예제 #1
  bool AmberNetcdf::parseFrame() {
    if (_current_frame >= _nframes)

예제 #2
QByteArray StandardSerialPortBackend::readDataFrame(uint size, bool verbose)
//    qDebug() << "!d" << tr("DBG -- Serial Port readDataFrame...");

    QByteArray data = readRawFrame(size + 1, verbose);
    if (data.isEmpty()) {
        return data;
    quint8 expected = (quint8)data.at(size);
    quint8 got = sioChecksum(data, size);
    if (expected == got) {
        return data;
    } else {
        if (verbose) {
            qWarning() << "!w" << tr("Data frame checksum error, expected: %1, got: %2. (%3)")
        return data;
예제 #3
  void AmberNetcdf::init(const char* name, const uint natoms) {
    int retval;

    retval = nc_open(name, NC_NOWRITE, &_ncid);
    if (retval)
      throw(FileOpenError(name, "", retval));    // May want to preserve code here in the future...

    // Read and validate global attributes...
    if (_conventions.empty() || _conventionVersion.empty())
      throw(FileOpenError(name, "Unable to find convention global attributes.  Is this really an Amber NetCDF trajectory?"));

    if (_conventions.find("AMBER") == std::string::npos)
      throw(FileOpenError(name, "Cannot find AMBER tag in global attribues.  Is this really an Amber NetCDF trajectory?"));
    if (_conventionVersion != std::string("1.0"))
      throw(FileOpenError(name, "Convention version is '" + _conventionVersion + "', but only 1.0 is supported for Amber NetCDF trajectories."));

    // Verify # of atoms match...
    int atom_id;
    retval = nc_inq_dimid(_ncid, "atom", &atom_id);
    if (retval)
      throw(FileOpenError(name, "Cannot read atom id"), retval);
    retval = nc_inq_dimlen(_ncid, atom_id, &_natoms);
    if (retval)
      throw(FileOpenError(name, "Cannot read atom length", retval));
    if (_natoms != natoms)
      throw(FileOpenError(name, "AmberNetcdf has different number of atoms than expected"));

    // Get nframes
    int frame_id;
    retval = nc_inq_dimid(_ncid, "frame", &frame_id);
    if (retval)
      throw(FileOpenError(name, "Cannot read frame information", retval));
    retval = nc_inq_dimlen(_ncid, frame_id, &_nframes);

    // Check for periodic cells...
    retval = nc_inq_varid(_ncid, "cell_lengths", &_cell_lengths_id);
    _periodic = !retval;

    // Any additional validation should go here...

    // Get coord-id for later use...
    retval = nc_inq_varid(_ncid, "coordinates", &_coord_id);
    if (retval)
      throw(FileOpenError(name, "Cannot get id for coordinates", retval));

    // Attempt to determine timestep by looking at dT between frames 1 & 2
    if (_nframes >= 2) {
      int time_id;
      retval = nc_inq_varid(_ncid, "time", &time_id);
      if (!retval) {
        float t0, t1;
        size_t idx[1];

        idx[0] = 0;
        retval = nc_get_var1_float(_ncid, time_id, idx, &t0);
        if (retval)
          throw(FileOpenError(name, "Cannot get first time point", retval));

        idx[0] = 1;
        retval = nc_get_var1_float(_ncid, time_id, idx, &t1);
        if (retval)
          throw(FileOpenError(name, "Cannot get second time point", retval));

        // Assume units are in picoseconds
        _timestep = (t1-t0)*1e-12;

    // Now cache the first frame...
    cached_first = true;