예제 #1
파일: texture.c 프로젝트: zmike/compiz
readImageToTexture(CompScreen *screen,
                   CompTexture *texture,
                   const char *imageFileName,
                   unsigned int *returnWidth,
                   unsigned int *returnHeight)
   void *image;
   int width, height;
   Bool status;

   if (!readImageFromFile(screen->display, imageFileName,
                          &width, &height, &image))
     return FALSE;

   status = imageBufferToTexture(screen, texture, image, width, height);


   if (returnWidth)
     *returnWidth = width;
   if (returnHeight)
     *returnHeight = height;

   return status;
예제 #2
파일: scene.c 프로젝트: FabianHahn/kalisko
API OpenGLPrimitive *parseOpenGLScenePrimitiveHeightmap(Scene *scene, const char *path_prefix, const char *name, Store *store)
	// Parse num parameter
	Store *heightmapParam;

	if((heightmapParam = getStorePath(store, "heightmap")) == NULL || heightmapParam->type != STORE_STRING) {
		logError("Failed to parse OpenGL scene primitive heightmap '%s': String parameter 'heightmap' not found", name);
		return NULL;

	GString *path = g_string_new(path_prefix);
	g_string_append_printf(path, "/%s", heightmapParam->content.string);
	Image *image = readImageFromFile(path->str);

	if(image == NULL) {
		logError("Failed to parse OpenGL scene primitive heightmap '%s': Failed to load heightmap image from '%s'", name, path->str);
		g_string_free(path, true);
		return NULL;

	g_string_free(path, true);

	// Create heightmap
	OpenGLPrimitive *primitive;

	if((primitive = createOpenGLPrimitiveHeightmap(image, image->width, image->height)) == NULL) {
		logError("Failed to parse OpenGL scene primitive heightmap '%s': Failed to create heightmap primitive from heightmap image", name);
		return NULL;

	return primitive;
예제 #3
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    AR2JpegImageT       *jpegImage = NULL;
    ARUint8             *image = NULL;
    AR2ImageSetT        *imageSet = NULL;
    AR2FeatureMapT      *featureMap = NULL;
    AR2FeatureSetT      *featureSet = NULL;
    KpmRefDataSet       *refDataSet = NULL;
    float                scale1, scale2;
    int                  procMode;
    char                 buf[1024];
    int                  num;
    int                  i, j;
    char                *sep = NULL;
	time_t				 clock;
    int                  maxFeatureNum;
    int                  err;

