/** * Scan a file for Rcd meta-data, and add it to the collection if all is well. * @param fname Filename of the file to scan. * @return Error message, or \c nullptr if no error found. */ const char *RcdFileCollection::ScanFileForMetaInfo(const char *fname) { RcdFileReader rcd_file(fname); if (!rcd_file.CheckFileHeader("RCDF", 2)) return "Wrong header"; /* Load block. */ if (!rcd_file.ReadBlockHeader() || (strcmp(rcd_file.name, "INFO") != 0)) { /* End reached or found a non-meta block, end scanning. */ return "No INFO block found."; } /* Load INFO block. */ if (rcd_file.version != 1) return "INFO block has wrong version"; uint32 remaining = rcd_file.size; std::string build = GetString(rcd_file, 16, &remaining); std::string name = GetString(rcd_file, 64, &remaining); std::string uri = GetString(rcd_file, 128, &remaining); std::string website = GetString(rcd_file, 128, &remaining); std::string description = GetString(rcd_file, 512, &remaining); if (remaining != 0) return "Error while reading INFO text."; RcdFileInfo rfi(fname, uri, build); this->AddFile(rfi); return nullptr; // Success. }
/** * Load sprites from the disk. * @param filename Name of the RCD file to load. * @return Error message if load failed, else \c nullptr. * @todo Try to re-use already loaded blocks. * @todo Code will use last loaded surface as grass. */ const char *SpriteManager::Load(const char *filename) { RcdFileReader rcd_file(filename); if (!rcd_file.CheckFileHeader("RCDF", 2)) return "Bad header"; ImageMap sprites; // Sprites loaded from this file. TextMap texts; // Texts loaded from this file. TrackPiecesMap track_pieces; // Track pieces loaded from this file. /* Load blocks. */ for (uint blk_num = 1;; blk_num++) { if (!rcd_file.ReadBlockHeader()) return nullptr; // End reached. /* Skip meta blocks. */ if (strcmp(rcd_file.name, "INFO") == 0) { rcd_file.SkipBytes(rcd_file.size); continue; } if (strcmp(rcd_file.name, "8PXL") == 0 || strcmp(rcd_file.name, "32PX") == 0) { ImageData *imd = LoadImage(&rcd_file); if (imd == nullptr) { return "Image data loading failed"; } std::pair<uint, ImageData *> p(blk_num, imd); sprites.insert(p); continue; } if (strcmp(rcd_file.name, "SURF") == 0) { if (!this->LoadSURF(&rcd_file, sprites)) return "Surface block loading failed."; continue; } if (strcmp(rcd_file.name, "TSEL") == 0) { if (!this->LoadTSEL(&rcd_file, sprites)) return "Tile-selection block loading failed."; continue; } if (strcmp(rcd_file.name, "PATH") == 0) { if (!this->LoadPATH(&rcd_file, sprites)) return "Path-sprites block loading failed."; continue; } if (strcmp(rcd_file.name, "TCOR") == 0) { if (!this->LoadTCOR(&rcd_file, sprites)) return "Tile-corners block loading failed."; continue; } if (strcmp(rcd_file.name, "FUND") == 0) { if (!this->LoadFUND(&rcd_file, sprites)) return "Foundation block loading failed."; continue; } if (strcmp(rcd_file.name, "PLAT") == 0) { if (!this->LoadPLAT(&rcd_file, sprites)) return "Platform block loading failed."; continue; } if (strcmp(rcd_file.name, "SUPP") == 0) { if (!this->LoadSUPP(&rcd_file, sprites)) return "Support block loading failed."; continue; } if (strcmp(rcd_file.name, "BDIR") == 0) { if (!this->LoadBDIR(&rcd_file, sprites)) return "Build arrows block loading failed."; continue; } if (strcmp(rcd_file.name, "GCHK") == 0) { if (!_gui_sprites.LoadGCHK(&rcd_file, sprites)) return "Loading Checkable GUI sprites failed."; continue; } if (strcmp(rcd_file.name, "GBOR") == 0) { if (!_gui_sprites.LoadGBOR(&rcd_file, sprites)) return "Loading Border GUI sprites failed."; continue; } if (strcmp(rcd_file.name, "GSLI") == 0) { if (!_gui_sprites.LoadGSLI(&rcd_file, sprites)) return "Loading Slider bar GUI sprites failed."; continue; } if (strcmp(rcd_file.name, "GSCL") == 0) { if (!_gui_sprites.LoadGSCL(&rcd_file, sprites)) return "Loading Scrollbar GUI sprites failed."; continue; } if (strcmp(rcd_file.name, "GSLP") == 0) { if (!_gui_sprites.LoadGSLP(&rcd_file, sprites, texts)) return "Loading slope selection GUI sprites failed."; continue; } if (strcmp(rcd_file.name, "ANIM") == 0) { Animation *anim = new Animation; if (!anim->Load(&rcd_file)) { delete anim; return "Animation failed to load."; } if (anim->person_type == PERSON_INVALID || anim->anim_type == ANIM_INVALID) { delete anim; return "Unknown animation."; } this->AddBlock(anim); this->AddAnimation(anim); this->store.RemoveAnimations(anim->anim_type, (PersonType)anim->person_type); continue; } if (strcmp(rcd_file.name, "ANSP") == 0) { AnimationSprites *an_spr = new AnimationSprites; if (!an_spr->Load(&rcd_file, sprites)) { delete an_spr; return "Animation sprites failed to load."; } if (an_spr->person_type == PERSON_INVALID || an_spr->anim_type == ANIM_INVALID) { delete an_spr; return "Unknown animation."; } this->AddBlock(an_spr); this->store.AddAnimationSprites(an_spr); continue; } if (strcmp(rcd_file.name, "PRSG") == 0) { if (!LoadPRSG(&rcd_file)) return "Graphics Person type data failed to load."; continue; } if (strcmp(rcd_file.name, "TEXT") == 0) { TextData *txt = new TextData; if (!txt->Load(&rcd_file)) { delete txt; return "Text block failed to load."; } this->AddBlock(txt); std::pair<uint, TextData *> p(blk_num, txt); texts.insert(p); continue; } if (strcmp(rcd_file.name, "SHOP") == 0) { ShopType *shop_type = new ShopType; if (!shop_type->Load(&rcd_file, sprites, texts)) { delete shop_type; return "Shop type failed to load."; } _rides_manager.AddRideType(shop_type); continue; } if (strcmp(rcd_file.name, "TRCK") == 0) { auto tp = std::make_shared<TrackPiece>(); if (!tp->Load(&rcd_file, sprites)) { return "Track piece failed to load."; } track_pieces.insert({blk_num, tp}); continue; } if (strcmp(rcd_file.name, "RCST") == 0) { CoasterType *ct = new CoasterType; if (!ct->Load(&rcd_file, texts, track_pieces)) { delete ct; return "Coaster type failed to load."; } _rides_manager.AddRideType(ct); continue; } if (strcmp(rcd_file.name, "CSPL") == 0) { if (!LoadCoasterPlatform(&rcd_file, sprites)) return "Coaster platform failed to load."; continue; } if (strcmp(rcd_file.name, "CARS") == 0) { CarType *ct = GetNewCarType(); if (ct == nullptr) return "No room to store a car type."; if (!ct->Load(&rcd_file, sprites)) return "Car type failed to load."; continue; } /* Unknown block in the RCD file. Skip the block. */ fprintf(stderr, "Unknown RCD block '%s', version %i, ignoring it\n", rcd_file.name, rcd_file.version); rcd_file.SkipBytes(rcd_file.size); } }