예제 #1
CRect CXFrame::GetScreenRect()
	CPoint pt(m_rcPaint.TopLeft());
	CRect rcScreen(pt.x,pt.y,pt.x + m_rcPaint.Width(),pt.y + m_rcPaint.Height());
	return rcScreen;
예제 #2
void CInvestigatorPopupWnd::MoveIntoPosition()
    //get the various window rectangles
    CRect rcClientArea;
    ::GetWindowRect( ((CMainFrame*)AfxGetMainWnd())->m_hWndMDIClient, &rcClientArea );

    CRect rcScreen( 0, 0, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) );

    //calculate the size of the font to be used
    m_nWidth = m_nMaxCharWidth * 16;
    m_nHeight = m_nCharHeight * 8;

    //set up window size
    int x, y;
    x = rcClientArea.right - m_nWidth - 16;
    y = rcClientArea.bottom - m_nHeight - 16;

    //load previous position
    x = AfxGetApp()->GetProfileInt( "WindowPos", "InvestigatorInfoX", x );
    y = AfxGetApp()->GetProfileInt( "WindowPos", "InvestigatorInfoY", y );

    //don't let it go off the screen
    if( x < 0 ) x = 0;
    if( y < 0 ) y = 0;
    if( x + m_nWidth > rcScreen.right ) x = rcScreen.right - m_nWidth;
    if( y + m_nHeight > rcScreen.bottom ) y = rcScreen.bottom - m_nHeight;

    //set the new window size and position
    CRect rc( 0, 0, m_nWidth, m_nHeight );
    rc.OffsetRect( x, y );

    //move the window
    MoveWindow( rc );
예제 #3
bool ListPage::Show()
	if (m_osdRegionIndex == 0)
		Rect rcScreen(0,0,720, 576);
		m_osdRegionIndex = rcScreen.CreateRegion(true);
		TRACE1("Created OSD region, index = %d\n", m_osdRegionIndex);

	if (m_osdRegionIndex == 0)
		return false;

	return Draw();
예제 #4
// Restore window placement from profile key
BOOL CWindowPlacement::Restore(LPCTSTR lpKeyName, CWnd* pWnd)

   // Only restore if window intersets the screen.
   CRect rcTemp, rcScreen(0,0,GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN),
   if (!::IntersectRect(&rcTemp, &rcNormalPosition, &rcScreen))
      return FALSE;

   pWnd->SetWindowPlacement(this);  // set placement
   return TRUE;
예제 #5
파일: WPGDI.CPP 프로젝트: 1000copy/Piero
// Create bitmap from contents of screen rectangle
// This must be called right after creating a bitmap using the
// default constructor; e.g.
//		WPBitmap foo;
//		foo.copyScreen(myrect);
void WPBitmap::copyScreen(WPRect &rc)
	WPDisplay dcScreen;		// the whole display

	// Intersect rectangle with screen dimensions
	WPRect rcScreen((WPWin*)NULL);
	rc &= rcScreen;

	// Initialize bitmap to appropriate size
	hobj = CreateCompatibleBitmap(dcScreen, rc.width(), rc.height());
	del = TRUE;

	// Copy the bits
	WPMemDC dcMem(&dcScreen, this);
	WPRect rcDst(0,0,rc.width(),rc.height());
	dcMem.bitBlt(rcDst, dcScreen, rc.origin());
예제 #6
//----------------------------- FUNCTION -------------------------------------*
    CWindowPlacement::Restore(LPCTSTR pszKeyName, CWnd* pWnd)
Restore window placement from profile key

  TRUE if restore was ok

    // Only restore if window intersects the screen.
    CRect rcTemp, rcScreen(0, 0, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN),
    if (!::IntersectRect(&rcTemp, &rcNormalPosition, &rcScreen)) {
        return FALSE;