    for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) {
        if( strncmp(argv[i], "-dpi=", 5) == 0 ) {
            if( sscanf(&argv[i][5], "%f", &dpi) != 1 ) usage(argv[0]);
        } else if( strncmp(argv[i], "-sd_thresh=", 11) == 0 ) {
            if( sscanf(&argv[i][11], "%f", &sd_thresh) != 1 ) usage(argv[0]);
        } else if( strncmp(argv[i], "-max_thresh=", 12) == 0 ) {
            if( sscanf(&argv[i][12], "%f", &max_thresh) != 1 ) usage(argv[0]);
        } else if( strncmp(argv[i], "-min_thresh=", 12) == 0 ) {
            if( sscanf(&argv[i][12], "%f", &min_thresh) != 1 ) usage(argv[0]);
        } else if( strncmp(argv[i], "-feature_density=", 13) == 0 ) {
            if( sscanf(&argv[i][13], "%d", &featureDensity) != 1 ) usage(argv[0]);
        } else if( strncmp(argv[i], "-level=", 7) == 0 ) {
            if( sscanf(&argv[i][7], "%d", &tracking_extraction_level) != 1 ) usage(argv[0]);
        } else if( strncmp(argv[i], "-leveli=", 8) == 0 ) {
            if( sscanf(&argv[i][8], "%d", &initialization_extraction_level) != 1 ) usage(argv[0]);
        } else if( strncmp(argv[i], "-max_dpi=", 9) == 0 ) {
            if( sscanf(&argv[i][9], "%f", &dpiMax) != 1 ) usage(argv[0]);
        } else if( strncmp(argv[i], "-min_dpi=", 9) == 0 ) {
            if( sscanf(&argv[i][9], "%f", &dpiMin) != 1 ) usage(argv[0]);
        } else if( strcmp(argv[i], "-background") == 0 ) {
            background = 1;
        } else if( strcmp(argv[i], "-nofset") == 0 ) {
            genfset = 0;
        } else if( strcmp(argv[i], "-fset") == 0 ) {
            genfset = 1;
        } else if( strcmp(argv[i], "-nofset2") == 0 ) {
            ARLOGe("Error: -nofset2 option no longer supported as of ARToolKit v5.3.\n");
        } else if( strcmp(argv[i], "-fset2") == 0 ) {
            ARLOGe("Error: -fset2 option no longer supported as of ARToolKit v5.3.\n");
        } else if( strcmp(argv[i], "-nofset3") == 0 ) {
            genfset3 = 0;
        } else if( strcmp(argv[i], "-fset3") == 0 ) {
            genfset3 = 1;
        } else if( strncmp(argv[i], "-log=", 5) == 0 ) {
            strncpy(logfile, &(argv[i][5]), sizeof(logfile) - 1);
            logfile[sizeof(logfile) - 1] = '\0'; // Ensure NULL termination.
        } else if( strncmp(argv[i], "-loglevel=", 10) == 0 ) {
            if (strcmp(&(argv[i][10]), "DEBUG") == 0) arLogLevel = AR_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG;
            else if (strcmp(&(argv[i][10]), "INFO") == 0) arLogLevel = AR_LOG_LEVEL_INFO;
            else if (strcmp(&(argv[i][10]), "WARN") == 0) arLogLevel = AR_LOG_LEVEL_WARN;
            else if (strcmp(&(argv[i][10]), "ERROR") == 0) arLogLevel = AR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR;
            else usage(argv[0]);
         } else if( strncmp(argv[i], "-exitcode=", 10) == 0 ) {
            strncpy(exitcodefile, &(argv[i][10]), sizeof(exitcodefile) - 1);
            exitcodefile[sizeof(exitcodefile) - 1] = '\0'; // Ensure NULL termination.
