AppDisplay::AppDisplay() : QWidget() { this->successful = false; this->resize(WIDTH, HEIGHT); this->setWindowTitle("Illini Motorsports CAN Translator - 2015-2016"); this->setLayout(&layout); connect(&data, SIGNAL(error(QString)), this, SLOT(handleError(QString))); connect(&data, SIGNAL(progress(int)), this, SLOT(updateProgress(int))); connect(&config, SIGNAL(error(QString)), this, SLOT(handleError(QString))); = &data; = &data; layout.addLayout(&layout_headers); QFont font_header("Helvetica", 20, QFont::Bold); QFont font_subheader("Helvetica", 15); QFont font_message("Helvetica", 15, QFont::Black); QFont font_signal("Helvetica", 9); lbl_header.setText("Illini Motorsports CAN Translator - 2015-2016"); lbl_header.setFont(font_header); lbl_header.setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: black; }"); lbl_header.setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); layout_headers.addWidget(&lbl_header, 1); lbl_subheader.setText("Created By: Andrew Mass"); lbl_subheader.setFont(font_subheader); lbl_subheader.setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); layout_headers.addWidget(&lbl_subheader, 1); lbl_keymaps.setText("[c] Convert Custom File [v] Convert Vector File [s] Coalesce Converted Logfiles [q] Quit"); lbl_keymaps.setFont(font_subheader); lbl_keymaps.setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); layout_headers.addWidget(&lbl_keymaps, 1); btn_read_custom.setText("Select Custom File to Convert"); layout_reads.addWidget(&btn_read_custom, 1); btn_read_vector.setText("Select Vector File to Convert"); layout_reads.addWidget(&btn_read_vector, 1); btn_coalesce.setText("Coalesce Converted Logfiles"); layout_reads.addWidget(&btn_coalesce, 1); layout.addLayout(&layout_reads); // Configure config area (left side) area_config_helper.setLayout(&layout_config); area_config.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn); area_config.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); area_config.setWidgetResizable(true); area_config.setWidget(&area_config_helper); // Configure progress area (right side) layout_progress.addWidget(&bar_convert, 1); // Add config and progress areas to main layout layout_main.addWidget(&area_config); layout_main.addLayout(&layout_progress); layout.addLayout(&layout_main); // Parse CAN spec from config file map<uint16_t, Message> messages = config.getMessages(); if (messages.size() > 0) { this->successful = true; } // Add message defintions to config area typedef map<uint16_t, Message>::iterator it_msg; for(it_msg msgIt = messages.begin(); msgIt != messages.end(); msgIt++) { Message msg = msgIt->second; QGroupBox* messageGroup = new QGroupBox(msg.toString()); QVBoxLayout* signalsLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); messageGroup->setLayout(signalsLayout); for (Signal sig: msg.sigs) { signalsLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(sig.toString())); } layout_config.addWidget(messageGroup); } connect(&computeThread, SIGNAL(finish(bool)), this, SLOT(convertFinish(bool))); connect(&computeThread, SIGNAL(addFileProgress(QString)), this, SLOT(addFileProgress(QString))); connect(&coalesceComputeThread, SIGNAL(finish(bool)), this, SLOT(coalesceFinish(bool))); connect(&btn_read_custom, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(readDataCustom())); connect(&btn_read_vector, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(readDataVector())); connect(&btn_coalesce, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(coalesceLogfiles())); }
