there are glitches
	assert(d > pos_max_d);

	float player_radius = BS*0.30;
	float player_height = BS*1.55;
	// Maximum distance over border for sneaking
	f32 sneak_max = BS*0.4;

		If sneaking, keep in range from the last walked node and don't
		fall off from it
	if(control.sneak && m_sneak_node_exists && !(fly_allowed && g_settings->getBool("free_move")) && !in_liquid)
		f32 maxd = 0.5*BS + sneak_max;
		v3f lwn_f = intToFloat(m_sneak_node, BS);
		position.X = rangelim(position.X, lwn_f.X-maxd, lwn_f.X+maxd);
		position.Z = rangelim(position.Z, lwn_f.Z-maxd, lwn_f.Z+maxd);
			f32 min_y = lwn_f.Y + 0.5*BS;
			if(position.Y < min_y)
				position.Y = min_y;

				if(m_speed.Y < 0)
					m_speed.Y = 0;

		Calculate player collision box (new and old)
	core::aabbox3d<f32> playerbox(

	float player_stepheight = touching_ground ? (BS*0.6) : (BS*0.2);

	v3f accel_f = v3f(0,0,0);

	collisionMoveResult result = collisionMoveSimple(&map, m_gamedef,
			pos_max_d, playerbox, player_stepheight, dtime,
			position, m_speed, accel_f);

		If the player's feet touch the topside of any node, this is
		set to true.

		Player is allowed to jump when this is true.
	bool touching_ground_was = touching_ground;
	touching_ground = result.touching_ground;
    //bool standing_on_unloaded = result.standing_on_unloaded;

		Check the nodes under the player to see from which node the
		player is sneaking from, if any.  If the node from under
		the player has been removed, the player falls.
	v3s16 current_node = floatToInt(position - v3f(0,BS/2,0), BS);
	if(m_sneak_node_exists &&
	   nodemgr->get(map.getNodeNoEx(m_old_node_below)).name == "air" &&
	   m_old_node_below_type != "air")
		// Old node appears to have been removed; that is,
		// it wasn't air before but now it is
		m_need_to_get_new_sneak_node = false;
		m_sneak_node_exists = false;
	else if(nodemgr->get(map.getNodeNoEx(current_node)).name != "air")
		// We are on something, so make sure to recalculate the sneak
		// node.
		m_need_to_get_new_sneak_node = true;
		v3s16 pos_i_bottom = floatToInt(position - v3f(0,BS/2,0), BS);
		v2f player_p2df(position.X, position.Z);
		f32 min_distance_f = 100000.0*BS;
		// If already seeking from some node, compare to it.
			v3f sneaknode_pf = intToFloat(m_sneak_node, BS);
			v2f sneaknode_p2df(sneaknode_pf.X, sneaknode_pf.Z);
			f32 d_horiz_f = player_p2df.getDistanceFrom(sneaknode_p2df);
			f32 d_vert_f = fabs(sneaknode_pf.Y + BS*0.5 - position.Y);
			// Ignore if player is not on the same level (likely dropped)
			if(d_vert_f < 0.15*BS)
				min_distance_f = d_horiz_f;
		v3s16 new_sneak_node = m_sneak_node;
		for(s16 x=-1; x<=1; x++)
		for(s16 z=-1; z<=1; z++)
			v3s16 p = pos_i_bottom + v3s16(x,0,z);
			v3f pf = intToFloat(p, BS);
			v2f node_p2df(pf.X, pf.Z);
			f32 distance_f = player_p2df.getDistanceFrom(node_p2df);
			f32 max_axis_distance_f = MYMAX(
			if(distance_f > min_distance_f ||
					max_axis_distance_f > 0.5*BS + sneak_max + 0.1*BS)

				// The node to be sneaked on has to be walkable
				if(nodemgr->get(map.getNode(p)).walkable == false)
				// And the node above it has to be nonwalkable
				if(nodemgr->get(map.getNode(p+v3s16(0,1,0))).walkable == true)
			catch(InvalidPositionException &e)

			min_distance_f = distance_f;
			new_sneak_node = p;
		bool sneak_node_found = (min_distance_f < 100000.0*BS*0.9);

		m_sneak_node = new_sneak_node;
		m_sneak_node_exists = sneak_node_found;