        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--version") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "-version") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "-v") == 0) {
            ARLOG("%s version %s\n", argv[0], AR_HEADER_VERSION_STRING);
        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "-?") == 0) {
        } else if( filename[0] == '\0' ) {
            strncpy(filename, argv[i], sizeof(filename) - 1);
            filename[sizeof(filename) - 1] = '\0'; // Ensure NULL termination.
        } else {
            ARLOGe("Error: unrecognised option '%s'\n", argv[i]);
    // Do some checks on the input.
    if (filename[0] == '\0') {
        ARLOGe("Error: no input file specified. Exiting.\n");
    sep = strrchr(filename, '.');
    if (!sep || (strcmp(sep, ".jpeg") && strcmp(sep, ".jpg") && strcmp(sep, ".jpe") && strcmp(sep, ".JPEG") && strcmp(sep, ".JPE") && strcmp(sep, ".JPG"))) {
        ARLOGe("Error: input file must be a JPEG image (with suffix .jpeg/.jpg/.jpe). Exiting.\n");
    if (background) {
        if (filename[0] != '/' || logfile[0] != '/' || exitcodefile[0] != '/') {
            ARLOGe("Error: -background flag requires full pathname of files (input, -log or -exitcode) to be specified. Exiting.\n");
        if (tracking_extraction_level == -1 && (sd_thresh == -1.0 || min_thresh == -1.0 || max_thresh == -1.0)) {
            ARLOGe("Error: -background flag requires -level or -sd_thresh, -min_thresh and -max_thresh -to be set. Exiting.\n");
        if (initialization_extraction_level == -1 && (featureDensity == -1)) {
            ARLOGe("Error: -background flag requires -leveli or -surf_thresh to be set. Exiting.\n");
        if (dpi == -1.0) {
            ARLOGe("Error: -background flag requires -dpi to be set. Exiting.\n");
        if (dpiMin != -1.0f && (dpiMin <= 0.0f || dpiMin > dpi)) {
            ARLOGe("Error: -min_dpi must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to -dpi. Exiting.n\n");
        if (dpiMax != -1.0f && (dpiMax < dpiMin || dpiMax > dpi)) {
            ARLOGe("Error: -max_dpi must be greater than or equal to -min_dpi and less than or equal to -dpi. Exiting.n\n");
        ARLOGe("Error: -background flag not supported on this operating system. Exiting.\n");
    if (background) {
        // Daemonize.
        if (daemon(0, 0) == -1) {
            perror("Unable to detach from controlling terminal");
        // At this point, stdin, stdout and stderr point to /dev/null.
    if (logfile[0]) {
        if (!freopen(logfile, "a", stdout) ||
            !freopen(logfile, "a", stderr)) ARLOGe("Unable to redirect stdout or stderr to logfile.\n");
    if (exitcodefile[0]) {
    // Print the start date and time.
    clock = time(NULL);
    if (clock != (time_t)-1) {
        struct tm *timeptr = localtime(&clock);
        if (timeptr) {
            char stime[26+8] = "";
            if (strftime(stime, sizeof(stime), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z", timeptr)) // e.g. "1999-12-31 23:59:59 NZDT".
                ARLOGi("--\nGenerator started at %s\n", stime);