    showCmd = SW_HIDE;
    pWnd->SetWindowPlacement(this);  // set placement
    return TRUE;
예제 #7
void CCoolMenu::OnDrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct) 
	CRect rcItem, rcText;
	CString strText;
	int nIcon = -1;
	CDC dc;
	BOOL	bSelected	= lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_SELECTED;
	BOOL	bChecked	= lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_CHECKED;
	BOOL	bDisabled	= lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_GRAYED;
	BOOL	bKeyboard	= FALSE;
	BOOL	bEdge		= TRUE;
	dc.Attach( lpDrawItemStruct->hDC );
	if ( CWnd* pWnd = dc.GetWindow() )
		CRect rcScreen( &lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem );
		CPoint ptCursor;
		GetCursorPos( &ptCursor );
		pWnd->ClientToScreen( &rcScreen );
		bKeyboard = ! rcScreen.PtInRect( ptCursor );
	rcItem.CopyRect( &lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem );
	rcItem.OffsetRect( -rcItem.left, -rcItem.top );
	if ( m_hMsgHook != NULL ) rcItem.bottom += ( bEdge = m_bPrinted );
	rcText.CopyRect( &rcItem );
	rcText.left += 32;
	rcText.right -= 2;
	CDC* pDC = CoolInterface.GetBuffer( dc, rcItem.Size() );
	if ( m_bmWatermark.m_hObject != NULL )
		DrawWatermark( pDC, &rcItem, lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem.left, lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem.top );
		pDC->FillSolidRect( rcItem.left, rcItem.top, 24, rcItem.Height(), CoolInterface.m_crMargin );
		pDC->FillSolidRect( rcItem.left + 24, rcItem.top, rcItem.Width() - 24, rcItem.Height(), CoolInterface.m_crBackNormal );
	if ( m_pStrings.Lookup( lpDrawItemStruct->itemData, strText ) == FALSE )
		int nMiddle = rcText.top + 1;
		pDC->FillSolidRect( rcText.left, nMiddle, rcText.Width() + 2, 1, CoolInterface.m_crDisabled );
		dc.BitBlt( lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem.left, lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem.top,
			rcItem.Width(), rcItem.Height(), pDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY );
	if ( bSelected )
		if ( ! bDisabled )
			pDC->Draw3dRect( rcItem.left + 1, rcItem.top + 1,
				rcItem.Width() - 2, rcItem.Height() - 1 - bEdge,
				CoolInterface.m_crBorder, CoolInterface.m_crBorder );
			pDC->FillSolidRect( rcItem.left + 2, rcItem.top + 2,
				rcItem.Width() - 4, rcItem.Height() - 3 - bEdge,
				CoolInterface.m_crBackSel );
			pDC->SetBkColor( CoolInterface.m_crBackSel );
		else if ( bKeyboard )
			pDC->Draw3dRect( rcItem.left + 1, rcItem.top + 1,
				rcItem.Width() - 2, rcItem.Height() - 1 - bEdge,
				CoolInterface.m_crBorder, CoolInterface.m_crBorder );
			pDC->FillSolidRect( rcItem.left + 2, rcItem.top + 2,
				rcItem.Width() - 4, rcItem.Height() - 3 - bEdge,
				CoolInterface.m_crBackNormal );
			pDC->SetBkColor( CoolInterface.m_crBackNormal );
		pDC->SetBkColor( CoolInterface.m_crBackNormal );
	if ( bChecked )
		pDC->Draw3dRect( rcItem.left + 2, rcItem.top + 2, 20, rcItem.Height() - 3 - bEdge,
			CoolInterface.m_crBorder, CoolInterface.m_crBorder );
		pDC->FillSolidRect( rcItem.left + 3, rcItem.top + 3, 18, rcItem.Height() - 5 - bEdge,
			( bSelected && !bDisabled ) ? CoolInterface.m_crBackCheckSel : CoolInterface.m_crBackCheck );
	nIcon = CoolInterface.ImageForID( (DWORD)lpDrawItemStruct->itemID );
	if ( bChecked && nIcon < 0 ) nIcon = m_nCheckIcon;
	if ( nIcon >= 0 )
		CPoint pt( rcItem.left + 4, rcItem.top + 4 );
		if ( bDisabled )
			ImageList_DrawEx( CoolInterface.m_pImages.m_hImageList, nIcon, pDC->GetSafeHdc(),
				pt.x, pt.y, 0, 0, CLR_NONE, CoolInterface.m_crDisabled, CM_DISABLEDBLEND );
		else if ( bChecked )
			CoolInterface.m_pImages.Draw( pDC, nIcon, pt, ILD_TRANSPARENT );
		else if ( bSelected )
			pt.Offset( 1, 1 );
			pDC->SetTextColor( CoolInterface.m_crShadow );
			CoolInterface.m_pImages.Draw( pDC, nIcon, pt, ILD_MASK );
			pt.Offset( -2, -2 );
			CoolInterface.m_pImages.Draw( pDC, nIcon, pt, ILD_TRANSPARENT );
			ImageList_DrawEx( CoolInterface.m_pImages.m_hImageList, nIcon, pDC->GetSafeHdc(),
				pt.x, pt.y, 0, 0, CLR_NONE, CoolInterface.m_crMargin, ILD_BLEND25 );
	CFont* pOld = (CFont*)pDC->SelectObject(
					( lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_DEFAULT ) && ! bDisabled ?
					&CoolInterface.m_fntBold : &CoolInterface.m_fntNormal );
	pDC->SetTextColor( bDisabled ? CoolInterface.m_crDisabled :
		( bSelected ? CoolInterface.m_crCmdTextSel : CoolInterface.m_crCmdText ) );
	DrawMenuText( pDC, &rcText, strText );
	pDC->SelectObject( pOld );
	dc.BitBlt( lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem.left, lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem.top,
		rcItem.Width(), rcItem.Height(), pDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY );
QSoftKeyDesignToolWidget::QSoftKeyDesignToolWidget(QVector<CSoftkey*>* pSelectedKeys, QWidget *parent) :
    ui(new Ui::SoftKeyDesignToolWidget)