			If sneaking, the player's collision box can be in air, so
			this has to be set explicitly
		if(sneak_node_found && control.sneak)
			touching_ground = true;
		Set new position
		Report collisions
	bool bouncy_jump = false;
	// Dont report if flying
	if(collision_info && !(g_settings->getBool("free_move") && fly_allowed))
		for(size_t i=0; i<result.collisions.size(); i++){
			const CollisionInfo &info = result.collisions[i];
			if(info.new_speed.Y - info.old_speed.Y > 0.1*BS &&
				bouncy_jump = true;

	if(bouncy_jump && control.jump){
		m_speed.Y += movement_speed_jump*BS;
		touching_ground = false;
		MtEvent *e = new SimpleTriggerEvent("PlayerJump");

	if(!touching_ground_was && touching_ground){
		MtEvent *e = new SimpleTriggerEvent("PlayerRegainGround");

		camera_barely_in_ceiling = false;
		v3s16 camera_np = floatToInt(getEyePosition(), BS);
		MapNode n = map.getNodeNoEx(camera_np);
		if(n.getContent() != CONTENT_IGNORE){
			if(nodemgr->get(n).walkable && nodemgr->get(n).solidness == 2){
				camera_barely_in_ceiling = true;

		Update the node last under the player
	m_old_node_below = floatToInt(position - v3f(0,BS/2,0), BS);
	m_old_node_below_type = nodemgr->get(map.getNodeNoEx(m_old_node_below)).name;
		Check properties of the node on which the player is standing
	const ContentFeatures &f = nodemgr->get(map.getNodeNoEx(getStandingNodePos()));
	// Determine if jumping is possible
	m_can_jump = touching_ground && !in_liquid;
	if(itemgroup_get(f.groups, "disable_jump"))
		m_can_jump = false;
예제 #28
bool GUITable::OnEvent(const SEvent &event)
	if (!isEnabled())
		return IGUIElement::OnEvent(event);

	if (event.EventType == EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT) {
		if (event.KeyInput.PressedDown && (
				event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_DOWN ||
				event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_UP   ||
				event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_HOME ||
				event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_END  ||
				event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_NEXT ||
				event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_PRIOR)) {
			s32 offset = 0;
			switch (event.KeyInput.Key) {
				case KEY_DOWN:
					offset = 1;
				case KEY_UP:
					offset = -1;
				case KEY_HOME:
					offset = - (s32) m_visible_rows.size();
				case KEY_END:
					offset = m_visible_rows.size();
				case KEY_NEXT:
					offset = AbsoluteRect.getHeight() / m_rowheight;
				case KEY_PRIOR:
					offset = - (s32) (AbsoluteRect.getHeight() / m_rowheight);
			s32 old_selected = m_selected;
			s32 rowcount = m_visible_rows.size();
			if (rowcount != 0) {
				m_selected = rangelim(m_selected + offset, 0, rowcount-1);

			if (m_selected != old_selected)
				sendTableEvent(0, false);

			return true;
		else if (event.KeyInput.PressedDown && (
				event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_LEFT ||
				event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_RIGHT)) {
			// Open/close subtree via keyboard
			if (m_selected >= 0) {
				int dir = event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_LEFT ? -1 : 1;
				toggleVisibleTree(m_selected, dir, true);
			return true;
		else if (!event.KeyInput.PressedDown && (
				event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_RETURN ||
				event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_SPACE)) {
			sendTableEvent(0, true);
			return true;
		else if (event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_ESCAPE ||
				event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_SPACE) {
			// pass to parent
		else if (event.KeyInput.PressedDown && event.KeyInput.Char) {
			// change selection based on text as it is typed
			s32 now = getTimeMs();
			if (now - m_keynav_time >= 500)
				m_keynav_buffer = L"";
			m_keynav_time = now;

			// add to key buffer if not a key repeat
			if (!(m_keynav_buffer.size() == 1 &&
					m_keynav_buffer[0] == event.KeyInput.Char)) {

			// find the selected item, starting at the current selection
			// don't change selection if the key buffer matches the current item
			s32 old_selected = m_selected;
			s32 start = MYMAX(m_selected, 0);
			s32 rowcount = m_visible_rows.size();
			for (s32 k = 1; k < rowcount; ++k) {
				s32 current = start + k;
				if (current >= rowcount)
					current -= rowcount;
				if (doesRowStartWith(getRow(current), m_keynav_buffer)) {
					m_selected = current;
			if (m_selected != old_selected)
				sendTableEvent(0, false);

			return true;
	if (event.EventType == EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT) {
		core::position2d<s32> p(event.MouseInput.X, event.MouseInput.Y);

		if (event.MouseInput.Event == EMIE_MOUSE_WHEEL) {
			m_scrollbar->setPos(m_scrollbar->getPos() +
					(event.MouseInput.Wheel < 0 ? -3 : 3) *
					- (s32) m_rowheight / 2);
			return true;