    if (genfset) {
        if (tracking_extraction_level == -1 && (sd_thresh  == -1.0 || min_thresh == -1.0 || max_thresh == -1.0 || occ_size == -1)) {
            do {
                printf("Select extraction level for tracking features, 0(few) <--> 4(many), [default=%d]: ", TRACKING_EXTRACTION_LEVEL_DEFAULT);
                if( fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) == NULL ) EXIT(E_USER_INPUT_CANCELLED);
                if (buf[0] == '\n') tracking_extraction_level = TRACKING_EXTRACTION_LEVEL_DEFAULT;
                else sscanf(buf, "%d", &tracking_extraction_level);
            } while (tracking_extraction_level < 0 || tracking_extraction_level > 4);
        switch (tracking_extraction_level) {
            case 0:
                if( sd_thresh  == -1.0f ) sd_thresh  = AR2_DEFAULT_SD_THRESH_L0;
                if( min_thresh == -1.0f ) min_thresh = AR2_DEFAULT_MIN_SIM_THRESH_L0;
                if( max_thresh == -1.0f ) max_thresh = AR2_DEFAULT_MAX_SIM_THRESH_L0;
                if( occ_size   == -1    ) occ_size   = AR2_DEFAULT_OCCUPANCY_SIZE;
            case 1:
                if( sd_thresh  == -1.0f ) sd_thresh  = AR2_DEFAULT_SD_THRESH_L1;
                if( min_thresh == -1.0f ) min_thresh = AR2_DEFAULT_MIN_SIM_THRESH_L1;
                if( max_thresh == -1.0f ) max_thresh = AR2_DEFAULT_MAX_SIM_THRESH_L1;
                if( occ_size   == -1    ) occ_size   = AR2_DEFAULT_OCCUPANCY_SIZE;
            case 2:
                if( sd_thresh  == -1.0f ) sd_thresh  = AR2_DEFAULT_SD_THRESH_L2;
                if( min_thresh == -1.0f ) min_thresh = AR2_DEFAULT_MIN_SIM_THRESH_L2;
                if( max_thresh == -1.0f ) max_thresh = AR2_DEFAULT_MAX_SIM_THRESH_L2;
                if( occ_size   == -1    ) occ_size   = AR2_DEFAULT_OCCUPANCY_SIZE*2/3;
            case 3:
                if( sd_thresh  == -1.0f ) sd_thresh  = AR2_DEFAULT_SD_THRESH_L3;
                if( min_thresh == -1.0f ) min_thresh = AR2_DEFAULT_MIN_SIM_THRESH_L3;
                if( max_thresh == -1.0f ) max_thresh = AR2_DEFAULT_MAX_SIM_THRESH_L3;
                if( occ_size   == -1    ) occ_size   = AR2_DEFAULT_OCCUPANCY_SIZE*2/3;
            case 4: // Same as 3, but with smaller AR2_DEFAULT_OCCUPANCY_SIZE.
                if( sd_thresh  == -1.0f ) sd_thresh  = AR2_DEFAULT_SD_THRESH_L3;
                if( min_thresh == -1.0f ) min_thresh = AR2_DEFAULT_MIN_SIM_THRESH_L3;
                if( max_thresh == -1.0f ) max_thresh = AR2_DEFAULT_MAX_SIM_THRESH_L3;
                if( occ_size   == -1    ) occ_size   = AR2_DEFAULT_OCCUPANCY_SIZE*1/2;
             default: // We only get to here if the parameters are already set.
        ARLOGi("MAX_THRESH  = %f\n", max_thresh);
        ARLOGi("MIN_THRESH  = %f\n", min_thresh);
        ARLOGi("SD_THRESH   = %f\n", sd_thresh);
    if (genfset3) {
        if (initialization_extraction_level == -1 && featureDensity == -1) {
            do {
                printf("Select extraction level for initializing features, 0(few) <--> 3(many), [default=%d]: ", INITIALIZATION_EXTRACTION_LEVEL_DEFAULT);
                if( fgets(buf,1024,stdin) == NULL ) EXIT(E_USER_INPUT_CANCELLED);
                if (buf[0] == '\n') initialization_extraction_level = INITIALIZATION_EXTRACTION_LEVEL_DEFAULT;
                else sscanf(buf, "%d", &initialization_extraction_level);
            } while (initialization_extraction_level < 0 || initialization_extraction_level > 3);
        switch(initialization_extraction_level) {
            case 0:
                if( featureDensity  == -1 ) featureDensity  = KPM_SURF_FEATURE_DENSITY_L0;
            case 1:
                if( featureDensity  == -1 ) featureDensity  = KPM_SURF_FEATURE_DENSITY_L1;
            case 2:
                if( featureDensity  == -1 ) featureDensity  = KPM_SURF_FEATURE_DENSITY_L2;
            case 3:
                if( featureDensity  == -1 ) featureDensity  = KPM_SURF_FEATURE_DENSITY_L3;
        ARLOGi("SURF_FEATURE = %d\n", featureDensity);