    setWindowFlags( Qt::Tool | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint );

    m_dD2PScaleWidth = 0.0;
    m_dD2PScaleHeight = 0.0;

	m_eUnit = UnitRes;

    m_pvSelectedKeys = pSelectedKeys;

    ui->BtnRemove->setEnabled( false );
    ui->BtnGroup->setEnabled( false );
    ui->BtnUngroup->setEnabled( false );
    ui->BtnReorder->setEnabled( false );
    ui->EditName->setEnabled( false );
    ui->CBVisible->setEnabled( false );
    ui->EditPosX->setEnabled( false );
    ui->EditPosY->setEnabled( false );
    ui->EditWidth->setEnabled( false );
    ui->EditHeight->setEnabled( false );

    m_pLayoutToolWidget = new QLayoutToolWidget( pSelectedKeys, this );
    connect( m_pLayoutToolWidget, &QLayoutToolWidget::generateKeys, this, &QSoftKeyDesignToolWidget::generateKeys );

    connect( m_pLayoutToolWidget, &QLayoutToolWidget::alignSelectedKeys, this, &QSoftKeyDesignToolWidget::alignSelectedKeys );
    connect( m_pLayoutToolWidget, &QLayoutToolWidget::adjustSizeSelectedKeys, this, &QSoftKeyDesignToolWidget::adjustSizeSelectedKeys );
    connect( m_pLayoutToolWidget, &QLayoutToolWidget::distribSelectKeys, this, &QSoftKeyDesignToolWidget::distribSelectKeys );
    connect( m_pLayoutToolWidget, &QLayoutToolWidget::reorderKeys, this, &QSoftKeyDesignToolWidget::reorderKeys );

    connect( m_pLayoutToolWidget, &QLayoutToolWidget::updateLayoutButton, this, &QSoftKeyDesignToolWidget::onUpdateLayoutButton );
    connect( this, &QSoftKeyDesignToolWidget::closeWidget, m_pLayoutToolWidget, &QLayoutToolWidget::close );

    QSettings settings( "Habilience", "T3kSoftlogic" );
    settings.beginGroup( "Windows" );
    QString strPos = settings.value( "SoftkeyDesignTool_Pos" ).toString();

    QDesktopWidget desktop;
    QRect rcScreen( desktop.screenGeometry( desktop.primaryScreen() ) );

    if( !strPos.isEmpty() )
        QRect rcWin;
        QString str;
        int nD;
            nD = strPos.indexOf(',');
            if ( nD <= 0 ) break;
            str = strPos.left(nD); strPos = strPos.mid(nD + 1);
            rcWin.setLeft( str.toLong() );
            nD = strPos.indexOf(',');
            if ( nD <= 0 ) break;
            str = strPos.left(nD); strPos = strPos.mid(nD + 1);
            rcWin.setTop( str.toLong() );
            nD = strPos.indexOf(',');
            if ( nD <= 0 ) break;
            str = strPos.left(nD); strPos = strPos.mid(nD + 1);
            rcWin.setRight( str.toLong() );
            rcWin.setBottom( strPos.toLong() );
            rcWin = rcWin.normalized();

