예제 #1
void testing(void) {
  printf("current log level: %d\n", rblog_level);
  rblog(RBLOG_ERROR, "error msg");
  rblog(RBLOG_WARN,  "warn msg");
  rblog(RBLOG_INFO,  "info msg");
  rblog(RBLOG_DEBUG, "info msg");
예제 #2
파일: game.cpp 프로젝트: Fundynamic/RealBot
// Debug message
void REALBOT_PRINT(cBot * pBot, char *Function, char *msg) {
   // Message format:
   // Function name - [BOT NAME, BOT TEAM]: Message
   char cMessage[256];
   char team[9];
   char name[32];

   memset(team, 0, sizeof(team));       // clear
   memset(name, 0, sizeof(name));       // clear

   strcpy(team, "TERROR");      // t
   strcpy(name, "FUNCTION");

   if (pBot) {
      memset(name, 0, sizeof(name));    // clear
      strcpy(name, pBot->name); // copy name

      if (pBot->iTeam == 2)
         strcpy(team, "COUNTER");
   } else {
      strcpy(team, "NONE");

   sprintf(cMessage, "RBPRINT->[%s '%s']-[Team %s] : %s\n", name, Function,
           team, msg);

   // print in console only when on debug print
   if (Game.bDebug)

   // print this realbot message also in the LOG file.
예제 #3
int open_port(char *port) {
  char logmsg[255];

  snprintf(logmsg, 255, "Opening port ...");
  rblog(RBLOG_DEBUG, logmsg);

  int fd = open(port, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NONBLOCK);

  snprintf(logmsg, 255, "opened port, fd is: %d", fd);
  rblog(RBLOG_DEBUG, logmsg);

  // TODO: use errno?
  if (fd == -1) {
    // if open is unsucessful
    snprintf(logmsg, 255, "Unable to open serial port, exiting");
    rblog(RBLOG_ERROR, logmsg);
  } else {
    configure_port(fd, B38400);
    fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
예제 #4
int configure_port(int fd, speed_t st) {
  char logmsg[255];
  struct termios port_settings;      // structure to store the port settings in
  int i;
  int rc;

  rc = tcgetattr(fd, &port_settings);
  if (rc < 0)
    snprintf(logmsg, 255, "Failed to get port settings, trying anyway");
    rblog(RBLOG_WARN, logmsg);

  cfsetispeed(&port_settings, st);    // set baud rates
  cfsetospeed(&port_settings, st);

  port_settings.c_cflag &= ~(PARENB | CSTOPB | CSIZE | CRTSCTS | HUPCL);
  port_settings.c_cflag |= (CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD);

  // Need to see which flags should be unset.
  // This is not the "correct" way to fix this, as it just turns all flags off
  // rather than specifying the specific flag setting.
  port_settings.c_iflag = 0;
  port_settings.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ISIG | ECHO | ECHOE | ECHOK | ECHONL | ECHOCTL | ECHOPRT | ECHOKE | IEXTEN);
  port_settings.c_lflag &= ~(INPCK | IXON | IXOFF | IXANY | ICRNL);
  port_settings.c_oflag &= ~(OPOST | ONLCR);

  for (i = 0; i < sizeof(port_settings.c_cc); i++) {
    port_settings.c_cc[i] = _POSIX_VDISABLE;
  port_settings.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
  port_settings.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;

  tcsetattr(fd, TCSAFLUSH, &port_settings);    // apply the settings to the port

예제 #5
int send_cmd_with_delay(char *portname, uint8_t *write_bytes, int writelen, uint8_t *read_bytes, int delay) {
  // initialize read_bytes to 0
  read_bytes[0] = '\0';

  char errmsg[255];
  char bytecheck[8];

  snprintf(errmsg, 255, "Port: %s", portname);
  rblog(RBLOG_DEBUG, errmsg);

  int fd = open_port(portname);
  uint8_t tmpbuf[64];
  size_t bufout_idx = 1; /* first element will be length, data starts 2nd element */

  //Needed to use select
  fd_set input;
  int max_fd;
  int s_ret;
  FD_SET(fd, &input);
  struct timeval timeout;
  max_fd = fd + 1;
  timeout.tv_sec = 1;
  timeout.tv_usec = 0;

  // Give port some time to open
  // Might be able to be removed

  errmsg[0] = '\0';
  bytecheck[0] = '\0';
  if (rbloggable(RBLOG_DEBUG)) {
    snprintf(errmsg, 255, "Sending bytes: ");
    size_t idx2 = 0;
    while (idx2 < writelen)
      snprintf(bytecheck, 8, "%02x", (int)write_bytes[idx2]);
      strncat(errmsg, bytecheck, 8);
    rblog(RBLOG_DEBUG, errmsg);
  // end debug

  /* writing writelen write_bytes to the serial port */
  int bytes_written = write(fd, write_bytes, writelen);

  snprintf(errmsg, 255, "Wrote %d bytes to port", bytes_written);
  rblog(RBLOG_DEBUG, errmsg);

