ShapePointer SceneLoader::readShape(const QDomElement &element) const { QString shapeType; if (!readAttributeAsString(element, "type", shapeType)) { return ShapePointer(NULL); } MaterialPointer shapeMaterial = readMaterial(element); if (shapeMaterial == NULL) { return ShapePointer(NULL); } if (shapeType == "plane") { return readPlane(element, shapeMaterial); } if (shapeType == "sphere") { return readSphere(element, shapeMaterial); } if (shapeType == "cylinder") { return readCylinder(element, shapeMaterial); } if (shapeType == "cone") { return readCone(element, shapeMaterial); } if (shapeType == "triangle") { return readTriangle(element, shapeMaterial); } if (shapeType == "box") { return readBox(element, shapeMaterial); } if (shapeType == "torus") { return readTorus(element, shapeMaterial); } if (shapeType == "model") { return readMeshModel(element, shapeMaterial); } std::cerr << "Scene parsing error: unknown shape type '" << shapeType.toUtf8().constData() << "'" << std::endl; return ShapePointer(NULL); }
void LoaderDFF::readMaterialList(GeometryPtr &geom, const RWBStream &stream) { auto listStream = stream.getInnerStream(); auto listStructID = listStream.getNextChunk(); if (listStructID != CHUNK_STRUCT) { throw DFFLoaderException("MaterialList missing struct chunk"); } unsigned int numMaterials = *(std::uint32_t *)listStream.getCursor(); geom->materials.reserve(numMaterials); RWBStream::ChunkID chunkID; while ((chunkID = listStream.getNextChunk())) { switch (chunkID) { case CHUNK_MATERIAL: readMaterial(geom, listStream); break; default: break; } } }
void ModelBinaryLoader::loadBinaryFile(std::string p_FilePath) { clearData(); std::ifstream input(p_FilePath, std::istream::in | std::istream::binary); if(!input) { throw std::runtime_error("File could not be opened: " + p_FilePath); } m_FileHeader = readHeader(&input); m_Material = readMaterial(m_FileHeader.m_NumMaterial,&input); if(m_FileHeader.m_Animated) { m_AnimationVertexBuffer = readVertexBufferAnimation(m_FileHeader.m_NumVertex, &input); calculateBoundingVolume(m_AnimationVertexBuffer); } else { m_VertexBuffer = readVertexBuffer(m_FileHeader.m_NumVertex, &input); calculateBoundingVolume(m_VertexBuffer); } m_MaterialBuffer = readMaterialBuffer(m_FileHeader.m_NumMaterialBuffer, &input); }
bool readMaterial(iModelData * pModelData, const std::string& strFilename) { IOReadBase* pRead = IOReadBase::autoOpen(strFilename); if (pRead==NULL) { return false; } std::string strCommand; std::vector<std::string> setWords; while (!pRead->IsEof()) { strCommand = getLineCommand(pRead,setWords); if ("material"==strCommand) { if (setWords.size()>0) { CMaterial& material = pModelData->getMaterial(setWords[0].c_str()); readMaterial(material,pRead,strFilename); } } } IOReadBase::autoClose(pRead); return true; }
int readMaterialList() { printInt(7); printInt(2); //Placeholder for length printBytes("\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF", 4); int beginningOffset = ftell(output); openBracket(); int matCount = readInt("*MATERIAL_COUNT"); printInt(matCount); int i; for (i = 0; i < matCount; i++) { readMaterial(); } closeBracket(); int endOffset = ftell(output); int size = endOffset - beginningOffset; fseek(output, beginningOffset - 4, 0); printInt(size); fseek(output, endOffset, 0); return matCount; }