            if ( rcScreen.intersects( rcWin ) )
                move( rcWin.left(), rcWin.top() );
                move( rcScreen.center() - QRect(0,0,width(),height()).center() );
        while ( false );
        move( rcScreen.center() - QRect(0,0,width(),height()).center() );


    ui->CBUnit->addItem( "res", UnitRes );
    ui->CBUnit->addItem( "mm", UnitMM );

    if ( (m_dD2PScaleWidth != 0.0) && (m_dD2PScaleHeight != 0.0) )
        ui->CBUnit->setVisible( true );
        ui->CBUnit->setCurrentIndex( 1 );
        m_eUnit = UnitMM;
        ui->CBUnit->setVisible( false );
        m_eUnit = UnitRes;

    m_pLayoutToolWidget->setUnit( m_eUnit, m_dD2PScaleWidth, m_dD2PScaleHeight );

    ui->CBVisible->addItem( "True" );
    ui->CBVisible->addItem( "False" );
    ui->CBVisible->setEnabled( false );
    ui->EditName->setEnabled( false );

    ui->BtnShowToolbar->setText( m_pLayoutToolWidget->isVisible() ? "Hide Layout ToolBar" : "Show Layout ToolBar" );

    ui->EditPosX->setInputMethodHints( Qt::ImhDialableCharactersOnly );
    ui->EditPosY->setInputMethodHints( Qt::ImhDialableCharactersOnly );
    ui->EditWidth->setInputMethodHints( Qt::ImhDialableCharactersOnly );
    ui->EditHeight->setInputMethodHints( Qt::ImhDialableCharactersOnly );

예제 #9
파일: NetLayer.cpp 프로젝트: anyboo/project
bool CNetLayer::NetEnd(Node *node, int tag)
    Point ptNet;
    Point ptTNet;
    Point ptFish;
    Size szFish;
    Point ptDifference;
    Rect rcScreen(0,0,1280,738);
    float sint, cost;

    CGameScene *pGameScene = (CGameScene *)parent();
    CNetObjectExtend *pNetObjectExtend = (CNetObjectExtend *)node->node_extend();

    if (pNetObjectExtend->wChairID == pGameScene->GetMeChairID() || pGameScene->IsAndroidLogicChairID())
        CMD_C_Cast_Net CastNet;
		CastNet.wChairID = pNetObjectExtend->wChairID;
        CastNet.cbCount = 0;

        ptNet = node->position();

        Nodes::iterator j=pGameScene->m_layFishObject->child_begin();
        for (; j!=pGameScene->m_layFishObject->child_end(); ++j)
			if (CastNet.cbCount >= MAX_FISH_IN_NET)

            CFishObjectExtend *pFishObjectExtend = (CFishObjectExtend *)(*j)->node_extend();

            if (pFishObjectExtend->wID == INVALID_WORD)

            ptFish = (*j)->position();
            szFish = pFishObjectExtend->GetFishObjectSize();

            cost = std::cosf((*j)->rotation());
            sint = std::sinf((*j)->rotation());
            ptTNet.x_ = (ptNet.x_-ptFish.x_)*cost + (ptNet.y_-ptFish.y_)*sint;
            ptTNet.y_ = -(ptNet.x_-ptFish.x_)*sint + (ptNet.y_-ptFish.y_)*cost;

            if (CFishObjectExtend::ComputeCollision(szFish.width_, szFish.height_, pNetObjectExtend->GetNetRadius(), ptTNet.x_, ptTNet.y_ ))
                CastNet.FishNetObjects[CastNet.cbCount].wID = pFishObjectExtend->wID;
                CastNet.FishNetObjects[CastNet.cbCount].wRoundID = pFishObjectExtend->wRoundID;
                CastNet.FishNetObjects[CastNet.cbCount].wType = pFishObjectExtend->FishType;
                CastNet.FishNetObjects[CastNet.cbCount].dwTime = pFishObjectExtend->dwTime;


		CClientKernel *pClientKernel = pGameScene->GetClientKernel();

		if (pClientKernel != NULL)
			pClientKernel->SendSocketData(MDM_GF_GAME, SUB_C_CAST_NET, &CastNet, sizeof(CMD_C_Cast_Net)-(MAX_FISH_IN_NET-CastNet.cbCount)*sizeof(Fish_Net_Object));


    return true;