  // Don't need delay with select
  s_ret = select(max_fd, &input, NULL, NULL, &timeout);

  if (s_ret < 0) {
    snprintf(errmsg, 255, "Selecting port failed");
    rblog(RBLOG_ERROR, errmsg);
    return -4;
  int exit_code;
  if (FD_ISSET(fd, &input)) {
    snprintf(errmsg, 255, "Input on port");
    rblog(RBLOG_DEBUG, errmsg);

    // -- Process input
    size_t len = read(fd, tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf));
    size_t retry_count = 0;
    size_t eagain_max_retry = 3;

    while ((EAGAIN == errno) && (retry_count < eagain_max_retry))
      snprintf(errmsg, 255, "Recieved: '%s (%d)', retrying(%zu)", strerror(errno), errno, retry_count);
      rblog(RBLOG_WARN, errmsg);
      errno = 0;
      len = read(fd, tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf));

    if (len == -1) {
      snprintf(errmsg, 255, "Error reading from port: %s", strerror(errno));
      rblog(RBLOG_ERROR, errmsg);
      exit_code =  -1;
    } else if (len == 0) {
      snprintf(errmsg, 255, "No data from port");
      rblog(RBLOG_ERROR, errmsg);
      exit_code = -2;
    } else if ((len > 0) && (len <= MAX_READ_LEN)) {
      /* Success Condition */

      errmsg[0] = '\0';
      bytecheck[0] = '\0';
      snprintf(errmsg, 255, "Bytes from serial port:");

      read_bytes[0] = len;
      while (bufout_idx < len + 1)
        snprintf(bytecheck, 8, "%02x", (int)tmpbuf[bufout_idx - 1]);
        strncat(errmsg, bytecheck, 8);

        read_bytes[bufout_idx] = tmpbuf[bufout_idx - 1];

      rblog(RBLOG_DEBUG, errmsg);
      exit_code = 0;
    } else {
      snprintf(errmsg, 255, "Error in data length");
      rblog(RBLOG_ERROR, errmsg);
      exit_code = -3;
  } else {
    // attemptint to process input but no input available
    snprintf(errmsg, 255, "Input on port");
    rblog(RBLOG_DEBUG, errmsg);
    exit_code = -6;
  snprintf(errmsg, 255, "closing port: %d", fd);
  rblog(RBLOG_DEBUG, errmsg);

  snprintf(errmsg, 255, "closed port: %d", fd);
  rblog(RBLOG_DEBUG, errmsg);
  snprintf(errmsg, 255, "exit code: %d", exit_code);
  rblog(RBLOG_DEBUG, errmsg);
  return exit_code;
예제 #6
// Parse IAD file:
// Important Area Definition file
void INI_PARSE_IAD() {
   char dirname[256];
   char filename[256];

   FILE *stream;
   int section = INI_NONE;
   int wordtype = WORD_NONE;

   // Set Directory name
   strcpy(dirname, "data/cstrike/ini/");

   strcat(dirname, STRING(gpGlobals->mapname));
   strcat(dirname, ".ini");     // nodes file

   // writes whole path into "filename", Linux compatible
   UTIL_BuildFileNameRB(dirname, filename);


   float AreaX, AreaY, AreaZ;
   AreaX = AreaY = AreaZ = 9999;

   if ((stream = fopen(filename, "r+t")) != NULL) {
      char linefeed[80];
      char lineword[25];
      char linesection[30];

      // infinite loop baby
      while (!feof(stream)) {
         INI_Sentence(stream, linefeed);

         // Linefeed contains a string of 1 sentence. Whenever the first character is a commentary
         // character (which is "//", ";" or "#"), or an empty line, then skip it
         if (linefeed[0] == ';' ||
               linefeed[0] == '#' ||
               (linefeed[0] == '/' && linefeed[1] == '/') ||
               linefeed[0] == '\n' || linefeed[0] == '\0')
            continue;           // Skip

         wordtype = WORD_NONE;

         // Every line is checked for a new section.
         INI_Section(linefeed, linesection);

         if (linesection[0] != '\0' && strlen(linesection) > 1) {
            section = INI_SectionType(linesection, section);
            continue;           // next line
         // Check word only when in a section
         if (section != INI_NONE) {
            INI_Word(linefeed, lineword);
            wordtype = INI_WordType(lineword, section);

            if (section == INI_AREA) {
               if (wordtype == WORD_AREAX)
                  AreaX = INI_WordValueINT(linefeed);
               if (wordtype == WORD_AREAY)
                  AreaY = INI_WordValueINT(linefeed);
               if (wordtype == WORD_AREAZ)
                  AreaZ = INI_WordValueINT(linefeed);

               if (AreaX != 9999 && AreaY != 9999 && AreaZ != 9999) {
                  // add this to goal
                  rblog("IAD: Adding an important area/goal\n");
                  NodeMachine.goal_add(NULL, GOAL_IMPORTANT,
                                       Vector(AreaX, AreaY, AreaZ));

                  AreaX = AreaY = AreaZ = 9999;

      }                         // while
