void ofApp::setup() {


    play.addListener(this, &ofApp::playPressed);
    learnPlay.addListener(this, &ofApp::playPressed);
    conductModeButton.addListener(this, &ofApp::conductModeSelected);
    learnModeButton.addListener(this, &ofApp::learnModeSelected);
    back.addListener(this, &ofApp::backPressed);
    learnBack.addListener(this, &ofApp::backPressed);

    // Main screen gui
    guiModeSelection.setup("", "settings.xml", screenWidth/2, screenHeight/2);
    //guiModeSelection.add(conductModeButton.setup("conduct", 50.0F, 50.0F));
    //guiModeSelection.add(learnModeButton.setup("learn", 50.0F, 50.0F));
    conductModeButton.setup("Conduct", 30.0F, 30.0F);
    conductModeButton.setPosition(ofPoint(screenWidth/2-15, screenHeight/2-15));
    learnModeButton.setup("Learn", 30.0F, 30.0F);
    learnModeButton.setPosition(ofPoint(screenWidth / 2 - 15, screenHeight / 2 + 15));

    // Conduct mode gui
    gui.setup("", "settings.xml", 50.0F, 50.0F);
    gui.add(volume.setup("volume", 1.0, 0.0, 1.0));
    gui.add(speed.setup("tempo", 1.0, 0.5, 2.0));
    gui.add(background.setup("background", 0, 0, 8));
    gui.add(instruments.setup("instruments", -1, -1, 11));

    // Learn mode gui

    learnGui.setup("", "settings.xml", 50.0F, 500.0F);
    learnGui.add(learnVolume.setup("volume", 1.0, 0.0, 1.0));
    learnGui.add(learnSpeed.setup("tempo", 1.0, 0.5, 2.0));
    learnGui.add(learnBackground.setup("background", 0, 0, 8));
    learnGui.add(learnPattern.setup("pattern", 1, 1, 3));

    finalVideo = new unsigned char[1440 * 1080 * 3];
    finalTexture.allocate(1440, 1080, GL_RGB);


    for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {

예제 #2
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc == 1)
        cerr << "Usage: <program> <SDF-file-list>" << endl;
        return 1;

    std::vector<Linker> linkers;
    std::vector<Rigid> rigids;
    readInputFiles(argc, argv, linkers, rigids);

    cerr << "1" << endl;
    Instantiator instantiator(cout);
    cerr << "2" << endl;
    HyperGraph<Molecule, EdgeAnnotationT> graph = instantiator.Instantiate(linkers, rigids);

    cerr << "3" << endl;

    PebblerHyperGraph<Molecule, EdgeAnnotationT> pebblerGraph = graph.GetPebblerHyperGraph();

    cerr << "4" << endl;

    if (DEBUG) cout << graph;

    cerr << "5" << endl;

    Cleanup(linkers, rigids);

    cerr << "6" << endl;

    return 0;
예제 #3
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc < 2)
        std::cerr << "Usage: <program> [SDF-file-list] -o <output-file> -v <validation-file>"
                  << " -pool <#obgen-threads>" << std::endl;
        return 1;

    // Remove log files from a previous run.
    std::string rmString = "rm synth_log*";

    // Global options object.
    Options options(argc, argv);
    if (!options.parseCommandLine())
        std::cerr << "Command-line parsing failed; exiting." << std::endl;
        return 1;

    // Output command-line option information
    if (!Options::THREADED)
        std::cout << "\'-threaded\' not specified, but will be used." << std::endl;

    // Printing the specified Tanimoto value to the user.
    std::cerr << "Tanimoto Coefficient Threshold Specified: "
              << Options::TANIMOTO << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "OBGEN output thread pool size: "
              << Options::OBGEN_THREAD_POOL_SIZE << std::endl;

    if (!readInputFiles(options)) return 1;

    // Bypass synthesis for acquiring information about the input fragments.
    if (g_calculate_lipinski_descriptors_for_input_fragments_only)
        std::cout << "Calculated Lipinski Descriptors for input fragments, now exiting early."
                  << " (Flag set in Constants.h)" << std:: endl;
        return 0;

    // Output object for the nodes of the hypergraph.
    OBWriter* writer = new OBWriter(Options::OBGEN_THREAD_POOL_SIZE);

    // The main object that performs synthesis.
    Instantiator instantiator(writer, cout);

    // Instantiation build the hypergraph; this is the main data structure for the
    // resultant molecules.
    // Also creates the hypergraph using threaded or non-threaded techniques.
    HyperGraph<Molecule, EdgeAnnotationT>* graph = instantiator.ThreadedInstantiate(linkers,

    std::cout << "Hypergraph contains (" << graph->size() << ") nodes" << std::endl;
    std::cout << OBWriter::compliantMols.size()
              << " are Lipinski compliant molecules" << std::endl;

    // Validate the molecules specified in the validation file (command-line -v)
    Validator validator(OBWriter::compliantMols);

    // Deleting the writer will kill the thread pool.
    delete writer; 

    // For later: pebbling
    //PebblerHyperGraph<Molecule, EdgeAnnotationT> pebblerGraph = graph->GetPebblerHyperGraph();

    Cleanup(linkers, rigids);

std::cerr << "Exiting the main thread." << std::endl;

    return 0;