void resultCombiner(const char * name_dv1, const char * name_cm1, const int length1, const char * name_dv2, const char * name_cm2, const int length2, int ftr = 1, const char * outputNameStub = "output") { TVectorD dv1(length1), dv2(length2); TMatrixT<double> cm1(length1, length1), cm2(length2, length2); double binLimits1[length1][2], binLimits2[length2][2], ccCov1[length1], ccCov2[length1]; readDataVector(name_dv1, dv1, binLimits1, ftr, ccCov1); printf("Read data vector 1 (%d)\n",length1); readDataVector(name_dv2, dv2, binLimits2, ftr, ccCov2); printf("Read data vector 2 (%d)\n",length2); readCovMatrix(name_cm1, cm1); printf("Read covariance matrix 1\n"); readCovMatrix(name_cm2, cm2); printf("Read covariance matrix 2\n"); std::vector<double*> binLimits; std::vector<std::vector<int > > preU; int i1 = 0, i2 = 0; while(i1 < length1 || i2 < length2) { if(i1 < length1 && i2 < length2) { if((binLimits1[i1][1] + binLimits1[i1][0])/2 > binLimits2[i2][0] && (binLimits1[i1][1] + binLimits1[i1][0])/2 < binLimits2[i2][1]) { binLimits.push_back(binLimits1[i1]); std::vector<int> tmp; tmp.push_back(i1); tmp.push_back(i2); preU.push_back(tmp); i1++; i2++; } else if((binLimits1[i1][1] + binLimits1[i1][0])/2 <= binLimits2[i2][0]) { binLimits.push_back(binLimits1[i1]); std::vector<int> tmp; tmp.push_back(i1); tmp.push_back(-1); preU.push_back(tmp); i1++; } else { binLimits.push_back(binLimits2[i2]); std::vector<int> tmp; tmp.push_back(-1); tmp.push_back(i2); preU.push_back(tmp); i2++; } } else if(i1 < length1 && i2 >= length2) { binLimits.push_back(binLimits1[i1]); std::vector<int> tmp; tmp.push_back(i1); tmp.push_back(-1); preU.push_back(tmp); i1++; } else { binLimits.push_back(binLimits2[i2]); std::vector<int> tmp; tmp.push_back(-1); tmp.push_back(i2); preU.push_back(tmp); i2++; } } TVectorD dv(length1 + length2); for(int i = 0; i < length1 + length2; i++) { dv[i] = (i < length1) ? dv1[i] : dv2[i - length1]; } TMatrixT<double> cm(length1 + length2, length1 + length2), U(length1 + length2, preU.size()); for(int i = 0; i < length1; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < length1; j++) { cm[i][j] = cm1[i][j]; } } for(int i = length1; i < length1 + length2; i++) { for(int j = length1; j < length1 + length2; j++) { cm[i][j] = cm2[i - length1][j - length1]; } } for(unsigned int i = 0; i < preU.size(); i++) { if(preU[i][0] >= 0) U[preU[i][0]][i] = 1; if(preU[i][1] >= 0) U[preU[i][1] + length1][i] = 1; if(ftr > 1 && preU[i][0] >= 0 && preU[i][1] >= 0) cm[preU[i][0]][preU[i][1] + length1] = cm[preU[i][1] + length1][preU[i][0]] = ccCov1[preU[i][0]]*ccCov2[preU[i][1]]; } // cm.Print(); TMatrixT<double> Ut(U); Ut.T(); TMatrixT<double> cmInv(cm); cmInv.Invert(); TMatrixT<double> step1 = Ut * cmInv * U; TMatrixT<double> step2 = Ut * cmInv; TMatrixT<double> lambda = step1.Invert() * step2; TVectorD bV = lambda*dv; TMatrixT<double> bcm = (Ut * cmInv * U).Invert(); printf("Done with combination.\n"); //write output FILE *file; char bVoutName[128], CMoutName[128]; sprintf(bVoutName, "%s_data.txt", outputNameStub); file = fopen(bVoutName, "w"); if(file) { fprintf(file, "#\n#%9s %9s %9s %15s %15s\n", "Bin", "Y_min", "Y_max", "Value", "Uncertainty"); for(int i = 0; i < bV.GetNoElements(); i++) { fprintf(file, " %9i %9.2f %9.2f %15e %15e\n", i + 1, binLimits[i][0], binLimits[i][1], bV[i], sqrt(bcm[i][i])); } fclose(file); } sprintf(CMoutName, "%s_covMat.txt", outputNameStub); file = fopen(CMoutName, "w"); if(file) { fprintf(file, "#\n#%9s %9s %15s\n", "Bin i", "Bin j", "Value"); for(int i = 0; i < bcm.GetNrows(); i++) { for(int j = 0; j < bcm.GetNcols(); j++) { fprintf(file, " %9i %9i %15e\n", i + 1, j + 1, bcm[i][j]); } } fclose(file); } printf("Output complete.\n"); }