		// Find hovered row and cell
		bool really_hovering = false;
		s32 row_i = getRowAt(p.Y, really_hovering);
		const Cell *cell = NULL;
		if (really_hovering) {
			s32 cell_j = getCellAt(p.X, row_i);
			if (cell_j >= 0)
				cell = &(getRow(row_i)->cells[cell_j]);

		// Update tooltip
		setToolTipText(cell ? m_strings[cell->tooltip_index].c_str() : L"");

		// Fix for #1567/#1806:
		// IGUIScrollBar passes double click events to its parent,
		// which we don't want. Detect this case and discard the event
		if (event.MouseInput.Event != EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED &&
				m_scrollbar->isVisible() &&
			return true;

		if (event.MouseInput.isLeftPressed() &&
				(isPointInside(p) ||
				 event.MouseInput.Event == EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED)) {
			s32 sel_column = 0;
			bool sel_doubleclick = (event.MouseInput.Event
			bool plusminus_clicked = false;

			// For certain events (left click), report column
			// Also open/close subtrees when the +/- is clicked
			if (cell && (
					event.MouseInput.Event == EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN ||
					event.MouseInput.Event == EMIE_LMOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK ||
					event.MouseInput.Event == EMIE_LMOUSE_TRIPLE_CLICK)) {
				sel_column = cell->reported_column;
				if (cell->content_type == COLUMN_TYPE_TREE)
					plusminus_clicked = true;

			if (plusminus_clicked) {
				if (event.MouseInput.Event == EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN) {
					toggleVisibleTree(row_i, 0, false);
			else {
				// Normal selection
				s32 old_selected = m_selected;
				m_selected = row_i;

				if (m_selected != old_selected ||
						sel_column >= 1 ||
						sel_doubleclick) {
					sendTableEvent(sel_column, sel_doubleclick);

				// Treeview: double click opens/closes trees
				if (m_has_tree_column && sel_doubleclick) {
					toggleVisibleTree(m_selected, 0, false);
		return true;
	if (event.EventType == EET_GUI_EVENT &&
			event.GUIEvent.EventType == gui::EGET_SCROLL_BAR_CHANGED &&
			event.GUIEvent.Caller == m_scrollbar) {
		// Don't pass events from our scrollbar to the parent
		return true;

	return IGUIElement::OnEvent(event);
예제 #29
파일: camera.cpp 프로젝트: EXio4/minetest
void Camera::addArmInertia(f32 player_yaw)
	m_cam_vel.X = std::fabs(rangelim(m_last_cam_pos.X - player_yaw,
		-100.0f, 100.0f) / 0.016f) * 0.01f;
	m_cam_vel.Y = std::fabs((m_last_cam_pos.Y - m_camera_direction.Y) / 0.016f);
	f32 gap_X = std::fabs(WIELDMESH_OFFSET_X - m_wieldmesh_offset.X);
	f32 gap_Y = std::fabs(WIELDMESH_OFFSET_Y - m_wieldmesh_offset.Y);

	if (m_cam_vel.X > 1.0f || m_cam_vel.Y > 1.0f) {
		    The arm moves relative to the camera speed,
		    with an acceleration factor.

		if (m_cam_vel.X > 1.0f) {
			if (m_cam_vel.X > m_cam_vel_old.X)
				m_cam_vel_old.X = m_cam_vel.X;

			f32 acc_X = 0.12f * (m_cam_vel.X - (gap_X * 0.1f));
			m_wieldmesh_offset.X += m_last_cam_pos.X < player_yaw ? acc_X : -acc_X;

			if (m_last_cam_pos.X != player_yaw)
				m_last_cam_pos.X = player_yaw;

			m_wieldmesh_offset.X = rangelim(m_wieldmesh_offset.X,

		if (m_cam_vel.Y > 1.0f) {
			if (m_cam_vel.Y > m_cam_vel_old.Y)
				m_cam_vel_old.Y = m_cam_vel.Y;

			f32 acc_Y = 0.12f * (m_cam_vel.Y - (gap_Y * 0.1f));
			m_wieldmesh_offset.Y +=
				m_last_cam_pos.Y > m_camera_direction.Y ? acc_Y : -acc_Y;

			if (m_last_cam_pos.Y != m_camera_direction.Y)
				m_last_cam_pos.Y = m_camera_direction.Y;

			m_wieldmesh_offset.Y = rangelim(m_wieldmesh_offset.Y,

		m_arm_dir = dir(m_wieldmesh_offset);
	} else {
		    Now the arm gets back to its default position when the camera stops,
		    following a vector, with a smooth deceleration factor.