void ModelBinaryLoader::loadBinaryFromMemory(const char* p_Data, uint32_t p_DataLen) { clearData(); typedef boost::iostreams::basic_array_source<char> Device; boost::iostreams::stream_buffer<Device> buffer(p_Data, p_DataLen); std::istream input(&buffer); if(!input) { throw std::runtime_error("Memory stream could not be created"); } m_FileHeader = readHeader(&input); m_Material = readMaterial(m_FileHeader.m_NumMaterial,&input); if(m_FileHeader.m_Animated) { m_AnimationVertexBuffer = readVertexBufferAnimation(m_FileHeader.m_NumVertex, &input); calculateBoundingVolume(m_AnimationVertexBuffer); } else { m_VertexBuffer = readVertexBuffer(m_FileHeader.m_NumVertex, &input); calculateBoundingVolume(m_VertexBuffer); } m_MaterialBuffer = readMaterialBuffer(m_FileHeader.m_NumMaterialBuffer, &input); }
void loadInput(Object *obj) { // load the OBJ file here char buffer[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; bool has_normal=false, has_texture = false,has_group = false; string matlFileName; while(cin.getline(buffer, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)!=0) { stringstream ss(buffer); std::string line = ss.str(); // empty line stream if(line.empty()){ continue; //skip blank lines //cout<<"this is empty"<<endl; } trimline(line); std::vector < std::string > values = splitline(line, ' '); Vector3f v; //skipping comments if(values[0] == "#"){ continue; } //mtlib file name else if(values[0] == "mtllib"){ matlFileName = values[1]; readMaterial(matlFileName); continue; } //groups / objects else if(values[0] == "g"){ has_group = true; obj = new Object; Model.push_back(obj); obj->obj_name = values[1]; } //usemtl //Reading Vertices else if(values[0] == "v"){ //std::cout << "Reading Vertices :" << '\t' << values[1] << '\t'<< values[2]<< '\t' << //values[3] //<< std::endl; v[0] = std::atof(values[1].c_str()); v[1] = std::atof(values[2].c_str()); v[2] = std::atof(values[3].c_str()); if(v[0]<xmin) xmin=v[0]; if(v[0]>xmax) xmax=v[0]; if(v[1]<ymin) ymin=v[1]; if(v[1]>ymax) ymax=v[1]; if(v[2]<zmin) zmin=v[2]; if(v[2]>zmax) zmax=v[2]; //cout << v[0] << endl; vecv.push_back(v); //cout << obj->vecv[0] << endl; } //Reading texture else if(values[0] == "vt"){ has_texture = true; if(values.size() == 4){ v[0] = std::atof(values[1].c_str()); v[1] = std::atof(values[2].c_str()); v[2] = std::atof(values[3].c_str()); } else if(values.size() == 3){ v[0] = std::atof(values[1].c_str()); v[1] = std::atof(values[2].c_str()); v[2] = 0; } else{ v[0] = std::atof(values[1].c_str()); v[1] = 0; v[2] = 0; } vec_tex.push_back(v); } //Reading Normals else if(values[0] == "vn"){ has_normal = true; if(values.size() == 4){ v[0] = std::atof(values[1].c_str()); v[1] = std::atof(values[2].c_str()); v[2] = std::atof(values[3].c_str()); // std::cout << "Reading Vertex Normal :" << '\t'<< values[1] << '\t'<< values[2]<< '\t' << //values[3] //<< std::endl; } // for less than two need to add vecn.push_back(v); } //Reading Faces (f v/vt/vn v/vt/vn v/vt/vn v/vt/vn a/b/c d/e/f g/h/i) else if(values[0] == "f"){ //for triangles if(!has_group){ obj = new Object; Model.push_back(obj); obj->obj_name = "group_default"; has_group = true; } vector<unsigned> face; //with both texture and normal variables if(has_normal == true && has_texture == true){ vector<string> flds1 = splitline(values[1],'/'); vector<string> flds2 = splitline(values[2],'/'); vector<string> flds3 = splitline(values[3],'/'); face.push_back(atoi(flds1[0].c_str()));face.push_back(atoi(flds1[1].c_str()));face.push_back(atoi(flds1[2].c_str())); face.push_back(atoi(flds2[0].c_str()));face.push_back(atoi(flds2[1].c_str()));face.push_back(atoi(flds2[2].c_str())); face.push_back(atoi(flds3[0].c_str()));face.push_back(atoi(flds3[1].c_str()));face.push_back(atoi(flds3[2].c_str())); obj->vecf.push_back(face); //cout << "1st loop" <<endl; } else if(has_normal == true && has_texture == false){ //b e and h are absent //cout << "2nd loop" <<endl; vector<string> flds1 = splitline(values[1],'/'); vector<string> flds2 = splitline(values[2],'/'); vector<string> flds3 = splitline(values[3],'/'); //cout << flds1.size() << endl; face.push_back(atoi(flds1[0].c_str()));face.push_back(0);face.push_back(atoi(flds1[1].c_str())); face.push_back(atoi(flds2[0].c_str()));face.push_back(0);face.push_back(atoi(flds2[1].c_str())); face.push_back(atoi(flds3[0].c_str()));face.push_back(0);face.push_back(atoi(flds3[1].c_str())); obj->vecf.push_back(face); } else if(has_normal == false && has_texture == true){ //c f and i are absent vector<string> flds1 = splitline(values[1],'/'); vector<string> flds2 = splitline(values[2],'/'); vector<string> flds3 = splitline(values[3],'/'); face.push_back(atoi(flds1[0].c_str()));face.push_back(atoi(flds1[1].c_str()));face.push_back(0); face.push_back(atoi(flds2[0].c_str()));face.push_back(atoi(flds2[1].c_str()));face.push_back(0); face.push_back(atoi(flds3[0].c_str()));face.push_back(atoi(flds3[1].c_str()));face.push_back(0); obj->vecf.push_back(face); //cout << "3rd loop" <<endl; } else if(has_normal == false && has_texture == false){ std::size_t found = values[1].find_first_of('/'); if(found != std::string::npos){ vector<string> flds1 = splitline(values[1],'/'); vector<string> flds2 = splitline(values[2],'/'); vector<string> flds3 = splitline(values[3],'/'); face.push_back(atoi(flds1[0].c_str()));face.push_back(0);face.push_back(0); face.push_back(atoi(flds2[0].c_str()));face.push_back(0);face.push_back(0); face.push_back(atoi(flds3[0].c_str()));face.push_back(0);face.push_back(0); obj->vecf.push_back(face); } else{ //cout << values[1] << '\t' << values[2] << '\t' << values[3] << endl; face.push_back(atoi(values[1].c_str()));face.push_back(atoi("0"));face.push_back(atoi("0")); face.push_back(atoi(values[2].c_str()));face.push_back(atoi("0"));face.push_back(atoi("0")); face.push_back(atoi(values[3].c_str()));face.push_back(atoi("0"));face.push_back(atoi("0")); obj->vecf.push_back(face); } } } //face loop ends } for(unsigned int i=0; i< Model.size(); i++){ if(Model[i]->vecf.size() == 0) Model.erase(Model.begin()+i); } cout<<vecv.size()<<"\t"<<vecn.size() <<"\t" << vec_tex.size()<<endl; cout <<"Model Size \t" << Model.size() << endl; //cout << "Model Name \t" << Model[0]->obj_name << endl; //cout << "Face Index \t" << Model[0]->vecf[0][3] << Model[0]->vecf[0][4] << Model[0]->vecf[0][5] << endl; cout << "Vecf size\t" << Model[0]->vecf.size() << endl; }
/* * private: */ ScenePointer SceneLoader::readScene(const QDomNode &rootNode) const { if (rootNode.toElement().tagName() != "scene") { std::cerr << "Scene parsing error: invalid root tag name, 'scene' expected" << std::endl; return ScenePointer(NULL); } ScenePointer scene = ScenePointer(new Scene()); bool isCameraIntialized = false; bool isBackgroundMaterialInitialized = false; QDomElement element = rootNode.firstChildElement(); while (!element.isNull()) { QString elementTagName = element.tagName(); if (elementTagName == "camera") { if (isCameraIntialized) { std::cerr << "Scene parsing error: 'camera' tag occurred twice, only one camera is allowed" << std::endl; return ScenePointer(NULL); } CameraPointer camera = readCamera(element); if (camera == NULL) { std::cerr << "Scene parsing error: failed camera parameters reading" << std::endl; return ScenePointer(NULL); } scene->setCamera(camera); isCameraIntialized = true; } else if (elementTagName == "light") { LightSourcePointer lightSource = readLightSource(element); if (lightSource == NULL) { std::cerr << "Scene parsing error: failed light source parameters reading" << std::endl; return ScenePointer(NULL); } scene->addLightSource(lightSource); } else if (elementTagName == "object") { ShapePointer shape = readShape(element); if (shape == NULL) { std::cerr << "Scene parsing error: failed shape parameters reading" << std::endl; return ScenePointer(NULL); } scene->addShape(shape); } else if (elementTagName == "csg") { CSGTreePointer csgTree = readCSGTree(element); if (csgTree == NULL) { std::cerr << "Scene parsing error: failed CSG tree parameters reading" << std::endl; return ScenePointer(NULL); } scene->addShape(csgTree); } else if (elementTagName == "background") { if (isBackgroundMaterialInitialized) { std::cerr << "Scene parsing error: 'background' tag occurred twice" << std::endl; return ScenePointer(NULL); } MaterialPointer material = readMaterial(element); if (material == NULL) { std::cerr << "Scene parsing error: failed background material parameters reading" << std::endl; return ScenePointer(NULL); } scene->setBackgroundMaterial(material); isBackgroundMaterialInitialized = true; } else { std::cerr << "Scene parsing error: unknown tag '" << elementTagName.toUtf8().constData() << "'" << std::endl; return ScenePointer(NULL); } element = element.nextSiblingElement(); } if (!isCameraIntialized) { std::cerr << "Scene parsing error: camera parameters are not specified" << std::endl; return ScenePointer(NULL); } if (!isBackgroundMaterialInitialized) { std::cerr << "Scene parsing error: background material parameters are not specified" << std::endl; return ScenePointer(NULL); } return scene; }
bool CMyPlug::importData(iModelData * pModelData, const std::string& strFilename) { assert(pModelData); // Loading the mesh. IOReadBase* pRead = IOReadBase::autoOpen(strFilename); if (!pRead) { return false; } // header readHeader(pRead); // mesh if (!pRead->IsEof()) { unsigned short streamID; unsigned int uLength; pRead->Read(&streamID,sizeof(unsigned short)); pRead->Read(&uLength,sizeof(unsigned int)); switch (streamID) { case M_MESH: { readMesh(pRead,pModelData); break; } } } // close file IOReadBase::autoClose(pRead); // Loading the materials. if (!readMaterial(pModelData,ChangeExtension(strFilename,".material"))) { std::string strMatFilename = GetParentPath(strFilename); strMatFilename=strMatFilename+GetFilename(strMatFilename)+".material"; if (!readMaterial(pModelData,strMatFilename)) { strMatFilename=ChangeExtension(strMatFilename,"_tileset.material"); readMaterial(pModelData,strMatFilename); } } // mesh update pModelData->getMesh().update(); // //m_bbox = mesh.getBBox(); // std::string strMyPath ="Data\\"+GetFilename(GetParentPath(strFilename))+"\\"; // std::string strMatFilename = ChangeExtension(strFilename,".mat.csv"); // std::string strParFilename = ChangeExtension(strFilename,".par.csv"); // if (!IOReadBase::Exists(strMatFilename)) // { // strMatFilename=strMyPath+ChangeExtension(GetFilename(strFilename),".mat.csv"); // } // if (!IOReadBase::Exists(strParFilename)) // { // strParFilename=strMyPath+ChangeExtension(GetFilename(strFilename),".par.csv"); // } // // pModelData->loadMaterial(strMatFilename); // pModelData->loadParticleEmitters(strParFilename); return true; }
bool WRL1BASE::ReadNode( WRLPROC& proc, WRL1NODE* aParent, WRL1NODE** aNode ) { // This function reads a node and stores a pointer to it in aNode. // A value 'true' is returned if a node is successfully read or, // if the node is not supported, successfully discarded. Callers // must always check the value of aNode when the function returns // 'true' since it will be NULL if the node type is not supported. if( NULL != aNode ) *aNode = NULL; if( NULL == aParent ) { #ifdef DEBUG_VRML1 do { std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << __FILE__ << ": " << __FUNCTION__ << ": " << __LINE__ << "\n"; ostr << " * [BUG] invalid parent pointer (NULL)"; wxLogTrace( MASK_VRML, "%s\n", ostr.str().c_str() ); } while( 0 ); #endif return false; } std::string glob; WRL1NODES ntype; if( !proc.ReadName( glob ) ) { #if defined( DEBUG_VRML1 ) && ( DEBUG_VRML1 > 1 ) if( !proc.eof() ) { std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << __FILE__ << ": " << __FUNCTION__ << ": " << __LINE__ << "\n"; ostr << proc.GetError(); wxLogTrace( MASK_VRML, "%s\n", ostr.str().c_str() ); } #endif return false; } // Process node name: // the names encountered at this point should be one of the // built-in node names or one of: // DEF, USE if( ! "USE" ) ) { if( !implementUse( proc, aParent, aNode ) ) { #if defined( DEBUG_VRML1 ) && ( DEBUG_VRML1 > 1 ) do { std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << __FILE__ << ": " << __FUNCTION__ << ": " << __LINE__ << "\n"; ostr << proc.GetError(); wxLogTrace( MASK_VRML, "%s\n", ostr.str().c_str() ); } while( 0 ); #endif return false; } return true; } if( ! "DEF" ) ) { if( !implementDef( proc, aParent, aNode ) ) { #if defined( DEBUG_VRML1 ) && ( DEBUG_VRML1 > 1 ) do { std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << __FILE__ << ": " << __FUNCTION__ << ": " << __LINE__ << "\n"; ostr << proc.GetError(); wxLogTrace( MASK_VRML, "%s\n", ostr.str().c_str() ); } while( 0 ); #endif return false; } return true; } ntype = getNodeTypeID( glob ); size_t line = 0; size_t column = 0; proc.GetFilePosData( line, column ); #if defined( DEBUG_VRML1 ) && ( DEBUG_VRML1 > 2 ) do { std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << " * [INFO] Processing node '" << glob << "' ID: " << ntype; wxLogTrace( MASK_VRML, "%s\n", ostr.str().c_str() ); } while( 0 ); #endif switch( ntype ) { case WRL1_GROUP: if( !readGroup( proc, aParent, aNode ) ) return false; break; case WRL1_SEPARATOR: if( !readSeparator( proc, aParent, aNode ) ) return false; break; case WRL1_SWITCH: if( !readSwitch( proc, aParent, aNode ) ) return false; break; case WRL1_MATERIAL: if( !readMaterial( proc, aParent, aNode ) ) return false; break; case WRL1_MATERIALBINDING: if( !readMatBinding( proc, aParent, aNode ) ) return false; break; case WRL1_COORDINATE3: if( !readCoords( proc, aParent, aNode ) ) return false; break; case WRL1_INDEXEDFACESET: if( !readFaceSet( proc, aParent, aNode ) ) return false; break; case WRL1_TRANSFORM: case WRL1_TRANSLATION: case WRL1_ROTATION: case WRL1_SCALE: if( !readTransform( proc, aParent, aNode ) ) return false; break; case WRL1_SHAPEHINTS: if( !readShapeHints( proc, aParent, aNode ) ) return false; break; // // items not implemented or for optional future implementation: // default: proc.GetFilePosData( line, column ); if( !proc.DiscardNode() ) { #if defined( DEBUG_VRML1 ) && ( DEBUG_VRML1 > 1 ) do { std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << proc.GetError() << "\n"; ostr << __FILE__ << ": " << __FUNCTION__ << ": " << __LINE__ << "\n"; ostr << " * [INFO] could not discard node at line " << line; ostr << ", column " << column; wxLogTrace( MASK_VRML, "%s\n", ostr.str().c_str() ); } while( 0 ); #endif return false; } #if defined( DEBUG_VRML1 ) && ( DEBUG_VRML1 > 1 ) else { std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << " * [INFO] discarded node '" << glob << "' at line "; ostr << line << ", col " << column << " (currently unsupported)"; wxLogTrace( MASK_VRML, "%s\n", ostr.str().c_str() ); } #endif break; } return true; }