    if ((err = readImageFromFile(filename, &image, &xsize, &ysize, &nc, &dpi)) != 0) {
        ARLOGe("Error reading image from file '%s'.\n", filename);


    ARLOGi("Generating ImageSet...\n");
    ARLOGi("   (Source image xsize=%d, ysize=%d, channels=%d, dpi=%.1f).\n", xsize, ysize, nc, dpi);
    imageSet = ar2GenImageSet( image, xsize, ysize, nc, dpi, dpi_list, dpi_num );
    if( imageSet == NULL ) {
        ARLOGe("ImageSet generation error!!\n");
    ARLOGi("  Done.\n");
    ar2UtilRemoveExt( filename );
    ARLOGi("Saving to %s.iset...\n", filename);
    if( ar2WriteImageSet( filename, imageSet ) < 0 ) {
        ARLOGe("Save error: %s.iset\n", filename );
    ARLOGi("  Done.\n");

    if (genfset) {
        arMalloc( featureSet, AR2FeatureSetT, 1 );                      // A featureSet with a single image,
        arMalloc( featureSet->list, AR2FeaturePointsT, imageSet->num ); // and with 'num' scale levels of this image.
        featureSet->num = imageSet->num;
        ARLOGi("Generating FeatureList...\n");
        for( i = 0; i < imageSet->num; i++ ) {
            ARLOGi("Start for %f dpi image.\n", imageSet->scale[i]->dpi);
            featureMap = ar2GenFeatureMap( imageSet->scale[i],
                                          AR2_DEFAULT_TS1*AR2_TEMP_SCALE, AR2_DEFAULT_TS2*AR2_TEMP_SCALE,
                                          AR2_DEFAULT_MAX_SIM_THRESH2, AR2_DEFAULT_SD_THRESH2 );
            if( featureMap == NULL ) {
            ARLOGi("  Done.\n");
            featureSet->list[i].coord = ar2SelectFeature2( imageSet->scale[i], featureMap,
                                                          AR2_DEFAULT_TS1*AR2_TEMP_SCALE, AR2_DEFAULT_TS2*AR2_TEMP_SCALE, AR2_DEFAULT_GEN_FEATURE_MAP_SEARCH_SIZE2,
                                                          max_thresh, min_thresh, sd_thresh, &num );
            if( featureSet->list[i].coord == NULL ) num = 0;
            featureSet->list[i].num   = num;
            featureSet->list[i].scale = i;
            scale1 = 0.0f;
            for( j = 0; j < imageSet->num; j++ ) {
                if( imageSet->scale[j]->dpi < imageSet->scale[i]->dpi ) {
                    if( imageSet->scale[j]->dpi > scale1 ) scale1 = imageSet->scale[j]->dpi;
            if( scale1 == 0.0f ) {
                featureSet->list[i].mindpi = imageSet->scale[i]->dpi * 0.5f;
            else {
                 scale2 = imageSet->scale[i]->dpi;
                 scale = sqrtf( scale1 * scale2 );
                 featureSet->list[i].mindpi = scale2 / ((scale2/scale - 1.0f)*1.1f + 1.0f);
                featureSet->list[i].mindpi = scale1;
            scale1 = 0.0f;
            for( j = 0; j < imageSet->num; j++ ) {
                if( imageSet->scale[j]->dpi > imageSet->scale[i]->dpi ) {
                    if( scale1 == 0.0f || imageSet->scale[j]->dpi < scale1 ) scale1 = imageSet->scale[j]->dpi;
            if( scale1 == 0.0f ) {
                featureSet->list[i].maxdpi = imageSet->scale[i]->dpi * 2.0f;
            else {
                //scale2 = imageSet->scale[i]->dpi * 1.2f;
                scale2 = imageSet->scale[i]->dpi;
                 scale = sqrtf( scale1 * scale2 );
                 featureSet->list[i].maxdpi = scale2 * ((scale/scale2 - 1.0f)*1.1f + 1.0f);
                featureSet->list[i].maxdpi = scale2*0.8f + scale1*0.2f;
            ar2FreeFeatureMap( featureMap );
        ARLOGi("  Done.\n");
        ARLOGi("Saving FeatureSet...\n");
        if( ar2SaveFeatureSet( filename, "fset", featureSet ) < 0 ) {
            ARLOGe("Save error: %s.fset\n", filename );
        ARLOGi("  Done.\n");
        ar2FreeFeatureSet( &featureSet );
    if (genfset3) {
        ARLOGi("Generating FeatureSet3...\n");
        refDataSet  = NULL;
        procMode    = KpmProcFullSize;
        for( i = 0; i < imageSet->num; i++ ) {
            //if( imageSet->scale[i]->dpi > 100.0f ) continue;
            maxFeatureNum = featureDensity * imageSet->scale[i]->xsize * imageSet->scale[i]->ysize / (480*360);
            ARLOGi("(%d, %d) %f[dpi]\n", imageSet->scale[i]->xsize, imageSet->scale[i]->ysize, imageSet->scale[i]->dpi);
            if( kpmAddRefDataSet (
                                  procMode, KpmCompNull, maxFeatureNum, 1, i, &refDataSet) < 0 ) { // Page number set to 1 by default.
                ARLOGe("Error at kpmAddRefDataSet.\n");
        ARLOGi("  Done.\n");
        ARLOGi("Saving FeatureSet3...\n");
        if( kpmSaveRefDataSet(filename, "fset3", refDataSet) != 0 ) {
            ARLOGe("Save error: %s.fset2\n", filename );
        ARLOGi("  Done.\n");
        kpmDeleteRefDataSet( &refDataSet );
    ar2FreeImageSet( &imageSet );

    // Print the start date and time.
    clock = time(NULL);
    if (clock != (time_t)-1) {
        struct tm *timeptr = localtime(&clock);
        if (timeptr) {
            char stime[26+8] = "";
            if (strftime(stime, sizeof(stime), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z", timeptr)) // e.g. "1999-12-31 23:59:59 NZDT".
                ARLOGi("Generator finished at %s\n--\n", stime);

    exitcode = E_NO_ERROR;
    return (exitcode);