		f32 dec_X = 0.12f * (m_cam_vel_old.X * (1.0f +
			(1.0f - m_arm_dir.X))) * (gap_X / 20.0f);

		f32 dec_Y = 0.06f * (m_cam_vel_old.Y * (1.0f +
			(1.0f - m_arm_dir.Y))) * (gap_Y / 15.0f);

		if (gap_X < 0.1f)
			m_cam_vel_old.X = 0.0f;

		m_wieldmesh_offset.X -=
			m_wieldmesh_offset.X > WIELDMESH_OFFSET_X ? dec_X : -dec_X;

		if (gap_Y < 0.1f)
			m_cam_vel_old.Y = 0.0f;

		m_wieldmesh_offset.Y -=
			m_wieldmesh_offset.Y > WIELDMESH_OFFSET_Y ? dec_Y : -dec_Y;
예제 #30
파일: camera.cpp 프로젝트: EXio4/minetest
void Camera::update(LocalPlayer* player, f32 frametime, f32 busytime, f32 tool_reload_ratio)
	// Get player position
	// Smooth the movement when walking up stairs
	v3f old_player_position = m_playernode->getPosition();
	v3f player_position = player->getPosition();
	if (player->isAttached && player->parent)
		player_position = player->parent->getPosition();
	//if(player->touching_ground && player_position.Y > old_player_position.Y)
	if(player->touching_ground &&
			player_position.Y > old_player_position.Y)
		f32 oldy = old_player_position.Y;
		f32 newy = player_position.Y;
		f32 t = exp(-23*frametime);
		player_position.Y = oldy * t + newy * (1-t);

	// Set player node transformation
	m_playernode->setRotation(v3f(0, -1 * player->getYaw(), 0));

	// Get camera tilt timer (hurt animation)
	float cameratilt = fabs(fabs(player->hurt_tilt_timer-0.75)-0.75);

	// Fall bobbing animation
	float fall_bobbing = 0;
	if(player->camera_impact >= 1 && m_camera_mode < CAMERA_MODE_THIRD)
		if(m_view_bobbing_fall == -1) // Effect took place and has finished
			player->camera_impact = m_view_bobbing_fall = 0;
		else if(m_view_bobbing_fall == 0) // Initialize effect
			m_view_bobbing_fall = 1;

		// Convert 0 -> 1 to 0 -> 1 -> 0
		fall_bobbing = m_view_bobbing_fall < 0.5 ? m_view_bobbing_fall * 2 : -(m_view_bobbing_fall - 0.5) * 2 + 1;
		// Smoothen and invert the above
		fall_bobbing = sin(fall_bobbing * 0.5 * M_PI) * -1;
		// Amplify according to the intensity of the impact
		fall_bobbing *= (1 - rangelim(50 / player->camera_impact, 0, 1)) * 5;

		fall_bobbing *= m_cache_fall_bobbing_amount;

	// Calculate players eye offset for different camera modes
	v3f PlayerEyeOffset = player->getEyeOffset();
	if (m_camera_mode == CAMERA_MODE_FIRST)
		PlayerEyeOffset += player->eye_offset_first;
		PlayerEyeOffset += player->eye_offset_third;

	// Set head node transformation
	m_headnode->setRotation(v3f(player->getPitch(), 0, cameratilt*player->hurt_tilt_strength));

	// Compute relative camera position and target
	v3f rel_cam_pos = v3f(0,0,0);
	v3f rel_cam_target = v3f(0,0,1);
	v3f rel_cam_up = v3f(0,1,0);

	if (m_cache_view_bobbing_amount != 0.0f && m_view_bobbing_anim != 0.0f &&
		m_camera_mode < CAMERA_MODE_THIRD) {
		f32 bobfrac = my_modf(m_view_bobbing_anim * 2);
		f32 bobdir = (m_view_bobbing_anim < 0.5) ? 1.0 : -1.0;

