static PyObject *Consumer_assignment (Handle *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs) { PyObject *plist; rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *c_parts; rd_kafka_resp_err_t err; if (!self->rk) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Consumer closed"); return NULL; } err = rd_kafka_assignment(self->rk, &c_parts); if (err) { cfl_PyErr_Format(err, "Failed to get assignment: %s", rd_kafka_err2str(err)); return NULL; } plist = c_parts_to_py(c_parts); rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_destroy(c_parts); return plist; }
RdKafka::ErrorCode RdKafka::KafkaConsumerImpl::assignment (std::vector<RdKafka::TopicPartition*> &partitions) { rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *c_parts; rd_kafka_resp_err_t err; if ((err = rd_kafka_assignment(rk_, &c_parts))) return static_cast<RdKafka::ErrorCode>(err); partitions.resize(c_parts->cnt); for (int i = 0 ; i < c_parts->cnt ; i++) partitions[i] = new RdKafka::TopicPartitionImpl(&c_parts->elems[i]); rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_destroy(c_parts); return RdKafka::ERR_NO_ERROR; }
int main_0093_holb_consumer (int argc, char **argv) { const char *topic = test_mk_topic_name("0093_holb_consumer", 1); int64_t testid; const int msgcnt = 100; struct _consumer c[_CONSUMER_CNT] = RD_ZERO_INIT; rd_kafka_conf_t *conf; testid = test_id_generate(); test_conf_init(&conf, NULL, 60); test_create_topic(topic, 1, 1); test_produce_msgs_easy(topic, testid, 0, msgcnt); test_conf_set(conf, "", "6000"); test_conf_set(conf, "", "20000"); test_conf_set(conf, "", "3000"); test_conf_set(conf, "auto.offset.reset", "earliest"); /* Trigger other requests often */ test_conf_set(conf, "", "500"); rd_kafka_conf_set_rebalance_cb(conf, rebalance_cb); rd_kafka_conf_set_opaque(conf, &c[0]); c[0].rk = test_create_consumer(topic, NULL, rd_kafka_conf_dup(conf), NULL); rd_kafka_conf_set_opaque(conf, &c[1]); c[1].rk = test_create_consumer(topic, NULL, conf, NULL); test_consumer_subscribe(c[0].rk, topic); /* c0: assign */ c[0].max_rebalance_cnt = 1; /* c1: none, hasn't joined yet */ c[1].max_rebalance_cnt = 0; TEST_SAY("Waiting for c[0] assignment\n"); while (1) { rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *parts = NULL; do_consume(&c[0], 1/*1s*/); if (rd_kafka_assignment(c[0].rk, &parts) != RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR || !parts || parts->cnt == 0) { if (parts) rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_destroy(parts); continue; } TEST_SAY("%s got assignment of %d partition(s)\n", rd_kafka_name(c[0].rk), parts->cnt); rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_destroy(parts); break; } TEST_SAY("c[0] got assignment, consuming..\n"); do_consume(&c[0], 5/*5s*/); TEST_SAY("Joining second consumer\n"); test_consumer_subscribe(c[1].rk, topic); /* Just poll second consumer for 10s, the rebalance will not * finish until the first consumer polls */ do_consume(&c[1], 10/*10s*/); /* c0: the next call to do_consume/poll will trigger * its rebalance callback, first revoke then assign. */ c[0].max_rebalance_cnt += 2; /* c1: first rebalance */ c[1].max_rebalance_cnt++; TEST_SAY("Expected rebalances: c[0]: %d/%d, c[1]: %d/%d\n", c[0].rebalance_cnt, c[0].max_rebalance_cnt, c[1].rebalance_cnt, c[1].max_rebalance_cnt); /* Let rebalances kick in, then consume messages. */ while (c[0].cnt + c[1].cnt < msgcnt) { do_consume(&c[0], 0); do_consume(&c[1], 0); } /* Allow the extra revoke rebalance on close() */ c[0].max_rebalance_cnt++; c[1].max_rebalance_cnt++; test_consumer_close(c[0].rk); test_consumer_close(c[1].rk); rd_kafka_destroy(c[0].rk); rd_kafka_destroy(c[1].rk); return 0; }
static void do_offset_test (const char *what, int auto_commit, int auto_store, int async) { test_timing_t t_all; char groupid[64]; rd_kafka_t *rk; rd_kafka_conf_t *conf; rd_kafka_topic_conf_t *tconf; int cnt = 0; const int extra_cnt = 5; rd_kafka_resp_err_t err; rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *parts; rd_kafka_topic_partition_t *rktpar; int64_t next_offset = -1; test_conf_init(&conf, &tconf, 20); test_conf_set(conf, "", auto_commit ? "true":"false"); test_conf_set(conf, "", auto_store ?"true":"false"); test_conf_set(conf, "", "500"); rd_kafka_conf_set_offset_commit_cb(conf, offset_commit_cb); test_topic_conf_set(tconf, "auto.offset.reset", "smallest"); test_str_id_generate(groupid, sizeof(groupid)); test_conf_set(conf, "", groupid); rd_kafka_conf_set_default_topic_conf(conf, tconf); TEST_SAY(_C_MAG "[ do_offset_test: %s with %s ]\n", what, groupid); TIMING_START(&t_all, what); expected_offset = 0; committed_offset = -1; /* MO: * - Create consumer. * - Start consuming from beginning * - Perform store & commits according to settings * - Stop storing&committing when half of the messages are consumed, * - but consume 5 more to check against. * - Query position. * - Destroy consumer. * - Create new consumer with same using stored offsets * - Should consume the expected message. */ /* Create kafka instance */ rk = test_create_handle(RD_KAFKA_CONSUMER, rd_kafka_conf_dup(conf)); rd_kafka_poll_set_consumer(rk); test_consumer_subscribe(rk, topic); while (cnt - extra_cnt < msgcnt / 2) { rd_kafka_message_t *rkm; rkm = rd_kafka_consumer_poll(rk, 10*1000); if (!rkm) continue; if (rkm->err == RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__TIMED_OUT) TEST_FAIL("%s: Timed out waiting for message %d", what,cnt); else if (rkm->err == RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__PARTITION_EOF) { rd_kafka_message_destroy(rkm); continue; } else if (rkm->err) TEST_FAIL("%s: Consumer error: %s", what, rd_kafka_message_errstr(rkm)); /* Offset of next message. */ next_offset = rkm->offset + 1; if (cnt < msgcnt / 2) { if (!auto_store) { err = rd_kafka_offset_store(rkm->rkt,rkm->partition, rkm->offset); if (err) TEST_FAIL("%s: offset_store failed: %s\n", what, rd_kafka_err2str(err)); } expected_offset = rkm->offset+1; if (!auto_commit) { test_timing_t t_commit; TIMING_START(&t_commit, async?"commit.async":"commit.sync"); err = rd_kafka_commit_message(rk, rkm, async); TIMING_STOP(&t_commit); if (err) TEST_FAIL("%s: commit failed: %s\n", what, rd_kafka_err2str(err)); } } else if (auto_store && auto_commit) expected_offset = rkm->offset+1; rd_kafka_message_destroy(rkm); cnt++; } TEST_SAY("%s: done consuming after %d messages, at offset %"PRId64"\n", what, cnt, expected_offset); if ((err = rd_kafka_assignment(rk, &parts))) TEST_FAIL("%s: failed to get assignment(): %s\n", what, rd_kafka_err2str(err)); /* Verify position */ if ((err = rd_kafka_position(rk, parts))) TEST_FAIL("%s: failed to get position(): %s\n", what, rd_kafka_err2str(err)); if (!(rktpar = rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_find(parts, topic, partition))) TEST_FAIL("%s: position(): topic lost\n", what); if (rktpar->offset != next_offset) TEST_FAIL("%s: Expected position() offset %"PRId64", got %"PRId64, what, next_offset, rktpar->offset); TEST_SAY("%s: Position is at %"PRId64", good!\n", what, rktpar->offset); /* Pause messages while waiting so we can serve callbacks * without having more messages received. */ if ((err = rd_kafka_pause_partitions(rk, parts))) TEST_FAIL("%s: failed to pause partitions: %s\n", what, rd_kafka_err2str(err)); rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_destroy(parts); /* Fire off any enqueued offset_commit_cb */ test_consumer_poll_no_msgs(what, rk, testid, 0); TEST_SAY("%s: committed_offset %"PRId64", expected_offset %"PRId64"\n", what, committed_offset, expected_offset); if (!auto_commit && !async) { /* Sync commits should be up to date at this point. */ if (committed_offset != expected_offset) TEST_FAIL("%s: Sync commit: committed offset %"PRId64 " should be same as expected offset " "%"PRId64, what, committed_offset, expected_offset); } else { /* Wait for offset commits to catch up */ while (committed_offset < expected_offset) { TEST_SAYL(3, "%s: Wait for committed offset %"PRId64 " to reach expected offset %"PRId64"\n", what, committed_offset, expected_offset); test_consumer_poll_no_msgs(what, rk, testid, 1000); } } TEST_SAY("%s: phase 1 complete, %d messages consumed, " "next expected offset is %"PRId64"\n", what, cnt, expected_offset); /* Issue #827: cause committed() to return prematurely by specifying * low timeout. The bug (use after free) will only * be catched by valgrind. */ do { parts = rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_new(1); rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_add(parts, topic, partition); err = rd_kafka_committed(rk, parts, 1); rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_destroy(parts); TEST_SAY("Issue #827: committed() returned %s\n", rd_kafka_err2str(err)); } while (err != RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__TIMED_OUT); /* Query position */ parts = rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_new(1); rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_add(parts, topic, partition); err = rd_kafka_committed(rk, parts, tmout_multip(5*1000)); if (err) TEST_FAIL("%s: committed() failed: %s", what, rd_kafka_err2str(err)); if (!(rktpar = rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_find(parts, topic, partition))) TEST_FAIL("%s: committed(): topic lost\n", what); if (rktpar->offset != expected_offset) TEST_FAIL("%s: Expected committed() offset %"PRId64", got %"PRId64, what, expected_offset, rktpar->offset); TEST_SAY("%s: Committed offset is at %"PRId64", good!