std::shared_ptr<gameplay::Model> OBJWriter::readModel(const boost::filesystem::path& path, const std::shared_ptr<gameplay::ShaderProgram>& shaderProgram, const glm::vec3& ambientColor) const { Assimp::Importer importer; const aiScene* scene = importer.ReadFile((m_basePath / path).string(), aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices | aiProcess_Triangulate | aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure | aiProcess_FlipUVs); BOOST_ASSERT(scene != nullptr); auto renderModel = std::make_shared<gameplay::Model>(); for( unsigned int mi = 0; mi < scene->mNumMeshes; ++mi ) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Converting mesh " << mi + 1 << " of " << scene->mNumMeshes << " from " << m_basePath / path; const aiMesh* mesh = scene->mMeshes[mi]; if( mesh->mPrimitiveTypes != aiPrimitiveType_TRIANGLE ) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error("Mesh does not consist of triangles only")); if( !mesh->HasTextureCoords(0) ) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error("Mesh does not have UV coordinates")); if( mesh->mNumUVComponents[0] != 2 ) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error("Mesh does not have a 2D UV channel")); if( !mesh->HasFaces() ) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error("Mesh does not have faces")); if( !mesh->HasPositions() ) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error("Mesh does not have positions")); std::shared_ptr<gameplay::Mesh> renderMesh; if( mesh->HasNormals() ) { std::vector<VDataNormal> vbuf(mesh->mNumVertices); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh->mNumVertices; ++i ) { vbuf[i].position = glm::vec3{mesh->mVertices[i].x, mesh->mVertices[i].y, mesh->mVertices[i].z} * static_cast<float>(SectorSize); vbuf[i].normal = glm::vec3{mesh->mNormals[i].x, mesh->mNormals[i].y, mesh->mNormals[i].z}; vbuf[i].uv = glm::vec2{mesh->mTextureCoords[0][i].x, mesh->mTextureCoords[0][i].y}; if( mesh->HasVertexColors(0) ) vbuf[i].color = glm::vec4(mesh->mColors[0][i].r, mesh->mColors[0][i].g, mesh->mColors[0][i].b, mesh->mColors[0][i].a); else vbuf[i].color = glm::vec4(ambientColor, 1); } renderMesh = std::make_shared<gameplay::Mesh>(VDataNormal::getFormat(), mesh->mNumVertices, false); renderMesh->rebuild(reinterpret_cast<const float*>(, mesh->mNumVertices); } else { std::vector<VData> vbuf(mesh->mNumVertices); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < mesh->mNumVertices; ++i ) { vbuf[i].position = glm::vec3{mesh->mVertices[i].x, mesh->mVertices[i].y, mesh->mVertices[i].z} * static_cast<float>(SectorSize); vbuf[i].uv = glm::vec2{mesh->mTextureCoords[0][i].x, mesh->mTextureCoords[0][i].y}; if( mesh->HasVertexColors(0) ) vbuf[i].color = glm::vec4(mesh->mColors[0][i].r, mesh->mColors[0][i].g, mesh->mColors[0][i].b, mesh->mColors[0][i].a); else vbuf[i].color = glm::vec4(ambientColor, 1); } renderMesh = std::make_shared<gameplay::Mesh>(VData::getFormat(), mesh->mNumVertices, false); renderMesh->rebuild(reinterpret_cast<const float*>(, mesh->mNumVertices); } std::vector<uint32_t> faces; for( const aiFace& face : gsl::span<aiFace>(mesh->mFaces, mesh->mNumFaces) ) { BOOST_ASSERT(face.mNumIndices == 3); faces.push_back(face.mIndices[0]); faces.push_back(face.mIndices[1]); faces.push_back(face.mIndices[2]); } auto part = renderMesh->addPart(gameplay::Mesh::TRIANGLES, gameplay::Mesh::INDEX32, mesh->mNumFaces * 3, false); part->setIndexData(, 0, faces.size()); const aiMaterial* material = scene->mMaterials[mesh->mMaterialIndex]; aiString textureName; if( material->GetTexture(aiTextureType_DIFFUSE, 0, &textureName) != aiReturn_SUCCESS ) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error("Failed to get diffuse texture path from mesh")); part->setMaterial(readMaterial(textureName.C_Str(), shaderProgram)); renderModel->addMesh(renderMesh); } return renderModel; }