		#if 1
		f32 bobknob = 1.2;
		f32 bobtmp = sin(pow(bobfrac, bobknob) * M_PI);
		//f32 bobtmp2 = cos(pow(bobfrac, bobknob) * M_PI);

		v3f bobvec = v3f(
			0.3 * bobdir * sin(bobfrac * M_PI),
			-0.28 * bobtmp * bobtmp,

		//rel_cam_pos += 0.2 * bobvec;
		//rel_cam_target += 0.03 * bobvec;
		//rel_cam_up.rotateXYBy(0.02 * bobdir * bobtmp * M_PI);
		float f = 1.0;
		f *= m_cache_view_bobbing_amount;
		rel_cam_pos += bobvec * f;
		//rel_cam_target += 0.995 * bobvec * f;
		rel_cam_target += bobvec * f;
		rel_cam_target.Z -= 0.005 * bobvec.Z * f;
		//rel_cam_target.X -= 0.005 * bobvec.X * f;
		//rel_cam_target.Y -= 0.005 * bobvec.Y * f;
		rel_cam_up.rotateXYBy(-0.03 * bobdir * bobtmp * M_PI * f);
		f32 angle_deg = 1 * bobdir * sin(bobfrac * M_PI);
		f32 angle_rad = angle_deg * M_PI / 180;
		f32 r = 0.05;
		v3f off = v3f(
			r * sin(angle_rad),
			r * (cos(angle_rad) - 1),
		rel_cam_pos += off;
		//rel_cam_target += off;


	// Compute absolute camera position and target
	m_headnode->getAbsoluteTransformation().transformVect(m_camera_position, rel_cam_pos);
	m_headnode->getAbsoluteTransformation().rotateVect(m_camera_direction, rel_cam_target - rel_cam_pos);

	v3f abs_cam_up;
	m_headnode->getAbsoluteTransformation().rotateVect(abs_cam_up, rel_cam_up);

	// Seperate camera position for calculation
	v3f my_cp = m_camera_position;

	// Reposition the camera for third person view
	if (m_camera_mode > CAMERA_MODE_FIRST)
		if (m_camera_mode == CAMERA_MODE_THIRD_FRONT)
			m_camera_direction *= -1;

		my_cp.Y += 2;

		// Calculate new position
		bool abort = false;
		for (int i = BS; i <= BS * 2.75; i++) {
			my_cp.X = m_camera_position.X + m_camera_direction.X * -i;
			my_cp.Z = m_camera_position.Z + m_camera_direction.Z * -i;
			if (i > 12)
				my_cp.Y = m_camera_position.Y + (m_camera_direction.Y * -i);

			// Prevent camera positioned inside nodes
			INodeDefManager *nodemgr = m_client->ndef();
			MapNode n = m_client->getEnv().getClientMap()
				.getNodeNoEx(floatToInt(my_cp, BS));

			const ContentFeatures& features = nodemgr->get(n);
			if (features.walkable) {
				my_cp.X += m_camera_direction.X*-1*-BS/2;
				my_cp.Z += m_camera_direction.Z*-1*-BS/2;
				my_cp.Y += m_camera_direction.Y*-1*-BS/2;
				abort = true;

		// If node blocks camera position don't move y to heigh
		if (abort && my_cp.Y > player_position.Y+BS*2)
			my_cp.Y = player_position.Y+BS*2;

	// Update offset if too far away from the center of the map
	m_camera_offset.X += CAMERA_OFFSET_STEP*
			(((s16)(my_cp.X/BS) - m_camera_offset.X)/CAMERA_OFFSET_STEP);
	m_camera_offset.Y += CAMERA_OFFSET_STEP*
			(((s16)(my_cp.Y/BS) - m_camera_offset.Y)/CAMERA_OFFSET_STEP);
	m_camera_offset.Z += CAMERA_OFFSET_STEP*
			(((s16)(my_cp.Z/BS) - m_camera_offset.Z)/CAMERA_OFFSET_STEP);

	// Set camera node transformation
	m_cameranode->setPosition(my_cp-intToFloat(m_camera_offset, BS));
	// *100.0 helps in large map coordinates
	m_cameranode->setTarget(my_cp-intToFloat(m_camera_offset, BS) + 100 * m_camera_direction);