\n", what, rktpar->offset); rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_destroy(parts); test_consumer_close(rk); rd_kafka_destroy(rk); /* Fire up a new consumer and continue from where we left off. */ TEST_SAY("%s: phase 2: starting new consumer to resume consumption\n",what); rk = test_create_handle(RD_KAFKA_CONSUMER, conf); rd_kafka_poll_set_consumer(rk); test_consumer_subscribe(rk, topic); while (cnt < msgcnt) { rd_kafka_message_t *rkm; rkm = rd_kafka_consumer_poll(rk, 10*1000); if (!rkm) continue; if (rkm->err == RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__TIMED_OUT) TEST_FAIL("%s: Timed out waiting for message %d", what,cnt); else if (rkm->err == RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__PARTITION_EOF) { rd_kafka_message_destroy(rkm); continue; } else if (rkm->err) TEST_FAIL("%s: Consumer error: %s", what, rd_kafka_message_errstr(rkm)); if (rkm->offset != expected_offset) TEST_FAIL("%s: Received message offset %"PRId64 ", expected %"PRId64" at msgcnt %d/%d\n", what, rkm->offset, expected_offset, cnt, msgcnt); rd_kafka_message_destroy(rkm); expected_offset++; cnt++; } TEST_SAY("%s: phase 2: complete\n", what); test_consumer_close(rk); rd_kafka_destroy(rk); TIMING_STOP(&t_all); }
int main_0049_consume_conn_close (int argc, char **argv) { rd_kafka_t *rk; const char *topic = test_mk_topic_name("0049_consume_conn_close", 1); uint64_t testid; int msgcnt = test_on_ci ? 1000 : 10000; test_msgver_t mv; rd_kafka_conf_t *conf; rd_kafka_topic_conf_t *tconf; rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *assignment; rd_kafka_resp_err_t err; if (!test_conf_match(NULL, "sasl.mechanisms", "GSSAPI")) { TEST_SKIP("KNOWN ISSUE: ApiVersionRequest+SaslHandshake " "will not play well with sudden disconnects\n"); return 0; } test_conf_init(&conf, &tconf, 60); /* Want an even number so it is divisable by two without surprises */ msgcnt = (msgcnt / (int)test_timeout_multiplier) & ~1; testid = test_id_generate(); test_produce_msgs_easy(topic, testid, RD_KAFKA_PARTITION_UA, msgcnt); test_socket_enable(conf); test_curr->connect_cb = connect_cb; test_curr->is_fatal_cb = is_fatal_cb; test_topic_conf_set(tconf, "auto.offset.reset", "smallest"); rk = test_create_consumer(topic, NULL, conf, tconf); test_consumer_subscribe(rk, topic); test_msgver_init(&mv, testid); test_consumer_poll("consume.up", rk, testid, -1, 0, msgcnt/2, &mv); err = rd_kafka_assignment(rk, &assignment); TEST_ASSERT(!err, "assignment() failed: %s", rd_kafka_err2str(err)); TEST_ASSERT(assignment->cnt > 0, "empty assignment"); TEST_SAY("Bringing down the network\n"); TEST_LOCK(); simulate_network_down = 1; TEST_UNLOCK(); test_socket_close_all(test_curr, 1/*reinit*/); TEST_SAY("Waiting for session timeout to expire (6s), and then some\n"); /* Commit an offset, which should fail, to trigger the offset commit * callback fallback (CONSUMER_ERR) */ assignment->elems[0].offset = 123456789; TEST_SAY("Committing offsets while down, should fail eventually\n"); err = rd_kafka_commit(rk, assignment, 1/*async*/); TEST_ASSERT(!err, "async commit failed: %s", rd_kafka_err2str(err)); rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_destroy(assignment); rd_sleep(10); TEST_SAY("Bringing network back up\n"); TEST_LOCK(); simulate_network_down = 0; TEST_UNLOCK(); TEST_SAY("Continuing to consume..\n"); test_consumer_poll("consume.up2", rk, testid, -1, msgcnt/2, msgcnt/2, &mv); test_msgver_verify("consume", &mv, TEST_MSGVER_ORDER|TEST_MSGVER_DUP, 0, msgcnt); test_msgver_clear(&mv); test_consumer_close(rk); rd_kafka_destroy(rk); return 0; }
int main_0006_symbols (int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 0 /* always false */) { rd_kafka_version(); rd_kafka_version_str(); rd_kafka_get_debug_contexts(); rd_kafka_get_err_descs(NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_err2str(RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR); rd_kafka_err2name(RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR); rd_kafka_errno2err(EINVAL); rd_kafka_errno(); rd_kafka_last_error(); rd_kafka_conf_new(); rd_kafka_conf_destroy(NULL); rd_kafka_conf_dup(NULL); rd_kafka_conf_set(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); rd_kafka_conf_set_dr_cb(NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_conf_set_dr_msg_cb(NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_conf_set_error_cb(NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_conf_set_stats_cb(NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_conf_set_log_cb(NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_conf_set_socket_cb(NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_conf_set_rebalance_cb(NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_conf_set_offset_commit_cb(NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_conf_set_throttle_cb(NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_conf_set_default_topic_conf(NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_conf_get(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); #ifndef _MSC_VER rd_kafka_conf_set_open_cb(NULL, NULL); #endif rd_kafka_conf_set_opaque(NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_opaque(NULL); rd_kafka_conf_dump(NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_topic_conf_dump(NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_conf_dump_free(NULL, 0); rd_kafka_conf_properties_show(NULL); rd_kafka_topic_conf_new(); rd_kafka_topic_conf_dup(NULL); rd_kafka_topic_conf_destroy(NULL); rd_kafka_topic_conf_set(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); rd_kafka_topic_conf_set_opaque(NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_topic_conf_get(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_topic_conf_set_partitioner_cb(NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_topic_partition_available(NULL, 0); rd_kafka_topic_opaque(NULL); rd_kafka_msg_partitioner_random(NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_msg_partitioner_consistent(NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_msg_partitioner_consistent_random(NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_new(0, NULL, NULL, 0); rd_kafka_destroy(NULL); rd_kafka_name(NULL); rd_kafka_memberid(NULL); rd_kafka_topic_new(NULL, NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_topic_destroy(NULL); rd_kafka_topic_name(NULL); rd_kafka_message_destroy(NULL); rd_kafka_message_errstr(NULL); rd_kafka_message_timestamp(NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_consume_start(NULL, 0, 0); rd_kafka_consume_stop(NULL, 0); rd_kafka_consume(NULL, 0, 0); rd_kafka_consume_batch(NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0); rd_kafka_consume_callback(NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_offset_store(NULL, 0, 0); rd_kafka_produce(NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL); rd_kafka_produce_batch(NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0); rd_kafka_poll(NULL, 0); rd_kafka_brokers_add(NULL, NULL); /* DEPRECATED: rd_kafka_set_logger(NULL, NULL); */ rd_kafka_set_log_level(NULL, 0); rd_kafka_log_print(NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); #ifndef _MSC_VER rd_kafka_log_syslog(NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); #endif rd_kafka_outq_len(NULL); rd_kafka_dump(NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_thread_cnt(); rd_kafka_wait_destroyed(0); rd_kafka_metadata(NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0); rd_kafka_metadata_destroy(NULL); rd_kafka_queue_destroy(NULL); rd_kafka_consume_start_queue(NULL, 0, 0, NULL); rd_kafka_consume_queue(NULL, 0); rd_kafka_consume_batch_queue(NULL, 0, NULL, 0); rd_kafka_consume_callback_queue(NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_seek(NULL, 0, 0, 0); rd_kafka_yield(NULL); rd_kafka_mem_free(NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_list_groups(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); rd_kafka_group_list_destroy(NULL); /* KafkaConsumer API */ rd_kafka_subscribe(NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_unsubscribe(NULL); rd_kafka_subscription(NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_consumer_poll(NULL, 0); rd_kafka_consumer_close(NULL); rd_kafka_assign(NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_assignment(NULL, NULL); rd_kafka_commit(NULL, NULL, 0); rd_kafka_commit_message(NULL, NULL, 0); rd_kafka_committed(NULL, NULL, 0); rd_kafka_position(NULL, NULL); /* TopicPartition */ rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_new(0); rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_destroy(NULL); rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_add(NULL, NULL, 0); rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_add_range(NULL, NULL, 0, 0); rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_del(NULL, NULL, 0); rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_del_by_idx(NULL, 0); rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_copy(NULL); rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_set_offset(NULL, NULL, 0, 0); rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_find(NULL, NULL, 0); rd_kafka_query_watermark_offsets(NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0); rd_kafka_get_watermark_offsets(NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); } return 0; }