	// update the camera position in front-view mode to render blocks behind player
	if (m_camera_mode == CAMERA_MODE_THIRD_FRONT)
		m_camera_position = my_cp;

	// Get FOV
	f32 fov_degrees;
	if (player->getPlayerControl().zoom && player->getCanZoom()) {
		fov_degrees = m_cache_zoom_fov;
	} else {
		fov_degrees = m_cache_fov;
	fov_degrees = rangelim(fov_degrees, 7.0, 160.0);

	// FOV and aspect ratio
	const v2u32 &window_size = RenderingEngine::get_instance()->getWindowSize();
	m_aspect = (f32) window_size.X / (f32) window_size.Y;
	m_fov_y = fov_degrees * M_PI / 180.0;
	// Increase vertical FOV on lower aspect ratios (<16:10)
	m_fov_y *= MYMAX(1.0, MYMIN(1.4, sqrt(16./10. / m_aspect)));
	m_fov_x = 2 * atan(m_aspect * tan(0.5 * m_fov_y));

	if (m_arm_inertia)

	// Position the wielded item
	//v3f wield_position = v3f(45, -35, 65);
	v3f wield_position = v3f(m_wieldmesh_offset.X, m_wieldmesh_offset.Y, 65);
	//v3f wield_rotation = v3f(-100, 120, -100);
	v3f wield_rotation = v3f(-100, 120, -100);
	wield_position.Y += fabs(m_wield_change_timer)*320 - 40;
	if(m_digging_anim < 0.05 || m_digging_anim > 0.5)
		f32 frac = 1.0;
		if(m_digging_anim > 0.5)
			frac = 2.0 * (m_digging_anim - 0.5);
		// This value starts from 1 and settles to 0
		f32 ratiothing = pow((1.0f - tool_reload_ratio), 0.5f);
		//f32 ratiothing2 = pow(ratiothing, 0.5f);
		f32 ratiothing2 = (easeCurve(ratiothing*0.5))*2.0;
		wield_position.Y -= frac * 25.0 * pow(ratiothing2, 1.7f);
		//wield_position.Z += frac * 5.0 * ratiothing2;
		wield_position.X -= frac * 35.0 * pow(ratiothing2, 1.1f);
		wield_rotation.Y += frac * 70.0 * pow(ratiothing2, 1.4f);
		//wield_rotation.X -= frac * 15.0 * pow(ratiothing2, 1.4f);
		//wield_rotation.Z += frac * 15.0 * pow(ratiothing2, 1.0f);
	if (m_digging_button != -1)
		f32 digfrac = m_digging_anim;
		wield_position.X -= 50 * sin(pow(digfrac, 0.8f) * M_PI);
		wield_position.Y += 24 * sin(digfrac * 1.8 * M_PI);
		wield_position.Z += 25 * 0.5;

		// Euler angles are PURE EVIL, so why not use quaternions?
		core::quaternion quat_begin(wield_rotation * core::DEGTORAD);
		core::quaternion quat_end(v3f(80, 30, 100) * core::DEGTORAD);
		core::quaternion quat_slerp;
		quat_slerp.slerp(quat_begin, quat_end, sin(digfrac * M_PI));
		wield_rotation *= core::RADTODEG;
	} else {
		f32 bobfrac = my_modf(m_view_bobbing_anim);
		wield_position.X -= sin(bobfrac*M_PI*2.0) * 3.0;
		wield_position.Y += sin(my_modf(bobfrac*2.0)*M_PI) * 3.0;


	// Set render distance

	// If the player is walking, swimming, or climbing,
	// view bobbing is enabled and free_move is off,
	// start (or continue) the view bobbing animation.
	const v3f &speed = player->getSpeed();
	const bool movement_XZ = hypot(speed.X, speed.Z) > BS;
	const bool movement_Y = fabs(speed.Y) > BS;

	const bool walking = movement_XZ && player->touching_ground;
	const bool swimming = (movement_XZ || player->swimming_vertical) && player->in_liquid;
	const bool climbing = movement_Y && player->is_climbing;
	if ((walking || swimming || climbing) &&
			(!g_settings->getBool("free_move") || !m_client->checkLocalPrivilege("fly"))) {
		// Start animation
		m_view_bobbing_state = 1;
		m_view_bobbing_speed = MYMIN(speed.getLength(), 70);
	else if (m_view_bobbing_state == 1)
		// Stop animation
		m_view_bobbing_state = 2;
		m_view_bobbing_speed = 60;